[00:17] *** SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [00:21] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:29] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) [00:54] *** Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [00:55] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3048 - - Submit new tracker mirror fails on php error function in TikiDB.php - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3048 [01:08] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25427 10/trunk/lib/search/searchlib-mysql.php: [01:08] tikiwiki: [SEC] MySQL search: fix buggy validation on _find() $searchDate parameter. [01:08] tikiwiki: Thanks Mateusz Drygas [01:09] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25428 10/branches/proposals/4.x/lib/search/searchlib-mysql.php: [01:09] tikiwiki: [bp/r25427][SEC] MySQL search: fix buggy validation on _find() $searchDate parameter. [01:09] tikiwiki: Thanks Mateusz Drygas [01:09] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25429 10/branches/proposals/3.x/lib/searchlib.php: [01:09] tikiwiki: [bp/r25427][SEC] MySQL search: fix buggy validation on _find() $searchDate parameter. [01:09] tikiwiki: Thanks Mateusz Drygas [01:09] *** ibrrorg has joined #tikiwiki [01:22] *** ibrrorg has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [01:41] *** franck has quit IRC (Quit: franck) [01:53] *** chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [02:15] polom polom [02:16] polom luciash - i'm not here really - asleep in bed (nearly) [02:16] i have an idea: what about possibility to use custom language translation strings from a wiki page ? [02:17] ahah, sleep well, jonnyb :) [02:17] sleeping with your macbook ? ;) [02:17] nitenite [02:18] no, not quite in the right room yet (even) [02:18] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [02:47] tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25430 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] - Module displays similar / related content based on FREETAGS attched to currently viewed object. [02:52] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [02:57] *** JP|NPU- has joined #tikiwiki [03:01] *** JP|NPU-T has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:06] *** Viper550 has joined #tikiwiki [03:07] hmm think it would be possible to create some sort of art community with this software? [03:12] sure [03:14] see e.g. www.vvvv.org [03:15] other sites gallery: http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=1&offset=0 [03:17] I mean, the one I use has a system that allows users to "watch" other users, journals, etc [03:18] I rudimentaraly got it going in Drupal one day, but it just seemed a bit ... underdeveloped/clunky for my first try [03:18] by watching other users u mean what ? [03:19] being able to get a page with a list of new content posted by users selected by the user [03:20] *** Caarrie has quit IRC (Excess Flood) [03:21] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [03:21] god why is this so huge? [03:22] lot of language files :( [03:22] you can safely remove them from lang/ [03:23] if you don't need them [03:23] just leave lang/en/ there [03:23] lib folder actually [03:23] that you shouldn't touch ;) [03:27] so, how this "Watch" system works, you can click this button on someone's user page, and then whenever they post a new art/journal, it adds it to this page [03:28] we can watch objects but not users "any" action, except you're admin with perms to see actionlog [03:28] comments on your own postings and replies to any of your comments also appear on it. [03:29] its a sort of "clearable" activity log [03:29] so you can watch individual blogs, forums, threads, wiki pages, etc. [03:29] anybody can, or a group of users can watch them [03:30] *** JP|NPU-T has joined #tikiwiki [03:31] but you can't watch users? [03:32] unless however I jersey-rig something [03:32] i don't think so [03:32] I notice you can watch structures. [03:32] yes, you can watch wiki pages structures [03:33] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [03:33] if this is the case, I could find a way to forcibly jersey rig uploads into structures for the users [03:33] *** JP|NPU- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:33] When I did this on Drupal, I needed to use Views and CCK primaraly [03:57] suggestion: installer needs password setting [03:57] oh nm [04:30] okay, can the tracker be used to upload an image? [04:33] *** Viper550 has quit IRC (Quit: MAH BOY) [04:38] *** franck has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [05:20] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [06:10] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth) [06:18] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [06:33] Good Morning [06:55] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [07:32] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r25431 10/trunk/styles/ (darkroom.css feb12.css layout/design.css