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luciashwb jonnyb :) [00:11]
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luciashoh :( [00:33]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: PHP version problem during upgrade - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=34272 [00:48]
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creat0rhey! anyone knows how to remove login bar from homepage?
CIA-64 do you know how to remove login bar from homepage?
ikecoGot my site up again and working. But still having some problems with flash plug-in and recurring events
Try Look and Feel Admin--site login
there is a checkbox--try unchecking it
creat0rthanks ikeco you've been an imense help :) [01:42]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r20815 10/trunk/db/ (4 files): convertsqls.sh following r20790. Thks chealer [07:27]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20816 10/trunk/ (lib/workspaces/wslib.php tiki-manage-workspaces.php): [MOD] Modified wslib.php: now it has it own ws list function, no need to call list_all_categories from categlib.php [07:53]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03axold * r20817 10/trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Fixed some things in the integration of WS in trunk [08:27]
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timhi, after a transition to tikiwiki 3.1, i have issues with my theme ... i was using the tikigod theme, but with 3.1 it doesn't seem to work properly any more ... any idea, why? [08:42]
luciashhi tim
because it is obsolete table-layout based theme
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20818 10/trunk/ (lib/workspaces/wslib.php tiki-manage-workspaces.php): [MOD] Minor changes in wslib.php [08:45]
luciashtim: choose some other bundled one or make your choice at http://themes.tikiwiki.org [08:45]
timok, so that basically means, i need to rewrite that theme (i am not a web developer) or use another one ...
after running 3.1, is it safe to downgrade to 2.x?
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nicolamrIs there a feature like the mediawiki templates? [08:54]
luciashtim: you'd need your 2.x db backup and re-install 2.x to clean dir but for security reasons i'd not recommend going back to 2.x
nicolamr: no idea what it is... we have content templates
nicolamrThat's not the same: content templates are copy-pasted into the page when you use them and you have to edit the parts you want to change. Mediawiki templates are dynamic: you can call them and pass variables to them. [08:56]
luciashnicolamr: ah yep, we have something called "pretty trackers"... needs trackers feature on though and some play with tracker wiki plugins [08:58]
nicolamrYou would create the page Template:help message (content: "hello {{{user}}}") and call it in another page with {{help message|user=somename}} (result: hello somename) [08:58]
timluciash, well i am not a web developer, so i would probably have to work several days to get my site working again ... [08:59]
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timluciash, so 2.x is my only option for now, until tikigod is ported to 3.x or i switch to another cms [09:00]
luciashYou can have wiki page as template with hello {$user} in Tiki and call it in another page with the trackerlist wikiplugin
tim: what is so special on tikigod ? who installed it for you or modified ?
nicolamrso you can use smarty syntax inside of wiki pages? [09:01]
luciashnicolamr: inside of wiki page serving as template, yes [09:01]
nicolamrTrackerlist. Ok, I'l take a look. Thanx [09:02]
luciashnicolamr: or you can use {$f_23} for tracker field ids
nicolamr: one demo site is http://crystals.ourwiki.net
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timluciash, i was using it for quite some time on my site with some minor modifications [09:04]
nicolamrThank you for the hints. I'll check it. Was wondering if (instead of using the blog plugin) it would be possible to create a limited page list sorted by creation date (most recent on top) with some nice formatting and a cut preview of the content? Is trackers again the solution for that? Or some plugin?
(that's an other question)
luciashtim: if you want to stick with the same look forever, you have no option than compare tiki.tpl of tikigod theme with the lates one in 3.1 and put @import lite/lite.css at the beginning of tikigod.css
tim: but i don't understand how switching to another cms would fix your problem
nicolamr: you can simulate and format simple blog or microblogging posts with pretty tracker, yes
nicolamrluciash:... Um, I just don't want to add a new layer of data to do it: the wiki pages themselves should be the posts [09:11]
luciashnicolamr: or you mean to format list of a regular tiki blog feature posts ?
ah, wiki pages
nicolamrYes, sorry [09:12]
luciashit is maybe possible too, but i haven't tried it... i think it's possible to create or list wiki pages with tracker field but not sure how it works.... try searching doc.tw.o [09:13]
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nicolamrI'm asking because I realized that've been using my blog (on wordpress) like a wiki: updating posts after their creation and interlinking them. I like the idea of a homepage which shows a kind of list of the last created post-pages (instead of "recent changes"), as it is typical to a blog. If this would be possible everything would be ok and migrating to tikiwiki shouldn't be a problem anymore. [09:17]
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nicolamrluciash: page tracker is it, for both of my questions. Thank you for the help. [09:35]
luciashnicolamr: you're welcome [09:36]
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timluciash, from my understanding, there is no tiki.tpl for tikigod. importing the lite.css successfully broke my site ... i'll look for another css with a stable api and larger theme library now [09:38]
luciashtim: as you wish, if it saves your time... (i could fix the theme in couple of minutes but not for lazy ppl who can only rant and complain) [09:39]
timluciash, well, spending several hours trying to figure out, why something is not working any more after an upgrade is not really, what i like to do. especially if during the upgrade, these possible incompatibilies are not reported ... [09:44]
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timluciash, please don't call me lazy, when having no idea, how much time, i have spent on this ... i am at home in the c/c++ world, working on css/html, i would have to spent days [09:47]
luciashtim: sorry, i thought it's written in release notes for 3.0 → http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseNotes30#Themes [09:47]
timluciash, well, i was using a builtin theme, so i did not think, there is a compatibility problem
luciash, btw, The requested URL /Theme+Issues+when+Updating+to+Tiki3.0 was not found on this server.
