[00:02] *** Caarrie3 has quit IRC ("bye see you later") [00:03] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [00:04] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [00:16] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [00:16] New Forum Posts: Rotate Images after upload - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=35093 [00:19] *** FrankP_german2 has joined #tikiwiki [00:27] *** IAmWill has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [00:27] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC () [00:33] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [00:44] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:54] *** nkoth has quit IRC () [01:05] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [01:27] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC () [01:29] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [01:44] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [01:58] *** FrankP_german2 has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") [02:13] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [02:13] *** Lucy_ has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [02:22] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [02:23] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Client Quit) [02:31] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC () [03:37] *** SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [03:52] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [03:57] *** franck has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [04:34] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [05:21] *** GillesM has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [05:56] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [06:14] *** GillesM has joined #tikiwiki [06:22] *** GillesM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [06:23] *** GillesM has joined #tikiwiki [06:25] *** GillesM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [07:29] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [08:23] *** coaboa_ has joined #tikiwiki [08:25] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [09:24] *** changi_ is now known as changi [09:52] *** LordVan has joined #tikiwiki [10:16] *** lorinc has joined #tikiwiki [10:19] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [10:26] New Forum Posts: Upgrade Version 1.9.4 to 3.latest - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=35097 [10:57] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [11:39] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC () [12:07] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [12:26] New Forum Posts: Plugin Warnings - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=35098 [12:30] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [12:30] *** franck has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [12:31] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [12:31] *** Caarrie|sleeping has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.) [12:39] *** LordVan has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [12:42] *** LordVan has joined #tikiwiki [12:55] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [13:36] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [13:43] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [14:09] *** nelek has joined #tikiwiki [14:09] hello [14:09] is it possible to assign a user module only to anonymous but not to regged and higher? [14:12] nelek : yes [14:13] admin > modules (there is an option about this) [14:22] polom [14:22] polom [14:22] which option is that marclaporte? [14:24] there a 5 on that page [14:24] if not obvious which one, we have a problem [14:24] a 5 ? [14:24] what do you mean? [14:25] there are 5 options on that page [14:25] when i go to admin -> modules i have 2 tabs. one is assign/edit modules and the other is user modules [14:25] tiki-admin.php?page=module [14:26] ah. thats another page from mine [14:28] marclaporte: next time you better say admin home > modules [14:28] ok :-) [14:29] * luciash dreams the menu revamp he proposed would ever happen [14:29] * marclaporte thinks dreams are important [14:30] haha :) [14:30] * marclaporte wonders if luciash could remind us of location of dream proposal.... [14:30] search your mailbox devel folder [14:31] no wiki page? [14:31] i don't remember - it has been pretty ong time ago again :-p [14:31] why would i work with a .tpl instead of directly adding the script code in for google ads? [14:31] nelek: no idea, you don't have to [14:32] if you put in look & feel admin panel (which was a luci's dream that came true), it will survive upgrades [14:33] -1 to putting Google code in .tpl because it's so easy to lose (ex.: upgrade, swap theme, etc.) [14:33] nelek: just add the script in bottom custom code area in admin home → look & feel but wrap it in {literal}...