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***FrankP_german2 has joined #tikiwiki
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MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) [00:17]
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ibrrorg has joined #tikiwiki
ibrrorgso, tiki 4.2 is out and i am using tiki 4.0 is there somewhere i can go read on all the bells and whistles on it and a step by step guide on upgrading? [00:43]
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daniam has joined #tikiwiki
chealerhi ibrrorg. there aren't many bells and whistles, you can check the changelog: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/4.x/changelog.txt?revision=25956&view=markup [00:56]
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ibrrorgalrighty, i may just hunker down for 5.0 but thanx for the link as ill go read up! [00:57]
chealeribrrorg: did you check http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Upgrade ? [00:59]
ibrrorgheading there now. yeah, sooner or later i'll have to bite the bullet and learn it. i just always cringe! :) need a one click upgrade (yeah, and money growing on trees would be nice, 'eh?!) [01:01]
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chibaguypolom [01:44]
ricks99hi chibaguy [01:45]
chibaguyhi ricks99 [01:45]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25978 10/trunk/ (100 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: accesslib: add check_authenticity() for CSRF protection
tikiwiki: some accesslib deployment
tikiwiki: ticketlib: Mark ticketlib[1] as deprecated again
tikiwiki: ticketlib: Store tickets in session instead of database
tikiwiki: [FIX] ticketlib: granting a ticket destroys previous one
tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special chars escaping
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25979 10/trunk/tiki-rollback.php: remove useless ticket request
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25980 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_toolbars.tpl: [FIX] Admin Toolbars: HTML
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25981 10/trunk/templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl: [FIX] HTML special chars escaping
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25982 10/trunk/templates/confirm.tpl: [FIX] Notice: undefined $confirm_detail
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25983 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.ticket.php:
tikiwiki: Remove Smarty ticket prefilter (already unused since r25978).
tikiwiki: Should fix recent irregular issues of Smarty compilation failures
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r25984 10/trunk/styles/ (darkroom.css layout/layout.css): [ENH] Tab adjustments. [03:28]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Change "Article" title to another phrase - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36573 [03:32]
..... (idle for 22mn)
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25985 10/trunk/tiki-admin_menu_options.php: rollback 25329. the root cause of the issue prompting it should be fixed with r25978 [03:54]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25986 10/trunk/tiki-cms_rankings.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Articles Rankings: Fatal error (typo "aaray")
tikiwiki: thanks Gary Cunningham-Lee
............ (idle for 57mn)
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Mailing List Synchronization: Incoming mail not picked up - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36576 [10:38]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: blank page after edit - error on line 136 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=36578 [11:28]
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jonnyb|nearby is now known as jonnyb [11:39]
Daniel_ has joined #tikiwiki [11:50]
Daniel_I'm running TW in a intranet, using apache on XP, need mail functionality mainly for tell-a-friend, any suggestions on server? Will JAMES do, and best practice for func with TW? Preferably in noob speak :) [11:53]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25987 10/trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [MOD]fgal: show all the files in admin view [12:07]
sylviegchealer: I suppose tikiaccesslib line 202 undefined confirmaction [12:09]
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jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [12:15]
ricks99hi all :-) [12:19]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25988 10/trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [FIX]fgal: the tpl does not check any perm for the lock -> reflect the same in the php: Perhaps a perm must be created [13:00]
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ricks99ricks99 upgraded several 3.x and 4.x sites this weekend. Kudoso the the Quality team and all code committers. Very smooth upgrades [13:41]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03chealer * r25989 10/trunk/lib/tikiaccesslib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] accesslib->check_authenticity(): undefined $confirmaction (from r25978)
tikiwiki: oops. Thanks Sylvie Greverend
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Howto set a link between a trackerlist and a tracker wiki page - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36584 [14:15]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25990 10/third_party/ckeditor/ (_samples/ _source/): [KIL] Remove unnecessary dirs from ckeditor (thanks sept_7) [14:36]
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sylviegdo we have a smarty function duration? [14:38]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3068 - - TikiWiki without AdoDB lacks the capability of writing correct UTF-8 ... - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3068 [14:49]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25991 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]fgal: use an array to stop parameter inflation [14:55]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
chibaguypolomorning [15:25]
jonnybchibaguy: greets [15:25]
chibaguyustream.tv streaming started. topic this morning is IIS.
hi jonnyb
jonnybyummy! [15:25]
chibaguy:-) [15:25]
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jonnybanyone here got perspectives working on trunk? i seem to be stumped (trying to use them without making a profile for now) [15:42]
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luciashpolom [15:54]
chibaguyhi luciash [15:55]
jonnybalso hi luciash [15:58]
luciashhi gary, da motion picture photographer ;)
yo jonnyb
lot of new ppl spotted in the ustream, dat's good
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chibaguyWade Hilmo from Microsoft is talking about IIS. [16:03]
luciash alone in bbb
luciash "watching" the ustream too
chibaguySorry, luciash, bbb isn't set up. [16:06]
jonnybi'm in! :D [16:09]
chibaguyWe need a separate machine for bbb video from here, and I usually set up ustream first since it can record, etc. [16:10]
mlaportemlaporte starts BBB
pick TikiFest from http://demo.bigbluebutton.org/bigbluebutton/demo/demo2.jsp
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chibaguycorrection: my camera can be used by both bbb and ustream.tv at one time.
