Javacat: ok! worked out the problem, but not what is causing it. it's importing relative to the folder the file is in, and isn't trying to include from the root of the site
i'm guessing that's a problem with my php.ini file, but not sure
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Javacat: gah.. i give up
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chealer: Javacat: eh, that looks like it's considering C: as the tikiroot, which is surely not the case
Javacat: :|
just saw that
will have a look at that tomorrow
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coaboa: good morning from germany
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bgoldsmith: greetings channel, Im using the latest 3.4 release for setting up a tikiwiki for use by a group of japanese people. Installation works alright, but creating a new page ... results in mojibake (weird characters) ... what are the restrictions on character page / collation issues to keep in mind when creating the database?
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ricks99: hi all
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Tikiwiki|bot: Info: Tiki: One of the Most Active Projects on SourceForge -
ricks99: woo hoo!
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stix: <p>-tags messes something up and I want to change it in the css. What is it called and where can I find it
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luciash: polom
hi ricks99, what was your intention with the last article on ?
ricks99: hi luciash
luciash: why is it sheduled to date 17-18. Feb ? the link from FB doesn't work
ricks99: it is the press release that was submitted
date should have been from feb 14 for 1 year. isn't that the defualt?
Tikiwiki|bot: Info: TikiWiki Project: One of the Most Active Projects on SourceForge -
ricks99: odd. the publish date is all screwed up
just fixed
luciash: strange, with every edit of the article the date publishing date changes one day further :-p
ricks99: y. just saw that
i reset as feb 14
but theres obviously a bug somewhere
luciash: yeah, thanks
i slightly changed the text and added tikifest Italy
ricks99: np
luciash: iirc it is planned
-: ricks99 needs to pay closer attention to publish/expire dates next time
ricks99: woo hoo
hopefully others will publish, too
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Need Help with LDAP Authentication to Active Directory -
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rmcc316: are there any downsides to allowing HTML?
luciash: rmcc316: unclosed tags can break your site layout
rmcc316: Hmm. ok. thanks.
I thought I remembered there being a global ALLOW HTML setting.. was i dreaming?
Or do I just open my wiki page, and click on the CODE button and paste my HTML in?
luciash: no, it's true, you can allow html in Admin home → Editing and Plugins iirc or Admin home → Wiki
rmcc316: ahh. ok. if i dont checkmark that will HTML just not work?
When I preview the page, the HTML works fine but when I save it. it just shows the code.
ricks99: @rmcc316: if u want to include HTML snippets in your wiki pages, use the HTML plugin
rmcc316: I just enabled the HTML plugin
ricks99: , ohh. i now see the new html button
Plugin execution pending approval ?
ricks99: security
see for details
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rmcc316: Got it. thx
Page still looks ugly
i think i scrwed up the code. one sec
ricks99: *if* you are using HTML, then do *not* use wiki syntax & links
note that if all ur doing is putting links, you can do that 100% with wiki syntax, no need to use the HTML plugin at all
rmcc316: Ya, its just that people are going to be sending my pre-formatted html. to make them happy id like to get it up and i'll work on converting to wiki during the day.
can i allow HTML posts w/o having to approve it?
coaboa: hello. is it intendet to refer the 1.0 doc and also including with this download the 1.0 scripts when following the "review complete doc" link from startpage of I recommend to remove or update it and to offer a link without the outdated scipts!
luciash: rmcc316: yes, assign permission to your group which should be allowed to submit without approval
coaboa: +1
rmcc316: Ok. I'll look at that. thx
coaboa: luciash: send me the html-wiki dump and I'll prepare a pdf and a odt.
luciash: coaboa: no way :)
coaboa: i don't have time/resources to do that now, sorry
coaboa: but i think you can remove that from if it's outdated and add later when ready
coaboa: luciash: couldn't you just dump the wiki?
luciash: coaboa: sorry, nope, i couldn't :)
coaboa: oki
my account doesn't work. sorry can't change anything.
ricks99: hm... added a custom plugin in the ../lib/wiki-plugins/.. folder, but tiki does not show it on tiki-plugins.php ....
is there something else special i have to do?
d'oh! damn tiki cache....
luciash: ricks99: :)
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luciash: oh, feb12 theme is missing something in trunk again ?
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xavi: toctoc
ricks99: hi xavi
luciash: hola xavi
xavi: tiki admins , I was going to review the OpenID message from philippe, and I came to wonder why don't we use OpenID at tw.o registration....
hi ricks99 and luciash :-)
did I miss any discussion about OpenID in tw.o?
luciash: i don't know
xavi: shall I just enable it? (dogfood!)
ricks99: last email i saw said it was fixed in trunk
-: xavi doesn't see any reason to not do it
xavi: ah, ok, ... and tw.o is not using trunk, afaik . That's why
Thanks for your answer ricks99, that's why
I forgot
btw, ricks99, congrats for the message about Tiki activity on, etc. and Thanks!
sylvieg around?
