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***MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Success) [00:10]
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mikew_ has joined #tikiwiki
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Guest59027oops. lost my nic
I was updating from 2.1 to 3.2
but I didn't get the lock file in updating from 2.4 to 3.2
nor can I run tiki-install.php
ok. i see the install disable file. I'll try again
still not running [01:47]
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mikehi [01:53]
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Guest58832>help [01:56]
Sug4r`(help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [01:56]
Guest58832help update [01:56]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [01:56]
Guest58832i'm the one with the update problem [01:58]
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does it matter when i deleted the outdated theme files? [02:14]
it looks like i get a zend optimizer error when calling up the code [02:20]
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ok. the webhost helped me. the problem was in my file permissions. [02:57]
luciashGuest58832: sorry, wasn't here... good you figured out [03:00]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22096 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_categories.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars escaping
tikiwiki: [FIX] colons inside tr blocks
tikiwiki: [FIX] Directory categorization
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22097 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: remove template comment (assuming that's a leftover from copy-paste)
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Guest58832i got the zip file for the 3.2 version. The useful file permissions must not have been preserved in all that i did.
i was running ver 2.1 since 2007 and then saw I needed to make sure I was able to run on php5
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Guest58832now I think I have a themes problem. The sidebar is below the wiki content -- instead of at the side [03:58]
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SEWilco2 has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [04:16]
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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [04:53]
Guest58832k. I just am forcing the thenews theme to the admin account [04:53]
chibaguypolom [04:53]
Guest58832hi [04:54]
chibaguyGuest58832, did you update from an earlier version of Tiki? [04:54]
Guest58832yes. I had 2.1 [04:54]
chibaguySee http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Upgrade+2.x+to+3.x . Step 5 talks about themes. [04:56]
Guest58832yes. I have it working now [04:56]
chibaguycolumns are all in the right place, etc.? [04:57]
Guest58832yes [04:57]
on another topic, it seems file gallery permissions are screwed up in Tiki 3.
There've been user reports in the tw.o forum about this so I did a test.
Guest58832are you new to ver 3?
or a gurur?
chibaguyNo, I work on the project.
maybe a gurur, not a guru yet tho. ;-)
i mainly only used the wiki
since 2007
i loaded this originally with fantastico setup scripts
chibaguywell, the file gallery uploads (for 'private' galleries) worked fine before, but perms, etc. have been worked on a lot, and now seem kinda broken in places. [05:02]
Guest58832which, for updates, would mess up add-ins and optional features [05:02]
chibaguyI've always installed and updated with ftp, so am not very familiar with the fantastico route. [05:03]
Guest58832It helped me get started. Now i just did ftp [05:04]
chibaguyWell, in the file gallery, the user's group has the right permissions, and the user sees the upload-file button, but clicking on it brings a "Permission denied" error - a nasty shock. [05:06]
Guest58832Is it easy to figure out a fix? [05:08]
chibaguyFor one of our php gurus, yes, I hope. :-) [05:09]
Guest58832what speicialty to you contribute on the project? [05:10]
chibaguymainly themes [05:12]
Guest58832so you have made some tiki 3 themes? [05:16]
chibaguyyes, pretty much all that are available.
Strasa and Coelesce were designed by someone else, and the other bundled themes in tiki 3 have been worked on collaboratively.
Guest58832ah. i see. thanks [05:18]
tikiwiki has worked out pretty nicely for content for my site. I like the document structures/outline feature -- as distinct from other wiki and group software [05:24]
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chibaguytoothat's good. [05:25]
Guest58832uh oh. that feature may be a plugin [05:26]
chibaguytoowhat feature?
