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guest_ksignhhi all [01:16]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r23984 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_datachannel.php: [FIX] Unable to set any preferences via data channels [02:44]
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justin_hello- i am looking to find out how to edit a wiki in the WYSIWYG mode...any help?
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [04:48]
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AceSMcCloudI searched on the forums and mentioned searching for a wiki page regarding removing the tiki- from filenames, but I can't find it, any hints? [09:59]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23985 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: rating field has a system type - to allow other field to be named rating [10:51]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23986 10/branches/proposals/4.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [bp/r 23985][FIX]tracker: rating field has a system type - to allow other field to be named rating [10:58]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: tiki/tiki-adminusers.php - blank screen - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=35715 [10:59]
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dabichoHello. I migrated ti tikiwiki 4.1, and now when I try to login as an old user, I get this message: 'You did not validate your account'. How can I manually validate the account? That user worked already before, and can't find out what happened.
on the users list as admin, I see 'need to validate email' message, but it has no email set
sylviegcan you try the sql command you can find out at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Tiki4&structure=Documentation#Release_Notes_from_tw.o_ [12:58]
dabichosylvieg, Thank you. That did the trick. I missed that. [13:02]
sylviegI will probably commit this .... it solves the problem for each person whoo tries [13:03]
AceSMcCloudI'm going in circles from tiki site to tiki site, can't find this guide to removing tiki- from filenames, any help appreciated.
Don't mind the "powered by", but in the filename is annoying, as is mydomain.co.uk goes to mydomain.co.uk/tiki-index.php would just rather it stayed as simply mydomain.co.uk/ a pet peeve of mine that one, not uncommon I'm sure.
sylviegthre as a script a log time ago - do not remember where - otherwise you can use sefurl as a postfilter and rewrite rules [13:06]
AceSMcCloudyeah... which probably doesn't work for 4.1 I'm guessing, even if I do find it. [13:07]
sylviegif it the tiki-index.php that bother you - I suppose you can do a grep and a replace.. [13:08]
AceSMcCloudany instructions anywhere? I've dabbled with rewrite rules.. and by that I mean struggled with the good old trial & error [13:09]
sylviegfor the tiki-index.php with no parameter - there is probably a setting with homepage... that can avoid that [13:09]
AceSMcCloudThere's an index.php which pulls in setup, then goes to $WikiIndex
Guessing, once it's setup, I could ditch that, but then would need tiki-index.php to be index.php
I suppose a rewrite is best, means I'm not actually hacking it to bits, problems could arise when updating in the future.
sylviegif you use the postfilter sefurl - it wil be in your database [13:13]
AceSMcCloudAlthough, that won't work for every URL will it, even with sef URL, it's not every URL tikiwiki creates.
that's better, just turning that on.
except for /, /index.php, /tiki-index.php of course.
CaarrieAceSMcCloud: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=14 [13:19]
AceSMcCloudyep, read that alot [13:20]
Caarriethat seems to be your fix and only easy option [13:21]
AceSMcCloudYeah, got that in place and thanks to sylvieg I activated the postfilter, and that appears to do all the other links, except the initial one [13:22]
Caarriedid you use .htaccess? [13:23]
AceSMcCloudyes [13:24]
Caarriemaybe the rules need to be updated or something [13:24]
AceSMcCloudwhen you go to mydomain.co.uk there's an index.php that loads setup, then goes to $WikiIndex
which I imagine, is tiki-index.php
which is why mydomain.co.uk ends up as mydomain.co.uk/tiki-index.php
sylviegperhaps set the wiki hompage in admin->wiki [13:27]
AceSMcCloudlooks set, I used the community profile [13:28]
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23987 10/trunk/lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php: [MOD] When urgent translations are limited to master language, only display the master language in the warning [13:28]
AceSMcCloudit's got "HomePage" [13:28]
.... (idle for 17mn)
where's $prefs['tikiIndex'] ? [13:45]
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RavenChello everyone [13:46]
AceSMcCloudhi [13:47]
ricks99Hi RavenC [13:50]
AceSMcCloudCan you rename a wikipage? [13:51]
RavenCnever tried to be honest [13:52]
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RavenCfinally got the wikisyntax to do what I wanted [13:55]
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r23988 10/trunk/ (7 files in 4 dirs): [ENH]tracker: new field type: stars to replace traker rating: can have as many stars fields + can sort on it [13:55]