I tested again today if I could print the whole documentation from, but I got WSOD
It's a bit frustrating. I haven't been able to print the whole structure of the documentation for the last 6-12 months...
and I've tried several times, with different versions of Tiki, in different months... no way.
ricks99: more memory needed?
i had to go to 128MB do to the pdf for Smarties (~550 pages)
xavi: ricks99: Yes, I guess so. But I don't have access to change this setting for
550 pages! Wohoo, Smarties are growing!
ricks99: yeah, well.... 30 pages is just the TOC... :-)
xavi: :-)
-: ricks99 wishes there were an easy way to specify language when printing a structure
xavi: language and "version" (from version plugins)
ricks99: +1
-: xavi joins ricks99 wish
ricks99: would also be great to get the PDF output back into Tiki
coaboa: xavi: can you send me a dump of the the wiki? (because of outdated pdf/odt downloadlinks...
xavi: ???
which links?
coaboa: xavi: (wrote this 2 hours ago) is it intendet to refer the 1.0 doc and also including with this download the 1.0 scripts when following the "review complete doc" link from startpage of I recommend to remove or update it and to offer a link without the outdated scipts!
xavi: I'm kind of confused. Can't you update links in the wiki, coaboa?
coaboa: no. got xml login error and can't login.
2 accounts. gave up on it
xavi: coaboa, can you login in ?
let's go step by step to see where are the problems
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: cannot create new user when using email as username / email validiation -
coaboa: xavi: that worked! Why?
xavi: ok. can you please try loging in, then?
coaboa: ? confused. Now it works. I-Noob ;-)
xavi: did you update something recently?
xavi: nope
anyway, now, can you please update any links that you know that are wrong. if so?
coaboa: ok. can i produce a wiki dump?
to generate an up to date pdf/odt?
xavi: I don't think so, but you can try
and printing the whole structure (that's how I did the former odt/pdf doc) doesn't work: white paeg (probably due to memory exhausted)
I mean through here:
sylvieg: hi xavi
xavi: hi Sylvie
sylvieg: I would need a copy of the db to test this kind of problem...
xavi: do you know how much memory is allowed in right now?
" a copy of this db"... :-D
I'm afraid that you and marc are the ones who can have access to this db (not me for sure)
sylvieg: I do not access anymore to the servers
-: luciash just tried Edit CSS and it saves my new theme with no rights as ---------- 1 www-data www-data 154 2010-02-15 19:20 mytheme.css
luciash: any idea why ?
xavi: oups... not me either since 3 years ago (or so)
who has access to the servers? :-(
sylvieg: changi
xavi: if we admins can't access the servers.... why did we end up setting something so complicated that just a few people can get something so important as a db dump?
sylvieg: andmemory_limit is 128M in phpinfo
xavi: thanks sylvieg for the info. I'll write to the admin group list about it
luciash: no idea. This looks like server config problems. As your sys admin (if it's not you) 8-)
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luciash: it's me and the folder has 777
xavi: sorry, no idea
luciash: ok
xavi: then search for the perms at the code inside that php file
I would say. Maybe somebody touched that?
sylvieg: true luciash I hacve the same problem - was working on trunk 2 weeks ago perhaps
sorry working
my perms in styles were not good
coaboa: xavi: removed link to 1.0 doc and linked to is that ok?
xavi: coaboa, where from?
sylvieg: luciash: the problem is that it saved in DOS format
coaboa: xavi:
luciash: sylvieg: just looking at
sylvieg: maybe it needs the b and t flag
or differend mode check and chmod
xavi: and coaboa, what do you mean by "1.0 doc": can you post here the exact text that you are refering to?
luciash: sylvieg: "You should use the 't' mode if you are working with plain-text files and you use n to delimit your line endings in your script, but expect your files to be readable with applications such as notepad. You should use the 'b' in all other cases.
If you do not specify the 'b' flag when working with binary files, you may experience strange problems with your data, including broken image files and strange problems with rn characters.!
sylvieg: it is probably ther fix
luciash: they say there, i will try with 't'
coaboa: was the ol link in both: PDF & ODT reference
xavi: "the link in both PDF & ODT reerence": could you please indicate where in those documents? (page, line, text?...)
xavi: oh, yes, coaboa, you mean updating that page in german! (not in english). Go ahead! (Documentation,de)
carsten.aevermann is you, coaboa?
coaboa: yes thats me
xavi: odt not available?
coaboa: i checke preference and prefered language is set to "site-default" . But some menues in German.
