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***ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r21414 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-plugins.tpl tiki-plugins.php): [ENH]continuing improvements. allow single select of approve or clear. ui to match other admin tables [00:27]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03kerrnel22 * r21415 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Tracker item display of who created/changed record now applies user_show_realname preference. [03:50]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r21416 10/trunk/tiki-browse_freetags.php: [MOD] browse freetags: remove some unused code (mainly since pagination plugin deploying) [04:49]
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tiki-newbis doc.tikiwiki.org down and, if so, is it planned? And is it known how long? [04:52]
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luciashtiki-newb: it's up
tiki-newbI can resolve doc.tikiwiki.org, ping it, even telnet to port 80 but any requests time out. [05:25]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r21417 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: some features in feature.php [05:41]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r21418 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: some features in feature.php [05:57]
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tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r21419 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: some features in feature.php [06:25]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Disabling search highlighting - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34617 [06:31]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r21420 10/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: some features in feature.php (change the name of two features to be "lesser magic" compliant [08:01]
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philbackwhich tikiwiki variable does contain the full path of the current script ?
is there something like $self ?
luciashphilback: see smarty doc, there definitely is something
philbackgot my issue (somewhat) fixed: $_SESSION["loginfrom"]=$base_url. "tiki-download_file.php?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&"$random;
wanted to let a user download a file right away from a given URL in the file galleries.
any idea of an already existing function/method for generating a random string of n chars in Tiki?
***magowiz has joined #tikiwiki [10:36]
magowizI have to upgrade a tw 1.8.5 to 3.1 , should I try with one step upgrade using 3.1 installer ? [10:37]
philback1.8.5 to 3.1 is a huge jump...
I would backup my tiki install and db
magowizyes... I'm going to backup the whole thing [10:39]
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magowizbut I would like to know if in the 3.1 installer there there is a procedure to upgrade from 1.8.x [10:40]
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magowizI googled and I found a doc in doc.tikiwiki.org , the problem is that doc.tikiwiki.org is down [10:41]
melaia.. [10:43]
philbackdtwo slow indeed [10:44]
magowizyes it is slow ... but my firefox goes on connection timeout before I can see a page [10:45]
philbacksame here
magowizit is not the first time it happens to me
dtwo goes from being slow to being so slow to timeout and sometimes it works with an acceptable latency
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philbackyes, I agree. I do not have an idea on the figures for the load. [11:12]
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philbackBut I do run a tiki or two for customers and these are not the fastest things in town. But they are the most flexible and feature packed.
I do have a Tiki codebase here, I'll have a look for this 1.8 support. Wait a sec.
sylviegping amette doc.tw is down [11:13]
philback@magowiz I see 1.9 and 2.0 stuff in the install code but nothing for 1.8 [11:17]
sylviegyou have to do step by step
for the database
magowizphilback, ok thanks.... perhaps I should upgrade to 1.9 and then to 3.1 [11:19]
philbackin the db/ folder you have 1.8to1.9 sql [11:19]
sylviegrun the script d'upgrade tiki_1.8to1.9.sql then tiki_1.9to2.0.sql then tiki_2.0to3.0.sql [11:19]
philbackbefore all of that, backup the damn thing :-) [11:20]
magowizphilback, sure, I always backup before any update ;)
sylvieg, the tiki_1.8to1.9.sql script is also in the tikiwiki 3.1 package ?
philbacksylvieg, what are these // {{{ 's in the codebase ? For some phpdoc ? [11:21]
magowizalso in 3.1 , I saw [11:22]
philbackBTW, is trunk/ 4.0? [11:22]
sylviegmagowiz: yes I think so
philback: for the edior vim
magowizsylvieg, I found it on my local tikiwiki tar.gz
philbackah, ok. I am using PhpEd, there is a codenavigator for the whole codebase. Quite useful for navigating the beast. [11:23]
magowizDo I have to upgrade manually using the sql scripts in db/ or those script are ran by the tw installer on upgrade procedure? [11:25]
philbackI did added some functions for the random string generation in my local install for a given project. Any use for that in the main codebase ? [11:25]
sylviegmagowiz: both are ok [11:26]
magowizsylvieg, ok then I'll do the simpler one : installer :) [11:26]
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [12:07]
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philback is now known as philback|busy
Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki
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FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki [12:48]
magowizI'm trying to import old database on a local mysql server but creating table tiki_newsreader_marks I get #1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
should I skip this table ?
