lindon_: oh, ok
i can add the title part to the code also luciash: title param is reserved for title attribute of the link... you can try {img fileId=1 title="View Full Version" thumb rel="shadowbox;type=img;title=My Picture Title"}
maybe we can change to support caption param
instead of the title in rel lindon_: we have a desc param in wikiplugin_img luciash: ok, than that can be used
but isn't it what displays under the image in table ? humm... :-/ dthacker: polom lindon_: yes it is
polom CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22189 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] ColorBox: support any *box (colorbox|lightbox|shadowbox|box...) in rel attribute luciash: i am not sure i like to display the file gallery file description under the thumbnails on the page lindon_: luciash: is it shadowbox or shadowbox[g] that should be used in rel attribute
what would you like? luciash: now it can be <any>box lindon_: is the [g] necessary? jonnyb: shouldn't it be colobox now? (and default to doing all on a page as a gallery?) luciash: the [g] was there for shadowbox (or anything inside the [...]) to group items in one "gallery" jonnyb: the [g] is to group them together as a gallery lindon_: got it
hi jonny luciash: colorbox by default recognizes by class="colorbox" but i have done compatibility modifications so it will recognize also any rel="shadowbox" or rel="colorbox" etc. jonnyb: marclaporte: was saying shadowbox[g];type=img looks untidy (i agree) marclaporte: hehe jonnyb: why don't we do just 'box' as the rel? luciash: so now it can be {img fileId=1 thumb rel=box} or whatever
thumb=box if it works better
as you wish lindon_: it's thumb=shadowbox now jonnyb: more future-proof? (as if!) lindon_: i'll change to thumb=box luciash: but maybe i would prefer rel=box as people used to it lindon_: can add that too luciash: why not {img fileId=1 thumb=1 rel=box} ? jonnyb: and can you change the rel thingy? (from colorbox to box)
thumb= is the {img} plugin param i think luciash: jonnyb: see my last commit jonnyb: rel is a link attr
mind you, i should be in bed again...
;) luciash: it just doesn't work with an "ox" ;) lindon_: jonnyb: how do you default to doing all on a page as a gallery?
would that be set in jquery or wikiplugin_img? jonnyb: hmmm, not sure
it's a tiki-jquery.js thing i think luciash: colorbox does group by same rel
so if you do rel=box all the images on the page will be in same gallery jonnyb: although some of it has leaked into header_jquery.tpl i think
it might "just work" :D
i've done an autocomplete for group inputs, but think i'll review it tomorrow before committing (eyes a bit stingy) luciash: lindon_: i think better will be rel=box and not thumb=box, because user might want to display an image from image gallery linking somewhere else and diplay the target loation in the colorbox
so he would do {img fileId=1 link=somewhere rel=box} without wanting thumb param jonnyb: there's no need for {img} plugin to refer to shadowbox, is there? lindon_: whatever they put in the rel param overrides the thumb param jonnyb: i mean, no legacy reasons? lindon_: no -: jonnyb hasn't forgotten about aliases for old image plugins lindon_: with {img fileId=1 link=somewhere rel=box} , the initial image will not be a thumbnail
it will be the original jonnyb: true luciash: lindon_: i just tried {img fileId=1 thumb=shadowbox rel=shadowbox} and my FF is frozen by JS :( jonnyb: but correct
it should spot duplicated rels lindon_: not good :( luciash: lindon_: yes, i put the example sometimes people don't want to display the thumb but image from gallery directly
lindon_: what values does thumb param support now ? jonnyb: so why not just {img fileId=1 rel=shadowbox} luciash: damn, localhost default session timeout is too short :-p jonnyb: soon to be {img fileId=1 rel=box}? lindon_: luciash: y, shadowbox, popup, plain, browse, browsepopup luciash: jonnyb: because thumb is better default behaviour when inserting images using the icon from file gallery jonnyb: ah, i meant {img fileId=1 thumb=plain rel=shadowbox}
maybe {img fileId=1 thumb=y rel=shadowbox} luciash: lindon_: ok, can you just remove the shadowbox from the supported values ? maybe ? jonnyb: i put the group autothing here: if anyone wants to play - i'm off to zzzzs, mail me if you try it luciash: when rel=box does the job, it doesn't seem to be too cluttered as {img fileId=1 thumb=1 rel=box}
and less processing for you in the img plugin ;) lindon_: will do luciash: well, you just have to add &display at the end of the links i guess lindon_: that's a question i had
when is &display necessary? luciash: if you think the direct download dialog is useful on images, you can exchange the thumb param value shadowbox for download
to display the image and not to fire the download modal dialog lindon_: okay, so it only relates to file gallery images
good idea on the param switch luciash: so the supported thumb param values would become y, download, popup, plain, browse, browsepopup
it only relates to file gallery images lindon_: would probably delete plain since y will now be plain instead of defaulting to shadowbox luciash: lindon_: thank you ! and don't forget the &thumb ! ;)
err, &thumbnail :)
tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1&thumbnail lindon_: thanks for testing! luciash: (to display the file gallery thumbnail on the wiki page) lindon_: won't forget the thumbnails! CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22190 10/trunk/db/ (5 files): [FIX] "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiki_calendar_recurrence`;" failure due to reference from tiki_calendar_items.recurrenceId (regression from r15918) ***: stripmind has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) luciash: jonnyb: i don't know how to re-generate the tiki-jquery.min.js with my latest changes jonnyb: it's disconnected for now - waiting for a script to minify
i left them there to remind me to write one
nn ***: jonnyb has quit IRC ("I am going outside... I may be some time...") CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22191 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/TikiDb/Bridge.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] queryError() (fixes r20205)
tikiwiki: Closes: 2788 ( link_cache creates SQL error ) ***: MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki
lindon_ has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22192 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] Translation which was obviously not done in context.
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22193 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] ColorBox: support for inline content ***: luminoso_ has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
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tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22195 10/trunk/installer/installlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] DB abstraction: fix update query
tikiwiki: +class Installer extends TikiDb_Bridge
tikiwiki: [FIX] empty queries fail on PostgreSQL
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22196 10/trunk/installer/installlib.php: runFile(): speed up and simplify ***: marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22197 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-admin_content_templates.tpl tiki-editpage.tpl): [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22198 10/trunk/ (installer/tiki-installer.php tiki-install.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX] DB abstraction: fix has_tiki_db() and has_tiki_db_20()
tikiwiki: get rid of now unused process_sql_file() and list_tables()
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22199 10/trunk/installer/tiki-installer.php: [FIX] typo "SQLLite" -> "SQLite"
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22200 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] ColorBox: support title attribute of links + simplified functions
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22201 10/trunk/templates/database-connection-error.tpl: [FIX] DB error message display ***: ndowens01 has quit IRC ("Page closed") CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r22202 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Use file and image gallery thumbnails when thumb=y. Replace
tikiwiki: thumb=shadowbox with rel=box. So now {img fileId=1 thumb=y rel=box} works. Added
tikiwiki: 'download' option for thumb parameter to show download dialog box for file
tikiwiki: gallery images. ***: gezza has joined #tikiwiki CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22204 10/trunk/templates/tiki-pagehistory.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] colons inside tr blocks
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding ***: hcook has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22205 10/trunk/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] get_user_all_pages() (DB abstraction, PostgreSQL) ***: hcook has joined #tikiwiki CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22206 10/trunk/installer/tiki-installer.php: [FIX] DB abstraction (PostgreSQL): fix general settings (admin email, sender email, browser title, secure login) ***: dthacker has quit IRC ( CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22207 10/trunk/templates/tiki-lastchanges.tpl: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding ***: ndowens has joined #tikiwiki
dthacker has joined #tikiwiki btiffin: chealer, umm, excuse me if I'm jumping the gun ... did you just fix tiki install for PostgreSQL? chealer: btiffin: yes btiffin: oohh weee. ;) chealer: btiffin: well, it's not completely tested yet btiffin: chealer, I have two more days off (it's 4am now, so...) I'll try it out. I'm keen, it's the showstopper for not dumping MW at work. We're a Postgres shop. Thanks for any and all efforts. chealer: btiffin: well, it will need your help too, still quite a few problems CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r22208 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php: [FIX] Skip old code if rel=box. Other cleanup of prior commit (broke mouseover). ***: ndowens has left
changi|sleeping is now known as changi CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22209 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-login.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding
tikiwiki: [FIX] colons inside tr blocks Kissaki: polom ***: btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
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marclaporte: final verdice on pgsql for 4.0 freeze? In or out?
