Kimberlee: sylvie: thanks again for the help, worked like a charm :) -: Kimberlee hopes to be as smart as sylvie one day. ;P luciash: helloya helloya !
we can use that {wiki}__something__{/wiki} syntax in Smarty templates... is there something else which would work with wikiplugins too ? (works only with common wiki syntax) -: luciash needs that for calling a tracker plugin in pretty tracker tpl luciash: in 3.2 ***: GillesM has quit IRC ("No Ping reply in 90 seconds.")
GillesM has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: sorry luciash - don't know, but i am digging about in parse_data (in trunk)
shouldn't feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting_add_br make br's in-between paragraphs?
i thought it was a bug luciash: yes, it should ***: PrezKennedyII has quit IRC (Client Quit)
PrezKennedy has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: thought so - but it looks like it was deliberately not doing that (if feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting=y) luciash: problem with i have is that it doesn't parse plugins but yells error instead: Smarty error: [in custom/user_profile.tpl line 29]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'trackerlist' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 599)
most of the plugins i can change to direct html there but with tracker and trackerlist it's a problem -: jonnyb thinks that would lead to recursive melt-down luciash: jonnyb: it should make brs *inside* paragraphs
jonnyb: not between jonnyb: ah, not outside? luciash: nope, definitely not
paragraphs are semantic blocks which itself already separate the text, no need to put brs in between jonnyb: so there's no way to make a space between paras if wiki formatting is on luciash: but the feature allows to have brs inside paragraphs if nl
n jonnyb: i had it reported to me as a bug luciash: yes, you can force n using %%%
outside paragraphs jonnyb: ah right - thought that was just for tables luciash: force br i mean jonnyb: makes sense - better than another pref :P luciash: recursive melt down ? nope, i was using it in wiki page as template for the pretty tracker to input another trackerId tracker plugin then the "parent" one... but i need it in tpl now jonnyb: i was digging there cos it wraps plugins in a <p> - which causes a validation error (like for trackerlict luciash: ah yup, that's an error, p cannot contain tables for example
or lists even jonnyb: indeed
i've got a fix - (non-optional)
can't you put a wiki plugin inside a module somehow? luciash: yes, that could be a workaround
and use block.tikimodule.php you mean ? jonnyb: not very efficient, but might work luciash: i am not sure if the plugin will work because it is pretty the same smarty parsing in modules i think but i will give it a try ***: Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie
btiffin has joined #tikiwiki luciash: jonnyb: cool, it seems to work jonnyb: yay!
no code == good code :) luciash: well, i still have to code plenty of code anyway :-p
hmm, it doesn't work as i expected, really :-[01:25] <luciash> instead of the module it shows just "..." :-p
code in tpl i have: {tikimodule name="custom_user_post_edit" decorations="n"}{/tikimodule} jonnyb: is this in a pretty tracker? (i'm just doing my first one - for my pyramids) luciash: yes, pretty tracker jonnyb: does the module work ok? luciash: aye, i understand, tikimodule is intended to build modules not to call them
so it expects some html/smarty code inside the block jonnyb: sounds worse then luciash: module works fine, yes
well, i still have one little workaround path jonnyb: but isn't that how site search gets included? luciash: i just need to reshuffle a bit
hmm, i don't know
which tpl ? jonnyb: um... siteheader something? luciash: heh
tiki-top_bar.tpl *g*
doesn't use module
tikimodule jonnyb: not even for the login box? luciash: nope
nevermind... go for workaround until Tiki has a block.wikiplugin.php or support for wikiplugins in jonnyb: :( ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping
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New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 3.2 - Image vs File Galleries confusion - Surge1: n00b question: just installed 1.9.7 pre-canned from my provider's control panel. Need to upgrade to at least 2.x, and probably 3.x. Docs say in one place that I can go directly from 1.9 to latest but provide no specific instructions; in lots of other places looks like a multi-step upgrade from 1.9.x to 2.x, then to 3.x. I have no content to protect, just need to retain the working provider's control panel interface (not my choice...), if p ***: Kimberlee has left chealer: Surge1: your message was truncated at "(not my choice...), if p" Surge1: ...ossible. Suggestions on where to find info on the upgrade path?