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gerbert: how do i execute my own search together with google customized search. so that the results appear in sequence?
xavi: so coaboa, are your questions answered? do you need anything else?
luciash: sylvieg: i don't get it... print_r($stat) prints ... [mode] => 32768 ... dunno what return $stat['mode'] & 0666; is supposed to do
xavi: As I said, we cannot produce an html dump of so far (yet), but hopefully we will be able to do that in the following weeks.
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gerbert: i mean to make find in list pages and google customized search execute one after the other
xavi: coaboa, I'll check if odt is available somewhere at If not, I'll upload it there (my last version, which was the last version available from afaik)
gerbert: sorry, no idea.
ricks99: @gerbert: are you asking how to integrate Google CSE with Tiki?
coaboa: xavi: most recent versions of documentation was sirius i think. I would offer to do a printable handbook from the wiki dump if it includes the images/screens.
xavi: coaboa, thanks for your offer. Are you used to work with OOo?
ricks99: @xavi: with regards to ur recent email, i am 99.99% it is a memory issue
coaboa: yes and qxp if neded
xavi: ricks99: memory issue the reason why we don't have access to servers??? :-)
ricks99: point taken
xavi: maybe we forgot the username and password? ;-)
ricks99: @coaboa & xavi: we really need a print.css (to get rid of things like the external ilink icon)
xavi: +1
ricks99: there a numerous similar items i have found while doing Smarties in PD
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r25237 10/trunk/ (9 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] Make rating options configurable on wiki and article
ricks99: most notably, the damn maketoc does not work :(
lack of language and version, already noted :(
xavi: ricks99: , did you print the smarties with the print indexed enabled?
ricks99: no.
-: ricks99 really has no idea what print indexed is
xavi: :-)
that setting to have all headings with their legal numbering...
ricks99: i did a simple print multipages, save as HTML, open in ODF, (apply some quick templating) and thensave as PDF
xavi: 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...
ricks99: ah.. i hate that
xavi: :-)
ricks99: has been shown to lower overall readability
xavi: oh well, my mind if a bit (too much?) structured for long documents.... and I kind-of-got lost with former documentation of tw.o without it...
ricks99: once i got the templates and process setup correctly, takes only a few minutes to produce the PDF.
xavi: I'll be very glad if doesn't need it
-: ricks99 still hopes one day to completely overhaul
xavi: "only a few minutes": I'd like you to try with then
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ricks99: well, i think is serveral times larger than smarties... also still has multiple structures for each language.
this is old way. now in 3.x+ structures can be multilingul
but thats a different issue
gerbert: ricks99: yes, i need to find out how to how to integrate Google CSE with Tiki in the way that tiki own search would output the results first followed by CSE
ricks99: @gerbert? i dont know how to do that automatically. on some sites, i have added CSE to the tiki results page. this way end-users can "fine tune" their results if the tiki search doesn't find what they are looking for
@xavi: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 380915 bytes) in /home/two/doc/lib/tikilib.php on line 7288
when trying to print the english structure on
-: ricks99 things 128m is not enough
xavi: thks, I guessed so. But imho, 64 Mb should be enough (not even 128Mb). I wish the code could do that with half that memory, if needed, doing the document in parts, etc. (subdocuments, and then the master document...)
ricks99: like i said, i had to go to 128 just to do smarties (and it is quite a bit smaller than
xavi: batch process. or something similar...
gerbert: ricks99: you mean you show CSE search box if Tiki returns no results and user now have an option to search with CSE?
ricks99: y
gerbert: then its a double effort for your users . it would be much more effecient to show the CSE results of the query string right the way
something similar to
ricks99: yes, but remember that CSE will find only public content. anything that requiries a login will not be found.
i wanted to "force" users to use/find tiki native search first
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25238 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Move feedback call from Tiki_Profile_Object into Tiki_Profile and display in an alert after profile is loaded.
tikiwiki: Needs (lots) more testing and polish.
ricks99: and since the advent of the "advanced" search with true boolean capability, the results have actually been quite good.
xavi: coaboa, I've found the odt file in my backup disk. I'm uploading it to
I still need to find the file to generate the topics index at the end
gerbert: ricks99: of course the tiki native search should be used. but i am looking for sample on how to trigger CSE execution from native tiki search as the second set of results to show to the users..
coaboa: xavi: which version is it? also sirius?
xavi: yes, the odt where the pdf was produced from
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25239 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Refactoring of ajax loading code and removal of some !importants from the CSS that stopped it working (also sync with layout-reference.css)
xavi: = with some parts from 1.10 (the old name of 2.0, to say in short)
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: i am looking for sample on how to trigger google CSE execution from within native tiki search -
coaboa: shouldnt we try to release with 5.0 an up to date printable doc?
xavi: coaboa: +100!
go coaboa, go!