verdict even. marclaporte: well, if we are strict, out
and kissaki updated page
but I am flexible Kissaki: ^^ marclaporte: perhaps we'll remove from installer, but have manual install procedure? Kissaki: that was moments before it was said to work in IRC marclaporte: let's find a win-win compromise Kissaki: but the countdown was already 1 day over, so I at least added it...
looks stupid, the negative countdown going on marclaporte: but we should completely drop SQlite, Oracle and Sybase code dthacker: there are other features marked as "experimental", why not this? marclaporte: Oracle & Sybase: because we have no realistic developer base to handle -: dthacker would work on firebird and Derby before he worked on Oracle. marclaporte: dthacker: because this one is blocking devs to use advanced MySQL stuff (stored procedures, etc.)
Kissaki : hehe
SQlite is for embedded databases, I don't see a real use case for Tiki luciash: -1 for dropping SQLite dthacker: sqlite use case-embedded install? demos? luciash: i see usecase for light tiki sites like blogs
or simple wikis dthacker: marclaporte: once code goes down rabbit hole of specific mysql features, what affect on keeping db-independence? Kissaki: sqlite for low-frequentized sites, small or private servers (hosting at home), if you wanna give it out as a presentation / wiki-information db on a CD or as a download, or if you just want a wiki on your dektop to store Infos and take notes
there you have it! :) marclaporte: hehe: show me the code :-) dthacker: +1 Kissaki luciash: marclaporte: code is there, just broken as it was for pgsql ;) Kissaki: well, we'll have to drop it for tiki 4
but why drop it entirely luciash: sure, not drop, but say it's not supported
remove it from installer dropdown for now, but that's all imho Kissaki: yeah marclaporte: ok, but we need to set a timer luciash: we can continue improving the code to support more dbs as it's proof it's not impossible marclaporte: dead code is not cool Kissaki: well, how far is pgsql? mailinglist said that resource issue in the menu was fixed, so it's working, right? luciash: it's not that bad, it's only one sql file man ;)
marclaporte: ^ marclaporte: I am very proud of your work guys! dthacker: marclaporte: could you expand a bit on how code for other db's is blocking advanced mysql development? Is it in adodb? a specific tiki area? luciash: chealer did help a lot recently dthacker: chealer, luci, and Kissaki are my heroes! Kissaki: ^^ luciash: heh
i mean if others can have it, why not us ;) marclaporte: for SUMO, there is talk to use stored procedures to improve performance. Stored procedures can't have DB independance
We'd have to maintain in double, triple -: dthacker nods. frowns. luciash: stored procedures, huh :-p
what's that ? marclaporte: it's moving more work to the DB luciash: ah
caching queries ?
or is it different ? -: dthacker sees an enterprise edition luciash: *g* marclaporte: which real sites will run PG?