So I'll definitely be starting up bbb also, as long as my laptop doesn't grind to a halt under the load. ;-)
sylviegthe stream is interrupted half the time - Is it my netwok? [16:18]
jonnybhi sylvieg - no i'm getting that too :(
maybe it's chibaguy's laptop melting?
chibaguysylvieg, you could try the bigbluebutton link. Is it getting the audio too?
I don't know if bbb is streaming audio well.
Daniel_need advice on mail server for intranet TW...XP host [16:32]
luciashstream is very chocking, no fun to listen to [16:33]
Daniel_Will JAMES work with TW?, to sent "tell-a-friend" mails? Any other windoze bundle to recommend? [16:37]
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chibaguyRecorded session with ustream seems to have audio, at least up until bbb streaming started, so we have an archive if anyone wants to check it out (session topic is IIS and installing TW on it). [16:39]
SEWilco2The mention of IIS reminds me of the Apache on Windows DB security hole that is on Slashdot.org today. Linux not affected. [16:41]
chibaguyDaniel_: sorry, what is JAMES? [16:42]
Daniel_Chibaguy: A Java-based Apache Mail Server thingy...
chibaguyI'm basically clueless in that area, but I suspect it doesn't. [16:46]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25992 10/trunk/lib/ (ajax/ajaxlib.php smarty_tiki/block.tabset.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Change setting of tikitabs calls to run on doc.ready.
tikiwiki: Not really needed anymore afaik, but this should stop the "show not defined" errors cropping up sporadically without braking anything else (hopefully).
ametteI'd do a damn risky, but worthwhile bet that you can make it work...
... but I guess one should first listen to that IIS stuff going on right now as that is a challenge in itself as far as I understand!
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25993 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Minor cosmetic improvements on perspectives edit [16:48]
luciashjonnyb: do you remember what cause appearing of unwanted hashes like "4dcacc98ed89f4d7496e44eebbbb94cb§~" in wikiplugins ??? amette gets that issue now in 4.2 and we cannot nail it down
*what caused
amettejonnyb: is that a known issue? I get it only after migration from one server to the other... suspecting some difference in PHP or its plugins... [16:49]
luciashDaniel_: i don't know but i would think whatever is most used with XP would be worth of the try [16:49]
jonnybluciash: something to do with parse_data - i never got to the bottom of it (but it went away)
lph fixed it i think
luciashjonnyb: yeah, i remember it went away but no idea who/how fixed it :-p
amettejonnyb: it is a stock Ubuntu installation... vs a amette Gentoo one on which it works just fine.. [16:50]
Daniel_@luciash: thx [16:50]
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amettecan someone please give me a clue on which branch to follow best? am I really so oldfashioned with 4.x? :P [16:51]
sylviegamette: is it for every plugin or just a page?
can be a missing closing plugin
luciashsylvie: every "block" plugin, {img src=...} is not affected [16:52]
amettesylvieg: It is on one page only afaics and in a module which uses {rss} [16:52]
sylviegcheck you closing plugin [16:53]
amettethe hashes only appear when I am logged in...
... when not logged in, then I only get weird artefacts at the end like "v}"
luciashthe hashes appear only when edit wiki plugin helper is enabled [17:04]
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luciashbtw, "v}" is leftover from closing "{DIV}" (no idea why lowercased "v"), simmilar is when you put BOX or TAG instead, then there appears "x}" or "g}" [17:15]
amettesylvieg found it!! :D [17:17]
sylviegluciash: we found it it is mbstring.func_overload = 0 [17:17]
amettembstring.func_overload = 0
luciashah, grmbl, great you nailed it down [17:17]
ametteyeah, and I played around with that parameter in the last three days for nailing down that utf-8 MySQL issue... [17:18]
luciashnow it should be put somewhere in upgrade notes [17:18]
amette... so I didn't think of it any more when this one came up... :P [17:18]
sylviegor we should clean the code [17:18]
luciashi remember someone had this too [17:18]
sylvieg(because the mb functuion are not used consistently [17:18]
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amettethat would be wise thing... but I think it will be obsolete with PHP6 again...?!
