luciash: unaccessible when i try to save my edit ? ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping
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umarzuki has joined #tikiwiki umarzuki: hi, on tikiwiki 3, is the content template enabled by default since i could not found its setting in admin home:wiki
if yes, where can i found the template? CIA-64: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r21257 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_imgnew.php: [FIX] Slimmed down code and allowed for quick exit out of program if only old img parameters used. Mouseover still calls overlib - this needs to be updated. ***: franck_ has joined #tikiwiki
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philback has joined #tikiwiki philback: I do have an issue with group permissions and filegalleries
I do want to list all the galleries that a use can see. lib/tikilib.php has the get_files() op that gets called but there there is no notion of groups. Only user owned gals, admin access, and public ones. Anyone having done work in that area lately?
Also, sort by name doesn't work properly on my install but that's a minor issue I can fix?. ***: timotiCK has left
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pkdille has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) marclaporte: philback: : hi!
philback: : in trunk? philback: no, I am working on an 2.x install for a customer
I am checking out the new thing but I think that workspaces are what would be suited for this use case.
Right now, I do not want to expose my customer to workspaces since everything is defined. I just need to have people from a group set see specific galleries only.
I will code it custom. The tikilib->get_files(...loooong list) is where things happen.
The base issue is : list all galleries belonging to a group whose I am a member of... well, SQL time
on my main group homepage... ***: philback has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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xavi has joined #tikiwiki xavi: toctoc....
I know it's not the best day of the week, nor the best time, but....
...just in case, I'll throuw my question... :-)
hi all, btw (and sleep well those western of the Atlantic)
I can't see the module perspectives even if assigned to registered users, and I'm logged in as admin
using latest trunk, I mean marclaporte: polom xavi: I installed the learning center profile...
hi marclaporte :-)
marclaporte: I ned a quick intro to the new module system :-) marclaporte: ok xavi: so that I can make the perspective module work again marclaporte: : oh
one of the profiles does it xavi: after installation of the learning_center profile, the perspective module is not shown nowadays, but it did when in barcelona
and looking at the edit module interface, it says: "perspective (param): Only display the module if in one of the listed perspectives. Semi-colon separated."
and that param is empty by default chibaguy: hi xavi and marclaporte xavi: hi chibaguy chibaguy: I've noticed some inconsistencies in modules in trunk
depending on how recent the update, etc xavi: chibaguy: congrats again for your new theme business! GReat work (untireable man producing nice new themes :-) ) chibaguy: module "menupage" name works at my updated trunk site, but not at our sumo test site.
both are trunk
but I think mine must be more current
thanks xavi xavi: fyi: I attempted to update a 1 month old trunk, but the update process failed :-/ (errors on homepage about some mysql table missing) , so that I made a clean install chibaguy: If you look at the Module Name selector on admin modules, you can see every kind of formatting (except all caps ;-) ). pretty chaotic, and maybe part of the problem. xavi: no idea myself, but I agree, a bit chaotic. I wish it was alphabetically sorted, at least (for the end user) chibaguy: It's a regression from Tiki 2 anyway, where they are all lowercase and words are separated by underbar.
...and alphabetical xavi: and off-topic but pretty serious issue. I report here since is down to me (since a few hours). Ajax seems to be buggy and producing a serious bug which duplicates the content of wiki page edit under some circumstances. chibaguy: Yeah, I've seen a number of complaints about that in the tw.o forums.
Not sure if a bug is filed and somebody working on a solution. xavi: It's been reported as such by some users and they discovered that disabling ajax solved (as a workaround) the issue. And the issue is a big bug (I suffered from it in tiki 3 something a few months ago)
I was going to fill a bug, but down nowadays to me chibaguy: is fun to check with xavi: that's the recent bug report int he forums, where they talk about the disabling-ajax workaround:
thanks for the link chibaguy
ok, back to the other room and computer. bbl chibaguy: ok
admin module's list of module names is also orderly in Tiki 3, so I guess things are in transition in trunk. ***: GillesM has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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guest456 has quit IRC (Client Quit) xavi: btw, fyi: marclaporte and chibaguy : Audio and Video recording in Tiki 5 using Riffly ( )?
