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marclaportepolom [01:17]
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marclaporteNo such attachment on this page in wiki pages, when attach was working before (is this a known/fixed bug?) [01:38]
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What is all this sql-files in the db-folder for? For example; tiki-secdb_3.1_mysql.sql and fulltext.sql etc? Because my update fails when trying to update from 2.0 to 3.0 =/
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r21623 10/trunk/ (8 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] Rename tiki3.(gif|png) in tikisitelogo.(gif|png) and modify all linked file to remove the version number [09:09]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r21624 10/branches/proposed/ (7 files in 4 dirs): [bp/21623] [FIX] Rename tiki3.(gif|png) in tikisitelogo.(gif|png) and modify all linked file to remove the version number [09:15]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: blocking phpinfo causes scripts to fail - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34705 [09:50]
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [11:46]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r21625 10/trunk/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl: [ENH]added <LABEL> elements for a11y, use of <b> is deprecated for <strong> [11:49]
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TikiHello [11:53]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21626 10/trunk/ (37 files in 37 dirs): [FIX] Correct misleading text, plus mass correction of translations [12:38]
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changiHi all
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [12:50]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21627 10/trunk/installer/schema/20090921_logo_tiki.sql: [FIX]logo: missing update [12:53]
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MacLeod has joined #tikiwiki [13:25]
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ricks99in latest TRUNK... i can access Admin pages for features that are disabled. is this by design? [13:36]
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sylviegricks99: yes
because you need to prepare a feature - before activating it
ricks99seems counter intutivie (to me)... why is it grayed out/ [13:50]
MacLeod!help [13:50]
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [13:50]
MacLeodWhat is the help button next to Advanced Search in module search_box supposed to do?
It doesn't point to doc.tw.o.
In IE, it ends up pointing to anchor #advanced_search_help on whatever page the user is viewing, but the anchor doesn't exist.
ricks99@macleod: it displays the search help [13:52]
MacLeod@ ricks99: is it supposed to show a pop-up?
I checked the template, but I don't know what that CAPTURE command is all about.
ricks99y. it shows the content in the floading help [13:54]
MacLeodOn what TW/OS/browser combo have you seen it work? It malfunctions for me in v3.1 on XP/IEv6, Vista/IEv7, and Vista/Firefox. [13:55]
ricks99do u have the floatin help (bbhb) enabled? [13:56]
works for me ff3 & ie8 (tw 3)
also trunk (if that's what tw.o is running)
ricks99 still hates the BBHB
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21628 10/trunk/templates/tiki-shoutbox.tpl: [FIX] Remove Tiki reference from user text
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21629 10/branches/proposed/templates/tiki-shoutbox.tpl: [FIX] Remove Tiki reference from user text (trunk #21628)
TikiI get 2 errors when updating from 2.0 to 3.0: # 2008-10-04 lphuberdeau INSERT INTO `tiki_menu_options` (`optionId`, `menuId`, `type`, `name`, `url`, `position`, `section`, `perm`, `groupname`, `userlevel`) VALUES (197,42,'o','Mind Map','tiki-mindmap.php',255,'feature_wiki_mindmap','tiki_p_view','',0) Duplicate entry '197' for key 1
And: #2008-08-05 sylvieg ALTER TABLE tiki_quicktags ADD UNIQUE KEY no_repeats(taglabel(50), taginsert(50), tagicon(100), tagcategory(50)) Duplicate entry 'New Class-CLASS EXPRESSION () SYMBOL 0 OUTLINECOLOR COLO' for key 2
Anyone that has a clue? :)
ricks99bbhb = Big Blue Help Button [14:10]
MacLeodJust turned on floating help. Still no joy. [14:10]
ricks99might be a problem with trunk. my ff shows it on http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php but ie does not
but on my 3.0 branch install, i see it both ie & FF
MacLeodI get an "Error on page" in my browser status bar. [14:13]
TikiAnd another question.. When hitting the code-button inside the editor the popup isn't placed on top of everything. It's placed at the end of the page, below everything and the cross in the right top of the page. Anyone that have an idea why? [14:14]
MacLeodIf the Floating Help feature is required for that button to work, it shouldn't display in the module if the feature isn't on. [14:17]
ricks99i take that back. my ie 8 shows fine on http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php [14:17]
MacLeodMaybe some other feature required? [14:18]
ricks99u get an error w/ IE on tiki-searchresults? [14:18]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21630 10/trunk/ (37 files in 37 dirs): [FIX] Remove Tiki reference from user text [14:22]
MacLeodI get a status bar error whenever I click the help button next to "Advanced Search" in module search_box, regardless of the page I'm viewing.
