Kimberliee: coaboa stated that after upgrade from 3.3 -> 4.0 and then all of the *existing* users were marked as "Need to Validate Email"? so these are *not* new users?
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23313 10/branches/4.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] textarea is needed here
Kimberliee: nevermind...
I just had to read it a couple of times, it didn't make good sense to me.
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23314 10/branches/4.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] more prevention if possible IE js errors and make sure textarea is defined
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r23315 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-list_object_permissions.tpl: [FIX] Adding navigation on this very important page
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marclaporte: the show must go on
-: Kimberliee is waiting for the show.
Kimberliee: sylvie: The only problem I see (assuming I understand the problem) is that all user creation requires Email Validation. Regardless of whether this option is selected or not.
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Kimberliee: I assume that coaboa was using "Edit User" to send the validation which has the password fields.
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r23316 10/branches/4.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] Preparing 4.0 release
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23317 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] add warning that category permissions will not be upgraded to version 4
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r23318 10/branches/4.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] Preparing 4.0 release
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r23319 10/branches/4.x/README: [REL] Update README file for 4.0
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r23320 10/branches/4.x/lang/ (36 files in 36 dirs): [REL] Update language.php files for 4.0
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r23321 10/branches/4.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Rollback r23309
sylvieg: jonnyb: did you notice color box did not select your courent selection
jonnyb: hi sylvieg - no?
selection in what?
sylvieg: as it was before
jonnyb: do you mean colorbox, the shadowbox replacement?
sylvieg: sorry sems to be fixed now
was not last wek'
jonnyb: super! :)
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23322 10/branches/4.x/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 4.0
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23323 10/branches/4.x/db/tiki-secdb_4.0_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 4.0
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nkoth: please test:
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23324 10/tags/4.0/: [REL] Tagging release
marclaporte: houston: we have a 4.0
nkoth: check final tarballs:
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marclaporte: false start
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r23325 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl: [SEC] remove Javascript alert() leftover debug message when one of the new passwords is empty. found by Jonny Bradley
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23326 10/tags/4.0/: [REL] remove for retag
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23327 10/branches/4.x/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 4.0
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23328 10/tags/4.0/: [REL] Tagging release
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nkoth: they are now on
hmm, that does not work
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Tikiwiki|bot: Info: Tiki 4.0 has been released -
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-: marclaporte declares TikiFestMontreal4 over
marclaporte declares TikiFestMontreal4 a huge success
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: How do I configure the user home and user pages? -
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luciash: polom
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: tag search only for articles? -
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chibaguy: polom
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luciash: hi chibaguy
chibaguy: hey luciash
luciash: chibaguy: in ikea again ?
chibaguy: no, home this time. :-)
luciash: :)
chibaguy: My wife and Drew just left for San Francisco, for 3 weeks.
visiting family.
so no ikea for a while.
luciash: ah, cool :)
how come you stay ?
it will be some lonely time for you being home alone
chibaguy: The reason they went is because my wife's sister had a baby, so my wife wanted to help out, and also see the other child, who she's never seen yet. Also my wife's dad is traveling to there from Hawaii, and it will be good to see him.
For Drew, a chance to see America a little (as he's a US citizen but hasn't been there much yet).
As for me, I need to stay here and find a job.
My government unemployment benefits are running out. :-o
I have a daughter also (college age) so I'm not alone.
luciash: ah, sure, i forgot, and the dog ;)
chibaguy: oh, yes, of course the dog too. ;-)
luciash: grmbl that i cannot help you somehow with the job issue
when i had a company department in japan i would definitely employ you ;)
chibaguy: thanks. :-)
luciash: have you tried the ikea if they need tiki there ? ;)
chibaguy: hmm, didn't think of that. ;-)
luciash: or maybe there's local mozilla in japan ? couldn't they employ you for SuMo ?
chibaguy: possibly.
luciash: that would be great i think
chibaguy: hm, interesting.
yeah, I'll contact them.
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coaboa: is there a function/module comparable to "last_visited_pages" for articles?