not much was lost; just the q
Just dropped down 2.4; INSTALL does not mention upgrading... Oh, great Tikiwiki Gurus, my kingdom for a clue? ***: chip__ has joined #tikiwiki
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Did you just post the question in the forum? I replied there, by the way. sai_kiran: HI Gary, i just read ur post on teh forums chibaguy: ok sai_kiran: Yeah i managed to assign a menu to module like that
but i am not able to populate teh entries for the menu chibaguy: You made the new menu on tiki-admin_menus.php? sai_kiran: yeah chibaguy: Well, that's where the items should be entered. sai_kiran: Under that page, i clieked on configure/options
which took me to tiki-admin_menu_options.php
I created 2 URL's
which i can see in the preview, but i am not able to view them on teh menu
I have created pages with the same name as i have mentioned chibaguy: Did you specify a group for the menu item, or is there a viewing permission on the page? ***: kiilo has joined #tikiwiki
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RoyK has joined #tikiwiki RoyK: hi all. where does tikiwiki store the config? I need dbuser/dbpass ***: Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie sylvieg: db/local.php CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03redflo * r22661 10/trunk/lib/search/refresh-functions.php: ignore errors when utf8 is not build in. ***: btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22662 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Plugin aliasses need to validate the arguments for the base plugin, otherwise args with 'separator' set don't get converted into arrays (such as 'fields' in trackerlist).
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22663 10/branches/proposed/lib/jquery/jquery-autocomplete/indicator.gif: missing file
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22664 10/branches/proposed/lib/jquery/cluetip/jquery.cluetip.css: wrong path - no idea which commit - just scanning error log of proposed Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Probs with headlines in milkyway.css - ***: Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
franck has quit IRC () coaboa: Hello: I need a box containing a list of the currently read (by other users) articles/pages.Something like an activity monitor (anonymous). Is there a feature or plugin providing this? ***: grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki grobda24: Hello. Where is the actual html code for the Site title and Subtitle ? I'm having some trouble finding it. I've looked at a few templates. jonnyb: hi grobda24 - it used to be in tiki-top_bar.tpl - but seems to have moved... grobda24: jonnyb, I could prob do a search for the variable used .. is it just $sitetitle ? ***: sai_kiran has left jonnyb: i usually do "inspect element" in the browser and search for that id or class
(i don't know it off by heart, sorry) grobda24: So the id / class should turn up in the tpl ? jonnyb: yup - usually grobda24: k, thanks ! jonnyb: the other thing you can do is switch on the tpl logging pref (which tiki version are you on?) ***: rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki
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Kimberlee has joined #tikiwiki luciash: coaboa: none i know of ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away sylvieg: coaba: there is a module counting how many reads per day, week, year... jonnyb: bbl ***: jonnyb has quit IRC () sylvieg: ***: changi is now known as changi|work
franck has joined #tikiwiki coaboa: sylvieg: thx
Is there some estting effecting the max size of images able to be displayed in filegallery->slideshow. CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22665 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Refactor memcache to make it less invasive coaboa: *setting ***: jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki coaboa: Images (jpg) with dimension 4288*2848 will render a correct thumb but trying to disply them in a slideshow won't work while smaler images 1600*1200 in the same gall displays correctly
hope i ave not to downsize them all by hand ;-) sylvieg: in image gallery there is an option to do that
do you have enough memory?
because a slideshow will load all the images?? coaboa: php limit 128, 1GB RAM assigned to virtual server. 3 images in gallery. 1 (4k) large, 1 medium and a tiny one.
and as the thumbnail is correct i think there should be an slidesow max display size setting
the image wont't display on my/most monitor anyway in full size. sylvieg: I remember there is an option that reduce the size if too big at upload
but after - when it is stored.... I do not know if there is a param to choose what the slideshow is showing
it is a so long time I did not use the image gal ***: MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki
chibaguytoo has joined #tikiwiki luciash: coaboa: in Tiki 4 there's going to be different slideshow for file galleries without preloading all images... maybe it will work there ***: chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) luciash: coaboa: biggest picture i have here is 3456 pixels wide coaboa: in older versions (2.x) there was an gallery option to resize eg. to 600*400 for display purposes luciash: coaboa: it loads fine in the Tiki 4 slideshow
coaboa: it's still in there when you use Image Galleries
coaboa: not File Galleries (in 3.2)... when you edit the gallery settings CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22667 10/trunk/ (tiki-editpage.php tiki-index.php): [MOD] Deploy memcache to wiki coaboa: i'am testing in 4.0. I read a comment that in 4.0 the imagegall will be replaced by filegall. ***: Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki luciash: coaboa: it was meant so but i am unsure it will actually happen chibaguytoo: luciash, I can't find a setting for thumbnail size in the file galleries, like the image galleries have? Is it missing, do you think? luciash: but test the file gallery in 4.0 first and rerport back please chibaguytoo: (or am I missing it ? ;-) ) luciash: chibaguytoo: definitely
chibaguytoo: it is not ported chibaguytoo: there was a question in the tw.o forums, so I looked in 3.2 and couldn't see it anywhere, also not in trunk. CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22668 10/trunk/tiki-approve_staging_page.php: [MOD] Invalidate on staging approval luciash: chibaguytoo: it's simply not there chibaguytoo: ok ***: chibaguytoo is now known as chibaguy
ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy chibaguy: bbl luciash: chibaguy: but there seem to be some hardcoded limit because it seems my pictures are downsized to 800px wide when browsing the images
chibaguy: it uses tiki-download_file.php?fileId=6&preview
the preview is 800px max
it should be changed to use &display i guess CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22669 10/trunk/ (lib/tikilib.php tiki-editpage.php): [FIX] Move the invalidation to standard cache invalidate call luciash: the preview max size should be configurable imho
*or CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22670 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Show object category perms and remarksbox if object is in a category with specific perms set. coaboa: Sylvieg: ist it possible to generate a linked-list from the {STAT} plugin so that eg. the 5 most viewed (day) articles will be show up sylvieg: it is in my list of todo coaboa: would be nice if this contains an option to display the article abstract/beginning (configural amount of lines) to display as preview. ***: chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
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I3igDmsu has joined #tikiwiki Kimberlee: is there was way to link tracker data in a calendar event? ***: chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy sylvieg: there was - but seems the code was lost... Kimberlee: for instance user tracker data...
bummer :)
or pass prefill calendar fields from a sending url? I3igDmsu: anyone having troubles with the {wiki}{literal}{GOOGLEANALYTICS(account=xxxx) /}{/literal}{/wiki} code?
i can't seem to get it to work
for the account # (i put the web property id # from google). should the account number have " " around it? anything i need to turn on in order for this to work? ***: BobM has joined #tikiwiki I3igDmsu: also, i put the code in the custom end code section in the Look & Feel sylvieg: do a source of the page and check that the code is like the code google shows in the help page BobM: ref the Countdown plugin, is there any way of just displaying the number of days left, rather than the hours, minutes & seconds? ***: jim__ has joined #tikiwiki BobM: _ ***: jim__ has quit IRC (Client Quit) coaboa: 4.0 Image Gallery icon in admin features greyed out. Missing checkbox in Global features section to turn on? Installation from scratch! ***: Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie sylvieg: BobM: I3igDmsu: how to i activate the GOOGLEANALYTICS plugin? It is not visible in the plugins or mods options of the Admin directory. ***: RoyK has quit IRC ("Leaving") BobM: yes I was aware of that page but it doesn't explain how to eliminate the hours & minutes from the displayed result sylvieg: BobM: i UPDATED THE DOC
sorry for caps
I3igDmsu: in admin->look and feel I3igDmsu: sylvieg: here is the code i have in the custom end of code section in the Look & Feel: {wiki}{literal}{GOOGLEANALYTICS(account=#######-#) /}{/literal}{/wiki} CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22671 10/trunk/ (6 files in 6 dirs): [MOD] Convert the session database from a flag to a list of option (soon to add memcache) chibaguy: I3igDmsu, as sylvieg said, check the source of the finished page and see how the google analytics code looks. jonnyb: hi chibaguy - i'm just about to commit some changes in layout.css and design.css for the remarks boxes - not sure if i've got the right bits in the right file (i'm easily confused!). Anyway, i'll commit and please let me know if i've got the wrong idea :) CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22672 10/trunk/styles/layout/ (4 files): [CSS] Some improvements on default styles for remarksboxes (rbox) sylvieg: Thanks jonnyb for the fix to object_perm BobM: @silvieg: The syntax I'm using is {COUNTDOWN(enddate=>August 28 2010 13:30:00 GMT, locatetime=>off)}{COUNTDOWN} but it still shows hours and minutes - is a more recent version of the plugin required. I'm using tiki v1.9.11 & v3.0 and the full date & time shows on both jonnyb: np sylvieg - it's getting there, i think sylvieg: yes good job jonnyb chibaguy: ok, jonnyb, thanks. jonnyb: does anyone here know lots about pretty tracker? I can't seem to get image type fields to appear - is it a known bug? I3igDmsu: chibaguy: the source is not in my main page at all. I've tried searching for a portion of the code, my account #, ect and no luck. Any ideas why it isn't showing up at all? luciash: I3igDmsu: you have to remove the literal i guess ***: MartinCleaver has quit IRC () sylvieg: jonnyb in TRACKER or TRACKERLIST jonnyb: trackerlist sylvieg: I3igDmsu: did you activated the bottom bar jonnyb: should i be using tracker? (i only want one record) luciash: jonnyb: works for me
jonnyb: in 3.x though jonnyb: ah, this is trunk - i just put {$f_17} in the template, but nothing gets output sylvieg: just check {TRACKERLIST .. wiki=} works with img en my local luciash: hmm sylvieg: did you force fields=17 in the call of TRACKERLIST jonnyb: normal trackerlist shows it luciash: I3igDmsu: first check if the plugin works fine in a wiki page jonnyb: i have fields ending in :17 sylvieg: is the field public? ***: MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki luciash: jonnyb: yep, the field must be public jonnyb: yup - anon can see it in the trackerlist ok
(although anon gets perm denied on the pretty tracker for some reason, but i don't think it's related?) luciash: ok sylvieg: you ned tiki_p_use_as_tempalte - or soemthing like this luciash: trackerlist is the plugin you mean or tracker+listing ? chibaguy: I3igDmsu, it works in my tiki 3.2 site, just as the example code is. I just activated the googleanalytics plugin, and put in some phoney number to test with. -: luciash wants his Tabs plugin to work jonnyb: thanks sylvieg, i'll check - luciash - trackerlist plugin (appears for anon, and the image is there) chibaguy: The plugin is activated on tiki-admin.php?page=textarea. luciash: jonnyb: but not on the pretty tracker one ? jonnyb: correct sylvieg: you are sure you do not have a typo on the {$f_xxx}
because there is no reason - if appears in trackerlist witouht wiki - it should appear in trackerlist with wiki=
for admin
simpel user must a perm on the template wiki page BobM: sylvieg: any suggestions why my Countdown plugin isn't doing what its supposed to? Does {COUNTDOWN(enddate=>August 28 2010 13:30:00 GMT, locatetime=>off)}{COUNTDOWN} work for you? sylvieg: countdown is broken in trunk jonnyb: seems tiki_p_use_as_template makes it appear for anon (thanks sylvieg) luciash: jonnyb: {$f_XX} should be enough, works in 3.x just like that sylvieg: and the param is not handled - thanks to xxxx - I know the name - that commit a bad commit BobM: sylvieg: OK thx luciash: jonnyb: ah, in 3.2 there's no need for the perm sylvieg: BobM: if you are handy in ophp - go to lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_countdown.php and you will find easily the code to comment
luciash: you do not need? luciash: nope sylvieg: :-(
dammit it is a security hole luciash: having no approval on the tracker and trackerlist plugin is privacy hole also
you can list any data from trackers using it on any wiki page sylvieg: ok ak... I need top backport a bad fix lph did luciash: if these fields are already used for another trackerlist (so have the public view set) you can, i mean jonnyb: it seems like a bug in plugin alias - here's a demo page: CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22673 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Memcache session support
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22674 10/branches/proposed/installer/schema/20091013_fix_perms_tiki.sql: [bp / r 22353 22300] [FIX] rollback partial 15091 tiki_p_use_as_template as nothing to do with the wiki template feature - it is depending on tracker and wiki
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r22675 10/trunk/lib/tikisession-memcache.php: [FIX] Error caused by missing object reference (destructed too early). Forcing to hold reference luciash: jonnyb: but it displays the google map on the other hand ;) jonnyb: but usually only one of them :)
that's a JS thing i think I3igDmsu: chibaguy: i think that is the problem. in the tiki-admin.php?page=textarea, it is blank for me. i am unable to turn on options. how do i view this page? it looks like its turned off... luciash: I3igDmsu: what browser ?
IE6 ? I3igDmsu: firefox luciash: phew :) chibaguy: could it be not enough php memory at the server? luciash: jonnyb: maybe same ID CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22676 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_remarksbox.php: [FIX] Propagate 'close' param (already in Smarty object) jonnyb: luciash: yup, but i'm not bothered about that (just got 2 of them for this test) luciash: jonnyb: would it be easy to add unique id to the remarksboxes and a little checkbox "Do not show this again" which would save in a cookie display: none ? jonnyb: i'll try and fix the image in alias thing...
medium easy/hard - a couple of hours i'd say - cookies always take a while to get right luciash: ok I3igDmsu: luciash: it has the categories (General Settings, Plugins, etc.) but nothing inside of them. All i see are two 'Change Preferences' buttons... luciash: i will try to dig it out from the tabset code for the No Tab / Tabs View CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22677 10/trunk/templates/remarksbox.tpl: [SVN] Missing Id luciash: I3igDmsu: do you have JS on ?
silly question but just to be sure I3igDmsu: lucaish: i found the problem, if i turn on the tabs feature in Look & Feel it displays. Seems like a bug when that feature is turned off. I am using Tikinewt style if that has anythign to do with it too. ***: SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki
franck has quit IRC () chibaguy: I3igDmsu, I turned off tabs and still can see tiki-admin.php?page=textarea ok. I3igDmsu: interesting.. not sure why it doesnt work here chibaguy: Other pages where tabs are optional have been displaying ok? Such as admin look and feel, and tiki-admin.php?page=features ? I3igDmsu: yup, other pages seemed to be fine with tabs turned off. chibaguy: white pages are sometimes caused by not enough php script execution memory.
of course the page content size is the same whether tabs are used or not.
so the blankness should be consistent whether tabs or not.
a mystery Kimberlee: thnks for the videos Martin :) SEWilco2: Maybe the name of the tab is the same as something else on the page, so Javascript isn't addressing the right object? -: SEWilco2 picks up his two cents and sends them off for cleaning. ***: chibaguy has quit IRC ("Find new themes for Tiki at") I3igDmsu: yeah strange, i am still battling with the googleanalytics plugin... i can't get it to work. i have the googleanalytics and javascript plugins enabled (with disable edit icon turned off). the code is the Custom End of Code as: {wiki}{literal}{GOOGLEANALYTICS(account=UA-########-#) /}{/literal}{/wiki}
i am unable to see it if i view source on the home page in firefox ***: luminoso has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) sylvieg: I3igDmsu: I think Bottom bar just below must be checked I3igDmsu: sylvieg: unfortunately the bottom bar is activated sylvieg: and iof in the zone you add before {wiki} XXXXXXXXXXXX
can you see XXXXXXX I3igDmsu: in the source? sylvieg: in admin->look I3igDmsu: yup xxxxx there sylvieg: did you enabled the plusign? I3igDmsu: yup sylvieg: is your site visible? BobM: sylvieg: Modified the php as you suggested and it worked fine - thanks very much. I3igDmsu: sylvieg: ***: Wilkins has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) sylvieg: something is wrong .. you do not have </body</html>
so I assume smarty bugs and do nto finish the parsing
can you try to put {/wiki}xxxxx in admin->look
and to see if it appears I3igDmsu: after the previous code?
{wiki}{literal}{GOOGLEANALYTICS(account=UA-########-#) /}{/literal}{/wiki}xxxxx
like that? sylvieg: yes I3igDmsu: nothing still... sylvieg: so if you put XXXX{wiki}{literal}{GOOGLEANALYTICS(account=UA-########-#) /}{/literal}{/wiki} you seee XXX but if it is after you do not see it
you have replace ##### with your key of course I3igDmsu: sylvieg: i still see the XXX, is it supposed to go away?
what is the XXXX before the {wiki} meant to do? sylvieg: perhaps you need to clear all the caches
I do not see the XXXX I3igDmsu: try now, i am able to see it ***: PrezKennedy has quit IRC ("Nice Scotty, now beam my clothes up too!") sylvieg: not me - and the source still does not have </body>,/html> I3igDmsu: you are right, i am unable to see it if i view the source on the homepage, but when i view the source while on the Look & Feel page, i am able to see the XXXX
why arent the changed carrying to the homepage and other pages?
sorry can't type - it should be *changes* sylvieg: did you clear the cache? I3igDmsu: yup
ill try again sylvieg: dis you change soem templates? I3igDmsu: no i don't believe so
how would the </body> and </html> tags be gone? is that part of the problem here? luciash: I3igDmsu: you have probably old templates if you had upgraded in templates/styles/tikinewt/* MartinCleaver: I3igDmsu: the only thing i have in that folder are two .png files and a custom.css file that provides padding for images. anything else i can check? luciash: there cannot be CSS, i am talking about templates/... ***: BobM has quit IRC ("Page closed")
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amette has joined #tikiwiki luciash: sylvieg: i just checked and i see </body></html> on the site sylvieg: strange
I did not see them in FF safari MartinCleaver: WikiSym 2009: Enterprise-wide Corporate Wikis (1:30-3pm EST) I3igDmsu: luciash: my fault. i have a few templates in the templates folder. should i list them? ***: lorinc has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) sylvieg: ahah ... ***: lorinc has joined #tikiwiki I3igDmsu: is there any way to fix this? sylvieg: you have redo your customization with the lates version of the templates I3igDmsu: would that be the entire site? what do the templates cover? sylvieg: no only the templates in the thenews directory are concerned chealer: polom CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22678 10/trunk/ (8 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]bar: regroup all teh code in a smarty function Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: No consigo quitar los bordes. - I3igDmsu: sylvieg: would it be easiest to go into Look & Feel and copy and paste specific coding and print screens for my preference settings? Then overwrite the templates in the tikinewt/ folder from a new v3.2 download and copy in my coding and preferences? CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22679 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Use selected text for body after warning about editing wrong plugin (user knows best) ***: danopia` is now known as danopia
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tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22681 10/trunk/templates/tracker_item_field_googlemap_value.tpl: [MOD] Move long and lat text to below map and wrap in div.description (also hide overlay for Firefox) btiffin: How hard would it be to bundle some of the Documentation Structure (in particular part 4.* Features) from and populate pages with the installer? CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r22682 10/trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX] Use filegal_manager param on gallery tree links if applicable luciash: I3igDmsu: if they're leftovers from previous Tiki versions you can safely delete all the custom tpl files in templates/styles/tikinewt/
I3igDmsu: if you haven't done any modifications to them you want to keep of course chealer: jonnyb: is there an error i r19613, line 202, or am I Smarty-illiterate for not understanding the meaning of "{$accounts[ix].account class='link' _title='{tr}Activate{/tr}'}"?
jonnyb: is there an error in r19613, line 202, or am I Smarty-illiterate for not understanding the meaning of "{$accounts[ix].account class='link' _title='{tr}Activate{/tr}'}"? jonnyb: hi chealer chealer: hi :) luciash: btiffin: for what purpose ? it would be possible to save some for your site and just put the link in the installer tpl like this for example: <big><a href="help/custom/index.html" rel="shadowbox;title=Read the Help !;">strong>Read Me First</strong></a></big> jonnyb: chealer: you're right - missing } after .account
maybe that's why it didn't work ;)
do oyu have it open?
need food - back later chealer: jonnyb: yes btiffin: luciash; for those rare times that network connectivity is bad, or just to have local copies of help for the weirder plugin options. chealer: jonnyb: but just adding } still doesn't make sense to me
jonnyb: you still have parameters in no tag luciash: btiffin: ah, you mean to create the pages with installer ? one could use a profile for that
or you can just copy some and point the help path to them in Admin btiffin: cool. I'll look into it at home... luciash: btiffin: check out the Collaborative CommunitY profile
btiffin: it already creates several pages like that btiffin: off topic a little; I'm denied TikiWiki for the dev team here. I had the boss all jazzed, got the ok, then had to admit that it isn't PostgreSQL ready. Show-stopper. So I'm sad, very very sad. luciash: btiffin: yea, that happens :(
btiffin: we have little amount of devs for pgsql ***: lorinc has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) luciash: btiffin: you can join if you want to repair your reputation with your boss after we make it fully usable ;) ***: lorinc has joined #tikiwiki btiffin: I tried 'smashing' the installer; run, get error, hack ... run, get error, hack ... ; but I get lost after a few hours and had to give up.