When I double-click the error msg, the pop-up says "Exception thrown and not caught", whatever that means.
ricks99not sure, i didnt think that BBHB was supposed to be for use within a module. im seeing it on tiki-searchresults and works [14:25]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21631 10/trunk/ (lib/userslib.php templates/mail/unsuccessful_logins.tpl): [MOD]login: add detail about last login attempt in the unsuccessful attempt [14:28]
MacLeodI can see in mod-search_box.tpl a CAPTURE block with the help text that is supposed to be displayed.
And at the end of the template there's the link to show the info.
ricks99u have the {add_help show.... stuff? [14:36]
MacLeodyes, that's in the template [14:36]
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ricks99no idea. [14:39]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21632 10/branches/proposed/ (lib/userslib.php templates/mail/unsuccessful_logins.tpl): [bp/ r 21631][MOD]login: add detail about last login attempt in the unsuccessful attempt [14:40]
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MacLeod@ricks99: just found that the module button works if I'm in edit mode, when the BBHB is displayed. However the advanced_search_help window doesn't show any controls for closing it. [14:50]
ricks99odd. for me the search help appears ONLY on the seach results page.
if u r on the search results page, does the bbhb work for your search module?
MacLeodNo BBHB on tiki-searchresults.php. Error for module button. [14:52]
ricks99do u see bbhb on http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php [14:52]
And it works.
ricks99if u remove the search module on ur site, does the bbhb appear on search results page? [14:53]
MacLeodI'd like to see module-search_box on tw.o, and see if it works there.
No. Module search_box disabled, and still no BBHB on tiki-searchresults.
Hm, now I don't see it on tiki-editpage, either.
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MacLeodTurned module search_box back on, and now I see the BBHB in edit mode again.
Big Buggy Help Button
ricks99no idea :(
i always turn it off, myself
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r21633 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Comment not being posted on the right page anymore in all_languages [15:04]
MacLeod@ricks99: It gets weirder.
When I click the edit icon on a page, it points to tiki-index.php?page=blah+blah+blah#main (the "blahs" are example filler, but #main is not)
I see the BBHB then.
But when I preview the page I'm editing, the URL changes to tiki-editpage.php?page=blah%20blah%20blah and the BBHB disappears!
Is there supposed to be a .php file for mod-search_box, because I don't see one. Just the .tpl file.
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21635 10/branches/proposed/ (37 files in 37 dirs): [FIX] Remove Tiki reference from user text (trunk #21630) [15:29]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r21636 10/trunk/lib/ (multilingual/multilinguallib.php setup/prefs.php): [NEW] Language inclusion threshold to prevent asking all users to specify languages when the site only supports a small number of languages [15:38]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r21637 10/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Adding option in the admin section for the inclusion threshold, and the dependencies that follow
tikiwiki: 03axold * r21638 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] Improved tiki-manage-workspaces.php interface, and added some missing thins in sql
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21639 10/trunk/ (40 files in 37 dirs): [FIX] Remove Tiki reference from user text and associated mass language corrections
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r21640 10/branches/proposed/ (41 files in 38 dirs): [FIX] Remove Tiki reference from user text and associated mass language corrections (trunk #21639) [16:36]
tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r21641 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Workspaces install queries restored and reusing rootCategId [16:41]
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chibaguypolom [16:53]
jonnybpolom2 [16:53]
chibaguyMacLeod, are you around? What theme are you using, where the help button is a problem?
Also, does the problem happen in all themes?
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r21642 10/trunk/ (9 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Convert all multilingual options to lesser magic [16:58]
MacLeodstill here
using theme tikinewt, with an options file for customization
checking other themes...