RavenCheading and centered... = ! : : instead of : : ! [13:56]
ricks99@AceSMcCloud: y, can rename wiki pages. use the RENAME button at bottom of page (requires appropriate perms) [13:58]
AceSMcCloudah yes, ty [13:59]
dabichoanother question. Are Image Galleries deprecated? I tried to upload an image but couldn't, and only got the message 'Upload failed'. [14:01]
RavenCricks99: Should I add that note on the wiki syntax page in the tw.o docs ? [14:01]
ricks99@RavenC: The "!" must be the first character in order to have headings. you can include any other syntax, afterwards: !''Foo'' or !__Foo__, etc [14:02]
RavenCyeah, after much trial and error, i figured iut out :) [14:02]
AceSMcCloudok.. best I can figure... [14:03]
ricks99@dabicho: image galleries are still supported, but being phased out in favor of file galleries (which support images, etc.) [14:03]
RavenCdabicho: I was using image gallery last evening with no issues (on 4.1) [14:03]
AceSMcCloudI make a new page in the wiki "home", and I set all the links, including the tikiindex to "home"
then, I always get mydomain.co.uk/home
dabichonevermind. was a perm error. [14:03]
AceSMcCloudit's not mydomain.co.uk but it's better than before. [14:03]
dabichoby the way, is there an easy way to migrate them to file galleries? [14:04]
ricks99not sure [14:05]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23989 10/trunk/templates/translated-lang.tpl: [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Unescaped values caused the switch not to work in obscure cases [14:15]
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AceSMcCloudah darn, tiki v4 ditched newsgroups [14:43]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r23990 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/Multilingual/Aligner/ (MockMTWrapper.php SentenceAlignments.php UpdateSentences.php): [MOD] zend recommandations. Most of this work was already done in r23620 and lost in r23834. Please update your code before you do some changes [14:58]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23991 10/trunk/ (lib/wiki/histlib.php templates/tiki-editpage.tpl): [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Display edit comments included in the translation diff [15:02]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r23992 10/trunk/lib/auth/ (PasswordHash.php phpbb.php): [MOD] zend code styling [15:13]
RavenCHow do I reference a blog on a tiki sheet? I know that another tiki sheet is ((sheet)), but cannot figure the blog out. I have tried ((blogid=1)) and ((My Blog)) and get a blank... [15:17]
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23993 10/trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Updating the list of characters, which was modified since the first patch [15:17]
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AceSMcCloudI take it you can't (or it's not a good idea) to apply multiple full profiles? [16:00]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23995 10/trunk/templates/tiki-show_page.tpl: [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Replace staging & approval links with a form with optional feedback. Handling of it was already upstreamed. [16:05]
RavenCI think if you install multiple profiles, the last one installed overrides previous stuff if there are conflicts between thyem.
*them - also :)
AceSMcCloudah, ok [16:08]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Unable to validate any e-mail of new members - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=35717 [16:20]
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03idou * r23996 10/ (52 files in 8 dirs): First commit of the updated filegallery feature. Currently available is the new file gallery dialog (invoked from the edit page) with the new design, the folders tree, two view modes (browse and listing). [16:22]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23997 10/trunk/tiki-remind_password.php: [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Show an error message when no username or password provided.
tikiwiki: 03idou * r23998 10/branches/experimental/coe_filegal_manager/ (13 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: Update for the redesigned file gallery feature.
tikiwiki: Current status update:
tikiwiki: - updated the upload dialog;
tikiwiki: - added insert dialog after uploading the file with a possibility to choose the manner of insertion;
tikiwiki: - added the dialog that appears on clicking a file in a gallery to allow to choose the manner of insertion.
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r23999 10/trunk/tiki-login.php: [MOD] Mozilla upstream. Validate that the username is not empty. [16:54]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03idou * r24000 10/branches/experimental/coe_filegal_manager/lib/filegals/ (3 files):
tikiwiki: Update for the redesigned file gallery feature.
tikiwiki: Current status update:
tikiwiki: - updated the upload dialog;
tikiwiki: - added insert dialog after uploading the file with a possibility to choose the manner of insertion;
tikiwiki: - added the dialog that appears on clicking a file in a gallery to allow to choose the manner of insertion.