Guest58832where I could navigate based on a structure or outline [05:29]
chibaguytoostructures is a standard feature, but in tiki 3 it needs to be turned on, on the admin wiki page. before, it was on by default. [05:30]
Guest58832good. i'm a bit in panic mode until I find out if everything works [05:32]
chibaguytoo:-) [05:34]
Guest58832there are no features options listed for wiki
nvm. it wasn't expanded
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luciashpolompolom [07:08]
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chealerhalf-polom [07:48]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22098 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] rollback r21822:
tikiwiki: [MOD] please refer to dev note 1.1 http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Tiki4#Anonymous_group_not_included_by_default_in_Registered_
tikiwiki: This broke permissions on most sites upgraded. See discussion at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4ACCFC4E.5000205%40gmail.com&forum_name=tikiwiki-devel
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22099 10/trunk/tests/upgrade_categperm.php: upgrade_categperm.php: rename tiki_p_view_categories to tiki_p_view_category in global permissions [09:06]
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chealerluciash: you must be right in your last mail, I think both me and redflo were confused by Stéphane's mail [11:12]
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luciashchealer: no prob :) [11:41]
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chibaguyon tiki-calendar, when it says "October" at the top, why do the days say "10/08", "10/09" etc.? It looks cluttered with that redundant month indicator on every day. [11:44]
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chibaguyOther calendars don't have this complication, afaik. [11:44]
not a big problem, but maybe can be improved later on [11:49]
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grobda24grobda24 says hi
Is it possible to have articles on the main page but add a custom html section that only appears on the front page (above articles) ?
chibaguyIn trunk/tiki4 it's easy, with new custom center column header box :-)
Maybe in tiki 3, you need to edit the articles template.
Or you can use the shadow divs feature, come to think of it.
grobda24ah, interesting :)
template or, shadow divs ... is that a plugin ?
chibaguyit's a look and feel admin feature, courtesy of luciash :-)
when you activate it, new div tags are added in tiki.tpl.
grobda24k [12:23]
chibaguyand a textarea for each, on admin look and feel.
you can add your html (i think it's ok) in the one for centercolumn top
grobda24is it the "shadow layer" ? [12:27]
chibaguyif you use articles as your front page. but if you use a wiki page and the articles plugin below, you can add the html (or wiki syntax equivalent) at the page top.
yeah, shadow layer.
I looked at the articles plugin but it only seems to list titles on a wiki page, I don't think it reproduces the articles front page
chibaguy, yeah that's it. Nice, thanks. See "Fred" here http://mindfreedom.org.uk/
chibaguyok, but fred turns up on other pages, too. Is that ok?
hmm, what's the filter for limiting scope to one file?
it might be the template then
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chibaguy{if $smarty.server.SCRIPT_NAME eq 'tiki-view_articles.php}Fred{/if}
er.. ...php'}
was that for the shadow layer box ?
it just shows the code ... http://mindfreedom.org.uk/
ah, duh ... it's Plugin Articles that I need. Thanks for the help !
chibaguyok. [12:55]
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I wonder how people would feel if those bright blue icons for previous, next, module open|close, etc., were changed to a more neutral gray.... [13:11]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22100 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Added rudimentary colour pickers and new background colour icon.
tikiwiki: Also JS fixes for Firefox/AJAX
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gezza has joined #tikiwiki [13:50]
sylviegchibaguy: +1 [13:54]
I mean, I wasn't sure if people would like that.
gezzahi guys! i would need some tips for something I am doing on the community site. What i did: i want to list categories on many pages, however I want to avoid that when I change something in the plugin I have to update all pages. So I made a module for it, that include this: {CATEGORY(id="22",split="y",and="n")}{CATEGORY}. Now when I preview in modules, it is fine, displays the category items. [13:56]
chibaguybbl [13:56]
gezzaWhen I use the MODULES plugin in the page it does not display anything. I read here http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginModule that "Note: This plugin works only with the basic modules, not with the user modules."
can someone tell me what is the bottleneck? why is it not displaying?
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jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [14:04]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22101 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Remove hard coded inclusion of Anonymous group in Registered (again - see r21822 and r22098).
tikiwiki: Added schema script to preserve existing behaviour and changed tikilib and objectperms.
tikiwiki: Other files need fixing (modlib, wikiplugin_group, userslib, tiki-emulate_groups_switch and mod-func-groups_emulation - possibly others)
tikiwiki: Profiles that assumed this inclusion will also need amending.