{/literal} [14:34] if you need to put it only in one page, wrap it in JS wikiplugin [14:34] or pluginhtml [14:35] i just added the script in a user made module in the admin -> modules and it works...the strange thing is i assigned the same user module multiple times and sometimes they display and sometimes not [14:36] nelek: i guess you can't have the same module twice on one page... if the code uses same id it will cause problems [14:36] *** kiilo1 has joined #tikiwiki [14:38] marclaporte: r u gonna release beta today ? [14:39] * luciash goes to make sure all his code is commited [14:48] I hope we can branch and release a Beta over the next few days [14:49] sylvieg volunteered to merge from branches/4x to trunk, so I am ok to branch now [14:49] just had to cut short my trip and come back to Montreal for family emergency [14:49] But I will go back to Toronto tonight and catch up with TikiFesters [14:53] *** kiilo has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [14:53] ah oh, i hope all is going to be ok with your family [14:54] greetings to your father if he is there [14:56] he will be there. I will say you say hi [15:06] *** miki_tnt has joined #tikiwiki [15:06] hello everybody [15:06] i have just update my tikiwiki from 3.2 to 3.3 and I wanted to commend an error [15:07] ALTER TABLE `tiki_sefurl_regex_out` DROP KEY `left` Can't DROP 'left'; check that column/key exists [15:07] do you know about this error? [15:08] it also says: During an upgrade, it is normal to have SQL failures resulting with Table already exists messages [15:08] New Forum Posts: Needed: A little help with installation - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=35101 [15:09] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22778 10/trunk/tiki-calendar_edit_item.php: [FIX]calendar: priority default is 1 [15:11] *** LordVan has quit IRC ("Leaving") [15:12] *** miki_tnt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [15:21] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r22779 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]PLUGIN CALENDAR: do not show twice same event in list mode (remarcks: better to user {foreach} instead of {section} because {foreach} supports non consecutive elts) [15:22] hi sylvieg [15:22] what you mean by non consecutive elts ? [15:23] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [15:23] toctoc [15:24] there is an error at doc.tw.o when attempting to print the whole documentation structure: [15:24] http://dev.tikiwiki.org/bug2840 [15:25] it's redirected to the page about the PluginFootnote, I don't know why... [15:25] hi xavi [15:25] hi luciash [15:25] marclaporte & sylvieg ^ [15:29] *** miki_tnt has joined #tikiwiki [15:29] i had disconnected [15:30] I was wondering if there is any possibilities to create an admin group which can add new users only to the group [15:30] miki_tnt: thanks for report, yes i heard about the SQL error already, shouldn't affect you [15:31] ahm, your wellcome, I am currently trying in my local computer, it doesn't affect [15:31] thank you [15:31] miki_tnt: i think there is plugin invite which should be able to that [15:31] wikiplugin [15:32] wikiplugin? [15:32] but i haven't tested it yet [15:32] ok, I can test it [15:32] yes, in a wiki page you place that plugin and people can invite in their groups only the other people [15:33] s/only the other people/(only the other people) [15:33] it sounds interesting [15:33] err, i mean s/the other people/(the other people) :-p i guess you understand [15:34] yes, :) thank you [15:34] where can i get it? [15:34] in next tiki version it should be more flexible to admin only specific workspaces [15:34] i presume it is already in your Tiki [15:35] check Admin Home → Editing & Plugins [15:35] ahm, is it a feature to active? [15:36] let 's see [15:36] xavi: tried BBB yet ? [15:37] luciash: never, and you? [15:37] xavi: yes, yesterday [15:37] xavi: marc sent link here [15:37] ah, ok [15:37] xavi: works pretty nicely but i wasn't able to present my desktop [15:38] http://algonquincollege.bigbluebutton.org/tiki.html [15:40] it's similar to webex, isnt it? [15:40] ok, watching demo [15:41] miki_tnt: i don't know webex but this is multiplatform and open source [15:41] webex is a cisco platform (close platform) that is quite similar [15:42] xavi: ah, now in Opera the desktop sharing seem to work [15:42] allows to share presentations, desktop, and it has an audio broadcast channel [15:42] miki_tnt: yea, that sounds simmilar to this [15:42] luci, I'm logged in with firefox (shiretoko) [15:44] just a question about that, do you know any similar solutions but with a server application running on the server instead of getting all these resources from web? [15:46] miki_tnt: i don't know but maybe this BigBlueButton can do that ? [15:47] i guess bigbluetutton is via web, even the server side, isn't it? [15:47] or dimdim, which is also opensourced , afaik [15:49] as far as I have seen, people say that dimdim is the more similar to webex, but everything is made via web, even the server side [15:49] @luciash: I haven't found the invite plugin you mention [16:02] umm [16:09] luciash I lost control over epiphany [16:09] I'll logout and login again [16:12] luciash: I'm having issues with karmic beta [16:13] and flashplugin [16:13] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [16:13] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [16:14] miki_tnt, the invite plugin isn't in tiki3, I think, only in trunk. [16:16] *** pascalstjean has joined #tikiwiki [16:16] ahm, thank you. I havent seen invite plugin so, I guess it will be in 4 version [16:17] xavi: Fred was suggesting