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [17:23]
dev.tw.o: system error
to reproduce: I did search for "Report" at the top bar search
showing this url: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?highlight=Report&search=Go
with this error:
ksigntoi t'es francais [17:32]
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RavenCOn the groupmail profile it lists it as "Not functional yet, Long tail, 4.x"
anyone know if it actually works
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r24001 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]TRACKERFILTER: filter on stars (for the moment works only for consecutive value) [17:47]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03idou * r24002 10/branches/experimental/coe_filegal_manager/ (11 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: Update for the redesigned file gallery feature.
tikiwiki: Current status update:
tikiwiki: - Actions with selected files (zip)
tikiwiki: - Proper pagination, number of records shown
tikiwiki: - Search
tikiwiki: - Labels and files/galleries counters
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xaviRavenC: read the documentation page for it (at doc.tw.o) [18:11]
RavenCxavi: Thanks, did that first, then saw the listing next to the profile. Hence my question.
just wanted to make certain :)
xaviyou can try your self (it did work for me as far as covered in the documentation) :-) [18:13]
RavenCok, knowing that it is functional as described is good enough for me to give it a whirl. thanks. [18:14]
dev.tw.o is down for me
RavenCsame here... where are the tw.o servers located ?
listed as Germany... nvm ... :)
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r24003 10/trunk/lib/diff.php: [ROLLBACK] r23866, indent without change left file with a parse error, and not indented that properly anyway [18:27]
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r24004 10/trunk/ (14 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] Restoring sanity. Removing duplicated conditions across the code base for staging & approval. [18:34]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r24005 10/branches/proposals/4.x/ (15 files in 8 dirs):
tikiwiki: - Rationalised language for page search and page creation. (a) When searching
tikiwiki: for a page name, language filter defaults to 'any language', except for the
tikiwiki: terminology module where it is persistent. (b) When creating a page, if
tikiwiki: multilingual features are on, system asks the user to specify its language (if
tikiwiki: not already specified).
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Kissakipolom [18:58]
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sylviegDoes somebody know? if we use lucene: How the perms are checked? is there a callback? [20:42]
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03pingus * r24006 10/mods/trunk/features/aulawiki/lib/workspaces/resourceslib.php: [FIX] Creation of structures within workspaces: notifications about [20:55]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r24007 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_category.php: [FIX]CATEGORY: the sort param can be a list of criteria separated by comma [21:10]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r24008 10/branches/proposals/4.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_category.php: [bp/r 24007][FIX]CATEGORY: the sort param can be a list of criteria separated by comma [21:13]
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juice__dim having a large load issue
my logs are filling up with tiki-wiki_rss.php?ver=5 HTTP/1.1" 200 1306 "-" "PEAR HTTP_Request class ( http://pear.php.net/ )"
and it is spawning hundreds of requests
any idea what maybe going on?
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r24009 10/third_party/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php: [FIX]rollback partial 23996 - even if it is not important - will be easier when upgrading smarty [21:44]
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CIA-63tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r24010 10/trunk/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl: [FIX] missing commit to 24001 [21:46]
chealer_juice__d: well, someone is subscribed to a RSS feed [21:48]
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juice__dI will be honest. I don't know anything about tiki. I was called because a machine sprawled to an average 1 minute load of 145
so Im just trying to figure out what it is
I don't know how that is happening
because the request that I pasted
came from the host machine
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RavenChave a nice evening everyone (or day if thats the case) [22:03]
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drews_ has quit IRC ("I close my laptop sometimes...") [22:23]
CIA-63tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r24011 10/trunk/ (14 files in 8 dirs):
tikiwiki: - Rationalized language for page search and page creation. (a) Search Page
tikiwiki: module defaults to 'any language', but for Terminology module, search language
tikiwiki: is persistent. (b) When creating a page, if no language has been specified,
tikiwiki: system will prompt the user to choose it.
......... (idle for 44mn)
tikiwiki: 03alain_desilets * r24012 10/trunk/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl: - Forgot to commit a change in my previous commit (tiki-editpage.tpl). [23:11]
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olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki [23:31]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie

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