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btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [00:43]
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enthdegree has joined #tikiwiki [01:17]
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enthdegreeHow do i add a sidebar? [01:41]
chealerenthdegree: do you mean a module or what? [01:45]
enthdegreeAah, sorry. I think I've got it...
The 'create menu' button isn't working. )c;<
luciashwhat button ? [01:53]
enthdegree"create menu"
What is the url to the admin page?
luciashwhere is the button ?
enthdegreeBRB, trying it in chrome.
Oh snap, nevermind.
luciashyou mean the tab at tiki-admin_menus.php ? [01:57]
enthdegreeYes, I am.
I'm just trying to make a simple navigation menu. Does this do what I think it does?
*make a wikipedia-like sidebar, I mean.
luciashyou just create your menu there and go to tiki-admin_modules.php?cookietab=2 to assign it to your custom module where it will appear then [01:59]
enthdegreeOk, thanks! [02:11]
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aayalaHi im new using tikiwiki (LTS) its posible to put Articles on frontpage ? [02:53]
chealeraayala: yes. you can set the homepage URL you want [02:57]
aayalachealer thanks, yes i think i get the solution only need entry on the menu (anonymous) [02:58]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Email failure in Tikiwiki 3.4 - cannot implement site without solving this problem - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=36499 [03:02]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: System Messages: Staging & Approval - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36500 [05:28]
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mazzachreIs there some way to let tikiwiki synchronize or use an external calendar engine so calendar programs using CalDAV (Or WebDAV or even exchange) can access it? [08:09]
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daniamanyone on line who can help me restore a tag? [08:23]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r25873 10/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] Add possibility to limit image sizes in file galleries [09:09]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Administrar Categorías por Grupo - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=36501 [10:38]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r25874 10/trunk/tiki-login.php: [FIX] notice [10:56]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25875 10/trunk/lib/auth/ldap.php: [FIX]ldap: openldap need the userdn to work [11:12]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25876 10/branches/proposals/4.x/lib/auth/ldap.php: [bp/r 25875][FIX]ldap: openldap need the userdn to work
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r25877 10/trunk/lib/ (tiki-js.js wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php): [ENH] allow filegallery_browser to pick up images in wikiplugin IMG
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stixCan I frame another website within a wiki-page? [11:58]
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jonnybpolom 3.5 [12:01]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25878 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Change smarty_function_var_dump so it can handle vars other than strings (e.g. arrays, by using the er, var_dump function). Also a couple of minor fixes to the debugger. [12:01]
danielneed help. Installing TW 4.1 on intranet. Tried both Easyphp and xammp, completes installation, database and all, after completing the last page of the installer(basic config with tiki title aso), choose to continue and lock installer for first admin login, error "could not find driver", reinstalled 5 times...where to look? [12:02]
sylviegstix: plugin snarf [12:02]
stixsylvieg, thank you [12:02]
jonnybdaniel: no clue as to _which_ driver? [12:02]
Caarriepso vs adobo? or whatever it is called [12:04]
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danielNope, page just says "System error. Could not find driver"(It's a TW generated page) i've looked over apache settings, mysql...i'm a clueless noob [12:04]
jonnybTiki welcomes helpless noobs! [12:05]
sylviega grep on 'could not find driver' in tw gives no result [12:05]
jonnybcan you get phpinfo wirking? [12:05]
danieljonnyb: i've also tried manual install, with manual import of db's, then when trying to login, TW returns I must have cookies enablöed, which I do... [12:06]
sylvieggoogle seems to say it is something to do with mysql [12:06]
jonnybodd... [12:06]
Caarrieit might be a php error [12:06]
jonnybi managed to get tiki trunk working on IIS the other day, some issues with detecting write permissions but nothing like this... [12:07]
sylviegtry to see if you can run phpmyadmin or something like that..
