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franck has joined #tikiwiki [00:09]
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luciashgoodnight [01:28]
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Petjal2 has joined #tikiwiki [02:39]
Petjal2Hi all. I have a user module that has some code in it like this: {if $page == 'HomePage'} that displays certain images only on the HomePage, but I want to make it something like this: {if $page == 'HomePage' or $page == 'tiki-upload_image.php'} so those images also show up on the upload_image page for one of my image galleries. Can anyone please help with that? Thanks! [02:50]
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Petjal2To rephrase my question, does "tiki-upload_image.php" have a $page name similar to "HomePage"? Or, maybe is there some other $variable comparison that I can use instead? [03:06]
chealerPetjal2: no, $page is for Wiki pages. you can use $_SERVER [03:08]
Petjal2ah, cool, thanks, trying that now! [03:15]
chealerluciash: thanks, but it doesn't seem to work. I get a mostly blank item after I submitted if I omit to fill the mandatory field. [03:21]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21292 10/trunk/templates/freetag_list.tpl: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding [03:23]
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Petjal2chealer: {if $page == 'HomePage' or $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/tw2/tiki-upload_image.php'} seems to break the if test completely, so the images don't show up even on the HomePage. To be clear, I am typing this in the Data field of a User Module. [03:45]
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chealerPetjal2: User Module, eh... haven't looked at those in a long time. that would look like valid PHP/Smarty. [03:53]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r21293 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php: [ENH] Allow | as separator also so that it's easier to convert a regular table to a fancy table. Added ability to indicate colspan with forward slashes and rowspan with backslashes at the beginning of any table cell. [03:59]
Petjal2chealer: thanks for the tip...googled a bit, and now trying $smarty.server.SCRIPT_NAME == '/tw2/tiki-upload_image.php' [04:03]
chealerPetjal2: oh...right, sorry [04:04]
Petjal2worked like a charm, thanks! [04:05]
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luciashpolom polom [08:57]
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luciashchealer: i think i fixed it in trunk and proposed branch
chealer: at least it works for me in pretty trackers
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Anyone got any tips for using integrator? I loose the path to tikiwiki.. What I mean is, the links on the menu become as though tiki-index.php is now at the root of the path specified in the integrator.
Oh, forgot, using 3.1 under apache and windows
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luciashSimmi: i don't know much of integrator but there are problems with path on windoze not only for integrator in Tiki
Simmi: better to use Tiki in server document root maybe there
Simmiluciash: hey luciash, thanks for your reply.. I have only one machine to operate with and it'S unfortunately windoze based. I am also using it to the server root and the document is in a subdir. The base path then gets changed to the subdir of the server.. so.. hum.. will have to think of a workaround. Maybe run a virtual server and have it located there. Sick of changing page refs in browswer url bar to correct "//" to "/". [12:01]
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chibaguypolom [12:08]
css/cssmenus.css has been a mix of older son of suckerfish and newer superfish methods and selectors, so I'm testing a new file version that just uses superfish, only adjusted for our class names.
seems like a cleaner way, to integrate from one source.
one negative: every theme with some cssmenus overrides will need to be adjusted somewhat.
but I think the end result will be worth the effort.
sylvieg+1 chibaguy (for 4 not proposed ... with a note in the release note) [12:29]
chibaguyyes, I was also thinking for 4.
I also added the "nav-bar" CSS. Now it's for a div.navbar to contain ul.cssmenu_horiz. Maybe later the menu code can be modified for ul class="cssmenu_horiz navbar". See http://zukakakina.com/tw4/tiki-index.php?page=CSSmenu_in_wiki_page (with theme switched to Tikinewt).
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21294 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-profiles.tpl: smarty error [12:34]
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luciashchibaguy: that's what i was sondering from the beginning why not to have the same CSS like the demos of superfish so +1 from me
chibaguyyeah, the file was using son of suckerfish layout pretty much, and when jquery arrived, some styles were added, instead of changing the whole thing.
anyway, I'll go ahead with changing it and the theme css files, for trunk & tiki 4.
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sylvieg: : I am checking doc. I see REDIRECT:((anypage)) on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginRedirect

that seems not to work. Can I remove?
sylviegit is the media wiki syntax I think
It is not workign anymore?