themes? luciash: well, now i think we should keep pgsql in the installer with all the efforts made recently and people willing to test and help more... we can see how it goes to 4.1 dthacker: it might be possible to create equivalent stored procedures for some work, but there will be more corner cases luciash: we will not state it's fully supported but an option and people can fill bug reports and help eventually CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03frank_p * r22210 10/branches/2.0/lang/de/language.php: translate luciash: so lets have those two in the installer for now, the rest keep as it is
but remove for installer dropdown
s/for/from dthacker: when will stored procedures start happening? 5.0? CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03frank_p * r22211 10/branches/3.0/lang/de/language.php: translate luciash: dthacker: it was just suggestion from SUMO for now iiuc
dthacker: no fixed date/decission yet (?) marclaporte: luciash: marclaporte: you wanna dogfood pgsql on themes ? marclaporte: "Stored procs are not used on purpose because they prevent database abstraction. At least, this was the case before. Imposing a limitation to MySQL 5 is not much of a problem anymore. However, with the come-back of PgSQL, writing procs twice is impractical."
luciash: we need to Dogfood somewhere, or else it's utopia
and we'll have same drama in one year Kissaki: well, I'd like to hear some concrete examples for stored procedures... not that much logic is done directly with the DB data, right? conditional selects and joins should be enough after all luciash: marclaporte: we ave to wait for 4.1 i guess for the dogfooding site
i think for sure we shouldn't write the procedures twice but maybe generate like we do with tiki.sql now dthacker: store procedure abstraction layer? Interesting. marclaporte: This is a systemic issue, which requires a systemic approach/solution luciash: best would be if it would possible to run all the installation/upgrade/etc. SQL via PHP... then it could reuse the current convert functions marclaporte: why wait? It works or not? :-) :-) dthacker: would the use of more OO in php help? Kissaki:
wtf is with that headline?
nothing about stored procedures on the whole page luciash: marclaporte: installation works but not fully all the features and gary wouldn't be much happy i guess with broken parts of the site like file galleries ;)
marclaporte: you would need to ask gary if he agrees ***: mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki Kissaki: so nobody can tell me conrete examples for stored procs? :) luciash: Kissaki: i hear it for the first time ;) Kissaki: :P dthacker: job one is clean psql, I think. Then worry about store procs. luciash: +1 ***: marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
btiffin has joined #tikiwiki dthacker: Kissaki: is manual install documented somewhere? Kissaki: yes
the installer does link to it "select db and enter data bla or <a>manually install</a> dthacker: :) luciash: wow, even the upgrade now seemed to work on my pgsql trunk installer, cooool :) ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki mlaporte: luciash: amazing!
that never worked before luciash: thanks to chealer mlaporte: yes, stored procedures is not short term. But it's something we'll
eventually look into if PG is dropped
But I am very pleased that you all are not going to let that happen -: dthacker reads the SUMO wishlist mlaporte: Kissaki & luciash: what are the odds to make it work on ? Kissaki: if it's the recent trunk, probably pgsql 7
only a guess though mlaporte: so you think it's because my PG is too old? ***: mlaporte has left
mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki luciash: oh, one little error in the installer but the local.php with pgsql credentials is created
mlaporte: i think chealer wrote something about it in the devlist mail
mlaporte: if you have another server where you could try with pgsql8 it would be great marclaporte: while you guys are in the installer, did you notice: Installer puts in db/local.php : $dbversion_tiki='2.0'; luciash: nope, it puts 4.0 here Kissaki: lol marclaporte: luciash: let's get amette & changi|lunching to set something up on the community server. Because I don't want to upgrade my server at this time dthacker: back later. ***: dthacker has quit IRC ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies") marclaporte: if we want to migrate an existing site from mysql to pg (ex.: or what needs to be done? luciash: marclaporte: sure, i thought you have more hostings maybe ;) marclaporte: I'll check versions on my other servers luciash: marclaporte: well, maybe we would need to set up a new one... i don't know how to migrate the data from mysql to pgsql
is there any ? marclaporte: yes
but it's unused
this could be a great candidate
I want to make a translation server there Kissaki: mysql to pgsql we'd have to dump data and parse them in pgsql
exporting to an sql script, the installer sql script converter could even work
if there's db dependent syntax in the script ***: dthacker has joined #tikiwiki marclaporte:
dthacker, Kissaki, luciash, changi|lunching ^^ Kissaki: :) CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22212 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Add sefurl to img.