(even if it is strnge that the installer was happy)
jonnybgood idea (hi sylvieg and Caarrie!) [12:07]
Caarriehttp://twbasics.keycontent.org/tiki-index.php?page=Fixing+Installation+Problems#Tiki_reports_a_System_Driver_Problem. [12:07]
ricks99good morning all :-) [12:08]
sylvieg:-) we need to fix this pdo problem in release 5... [12:09]
danieltried making a phpinfo, returns blank page [12:11]
Caarriewhat did you put in the file exactly? [12:12]
sylviegluciash: .. If I was able to set easily on my local, I would have done it since a long time ;-) [12:14]
danieli put in "<? phpinfo(); ?>" without "" [12:16]
Caarriethat should have worked [12:16]
sylvieg<?php [12:17]
Caarriedo any other php apps work on your server? [12:17]
sylviegphpinfo(); [12:17]
danielanyhow, uncommented extension pdo yadayada in php.ini, off course it worked, thx guys [12:17]
sylviegis <? enough on the same line that the instruction... I doubt [12:17]
Caarriehttp://www.mirrorimages.net/mi_faq.php?do=a&cid=4&id=48 [12:17]
sylviegCaarrie: who knows a lot of things ... do you have experience in ldap [12:18]
Caarrienope never used it or had to [12:18]
sylviegconfiguration is scaring [12:18]
Caarriedont have it installed either [12:19]
stixsylvieg, about the plugin snarf. I don't understand regex and I think the documentation is missing some more examples. How should I use this plugin if I just want to show the entire content of an url?
If I only set the url-parameter, I get: "Missing url parameter for SNARF plugin."
ricks99@stix: instead of snarf, just use HTML plugin, create an iframe,and put the url in the iframe. [12:22]
stixricks99, okay, that sounds better [12:22]
ricks99, I can't frame anything. Is it blocked somehow?
shouldn't this work: {HTML()}<iframe src ="http://google.com"></iframe>{HTML} ?
ricks99did u enable the HTML plugin? [12:30]
stixoh it is the wysiwyg-editor which messes it up [12:30]
ricks99ricks99 never uses the wysiwyg editor... too flaky
maybe one day....
stixyes, but all my users are rather "stupid" - it has to look like MS word, otherwise they cannot figure it out [12:31]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Wiki Code in HTML Plugin - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36505 [13:04]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25879 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: deprecated
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r25880 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (2 files): [FIX] Missing _tiki, once again
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25881 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.title.php: [MOD]css: use titletips as recommended by jonnyb [13:43]
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luciashfor daniel (next time): it is the pdo-mysql driver
polom all
ricks99ricks99 is waiting for the power to blink out again... damn blizzard [14:00]
luciashah, never heard about extension yadayad :-p
ricks99: such a small snowfall ;)
ricks99my city owns a total of zero snow plows
a few inches is a big deal to us.
Caarrietoo bad
we got plows here but they dont know when to use them
luciashwow, total of zero plows is bad [14:02]
ricks99city uses front-end loaders instead.
welcome to The South
luciash:) [14:02]
Caarrieit still is a "plow" it moves the snow [14:02]
ricks99and just think, in three months i'll be complaining about the 99% humidity [14:02]
Caarrieand the almost 100 F temps [14:03]
luciashheh, but still, how do snow plows relate to power outages ? [14:03]
ricks99power crews cant get out to repair downed lines until the roads are clear
it is a different world down here
luciashthat's right :) [14:04]
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c_schmitzhi guys
short question: have there been speed improvements from 3.4 LTS to 4.1?