+1 for removing if not workin mlp will not be happy - but ti is life
marclaportemlp will be happy wil alternative solution, which is much much cleaner
sylviegif you put in the doc that it is obselte with the link to this page - +1 [14:55]
marclaporteok, but it once worked? [14:56]
sylviegso far I remmber - yes [14:57]
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marclaportesylvieg: : on a 2.4 install, it just puts a hyperlink [15:05]
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chealerluciash: OK, I got it to work with pure trackers (no plugin) anyway. thank you [15:25]
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sylviegmarclaporte: /changelog.txt:redirect feature: if a page contains only #REDIRECT pagename, the page view will display the other page. redirect is interpreted only one time [15:34]
marclaportetks [15:37]
sylviegseems the syntax in the commit was not the syntax od the doc [15:37]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21295 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-login.tpl: [FIX]user tracker: user/group tracker can be used even if user can not register [15:48]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21296 10/trunk/categorize.php: notice: please verif
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21297 10/trunk/tiki-admin_trackers.php: notice
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ChadDa3monGreetings everyone
In trackers, does anyone know how to get the "Created" field to be the first item listed (left hand side of the table) instead of last item?
There's no "position" field for this
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21298 10/trunk/ (10 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Do something with common_params. This fixes nonums showing on all new style modules which I had introduced in r21057.
tikiwiki: [FIX] rows prompted even for modules ignoring it. only fixed for new style modules. rows are still stored in their own DB field, but are nevertheless treated more or less like any common parameter.
point01anyone know if there is a good tutorial on using jquery plugins with tiki, cant seem to find any [17:18]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21299 10/branches/proposed/lib/ (tikilib.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php): [bp/ r 21277] [FIX]plugin: to be able to write a plugin param with a space between the name and = - and even more it is a regression as you can no more put the plugin params on multiple lines [17:35]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21300 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-admin_modules.tpl tiki-admin_modules.php): [FIX] oops, regression from r21298 [17:39]
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dkowisyay! [17:52]
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dkowisso I have an odd problem that I'm not able to find on the docs
I can't continue in the installer past where I create a database connection
it keeps telling me to verify, so I do (click verify and continue) and it puts me at the welcome to the tiki installer
and if I try to go to any other step, i get back to the "this is an admin function please verify" page
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21301 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: notice [17:53]
well I got past that
now I get an evil error
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in /srv/www/tikiwiki-3.1/installer/installlib.php on line 247
ah the database creation stuff isn't working for postgres
wow yeah all the sql doesn't work
none of the pgsql sql actually works
wtf, the pgsql sql is actually mysql code?!?
sylvieg1/ postgers ahas been fixed in trunk 2/ fetchRow - well know problem (but i do not remember why) [18:01]
dkowisthe problem is that the pgsql sql isn't actually pgsql compatible
in db/*-pgsql.sql that is
it's got Engine=MyISAM and such
sylviegdkowis: postgres has been fixed in the deevl version [18:02]
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dkowiswell I guess I'll end up using mysql then, don't particularly want to run the devel version [18:02]
marclaportedkowis: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Database+independence
Kissaki is working to fix PG
so it's not for 3.1 but for 4.0 ?
marclaportecorrect [18:08]
dkowisI had trouble figuring that out [18:08]
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I guess "possible" means if you want to help debugging :-)
dkowisI saw that too
but I didn't know to what version it applied
and the wikipedia page said that it supported all databases via an abstraction layer
but that was probably for 4.0
marclaportewell, more for version 1.9.x
It was working at one point
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marclaportemarclaporte updates http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Requirements+and+Setup&bl=n#Possible_but_not_recommended_databases [18:24]
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marclaporte: thanks :)
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marclaportedkowis: so you are new to Tiki? [18:37]
dkowisaye [18:41]
chealerchealer updates Wikipedia a bit [18:43]
dkowisdkowis stirred up the ants nest heh [18:45]
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in the styles/transitions dir
there is no 2.0to2.1.css
of course, also for some reason, none of the default pages have any text on them
all empty
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dkowishmm the wiki isn't displaying pages [19:19]
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dkowisthe source is there, but no actual data is being displayed
dkowis boggles
carstenHi, how con i add a poll to an article? [19:24]
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carstenIs it possible to add voting for articles? [19:39]
sylviegrating yeds - polling I do not think so [19:43]
carstenratin count the number of reads, aren't it? Can I maybe use a poll module/plug-in? [19:46]
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sylviegthe only object a poll can be related is a wiki page (so far I know) [19:51]
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BlatOdeaAnyone able to field a technical question about TikiWiki?
I had my TikiWiki working beautifully, the only activity on it was a couple users posting on the discussion board... I tried to access the "Admin Home" page today and the tiki-admin.php page comes up completely blank, no error or anything.
dkowisdid you recently change some themes? [20:00]
BlatOdeaI tried replacing the whole section of php pages (tiki-admin *.php) in case they were corrupt somehow, but it made no difference. I can access all other pages; users, modules, menus, logs
dkowisthat's the limit of my knowledge, heh
just started dorking with it today :(
I'm pretty good with these things... I just can't figure why a php page... with plenty on it, would suddenly be completely blank.
sylviegout of emmeory
BlatOdeawhat is? [20:01]
there's a setting in php.ini iirc
sylviegyou should have an error somewhere (display_errors must be on in php.ini .... admin must see error in admin->general... [20:03]
BlatOdeaahh... I'll go check that out.