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03axold * r21643 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Cleanning some duplicated code in tiki-manage-workspaces.php [17:04]
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MacLeodchibaguy, you've hit on something. it works in strasa. :) [17:05]
chibaguyMacLeod, what tiki version is this? [17:09]
and in fact, in strasa, the BBHB doesn't even have to be enabled for the module button to work
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r21644 10/trunk/lib/wiki/histlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Keep proper track of which editor should be used in history (using is_html) when rolling back.
tikiwiki: Also moved code for appending the version number to the comment out of staging only section (and truncate if too long) as it seems helpful.
changihttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/DEB+Packaging for people who have time :) [17:11]
chibaguyHm, I don't know how to get the ?-mark icon in the search module. What's the admin pref to get that?
chibaguy thinks no wonder he hasn't checked theme behavior for features he doesn't know how to activate. ;-)
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r21645 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-all_languages.tpl tiki-all_languages.php): [ENH] Always display two first languages side by side [17:19]
chibaguyoh, I see. I was trying search_new module, not search_box.
I get the big help button all the time now, in every theme I've tried so far.
(I talked about this with luci, I think, that it doesn't make sense to display that button up in the corner of the page when the search box is, maybe, down out view.
Oh yes, corrected in trunk. :-)
MacLeod, maybe the problem is the CSS modifications. Anyway, time to sleep here.
***chibaguy has quit IRC ("Find new themes for Tiki at http://themes.tikiwiki.org.") [17:30]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r21646 10/trunk/lib/workspaces/wslib.php: [FIX] Solved little bug in wslib.php [17:32]
tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r21647 10/trunk/db/ (5 files): [MOD] Restored WS queries, once more... [17:42]
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sylviegjonnyb: ? [19:15]
jonnybhi sylvieg [19:15]
did you commit everything for sefurl in fgal?
I have /dl1 not found now
ah .. it is the _tiki
jonnyboh? [19:16]
sylviegno .. you fixed it.... snif what happens with my local [19:17]
jonnybdl1 still ok for me
_htaccess got killed accidentally earlier on, but that shouldn't do that (unless you have a clever script updating .htaccess or something?)
sounds htaccess related though...
sylviegyeh [19:19]
MacLeodhttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Search+Bugs doesn't seem to be working. [19:20]
sylviegsvn: '_htaccess' is not under version control [19:20]
jonnybhmm - it used to be, didn't it?
http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Search+Bugs is fine for me MacLeod (dev is a bit intermittent these days)
MacLeodtry actually running a search [19:22]
sylviegshould have read the mailing list
marc already got the error
sorry jonnyb to have bothered you
jonnybi mentioned it to them on skype earlier - they fixed some of the errors, not that one sadly
no worries :)
MacLeodjonnyb: search is timing out [19:23]
jonnybsounds likely - it's probably fall over completely soon (amette? you there?) [19:24]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Use email as username. Changing method - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34708 [19:35]
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ricks99 has quit IRC ("Get more Tiki help from TikiWiki for Smarties: http://twbasics.keycontent.org")
SEWilco2Is there a configuration which produces an upload progress bar? [19:53]
amettejonnyb: pong [20:00]
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SEWilco2Anyone using PECL extension uploadprogress to emit an upload progress bar? [20:03]
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jonnybhi amette, how u? [20:17]
ametteall over all very well, arrived in Berlin just two days ago
just right now I'm panicking a bit - dev.tw.o's apache doesn't start and doesn't give any error message at all... :O
jonnybsuper - i'm watching telly (i always think of you now when i use that word ;))
ik, that sounds bad
amettehehe :) [20:18]
jonnybyup - nothing on dev from here :(
you did full reboot?
ametteI'm working on it, but so far no clue - full reboot didn't help [20:19]
jonnybis everything else there? (like mysql?) [20:19]
amettemysql is a different virtual machine [20:20]
jonnybfair enough [20:20]
amette;) [20:20]
jonnybso no point clearing tiki caches (if apache's no even there)... hmm
don't think i can be of any help really (it wasn't me! :O )
ametteno problem, thanks - I'll report back, when I get it going [20:22]
jonnybMacLeod: you still there? did dev.two fall over while you were watching? (not inferring it was your fault of course, just wondering if you might have any info that might help amette ) [20:23]
changitry to launch apache in debug mode
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Unable to install when using a socket for mysqli - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=34710 [20:26]
MacLeodjonnyb: still here. dev has worked fine for me today, except for searching bug reports, which have been timing out every time.