We find that 3.4 is getting slower with mor eWiki content, even on a decent server
(especially on big pages)
luciashc_schmitz: short answer: yes, i think so
c_schmitz: did you guys try use wiki cache ?
c_schmitzwiki cache? [14:07]
luciashAdmin → Wiki [14:07]
c_schmitzwhen i stroll the cache dirs I see that wiki template parts are cached but not really the pages itself [14:08]
luciashyou can set 0 cache for some pages if individual
that's different
c_schmitzthe wiki cache is set to 2 hours
but still I can't see any ready-cached pages in the file system
luciashdo you see little green "refresh" icon on your wiki pages ? [14:11]
what directory would the pages being cached in?
luciashbtw, you can test 4.1 at www.opensourcecms.com
then the content of the wiki pages is not cached
c_schmitzyeah I thought so, but I have no clue why - I have activated every cache setting [14:12]
luciashwhen you edit the page, do you see dropdown, where you can change the cache time ? [14:13]
c_schmitzno [14:13]
luciashcan you try enable the "individual cache" feature on Admin → Wiki ? [14:14]
ricks99@c_schmitz: cached wiki pages are not in a directory. its in the db. there's a field for each wiki page that contains the cached data
if cahcing is enabled, page content is pulled from there, instead of being rebuilt each request
let me activate the individual cache first
ricks99*only* the wiki page content is cached -- not the full page (column modules, etc.) [14:15]
c_schmitzI don't have that refresh icon, though
so I don't think it is active for some reason
luciashthe refreesh icon shuld appear of second load of the page (when the page is cached already) [14:15]
c_schmitznope, not appearing
after activating the "individual cache" setting I have the cache time when I edit a page
but still the refresh icon is not showing
luciashhmm, have you customized your tiki templates ? [14:17]
c_schmitzno, it is the standard strasa.css file [14:18]
luciashricks99: do you think there is some perm to view wiki cached pages ? [14:18]
ricks99this is 3.x right? [14:19]
last LTS
luciashc_schmitz: ah. maybe for you as admin, you can't see that [14:19]
ricks99what is your cache wiki pages (global) option? [14:19]
luciashc_schmitz: i think someone got idea that caching is good for anonymous only :-/ [14:19]
***luciash changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) Tiki 4.1 is out ! Don't paste multiline code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), type !help or >help to get some info from our bots ;) Enjoy! [14:20]
c_schmitzsame problem if I log out
no refresh icon
as example
***luciash changes topic to: Welcome to #tikiwiki! Just ask, don't ask to ask ;) Tiki 3.5 (LTS) is out ! Don't paste multiline code/errors here please. Channel is logged @ http://irc.tikiwiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude msg from log), type !help or >help to get some info from our bots ;) Enjoy! [14:21]
ricks99@c_schmitz: look @ db to determin if pages are indeed being cached [14:21]
c_schmitzwhich table/field? [14:22]
ricks99in tiki_pages [14:22]
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ricks99look @ wiki_cache and cache_timestamp [14:22]
c_schmitzthere is a field 'cache' which is filled
cache_timestamp is 0 though
wiki_cache is empty
ricks99ricks99 thinks maybe caching is broken? [14:24]
c_schmitzhehe yeah, but why? ;) [14:24]
ricks99no idea. but then, i never use caching [14:24]
c_schmitzpageRank is also broken
it is always 0
ricks99i also never use page ranking :-) [14:25]
c_schmitzisn't that an automatic thing?
for search?
ricks99no. it simply lists wiki pages, ordered by hits [14:26]
c_schmitzsince updates don't help to fix this issue I guess it is problem/bug with the configuration
I have no problem to debug but where would I start looking in the source?
luciashc_schmitz: i can reproduce
in 3.3
c_schmitzoh [14:27]
luciashyour problem refresh cache icon not appearing [14:28]
c_schmitzok? [14:28]
luciashi'll try to figure out what must be on to make it show up [14:28]
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c_schmitzthat would be amazing
want me to hang on?