tikiwiki: Had the change order of regexp matches to pick up tumbnail etc before download.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22213 10/trunk/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php): [FIX] No need for rel to have type=img for colorbox (type= only needed if not an image) marclaporte: Kissaki : & luciash: I sent chealer password of for PG testing luciash: jonnyb: are you sure ? by default colorbox doesn't treat links as images, does it ?
jonnyb: i mean if they don't end *jpg or something marclaporte: chealer seems to be quite good with PG jonnyb: i added a clause to the photo:true code ***: mlaporte has left jonnyb: in tiki-jquery.js luciash: marclaporte: sure
jonnyb: ah, cool jonnyb: works for me luciash: i will test it marclaporte: jonnyb: what are you up to next? jonnyb: group name autocomplete
i have it working but rtying to add some perms checking (with LP's help) luciash: can i install multitiki and install a different profile on each ?
just curious gezza: hiAll! anyone familiar with menu maintenance? why is a section 1 level menu item with no options under it tries to open a new empty level under itself? next menuitem is a section1 too, looks weird..check out two "Community" menu
it is me who is currently messing it up :) but will roll back if this is the above written is the expected behaviour (which is strange for me) Kissaki: hiYou! luciash: gezza: when using cssmenus it must be option instead of section level
it's logical gezza: "Community" menuitem is section 0
"Teams" was "option" ***: dthacker has quit IRC (
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tikiwiki: [ENH] Add autocomplete to group name fields.
tikiwiki: Implemented in wikiplugin_group only so far (just add 'filter' => 'username' to the param def).
tikiwiki: Proper perms checking TODO but only works for validated users in the meantime. luciash: marclaporte: the issue with $dbversion_tiki='2.0'; seems to be for upgraded sites marclaporte: ah
I see luciash: on one upgraded to trunk i have $dbversion_tiki='3.0'; ***: hcook has quit IRC (
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any thoughts? ***: chealer has quit IRC (
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Jyhem has joined #tikiwiki dthacker: marclaporte: what is function of packaging scripts? Create generic bundle? marclaporte: Kissaki: gezza: what? stored procedures in DBMS, as discussed/mentioned above CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22215 10/trunk/ (lib/tiki-js.js tiki-ajax_services.php):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Add autocomplete to user name fields.
tikiwiki: Implemented in wikiplugin_group only so far (just add 'filter' => 'username' to the param def).
tikiwiki: Perms TODO as for groups. Kissaki: marclaporte: I just tried with pgsql 7 on debian in a VirtualMachine, VirtualBox and had the same problem as on your box. I just can't connect to the db, not even with pgAdmin locally
sorta like your problem, if that is it... ^^ marclaporte: strange
if you write a simple php app, doesn it connect? ***: tigono has quit IRC ("Page closed") Kissaki: I even installed pgAdmin3, made by pgsql devs as an admin GUI
and can't seem to connect to localhost via that port, which even "/etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 status" tells me it uses
so I won't even try a "simple php app" marclaporte: hehe
are there any pg apps you can apt-get install?
maybe it's a setting... luciash: Kissaki: i was guided by but i have pgsql 8.x on my ubuntu
do we have demo sites for fresh install + profile ? marclaporte: jonnyb: did you try toolbars with NoScript?
jonnyb : I still see tools and they just make the page refresh jonnyb: not yet i'm afraid - you?
hmm - one for next week :) luciash: heh marclaporte: :-)
no rush
I still don't get how to do a replace with toolbar jonnyb: oh? :(
you found the tool? dthacker: marclaporte: I can run scripts as mentioned on that page. jonnyb: sort of a b>a icon (blue) marclaporte: ok, found it -: luciash testing profiles luciash: looks fine (better than the Blog one)
just entered admin in the Find field automatically ;)
then realized login link is down on the page ;) Kissaki: luciash: The connection was reset
haha ***: hcook has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) marclaporte: dthacker: ok, so you would be official packager! ***: hcook has joined #tikiwiki luciash: Kissaki: oh ? weird dthacker: ooo. pressure's on.
