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egon00001Anyone know how to create tabs in the content of a wiki page? I have a really long page and would like to break it up a bit
can I do this with tikisyntax? or do I have to edit the template file?
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lindon_Not sure if it fits the bill, but PluginVersions is similar to tabs
you could also use page breaks
egon00001hmmmm the first idea is closer to what I had in mind, the page break doesnt offer any navigation of what in each tab
many thanks Ill try that!!
lindon_good luck! [02:05]
egon00001one other problem Im having is I cant get a google map to display in the wiki page, I use the syntax {GMAP(type=>page, width=>400, controller=>none, mode=>normal)/} but nothing displays [02:14]
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lindon_hmmm...i've never used this one in tikiwiki. I assume you've enoabled the feature and input the key? [02:36]
egon00001yes, done all of that, but no dice [02:37]
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Tikiwiki|botInfo: Tiki 3.2 released - http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=72 [02:56]
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ricks99@egon00001: r u trying to emed the user map in another tiki page? [03:05]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21775 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-admin-include-general.tpl tiki-admin-include-look.tpl): [MOD] Moving log_tpl to templates admin panel [03:09]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: non-responsive default wiki comments settings - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34768 [03:17]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21776 10/trunk/ (10 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] New Security and Performance admin panels [03:21]
egon00001no Im trying to map a geolocation of a page in my tiki [03:29]
ricks99o... i recently embedded the Tiki Google UserMap in a wiki page. thought maybe that's what youwere trying to do [03:32]
egon00001how did you do it? maybe I can just tweak the display coordinates [03:32]
ricks99i did a writeup in my blog: [03:33]
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ricks99http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId=26&postId=384 [03:33]
egon00001thanks very much. Ill read through it [03:34]
ricks99no problem [03:34]
egon00001Hmmmm so if I were interested in creating a geoCMS mapserver is really the way to go rather than google maps it seems [03:36]
ricks99think so. ive only ever used the google map for a usermap [03:37]
egon00001do you know of anyone who has? [03:37]
ricks99not that i know of. try posting to the forums [03:37]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21777 10/trunk/tiki-admin_modules.php: [FIX] set default $module_rows for previewing old-style modules [03:37]
egon00001yep, thats my next move....muchas gracias [03:38]
ricks99de nada [03:38]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21778 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] change last_created_quizzes module to new module style (modules-doc).
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21779 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-general.tpl: [MOD] Move all date and time settings to the same section [03:47]
marclaportericks99 : polom [03:47]
ricks99hi marc [03:47]
marclaportehow are you? [03:48]
ricks99busy busy busy :-) u? [03:48]
any chance I see you at TikiFestOrlando?
ricks99doubtful :(
id love to, but too much @ home
lindon_i'm thinking of going [03:50]
marclaportelindon_ : cool! [03:51]
lindon_I gues I'll need a car there, no?
and I hope there's room at the house?
marclaportelindon_: : yes, plenty of room
for car: it would be good to have one for the group
you are driving down?
lindon_i'll fly in
from nyc
maybe wed night or thursday morning
happy to rent a car
marclaporteok [03:58]
lindon_by the way,fixed the image gallery tpl but wasn't able to fix the file gallery one (tiki-upload_file.tpl) to put the new IMG syntax
not sure what I'm doing wrong
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21780 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Multilingual freetags now with lesser magic [04:05]
while I have you too here (lindon & ricks99)
I want to make sure you are aware of lesser magic
ricks99only vaguely [04:07]
lindon_have no idea [04:07]
we have about 1300+preferences
from feature_wiki: y/n
to site_title: blabla
The way it was done was very simple
but lots of extra work in the admin panel templates
It will take months to migrate all preferences to new system
But it has many benefits
1- possible to search within the preferences, and be able to use from search result (ex,: activate/deacativate)
2- admin panel templates are much cleaner
here is an example of how clean the admin panel templates become: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-features.tpl?r1=21418&r2=21417&pathrev=21418
I know you ( ricks99 ) have spent a lot of time there
ricks99much cleaner [04:15]
marclaporteit will be much easier to check for dependencies [04:15]
lindon_looks great [04:17]
marclaportebut this needs to be added in code: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php?r1=21418&r2=21417&pathrev=21418
So it will take dozens & dozens of hours of migrating from old system to new
Will also make easier to have a setting in two admin panels (if relevant)
multilingual freetags is now both in freetags and multilingual admin panels.
ricks99ricks99 still thinks having the exact same option in 2 different locations is wrong [04:19]
faceted approach
ricks99confusing (to me) shouldnt multilingual freetags be dependent on having Multilingual enabled?
i had noticed on some admin panels that use lesser magic, the child options are no longer "hidden" if the parent is disabled
imho, this is moving *backwards* -- making the ui more cluttered by showing end-users things that can't even been changed yet
lindon_i have some very important questions [04:24]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21781 10/trunk/tiki-admin_include_freetags.php: [MOD] Multilingual freetags now with lesser magic [04:24]
lindon_why do they call it lesser magic?
do they have good beer in Orlando?
has there ever been a tikifest in nyc?
marclaportericks99: +1 to hiding [04:24]
ricks99good beer in orlando, but all the mugs have "mickey ears" :-) [04:25]
lindon_might feel "goofy" drinking it :) [04:25]
ricks99for example, in trunk, on Admin: General, *all* of the "message to display" fields are shown, even if the "Close site" options are disabled.
this is a regression -- in 3 they were hidden
marclaporte1- it's because it's a less ambitious project that was trying to do this. The other project was called Magic http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Magic
2: dunno
3- no TikiFest yet in NYC: let's plan one!
lindon_sounds good!
I've got room for some people to stay
ricks99gotta go. marc, i'll take a look into the lesser magic stuff for more admin ui rework [04:30]
marclaportericks99: : 2 seconds
if you can
ricks99tick tick [04:31]
marclaporteI am very soory, I know this is not the first time we make back-end changes [04:31]
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marclaportethat have big impact on your UI work
plugin security, now this
workspaces is also causing problems (ref: discussion on list)
but I think this better base will make things easier
ricks99no problem. (i semi-fixed the plugin security -- at least now i can mass-approve them in one shot -- and can finally upgrade from 2.x)
i havent look @ workspaces yet
marclaporteThere is a template : http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/templates/prefs/shared-dependencies.tpl?revision=20877&view=markup
so by twaeking the template, it should be possible to make hiding like before
or even have it optional
but with management in one place
will be a definate improvement
marclaportesometimes (often), we work a lot on backend and run out of steam for front-end
I know this impacts you directly and I appologize
ricks99not a problem [04:35]
take care my friend!
ricks99talk with you later [04:37]
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marclaportemarclaporte likes NY [04:39]
lindon_me too
what's the schedule look like for upcoming fests?
Lindon: about your recent commits. I am sad you are not as active with docs but very happy we have one more developer :-)
lindon_I appreciate that :)
working on documentation now to make up for it
cleaning up the image-related pages and documenting the new IMG
marclaporte:-) [04:51]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21782 10/trunk/tiki-admin.php: [FIX] typo [04:51]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21783 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: temporarily revert 21748 (var_dump breaks stuff)
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21784 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] change last_file_galleries module to new module style (modules-doc).
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r21785 10/branches/experimental/sumo/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [NEW][MOD] Minor tpl modifications for wiki page display and related CSS; more CSS styles for general layout, etc. [05:08]
lindon_<marlaporte> any luck with plugin alias in dealing with the old image-related plugins? [05:11]
marclaportenot yet
not lack of lack but just did other stuff
are you online tomorrow?
if so, ping me and we'll do together
lindon_sounds good [05:13]
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chibaguypolom [05:16]
marclaportehi chibaguy! [05:17]
chibaguyhi marclaporte :-) [05:17]
lindon_does polom mean hello? [05:22]
chibaguyyes, more or less. kinda the 'aloha' of the tiki world. ;-) [05:24]
marclaportehttp://tikiwiki.org/Glossary [05:25]
chibaguyabout lesser magic, there is a problem with feature names in trunk. The first tab shows "Wiki, Blog, Image Gallery, File Gallery, Articles, Forums, Trackers, Polls, Calendar, Newletters, Banners" for example.
Seems to me they should all be plural except for wiki, which general only has one implementation at a site (maybe also Calendar, I'm not sure).
lindon_thanks for explaining - i've always wondered...(talking about polom) [05:28]
marclaportehttp://tikiwiki.org/Glossary+Ideas [05:28]
chibaguySecond tab shows "Category" (singular) but "Freetags" (plural). I think the rule is if the thing generally exists in plural form on the site, the name should be plural too. [05:29]
marclaporteDoes it look easy to fix? [05:30]
chibaguySo to correct this, the editing is no longer in the tpl, but in the libs as marc gave references to a bit earlier, right? [05:30]
marclaporteNow that was have clean page aliases, I am not so worried about links to docs
yes, in php file
chibaguysuch as 'name' => tra('Custom Home'), in lib/prefs/feature.php [05:31]
And there are hundreds to convert :-)
marclaporte wonders is we can retire more features
chibaguyare there docs on how to do the conversions?