tikinewt.css): [MOD] caption styling: moving from (some) themes to design.css. All themes will have the captions bold [08:17] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r25432 10/branches/proposals/4.x/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [bp/r25394][NEW] articles and submission: Give admin the opportunity to define a default size for images. It's a value that can be changed by the user when he contributes an article or a submission. [08:52] *** JP|NPU- has joined #tikiwiki [08:55] *** JP|NPU-T has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [09:33] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [09:41] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [09:49] *** daniam has joined #tikiwiki [09:50] *** daniam has quit IRC (Client Quit) [09:58] *** olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki [10:07] *** xavi has left [10:11] *** daniam has joined #tikiwiki [10:13] *** olinuxx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:32] *** goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki [10:36] *** goj has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [10:37] *** goj|ghost is now known as goj [10:46] *** daniam has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:49] *** daniam has joined #tikiwiki [11:13] *** daniam has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:50] *** franck has quit IRC (Quit: franck) [11:59] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [12:03] *** xavi1 has joined #tikiwiki [12:04] *** xavi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [12:39] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r25433 10/branches/proposals/3.x/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [bp/r25394][NEW] articles and submission: Give admin the opportunity to define a default size for images. It's a value that can be changed by the user when he contributes an article or a submission. [13:12] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r25434 10/trunk/tiki-searchindex.php: [SEC] Same fix as 25415 : filter arguments [13:13] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r25435 10/branches/proposals/4.x/tiki-searchindex.php: [SEC/bp25434] backport of security fix for SQL injection [13:16] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [13:23] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [13:30] *** coaboa_ has joined #tikiwiki [13:32] *** coaboa_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [13:33] *** coaboa_ has joined #tikiwiki [13:34] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:35] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [13:39] luciash ? [13:39] hola [13:39] hi :-) [13:39] I need some help to fix css & tpl in sheets on 4.x [13:39] ok [13:40] throw it at me ;) [13:40] I don't know why, the colors that were used to display spreadsheets in 2.x and 3.x are not shown [13:40] and looking at the css properties of a sheet, they don't show anything from spreadsheets [13:40] I guess that something is missing at the tpl level [13:40] let me show you an example... [13:40] (loking for a public sheet) [13:40] looking [13:42] http://sima.pangea.org/tiki-view_sheets.php?sheetId=20 [13:42] and hold on, I'll made it temporarily public [13:42] fine [13:43] oups, object perms says: {treetable}: No rows found [13:43] it seems sheets are not tiki 4 ready for object perms [13:43] :-[ [13:43] oh, no, my mistake ( I guess), sheets was not selected as a feature to be displayed [13:44] :-] [13:44] (usability weirdness, anyway; it should have been pre-selected, since I was in the sheets) [13:44] ok, try now [13:45] wrks [13:45] yes, but all bg is the same color [13:45] and no contrast, then, with the css color in the header rows [13:45] ok, wat should it be ? [13:45] let me find another example in 3.x (or earlier) [13:46] i see [13:47] shuld be in html head [13:47] not in bod > div [13:47] body > div [13:48] but that 's not it, i think some classes are missing in the table, it is just table class="default" [13:49] mmm, can't find examples in 2.x (I upgraded the sites) [13:50] and in 3.x seems to behave like in 4.x [13:50] anyway, how to set differnt bg in the header rows respect to the other ones? [13:50] font color is different... [13:51] table.default thead td [13:51] table.default tbody td [13:51] color and background properties [13:51] mmm, but aren't those properties general with other tables? [13:52] yes, if they have thead and tbody it would affect them [13:52] I mean, I thought there were some classes for spreadsheets (specific) in 1.9.x and 1.10, 2.x [13:52] if they have not, it will not affect them, but if yes, i expect the same contrast problem there [13:53] i would add in the table class="default sheet" [13:53] in tpl [13:53] and make the rows odd,even as i other tables [13:53] *** kiilo has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [13:54] I see (even if I have never done that) [13:54] if u like i can put it in your admin → l&f → custom head code and