so the question remains how "important" is it..? ;)
luciashdepends what is the default setting
i don't think many ppl will play with that as you bro ;)
ametteI just followed the instructions on
>whatis utf8
Sug4rError: No factoid matches that key. [17:21]
amettewhut?!? :P
and there it says that 7 is mandatory...
luciashsylvieg: of course, if it is fixable in the code, then better [17:21]
amette... while on some upgrade/installation page it says that it need be 0. [17:21]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r25994 10/trunk/tiki-switch_lang.php: [FIX] unable to switch lang on secondary pages of multipage articles [17:22]
luciash>two utf8 [17:22]
Sug4rhttp://tikiwiki.org/utf8 [17:22]
ametteyeah :D [17:22]
luciashamette: ^ ;) [17:22]
amettegood girl, Sug4r ;) [17:22]
sylviegI do not remember too much - but 0 is better [17:22]
luciash>enlight amette: i am a boy :-p [17:23]
Sug4ramette:: [i am a boy :-p] [17:23]
ametteROFL :P
ok, I updated the utf8 page
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luciash>learn mbstring_problem as make sure you have set mbstring.func_overload = 0 for your PHP [17:27]
Sug4rOK, here we go! [17:27]
amettegood boy, Sug4r ;) [17:28]
luciash>s4y i am a big good boy :) [17:28]
Sug4r! 4m 4 b!g g00d b0y :) [17:28]
ametteamette pats Sug4r on the head [17:29]
luciash:) [17:30]
amette:) [17:31]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r25995 10/trunk/ (styles/layout/layout.css templates/tiki-edit_perspective.tpl): [MOD] A couple more cosmetic improvements on perspectives edit [17:35]
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chealerpolom [17:52]
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chibaguyjonnyb, if you get a minute, can you have a look at http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=690#threadId692 ? Somebody has color contrast problems with wysiwyg editor toolbar popups in Firefox on OS 10.6.
I can reply there if you have an idea on that, or can confirm it as a problem.
jonnybstrasa uses a dark body colour and this does cause that kind of thing occasionally - it's a pain [18:01]
chibaguy"the popup windows from the toolbar are formatted in such a way as to make the text invisible (white text on white background)"
I don't see that in winxp ff or opera, etc.
jonnybseems fine in safari (looks like fck colours anyway, not tiki css)
nope - ok in fx too
chibaguystrange. I wonder what is different for that user.
It's ok with Safari on Windows also.
I replied to the user that they should try upgrading to 4.2; I'm thinking maybe the current installation might have a problem, anyway. [18:12]
jonnybwell done :) [18:12]
luciashi think the problem can appear when using the strasa cool option [18:13]
Hmm, ok for me in opera anyway.
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chibaguylunch break (take-out fried chicken was delivered), so streaming stopped. [18:21]
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xavi has joined #tikiwiki [19:00]
xavitoctoc [19:00]
jonnybhi xavi [19:01]
xavihi jonnyb
I've seen you rmessage
congrats c2c.op.o ! :-)
jonnybyes, getting somewhere
but stuck on mail config (i think)
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xavi:-) [19:02]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25996 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]fgal: admin view can filter on 'not downloaded since' and 'not modified since' [19:17]
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chibaguypolomagain [19:26]
amettemoloqback [19:27]
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...... (idle for 27mn)
xavichibaguy ? [20:02]
chibaguyI wonder why this works: {if $prefs.style eq 'thenews.css'}
{menu id=42 type=horiz css=y}{/if}. But one stylesheet I have (planet1.css) doesn't work (menu doesn't display). If the stylesheet is renamed, it will work. If a working stylesheet is renamed 'planet1.css' it won't.
hi xavi
xavihi chibaguy. I've just read your answers to azarober, that user complaining about little support, etc.
beware that this guy is not nice
chibaguyheh [20:06]
xaviat least, not clear guy [20:06]
luciashdirty guy :-p [20:07]
xavihe tends to manipulate users on his benefit [20:07]
luciashhola xavi [20:07]
xavihi luci
I got fed up with him in the spanish forum
chealerhey jonnyb [20:08]
jonnybhi chealer [20:08]
xaviand many people say that I have lots of patience [20:08]
chealerI think you knew something about IIS installation issues?
or someone else?
was there an issue specific to some Windows version?
chibaguyyep, xavi, I guess he must be difficult, if you are saying so. [20:08]
jonnybi got one working, yes [20:08]
chealerI'm having little or no issues with trunk and Windows 7 IIS 7.5 [20:09]
jonnybchealer: no, i only did it on one version with trunk and fixed a few things (hopefully) [20:09]
xavichibaguy: difficult :-) ok. it's up to you. He is continuously requesting free support , and he had that encyclopedia full of adds on side columns, header, footer, central column... ...