Moodle just did it with a GSOC'09:
I was going to add this suggestion again to (for Tiki 5) but is still down... chibaguy: Sure, why not? ;-) xavi: :-)
imagine streaming recording (audio and or video) with a few clicks within Tiki (Riffly), and then editing within Tiki (Kaltura)....
anyway, for me, this is just a "wish", since I can't code that. But at least, it could be something to review in the future, as a companion to the kaltura feature and to dogfood tikifests (using tiki resources)
ok, back to the other room again, bbl :-) chibaguy: Hmm, can only assign theme options to categories, not to objects or sections.... ***: mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: chibaguy : good job here: chibaguy: It's coming along.... marclaporte: chibaguy : theme control center let's you assign to individual wiki page, no? chibaguy: Yes, assign themes, but not theme options.
I think Jonny might have overlooked that. mlaporte: ahhhhh
hehe ***: Zylogue has quit IRC ("Leaving") chibaguy: I wonder if anyone else is getting an error on current trunk's tiki-admin_categories.php: Unknown column 'rootCategId' in 'where clause' ***: marclaporte has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
mlaporte has quit IRC () chibaguy: I have only columns categId, name, description, parentId, and hits in tiki_categories.
ok, I see rootCategId is used in files for workspaces, but wasn't added to the db.
Heh, I duplicated CategId field and added it as rootCategId in the db, so no more error, but no idea if this is what's really needed.
nope, my admin categories is still broken. oh well.
lib/categories/categlib.php and lib/workspaces/wslib.php use "rootCategId". Can somebody update the db to accomodate these files?
(and whatever else is breaking categories in trunk) ***: Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away sylvieg: chibaguy: better to send a message to devel - because so far I see rootCategId is only tested - never set - so somethiong is wrong -: chibaguy is sorry to sound demanding, and will take some deep breaths ;-) . luciash: polom polom
hey chibaguy, good work ! sylvieg: axold commit 21000 chibaguy: thanks, luciash
still plenty to do, though luciash: chibaguy: i have some notes, should i put them directly on the Notes wikipage ?
for example to add divs for the "bracket" images you could use the layout shadows textareas
so no need to modify tiki.tpl ? chibaguy: yes, you could add theme to the notes page.
but tiki.tpl might already need modifying - the header and middle parts have a set width, but bottom bar is full width, so that needs to be worked out.
I haven't used the shadow divs so don't know if the SUMO layout can be done with them. luciash: what is bottom bar used for ? footer already is out of main chibaguy: by footer, I mean the bottom-bar (where custom bottom bar code, etc. is). It's in main.
well, you can see on, it's got the grey background. CIA-64: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21259 10/trunk/templates/tiki-view_blog.tpl: [FIX]freetag: quote freetag is space luciash: but iirc i already moved that in default tiki.tpl to be out of main (the footer)... is it another regression ?
hmm chibaguy: maybe so
I remember a commit about it, moving it one way or another luciash: chibaguy: no, i am looking at trun tiki.tpl now and it is fine
footer.tpl is included after main
ah, you mean feature_bot_bar ! ***: chealer has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: yes, that's right. luciash: this is confusing :-p why the heck footer.tpl doesn't contain the actual footer ? anyway... you don't have to modify tiki.tpl i think ***: SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: I'll have a try with the shadow divs.
Yes, the footer terms are confusing. luciash: instead of doing fixed width to the #main, do it to the #middle !
and enable layoutshadows
it will make the theming much more flexible chibaguy: #header also needs fixed width. luciash: #middle is above the #footer
so you can do it i guess
without modifying tiki.tpl
it just needs some tweaks if SUMO guys did it with #main
yes, #header will need the same fixed width as #middle
actually what i did already in 3.0 is that i moved the #footer divs out of #middle just because of these needs iirc chibaguy: I haven't looked at tiki.tpl used by SUMO yet. My impression is they modified it a lot. luciash: ah, ok, i thought you were working on their tpl base
chibaguy: that's good you didn't ;)
chibaguy: but maybe you started with their css
so there was this #main fixed width, right ? chibaguy: yes, I looked at their css to get the widths, etc. luciash: if you try with #middle and layoutshadows instead i think it will be much easier chibaguy: The main thing is not having to customize tiki.tpl, for sure. luciash: chibaguy: i am creating user account there for myself now... do you want one too ? :) chibaguy: Oh yeah, ok, thanks. That'll help sort out the different admin posts, etc. ***: chealer_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) chibaguy: I think tiki-showpage.tpl might need some customizing, to give the actions box its look. I didn't check yet.