you can copy to thenews if feeling lucky then [13:54] feeling happy :) [13:54] or in layout/design.css [13:55] where is the best place to fix it in all themes? [13:55] feb12 seems to have the same issue (in 3.x) [13:55] so I guess, also in 4.x [13:55] you have already modified tpls in the past, didn't you ? ;) [13:55] layout/design.css I guess? [13:55] layout/design.css [13:56] in styles [13:56] ok, and why spreadsheets has some css in lib/sheets/style.css ? [13:57] someone did it wrong [13:57] ok, or it was just kept as is since 1.9x [13:57] I guess [13:59] is it external lib ? [13:59] how can I grep all calls to table.default in tpl's? [13:59] nope, internal [14:00] lib/sheet/style.css is so short that i am in favor to reduce http requests and put it in layout and design css [14:01] ok, +1 [14:01] I don't have a clear idea of what goes where, so I'll be veruy please if you can do that [14:01] s/please/pleased [14:02] grep --color -InER 'table class="default' ./templates/* [14:02] thks grep master! ;-) [14:03] ? that command returned 0 results in proposals/4x (as root) [14:03] what is about colors/font/backgrounds/borders goes to design, rest goes to layout [14:03] hmm [14:03] oops :) [14:05] seems it's not in templates then ? [14:06] grmbl, cannot grep it either :-p [14:07] in trunk [14:07] aha, in trunk and using strasa.css, the sheet is displayed properly [14:08] (good contrast, I mean) [14:08] let's see... (testing more things) [14:11] *** JP|NPU-T has joined #tikiwiki [14:12] ok, the problem is in the contrast at thenews (at least), found it [14:13] and "table.default" is specific for sheets [14:13] so, lets fix... [14:13] thanks luciash for your feedback! (I was getting mad before) [14:15] *** JP|NPU- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:18] luciash, in layout-reference.css and layout-tiki3_level.css , table.default thead td etc. are defined as empty [14:18] I wonder if this might be interfering... [14:18] bbl [14:18] *** luminoso has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [14:19] no, reference is just reference (not used) [14:19] *** FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki [14:29] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [14:56] *** coaboa_ is now known as coaboa [15:03] *** daniam has joined #tikiwiki [15:04] *** andtor has joined #tikiwiki [15:35] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [15:41] *** Shawn__ has joined #tikiwiki [15:41] Hi [15:42] What is "Sea surfing detected. Operation blocked?" [15:44] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [15:44] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte [15:47] I get thanyone know? [15:47] *anyone know? [15:49] hi Shawn__ [15:50] Hey there. How are you? [15:50] it usually means you have the same site open in more than one window/tab of your browser [15:50] i am fine but busy as usual :) and you ? [15:50] Oh [15:50] Great. I only get it when I do moderator actions [15:50] it was meant as protection to stealing session or something [15:51] Ah [15:52] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery [15:52] read that to learn more [15:53] Also, I have a 2 question. When I lock a thread, it doesn't lock immediately. I see the lock icon, but people can still post in it. [15:56] sorry, no idea about that... seems like a bug [15:56] Ah [15:57] *** luminoso has joined #tikiwiki [16:04] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) [16:04] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r25436 10/trunk/styles/ (coelesce.css feb12.css thenews.css): [FIX]Fix contrast with spreadsheet bg and colors, that was lost at some point for a few themes [16:05] luciash, it took a while, but finally fixed (I hope) ;-) [16:05] and backporting soon... [16:05] xavi1: cool [16:09] luciash: So what should I do? [16:10] , I just updated trunk and fudn out that toolbar buttons are broken. Was it already broken before, any noticed? [16:11] try demo of 4.1 if it still does there, if it will be fixed there, then upgrade [16:11] nkoth: broken [16:11] nkoth: I noticed yesterday in the toolbar buttons that jonny added to the jquery-spreadsheet [16:12] there, the markup is not added to surround the selected text but is added at the end [16:13] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r25437 10/branches/proposals/4.x/styles/ (coelesce.css feb12.css thenews.css): [FIX][bp/r25436]Fix contrast with spreadsheet bg and colors, that was lost at some point for a few themes [16:13] this gets regularly fixed/broken/fixed/broken :-/ [16:14] "this"? [16:14] tollbars or spreadsheet css? [16:14] yes, this toolbars icons functionality [16:14] ah [16:14] in trunk at least [16:30] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r25438 10/branches/proposals/3.x/styles/ (coelesce.css feb12.css thenews.css): [FIX][bp/r25436]Fix contrast with spreadsheet bg and colors, that was lost at some point for a few themes [16:46] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [16:46] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte [16:54] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r25439 10/trunk/templates/tiki-blog_post.tpl: [16:54] tikiwiki: [DOC] Better tip for state of "Upload image to this post" which is a blog [16:54] tikiwiki: specific feature and should be removed (with migration). If a non-file gallery [16:54] tikiwiki: method of uploading images to blogs is desired, it should be the same one used [16:54] tikiwiki: in the wiki pages (the wiki_up one). [17:12] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) [17:54] *** Shawn__ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [18:14] *** xavi1 has left [18:43] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r25440 10/branches/4.x/lang/ca/language.php: [FIX] A few more strings translated [18:46] polom [18:47] *** PrezKennedy has joined #tikiwiki [19:02] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25441 10/branches/proposals/3.x/ (tiki-searchindex.php tiki-searchresults.php): [bp/r25434, r25415] [FIX] MySQL search: fix buggy validation [19:04] *** Cain` has joined #tikiwiki [19:06] *** Cain has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [19:06] *** Cain` is now known as Cain [19:13] *** iogburu has joined #tikiwiki [19:13] Rnadom question [19:14] my index file is not showing on my main website [19:14] does that mean i need to edit the .htaccess file [19:14] I uncommented the original _htaccess file [19:14] so I assumed I wouldn't need to change it [19:14] am I correct with this assumption [19:14] rename index.php to index.php.bak, then your index.htm(l) should show up [19:20] mmm that didn't work [19:20] let me try again [19:22] *** hobu has left [19:25] yeah it didn't work [19:25] luciash: do you use Aptana 2? [19:25] hi chealer, nope [19:25] vim [19:26] iogburu: i don't know from your question what is your problem exactly [19:26] luciash: OK. did you ever use Aptana? [19:26] chealer: yep [19:26] luciash: which version did you last try? why did you stop using it? [19:27] 1.5 i think, maybe 2 but it got somewhat broken [19:28] luciash: you're saying that 2 had regression bugs over 1? [19:29] luciash: when I go to my webdomain, instead of seeing index.php, I only see the files [19:29] yes, something stopped to work (i think svn) so it became unusable for me [19:30] iogburu: means your webdomain doesn't support php probably [19:30] chealer: why do u ask ? [19:30] luciash: thanks. did you hear about problems with buttons (say clicking on Next doesn't work well) [19:30] iogburu: I went into the .htaccess file and set it to the index.php file and it worked, but I am not sure if that is correct [19:30] luciash: I'm currently using kate and wouldn't mind having something better [19:30] lol [19:31] luciash: I went into the .htaccess file and set it to the index.php file and it worked, but I am not sure if that is correct [19:32] iogburu: if it works :) i really don't get your problem, sorry... i thought you have custom index.html file and it doesn't show up when you go to your domain, that's all [19:32] chealer: ah, gvim is nice :) [19:33] chealer: aptana is nice too, when it works, but eats lot of resources and syncing was kind of slow for me [19:33] svn [19:36] luciash: yeah, I'm still using KDE and have 3 GB of RAM so I hope the latest version is worth a good try [19:36] luciash: synching svn, svn update? [19:38] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r25442 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl: [FIX] admin groups: following the links to edit the groups should display the second tab - regression workaround (this problem is not present in 4.x, maybe it is caused by moving the JS files to bottom again) [19:39] chealer: yes, give it a try, in the past when i was using KDE i used Quanta+ btw [19:39] chealer: made the splashscreen and icon for them btw (if they stiůů use it) ;) [19:40] s/stiůů/still/ [19:40] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [19:43] luciash: heh, I used that a little bit, remember it as quite buggy. it wasn't ported to KDE 4 and is no longer in Debian testing. [19:44] ah [19:45] i am really not into KDE anymore [19:45] xfce+gnome nowadays [20:09] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r25443 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl: [FIX] admin groups: same as 25442 for adding new group and links to edit users + removal of some unnecessary luciash ? [20:22] remember pluginR ? :-) [20:22] y [20:23] I managed to save graphs on disk already as png (finally) [20:23] I'm so excited! [20:23] congrats :) [20:23] so, what would be the php command to display foo.png inside a wiki page? [20:23] thks [20:23] ./tmp/foo.png [20:24] php command ? [20:24] or anywhere in the tiki path [20:24] why php ? [20:24] yes, how to display an image in a wiki page? [20:24] an image which is on disk (server side) [20:24] why not {img src=tmp/foo.png} ? [20:25] mmm, ok. I mean, if somebody calls a graph (in r syntax), I'd like the image generated to be automatically displayed in the wiki page [20:26] in a similar way as the text output is nowadays... [20:26] http://dev.tikiwiki.org/PluginR (in case it helps) [20:26] example 2: simple graph [20:26] I'll commit my progress soon [20:27] well, don't get disoriented by that wiki page [20:27] Imagine that I want to display that foo.png inside the wiki page directly from the plugin [20:28] ah, so in the plugin it cannot be html as output ? [20:30] mmm, ok, I'll try [20:30] something like return $foo .