philback|busyis your mysql 5x
5.0 to be precise
I'm trying to import the database locally because on my server I have "forbidden error" while I'm trying to run the installer
if I run the sql scripts remotely using phpmyadmin provided by my hoster should it work?
philback|busywell, don't know as I do usually have a ssh shell for doing these using mysql CLI [13:13]
magowizanyway I noticed that that table is empty on my installation
and I really don't use a newsreader
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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
chibaguymagowiz, I think the newsreader feature is dropped from Tiki 3 anyway.
or marked as no longer developed, or something like that.
magowizI had to remove also tikipages_foonotes
and also tiki_searchindex
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magowiza lot of tables has this issue.... what can I do??? [13:39]
sylviegkey too long?
(i think not sure that new mysql version limit the key size
you can patch the dump of your old database byt limitting the key
magowizhow can I limit the key ? reducing some key size ?
I'm looking at one problematic table structure
it has infact 1024 as key size
is there a way I should force my local mysql to accept larger key limit ?
it was an utf8 issue
infact if I change the db collation to latin1-bin I get no errors
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magowizI get forbidden error with the installer also on my local machine also if I changed the permissions to 777 [14:02]
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hi chibaguy
any update on sumo css ?
magowizI got a blank page while trying to update the db
with the tiki-installer
luciashmagowiz: hi [14:26]
magowizI'm upgrading from 1.8.x to 3.1
hi luciash
luciashmagowiz: i am unsure if you answered that already but do you have php5 and memory_limit at least 32M ? [14:27]
magowizsure [14:28]
luciashi think you have to go 1.8 to 1.9 to 2.4 to 3.1 [14:28]
magowizTiki has detected your PHP memory_limit at: 128 MB. [14:28]
luciashsee your logs then for the error [14:28]
magowizapache log ? [14:28]
luciashrather both, apache and php
if you don't store php errors in a log you have to set it in php.ini too
or somehow force php to display errors in bowser windows
magowizapache no error : I get some No such file or dir but last error happened 10 minutes before I launched tiki-installer.php
should I restart apache after modifying php.ini ?
I restarted apache2 with the new php.ini for php5 , the error log file is empty
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
log_errors = On
luciashcan you put phpinfo.php file in your web root and review if it's set correctly and not overriden by tiki ? [14:42]
magowizerror_log = /var/log/php.log [14:42]
luciashi am not sure but the php.log file must be writable by webserver ? (iirc)
at least i remember something like that
magowizLoaded Configuration File /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini
error_log /var/log/php.log /var/log/php.log
luciashlog_errors = On ? [14:48]
empty log
also if /var/log/php.log is owned by apache
group and user
and permissions are set to 777
luciashtry to use apache error log for php
or simmilar
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magowizI successfully upgraded to 1.9.11
with the installer
now I'm tring to upgrade to 3.1
success ! :)
luciashgreat ! :) [15:01]
magowizso the path is 1.8 -> 1.9 -> 3.1 [15:01]
luciashnice that you can ommit 2.x [15:02]
magowizI think you should write on docs that you need at least 1.9 to upgrade to 3.1 [15:02]
luciashnow beware of theme changes, table-based are no more supported by default in Tiki
magowiz: what place you mean ?
magowizUpgrade -> others
I don't know if it is already written
since today I cannot connect to d.tw.o
luciashi am browsing it with no problem currently
searching even
(in Opera)
magowiztoday morning I mean I couldn't browse it [15:04]
luciashit is much faster in Opera for some reason (maybe for the reason it is the fastest browser ? :-p) [15:04]
magowizI didn't checked recently [15:05]
luciashdocs updated [15:09]
chibaguyhi luciash, sorry, was away. [15:12]
luciashhi gary, np [15:13]
chibaguyI did some work on forums.