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t4ttyt3ddy: hi
I am trying to find a way of checking to see if a page has a particular freetag using php. I have found the information on checking a permission on a page(Which I also needed) but I cannot find anything that tells you how to check for a freetag. I have looked through the lib files and cannot find a function for it, I have also browsed the Docs but come up blank. Can anyone help?
Sug4r: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
t4ttyt3ddy: I have found that freetags has a freetags_current option but how would I use this in php?
can anyone help?
chibaguy: sorry, t4ttyt3ddy, no idea.
t4ttyt3ddy: ok thanks, anyone else?
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ricks99: hi all :-)
kudos for 4.0 release!
chibaguy: hi ricks99
ricks99: hi chibaguy
chibaguy: how are your tiki 4 experiences so far?
ricks99: no issues that ive seen so far
(still dont like the upload image w/ file gallery process) :(
miki_tnt: hello,
I have found a problem when trying to login,. I dont know if somebody has the same error.
I have tikiwiki in a virtual windows machine
with all the services up, mysql and apache
but when I try to login with admin user, I am redirect to the same page
and the login is not done
but when I enter with remote desktop to the machine
I can do the login with no problem
it is really weird but I don't know what is the problem... could it be a bug ?
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chibaguy: miki_tnt, maybe no one else runs tikiwiki that way. Or anyway, I have seen the error report, if so.
have -> haven't
have you tested logging into other web software in that server arrangement?
miki_tnt: maybe nobobody is using it in this way
chibaguy: very possibly
miki_tnt: yes, I have tryed with a LAMP configuration
and I havent found any problem
chibaguy: right, I use lamp for testing here.
miki_tnt: is only with this WAMP configuration in a virtual machine
I hate using windows
chibaguy: er, I mean I use wamp, not lamp
-: chibaguy tries to pay attention
miki_tnt: my proposal of using LAMP was not accepted ...
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miki_tnt: dont know
I have check all the logs
but i dont know why this is happening
-: ricks99 uses wamp + vista & xp with no issues
miki_tnt: I am using a windows server in a virtual machine
chibaguy: does your windows server in a virtual machine work ok for other web applications? (regarding log-in, etc.)
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miki_tnt: I have only this web app
actually when I login with other user (not admin) Invalid username is displayed
ricks99: possibly an issue with sessions? ive seen failed logins when tiki cannot write sessions data to the web app
chibaguy: if you tried a few others that require login, you could see if the problem is Tiki-specific, or due to the server/virtual machine in some way, maybe.
miki_tnt: probably, how can i see that?
ricks99: r u storing session data in db or file system? try switching
miki_tnt: I gonna check right know the mysql log in case a not admin user try to login
in db
ricks99: try switching?
miki_tnt: switching?
but I have already created users and pages
ricks99: switch from strong session data in db to file
miki_tnt: can I do it with no problems?
ricks99: not sure of implications if u have 'live' system
miki_tnt: :-s
it is really weird
when I try to log with a not admin user
Permission denied you cannot view this page You are not logged in. Go to Login Page
that is what I see
but when I init remote desktop session, I can enter with no problems
ricks99: i think it is a sessions issue. sounds like lcoally, ur not able to write the session
miki_tnt: what can I see to try to solve it?
ricks99: dont know. sorry
not familiar enough with your setup
miki_tnt: dont worry
thank you very much for your hint
ricks99: good luck
miki_tnt: I have been around two days ... the only bad solution is to leave open the remote desktop session :-s
when you say that it could be a session problem, You mean a session problem with the tikiwiki db?
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r23329 10/mods/trunk/themes/ohia_tiki_4/ (18 files in 7 dirs): [NEW] Ohia theme for Tiki 4.
miki_tnt: or apache session?
ricks99: ive seen similar issse when tiki was unable to write to the server session
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coaboa: maybe stupid q (4.0): how can I as registered rate an article other than through edit-> rate or comment->rate. Article rating is displayed to the amount (default 7) of whatever I entered as last rating value?
ricks99: article ratings are ratings by the *author* (at the time of posting) -- not rating by *readers*.
coaboa: so the author rate itself?
ricks99: Yes. For example, the author writes an article about a movie/film and applies a RATING.
Caarrie: that sounds very backwards
i dont know any author that would not rate his article high as can be
chibaguy: it's a special case, compared to most ratings we see around the net.
an early author of tiki wanted to do a site, I guess. :-)
(for movie critics)
ricks99: im saying good or bad, just what it is :-)
chibaguy: sure.
Caarrie: which does not look to be what coaboa wants
coaboa: ah, now i understand. Is there a way to apply rating in a more integrated way than by using jskitrating? Want to give users ability to rate articles and wikipages
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ricks99: note that the free js-kit is being phased out
chibaguy: Tiki should have a rated-by-users kind of function, and maybe rename the current rating feature to "self-rating" or something.
coaboa: yes thats an issue tooooo
ricks99: ive been moving to instead
for wiki pages, you can use tiki polls for user-ratings -- only in wiki pages, though
coaboa: but this is hardly to integrate with list articles by rating-like-things, arent it?
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23330 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: typo - thx sven-ove
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23331 10/trunk/ (70 files in 47 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 23279 to 23327
ricks99: anyone having issues with 3.3 rss feeds for wiki pages? (or just me?)
coaboa: other thing: twitterintegration. wouldn'tit make sense to have a flag/checkbox in the shoutbox modul to optionaly post a shout to twitter too with username@sitetwitteruser. tried phptwitterclass but i'am not a programmer. just managed to generate the html-integration-thing. but utilizing the shoutbox would be great.
tried to switch of admin->articles->rating but the rating still is visible at top of the articles. How can i remove those stars? (V4.0)
ricks99: did u clear cache?
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23332 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 23327 to 23330
coaboa: yes but still persists :-( Sticky selfrating ;-)
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Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2864 - - Calendar module -
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marclaporte: polom
luciash: miki_tnt: i never use store session data in db since i found it very buggy once (no idea if it was fixed) but much more safe you'll be with storing session data in filesystem
hey marclaporte
coaboa: you could maybe substitute articles with custom tracker with rating + trackerlist wiki plugin
and display the trackerlist "articles" via "pretty trackers" template
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coaboa: so you mean don't use feature article and using a tracker instead? Any examplesite to look @?
luciash: yep
RavenC: 1. Thanks to all for the hard work on v4 this weekend. 2. When will 4 be on soundforge? It is only offering 3.3 right now.
coaboa: how to integrate with topics etc?
marclaporte: RavenC : it is on SF
coaboa: + thx to you too for 4.0 looks very good so far.
luciash: i have example with not articles trackers specifically but can give you an idea
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luciash: coaboa:
coaboa: will look at it right away
-: marclaporte readies to upgrade to Tiki4
coaboa: connection timed out to that serverver
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luciash: coaboa: the output in right side is made using the trackerlist wikiplugin with this wiki page used as template for every item:
RavenC: marclaporte: Thanks, just found it! :)
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luciash: coaboa: i am just going to use it on another site (tracker articles) so i will let you know how it goes if you're interested
coaboa: still no connection to
yes i would appreciate any help on that
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luciash: coaboa: sorry, it's just my test server and not very reliable to connect for some folks
coaboa: should i give you acces to any of my testsites?
luciash: coaboa: i will do on now
coaboa: ok
luciash: coaboa: you use tiki 4 already ? on there's 3.x still
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coaboa: yes 4.0 -> project should go live early next year.. Is there much changed in trackers between 3.x and 4.x
luciash: coaboa: if you want, you can gimme access to your test site too
coaboa: send me an email (this domain also has a clean 4.0 set up today) and ill send you user&pass. OK?
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coaboa: luciash
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Kimberliee: g' morning.
coaboa: luciash: still there? made an account could post psswd&user here too...
luciash: yep
you can /msg me
hi Kimberliee
coaboa: ah, missed
coaboa: i can send you mail
coaboa: mail sent
coaboa: luciash: got /msg? never used that irc feature before ;-)
-: sylvieg is on the confirm user by admin since this morning - I can not find out
sylvieg: for the other oproblem - too many users are marked as 'need email validation' is it a confirmed problem?
luciash: sylvieg: hi, no idea
Kimberliee: sylvie: I looked at that last night
all new users are marked as need email validation
regardless of whether the checkbox is selected or not
sylvieg: is registration a valid email ergistration?
ah even if there is not this step?
Caarrie: [Sun 10:22:55 am] <coaboa> After Upgrading to 4.0 nearly all users have the flag "need to validate email"
[Sun 10:23:58 am] Bamieater [i=Melvin@freenode/sponsor/bamieater] has quit IRC: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
[Sun 10:24:37 am] <coaboa> now i have a real problem after validating admin account (leaving password fields empty assuming this will keep the old one) the password isn't vallid anymore.
Kimberliee: even if there is not this step
coaboa: I am assuming that you are using the "Edit User" to validate the email?
coaboa: yes
sylvieg: buit this is new in 4 and bugged
Tikiwiki|bot: Info: Tiki 4.0 has been released -
sylvieg: so it is not anymore in 4 0- unitl I found out
Tikiwiki|bot: Info: Tiki 4.0 Beta1 has been released -
Info: Tiki 3.3 now available -
coaboa: luciash: do you need to be in the admin group?
Kimberliee: coaboa: have you tried the new "Confirm Email" icon in the "Action" field of adminusers?
coaboa: smal envelop icon @ end of line?
Kimberliee: this doesn't have any password fields.
chibaguy: tikiwiki|bot's urls are wrong. maybe due to upgrading?
Kimberliee: this way you won't have to leave a password blank
sylvieg: Confirm Email" icon in the "Action" field of adminusers? this one is bugged
Kimberliee: it doesn't even call for a password field
oic, well then...
different story
sylvieg: but I can not reproduce the problem of the message 'need email valdation' in tehre is no email validation
Kimberliee: here is what I found
sylvieg: so far I understand - there is 2 problems
Kimberliee: sylvie: yes
coaboa: one is that already confirmed users are marked as need validation
sylvieg: I can not reporduce the too many messages
coaboa: upgraded from 3.3 to 4.0
afterwards the users where flage unvalidated
sylvieg: but for new users, is it ok?
Kimberliee: sylvie: create a new user is not ok
its the same as the upgraded users
sylvieg: an admin ceraes a new user?
a a user registers?
Kimberliee: yes
luciash: coaboa: yep
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Kimberliee: upgraded user or new user = same problem
sylvieg: ... I can not reproduce
coaboa: luciash: added you to admins
sylvieg: I have the message only if I check 'send an email in order the user to validate is account
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ocarter: Humm.. 4.0beta1 on Debian/php5/apache22/mysql5 : My homepage -forces- me to use the wysiwyg editor, hitting the 'wiki editor' icon produces a 30 second pause, and then a empty (no contents even if viewing source) page (the url looks good .../tiki-editpage.php?page=HomePage) hitting reload on that simply takes me back to the edit page, with the wysiwyg editor.. There are NO errors produced....
...The wysiwyg editor is available, but not set as default and the 'remeber last editor' option is not selected.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get back to editing this page (actually it's my only page.. new install) with the wiki editor.. ie to -force- it to the wiki editor
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marclaporte: wsod:
chibaguy: that's weird, marclaporte. is ok for me (4.0).
chealer: ocarter: 4.0 is out
SEWilco2: So is it time to change this channel's header about 4.0?
coaboa: luciash: I'am afk for about 2 Hours.
ocarter: Ah.. ok..
I'll give that a wizzz... and if I still have this I'll come back in the forums (where i have more time to think!)
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Search Highlight Feature -
New Forum Posts: "Unable to connect to database" error in 3.3 -
ocarter: cheerz guys
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marclaporte: chibaguy : can you activate pluginmemberlist?
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Clickable Image of a Diagram as an index -
luciash: marclaporte: ohertel said it is out of memory issue when listing the plugins there
chibaguy: ok
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23333 10/branches/4.x/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]tracker: show only the categs you can see
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chibaguy: pluginmemberlist is activated at, but there's a problem with the editpage. the tabs aren't working, and it's stuck on showing the categories.
I edited a page a few minutes ago, but now it's weird. I noticed earlier that editing was strange (when preview was showing, the textarea was missing).
I attributed the problem to something gone wrong in the upgrade (I upgraded with ftp).
Based on three pages at edited since upgrading to 4.0, two that were created since the upgrade have had editpage strangeness. One that was created before the upgrade has been ok to edit.
But again, maybe due to file corruption during transfer.
(this has all been using Opera)
I'm trying with firefox to see what happens.
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23334 10/branches/4.x/lib/wiki/xmllib.php: [FIX]xmlimport: do not go into error for an external image
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luciash: seems assigning object permissions doesn't work in tiki 4 :(
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luciash: coaboa_: i created the tracker articles example for you at your site
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ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte
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coaboa: thx check it after dinner
luciash: coaboa: but can't assign object permissions for the wiki page to allow anonymous to tiki_p_use_as_template :(
coaboa: you can see it as admin though... you will find it at the wiki pages listing page
sylvieg: seems ok for me
luciash: sylvieg: maybe it is just some servers
it happened to me now on the coaboa's tiki 4
i check the checkboxes, hit the Assign button and I am back on the unassigned checkboxes page
chibaguy: I made a page at and assigned it to be viewable only by admin. I logged out and can still see the page - but only the title. the content (pluginmemberlist output) doesn't display.
Oh, sorry, my fault. I didn't remove the global permissions on the object permission list for that page.
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chibaguy: So object perms appear to work in this case anyway.
time to sleep. g'night.
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luciash: it seems some servers are more sensitive to tiki syntax :( got some php errors from cached templates due to usage of {if $f_XX eq ""}{$f_XX}{/if} in trackerlist wiki page template
it doesn't like the quotes (nor single quotes) there
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xavi: toctoc
the documentation structure from can't yet be printed out in a single html...
there is still this apparent conflict with the plugin footnote page, which shows up, instead of the the multiprinted pages
^ sylvieg , marclaporte, are you aware of this?
luciash: hola xavi
xavi: I'm testing a new TikiLiveCD with Tiki 4.0, and I was planning to leave one copy of the whole structure, at least, there...
hi luciash :-)
luciash: xavi: perhaps you can try disable the fottnote plugin there ?
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radif: I have six content templates, and I want one of them to be the DEFAULT template whenever someone tries to create a new page. Any idea how to do this?
sylvieg: luciash: strnage on my local {if $f_23 ne ''}CCCC{/if} is ok
luciash: sylvieg: yes, strange as on some severs it is no problem but on some it causes fatal errors
sylvieg: xavi how do you print 'multiple print?
xavi: hi sylvieg. tiki-print_pages.php
and select structure
then print
I'm doing it again after I disabled both plugins realted to footnot (just in case) and deleted cache again
sylvieg: ah because of redirect...
xavi: tiki caches
ah, good guess....
and... sylvieg, what do you suggest for fixing it?
I?ve just made a search for REDIRECT on and many pages seem to use it...
ok, redirect plugin disabled in the mean time
and I?ll try again
sylvieg: I need to test before...
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luciash: xavi, i am not sure redirect plugin or redirect on error sylvie means
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: How to manage a process to register a member into a new group -
sylvieg: I confirm it is the REDIRECT that create problem
radif: I have six content templates, and I want one of them to be the DEFAULT template whenever someone tries to create a new page. Any idea how to do this?
xavi: ok, sylvieg, nowadays I got a blank page while attempting to print the whole structure in
radif: no idea sorry (I guess you'll have to code it somehow)
sylvieg: I did it 5mn ago I get the plage plugin footnot
I suppose the server is dead again...
xavi: luciash: user and pass fields in horizontal bar in strasa can't be seen in "krusader"...
sylvieg: I got blank page in my trial after I disabled the plugin redirect)
in case it matters
luciash: I guess krusader is not that much used out there... but current Slax live cd is still using krusader as the default browser
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xavi: and in order to keep the livecd as small as possible I was not planning to add firefox
marclaporte: : xavi: I don't know about footnotes
xavi: luciash: do you know if krusader is still supported out there? (I ask since you are - or were at least - more involved in kde life)
luciash: radif: you can try with .htaccess rewrite rule and tiki-editpage.php?page=...&preview=Preview
xavi: sylvieg: the server seems to be fine as is. It's just after I click again on the "print" button that the blank page is shown....
happenend again
luciash: xavi: krusader ? it is ftp program
xavi: and this looks to me as if some issue with memory exhausted again... (just a guess)
argh, luciash. sorry , I meant konqueror
luciash: ahh
xavi: krusader is a dual pane kde software (which I love and I always install on every gnome that I use!)
luciash: i have konq here, i can check
xavi: ok, thanks
luciash: i am kde involved nomore
xavi: ok
mmm, this konqueror in the slax livecd 's is quite old (from 2005)
luciash: xavi: it looks fine in konq 4.3.2
xavi: ok, then it's related to this old version on konqueror...
luciash: xavi: can't you build the tiki live cd with some more fresh distro ?
xavi: I?ll add another browser (or updated konqueror for slax 6.x, if I find it)
luciash: have you abandoned the whole idea of ubuntu stick ?
xavi: luciash: tried during the last week the "uck", for customzied and small livd cd's based on ubuntu, but it doesn't work any more
in fact, uck (ubuntu customization kit) didn't work for me since 2008 :-(
luciash: chm chm
xavi: and ubuntu stick is too fat
can't fit on a livecd
luciash: xm xm :-p
xavi: so this slax is still the best and easiest solution for me
luciash: i wonder if slax is discontinued ?
xavi: "for me", well, for producing a real tiki updated livecd
nope, it is continued
luciash: why the heck does it have konq from 2005 then ?
xavi: and nowadays (2009) many modules were updated by the community, so it's easy again to customize
to keep it small? (if it works, don't touch it)
luciash: heh
xavi: but nowadays, it seems that this konqueror needs to be replaced
luciash: try Arora or Chromium there if possible
-: ricks99 has downloaded 4.0 and is (finally) going to install it...
coaboa: xavi: did you had a look @ dsl unix? Its just 50 MB. And could boot insde windows too
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: [Tiki 4.0] Index page error -
xavi: coaboa :-) yes, I did. I even supported the coder for a few months (donation). However, not so easy to customize to something different than English
luciash: radif: tiki-editpage.php?page=HomePage&templateId=1D[D[D[D[D[C[C[C[C[C[C[C
xavi: and also tried dsl-n (80MB), and more or less the same
the oher good candiate was puppy-linux, but slax was fine for my needs by then
browser: they don't seem to provide an updated konqueror, so I just added a firefox 3.5.x
luciash: radif: oops, should be only templateId=1 at the end
xavi: btw, we need to test upgrades from 3.x to 4.0. In the test update of the tikilivecd from 3.1 to tiki4.0, user admin lost his inclusions to groups, and admin sees "you don't have permission to use this feature" to the basic tiki-index.php (!!!)
ricks99: if you can (whenever) test the upgrade 3.x to 4.0 on a cloned site with real data... I'm not confident with my first test so far :-(
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23335 10/branches/4.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]print: do not redirect when printing
sylvieg: xavi ^^ should fix one pb
xavi: sylvieg: thanks. I?ll try again whenever is updatd
marclaporte: changi|away is the king of updates!
xavi: sylvieg: have you tried upgrading any test site of yours?
with real data, I mean, from 3.x to 4.0?
marclaporte: did you (any of you) tried updates while in montreal?
tiki 3.x to tiki 4.0, I mean
ricks99: System error: could not find driver
luciash: ricks99: you miss PDO support for mysql in your php
sylvieg: xavi I svn up
ricks99: using myslqi
what/how pdo support?
xavi: oups, and this last forum post is about another serious issue after upgrading 3.2 to 4.0 from anotehr user:
luciash: pdo
coaboa: i have done an upgrade. and experienced some of those admin loses his group perms too
luciash: either add php-pdo-mysql or switch in local.php to adodb
xavi: i think many ppl get that because they miss Admins group (not sure)
-: ricks99 rick clicked the Release Notes link on page 1 of the installer to read about php-pdo... but got a 404 page not found error
luciash: yea, ppl do not care about ReleaseNotes pages nowadays ;)
ricks99: maybe...
