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***L0ggar starts logging #tikiwiki at Sun Feb 28 10:07:24 2010
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DV_Hi everyone
Mlaporte: U there, i read the Model
Can anybody guide me more regarding starting developing for Tiki
I wish to work for GSOC project 2010, and am a Passionate and fast learner student from India
chibaguyDV_: You should read http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Hello+World if you haven't already. [11:01]
DV_I haven't so i'll read it and be back
Thanks :)
chibaguyAnd thanks for your interest. :-) [11:02]
DV_The pleasures all MINE!! :-) [11:02]
coaboahello: when using class="reflect" there is a too large distance between image and reflection. How can I decrease that? [11:15]
mlaportehi DV_ ! [11:24]
coaboaHello mlaporte. messed up the easy commit for adding RealName to userprefs tracker field. Have to improve my none existing programming skills. ;-) [11:34]
what happened?
coaboanothing bad. just got db errors. somohow the realName got added but I screw thefield ID's i think... So not enought time to play until March 12th.
Solved the Issiu bi adding an extinsive Welcome Message with details on how to add the real name to the prefs ;-)
*issue by
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25775 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-textarea.tpl: [MOD] HTML purifier affect wiki parsing so adding a checkbo near the others. [11:44]
coaboadoes on know where i can set distance between reflection and src image when using jquery reflection as shown on your doc.tw.o intropage? [11:57]
chibaguycoaboa, that could be a parameter in the javascript. [11:59]
coaboareflect.js in src dir? [11:59]
chibaguylib/jquery/reflection-jquery/js/reflection.js ? [12:00]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25776 10/trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php: [DOC] doc about HTML Purifier [12:01]
chibaguyI don't know, though. Don't know much about javascript. [12:01]
coaboathx. [12:04]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25777 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [DOC] Admin panel cleanup + add a new section for slow features [12:33]
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tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25778 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin.tpl: [FIX] left-over link in admin panel, from removed feature [12:51]
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chibaguychibaguy wonders what slow features are.... [13:06]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25779 10/trunk/templates/error.tpl: [FIX] Add missing space [13:18]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25780 10/trunk/ (lib/prefs/auth.php templates/tiki-admin-include-security.tpl): [NEW] Admin panel section for Token Access. Combined with tell a friend, it lets you share your access rights for a specific URL only, for a maximum number of seconds or hits.
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25781 10/trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php: [FIX] Cleanup of feature_htmlpurifier_output pref
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25782 10/trunk/lib/prefs/tiki.php: [DOC] add an example for Cache-Control header [14:18]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25783 10/trunk/templates/ (2 files): [MOD] Moving all session-related prefs to a central place. (including some previously only accessible via search) [14:42]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r25784 10/trunk/lib/prefs/categories.php: [DOC] explaining this nifty feature [15:10]
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changichangi marc is working hard [15:16]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: The requested URL /blog1 does not exist - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=36475 [15:42]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r25785 10/trunk/templates/tiki-listpages_content.tpl: [MOD] Some table design [15:47]
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coaboa_How can i browse a categry downwards without showing pareent / sister categries even if user has right to acces them?
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coaboaeg. want to navigate to cars-> bmw ot to cars -> vw. hen display bmw and bmw sbcategories vw should not be visible in tiki-browse_categories.php listing
*when display
got it ( [16:39]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r25786 10/trunk/lib/freetag/freetaglib.php: [MOD] Rollback r25762 - original problem fixed elsewhere now, if any more detected, we will fix it elsewhere instead of here [16:45]
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tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25787 10/trunk/modules/mod-func-action_similarcontent.php: [MOD] - Added support for MaxRecords param
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r25788 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] Some french translation
tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25789 10/trunk/modules/mod-func-action_similarcontent.php: [MOD] - Added parameter to support "broaden" feature within FreeTag lib [17:10]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r25790 10/trunk/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [INDENT] No change [19:46]
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DVHi, i am a prospective GSOC student
can anybody tell me, is it possible to work completely
fine developing for Tiki
in Windows 7
or should i always boot in Ubuntu!??
awaiting answer!!
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DVi m still waiting for my anser
mlaporte: u htere
coaboaDV: in general its up to you which IDE or development environment you are using. Some editors on windows tend to change the charset eg. from utf to latin... but thats as far as i know all
so im no developer my self but run my own software company in the past.
DVcoaboa: Thanks for help
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coaboagood ide on windows for php is afaik "eclipse php" + its extensible to some other language sytax highlighting.
Good texteditor is still n++
DVwat i wish to know, is that " is windows a hurdle for development ?" [21:19]
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sylviegwindows with wampserver for instance is not a problem [21:25]
DVk, thanks sylvieg so up i go then
wamp is up and running
thanks eveyone :)
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
ricks99hi all :) [21:53]
DVhi ricks [21:54]
ricks99hi DV [21:54]
DVi wish to be a prospective GSOC student
and am using WAMP for starting purposes
ricks99cool. i saw ur email to the dev list. welcome aboard [21:55]
DVi i captain!!
what would u suggest
should i continue on windows
or switch to ubuntu?
ricks99wamp is fine. i use wamp +winxp as my dev platform. no issues
i use tortoise svn for checkin/out
DVsave here
toroise svn
but os is 7
i likes AERO! :P
ricks99should be fine
only "gotcha" is to ensure that u use "unix style" lf/eof markers instead of windows default
other than that, i've had no issues at all being on win
ricks99 is one of the few folks in the univers who apparently *like* windows :-)
DVk, i'll make a note on that, and keep on disturbing u
on any problem regarding
developin in windows
ricks99np. ur going to look at tiki blog improvements, y? [21:57]
DVapparent DV Is also in the eilte league of people who like windows!!
its beacuse i feel its more used and got more scope for development still
as i noticed on the develop mailing list
speed was also a factor as it was said in modal and hello world
but it was still unclear
and i have also happened to com across using tiki blog once
although i am no hard and fast bind to tiki blog
i am still begining to learn and explore it
ricks99has a lot of potential. and i believe somone mentioned merging articles with blogs -- both are very similar. could b a good project.
where r u located (geo)?
DVINDIA! [22:00]
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DVHappy Holi: India is experiencing its biggest festival of year [22:01]
ricks99xcellent [22:01]
DVHOLI: Festival of colours! [22:01]
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ricks99well, welcome aboard. feel free to ping/ask any questions. we're a fun group [22:01]
DVso i'll continue now
hey thanks
yeah i noticed
the elite group!! of window lovers! we both :P
ricks99lol [22:02]
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DVricks99: can i crach such lame jokes on IRC [22:07]
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DVcause its mostly 4 AM like when i am working and i am alonge at home [22:07]
ricks99anything to stay awake and commit fixes to tiki is allowed :) [22:08]
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DVHi, i would like to point that some person has asked for help in our develop mailing list
and seems needy
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ricks99dont understand? [22:10]
DVSome problem with LDAP [22:11]
ricks99i don't use ldap, sorry [22:11]
DVK, :) [22:11]
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