[00:05] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [00:07] *** uSlacker has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [00:15] *** uSlacker has joined #tikiwiki [00:24] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [00:24] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26151 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Prevent plugin syntax from appearing in search description snippet if parse description feature is on [00:36] New Forum Posts: Registration mail missing, no error - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=36694 [00:55] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26152 10/branches/5.x/ (lib/search/searchlib-mysql.php tiki-searchresults.php): [FIX] Handle language for articles search as well [01:00] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26153 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl: [FIX] Handle language for articles search as well (part 2) [01:01] *** Cain has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:03] *** Guest56770 has joined #tikiwiki [01:03] *** Guest56770 has quit IRC (Excess Flood) [01:05] *** Guest56770 has joined #tikiwiki [01:05] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [01:28] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [01:39] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26154 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl: [FIX] Do not double escape data which is already parsed (which leads to showing of encoded html chars in description). btw, truncate is irrelevant here since it is now [01:54] *** daniam has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [02:23] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26155 10/branches/5.x/tiki-searchresults.php: [FIX] in some cases when where= is in the query string, it fails to set pages [03:02] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [03:29] *** plat2 has joined #tikiwiki [03:31] *** plat has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [03:41] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) [03:51] *** FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki [04:06] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [04:43] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [04:47] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:39] *** ibrrorg has joined #tikiwiki [07:03] *** ibrrorg has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [07:58] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26156 10/branches/5.x/ (52 files in 10 dirs): [NEW] FiveAlive theme, designed by Simon Lussier as part of Tiki branding. Todo: login/register popup. [08:22] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26157 10/branches/5.x/styles/fivealive.css: [NEW] FiveAlive theme, designed by Simon Lussier as part of Tiki branding. [08:28] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [08:28] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [08:29] Does anyone else find that blog post titles aren't displaying in branch 5? [08:33] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26158 10/branches/5.x/styles/tikinewt/options/shadows.css: [FIX] Allow shadow background image to repeat to match large content. [08:43] *** Guest56770 has quit IRC (Quit: Sayaunara ^_^) [08:44] *** Cain has joined #tikiwiki [09:07] Anyone have any idea what prevents Infinite Carousel from working in trunk and branch 5? It was working before as an added script but now that it's part of the package, it stopped working. :-/ [09:27] hm, maybe is part of larger javascript problem. tabs also aren't working consistently at themes.tw.o (tiki5 alpha). [09:32] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [09:41] *** Caralluna has joined #tikiwiki [09:46] Hi ppl :-) I've got a few sites using tw, one of the has got a bad problem ... It works fine when you don't log in or log in a regular user it's fine ... but when I log in as admin I get a blank page. Any ideas please? [09:56] *** Caralluna_ has joined #tikiwiki [09:56] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26159 10/branches/5.x/styles/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] Adjustments for fixed width changing from theme option to L&F option. [09:58] Caralluna: Is your PHP memory setting high enough? [09:59] 256MB should be enough I guess? [09:59] memory_limit, right? [09:59] yes. that should be plenty. [10:03] *** kiilo has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [10:05] Guess it could be related to some box or setting I have enabled on my adminuser but not on others ... tried deleting and reinstalling tw dir, upgraded to latest stable 4.x but no change [10:36] *** Cain` has joined #tikiwiki [10:38] *** Cain has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [10:38] *** Cain` is now known as Cain [10:44] *** Caralluna has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [10:45] *** Caralluna_ is now known as Caralluna [11:04] New Forum Posts: Not able to post replies in these forums - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_parentId=36696 [11:04] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [11:09] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [11:11] hello @ all [11:13] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26160 10/trunk/ (132 files in 23 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/5.x 26145 to 26159 [11:56] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [12:03] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [12:21] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [12:32] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [12:46] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26161 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Improvements to datachannel wiki plugin. [12:49] *** ibrrorg has joined #tikiwiki [13:11] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26162 10/branches/5.x/tiki-pick_avatar.php: [FIX]avatar: fix image type [13:15] does somebody understand users_serve_avatar_static... I do not understand where is the performance improvment [13:16] *** ibrrorg has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [13:17] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3082 - - Users can't deleter his own account - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3082 [13:18] in tiki-show_user_avatar, each time you write in a file temp.. [13:21] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [13:42] Yay, Inifinite