But I don't know what's the status of experimental branch sumo.
Not made yet.
luciashnot made yet
i was just looking at svnadmin --help
but i guess it requires ssh logging to sf.net first
chibaguybtw, I've upgraded sites from 1.9 to 3, so apparently it's not necessary to upgrade to 2.* in between. [15:14]
luciashchibaguy: yes, i have just put a note on Upgrade page [15:14]
chibaguyah, ok. [15:15]
magowizI'm glad to help you find a shortcut : 1.9->3.1 ;) [15:20]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03kerrnel22 * r21421 10/trunk/templates/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl: [MOD] Template now uses smarty function to display user's real name instead of getting it fed from calling script...more efficient. [15:23]
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Poison[BLX] has joined #tikiwiki
Poison[BLX]'lo everyone. I can't seem to find anything on sub pages in the wiki portion of TW... i.e. UserPageSomeone/Notes and the like... any tips? [15:44]
luciashhi, sorry, i did't know it is possible to use "sub pages" [15:45]
Poison[BLX]no idea if it is, really what I'm trying to figure out :D [15:46]
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chibaguyPoisen[BLX], wiki pages have a flat hierarchy, so I'm not sure what your "UserPageSomeone/Notes" means in that context. [15:49]
luciashPoison[BLX]: you have to put the pages in Structures feature
but to achieve URLs like this you'd need to tweak your .htaccess rewrite rules or even Tiki code
Poison[BLX]aha, I'll poke at the structures thing then, sounds like it might be what I'm looking for... the rewrite rules side of it's none to hard to beat into shape... I already went through and adjusted the bulk of them for lighttpd as is ;)
thanky thanky.
luciashwelcome [15:53]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21422 10/branches/experimental/edit_fixup/ (77 files in 27 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 21290 to 21319 [16:06]
luciashpretty cool, TikiWiki project is listed as 4th in CMS Systems and 2nd in Wiki category on sf.net
sorted by Rank (default) http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=644
chealRank is declining quickly though
though the statistics have a too short timeframe
luciashdeclining ? [16:15]
chealluciash: http://sourceforge.net/project/stats/rank_history.php?group_id=64258&ugn=tikiwiki [16:16]
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luciashah [16:16]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21423 10/branches/experimental/edit_fixup/ (108 files in 32 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 21319 to 21421 [16:29]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21424 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] typos and adjustements for dynamic preferences [16:55]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21425 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Adjustements for dynamic preferences
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r21426 10/trunk/styles/ (11 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] Improve CSS menus with better Superfish CSS consistency.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r21427 10/users/chibaguy/trunk_themes/themes/ (27 files in 24 dirs): [ENH] Improve CSS menus with better Superfish CSS consistency.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21428 10/trunk/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl: [MOD] Better text on group selector label
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r21429 10/trunk/css/cssmenus.css: [ENH] Improve CSS menus with better Superfish CSS consistency.
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MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [17:26]
luciashhi marclaporte
i have added the keywords from description of tw project to tags on sf.net and made the description more descriptive
marclaporte: couldn't find how to add screenshot in the new sf.net UI
Are you in the mood to upgrade info.tw.o to Tiki3?