you restart your browser. something if you can't get a stable connection [16:18] pascalstjean: I've done it 4 times already [16:18] hum ok [16:18] I'll give Fred the feedback [16:18] ubuntu karmic browsers seem to be a bit unstable when using flash [16:18] ok, thanks [16:19] rebooting computer, just in case [16:19] *** xavi has left [16:23] xavi: ok [16:23] xavi: we have Gary online right now [16:27] BBB is quite cool! [16:28] has anybody used content template? [16:28] i have tried to configure : http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Content+template&bl=y [16:28] but when creating a page, no template options are displayed [16:29] I have also activated the feature [16:30] only admin user can use templates [16:31] the admin has the option to apply the template, but not a normal user [16:34] could it be a bug? [16:39] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [16:52] miki_tnt : it's a feature [16:52] you need to give permisions to "Registered" group [16:53] I will try now [16:53] thank you, but I have assigned permissions to the group and nothing happens [16:53] permissions to wiki section? [16:54] in wiki section there are not special permissions for templates [16:55] only: tiki_p_use_as_template wiki Can use the page as a tracker template [16:57] ahmm, i see [16:57] special permission to content template [16:58] tiki_p_use_content_templates [16:58] thank you [16:58] but it not happen the same with the calendar [16:58] when you add the permission, add event to registered [16:58] a registered user can not add an event [16:59] *** chealer has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [16:59] *** cheal has joined #tikiwiki [17:01] maybe you found a bug [17:01] *** cheal is now known as chealer_ [17:01] *** chealer_ is now known as chealer [17:02] I think so, and I reported two days ago but I don't know if it is really a bug or I don't know how to do it :) [17:15] can they view? [17:16] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [17:19] yes, they can view but not add an event [17:19] even adding a new permission to their group [17:20] miki_tnt: sorry, i thought it is in 3.3 too, the plugin... maybe you can try (just in case) if the 4.x plugin will work in 3.x copying it from the SVN [17:21] tiki_p_add_events Delete tiki_p_change_events, permissions to the group [17:21] @luciash: thank you for your pieces of advices [17:29] * chealer back from Internet blackout [17:43] polom chealer [17:43] hi marclaporte! [17:43] tikiwiki: 03rischconsulting * r22780 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: (log message trimmed) [17:43] tikiwiki: [FIX] Attempt to fix bug 2839 by changing tob$ff.`type` = 'tracker $trackerId' [17:43] tikiwiki: to tob$ff.`type` = 'trackeritem'. The query appears to have two problems: 1. [17:43] tikiwiki: tiki_objects field 'type' is never in the form "tracker $trackerID" but is [17:43] tikiwiki: instead just "tracker" and 2. Searching only for trackers limits the search [17:43] tikiwiki: unnecessarily, especially because we are searching for trackeritem objects. If I [17:43] tikiwiki: missed something or broke it, please let me know - it appears to work. [17:43] I'm fine at Mike's place - as long as wifi keeps working :) [17:44] :-) [17:44] are you downstairs? [17:48] marclaporte: yes [17:53] 2 beds? [17:54] i'll be there 2night [17:54] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r22781 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [17:54] tikiwiki: [FIX] group_exists() caching prevented group removal and renaming [17:54] tikiwiki: Closes: #2837 [17:54] *** marclaporte has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") [18:07] *** Kissaki has quit IRC (SendQ exceeded) [18:07] *** Kissaki has joined #tikiwiki [18:10] *** GillesM has joined #tikiwiki [18:15] *** JorgeBorg has joined #tikiwiki [18:16] I've just discovered TikiWiki after years of alternating between PmWiki and Drupal to make websites and I think TW solves my biggest conundrums with both. [18:17] Should I start building with TW4 pre-release because it will be out soon? [18:19] *** miki_tnt has quit IRC ("Page closed") [18:24] JorgeBorg: i would suggest to start with 3.3 as it is pretty stable and well supported and you can easily upgrade to Tiki 4 later [18:24] *** pascalstjean has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.4/20091016092926]") [18:26] thanks. my last concern concerns bitweaver. I'm seeking some specifics about the differences between the two currently. The best information I have is years old and I'm sure, out of date. [18:30] though I suspect that this says something: http://www.google.com/trends?q=bitweaver%2C+tikiwiki&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0 [18:43] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [18:44] *** xavi has left [18:48] *** Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki [18:59] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [19:00] luciash ? [19:00] yeah [19:00] hi [19:00] I've been trying a few other browsers [19:00] hola [19:00] plus opera [19:00] of course [19:00] I saw opera is not free soft :-/ [19:01] so I tried several others, until I found one working well with bigbluebutton on linux [19:01] kazehakase, based on