= ' tracker items cannot be categorized ? only whole trackers ? [21:59] or give tracker item speial perms ? [21:59] special [22:00] i need to limit the tracker item to disallow downloading of its attachment... i can workaround it to make the item status pending, but i thought it was possible to set category/perms for the tracker item which would apply to its attachments too [22:01] trunk [22:05] *** daniam has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:06] no idea, luciash, sorry. but i've never heard about tracker item perms [22:06] on an item basis [22:12] or $api_tiki = "adodb"; in db/local.php [22:12] thanks, not workt [22:12] this error [22:12] Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 15231 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/simutrans-germany.com/httpdocs/wiki/wiki_/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php on line 953 [22:13] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r25448 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] All-in-one multipurpose google map wikiplugin (more coming) [22:14] FrankP_german: then i guess you will need rise your php memory_limit from 32M to 64M :-/ [22:15] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r25449 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-gmap_usermap.tpl tiki-gmap_usermap.php): [MOD] Change to make use of new googlemap plugin (reduce code duplication) [22:15] xavi1: it's something to do i guess, category would be fair [22:15] at least [22:16] luciash : I have no access to php.ini, so I can not change [22:16] I wonder how much would that impact performance [22:16] hmm [22:16] FrankP_german: I think that it can be changed (in some servers) through .htaccess [22:16] fyi [22:17] FrankP_german: if you cannoot change it you'll have to try reduce something, remove modules or disable unnecessary features... what page it happens on ? [22:18] admin categories ? [22:18] try &fullscreen=y in url if it helps [22:20] can you please tell me what I enter it in the. htaccess needs [22:29] yes, tiki-admin_categories.php [22:44] I want to write some ajax related to the google map thing, do I have to use feature_ajax or no need? [22:45] I mean if someone is using google maps, they obviously have js on already [22:49] Anyone can point me to the best example of how to write ajax now? (I knowthe old xajax way but I am not sure if that is the best way anymore) [22:55] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) [23:00] *** andtor has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:01] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r25450 10/trunk/lib/breadcrumblib.php: [FIX] description as browser title: do not return span tag there [23:08] *** andtor has joined #tikiwiki [23:15] FrankP_german: you can google for it (I'm no expert; I know it worked in the past for other people). [23:15] a few examples, for instance: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/42071 [23:15] it seems that you can add: [23:15] php_value memory_limit 64M [23:16] inside the .htaccess file [23:16] thanks [23:16] or others reported that they succeeded instead adding t some of the conflictive php files [23:16] I haven't tried myself [23:16] np [23:17] * xavi1 is concerned about Tiki's performance (pre 5.0) [23:18] and we will see how much better Tiki behaves on 5.0, beyond some proven improvements by lph and others [23:24] works [23:36] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r25451 10/trunk/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] description as browser title: make it work again with after|before|none site title location (still not perfect fix but better than nothing) [23:42] *** L0ggar starts logging #tikiwiki at Sat Feb 20 23:42:51 2010 [23:42] *** L0ggar has joined #tikiwiki [23:48] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:48] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [23:52] *** iogburu has joined #tikiwiki [23:54] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [23:54] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r25452 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_r.php: [FIX]Write only the img tag if the new graph (image) has been created. [23:58] * yohomer scratches head .... [23:58] Anonomyous visitors see theme other than the site default .... but group theme set to be default. [23:58] I remember doing this intentionally, but don't recall how :) [23:59] tiki4