he is a "black hole" (sucking as much time as one have available), and using "Phsycological games" (sorry, direct trasnaltion from Spanish) to get more support to his apparent super-important needs
anyway, chibaguy, don't get burnt with him (consider ignoring him if he continues requesting your support for weeks and weeks, as he did with me).
luciash:) [20:13]
xavidog-walk time here, and dinner. See you all [20:13]
luciash>last --from sylvieg -with ALTER [20:14]
Sug4r(last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; --nolimit (1 more message) [20:14]
luciash>last --from sylvieg --with ALTER [20:14]
Sug4rError: I couldn't find a message matching that criteria in my history of 18987 messages. [20:14]
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luciashluciash is after dogwalk time
chibaguy: happy of the breakfests in MTL and that you don't have to do the dogwalk this time ? ;)
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chibaguyluciash, so far, no big breakfast. :-(
xavi, I helped him quite a bit in earlier days, especially because he was using the Tikipedia theme, but I haven't paid much attention recently. His questions are often about things I don't really know well, so easy to not respond.
We have a suggestion here by some people working with Tiki to switch the strasa h2 and h3 styles, since they are currently actually backwards in terms of importance-looking.
er, just a minute about that. On my install they look correct now.
luciashchibaguy: it is affected if you use wiki page title or not
then wiki page title becpmes H1
and the !, !!, !!! get the rest
if you don't display wiki page titles, then H1 is for !
!! H2, etc.
chibaguyoh, I didn't realize it was different when page title isn't used.
In this case, they don't use page title, and h3 looks bigger than h2.
luciashnow you know :)
screenie ? url example ?
chibaguyeek, an interesting puzzle to think about. [20:33]
luciashit might be affected by their browser default setting, but iirc the sizes should be set correctly for headings in strasa or design.css [20:34]
chibaguyI just checked and it's an intranet, so no live example to see.
But I'll try to replicate.
luciashokay [20:35]
chibaguychibaguy is happy that wysiwyg works in opera now in trunk. :) not that I use wysiwyg, but it's good to have it working. [20:36]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
chibaguyI'm thinking about switching the wikitext h2 and h1 properties.
in strasa
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r25997 10/trunk/styles/strasa.css: [ENH] Strasa wikitext h1 and h2 styles switched, for more logical appearance when pagetitle is turned off; seems ok when pagetitle is on, too. [20:54]
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chibaguytweaking is welcome on the strasa headings if anyone sees a way to improve, but there was a distinct size reversal that needed to be fixed.
In the case of pagetitle turned off.
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chealerjonnyb: specifically, does a "Tiki Installer Security Precaution" issue on Windows ring a bell? [21:16]
jonnybchealer: not quite - any more hints? [21:17]
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chealerjonnyb: I'm looking at http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=3015&trackerId=5&show=view
I can't reproduce it, but I'm not exactly on the same environment (Windows 7)
jonnyb: I seem to remember hearing about a problem specific to Windows 64-bit
jonnybhmmm, does ring a bell about a problem on windows 64 bit flavour
that was a little different - the install worked but went back to the beginning at the end (i think)
I'm happy to see my memory is good
jonnybso was there a solution? (long thread)
i think it needs someone on 64bit windows to fix it, sorry - i don't have that
chealerjonnyb: I didn't read the log yet, just switched to another issue, will get back to it. I'm not asking for a fix, I just want to identify the problem and perhaps have a chance to reproduce it. I am on Windows 64-bit but can't reproduce. [21:34]
jonnybno, i didn't see it (when i did that iis server install the other day) [21:34]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r25998 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]perms: list only the perms of the type of objects [21:53]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r25999 10/trunk/web_config: [NEW] - Equivilant of _htaccess for SEFURLs to work on IIS. File needs to be renamed to web.config to activate [21:55]
tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r26000 10/trunk/ (8 files in 8 dirs): [NEW] - Replicates Apache htaccess behaviors for IIS
tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r26001 10/ (6 files in 6 dirs): [NEW] - Replicates Apache htaccess behaviors for IIS
chealerthat *was* a long thread
and not much results
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26002 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.html_select_duration.php: [NEW]smarty: input for a duration [22:35]
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jonnybquery: how do you get a page to "be" "in" a perspective? [22:54]
sylviegassign it to the categ?? [22:57]
nkothis it just me or is using {tr}in user modules not working?
i ssee have to disable wiki partsig
chealerjonnyb: as sylvieg said, yes [23:06]
jonnybi want the user to switch to a perspective when landing on a page
i made a cat and jail, and put the page in it, but it still goes to the homepage
sometimes it goes to the default homepage (weird)
i tried to make the homepage of the persp that page but no joy...
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chibaguyTikifest update: Pascal St-Jean did a video interview.
These will be edited into 1- to 3-minute clips on various topics, I understand.
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Sort problem - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36592 [23:49]
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