Also the forums tpls might need something, if you look at SUMO's current forums pages. luciash: that i didn't check either
but i believe it can be more comolicated than the main tpl
complicated, even
is the SVN branch live already ? chibaguy: yeah, both of those ;-)
the sumo branch? no, I haven't seen anything about that.
quick quiz: how many branches in tikiwiki/branches/experimental/ ?
17 luciash: yeah, i was joking about it already with jonny too but as far as there are no space restrictions from it seems we shouldn't care much about another branch ;) some of them will be killed after merge with trunk anyway chibaguy: sure, it's nice to have the freedom to add. ***: xavi has left
floh1111 has joined #tikiwiki luciash: chibaguy: you can style the QUOTE plugin ;) →
chibaguy: have you got the validation mail ? chibaguy: yes, luciash, I got it and registered, thanks. luciash: great chibaguy: yes, plenty to style, still. luciash: chibaguy: if we had the sumo branch, i could help fixing the theme files, but using the direct CSS editing (would be great to dogfood the CSS Edit feature) without history and edit conflict detection i could cause conflicts with your edits...
gotta check some household stuff now... bbl :-p chibaguy: ok ***: mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki CIA-64: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r21260 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_imgnew.php: [FIX] Delete debugging code that was left in. ***: mlaporte has left
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mlaporte ? CIA-64: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21261 10/branches/experimental/edit_fixup/ (65 files in 25 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 21250 to 21260 luciash: re
polom xavi xavi: hi luci :-) luciash: didn't you fry down in the south ? glad to have you back :) xavi: you were the fastest with the pictures from bcn and adding comments, etc. luciash: well, i have still some video editing todo ;) xavi: yes, well, the car fried :-) we survived thanks to the air conditioning of that old (but working) car
video editing... that reminds me of my kdenlive project half done ;-) luciash: heh, really fried or survived ? xavi: survived so far :-)
and the macbookpro survived (so far) to the transmutation into a "PenguinBookPro" :-)
from where I'm writig nowadays (ubuntu jaunty, etc.) -: xavi reading some irc log from the last few days luciash: great
have you spotted the dotsub account i created for tikiwiki ? xavi: however, I'm kind of stuck with the elearning_center profile. I was going to ask mlaporte about it... since the perspectives module don't show up, and I don't remember how to manage perspectives in trunk without that module
dotsub, not yet, and I won't have time for that in the following 2 months, at least, sorry luciash: i have registered it to admins xavi: I've never used dotsub (and subtitles is not in my skills yet) luciash: are you in TAG ? xavi: yes, yes, I am, and I got the email, but I mean that I couldn't try nor I will be able to in the following months
I don't know how to use dotsub nor subtitle editing, after some trials I did months ago luciash: ok :) xavi: well, I see that is back up. I'll report some bugs luciash: cool xavi: ajax seems seriously buggy in tiki3 (fyi) luciash: i know
that's why i don't use it :( xavi: neither did I except in a new site I did a few months ago. I disabled that already ***: MartinCleaver_ has joined #tikiwiki luciash: xavi: what is the fate of the R plugin so far ? xavi: I couldn't dedicate any time to it after tikifestbcn, but by then, it was working (producing the desired output from r scripts in wiki pages) ***: MartinCleaver__ has joined #tikiwiki xavi: I only need to master how to send the attId param from a wikipage with trackerlist plugin
using pretty tracker magic, as you suggested (but I miss a quick&dirty intro to do that)
nowadays I have some other urgent work for next week(s) (which is preparing my class notes for a new course I'm teaching in sept-october'09) luciash: i see, great that it is working ! xavi: but as soon as my boss at university requests it, I'll have to make a hole to learn how to pass that param from a trackerlist plugin in a wiki page to another wiki page with the r plugin
working: yes, I had the help from lph, who did the needed editing of that plugin to make it work
it's not showing images yet, but that should't be difficult at all since images (graphs, etc.) can be sent from R to the file system, and then, somehow, tiki could read them from the disc inside a wiki page using common img syntax, I guess.
Anyway, images was not my priority in this first step; I just needed text output for my "proof of concept" at my work at university
luci, how is your social networkig site going? ***: MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) -: xavi still dreams a day when he could install a pretty tracker from profiles ***: MartinCleaver_ has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) luciash: xavi: you can install pretty tracker profile actually xavi: uhh?
which one? luciash: xavi: or maybe i dream that too ? :) xavi: :-D luciash: xavi: the User Tracker xavi: ah, ok, I'll keep a note abot it (can't try now). Thanks anyways :-) (one dream is getting closer :-) ) is down again to me ... brrrr
the bug report is half way.... luciash: social networking is fine as i discovered new things... still waiting impatiently for the workspaces fully functional in trunk to play with it more xavi: so do I
can you use the perspectives module in trunk?