:) marclaporte: can you start trying them out?
so we can ask Nyloth if we need help dthacker: marclaporte: do we have a branch yet? or should I pull trunk? marclaporte: just try with trunk dthacker: ok, I'll start this evening US time. ***: changi|lunching is now known as changi|working marclaporte: or you can try with 3.3 chealer: polom ***: gezza has quit IRC ("Page closed") chealer: hi luciash
marclaporte: for now I have enough to fill my plate with localhost, but thanks for anyway. maybe, one day marclaporte: chealer: no prob
Kissaki has "proof" it's not a specific issue of my server ***: Tim05567 has quit IRC ("Page closed") marclaporte: and supporting PG 7.4 is not important Kissaki: or I'm just stupid chealer: marclaporte: ah, yeah, if it's PG 7, I'm not going to work on it marclaporte: Was just trying to make sure it's not a server issue CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22216 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Moving find/search and replace admin option from wiki to textarea admin panel now that it's available for any edit box marclaporte: because it would be nice to get PG on shared hosting... chealer: I heard PG 7 would be EOLed this year. and I had enough issues with the latest PG software (already 5 bugs reported against PG/phppgadmin) luciash: yep, i think we can drop support for pgsql7 and focus on pgsql8 only -: luciash thinks it's much easier to work with tiki sites in fullscreen=y mode ;) marclaporte: +1
luciash: the bad thing is when search engines index fullscreen=y and fullscreen=n independantly luciash: marclaporte: that should be fixed
marclaporte: by adding no robots in meta of the fullscreen page probably
and rel=nofollow on the fullscreen icon link marclaporte: sounds to easy to be true :-) ***: chealer has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
changi|working has left luciash: my vote: ***: chealer has joined #tikiwiki CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22217 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Refactoring autocomplete code.
tikiwiki: Left the ones in tracker_item_field_input.tpl as i can't get them to work.
tikiwiki: Also one in {textarea} block that will probably be kil'ed jonnyb: what do you think about adding more autocompletes? should we (i) use a class (like .pagename or .username) or attach the jq code directly? CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22218 10/trunk/lib/bookmarks/bookmarklib.php: [FIX] DB abstraction: remove_url() (user left unquoted) jonnyb: class is simpler but slightly (even) more work for the browser on page load CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22219 10/trunk/lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php: [FIX] DB abstraction: getMissingTranslationBits(), getTranslations()
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22220 10/trunk/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js smarty_tiki/block.textarea.php):
tikiwiki: [KIL] Remove textarea pagename autocomplete, as it never worked 100% and was quite hacky.
tikiwiki: Use the wiki link dialog instead. ***: changi has joined #tikiwiki
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changi has joined #tikiwiki CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22221 10/trunk/templates/tiki-minical.tpl: [FIX] HTML special chars encoding ***: cheal has joined #tikiwiki luciash: jonnyb: using class as selector would you get into trouble on which input do the autocomplete if the same class would be two elements on a page ? jonnyb: hi luciash luciash: hi ?) jonnyb: i decided on both :) luciash: i mean :) jonnyb: hang on... luciash: okay CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22222 10/trunk/templates/messu-compose.tpl: [MOD] Add username autocomplete to recipient fields in messu compose luciash: btw, i had trouble with autocomplete in the past on the QuickEdit module... didn't try recently but suggesting me pages to edit and was hard to go out of it and create new page with simmilar name jonnyb: like that - so just adding the class selector on a page that needs it, instead of in an include
not had that particular one -: luciash goes to try ***: chealer_ has joined #tikiwiki
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cheal has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) luciash: jonnyb: does nothing on essu-compose jonnyb: oh? no autocompletes on the to field? luciash: i started to write a for admin and nope
i have only admin user there though
must it be other user than myself ? jonnyb: dont think so
maybe bug with count = 1
what about others? quick edit fincetance ***: kiilo1 has joined #tikiwiki luciash: is opera compatible browser ? jonnyb: should be luciash: quickedit has no autocplt 2 jonnyb: is the feature on?
