marclaporte: So I just get trunk and make a patch against that? And put it on Sourceforge? Maybe you want to see the stuff first? :P we'll see in trunk :-) Alright - do I post on the dev mailing list to get commit access, then? wow , some model you have there :) thanx marclaporte for the line to add (will report back say in 72hrs either way) luciash will get email to u for projects and a great evening to all from TN marclaporte: hah, i am in middle of something... can you pass it to yourself or sylvie ? otherwise i can do it but in an half an hour or so It's no rush, guys :) I can mod the trunk while you pass the hat around .. :-) ROFL Btw, I am working really hard to get the community at to move to Tiki (from MediaWiki) So I made a total conversion of 2300 pages great importer, btw :) We have over 20,000 users super! wow! The lead man hasn't given the thumbs up yet, but .. :) wow New Forum Posts: New link - New install of Tikiwiki, but can't add any wiki articles - we almost got a phpBB importer this summer... Ogre3D is the leading open source 3D rendering engine :) from the same person who did the MediaWiki important (Rodrigo) Yes, but we are not moving from phpbb :) We have over 300,000 posts in it oh, no linux support ? ;) is ogre3d available for linux too ? Yes -> win, *nix, mac and the iPhone can't find it on Linux users are smart enough to compile from source ;) :-p i need deb for my ubuntu ;) we're in the short-time age ;) We do have unofficial official Debian packages, actually luciash: If you want a deb, just enter 'ogre' in your package manager ;) jacmoe: ah, sure, thanks :) (/me should try that first) hi all. I was wondering if there was a way to list a menu in a module if a page is in a certain category. something like menupage by category? yes well, not exactly it's by perspective no GUI yet for perspectives, only settable via profiles which profile? It is 3.3 only 4 ok, I saw that butI was hoping there might be another way. Thanks. doc say that to search the actual files in the file gallery, i need to verify that the appropriate command (such as pdftotext %1) exists on the sever. how do i do this? i'm on a shared, hosted site. should i b able to see somethong from pdfinfo.php? i have a bunch of PDF and DOC files that i want to be "searchable" New Forum Posts: Images in file gallery not visible on home page - ricks99 : if you run on commandline, what happens? dont think i have command line... shared host w/ ftp & cpanel basically.. hmmmm.... sh: pdftotext: command not found guess this means not possible on my server? maybe ask host to install? tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r23817 10/trunk/templates/tiki-print_pages.tpl: [FIX]do not need the structure tab unless the wiki structure feature is enabled. tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r23818 10/trunk/templates/tiki-print_pages.tpl: [FIX]oops. correction to r23817. had to move the closing element outside of the {IF} loop. tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r23819 10/branches/proposed/styles/strasa/options/mono.css: [FIX] Log-in button wasn't monochrome. Thanks to Eric Kelner for reporting. tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r23820 10/branches/4.x/styles/strasa/options/mono.css: [FIX] Log-in button wasn't monochrome. Thanks to Eric Kelner for reporting. polomorning tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r23821 10/trunk/lib/prefs/calendar.php: [OOPS] missing file, thanx Sylvie hi luciash hi gary tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r23822 10/mods/trunk/themes/business_tiki_4/styles/business.css: [FIX] Needed floated-box styles (for easy side-by-side columns or modules in wikitext). New Forum Posts: How to put a External HTML link into a fancy table? - hmm "This is the default ))HomePage(( for your Tiki." in trunk. i have some problem with the forum of tikiwiki, when loggin in as admin, in a forum some posts are not visible to me o0 also in the forum preview, it say 0 posts (did this for testing) while there is definitly one post inside this happened when i was editing a post, since then it seems to be gone/hidden/lost whatever, though it's still reachable i.e. via direct link now other users can't see this post anymore also... ok a post of the same name can not be created anymore, however others posts can... ok the problem went away after renaming the post a few times... the next issue is that i can not validate user accounts, account disabled keeps being displayed? this ticket 2908 is this basically the bug? tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r23823 10/trunk/templates/prefs/multicheckbox.tpl: [OOPS] missing file, really not my day :( does tiki-tracker_rss.php have a tpl assigned ? to be customized because i have tracker "Articles" which i would like to have rss feed for but the output by default is ugly and displays all luciash : all rss are ugly and need some beautifying :-) is it possible to have part of a wiki page only visible to admins? Hi all :-: hi nightwork, you can use the group wikiplugin. <- headed to google to see if I can find some info on that (got to google first. ;-) ) hi, we have just created two modules, one for displaying tweets from given account and other to integrate facebook fan box lol, thanks that looks like its exactly what I needed. Im make a wiki for my dungeons and dragons game what is procedure of submitting them to tikiwiki @genexbs: for the tweets, cant you simply use the RSS feed? thats what i did have a look at this one yes we can rss feed too, but api integration will have other options too, we will keep on adding time to time y, api would let me filter @ replies, highlight specific hastags, etc. cool yes wanted to contribute them to tikiwiki for fanbox, i jus used the HTML plugin to add it: if not already available okz you can add them to ok also have any one experienced, when u place google adsense on page phplayer menus stopped working odd... havent seen that issue (wfm) I am guessing i have to turn the groups plugin on somehow? is it something you can explain quickly? I found where I turn it on, but its already turned on. @genexbs: to add your modules, see I just got it working, I have to say its AMAZING. Tikiwiki is the best thing in the world you can contribute directly to the mods repository i am so blown away with how awesome tikiwiki is. It has everything i have ever wanted. tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r23824 10/branches/4.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] Only prepend # to anchors in wikipage links if anchor is set. New Forum Posts: doc.tikiwiki not reachable - New Forum Posts: Forum Watch--email notfication --mail error - Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2919 - - Blacklist domains and words - tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23825 10/trunk/installer/schema/20091209_rss_feeds_name_tiki.sql: syntax Hello everybody... How are you all? I am back... I got: "A timeout occured while waiting for the script output (in: /usr/www/users/pedrob/tikiwiki/tiki-login.php)" and I can not log-in. How to log or at least see my TW? tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23826 10/branches/4.x/templates/tiki-user_menu.tpl: oops trace hello everyone! Hello RavenC? Everything fine with you? No complaints here thanks. Nice to meet you. I am new here. Always asking questions. hehehe The pleasure is mine. Welcome. I have been around for a while, but I too still ask a lot of questions too! :) hi RavenC & macnific :-) I got: "A timeout occured while waiting for the script output (in: /usr/www/users/pedrob/tikiwiki/tiki-login.php)" and I can not log-in. How to log or at least see hiya ricks99 Hi Ricks99 @macnific: may need to increase your script execution timeout in php.ini. what login authentication are you using? humm tiki now I must change the php.ini by ftp? ricks99: at my php I see max_execution_time. Is that? It is 55 seconds is that what you mean? y. and there should b one for max query too,i think what login authentication are you using? tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r23827 10/trunk/lib/ (27 files in 18 dirs): tikiwiki: [FIX] Coding Style : tikiwiki: sizeof -> count tikiwiki: Class definition tikiwiki: Dos2Unix tikiwiki: For loop rewritting tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r23828 10/trunk/ (lib/registration/registrationlib.php tiki-view_tracker.php): [FIX] Coding Style : no function in for loop tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23829 10/trunk/ (47 files in 11 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/4.x 23798 to 23826 tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r23830 10/trunk/tiki-calendar.php: [FIX] avoir useless loop and directly fill the array with array_fill tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r23831 10/trunk/lib/menubuilder/menulib.php: [OOPS] typo :( Howdy all :) May I ask a question about Tikiwiki functionality please? Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile Fine. Question: I want to use TikiWiki to run a database of users with different functionality for different feasible is that, and how would I modify each user's record to include custom fields? Search box has disappeared from top of tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23832 10/trunk/lib/ (dcs/dcslib.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_content.php): [NEW] Mozilla upstream. Allow to select content elements by label for readability hi all. having trouble keeping anonymous account from creating topics in my forum what configuration controls this in Tiki 3.3? admin -> groups -> anonymous go to forum section and remove the permission to post peter___ : ^^ sorry, had to step out that is the issue I did not grant permission to post does this forum have special perms? nope just general let me tell you what i have tiki_p_download_files tiki_p_forum_read tiki_p_list_file_galleries tiki_p_read_article tiki_p_read_blog tiki_p_read_comments Delete tiki_p_search Delete tiki_p_search_categorized Delete tiki_p_take_survey Delete tiki_p_view Delete tiki_p_view_calendar Delete tiki_p_view_categories Delete tiki_p_view_categorized Delete tiki_p_view_directory Delete tiki_p_view_events Delete tiki_p_view_faqs Delete tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer Delete tiki_p_view_freetags Delete tiki_p_view_image_gallery Delete tiki_p_view_poll_results Delete tiki_p_view_survey_stats Delete tiki_p_view_tiki_calendar Delete tiki_p_wiki_view_attachments Delete tiki_p_wiki_view_comments Delete end one striking thing Approval type, is "all posted" It is not clear what effect it has on the permission of the Forum set in the group access panel default settings on forum creation should be fine see my dillema again this is tiki 3.3 tiki_p_view_categorized -> delete that, just to test intially configuration was the "sharing community" one let me test 1 min I have to go now, but I don't see how that could not have been noticed b4 do anons have to enter Captcha? no nope sorry, when adding new topic, they have to enter captcha i though you asked if they need to enter captcha to view the site :p marc still there ok, try tuning off captcha try it I can't post here hmmm nor here: maybe it is a cookie problem try another broswer ok wait i did already i can't post on the second link but on the first one i can wait, maybe it needed to expire or something let me check again strange some topics i can post some I can't bbl tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r23833 10/branches/4.x/ (25 files in 6 dirs): [FIX] Commit 23804 caused class name conflict with the CSS files of jscalendar. So we keep class names prefixed with 'tiki_' how can i upgrade from Tiki 3.3 to Tiki 4 without destroying my current setup g2g thanks tikiwiki: 03akshi * r23834 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/Multilingual/Aligner/ (4 files): New Forum Posts: From phpbb to tikiwiki - Have a nice evening everyone tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23835 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]perm: list perms for tracker and forum :-) the website of tiki says a new release every 6 months; now there is a bug which makes it impossible for me to use v4 (account validation). what should i do now? install tiki3 or wait 6 months for the next release? what is the recommended way of dealing with issues like that? lok at the release note - there is the patch - or take thedaily build ok i have downloaded/install v4.0 now, how do i upgrade? just downloading the daily build and copy over? i'm not sure wether a daily build is a good idea... where would i get the patches? just looking at marclaporte (sp?) asked me to show on here what my tiki 4.0 error screen was saying. my database has been updated 5 times now to no avail, but i don't know where the error is supposed to post to as he wanted to see it after i coded in a line in the local.php i suppose this is the bug and it's marked as fixed as i see so daily is the only solution? mh no it's marked as open >< svn is the best solution ok but it is not fixed yet in svn right, as it is marked as open? it is fixed in release note : we will release tiki4.1 .. next week I think you can apply the commit manually ok and how do the bug tracker and the releases synchronize? your closing them when you release i.e. 4.1 in which this bug is fixed right? commit #23514 Isajha: we are looking for volunteer to sunc all the docs / bug reports and so on... we need to release 4.1 ... looking for volunteer too according to your page - just by mere developer count - you should have a LOT of people actually s/your/our