hanging... ;)
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luciashc_schmitz: yep, stay here if possible, looking at it [14:32]
c_schmitzsure, np [14:32]
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luciashc_schmitz: oh, can you try with 10 minutes instead of 2 hours ? [14:38]
c_schmitzsure [14:39]
luciashi managed it to appear
at http://demo.tikiwiki.org/3x/tiki-index.php
but only after several tiki-admin_system.php?do=all and changing individual cache on that page from 2 hrs to 10 minutes :-p
c_schmitzlet me clear caches, etc [14:40]
luciashdefinitelly it is not completely bug free feature [14:40]
c_schmitznope, not appearing [14:42]
luciash(and don't forget you have to logout) [14:42]
c_schmitzyeah, did
still not
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luciashlets recap: tiki-admin.php?page=wiki > Cache wiki pages (global): 2 hours + Individual cache enabled
on the page individual cache changed to 10 mins
cleared Tiki cache
logged out
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c_schmitzyes, definitely [14:46]
luciashc_schmitz: if u let me in i can try at your site but otherwise i don't know, it worked for me on the demo site (3.3) [14:46]
c_schmitzI even changed the theme to make sure
but no way
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luciashc_schmitz: weird, it seems to work only if i save the page with individual cache
see http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Running+a+survey+safely&structure=English+Instructions+for+LimeSurvey
c_schmitzwow, weird
so the default value isn't taking effect
luciashseems so, or it doesn't display the cached indication at least [15:07]
c_schmitzlets see [15:07]
luciashit is a bug for sure [15:08]
c_schmitzits not caching
just tried it with a big page
after assigning the individual value it loads mcuh faster
what can I do, file a bug report?
or are you still looking?
luciashyes, it is worth of a bug report
i am looking if it is still present in 4.x
and it seems so
seems the wiki cache doesn't take effect unless you use individual cache and re-save the page
c_schmitzI think I will set an individual cache time on all pages now using UPDATE SQL
because our server is dreadfully slow without
ok done
luciashsounds like a good idea, just keep in mind pages with wikiplugins showing dynamic results in them need cache 0 to work properly [15:18]
thank you for your help
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r25882 10/trunk/tiki-adminusers.php: [FIX] Do not insist on checking for email field when login is email [15:19]
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luciashc_schmitz: you're welcome, we revealed another nasty bug thanks to you ;) [15:19]
c_schmitzoh I got some more ;)
but they don't seem to be high priority
luciashconfirmed the same bug is in 4.x [15:20]
c_schmitzas I reported these quite some time ago
thank you very much!
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nkothhi, anyone knows how to make categories appear in a certain sort order? (luciash, this sounds like the kind of thing you may know, if there is a way...),, other than putting 01. xxx , 02... [15:46]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25883 10/branches/proposals/4.x/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [bp/r25749] [NEW] Tracker dump. Allows an entire tracker to be exported as CSV. Overrides existing permissions so has it's own new perm, and saves raw values only (so far).
tikiwiki: Tested with up to 15,000 items with 20 fields each.
tikiwiki: Faster with more memory assigned but tested successfully down to around 45M.
tikiwiki: [bp/r25758] [FIX] Add test for admin on dump tracker
tikiwiki: [bp/r25771] [FIX] Correct quoting on item info and reduce database call to fields actually used
tikiwiki: (backport note: performance doesn't seem as good as on trunk, i think due to a seemingly small fix made to the fetchAll function)
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luciashnkoth: i know only in wikiplugin
try sortby=lastModif_desc
or something like that
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25884 10/trunk/tiki-contact.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] - added string 'anon' as user in order to check feature 'contact_anon'. If
tikiwiki: User parameter is blank, method Check_Page automatically returns "User Not
tikiwiki: Logged In" which makes it impossible to check feature against anonymous user.
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25885 10/trunk/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [FIX]profile: to be able to use user input for username
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ricks99_: I need your expertise with css and IE
or luciash, if you have some IEx handy?