feature_jquery_autocomplete -: luciash launches shiretoko luciash: y, all required is on CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22223 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] feature check
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22224 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-search_wiki_page_new.tpl: [MOD] autocomplete for search page name (new only, refactoring required) jonnyb: any JS errors? luciash: it's problem with opera ***: kiilo1 has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) luciash: in shiretoko it works (same annoyance when i want to quick-edit "Home" and hit enter it becomes "HomePage") ***: kiilo has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) luciash: jonnyb: could you please change it so it behaves like autocomplete in browsers ? when you type url and suggests some, it doesn't change on enter but just when you move down and choose from suggestions) jonnyb: that's settable in the options i think luciash: this is annoying for users who are used to quickly fill text and enter
that would be great jonnyb: so it's working now? (but annoying?) luciash: yes, working in shiretoko, not working in Opera
i will try to debug with dragonfly in opera if there's some js error jonnyb: ta
i'm going to go and eat (preceded by cooking) ***: changi is now known as changi|sleeping luciash: oh, weird, now it works in Opera when i go to HomePage... there are CSS and JS errors related to jQuery though
messu-compose works now too :-p
jonnyb: i understand it now why... i already had the dragonfly debug window open in background and have set break on JS errors ;) ***: kiilo has joined #tikiwiki luciash: jonnyb: so there is an error on line 315 of tiki-jquery.js it says Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Year is displayed as 0000 - luciash: and jquery.async.js not found (404)
ok, only the latter one
the previous error seems to be old log
jonnyb: sorry for false alarms but if you can find that setting and change to behave more politely that would be great, thx
hey guys, what is the syntax to display numbers in {maketoc} and headings ? sylvieg: is it not a # or csomething klike that SEWilco2: There is a list of parameters in the page for maketoc.
I wonder if the admin can define default maketoc parameters, so you don't have to specify it on every call on the site. luciash: sylvieg: thank you
SEWilco2: if maketoc syntax is also plugin now you could have a plugin alias
SEWilco2: but the # go to headings anyway SEWilco2: Yup. luciash: but sure, anything is possible... there is already preference how to display the +/- to expand/collapse !!+Heading
iirc ***: floh1111 has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: luciash: what was that about jquery.async.js? phantom error? or a real one? ***: FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 -") Kissaki: omfg
I'm so utterly stupid
I should probably go to bed... jonnyb: know the feeling, Kissaki ;) luciash: jonnyb: it seems it is requested from some 3party jquery package but it is missing
jonnyb: gives 404 error in js console jonnyb: luciash: have you svn up'ed with externals? luciash: jonnyb: aaah :)
jonnyb: --ignore-externals ;) jonnyb: that'll be the one luciash: jonnyb: btw, colorbox 1.3.1 is out, do we upgrade ?
we have 1.2.9 jonnyb: sounds reasonable luciash: it fixes some IE errors i think
is it just matter of overwriting files and commit ?
or are externals handled differently ? jonnyb: basically - and i've been keeping a readme with info about versions
no, it works the same - just commits to the external repo luciash: from trunk it handles correctly? ok jonnyb: yy luciash: that's nice
yep, the file was added, tnx jonnyb: yeah, i had a separate working copy for them, but you don't need to
yup - connects fine luciash: fine :) Kissaki: oO
don't joke!
anyway, gn8 CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22225 10/trunk/modules/mod-func-change_category.php: [FIX]category: remove was not working with header ***: chealer has joined #tikiwiki
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floh1111 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r22226 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: [MOD] Move Pagination links to own tab ***: marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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