I can do the upgrade, but I could use some help with template tweaking
luciashok, that sounds better for me :)
please do the upgrade and i will help to fix it
you have the SSH?
luciashyes [17:38]
marclaportemarclaporte makes a backup [17:41]
luciashare you going to put proposed branch there ? [17:43]
marclaportesure [17:47]
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marclaporteinstall is very clean [17:58]
luciashcool [17:58]
marclaportemarclaporte will attempt to upgrade via TRIM [17:59]
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luciashmarclaporte: do you know how to create new branch in SVN ?
marclaporte: for gary
marclaporteI dunno, but I think it's documented on dev.tw.o [18:10]
luciashok [18:10]
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marclaporteTRIM doesn't let me used proposed, so I'll use branches/3.0 [18:24]
chibaguychibaguy realizes 3:30 a.m. is a good time to go to bed and says good night. :-) [18:27]
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luciashmarclaporte: do you need to use TRIM for it ?[18:35] <marclaporte> no, I don't [18:28]
marclaportejust trying to dogfood [18:35]
luciashok :)
do we have time tracking via trackers ?
luciash just trying www.toggl.com
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marclaporteluciash: : yes [18:49]
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marclaportesearch for timesheet on profiles site [18:49]
luciashmarclaporte: any demo/doc on this ?
marclaporte: ok, tnx
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marclaporteluciash: your turn! http://info.tikiwiki.org/ [19:16]
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luciashmarclaporte: ok :) [19:25]
marclaportemarclaporte is fixing menu [19:29]
luciashluciash fixing the "family links" [19:32]
luciash ges to enable CSS menus
marclaporte: do we need mootools enabled there ?
marclaportedunno [19:39]
luciashi don't think so
luciash changing to cold theme option for strasa
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luciashmarclaporte: can you remove at least 3 sections from the menu 43 to have it fit on one line in 1024 wide screens ?
there are too many items in the menu imho to make it easy for starters
marclaporteok [19:51]
luciashe.g. the Home link can go away
and maybe the community and logout
or edit instead of community
also the items which are now sections with no suboptions must be changed to options otherwise they render empty submenus in CSS menu
consultants, contact us and factsheet
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21430 10/trunk/ (9 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Rewrite of {popup} Smarty function to use jQuery ClueTips properly.
tikiwiki: Now initialises on first mouseover (or onclick) which should make page rendering lighter.
tikiwiki: Most other references to overlib replaced in tpls.
tikiwiki: Tested in filegals, calendars
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21431 10/third_party/jquery/jquery-tiki-readme.txt: [MOD] Doc update
luciashluciash launches Inkscape [20:04]
luciash: can the top menu be identical on all sites?
now it is on tw.o and info.tw.o, i will adjust on the others
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Strasa theme and IE7 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34619 [20:12]
luciashmarclaporte: we're workin on it hard already 45 mins ;) [20:14]
marclaporte: can we re-use the !download" and "the product box" images from the design patrick made ? [20:23]
marclaporteyes! [20:23]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21432 10/branches/proposed/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]perms: was not possible to include a page your were creator [20:28]
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marclaportemarclaporte changed profiles.tw.o top menu [20:44]
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marclaporteluciash: : do you have the produc box? [20:47]
luciashyes, currently modified the Downlaod box [20:48]
marclaportemarclaporte working on top menu :-) [20:50]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21433 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]register: if a user did not validate his email and try to log-in - give him the possibility to resend the valiadtion email [21:17]
marclaportesylvieg: : tks for this! [21:23]
luciashmarclaporte: ^ [21:26]
can you put capital F?
luciashah, that was left by Patrick there
i can try or remove it and put plain text over it then ?
marclaporte: ^
marclaporte: :) i have to do something else now... will play with the site(s) later again
marclaportethanks! [21:32]
luciashmarclaporte: oh, you removed the "Other tw.o websites"
marclaporte: now the all links are not vertically aligned anymore in the bar, what else you removed ?
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luciashi thought it looked better, what was the reason for you to remove the Home link and this text ? [21:37]
marclaporteyes, it did look better
I kept code
I am trying to make 6 sites looks like one
as if it's 1 tree
and each of the sites would have distinct sub-menu
and get rid of duplication
luciashok, i will let you finish it and see then :) [21:39]
marclaporteand, then, let's make it look good again :-) [21:42]
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