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r22102 10/trunk/tiki-emulate_groups_switch.php: [MOD] Part of removal of hard coded inclusion of Anonymous group in Registered (see 22101) [14:18]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r22103 10/trunk/modules/mod-func-groups_emulation.php: [MOD] Part of removal of hard coded inclusion of Anonymous group in Registered (see 22101) [14:53]
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luciashgezza: i don't get the note... it should work with every MODULE
at least it worked some weeks ago
in 3.x
chibaguy: re the module icons: 1. they need to be fixed to reflect what you can do on USer Modules page to move them... 2. you could re-use the icons i used for Simple theme back in time if you dig them out [15:15]
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luciashchibaguy: (actually i draw them from scratch) [15:17]
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chibaguyluciash, do you mean the "configure modules" icons?
I was just talking about the open|close icons.
So far I just took the color out of the current icons (reduced saturation to zero).
Also the previous, next, first, etc. last pagination arrows.
which are also that blue color.
Well, I was finishing up a theme called "Mollio" which is red and white, and the blue icons just didn't fit. (See http://zukakakina.com/tw4/ for what the gray icons look like.)
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r22104 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [MOD] Part of removal of hard coded inclusion of Anonymous group in Registered (see 22101) [15:31]
SEWilco2Sometimes one does want a red, white, and blue theme. :-) [15:32]
chibaguy:-) true [15:33]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r22105 10/trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [MOD] If a WS is active and a new wikipage is created, then this page will be stored in the WS [15:34]
chibaguythat's a significant commit ^^ [15:36]
gezzaluciash: thanks, seems like the note is true, it was added by sylvie according to the page history
luciash: example: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=LanguageHungarian On right side I added 'i18n content" which is supposed to show the content of a category
for which i created "category_item_list_i18n" module that you can find among the modules
chibaguy: wow, this mollio theme is really nice
chibaguythanks, gezza. a lot of credit goes to the original designers (http://mollio.org)
but it was fun and a challenge to implement the design for tiki.
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gezzagood idea to make icon for the show/hide columns and put the test to pop-up
text I mean
hehe, seems like it is the same for other themes, great
chibaguywell, mollio will be available soon, before tiki 4 is out, actually. [15:56]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r22106 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Wiki page links in menus should support best language [16:10]
MacLeodUpgrading from v2.0 to v3.1 appears to have broken the FCK image upload function. "Browse server" results in "Error creating folder..." [16:11]
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chibaguyhmm, anonymous still can't change themes in trunk. [16:18]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Reason for posting to a blog depends on created own blog before? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34880 [16:38]
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chealerchibaguy: are you doing something with this? did you open a bug report? [16:44]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r22107 10/trunk/lib/ (tikilib.php wiki/wikilib.php): [FIX] best lang suffix will have to depend on whether query string exists or not (it used to be always exist, but with SEFURL it can't be certain [16:44]
chibaguychealer, no, I didn't. I'll do that now. [16:49]
iannhigginsonHello. I am having trouble updating wiki pages. when I press the save button it dose not save the content and the MySQL field data is empty. Sometimes it makes duplicates of the content. How would I fix this please? [16:55]
chibaguyiannhigginson, what tiki version is that? [16:59]
Kissakipolom [17:01]
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iannhigginsontiki 3.2 [17:15]
chibaguyare you using the normal editor or the wysiwyg editor? [17:19]
iannhigginsonwysiwyg [17:22]
chealeriannhigginson: does that happen with experimental features off and several usersT? [17:26]
luciashchibaguy: yep, these icons i meant
gezza: but i have created custom module and assigned with no problem via MODULE plugin, weird
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Create and use Wiki Page Variables - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34882
New Forum Posts: How can I link to a URL without using an anchor? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34881