gecko (afaik) [19:01] it worked both webcam and desktop sharing [19:02] fyi [19:02] chrome is extremely fast for everything, video is fine, but ... java applet don't work for me [19:03] galeon (gnome) also works for desktop sharing, but not for webcam :-/ [19:03] *** Redhatter has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [19:05] for me worked Arora except the desktop sharing or i just didn't see the confirm dialog for java [19:05] and today Opera worked very nicely [19:05] Arora is the fastest browser on linux i know (except elinks ;)) [19:06] graphical [19:06] and working with almost all like Safari [19:06] cause it is WebKit based [19:06] xavi ⤴ [19:09] ok, thats the same problem I saw with many browsers [19:10] but kazehakase worked fine on both desktop sharing and webcam [19:10] * xavi is checking abot the engine in kasehakase [19:11] kazehakase can run on webkit or gecko :-) (interesting) [19:11] anyway, fyi :-) [19:11] ok, back to work on groupmail documentation for another while [19:20] right, just tryied again and Arora here doesn't work for the desktop sharing [19:20] i uninstalled Kazekhase few days agi as it didn't work and look nicely for me [19:24] in karmic, kazehakase is not good-looking either, but at least, it just works out of te box for me, which is always a nice plus... ;-) [19:27] *** Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki [19:29] mmm, luciash, fyi: I've just seen that I was running kazehakase with gecko engine before. And that by default it shows a pretty simple interface, but it's the "UI level Basci". There is a "medium" and "advanced" levels, which offers much more options in the interface, etc. [19:29] xavi: anyway, things look much better than a year ago for linux desktops [19:30] :-) [19:30] I agree [19:30] ah, i wonder why the others gecko engine based browsers are crashing it for you [19:30] in koala [19:31] yes, so do I. Well, in fact, I read that epiphany is not based on gecko any more since karmic koala [19:32] and shiretoko 3.5.4pre doesn't either..., I dunno why [19:32] but shiretoko ? [19:32] * luciash just launches shiretoko to try [19:32] in jaunty [19:33] and I ended up installing all plugins I could for java, but no desktop sharing shown [19:33] in fact, no window popup asking permission [19:34] well after a little while i get the popup dialog in shiretoko here with no problem [19:34] i use java6 [19:37] well, I get greyed screen [19:37] and no change after a while [19:37] a min or so [19:37] so I shutt down firefox [19:37] like now again [19:37] :-/ [19:37] I took the presenter role, and clicked on share desktop.... and it happened again with shiretoko [19:38] no confirmation dialog for the flash to allow my mic due to the firefox 3.5 bug with flash here [19:38] on the other hand, so shiretoko is no option unless you know the workaround anyway [19:38] which version of shiretoko are you using? [19:38] 3.5.4 [19:38] same here 3.5.4pre [19:39] well, pre is not the sam, is it ? [19:39] workaround: you mean allow connections through the adobe website ? [19:39] the same [19:39] yes [19:39] hold on. I'll try again after updating shiretoko (there is a recent update in the queue list) [19:39] i am going there to try the workaround [19:41] ok, fixed it there by selecting "Always Ask" [19:41] the workaround works for the webcam (flash issue), but didn't work for me for the desktop sharing, maybe because they said it's based on java [19:42] yes, it is different, a dialog should pop out which asks you [19:42] yes, and it doesn't on shiretoko for me, just greyed window [19:42] i can show you in yuuguu if you like ;)\ [19:43] i see, frozen browser is no good [19:43] no, I believe you, with or without yuugourt :-) [19:43] LOL [19:43] *** amette has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:43] *** danopia has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:43] *** CIA-31 has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:43] *** lorinc has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:43] wow, now i tried to share my desktop again and it showed the laptop screen correctly this time [19:43] *** amette has joined #tikiwiki [19:43] :-) I know veggie people eat lots of yuuguu(rt) :-) [19:43] *** franck has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] ROFL [19:44] *** JorgeBorg has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** chealer has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** changi has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [19:44] *** amette has quit IRC (Nick collision from syn.) [19:44] *** JorgeB has joined #tikiwiki [19:44] but i don't (that) much actually [19:44] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [19:44] wow, what an IRC dance [19:44] *** Caarrie|away has joined #tikiwiki [19:44] *** changi has joined #tikiwiki [19:44] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [19:45] well, as a side note, I'm not veggie but I love big fruit yougurts (500 g) [19:45] yes, nick collisions... [19:45] ok, shiretoko updated on karmic [19:45] trying again... [19:46] nice glitch [19:46] i hope you didn't make collisions of java libs [19:46] Your reported IP [] is banned: christel; Your access to freenode has been terminated. klines@freenode.net