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ricks99how about ricks99 instead?
xavia client of mine complained a bit because the theme styles we are using (a modified andreas08.css) ....
hi ricks99 :-)
site: http://gavarrespedia.org
the one with the random image on header
with IE7, a few things show up not so nice
such as the login screen: the left column becomes too wide
or the space below the images at the header
ricks99ricks99 switches to ie7 browser mode.... [16:58]
xaviwhich is not present if using firefox [16:58]
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ricks99the extra space below the random header image is caused by the <br /> element
try <br style="display:none;">
for me, the left column acutally appears wider in ie8 than in ie 7
luciashhola xavi [17:02]
xavihi luciash
thks ricks!
ricks99:-) [17:03]
luciashno IE near my hands [17:03]
xavi:-) [17:04]
ricks99Q for xavi (have also noticed this on other sites), your mini calendar does not allow clicking of dates that have events if not in current month. is this by design? [17:04]
xavioups, no idea about that behavior. Not by design, for sure [17:05]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25886 10/trunk/tiki-articles_rss.php: [FIX] - changed tikilib->list_articles (obsolete) to artlib->list_articles [17:05]
xavior at least, I didn't design it to behave like this :-9
ricks99k. fwiw, im able to duplicate
just wanted verification
luciashxavi: first thing first ;) → http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fgavarrespedia.org%2Ftiki-index.php&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
where does the closing </table> which is not open come from ?
err, *which is not finished :-p
xavioups, good question, luciash :-) No idea either... Will have a look...
mmm, I'll clean tiki cache just in case
luciashi suspect the calendar module is not very compliant [17:09]
xaviit might come from tiki.tpl from thenews.css (standard) instead of the tiki.tpl from andreas08.css [17:09]
luciashalso maybe swicth off the PHP errors from public [17:10]
xavimmm, luciash, could you see some sensitive information due to this setting? [17:13]
luciashnope, it just doesn't look nice ;) and i am not sure if it is valid xhtml
(didn't check)
just checked, it looks ok with the errors displayed
ricks99 or luciash: how can I find out where that <br> comes from?
in custom code I'm not manually using any br
and in firefox the display is ok
so... should I check at tpl's themselves directly?
ricks99i think it is in tiki.tpl
there are some IF statement specicially for ie version
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sylviegsylvieg did not read all the irc - but BR only for IE are introduced by <!-- IE in the tpl [17:42]
luciashyes, dunno why they had to be introduced at all, really
sylvieg: is the multi-step tracker plugin saving each step ? or is it saved only at the last step ?
sylviegeach step [17:45]
luciashk, tnx [17:45]
xavithks sylvieg and all.
I'll check again when at home
my 3g-phone is burning (I'm at my client's office)
see you later
sylviegluciash: +1 to take away the <br> for IE - I am always taking them away ... [17:50]
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luciashsylvieg: yeah, +1 from me too
is the auto-increment field still useful for something now when we can display {{itemId}} ?
or can we ? :)
sylviegstill needed [17:52]
luciash believes sylvie everything
can i auto-fill a page selector field with value of another field at time of creating the item ? (well maybe with jquery only)
like if i put "My Very First Item" as title i would like to use that and save (and auto-create a wiki page) with te same name or even better with lowercased page name "my-very-first-item" in page selector
pascalstjeanyou can pass a variable to a SMART plugin here is how I sued it in our example
{wikiplugin _name="trackerlist" trackerId="1" fields="6:7" filterfield="1" filtervalue="`$authorName`" tpl="edc_read_article_title.tpl"}{/wikiplugin}
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jonnybdoes the advanced search (in trunk) work properly? i realise i've not really used it before [18:01]
luciashpascalstjean: thanks for the idea, but i would like to avoid custom tpl files [18:01]
pascalstjeansorry you don't need custom TPL [18:01]
luciashpascalstjean: i was more asking on the tracker level [18:01]
pascalstjeanlook at my filtervalue [18:01]
luciashif it is possible [18:01]
pascalstjeanoh ok
I've used hidden fields and JQuery to pass things to trackers as well in the past. So your idea would work
luciashi know it is possible with dynamic itemlist or something but never got it working right and wondering if i can use that for the same tracker id and not another tracker
yep, i think jquery is the easiest path here
or save in first step and then prefill what i need in the second when using tracker plugin (i was more curious if it is possible on plain tracker level)
jonnyb: it should, define properly ? you mean according to the advanced search help ?