gezzaluciash: assignment is no problem and even the Name of the module appears but not the content. When I assign it says plugin pending apporval, when I review before approving it says "the body of this plugin is empty" [17:30]
iannhigginsonthe site is http://www.calypsoushaka.co.za some experimental featurs are on Ajax HTML purifier Mobil Intertiki Search engine friendly url Webmail Mail-in Wysiwyg editor Drawings Friendship Network [17:31]
gezzawhat kind of module did you create? maybe it is category listing specific..i have ticked in "must be wiki parsed"
iannhigginson: it is the ajax, switch it off
i had duplication before too, it helped me
iannhigginsonThank you [17:32]
luciashgezza: i created custom module containing {tabs}One|Two|Three{/tabs}... [17:32]
gezzahope it helps [17:32]
chibaguyyeah, luciash, the configure-module icons haven't worked for a long time. I was only thinking about the open-close module icons. anyway, time to sleep. bbl. [17:32]
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luciashgezza: maybe it doesn't work with plugins inside which need plugin approval ? [17:33]
iannhigginsonAjax disabled [17:33]
gezzaluciash: maybe, but why does it need approval
luciashmaybe it can be changed
gezza: i mean why you put plugin CATEGORY in plugin MODULE ?
gezza: why not directly in wiki page ?
the CATEGORY plugin
chealerKissaki: what redflo was pointing out is that the single quote (and it's the same with double quotes) is more problematic than backticks in PHP due to the conflict with PHP string delimiters. as he wrote, that of course doesn't prevent a change, it just explains why backticks were used. [17:37]
gezzaluciash: i want to create a generic thing for all translation related pages. it might change over the time, i dont want to update all pages manually [17:38]
luciashok, then you can create Plugin Alias [17:38]
gezzabut maybe I want to add some links or text too [17:39]
luciashand put just {I18N()}{/I18N}
you can edit all that on Plugin Alias Admin page
Kissakichealer: whos redflo [17:39]
chealerKissaki: Florian Gleixner [17:40]
gezzaluciash: can I also add other stuff like static text, links, etc to a plugin alias or it can contain only plugin parameters? [17:40]
Kissakiwell, he was pointing out that mysql reserved words were an issue, not what you said, right?
ah, you're right
now I get your point
and his with PHP single strings
but doesn't really make sense...
having more reserved keywords with other databases and then using mysql only ` for that reason
but.... eh
not really..
luciashgezza: i am not sure about that but is it possible with category plugin ?
gezza: ah, you mean _before_ or _after_ the category plugin like in module, right ?
gezzayes, in a module you can add many things
and it is great, you can have standard on content on many pages
luciashgezza: maybe create the plugin alias for category plugin and then on Admin > Edit Area set the plugin needs no approval if that works
then maybe it will work in the custom module too
gezzagood idea, i try it out, thanks [17:45]
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luciashKissaki & chealer : i have noticed there is an approach in Tiki already to support multiple databases for sorting results using $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode) in some queries of tikilib.php [17:52]
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luciashKissaki & chealer : maybe if $this->query() was modified in simmilar manner, we could keep using backticks [17:53]
chealerluciash: right. you know, we're *supposed* to have DB abstraction... [17:53]
luciashi mean if the query function was done like convertSortMode() [17:54]
chealer(to be honest, I'm surprised redflo wouldn't know a better reason why backticks were used)
luciash: you mean changing the calls to query()?
luciash: or changing query()?
luciashwell, there already is convertQuery() but hardly used if at all
it is called from lib/core/lib/TikiDb/Pdo.php
changing query if it's good idea
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luciashquery() [17:56]
chealerluciash: hum. you're damn right [17:58]
luciashchealer: see line 120 of lib/core/lib/TikiDb.php [17:58]
chealerluciash: yeah, I red it [17:58]
luciashdunno why it is not used [17:58]
chealerI was assuming we had something like that in place too
(before I red redflo's mail)
luciashthere is also the convertSortMode() function on line 174 which is used in tikilib [18:00]
sylvieg+1 to change the quoting in the query function [18:00]
chealerluciash: it's actually called, both from standard query(), with either adodb or PDO implementations.. [18:02]
luciashmaybe it is because it checks for case="postgres8" and not case="pgsql" ? or is it not related with the string which is stored in db/local.php ? [18:02]
chealerluciash: it's actually called, from standard query(), with either adodb or PDO implementations..