nicolamrWhat's the fastest way to get from the dev or doc domain to the community forum? Or to one's profile? I cannot find a link. This is strange. [09:49]
luciashtim: oups, thanks for reporting... someone changed it probably
link fixed
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timluciash, ok, that page tells me, that there is an issue ... it doesn't tell me, how to upgrade an old css to a new version, though ... is there a site like that? [09:58]
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luciashtim: i don't know, i didn't have such issue... you can try ask in the forum for help linked from that page... i only know these themes ( http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Themes_for_Tiki_3 ) were updated to Tiki 3 and i doubt this old look theme will be converted unless you hire or ask politely someone to do it [10:05]
nicolamr: right, there were top menus with the links iirc but they were removed... maybe time to reintroduce some top menus there... [10:15]
nicolamreverything a work-in-progress :) [10:16]
luciashthe wiki way :-p [10:17]
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ikecomorning--Having problems with flash plug-in in Articles (but not wiki pages), recurring events, and image gals (think it has to do with scaling)--All since upgrade to 3.1----Any thoughts? [10:19]
luciashikeco: one by one please ;) [10:20]
ikecolol--sorry luci
I have seen some bug reports on these but not sure if its my site, or new version. I mention all three because I thought the probs might be relatedvsomehow
luciashwhat does the plugin render in source code view in articles ?
is there anything suspicious ?
ikeco"Flash plug-in not available" [10:22]
luciashlike "<x>" :-p [10:22]
ikeco--I see--let me check [10:23]
luciashah, that's something to do with user perms i think, when logged in it works right ?
we have the same issue on tw.o
ikecono still not works when logged in
I'll check again to be sure
forgive the cut and paste...
Seems to be formatted right, and worked prior tomupgrade
luciashok, and the page renders only "Flash plug-in not available" when viewing the source of the page, right ?
and in wiki page it works you say ?
"flash Player not available"
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ikeco_oops--closed out
Yes luci--those are the symptoms
luciashikeco: LOL, well, i see the flash playing actually there :-p
ikeco: some guy climbing the wall :-p
ikeco_really?---hmmmm [10:30]
luciashwell, seems gal, not guy :-) [10:31]
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ikeco_so why, I wonder, if it is me, that it works in pages, but not articles [10:32]
luciashtry logout [10:33]
ikeco_Trying a different browser too [10:33]
luciashit works for me as anonymous
strange anyway
ikeco_Doesnt work for me, logged in, or out. Tried Moz and Opera both
Flash player version maybe?
Player is resident on Client machine, right?
thanks luci, any thoughts on the other two issues?
luciashhmm, i have FF 3.x and Flash 10 i think here
repeat what's the other problem please ?
ikeco_Some images in galleries missing---but only the large ones---thought it might be gallery scaling--that seems to have changed some what [10:42]
luciashhmm, no idea with this one... is it stored in db or in filesystem ?
check it out or try rebuild thumbnails
ikeco_stored in filesystem--tried clearing caches, and rebuilding thumbnails--
last issue was with entering recurring event
thanks luci---bbiab
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: tikigod 3.x - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=34273 [10:54]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20819 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.debugger.php: [FIX] Uninitialized var [11:01]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20820 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/ie7.css:
tikiwiki: [bp/r19722][FIX] IE7 needs same wide background image as IE6 for #siteloginbar. Thanks again to Eric Kelner.
tikiwiki: [QT] Should have been in 3.1 but was missed
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20821 10/branches/proposed/db/ (7 files in 2 dirs): [QT] Rollback rejected proposition 20415 [11:50]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20822 10/branches/proposed/db/tiki.sql:
tikiwiki: [QT][bp/r20412][FIX] remove UNIQUE KEY on tiki_sefurl_regex_out
tikiwiki: The important part of r20415 - fixes wish2559 (Error installing into UTF-8 MySQL database)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20823 10/branches/proposed/db/ (6 files): [QT][SQL] convertsqls
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tikiwiki: 03axold * r20824 10/trunk/tiki-admin.php: [MOD] When you click enable ws, now it enables the ws container
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20825 10/branches/proposed/templates/tiki-admin-include-profiles.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] JS Confirm dialogue to check install
tikiwiki: [bp/r19269] But only one part of that commit - the part with least possibility of regression and most usefulness (imho)
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Kissakimh, lol
selecting pgsql on install, it will still create structure in mysql... succeeds (although there seems to be a problem with version_minor in recent trunk snapshot zip)
chealerKissaki: recent meaning what exactly? [12:53]
Kissakithe one I just downloaded
didn't try with mysql install though
chealerKissaki: hum, hard to say when this was generated [12:55]
Kissakiyeah, I know
I hope/think it's daily?
chealerKissaki: do you have some creation date once you downloaded the file?
no idea
Kissaki: what is the problem with it anyway?