I couldn't this morning luciash: xavi: it's down since today's night :( i also lost my wiki page edit there when i was going to save it timed out :( xavi: well, I was up for me 15 min ago luciash: i haven't tried the perspective recently xavi: but it didn't last long enough to allow me submit the bug report luciash: lemme check, i have it still installed in my localhost trunk xavi: my problem is that the module perspectives doesn't show up to admin
using trunk from yesterday luciash: i have the module displayed still, let me svn up
svn upped, still displays
xavi: it's in my dropdown of modules and it is named "Perspective"
then i have another module showing categories and if i change the perspective the categories tree in the module gets properly filtered xavi: yes, same to me, but It doesn't show up when installed. It used to do it, but not yesterday to me, after I installed the Learning_center profile on top of a barbones instalation of trunk
module is assigned, but it might very well be that it doesn't have the necessary params set, according to the new design of modules by chealer
he might have a clue...
luci: how updated is your trunk?
ah, ok, you svn'd up, ok
luci, can you please check which params do you have in the module definition? (admin modules, I mean)
in field perspective,I guess
for the module "perspective" (to avoid confusion) ***: MartinCleaver__ has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) luciash: yes ***: floh1111 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) luciash: nothing special, i just have selected Groups Admins Anonymous and Registered
xavi ^ ***: xavi has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
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xavi has joined #tikiwiki xavi: I didn't have anonymous, I'll add it just in case luciash: hmm, that shouldn't affect display for Admins xavi: luci, can you edit your module "perspectives", in order to see what params do you have under the "perspective" field?
yes, it shouldn't, but there is a bug somewhere, or some change in behavior luciash: yes, i edited it and saved
tell me what i should do :)
try :) xavi: luci: what param do you have under the perspective field?
is that empty? luciash: yes
everything is empty except cachee time 0 and rows 10 CIA-64: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r21262 10/trunk/templates/tiki.tpl: [NEW] Custom center column header enables site admins to add content at the top of the center column via Look and Feel admin. xavi: oh, well, installation of learning profile doesn't work for me, then, on a clean new tiki based on trunk
oups, Gary working until late today chibaguy: heh xavi: :-)
marclaporte ? luciash: xavi: can you try the perspectives demo profile instead ? chibaguy: luciash, I turned on the layout shadow divs and so far can avoid a custom tiki.tpl, thanks to your suggestion. :-)
(for sumo) luciash: chibaguy: great ! np :) xavi: luciash I will soon (fetching trunk on the PenguinBookPro :-) )
thanks for the tip luciash: xavi: what family of the penguin you have ? xavi: FAmily?
Ubuntu 9.04.... luciash: like gentoo or ubuntu ? ;)
dualboot ? xavi: :-) there is lots of support for macbook laptops in Ubuntu
yes, dualboot (just in case I need to edit video using Mac if kdenlive is buggy again, etc. ;-) ) luciash: and how often you go to the mac one ?
i installed latest kdenlive here too and it seems much more stable ! xavi: :-) since I solved the sound and bluetooth issues, last time was a week ago :-) luciash: now the only problem is lack of time to play with it :-/ xavi: yes, kdenlive rocks and getting better
yes, I know about that also (and we don't have kids.... I don't want to think about when we do have kids) luciash: yesterday i played with kaltura btw ;) it resembles me kino or avidemux in flash ;)
in the kaltura_integration_two branch marclaporte: xavi: : yes? luciash: LOL marclaporte: is down again. This is making me unproductive xavi: marclaporte: I'm kind of stuck with the issue with the perspectives module luciash: marclaporte: this is making us *all* unproductive xavi: can you try installing the learning center profile again from a barebones using latest trunk, and report if the perspeectives module is up and working? luciash: marclaporte: i kind of didn't understand what means "we cleared apache" xavi: marclaporte: I was attempting today to review what's the state of the art of that profile, but I can't figure it out yet
I mean, what are the next steps to make it usable?