luciashbtw which file is the main query() function in ?
and where is $user defined when we're on it ? ;)
chealer183 $db->setServerType( $db_tiki );
from db/tiki-db.php
luciash: there are 2, Pdo.php and Adodb.php
luciashi see [18:06]
chealerluciash, Kissaki: so what $dbTiki do you have?
luciash: well, I'd still like to use the SQL standard instead of converting each query to be only compatible to it
luciashit uses PDO here and pgsql string is stored in my db/local.php [18:08]
chealerluciash: gah, so we just had this great discussion about nothing
chealer sends luciash a beer
luciash: or is that too early for night owls of your kind?
luciash: are you fixing it?
luciashKissaki: well, we can convert all backticks to standard ANSI quotes but it would be more difficult actually because some $query variables are done as $query = "..."; and some $query = '';
chealer: nope, feel free to touch it
chealer: thanks for the beer :)
chealer: i just hope it's not too early to celebrate ;)
Kissakiwe'll have to add that to coding style :)
well, it's use ' ' anyway, right? ^^
luciashKissaki: so you would need to take care of adding slashes in case of $query = "..." or convert them all to $query = '...'; first :-/ [18:15]
Kissakiyep [18:16]
luciashKissaki: so i think sticking to backticks is much easier to handle if the conversion in query() function works [18:16]
chealerluciash: can't test it, but... coming [18:17]
Kissakimh, so you're talking about not having to escape at all?
is query() called every time you do a query?
luciashyep [18:20]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22108 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX]TRACKER: trim the wiki page [18:20]
luciashKissaki: yep
Kissaki: actually it is true that developers should stick to using single quotes as much as possible but it's not really manageable so backticks are good that they work inside both, single quotes or double quotes
Kissakimh, is this channel pretty empty right now? or is it always like that? ^^ [18:23]
luciashKissaki: but if we could force ourselves to the standard ANSI and using single quotes as much as possible in the future i believe it would gain some performance for Tiki when we could avoid these conversions regexps
empty ? sometimes less people even here ;)
Kissakiwe don't need regexp for that
just replace ` with "
we have to at least run a policy of always add ` to identifiers then
luciashwe need the conversions at least, which for sure doesn't add in the performance [18:25]
standard ftw
chealerluciash: do you have any idea where this pgsql string comes from?
did you set this manually?
luciashyeah, in TikiDb.php some preg_replaces are really not necessary [18:26]
chealerKissaki: what do you mean by "well, it's use ' ' anyway, right? ^^" [18:26]
luciashchealer: installer ? [18:27]
chealerluciash: but Kissaki didn't use the installer IIUC [18:27]
Kissakithe coding style
is to prefer ' over "
yeah, didn't use the installer
the wiki page implied I'd only have to run the SQL script
chealerKissaki: for values, yes. but we don't have to quote values in each query anyway
Kissaki: but how did you choose to set "pgsql" as $db_tiki?