jonnybno, just finding a single word
i think it's something local (but can't see how yet)
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [18:19]
luciashsylvieg: having tracker and trackerlist wikiplugin... isn't it duplication either ? i would now, when using multiple steps tracker, found a use, if it would be possible to define fields which should display as input in the tracker wikiplugin, and some (already filled in previous step e.g.) to display as in trackerlist...
a "mixed mode" pretty tracker ;)
sylviegI do not know how to do this without using TRAKER and TRACKERLIST [18:30]
luciashi think it is not possible either... it's more a feature wish for tracker plugin, but then TRACKERLIST would become obsolete [18:31]
sylviegif I am abvle to get rid of the duplic tiki-view_tracker / tracker .....I can do whatever [18:31]
luciashi imagine something like this fields="1:2:3" fieldsview="o:i:i" (where o = output and i = input field)
or {TRACKER(trackerId=1 fields="1,o:2:3")}...
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25887 10/trunk/lib/ (trackers/trackerlib.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php): [FIX]tracker: field date: blank date + default to now if not blank [18:55]
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chealer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:05]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25888 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [MOD] Allow some harmless formatting tags through after you've gone to the bother of parsing the data in the first place. [19:15]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25889 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] (sort of) Refactoring of the remaining three search modules into one.
tikiwiki: Changed the previous "search_box" module's title to "Search box" to avoid ambiguity.
tikiwiki: Uses a new parameter "mode" to emulate previous search modules ("search", "page" or "quick")
tikiwiki: TODO: migration script and removal of old ones & site search testing.
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xavitoctoc (again)
jonnyb ?
any news about the c2c ? :-)
jonnybhi xavi [19:22]
xavihi jonny
did you see my message to admins at op.o?
jonnybnot that i've heard - you? [19:23]
xaviregarding cclite at op.o [19:23]
been on other stuff mostly today
xavidid you get any answer?
I've been out in other things for the whole day
jonnybhave 30 mins now though... i'll go and check [19:24]
xaviand before I go shoping (shops close in 30 min)
I could ping vjrj (the sys admin who installed cclite)
he's at jabber right now
xavi checking email also
jonnybyou better go then - i'll mail if i discover anything (nice) [19:25]
xavi:-) [19:25]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25890 10/trunk/tiki-contact.php: [FIX] - changed check_page to check_feature for 'contact_anon'. This resolves the previous issue which blocked Anonymous users from using the contact us feature. [19:29]
luciashxavi: sorry, i have no account on op.o yet
xavi: maybe i will not even need that, just the tiki one
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luciashluciash hopes xavi catched the closing door [19:34]
aayalaHi one question is posible to Link on a Wiki using (áéíóñ) as the name of the Link (tiki-index.php?page=Compilación )?
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ricks99yes. verify that you wiki wiki format is set to COMPLETE (if you use non-english characters in your page names) [19:37]
xaviluciash: I don't know which closing door you are talking about
anyway, bbl (shoping time)
luciashthe shop'đ one ;)
xavi:-) [19:39]
aayalai use [url|spanishword] a link
no problem
ricks99@aayala: can do that, but no backlinks are generated from with [xxxxx] syntax [19:40]
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luciashaayala: yes, you have to change the Wiki link type to "Complete"
oups, sorry, overlooked ricks99 already told the same :-p
thanks luciash
luciashon Admin > Wiki
ricks99ricks99 used to being overlooked :-) [19:42]
don't hide behind the mug of coffee ;)
ricks99u know me too well :P [19:43]
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aayalaHi i try to use banners but maybe i not understan very well the concept of zones [20:40]
it's posible to cuztomize the Zones [20:48]
ricks99a banner zone is simply a named container. [20:48]
aayalaricks99 but when i run the homepage i don't see the banner [20:49]
ricks991. did you create a banner zone? [20:49]
aayalayes [20:49]
ricks99did you add the zone to the home page? [20:49]
aayalai don't know howto add the zone to a home page
i need edit the index.php ?