I'm wondering is it just lib/prefs/feature.php that these are added to, or do other files get edited too.
http://dev.tikiwiki.org/dynamic+preferences looks like the start point
marclaportedoc is not so good on this
but from example, it should be simple enough
chibaguyyeah, seems so. maybe a few basics should be documented. [05:42]
marclaporteTiki will turn 7 soon [05:42]
chibaguyI see, for example,
'feature_blogs 'name' => tra('Blog'), 'description' => tra('Online diaries or journals.'), 'type' => 'flag', 'help' => 'Blogs',
and some examples have dependencies
chibaguydoes description exist already for most, and if so where, and what does type flag mean - on or off?
also does the help item mean the page at doc.tw.o?
marclaporteThe description must be stolen from somewhere, or invented. It is part of how to find that feature in the search
yes, help is for page at doc.tw.o
flag: on/off yes
chibaguyIs there a 'master list' of items for conversion and a way to know which are done? [05:45]
marclaportenot that I know of
in lib/prefs, there are many files
load_threshold -> goes in load.php
log_mail -> goes in log.php
The underscore is where it cuts
and if there is no _
it goes in lib/prefs/global.php
ex: browsertitle
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chibaguythere's a wiki.php. will there be other feature-specific .php files? [05:49]
marclaporteonly if preference starts with feature_ [05:50]
chibaguyi see [05:51]
marclaporteThis is when it would be nice to have more consistancy in preference names [05:51]
chibaguyso $prefs.feature_wiki in the tpl means the pref info goes in /prefs/wiki.php, and similar for others, like $prefs.feature_babelfish should be in a /prefs/babelfish.php ?
(I'm thinking maybe not)
(I'm looking at the '$prefs.feature' search results for the templates directory.)
feature_wiki has a lot of 'dependent prefs' but a lot of the others don't, like babelfish, so these wouldn't seem to warrant their own file.
otoh there is a show.php that contains only 'show_available_translations', so I guess a babelfish.php isn't out of line. [06:09]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21786 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-admin-include-features.tpl tiki-admin-include-login.tpl): [MOD] Moving banning feature preference to a more logical place. [06:10]
marclaportefeature_babelfish goes in feature.php
if the pref name was babelfish_xyz, it would go to babelfish.php
chibaguyok, was wonder about babelfish_logo
marclaportethere you go [06:15]
chibaguythings are just added at the bottom of feature.php, I guess [06:17]
and when you make babelfish.php, just copy a simple example
you need to change function name
chibaguyright [06:20]
marclaportefunction prefs_babelfish_list() { [06:20]
chibaguyok [06:22]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21787 10/trunk/show_image.php: [FIX] compile failure (typo "Perns" -> "Perms") [06:42]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21788 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-gal.tpl: [FIX] (kind of) mention that we're only looking for Imagick 0, since Imagick 2 support does not seem to happen too quickly [06:44]
drewsanybody get SEF working in 3.0?
enabling the internal url rewrites causes a 500 error
marclaportedid you rename _htaccess to .htaccess? [06:56]
drewsI actually pasted the example .htaccess from the web
my deployment has other custom rewrites
marclaportedoes your server permit .htaccess ? [06:56]
definitely confirmed that, since my other custom rewrites work
marclaporteI suggest you copy from your bundled _htaccess to make sure you have right version [06:57]
drewswell I'll double check that now [06:57]
maybe I'll just upgrade. It looks like there are a bunch of SEF fixes
marclaporte3.2 is great [07:12]
drewsanything in particular you like? [07:16]
chibaguydrews, there are quite a few small but significant fixes since 3.0.
like how the advanced search help displays, some CSS bugs fixed, things like that.
Some of the plugins had bugs that got fixed, or improvements in function.
drewsI'm upgrading from 3.1, but from the changelog it still looks like a lot of fixes [07:27]
chibaguyincremental things. the bigger changes are in tiki 4 :-) [07:27]
drewschibaguy, are you a contributing developer
chibaguyyes [07:28]
drewswhat kinda of things can I look forward to?
or is there a features list that I can look at somewhere
chibaguyhttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/Tiki4 [07:30]
drewssweet [07:32]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21789 10/trunk/tiki-admin_modules.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] rows has its own DB field, so must not be stored in params
tikiwiki: oops
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21790 10/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] change top_images module to new module style (modules-doc).