Kissakihm? I just did in that file in db folder
(so it was that name after all, just thought I would have confusied it with another CMS which also uses local.php ^^)
luciashok, i did put it there manually by some advice maybe (the wiki page ?) :-p but then putting postgres8 seems correct... the problem is some queries (e.g. in lib/userslib.php) do not use mysql backticks at all and as some column names are camelCase, postgresql fails with DB error (as it is case sensitive)
or did i do the change, hmmmm. i guess i will svn revert my local changes first ;)
chealerKissaki: but why "pgsql" and not, say "postgresql"? [18:32]
because pgsql is a common short term /setting for postgresql
and it did seem work
luciashyea, i wonder it seem to work actually :-p
have to grep where it is checked and change it there in tiki code
chealerfound stuff
tiki-db-pdo.php (and tiki-db-adodb.php)
(in db/)
which are entirely inconsistent
luciashthose two files should be diffed and synchronized
before we used only adodb and suff worked, now there's pdo and we have to fix a lot
it seems :)
seems query() calls are handled with the conversion
but is it true for getOne() ?
well, i have set "postgres8" in my local.php now but the queries doesn't seem to be converted to replace backticks...
chealer: where you saw it gets converted when using $this->query() ?
chealer: which file is the main query() function in ?
chealer: i need to check whether it really gets converted from backticks there or why not
chealerluciash: yeah, you must be right [18:58]
luciashi see private function _query() in lib/core/lib/TikiDb/Pdo.php but that is something else, right ? [18:59]
chealerluciash: as I said, there are 2, Pdo.php and Adodb.php, but these call others [18:59]
luciashmy tiki is using Pdo.php now
whaz is difference between query() and _query() ?
chealerluciash: so Pdo.php query(), which in turn calls _query() [19:00]
i see now, tnx
what does the "private" mean ?
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: vote on a blog post a order the blog posts by total votes - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=34883 [19:02]
chealerluciash: getOne() calls query(), as you can see in TikiDb.php
so yeah, it's converted too
luciashhmm, i think it doesn't work when i see the error with backticks[19:06] <chealer> luciash: it's a visibility keyword (OO concept, encapsulation). by default, methods are public. http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php
chealerluciash: the error as rendered by Tiki? I wouldn't rely on that too much [19:07]
luciashit even doesn't die when i put die; after case "sybase": on line 140 of lib/core/lib/TikiDb.php [19:09]
chealerluciash: yeah, that's to be expected for now, you can add a " case "pgsql":" while we're trying to figure things [19:11]
luciashbut i changed already in db/local.php "pgsql" to "postgres8" [19:11]
chealerluciash: yeah, but tiki-db-pdo.php changed it back to pgsql [19:12]
luciashaaaaaah, damn [19:12]
chealerluciash: I was planning to commit that extra case, but I realize the issues are deeper, so I think I'm going to let the fix to someone which has postgres installed [19:12]
luciashso we should check against pgsql or fix in tiki-db-pdo.php ? [19:13]
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luciashchealer: what do you recommend ? check against pgsql in TikiDb.php or fix in tiki-db-pdo.php ? [19:15]
chealerluciash: good question. sept_7 wrote this code, in r14129. you may want to ask him if he had reasons. [19:16]
luciashlol, in tiki-db-adodb.php it switches from pgsql to postgres7 instead :-p [19:16]
xavitoc toc... [19:16]
luciashhola xavi ! :) [19:16]
xaviI need some help with tracker configuration
hi luci! :-)
chealerluciash: yeah, there's some stuff to fix
hi xavi
xavihi "Filipus" :-) [19:17]
chealerxavi: Xavier de Pedro sounds much more funny to me [19:17]
xavi:-D [19:17]
chealerluciash: if you or Kissaki wants to debug Postgres in the meanwhile, adding a case in TikiDb.php won't hurt. [19:18]
xavioups, I thought that your real name was Philippe, and that you wrote Filipus just for fun in some of your emails [19:18]
Kissakino time at all
luciashchealer: yep, i will add check for "pgsql" there too [19:19]
chealerxavi: hehe, don't worry, my real name is Philippe. http://w3.ift.ulaval.ca/~phclo16/pc_en.html [19:19]
xaviah, ok :-)
my question about trackers: I wonder why some times a tracker is showing the page without css styling:
example: http://intercanvis.net/tracker3
and in fact, I guess that the answer is simple, it runs out of memmory, and that's why
However, other times, it seems to show the page properly: example: http://intercanvis.net/tracker2 or http://intercanvis.net/Ofertes (the same tracker but shown through tracker list plugins)
luciashchealer: YAY, it actualy seems to help a lot
xaviAnd I was wondering how to limit the amount of items being shown by default in the tracker list, so that not so much memory is requested to the server to start viewing the whole tracker data.
