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franck has joined #tikiwiki [03:49]
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chibaguypolom [04:14]
luciashpolom gary [04:15]
chibaguyhi luciash [04:19]
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luciashcan anybody help with http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseNotes33 ?
just pick a revision, click the plugin edit helper icon under the box and add some meaningful description to it on the line under the "revision"
start the new line with +
(to avoid breakage of the nice numbered list ;))
or add some short sentence with links to the empty sections "What's New", "Important Changes", "Requirements", "Installation", etc.
btw, i have created an external wiki link alias rev: so you can now link to specific revision from tw.o using ((rev:<revision number>)) [05:20]
chibaguythat's neat. [05:31]
luciashmaybe we can copy to doc and dev too
a pity wiki links do not support rel ;)
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luciashcopied it to dev and doc [05:54]
luciash thinks the EBM concept somehow failed again on doc.tw.o
last was 2009/07
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some things don't survive founder
I think concept is interesting for decision-making
but for most things, it's not decision-making the issue. It's volunteer time
luciashi think it was lacking email reminders [06:27]
marclaportegood point [06:27]
luciashif i got an email each month i would follow the link i think but it was also problem to copy all the stuff from prvious meeting and lot of work to put it together for next one
to sort it out
marclaporteI never got why the system was changed [06:31]
luciashmarclaporte: btw, when i have you here, i wanted to suggest to try Mumble opensource voice software to held VoIP meetings if everything else fails (with BBB etc.)
it was project of the month recently on SF
it is gaming origin but can be used for various team speak purposes and works pretty well
you can press a key and talk and others see you marked who is currently talking
it's no video but for audio meetings it is pretty good
marclaporteaudio is most importasnt [06:34]
luciashone can set up own server too (murmur) but there should be some free available
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why we have no print icon on the community site now ?
better to have print than the pretty useless "save to notepad" don't you think ?
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marclaporte: is the distincion of headings in wikitext better now for strasa ? [07:21]
marclaportebetter, but I think it's still not there yet
the twiki example I had still looks better
luciashok, i will work on it more then
what was the link again ?
marclaporte: ⤴
the background shade helps clarify the seperation between sections
and did we ever figure out a way ahead for http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/site_width ?
I would love a setting in look & feel
CGCOM makes all their sites with fixed width
and on default install, it looks better
and will you are there, do you know if we could have a bit larger fonts in wiki edit mode, especially in full-page mode?
to be more like a desktop-app feel
luciashno idea, depends on user browser settings, dpi and screen resolution
it can be different every time
what size will look good for you can be too small or too big for others
i can just commit the fixed option for strasa if you want
for the fixed width
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marclaporteplease do fixed width option :-) [07:52]
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luciashwho changed it from Subject to Summary on devtwo ? now the e-mails come with empty subject again :-/ [08:01]
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CIA-31tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22775 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/fixed.css: [NEW] Strasa theme - fixed width option [10:23]
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chibaguyIn Opera, the Strasa Fixed option is full width of page, not fixed size. Is it meant to be this way?
chibaguy starts firefox....
Ah, I see. Shadow layer must be turned on for fixed width to be effective.
Still, in my 1024X720something laptop screen, the page is still full-screen wide.
Is the fixed option basically to improve the appearance in larger displays?
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chibaguyAbout the heading sizes, the open-organizations.org page has a huge h1 size (ie, a really big span between that size and the regular text size) so a wide size range to put h2 - h5 in. [11:02]
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chibaguyotoh, a theme like strasa has a much smaller h1 (pagetitle) size, which looks appropriate for the design I think, which limits the size differences between h2 and h5, making them harder to tell apart.
Also, Tiki pages tend to get filled with things besides headings and text, such as boxes, titlebars, various plugin things, which makes the pages look more cluttered, and reduces the relative significance of headings.
Probably Strasa is not the best choice for a really clean and organized-looking text page, especially with both side columns turned on.
The Twiki example is also cleaner looking because no right-side column.
Hiding Strasa's right column and zooming page 130% (in opera) gets a result pretty close to the Twiki page.
(possibility for another theme option, maybe)
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chibaguybbl [11:14]
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luciashchibaguy: re, it is because i have set it for min 1024... the fixed width is set to 1000px
i am adjusting the headings for strasa still
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sylviegpkdille had a very good remark the other day: it is hard to have a good look for the title in the 2 cases see page title - do not see page title
if he wants to have the first title underline, he can not find a way with css to do it . because one time he must put the underline on h2 and the other time he must put it on h1
the hx shift should probably have an additional class...
bbl later breakfast
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CIA-31tikiwiki: 03zchermit * r22776 10/trunk/lang/ru/language.php: [MOD] Add some Russian translation [12:29]
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IAmWillhow do i hide everything from a none-logged in user? [15:06]
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coaboaYou can create a Category and assign the (eg. registered group) permissions to it. Additional you have to remove the anonymous perm. from the Modules [15:41]
SEWilco2IamWill: Also, on the home page you can use the {GROUP} plugin to display different material to Anonymous and to Registered users.
Well, actually you can use GROUP in places other than the home page, but you probably want to use other tools to block access to other pages. On home page you probably want to tell Anonymous visitors something about the site or topic.
marclaporteluciash: gezza has been adapting the trackers
so perhaps he forgot a setting for emails
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sylvieg, and jonnyb, and I have some time now, in case you are around... (jonnyb, testing the groupmail; sylvieg the multitiki documentation you offered to tell me...)
jonnybtoctoctoo [17:24]
xavi:-) [17:24]
jonnybcan we do voice on skype? (too much typing) [17:24]
xaviwell, shall I try to reproduce the error again in anotehr machine?
ok, opening skype...
today I'm on the"penguin-bookpro" :-)
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luciashcotcot xavi [17:43]
xavi is skypeing with jonnyb right now (groupmail)
xavi: tested yuuguu and it works out of the box, bit slow because of java, but better than the results we had yesterday with vnc ;)
xaviyuguu???? [17:49]
luciashyes, i had sent you an invite to your email, haven't you got it ? [17:50]
xaviok, I check....
ok, got it,luciash.... visiting the url
getting the deb...
luciash:) [18:01]
xaviyes, it looks nice
is it free soft?
couldn't see their license yet
luciashi think it's not opensource but at least they support linux [18:02]
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only one i found with support for both, screen session sharing and client
some others support linux on client side only
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xaviyes, looks nice.
still installing, though
:-/ slow downloading, it seems
it was pretty quick for me yesterday
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Some Plugins Selected From "Help" Menu Don't Work - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=35091 [19:51]
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CIA-31tikiwiki: 03luciash * r22777 10/trunk/styles/strasa.css: [ENH] Strasa: some more styling on wikitext heading levels [20:09]
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jazcar17anyone here? [20:58]
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jazcar17!help [21:00]
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [21:00]
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marclaportehttp://algonquincollege.bigbluebutton.org/tiki.html if anyone wants to test [21:30]
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jazcar17anyone here? [21:41]
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luciashhey chealer, on the road to tikifest ? [21:52]
chealerluciash: not literally, but I'm verifying that my place in Toronto has working Internet access.
luciash: I guess I have to wait TikiFest now :-D
the trip went without problems
luciashgreat :) it seems you have got it :) [21:55]
marclaporteluciash: : see above bbb link [22:04]
luciashmarclaporte: ah, it got lost in the flow of irc joins and lefts [22:08]
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