jonnyb: up until now, that is.
jonnybthanks MacLeod - was just wondering if it spat out any errors as a last gasp (poor thing!) [20:28]
MacLeodjonnyb: the last reponse i saw from dev was a time-out on a search. [20:28]
jonnybThis is Dog Food! :) [20:29]
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franck has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) [20:45]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 lights incense as an offering to the smoke gods for not extracting the magic smoke from dev.tw.o [20:45]
amettewhich helped and made the magic smoke go back into dev.tw.o
plain language: dev.tw.o is back up ;)
SEWilco2SEWilco2 looks for his virtual incense to also protect the virtual server. [20:47]
ametteok, so now I won't be touching anything anymore to not make things worse and continue with unpacking my stuff [20:48]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 wonders how to unpack without touching anything. [20:48]
amettemaaaaagick [20:48]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 does a bicycleta to put a sock in the sock drawer. [20:49]
MacLeodwanna see if dev breaks again when searching bug reports? [20:49]
amettego, hit it, MacLeod :) [20:49]
SEWilco2Sure. If it breaks, file a bug report. [20:49]
MacLeodand we're off... [20:50]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 don't say "off" to an old server! [20:50]
MacLeodit's thinking [20:50]
SEWilco2"I think I can"? [20:51]
MacLeodprogress bar is crawling, MSIE flag is waving... [20:51]
ametteyeah, it's a tough little girl... ;)
... tracker's code is eeeevil... :(
SEWilco2I hope tracker holds together a while longer. Over a thousand entries here, I think. [20:52]
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amettethousand entries should be totally ok - I suspect the problem more to be with many fields
( just a wild guess )
MacLeodprogress bar looks stalled @ ~ 33% [20:54]
Kiss my ass!!! There was again the database totally locked up with this query....
... this time it was even hanging twice - once with "sending data" and once with something like "writing statistics" or so..
so theoretically even dev.tw.o should have been dead, because both processors in the machine were under 100% load and there wouldn't have been any resources for answering doc.tw.o queries
MacLeodSearch finally ended in a blank page; not even an error msg. [20:59]
ametteok, try again please [21:00]
MacLeodsearching... [21:00]
ametteyou still had one of the old apache processes trying to answer your query... now try to get a new one which hopefully can connect cleanly to the database...
... otherwise I need to try to restart apache
MacLeodwhat's your guess on the problem: tracker code, SQL, apache...?
progress again looks stalled @ ~ 33%
dev still seems to be working otherwise
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amettehmmm.... then I almost suspect a bug in trackers... do you do some fancy query? does some more simple stuff work?
actually - there is again this one query hanging!!!!! :O
did you find the evil one query?!? :)
MacLeodThe query was Bug: Error, Version: 3.x, Feature: Help System, Related Project: Release30. [21:06]
amette| 2784241 | devtwo | dev.tikiwiki.org:34009 | devtwo | Query | 118 | Sending data | SELECT count(DISTINCT ttif.`itemId`) FROM ( `tiki_tracker_items` tti INNER JOIN `tiki_tracker_item_f |
118 - are the seconds the query is now running and hanging
I killed the query now after 230 seconds
MacLeodheading home. bbl. [21:08]
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ametteMacLeod: you wanna add that info to the bug?
alright - get home well :)
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amette>whatis slowdevtwo [21:10]
Sug4r'slowdevtwo' could be http://dev.tikiwiki.org/bug2549 [21:10]
...... (idle for 27mn)
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: es/language.php file error - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=13&comments_parentId=34711 [21:37]
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sylviegsorry amette - did not find yet a full free day - to change the query [22:02]
amettethanks sylvieg - I think we're cornering it ;) [22:16]
sylviegsylvieg dreaming about the day where tw will be without bug - to have free time to develop things [22:21]
amettethat's an awesome dream :) [22:22]
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SEWilco2for i in tiki-*.php; do; debug < $i > $i; done; # All debugged! [22:43]
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c_schmitz has joined #tikiwiki [23:24]
c_schmitzhi guys
all the search results in our Wiki have "Relevance: 1"
which is kinda non-saying
how is relevance determined?
and how can I possibly fix it?

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