with questions. (2009/02/19 18.45) [19:46] oups [19:47] i love these guys [19:48] argh.... same effect with latest shiretoko (3.5.4): greyed screen [19:48] you have java6 ? [19:48] and frozen browser... [19:48] yes... [19:48] checking version... [19:48] are you on 32 bit or 64 bit ? [19:48] 32 [19:48] and you? [19:48] *** amette has joined #tikiwiki [19:48] ok [19:48] same [19:49] xavi: if you want i can show you my installed packages in synaptic [19:50] :-) [19:50] nice desktop sharing :-) [19:51] oups, the verify java version program (from java website) also frozed my shiretoko.... [19:52] koala is not ready for java, it seems to me... [19:52] oups [19:52] i wonder why you disappeared again [19:53] * luciash launching yuuguu [19:53] (just in case ;))) [19:55] I closed shiretoko [19:55] definitively, the problem s with java on this siretoko [19:55] it freezes shiretoko to me [19:56] do you have sun-java6-plugin installed ? [19:56] testing java version on synaptic, instead... [19:56] yes, 6-15-1 java plugin [19:56] hmmm [19:56] weird, i have newer [19:57] plus icedtea6-plugin [19:57] 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 [19:57] plus icedtea-gcjwebplugin [19:57] no icedtea here [19:57] what is this good for ? [19:57] hey, were did you take it from? :-) [19:57] no idea, from jaunty :-p [19:57] :-) [19:58] IcedTeaPlugin is a web browser plugin to execute Java applets, supporting [19:58] no iced tea here, just yuughurts :-p [19:58] LiveConnect/Javascript. It is targeted for xulrunner-1.9 and compatible [19:58] browsers that support the NPAPI. [19:58] Icedtea is a temporary fork of OpenJDK [19:58] * xavi needs to change his diet... [19:58] i would say that can be the source of problems [19:59] icetea6-plugin is the default one installed and certified by ubuntu.... but I'll try without it [19:59] in yoghurt or if you come back, i can show you my packages [20:00] *** CIA-78 has joined #TikiWiki [20:00] hehehh, now i searched for it and i have just iced tea jre with cacao :-p [20:01] so did I :-) [20:01] but the plugin i don't have installed [20:01] hum, I just realized TikiFestToronto is supposed to be started [20:01] chealer: heheh [20:01] really ? [20:02] luciash: I had in mind it started later, but apparently it stated a minute ago: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestToronto4 [20:02] luciash: shiretoko frozen still, even if restarted with the tea-related packages removed [20:02] xavi: no good [20:03] oups, only you and me, luci, on the bbb [20:03] chealer, nobody there... if they started, they started somewhere else... [20:03] and pascal just arrived :-) [20:04] xavi: what? how do you know? [20:04] pascal is there [20:09] :-) well, you got it... [20:09] http://algonquincollege.bigbluebutton.org/tiki.html [20:17] xavi: yeah [20:23] New Forum Posts: Wiki Page Polls in 3.2 & 3.3 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=35102 [20:23] *** pascalstjean has joined #tikiwiki [20:24] hi pascalstjean [20:24] hey [20:25] chealer: are you waiting for Mike so that you can join? [20:25] or are you not coming here today? [20:25] pascalstjean: no [20:25] no you're not coming here today? [20:25] pascalstjean: I'll tell you when I come. do you have instant messaging, Jabber or .net? [20:26] Skype or MSN [20:26] skype: pascalstjean [20:26] msn: st_jean_pascal@hotmail.com [20:26] pascalstjean: please add zaq@fuckhotmail.com [20:26] *** JorgeB has quit IRC () [20:27] done [20:27] saw that but I had some kopete bug [20:27] good, works [20:33] pascalstjean: Mike is not coming today [20:34] chealer: not problem [20:47] anyone ever get a SQL error 2002 (CR_CONNECTION_ERROR) [20:47] I can get Branch to work [20:47] but not Trunk on fresh install [20:56] *** tommo has joined #tikiwiki [20:59] *** tommo has quit IRC (Client Quit) [21:00] not me [21:00] but I'm not talking about a fresh install [21:02] *** luminoso has quit IRC ("Leaving") [21:06] *** kiilo1 has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [21:07] *** pascalstjean has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [21:16] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [21:17] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [21:18] *** luminoso has joined #tikiwiki [21:18] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [21:23] *** pascalstjean has joined #tikiwiki [21:23] Broadcasting TikiFest Toronto Live [21:23] come join us [21:23] http://algonquincollege.bigbluebutton.org/tiki.html [21:40] *** [o_O] has joined #tikiwiki [22:10] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [22:12] *** drews has joined #tikiwiki [22:13] *** drews has left [22:14] *** shawnadler has joined #tikiwiki [22:17] *** Lucy_ has joined #tikiwiki [22:17] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [22:28] pascalstjean: seems pretty close to where I am. I think I'm coming :) [22:29] great [22:29] see you soon [22:34] *** cheal has joined #tikiwiki [22:37] *** cheal has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [22:52] *** chealer has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [22:59] xavi: good night, xavi [23:12] *** xavi has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [23:24] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki