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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: File Handlers and Full Text Searching for 3.4 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36327 [00:02]
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MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [02:38]
just noticed rss feeds in tiki are not working with Facebook RSS
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coaboagood morning [06:34]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r25172 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Moved metrics.css from styles directory to css so it isn't listed as a theme. [06:52]
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r25173 10/trunk/css/metrics.css: [FIX] Rules in metrics.css such as for .pagetitle were affecting other pages, so are commented out until the correct scope of this stylesheet is set. [06:59]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3037 - - debugger console breaks the admin panels - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3037 [08:34]
New Forum Posts: Directory o DB - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=8&comments_parentId=36328 [08:44]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r25174 10/trunk/lib/setup/ (43 files): [MOD] header change : copyright + Id [08:51]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Version 4.1 and daily, weekly, monthly reports for watches - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36329 [08:54]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r25175 10/trunk/lib/ (35 files): [MOD] header change : copyright + Id [09:12]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: size of Code-block on Tikipedia - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=36330 [11:02]
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grobda24grobda24 says g'day
Hi. Is there any known exploit for 3.2 that involves uncommenting a line in language.php by changing // to "" "". Just fixed this as it was giving the WPOD.
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daniamMay be someone can help me. I don't want to reinvent the wheel. I'm looking for a page where I can post a documentary project info details. In other words, I met with Marc earlier this week and I've started to write a synopsis. Any suggestion as to "where" I can post my verbose? [14:57]
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nkothdaniam:do you mean posting information about a site you have created with Tiki? [15:02]
daniamno. Meaning a marketing page where I can join the group. AND guess what, I think I found it. Would this one be appropriate: http://tikiwiki.org/Communications+Team&bl=n [15:07]
lindon_get a fatal error when trying to upgrade from 3.3 to trunk
Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'lastUpdatePrefs' for key 1 in /home/lindon/public_html/casatest/lib/core/lib/TikiDb/Pdo.php on line 69
Fatal error: Class 'Breadcrumb' not found in /home/lindon/public_html/casatest/tiki-setup.php on line 36
saw this talked about on irc a week ago or so
is this still an outstanding issue?
or am I trying to jump too many versions?
nkothdaniam : I am not sure what u mean by "documentary project info details". Are you making a documentary abt Tiki? If so, create a new page and add the link there. [15:23]
daniamOK, tks. I might do that. What I mean is that I'm writing a synopsis to film Marc's presentation on March 12 and wish to go a bit deeper. The idea is to promote TikiWiki. In fact, I wish to interview other TikiWiki evangelists [15:32]
nkothoh I see.
Good stuff.
daniam: are you going to http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestConfoo2010? Maybe you can like your synopsis page to both the Communication team page and this other page.
Maybe I'll see you there.
daniamyes, I'll be there just on the 12th tough. For sure, I'd like to interview you. I'm planning, also, to go the the fest at CGCOM (I think this is where it will take place) one evening. Please provide me you email address. I don't have a TW email address yet. Mine is gauthier.daniel@gmail.com [15:42]
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chealerlindon_: when exactly does it happen? [17:42]
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lindon_chealer: when I click Upgrade at the end of the install process [17:45]
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matteo_servas_itciao hello
I have problem whith top menu someone can help me
my top menues disappear
I have tikiwiki4.1
Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked.
I can't use tikiwiki because of Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked.
I can't modfy my configuration
How can I disable CSRF
I have tikiwiki 4.1 but there is not the box to disalble it
nkothmatteo_servas_it:tiki-admin.php?page=security [18:23]
matteo_servas_ittanks [18:23]
nkothmatteo_servas_it: are you from servas , the non-profit, like couchsurfers but for peace? [18:23]
matteo_servas_ityes we are using tikiwiki for italy and we like to use for the word too if the italian site work well
can you halp me whith the menu also?
nkothare pablo and claudio still involved? [18:25]
matteo_servas_ityes [18:25]
nkothI remember the servas wiki was mediawiki, and the youth site I can't remember what cms [18:26]
matteo_servas_itbut are in different team of work [18:26]
nkothLong time ago, I helped do the Joomla servas.org site [18:26]
matteo_servas_itwe are starting a flat a more equal team of work
o great
the still use joomla for the international
nkothBut I use mostly tikiwiki for all my projects now :) [18:28]
matteo_servas_itbut joomla is not great for work in grouip of people
we are starting to work in more people
nkothright, once you have more people in groups etc... tikiwiki is better
what problems are you facing with the menu?
matteo_servas_itI upgrades to 4.1 and my top menu disappear
also some browser have problem whit top menus
nkothhave you checked tiki-admin.php?page=look under General Layout Options? [18:30]
matteo_servas_ityes but before I can't change teme
because of CSRF error
now I put only one theme and all is OK
nkothThere are some checkboxes for Top Bar that may be relevant also [18:32]
matteo_servas_itwhere are they? [18:33]
nkothclick on the "General Layout Options" tab [18:33]
matteo_servas_itthank's [18:34]
nkothMy name is Nelson, maybe Claudio will remember but it has been a few years now [18:35]
matteo_servas_itMy name is matteo Pedani
Claudio is no more developping the italian site
nkothnice to meet you keep in touch (I am always here in the irc channel) [18:38]
matteo_servas_itthank's it'is nice to meet you too [18:39]
nkothif you can get together a number of tikiwiki users in italy there can be a tikifest in italy .. see the video http://tikiwiki.org/tikifest of the one last summer in Barcelona [18:40]
matteo_servas_itwill be great
we have a group just to develop the site we chat by skype every thusday at 20:30 CET
in april we have a italian meeting of servas
organize a tikifes on the same day will be great
the site develloper are 8 -10 people and the eavy user the coordinator are 121
all group of servas are 4500 people in italy
are you servas?
nkothNot a servas member, no. I suppose I have to join to travel/stay with members right? btw, I am from Canada (I didn't mention it before..) - that's why I worked on the international site before.
anyway, I think a lot of tiki people ravel a lot, and I mean most people heard of couchsurfing but not necessarily servas
I don't think I can regularly be at your Thursday skype chat though
(I was a friend of Gary Sealey from Canada)
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matteo_servas_itNo we just speak italian because some don't speak english [18:54]
nkothgood, let's talk again later. As for tikifest I can put marclaporte in touch with you (he has organize many tikifest before :) ) [18:56]
matteo_servas_itbut organize a tikifest will be great maybe we can help to host the people and more
I like to help tikiwiki devellopper because they help us whit the tikiwiki soft
nkothfor sure, that's what being part of community is about [18:58]
matteo_servas_itI must go out but keep in touch my email is matteo@pedani.it [18:59]
nkothk, [18:59]
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xavitoctoc [19:00]
matteo_servas_itbut please login on www.servas.it site and send me a message from there i am matteo.pedani user [19:00]
xaviquick question... how would you do a visual catalogue of products with Tiki, such as the one made with joomla here?: [19:01]
matteo_servas_itbye [19:01]
xavihttp://xarxaconsum.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=378&Itemid=209 [19:01]
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chealerlindon_: you're on an up-to-date trunk, right? [19:14]
nkothxavi: interesting [19:14]
xavihi nkoth
it's for a potential customer
lindon_chealer: I updated earlier today [19:15]
xavithey have a joomla, but they need something more "Web 2.0" (easying the participation from people in comissions, etc. ) [19:15]
lindon_chealer: but maybe after I had the error [19:16]
xavinkoth: I read a moment ago the conversation you had with the italian guy from servas. Kind of similar (joomla didn't fit with what they had in mind) [19:16]
chealerlindon_: what is the first update script that's not yet applied? [19:16]
xavi(I didn't know servas myself, btw)
so that in my case. nkoth: servas = interesting :-)
lindon_chealer: not sure what you mean, how do I check that? [19:17]
nkothxavi: well for this site it doesn't look like there are that many products, maybe just wiki pages might do [19:18]
chealerlindon_: by comparing tiki_schema with the contents of installer/schema/ [19:18]
nkothBut if there are more products... [19:18]
xaviyes... I guess that they have more products... In fact, they are using an oscommerce site in parallel... [19:18]
nkoththis enters into the "cart" situation we have with tiki. I know there is some new commit recently thatgets us closer [19:19]
xaviin this site (joomla) the visual catalogue, as far as I see, could be done through file (or image) galleries, provided that each image allows some description or reference underneath [19:19]
nkothbut i don't think it generates product listings from tracker items for example yet [19:19]
xaviok. yes I know a little bit about the evoltion of the simple cart being coded in Tiki [19:20]
nkothxavi: i was thinking image(file) gallery for the catalogue too, but when you click on it, here it goes to a page [19:20]
xaviFor a real cart, I don't plan to offer them an alternative to oscommerce [19:20]
nkothwhich is more like an article or something [19:20]
xavibut for visual catalogues, I might with the cart, or just file (image) gals [19:21]
nkoth(but it may look like an article simply because they are using joomla...)