well I didn't HAVE to give up ... I just gave up. CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22683 10/trunk/tiki-webmail.php: [FIX] typo in default port for IMAP on SSL 933 instead of 993, possibly known as "cannot connect to host : 110 : Connection timed out" luciash: btiffin: we made it to install properly with upcoming Tiki 4 at least
must be used with top menu though and there are many errors still... only basic wiki editing and blog works iirc
btiffin: you can give it a try one evening and maybe find some fix btiffin: and thanks for the profile hint luciash. And yes I will. I'm on 3.2 at home, and I'll dump my archived 2.2 and try a t4 trunk some weekend soon. CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22684 10/trunk/templates/tiki-webmail.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars escaping
tikiwiki: [FIX] somewhat generalize mailbox type (from "POP server" to "Server"), probably still wrong for local boxes luciash: btiffin: cool, welcome "on-board" ;) ***: luminoso has joined #tikiwiki
rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC ("Leaving.") I3igDmsu: luciash: could i change my site to a new style temporarily, overwrite the templates in the tikinewt directory and switch back to the tikinewt style? or won't this matter? coaboa: you can rename the tikinewt css,, folder, and templates-folder to something and copy the original over again. I3igDmsu: good idea, thanks coaboa ***: Siara has joined #tikiwiki
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Siara_ has joined #tikiwiki Siara: hello
I'm having the most fundamental possible problem
and I was wondering if someone could give me some advice CIA-31: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22685 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Tabs Wiki Plugin: allows to divide content and group it in the Tiki tabs Siara: Lordvan... I see your name there... are you here? LordVan: hi
yes y?
oh u got a problem .. well duno if i can help ;) Siara: hi- I just set up a new tiki-wiki. It installed correctly and...
I got onto my homepage where it said "login as admin and [it told me which password to use]
when I do that I get a "wrong password" error message LordVan: hmm
did you look on the official page wiki/faq? Siara: yeah I did (Excuse my fuzziness on this) but coaboa: try entering passwd with capslock... ottherwise delete passwd from tabel Siara: what could be more fundamental than entering the generic login name & password into the login box? LordVan: well i'm afraid i'm not exactly an expert .. just a user myself - who installed quite a while ago .. luciash: Siara: r u sure you didn't mistyped it ? LordVan: ah there u go right person :D luciash: for fresh installs it is always admin admin (all lowercase) Siara: Yeah I'm sure I typed it right. Am I talking to other tiki-wiki folks here? ***: grobda24 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) luciash: Siara: yep, everyone is listening you :) Siara: yup- admin admin that's what I entered it doesn't work luciash: what browser do you have ? Siara: Firefox luciash: maybe you have cookies disabled ?
or using it in privacy mode ? Siara: I installed a tiki-wiki on another site & it's been working fine for months
usually if my firewall doesn't admit something it gives me a message luciash: are you sure you did fresh install (with new db) and not an upgrade ? Siara: it gave me the success note and created a homepage luciash: then i really have no clue why it would tell you wrong password right after fresh install entering admin admin Siara: let me try once more (though I've tried 10 times) BRB thanks for your help by the way coaboa: Siera: maybe you had caps lock on?
If not you have to check and delete the passwd from the database table... luciash: coaboa: i don't think so, Tiki has caps lock detection iirc Siara: "invalid password go back" caplock isn't on
my wiki is called ESOwiki It's at luciash: is it installed on windows or linux machine ? installation requirements met ? Siara: windows XP coaboa: Siera: do you have acces to your mysql database using phpmyadmin or mysql-admin? Siara: sorry- I don't know what that means ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away luciash: Siara: have you just installed it and tried to login or it was installed there for a little while ? Siara: just installed it now (20 minutes ago at this point) ***: pkdille has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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Siara_ has joined #tikiwiki Siara_: luciash? I'm back ***: pkdille has joined #tikiwiki Siara_: ru still here? luciash: Siara_: yes, i just wanted to say some hackers might try with automated scripts to login with admin and admin for fresh installs and if users don't change it and they have luck they might get in and change the password
Siara_: but i don't think you had the badluck in 20 minutes Siara_: that would be GREAT luciash: Siara_: more i think it is windows issue or you don't have some of the required packages installed coaboa: Siera: You can drop the tables and rerun installation in 2 minites luciash: Siara_: you can try with another db
>doctwo requirements Sug4r: Siara_: so can I just destroy the account I created now and start over? I can't give the okay to destroy it because I can't login luciash: Siara_: check that doc page and make sure you meet the installation requirements
Siara_: just re-run the installer
tiki-install.php Siara_: I've installed another wiki with the same master account-- two others in fact-- and those worked. luciash: on the same machine ? Siara_: I'll rerun the installer and see what happens
yes on the same machine luciash: oh, then i really fear you will have to wipe out that database and re-install with new one
shoudn't hurt
good luck Siara_: the stuff that was installed last time is: backups css db doc dump files templates listpages games images img import installer schema script lang lib maps modules cache pics styles temp templates tem ***: Siara has quit IRC ("Page closed")
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