luciash: i gave up after doing ReleaseNotes33 and asking for help but nobody cared
-: ricks99 is a n00b and struggles with luciash's explanation of "either add php-pdo-mysql or switch in local.php to adodb"
ricks99 would have read the release notes :-)
luciash: and wouldn't probably found it there either :-p
sylvieg: rick: this guy has probably the same problem thatn you
ricks99: did something major change in 4.x? I never had to mess with any php config for 3.3?
sylvieg: I explained
luciash: sylvieg: what was it ? tiki-db-engine: adodb ?
ricks99: could the explainintion be added to the release notes? or installer?
sylvieg: $api_tiki='adodb';
luciash: ah, right
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luciash: ricks99: read sylvie's link
yonixxx: hi all
luciash: ricks99: sure, if you do it
hi yonixxx
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ricks99: could tiki add the necessary line to the local.db? maybe for 4.1
so the processs for 4.0 n00b is 1. run the installer. 2. get the error on last step 3. manually edit the local.php file. 4. enter tiki?
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: [Tiki 4.0] Index page error [Solved] -
ricks99: ah. only an issue with 5.1.0 php?
luciash: the manual edit of local.php is only fallback to adodb if everything else fails (you can't get pdo support for mysql installed for some reason)
Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2865 - - after upgrade 3.1->4.0: admin sees in tiki-index. ... -
luciash: ricks99: if you are on windows you need to add extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll in your php.ini
-: ricks99 collects this tribal knowledge to publish on release notes...
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luciash: sylvieg: if it doesn't redirect when printing, does it mean it will print just the page with REDIRECT syntax or empty page ?
xavi: back
-: ricks99 *tried* to create relase notes, but got The requested URL /ReleaseNotes4.0&bl=n was not found on this server. when trying to save the file
ricks99: sylvieg/luciash: pls review the pdo info i added to the release notes. tx
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-: xavi is testing the printing-the-doc-structure at again
xavi: blank page again :-(
maybe memory exhausted?
-: xavi has just enabled error_reporting_adminonly at and will try again
xavi: ok, no change (I removed the error_reporting_adminonly )
RavenC: 404 error for
xavi: sylvieg: blank page for me still
ok, enough for me for today
coaboa: little issue with module flip=y. Having the main app menu with flip=y and several modules with flip=y in the center. collapsing those middle modules as non admin collapses also the main menu (which is in my case only presented to admins) when logged in as admin again(loks like toogling). But now admin can not expand the menu.
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coaboa: entering tiki-admin.php and the menu is expanded without further interaction
but clicking "toogle" icon still doesn't have any effect to the state of the menu
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coaboa: luciash: had a lokk at the tracker thing. Already strugling with authos didnt fill in a heading or doesn't realize how to categorize... So I think the tracker based solution for articles is way to confuing for normal users. Maybe it is possible to just use the trackes Rating inside articles. THX for the support.
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23336 10/branches/4.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_article.php: global
Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2866 - - Maketoc parsing causing "super toc" in Search results and ... -
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RavenC: fresh 4.0 install : trying to chose Comany_Intranet_4x Profile. States that it is loading, but nothing comes up like the Collaborative...
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Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2867 - - Mod-security -
New Forum Posts: Company_Intranet_4x Profile -
SEWilco2: RavenC: Does a different profile work?
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RavenC: SEWilco2: Yes, the others all appear to work ok.
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SEWilco2: RavenC: Thanks, that will help whoever looks at the problem. At least the rest of your configuration seems to work, which increases the chance that the problem is within that profile.
RavenC: SEWilco2: Thanks. Everything else is working like a charm.
SEWilco2: (I'm still working on updating my site, so haven't been able to debug 4 yet)
RavenC: mine is so new, starting fresh is not an issue
SEWilco2: (But my problem is not due to anything in 4... it's due to needing to port local improvements into 4 so they can be contributed)
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RavenC: nite everyone
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23337 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW]categ: admin can move all the bunch of c aetgorized objects around
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