I remembered that there was some place (I think) where you could limit the number of items per page for trackers, but I don't seem to find it right now
I'm using tiki 3.1 for that production site, btw
luciashxavi: Admin → General ? [19:23]
xaviany help? (where to lower the number of items to show on each page of trackers?
luci: I already searched there with no luck.
I'll search again (maybe it's me that I'm tired at this time of a teaching day)
luciashoh, still teaching ? [19:24]
xavinot at this time of the day, but yes, tuesdays and thursdays, specially, I teach in two different univeristies
luciash, no luck in admin > general. But that type of setting was somewhere, wasn't it?
luciashxavi: /tiki-admin.php?page=look&cookietab=2
xavi: down there
sylviegxavi did you use soem paginations?
xaviargh, luci, you are right! it's tehre!
and sylvieg, yes, I used the pagination param in trackerlist plugins, but I couldn't find a similar setting for the whole tracker, even If I remembered seing that setting somewhere (thanks luci for pointing it)
luciashxavi: thought it was on Admin → Genereal, but it's there at the layout tab, yep
makes sense
xaviok, thanks to both. Dinner (kitchen) time here.
xavi wished he had more time for testing and helping with tiki4 these days...
chealerluciash: _query() seems to be just some kind of query2(), since both fetchAll() and query() are calling it. some factorization function between these 2 [19:34]
luciashchealer: can you have a quick look if getOne() does call it too ? [19:34]
chealerluciash: yes, as I said, getOne() calls query(), as you can see in TikiDb.php [19:35]
chealer: i am getting further ;) now i am stuck on ERROR: column "menuid" does not exist LINE 1: select count(*) from tiki_menu_options where menuId=$1 LIMIT...
because it is menuId
chealerluciash: great. I suppose there will be a number, as it looks like nobody tested trunk on anything non-mysql since at least 2 months [19:39]
luciashah, my fault [19:39]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22109 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Changing the checked state of a checkbox doesn't fire the change event, so fire it specifically
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22110 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/TikiDb.php: [FIX] PostgreSQL: support "pgsql" as case too because tiki-db-pdo.php and tiki-adodb-pdo.php are very inconsistent in this and when using PDO it didn't convert the MySQL specific backticks
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22111 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.treetable.php: [ENH] New nested heirarchical mode for treetable used by defining _sortColumnDelimiter param [19:47]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22112 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Add 'select groups' tab to pick groups server-side
tikiwiki: TODO: Remove the previous client-side version?
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r22113 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-workspaces.tpl: [FIX]Fixed wrong link to documentation page at dev.tw.o site [20:03]
chealerluciash: that looks good. it seems ADOdb and PDO expect different DSN-s, which means tiki-db-pdo.php and tiki-db-adodb.php are not entirely wrong even if they look inconsistent. PDO expects pgsql: http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-pgsql.connection.php while ADOdb seems to expect postgres: http://phplens.com/adodb/code.initialization.html [20:05]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22114 10/trunk/tiki-objectpermissions.php: [FIX] Small change to the client-side group hiding code (but probably should be removed eventually) [20:05]
luciashchealer: fine, thanks for checking [20:06]
chealerluciash: so if I'd use pg8, I'd probably set $db_tiki = "postgres8"; [20:07]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22115 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX]rollback 22104 that gives a database error
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22116 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]registration: option to send admin validation email not necessary to sender_email
luciashKissaki: still there ?
i am stuck on function set_lastUpdatePrefs() in tikilib
there is $query = "update `tiki_preferences` set `value`=`value`+1 where `name`=?";
luciashpgsql doesn't like the construct "value"="value"+1 [20:38]
Kissakiwell, it does look ugly after all :P
mh, that's $i++, right?
luciashERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "value"
seems so
Kissakimmh, maybe "update `tiki_preferences` set `value`=( SELECT `value`FROM `tiki_preferences` WHERE `name`=? ) where `name`=?" does work?
you would have to duplicate the param though
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22117 10/trunk/db/ (5 files): [FIX] workspace query commented in r22024 now properly commented, assuming that was the intention [20:40]
Kissakimh, and maybe add a LIMIT 1
you want to try that? ^^
luciashi will try :) [20:40]
Kissakiif it does work, maybe MySQL won't like it :P [20:42]
chealerKissaki: why a LIMIT 1? [20:43]
Kissakito tell it "there is definitely just 1 row as a result, so give me the value already"
is name unique?
or, does that query only update 1 row?
luciashyes, lastUpdatePrefs [20:45]
Kissakiif not, then my guess definitely should not work [20:45]
luciashbetter i will do as two queries: select and then update [20:46]
Kissakiif that's not a problem, yeah [20:47]
chealerKissaki: that will have to be the case for a scalar subquery anyway
Kissaki: anyway, that wouldn't modify the field's value
Kissakiuh, true, lol
missing the +1
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r22118 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-workspaces.tpl:
tikiwiki: [ENH]Cross link to tiki-manage-workspaces.php added from Admin > Workspaces
tikiwiki: interface. Still menu option needed in install and upgrade sql's, if this is the
tikiwiki: central script to manage the creation and edition of workspaces. Permissions
tikiwiki: related to workspaces are still missing (to my partial understanding of how this
tikiwiki: should work).
luciashchealer, Kissaki: this seems to work → 
do u see anything how to write it better before i commit ?
Kissakino [21:02]
chealerluciash: that's OK, but I don't see why the way it is doesn't work
luciash: did you try running that query directly on postgres?
luciashnope, i tried change `value`=`value`+1 to `value`='value'+1 but it didn't help [21:06]
chealerluciash: no, it would need to be "value"+1
luciash: which is what convert_query should translate to
luciash: or just try without quotes, they're not needed (see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/dml-update.html )
luciashyep, i see [21:08]
chealerluciash: hum, I don't think this warrants creating a new function [21:10]
luciashokay okay :) [21:11]
Kissakioh crap... I'll finish writing this shitty report tomorrow... gonna go to bed now...
cu, n8
luciashKissaki: nite
chealer: seems to work
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KissakiI wanna see pgsql running and installing tomorrow!
luciash`value`=value+1 [21:12]
xaviMmm, I've been playing a bit with workspaces using current svn code in trunk
and I've sent my comment to the devel list
I hope that the interface for managing workspaces can be poslished a bit in time, so that it can fit in the experimental section....
chealerluciash: well, I don't see why "value"+1 wouldn't work, but if that works, that's a much lesser hack than your paste :) [21:14]
luciashdefinitely [21:14]
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xavig'night all [21:18]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22119 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] PostgreSQL: invalid input syntax for integer: "value"
tikiwiki: [ADD] switch for postgres when $query_cond is empty because resulting "SELECT FROM ... WHERE 1 AND ..." didn't work
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22120 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/Perms/ResolverFactory/ObjectFactory.php: [FIX] ObjectFactory: adding backticks to camelCase names [21:30]
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luciashyay ! luci has homepage running on postgre sql ;) [22:09]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22121 10/trunk/templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding [22:18]
chealerluciash: without further modifications than what's in trunk? [22:19]
....... (idle for 34mn)
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luciashchealer: well, some, of course it is buggy still but i was able to login as admin and change password + some preferences
chealer: unfortunatelly it was false statement that your hint worked... i have it back to my extra query
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22122 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/Perms/ResolverFactory/GlobalFactory.php: [MOD] GlobalFactory: adding backticks to camelCase names
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22123 10/trunk/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] wikilib: add version to SELECT list to avoid DISTINCT error when using PostgreSQL
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