maybe if we can extend the image gallery to be able to link to a wiki page for more info or something...
xaviyes... and in some other images, you click, and there is nothing else
like here: http://www.xarxaconsum.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=491&Itemid=211
nkothwell, I think someone extend the iamge gallery to have a new "more info" field that point to a wiki page, you may have what yo want [19:23]
xavinkoth: yes, that might be an (easy) option, I guess. I'll plan some budget for some development done to improve that (In case I get the project (=funding), I'll go back looking for a coder to implement it :-) )
nkoth: yes, that might do.
nkothsounds like a simple extension
I can think of more complicated solutions but this seems the easiest
xavithanks for the feedback, nkoth. I'm making the budget for my proposal for the project, right now, and you comments make it easier to figure out some order of magnitude of coding time/budget fot this
yes, (easiest solution). thanks for the tip
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rucalgun español? [19:26]
lindon_chealer: alphabetically the last one installed was 20081029_tracker_index_tiki
chealer: only 29 installed
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xaviruc, este canal usa inglés como idioma común (=this channel uses english as the main lang)
you can use the Spanish forum instead (search at http://tikiwiki.org/forums )
= ^usa el foro en castellano para soporte en castellano
chealerlindon_: hum, that would suggest 20081102_application_menu_structures_tiki would give you problems, but that doesn't make sense [19:30]
xavioups, too late this guy already move away :-/
impatient people... :-/
chealerlindon_: what was that install's original Tiki version? [19:33]
lindon_chealer: 3.3 [19:34]
chealerlindon_: just to be sure we understand, that means that install was never upgraded yet, right? [19:34]
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lindon_chealer: oh, i see, hmmm,let me think... [19:36]
chealerlindon_: anyway, Tiki 3 should have about 80 schema scripts
lindon_: are you sure you're not looking too quick at something like "Showing rows 0 - 29 (80 total, Query took 0.0449 sec)" where 80 would be the number, but not 29?
(if you're using phpMyAdmin like me)
lindon_chealer: sorry, you're right
chealer: there's 189 in total
chealer: let me check again if there are any missing
chealerlindon_: I suppose there are, I have 202 here
lindon_: you can use Show : 300 to see the last one quickly
lindon_chealer: last one is 20100118_forum_display_tiki [19:41]
chealerlindon_: that makes a lot more sense, points to a problem with 20100118_image_plugins_kill_tiki.php
which I remember was causing problems earlier
I was under the impression jonnyb had fixed it, but it seems not
lindon_chealer: oh, that's the one jonny and i did!
mostly jonny
chealerlindon_: yeah. I said I was going to pester jonnyb but didn't do it because I thought it was fixed [19:45]
lindon_whatever i did probably caused the error ;) [19:45]
chealerI'll try to remember to bring that up when he comes back
lindon_: hehehe
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lindon_chealer: back from where? [19:46]
chealerlindon_: heh, sorry, back from Real Life [19:47]
lindon_chealer: hehe, i like that one [19:48]
chealerI don't really understand why that script is including tiki-setup.php though. that's probably our most complicated upgrade script yet [19:48]
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lindon_not sure why it's included either
killing files is amazingly difficult
chealerkilling discreetly is the difficulty [19:54]
lindon_well said [19:57]
marclaportetabs pretty broken on trunk, or just me? [20:11]
sylviegwas yesterday - but I thought jonny fixed it [20:12]
marclaportewhich is latest "stable" revision number? [20:13]
sylviegfor me problem began - with the comment button - you remember.. then went better after jonny fix - then back to trouble with sept7 commit 24794 - but for nelson was bas after 'the killing commm iot form jonny
the replacement of javascript to {jq} has a lot of side effect..
inserting an image form the fgal is not working anymore too..
marclaporteeverything is intertwined.... [20:17]
sylviegsylvieg replaces back {jq} to <script javascript on customer stites.. [20:18]
in the profiles. the wikicontent:page gets interpreted and the $ref are replaced by the value? I think I saw that . but do not remember where [20:29]
marclaporteI think so [20:30]
sylvieghumm there is wikicontent: and wikidirect:... [20:31]
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luciashpolom polom [22:47]
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