ricks99{banner zone=NAME_OF_YOUR_ZONE} [20:50]
aayalaor template.php ? [20:50]
ricks99no. just add it to the page (if you want it to appear on that page)
see docs for full details: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/banners
aayalatiki-admin.php?page=ads i write {banner zone='prueba'} but don't work :S
ok thanks
ricks99no quote
{banner zone=prueba}
see examples in docs
aayalaok but still don;t work im using tikiwiki 3 (LTS) [20:52]
ricks99did you assign content to the banner?
i can confirm that banners work in 3.4LTS
aayalayes HTML code : <img src='http://ayalasoft.net/img/avaluosdf.png'> [20:53]
ricks99confirm that you have a valid date/time range for the banner
there is/was a known bug in some 3.x in which the time was reset each time that you edited a banner. confirm that your time is set properly
aayalathanks ricks99
thats my problem
ricks99no problem [20:54]
aayalaso sorry i don't see the time options
thanks a lot man
ricks99have fun [20:55]
aayalaand is posible to move the position of the zone ? [20:56]
ricks99you can place a banner zone anywhere you want [20:56]
aayalasorry i don;t found postion on edit banner options :S [20:57]
ricks99no. you can explicity position/place banner zones when you add them. For example:
if you want it flush right on a page, you can enclose it in div: {DIV(align=right)}{banner zone=XXXXX}{DIV}
you can place it in module, too, and assign the module to the left or right column
aayalaricks99 it's posible to set a banner on bottom, I try use <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0"> ... but the banner are on the menu position [21:05]
ricks99if u want it on the bottom, i would use the custom code footer in admin: look & feel, and add the {banner} there
or did u want it on the bottom of a single page?
aayalaon all the pages [21:07]
ricks99then i would use the look & fell options [21:07]
aayalaon edit templates right ? [21:08]
ricks99no need to edit the templates
use the look & feel custom site footer
luciashAdmin Home > Look And Feel
second tab
ricks99all hail luciash :-) [21:09]
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aayalathanks ricks99 [21:11]
luciashricks99: thanks, but i don't wanna be the next hitler :-p [21:11]
socket_77Hello, I'm running tiki 4.1 and have a problem with the SQL Plugin. [21:11]
luciashhi socket_77 [21:11]
ricks99thats hail, not heil :-) [21:12]
socket_77I have setup my DSN as mysql://user:password@localhost/tiki
hi luciash
and I have this in a page: {SQL(db=>tiki)}SELECT login,email FROM users_users{SQL}
luciashricks99: ah, i thought it is the same, just in german :-p [21:12]
socket_77I have added the dsn_tiki perm to the group my user is in
The problem is that all I get is a blank page
I have verified that the username and password I am using in my DSN has access to the tiki database via the command line
in fact it's the same username and password that tiki site uses
luciashsocket_77: you did approve the plugin first right ?
then can you try if single record works ?
socket_77Yeah, I did, and when I change anything in the {SQL} etc, it does ask me to re-approve it
which I do, but then get a blank page
I can try and see if a single record works
luciash{SQL(db=>tiki)}SELECT `login,email` FROM `users_users` WHERE `login`='admin';{SQL} [21:15]
socket_77I only have 20 odd users in the tabe..
ok, one sec
luciashok [21:15]
ricks99don't the selection variablees need to b in quotes?
single quote?
socket_77luciash: Hmm, no, same thing, a blank page [21:17]
luciashhmm, can you go to Admin > General and enable all PHP error reporting ? [21:17]
socket_77ok, one sec [21:18]
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function ADONewConnection() in /var/www/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_sql.php on line 81
Hmm, so I'm missing something in my install then
luciashah, seems this plugin requires $api_tiki = 'adodb'; in your db/local.php [21:20]
socket_77I'll try installing that on my ubuntu server now [21:23]
luciashas u wish, but you can try with adodb first [21:24]
socket_77luciash: oh, you mean just add $api_tiki='adodb' right into db/local.php? [21:25]
luciashyes [21:26]
socket_77ah, sucess
thanks luci, it appears to be all working now.
we should enable PDO for that plugin too though
ricks99+1 [21:29]
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Now I'm trying another dsn, to an MSSQL database
and getting this Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_get_last_message() in /var/www/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-mssql.inc.php on line 541
mose: regarding http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/lib/tikiticketlib.php?r1=7740&r2=7866 - is ticketlib[1] obsolete or not?
luciashsocket_77: sorry, that i cannot help with [22:02]
socket_77luciash: ok, no worries, thanks [22:03]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25891 10/branches/proposals/4.x/lib/auth/ldap.php: rollback 25875: need more thinking [22:06]
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nkothCan I show the created field inside the popup in trackerlist? [22:56]
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luciashnkoth: i don't think so as it has special variable [23:01]
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luciashnot a field id [23:01]
sylviegnkoth: yes with pretty tracker
there is a showxxx I think too
in nomrla trackerlist
nkothyes, but in normal tracker list it shows in a column [23:07]
luciashshowxxx ?
in popup (tooltip ?)
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nkothcan i simply autofill any tracker plugin field through the query string?
ok i think i can
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luciashnkoth: what is query string ? [23:26]
nkothI mean the url [23:27]
luciashah, yep [23:27]
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DoyleHi all - first time here [23:38]
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DoyleCan TikiWiki's search return links to sections within pages? [23:44]
nkothDoyle: not sure what you mean
luciash: are pretty tracker work with tracker filter slao?
luciashit should [23:46]
nkothk, will try [23:47]
DoyleIf I search for 'tofu' and there is a document called Soybean product that has a tofu section, can I make clicking on that link jump to that section within the page? [23:47]
nkothDoyle, I see, I don't think so. [23:48]
luciashonly if you create custom rewrite rule for sefurl which will replace highlight=tofu with #tofu [23:49]
DoyleBummer. Wikipedia can do that and I'm trying to get my company to adopt TikiWiki as its wiki standard because of the security options [23:49]
nkothluciash's suggest would work I think
but then what if the section is tofu stuff
and the person only searched for tofu?
luciashthen no joy i guess :( [23:52]
Doyleluciash, could you elaborate on your suggestion. I've never dug into the actual code of TikiWiki. [23:52]
luciashit is in the .htaccess file [23:53]
SEWilco2I wonder what happens if there is a {maketoc} on the page, as that generates anchors to jump to section headings. Is search sensitive to that? Is Google Search sensitive to that? [23:53]
nkothDoyle: do you have an example on how wikipedia does it? Because what if someone search for soybean, and a lot of different sections meet that consideration. what happens? [23:53]
SEWilco2Doyle: Also, are you talking about Wikipedia's internal search or Google? I've seen that Google detects WP section headings. [23:55]
DoyleIf you search for 'life and career' in Wikipedia, it brings up a list of results and in parentheses at the end of some of the entries there is a link to the 'life and career' section for the individual.
SEWilco2, I'm talking about Wikipedia's internal search
SEWilco2Yeah, sounds like that search is detecting the anchors on section headlines and offering links to them. Wikipedia automatically generates subanchors. TW only generates them if {maketoc} is added, and I don't think TW search uses them. File an improvement ticket?
SEWilco2 almost out of bullets, time for a trip to the silver mine.

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