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25240 10/trunk/tiki-view_sheets.php: [MOD] Show busy-loading spinner (if feature_ajax) while edit sheet is preparing, as it can be quite slow.
coaboa: so how can i get a wiki dump with references to the screenshots?
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25241 10/trunk/styles/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [CSS] Remove last (?) vestiges of shadowbox
xavi: , yes you will, but as I said, I?m afraid that not now. You can't, and I can't either
I've sent a message to the admin list, and lets see how fast we get things solved
coaboa, are you in the tikiwiki-devel list?
coaboa: no (not yet)
xavi: coaboa , can you send me a message to xavi (a) with your email then? I'll tell you when the structure can be printed from
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xavi: c u all
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marclaporte: luciash : ping
I see duplicate css in trunk
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25242 10/trunk/lib/prefs/log.php: [FIX] typo
chealer: polom
marclaporte: ah no, it's the type="text/css" media="print" />
sylvieg: I can not see the refresh button of a wiki page anymore in trunk? Do I miss a setting? or a bug?
luciash: marclaporte: yes ?
marclaporte: we now have print.css (yay!)
luciash: sylvieg: i have it still
refresh icon
sylvieg: thx - I probably forgot a setting
marclaporte: brb
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ricks99: @sylvieg: u need to have wiki cache on, in order to have the refresh wiki page icon
sylvieg: Yes I set on the option :-(
ricks99: on ur 2nd visit to a page, you should have the icon
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chealer: gerbert: thanks for your question about Top users, I fixed it
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chealer: sylvieg: I don't see it neither (using strasa)
sylvieg: I have it now ... no idea why I did not have it
chealer: you need to persevere ...
chealer: sylvieg: hehe. did you see (cached) appear?
do we have wiki cache on some tw.o site?
gerbert: chealer: i already integrated your code on my site. thank you.
chealer: anyway, looks like there's a bug with wiki cache
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marclaporte: luciash : I sent print.css mail to devlist
luciash : I guess you must have knowledge of the best way to do this :-)
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meiwag: does anyone know how to allow full screen mode in flash videos that I embed in wiki pages? I know that I need to set the allowFullScreen param to true in the resulting HTML but I am not sure which template/php file I need to edit.
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sylvieg: pluign youtube has the param in 5.0
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gerbert: was getting blank page on tiki. after restarted the firefox returned to normal - what it might be?
chealer: gerbert: it could be a session cookie clearing. a blank page is too vague to tell
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xavi: sylvieg?
sylvieg: yes
xavi: I was testing action log...
hi again, btw
and: Fatal error: Call to a member function getGalleryIds() on a non-object in /home/httpd/virtuals/ on line 2152
sylvieg: did you back stuff?
gerbert: ok.thx
xavi: back stuff?
backup, you mean???
sylvieg: because I back ported?
xavi: ah!, sorry, no (my mistake, then, I guess)
I'm using 4.1
I'll review email...
sylvieg: I think I forgot a file in this commit when I sent it to you
xavi: mmm...
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coaboa: xavi: did you got email from me?
sylvieg: .. in fact you have to pick up the function in lib/filegals/filagallib.php
xavi: coaboa, yes, thanks
sylvieg: or perhaps it is something else...
coaboa: ok. I'am off for today. bb
xavi: coaboa: ok
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xavi: sylvieg: I'll try tomorrow. Bed time here. Thanks for heedback
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rmcc316: how can i have text wrap to the rigth of my image? i dont see that option
basically so the image and text are side by side.
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lindon_: rmcc316: put image inside of a DIV plugin with float=left and the text outside the DIV
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Modn: I am trying to get the search bar to appear, but have had no luck even though all the permissions are set correctly and enabled for the correct users to view it
Can anybody help with this issue?
sylvieg: you need perhaps in admin->look a 'diaplay top bar or somethink like that
Modn: Thats what i thought, but i already have top bar displayn as the breadcrumbs display correctly/
I have tried disabling the breadcrumbs to see whether they were conflicting
but that didnt work either
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sylvieg: and what says tiki-searchresults.php?
Modn: yes
sylvieg: is it working?
Modn: no when i goto tiki-searchresults.php it comes up with a n error message
This feature is disabled: feature_search
sylvieg: so you have the answer..
Modn: yeah ill take a look
thanks heaps for your help sylvieg
this has been driving me nuts
its fixed
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