Curious though... that it worked fine before.
nothing gets added to that page in particular... it's just a page linking to other admin sections.
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BlatOdeaI increased the php memory_limit to 256M and turned display_errors On, restarted the server and neither seems to have helped or changed anything. Also there are no correlating errors in the apache error log.
any other guesses?
Again, every other page works fine, it's just this one that comes up blank, errorless
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BlatOdeano other guesses? [20:30]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21302 10/branches/proposed/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_files.tpl: [FIX - do not exist in trunk] missing popup_init [20:47]
luciashBlatOdea: try clearing the Tiki cache on Admin > Tiki Cache/Sys Admin
sylvieg: is this the best practices to not fix in trunk first ?
sylvieg: or you mean the file doesn't not exist in trunk ?
sylviegluciash: there is no more {popu_init in trunk [20:55]
luciashsylvieg: ah right, i see, sorry [20:57]
Kissakimarclaporte: I do hope so. :P I'll have to check eta again. As I'm working now I really don't have much time, within the week. [20:57]
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sylviegluciash: about mandatory in TRACKER
I have the impression that before the * was never displayed by default (when showmandatory was not in the params - but now I have the impression it is. Am I right - perhaps I need to test
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luciashsylvieg: for example this is 3.1 tracker (not pretty tracker) and there is no showmandatory param and it displays the mandatory fields by default: http://pontopolis.cz/tiki-index.php?page=P%C5%99ihl%C3%A1%C5%A1ka+do+kurzu
(but i am not sure now if i haven't updated that file for non-pretty-trackers also :-p)
at that site
sylvieg: better test locally at yours
sylviegIt should be the same for the * between TRACKER and pretty tracker
sylvieg going for a test
sylvieg pretty sure it is different between tiki-view_tracker adn TRACKER
luciashsylvieg: if i changed the behavior for 3.1 i am sorry and you are right, but the fix was mainly it didn't show with showmandatory=y in pretty trackers [21:12]
sylviegI aggree that it is better to display the * - but people are picky and do not like change in a upgrade same branch
ah ok luciash - I get it +1 - thx for the explanation
luciashsylvieg: fine :) [21:17]
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BlatOdeaLuciash: I cleared all of the caches, and cleared browser cash to be sure, and it doesn't seem to have helped. [21:31]
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BlatOdeamaybe I'll start taking code away from the page and see if I can get something to load. lol [21:45]
luciashBlatOdea: weird when you say you even replaced the file with the original from the installation... can you check no other file which gets included is not modified at your filesystem ? [21:47]
BlatOdeaI can't think of any offhand. - away for a minute [21:49]
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chealer has joined #tikiwiki [22:13]
BlatOdeaback and experimenting. I added a line of text at the top of the tiki-admin.php file and it shows up on the page, whereas an echo as the first line of php coding does not. So php isn't getting processed on this page in particular?
scratch that, the php echo came through, but no subsequent php was processed
sylviegI forget again where in php the documentation about <<<<JS ... is . I have a server that seems not to like this syntax [22:23]
luciash>gg "<<<<JS" +php
>g "<<<<JS" +php
Sug4rSearch took 0.14163 seconds: PHP . JS - PHP . JS: <http://phpjs.org/>; Functions overview - PHP . JS: <http://phpjs.org/functions/index>; PHP . JS Licensing: <http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/phpjs_licensing/>; External JavaScript and PHP: <http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/externalphp.shtml>; Calling <acronym title="JavaScript"> JS </acronym> from PHP - Hot ...: (2 more messages) [22:32]
luciashnever heard about it, only about <<<END [22:32]
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sylviegthe search is not very helpful ,,, I sau the page on php.net [22:40]
luciash>g site:php.net "<<<JS" [22:42]
Sug4rSearch took 0.194475 seconds: PHP Bugs: #16382: XSLT config.m4 not checking for js library.: <http://bugs.php.net/16382>; PHP Bugs: #12318: ob_gzhandler screws-up included . js files: <http://bugs.php.net/12318>; PHP Bugs: #12318: ob_gzhandler screws-up included . js files: <http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=12318&edit=1>; PHP Bugs: #34051: JavaScript Error in userprefs. js: (2 more messages) [22:42]
luciashsylvieg: doesn't seem to be there [22:42]
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BlatOdeaall who helped: Thanks and sorry, problem was PEBKAC. :x Thinking to be security conscious I renamed the "Installer" folder at some point... ... Secured indeed, against myself. [22:58]
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luciashBlatOdea: :) [23:18]
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