I still feel that I don't know enough about profiles & data channels to make it usable
and I need help before I can keep working alone on that
as expected by you
Moreover, I wonder if Regis knows how to keep going with profiles (learning_center and project_management) or if he is stuck also
I guess that it would be nice (at least) that those two profiles are usable by Tiki 4 release...
what do you think, marclaporte?
for reading, I use the workaround of google cache (for works for me , if you know the exact name of the page
luciash: last comment about the Mac OsX and Ubuntu comparison on the same hadware: battery lasts for around 7 hours with Mac OsX and only around 3h with Ubuntu :-(
step by step, I guess... luciash: :( ... you have to tweak
switch of the search indexing, set up powersaving to your needs, configure fan control if possible...
i bet there are some powersaving tips for ubuntu in general on the net chealer: xavi: mod-perspective takes no param. do you have any perspective? xavi: hi chealer. mmm, I don't know. I just installed the learning_center profile and I can't see, as admin, the module which seems to be properly assigned (as in tiki 3)
that's why I thought that some new param is missing
how do you create a perspective without that module? (I don't remembmer even if they are created with that module or elsewhere)
^chealer -: xavi wishes some documentation for perspectives was written somewhere...
xavi fears that he will have to be the one to write some documentation somewhere... :-) luciash: they are not created by the module xavi: but by...
? luciash: it only controlls what to display
but by... chealer: xavi: I know one profile can create perspectives -: chealer bbl
chibaguy going to sleep. goodnight. :-) ***: chibaguy has quit IRC ("Find new themes for Tiki at") luciash: xavi: maybe categories but i cannot check because categories are now broken in trunk
xavi: try to install the perspectives profile and see if it works... then you can review the perspectives proofile YAML and see what is necessary to add to your profile to make it work xavi: thanks luciash luciash: xavi: it's very probable there's no gui to set up perspectives at all yet xavi: ok luciash: chealer: you and sylvieg were palying with categories code recently... any idea what broke it ? Unknown column 'rootCategId' in 'where clause'
playing, even :)
(and i have run the db upgrade via installer) mlaporte: so...
luciash: maybe it's related to Ben & Aldo's work luciash: mlaporte: maybe, good point, thanks
mlaporte: maybe it works for fresh install but not for upgrades ***: FrankP_german2 has joined #tikiwiki
FrankP_german has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) chealer: luciash: I haven't done much risky changes to categlib recently. I agree with Marc, you may want to look at r21000. I can debug it later if you want. Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: No Articles Yet - xavi: marclaporte , mlaporte , chealer and luciash : module perspectives back working. It seems that there is a perm needed nowadays. Jail_root demonstrarion profile did the trick and provided the tip :-) marclaporte: yay! xavi: :-) marclaporte: nice example (with some data to test with), that one of the jailroot demonstration profile
marclaporte: how do you create a new perspective from within a wiki page?
I mean, once the profile is installed -: xavi fears that the words "data channels" will appear soon... marclaporte: via a data channel? xavi: :-) marclaporte: hahahahhahahhahahahah xavi: is there any documentation or test profile with data channels working, as a demonstration? luciash: chealer: tnx -: chealer is back luciash: heh, what is a "data channel" :-p chealer: no idea
sounds like a Marcspeak idiom luciash: it must be somethin' canadian
heheh xavi: maybe a dish with maple syrup? :-) is up again!
I wonder if there has been any human intervention in health... luciash: yay ! (marcspeak) chealer: xavi: yeah, maybe a maple syrup-stuffed brain.
mmm, brains
mmm, meat xavi: :-) mlaporte: xavi: are you making progress? xavi: yes, today
slow going, but moving forward
I still don't remember how to create new data channels from a tiki site once the profile is installed
I remember seing lph showing me something to create them, I thin, on the profile "projet management" I think, but I can't test now. right now I'm editing the sample data (copied from the jailrot profile) to see it they can resemble departments and courses...
and right now installing selenium ide add-on for firefox
following your example :-) mlaporte: it's pretty cool! xavi: mlaporte: fyi, just after I install the Learning_center profile, I get a blank page with the text:
the profile seems to be installed successfully, anyway
for what I've seen so far ***: timotiCK has joined #TIKIWIKI
timotiCK has left marclaporte: svn: Working copy 'lib/phplayers/lib' is missing or not locked -: marclaporte has seen NULL NULL NULL NULL but not sure what they are marclaporte: working copy error was a local problem, never mind xavi: good night all ***: xavi has left
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