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ikecoluci--still there?
think I have a clue whats up with the flash plugin
Kissakijust checked, it's not a problem with trunk db install scripts.
(the second one with version_minor)
chealerKissaki: thanks. if you get any problem with version_minor with HEAD, please let me know. [13:00]
Kissaki:) [13:01]
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Kissakithe quicklink on dev.tw.o to Community does not exist... [13:16]
mh, can I somehow mark wiki pages for proposed deletion? [13:23]
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ricks99_@Kissaki: maybe use categories? [13:28]
chealerindeed [13:28]
Kissakinone there
I'm talking about dev.tw.o :)
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ikecoricks, you there? [13:59]
ricks99_y [14:01]
ikecoI'm having a problem with the flash plug in, I chated with Luci about it earlier. Some times it works, and sometimes it gives "Flash Player Not available".
I think it has to do with the plug in being in a pged article---maybe a problem with ajax?
ricks99_ajax is a bit flaky. what tiki version? [14:02]
ikecoknow anything about this?
didn't happen till 3.0 upgrade
ricks99_not sure. i don't use ajax. -- my flash plugins all work fine
look at the page's HTML after it loads, does the plugin write out the correct html syntax?
ikecoyes---try this----follow tis link, and the player should work
but follow this link
and then go to page 2--and it shouldn't
ricks99_looking... [14:04]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r20826 10/trunk/ (22 files in 11 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [MOD] File Galleries: Convert the root gallery (was gallery id '-1') of File Galleries from a fake gallery to a 'real' gallery in the database, in order to allow users to:
tikiwiki: - upload files directly into the root/main gallery, without having to create a
tikiwiki: subgallery first (this has mainly been done to reduce the steps needed to
tikiwiki: quickly upload an image in a wiki page - it should now be easier than the old
tikiwiki: wiki_up way)
tikiwiki: - change display properties of the root/main gallery
ikecoback [14:07]
ricks99_page 1 is empty? [14:08]
Kissakiworks for me
going to page 2
ricks99_@ikeco: u are using ajax? [14:09]
using ajax
yes pg 1 is empty
ricks99_i think thats the problem. can u disable ajax, clear all tiki caches, and try again [14:11]
ikecoworks as a TOC in larger articles with more videos
proply---what other consequences come with diableing ajax
ricks99_regula page loads
remember, ajax is still 'experimental'
ikecoI'll try it--thanks everyone [14:12]
ricks99_ricks99_ thinks that ajax is the problem. [14:12]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20827 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Adding tool editing for toolbars.
tikiwiki: Not finished - custom tools not saved or loaded yet
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iannhigginsonHello, why would tiki-download_file.php take up 91% CPU usage causing it's server to suspend itself?
How would I fix it?
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r20828 10/trunk/installer/schema/20090811_filegals_container_tiki.sql: [FIX] filegals: fix migration script from r20826 [14:41]
iannhigginsonthank you [14:42]
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Kissaki^^ [15:11]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20829 10/trunk/ (lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php tiki-admin_toolbars.php):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Adding tool editing for toolbars.
tikiwiki: 50% finished - custom tools saving and loading - needs tool type for non-inline ones
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r20830 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] filegals: quickfix main gallery display by using default values from global admin config when a field has a null value in the DB for a gallery
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r20831 10/trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [MOD] filegals: call tikilib 'get_file_gallery' method directly when creating a new filegal to handle default values inside tikilib, not in each script
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marclaporteKissaki: :what page to delete? [17:39]
oh, one mom
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Kissakiclosed it it seems. Were 2 pages of "the wiki way" on dev.tw.o, from 2008 about planning it or sth
did seem to be outdated and no longer up to date, as there's also a page with description of wiki way, somewhere else...
wth... now it won't even load dev.tw.o...
marclaporte+1 to merging info [17:42]
Who is putting common header on each site? [17:51]
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genexbsneed to edit tpl files of wiki
cant find which files to edit
marclaportegenexbs: I will help you [17:53]
genexbshi, working on join.pk [17:54]
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genexbsneed to modify main template of wiki
way categories are displayed
under wiki page
marclaportehttp://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Debug_Mode_Enabled if you apply this profile, you will get more info [17:54]
genexbscant find tpl file [17:54]
marclaporteWhat you want is to activate log_tpl -> #add comments in templates (if you click view source, you can see which tpl was used to create it [17:55]
genexbsfrom where to activate log_tpl? [17:57]
marclaportenot sure
admin look & feel I think
I just apply profile usually
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luciashgenexbs: Admin > General
genexbs: checkbox next to "Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (TPL)."
then don't forget to clear tiki templates cache
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20832 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] Tool editing: Fixed uninitialised array problem (array_merge with a null value results in null - nice) [23:48]
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