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: [FIX] mod-top_images_th
tikiwiki: merge mod-top_images_th in mod-top_images
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r21791 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] wslib.php works by side with perspectiveslib.php and categlib.php. Now it's to cache ws, remove perspectives, and solved some bugs in wslib.php and categlib.php (thanks Filipus for the mail!) ;) [08:19]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r21792 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic (test contribution - Babelfish feature seems to be broken already) [10:07]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03rischconsulting * r21793 10/trunk/templates/mail/moderate_validation_mail.tpl: [FIX] Another typo [13:08]
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gkahlais there a how-to on creating a private wiki (not publicly accessible) using tikiwiki? [14:01]
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chibaguygkahla, sure. You just set the view permissions appropriately. [14:20]
gkahlachibaguy - i'm interested in creating a site with a wiki and user forums, but have it all be private to the web-at-large. View permissions will keep Google and Yahoo at bay? [14:21]
chibaguyoh, a howto. I thought you were just asking if it's possible. See http:doc.tikiwiki.org/Permissions
Yes, if registration is required to view, then anonymous visitors, including search spiders, can't access the pages.
or you can have some public pages and some private. The perms are fine-grained.
gkahlaexcellent! I believe I've found my solution - thanks for the info [14:23]
chibaguysure [14:23]
ametteshould I change the branch on dev/doc to something else than proposed? [14:24]
chibaguyhi amette. I don't know.
amettehi chibaguy :) [14:27]
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ametteI'll be gone for a while, so just ping me here [14:28]
chibaguyI guess marc has an idea about that. [14:29]
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amette: wherever you are going, whatever you are doing, have fun doing it..
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21794 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX]wiki: when using a php conf mbstring.func_overload = 7, need to use only
tikiwiki: subtr fonction and no [] -> TODO: still buggy substr_replace does not work
tikiwiki: correclty with this setting and as the plugin parsing is not multibyte
tikiwiki: compliant: DO NOT USE mbstring.func_overload = 7 BUT 0
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03niclone * r21795 10/trunk/setup.sh: [FIX] setup.sh: added optional parameters to the setup script, so that we can launch it without interaction (script asking parameters). usefull if for exemple setup.sh is launched from an another script. [15:50]
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GillesMhi [15:59]
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chealerpolom [17:34]
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luciashpolom [18:13]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r21796 10/trunk/_htaccess: restore deleted file in 21641 [18:25]
luciashluciash goes to check if sylvieg succeeded to keep the log history of da file ;) [18:28]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21797 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] change user_image_galleries module to new module style (modules-doc).
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
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luciashwell done, sylvieg :)
though i don't see mangapowerx as last editor in the log who deleted the file but lph... strange
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r21798 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php: [FIX] Notices
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21799 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] change top_image_galleries module to new module style (modules-doc).
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r21800 10/trunk/green.favicon.png: [DEL] green.favicon.png: unused and unnecessary file
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tikiwiki: 03luciash * r21801 10/trunk/AllTests.php: [KIL] AllTests.php: this file shouldn't be in Tiki root... please put it in tiki_tests/ an name it lowercase to avoid problems ( see http://dev.tikiwiki.org/DevTips#File_names_conventions_and_generalities ) [19:19]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: No-nonsense workgroup CMS? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34769 [19:20]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r21802 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] change radnom_images module to new module style (modules-doc).
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
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marclaporteluciash: +1 to your change on tw.o (help float)
but when I click link :http://tikiwiki.org/blogpost388
rewrite rules are weird
luciashit's wiki parsing bug, yep
ah, ok, different bug :)
i mean in the parenthesis i put the link to the forum post... and the link takes the closing parenthesis... that's the parsing bug
i am not sure i have access to tw.o .htaccess
to fix the rewrite rule
marclaportelong pages with many headers don't look very good
we would need styling for h2, h3, etc.
luciashyea [20:11]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Tiki4#First_impressions [20:11]
luciashluciash going to fix top menu items with no submenu now
luciash putting separator before Events and making it option
marclaporte:-) [20:18]
luciashsame for the rest
changed My Dashboard to My Account if you don't mind
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sylviegfyi I cd tikitrunkfresk; svn up -r 21640 _htaccess ; cd ../tikitrunk; svn copy ../tikitrunkfresh/_htaccess _htaccess ; svn commit _htaccess [20:29]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21803 10/trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] Short link
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r21804 10/trunk/installer/tiki-installer.php: [DEL] Removing unsupported database code
marclaporteluciash : +1
luciash: would be nice direct link to My Userpage
I don't know if we can do in menu, but in tpl, we can use {$user}
luciashdo u think it is possible in menus ? i know it can be made in custom area...
[Check for updates now.] doesn't tell me 3.2 is out :(
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r21805 10/trunk/ (_htaccess lib/workspaces/wslib.php): [MOD] Listing in wslib.php uses cache. Still needs some more enhancements. [22:39]
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