Carousel working again at themes.tw.o (tiki 5 alpha). CSS is in L&F custom html head code, JQ plugin contains the in-body javascript that was in head before. No links to IC script is needed now since it's in the package, of course. [13:47] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [13:52] *** FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki [13:56] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26163 10/branches/5.x/lib/mime/mimeextensions.php: [MOD]mime: sort the file that has a lot of duplications (why?) and order to have jpg instead of jpe [13:57] ok I got the optimization with static avatar [14:17] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3083 - - Add New User - Gen Password - Validate By Email is Broken in 4.1 and 4.2 - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3083 [14:18] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26164 10/trunk/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [NEW] Webmail account profiles handler to create webmail accounts in profiles (still needs testing as local repository profiles seem to be broken) [14:20] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [14:23] regarding the bug -^ captcha also doesn't work for registration on trunk [14:24] Caralluna: is PHP error reporting enabled? [14:28] *** kiilo1 has joined #tikiwiki [14:28] *** kiilo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:34] *** pabs_agro has joined #tikiwiki [14:35] hi all [14:35] noob question : is there a way to include the last n - messages of a forum into a wiki page ? [14:37] http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+forums_last_topics [14:37] http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+forums_last_posts [14:37] thanks a lot [14:37] didn't find it using search [14:37] weird... [14:39] another question, is there a module to include an irc windows into a wiki page... or to dedicate a shoutbox to a defined page [14:41] http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+Parameters and use the param page - or use http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginModule [14:42] irc windows - depends if you have an url or not.. [14:42] it's pretty easy to get a chat room on a free server [14:42] so I would say I have a url :) [14:43] http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginSnarf [14:43] or use an iframe in the plugin html [14:43] great [14:43] thanks a lot [14:49] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: nite nite) [15:18] chibaguy: I can see post titles ( http://ido.ath.cx/tiki/5.x/tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=1 ) [15:22] chealer: Hm, ok. [15:23] In my svn branch 5, I get the post title div but nothing inside. [15:24] *** Daniel_ has joined #tikiwiki [15:24] This is a recent change. Normally, I could see the titles. [15:26] chibaguy: it's r26155 [15:27] Noob flag up, need help. How do I set up mail on intranet? In apache or TW directly? And is the exchange server the right adress? And does my sysop have to setup a mail user for TW to use, or can I use my credentials and still have sender to be the TW title? [15:29] Kinda preparing for "tell a friend" that's supposed to come with TW5...not sure where to start tho... [15:32] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [15:34] chealer, I updated just now to 26164, updated database, and cleared caches, and still the blog post titles don't display (in any theme). I wonder what happened to them. [15:35] Anyway, I've got to sleep now, but will check on this later. [15:35] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Quit: Find new themes for Tiki at http://themes.tikiwiki.org.) [15:42] Is there a way to have http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+forums_last_topics in version 4.x ? [15:45] pabs_agro: yes. the module was introduced prior to Tiki 4 [15:47] it does not appear in all_modules for 4.x [15:47] and I don't succeed in making it work [15:52] pabs_agro: hum, sorry, it'S not there anymore [15:53] hum... [15:53] too bad [15:55] I *hate* having to figure out what happened to a removed file [15:56] sorry :( [15:59] gah [16:00] pabs_agro: try forums_last_posts instead [16:12] yep [16:12] already did... [16:12] but I cannot filtrate by forums id [16:12] what i would like to do is to dedicated one forum by wiki page [16:12] for working groups... [16:13] is there a way to get module source code and to develop my own (I'm a newby) [16:17] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26165 10/trunk/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [FIX] Missing param on WebmailAccount handler [16:17] pabs_agro: by downloading Tiki, you downloaded the source code [16:18] pabs_agro: modules code is in modules/ (and templates/modules/) [16:18] pabs_agro: so yes, you can develop your own (or extend one) [16:19] pabs_agro: I'm afraid the ability to do what you want was lost in http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=20573 [16:22] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26166 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] email obsfucation js error (something about load sequence) decided instead to have all necessary js inline. [16:24] thanks chealer [16:28] *** plat2 has quit IRC () [16:46] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26167 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] better email obsfucation [17:03] :-( deleting module without anynotice - bad - bad... [17:15] *** pabs_agro has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [17:26] humm ther is no separator in a param of a module like a plugin... never understood why the code is not the same [17:29] *** indro has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [17:47] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26168 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] even better email obsfucation [17:48] tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r26169 10/branches/5.x/lib/commentslib.php: [MOD] - added filter so that comments that need to be moderated don't affect MOST COMMENTED results [17:49] *** kiilo1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [17:51] tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r26170 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_smarty.php: [MOD] - added ability to use CORE SMARTY functions. Not just Custom Tiki SMARTY Tags. [18:12] *** grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki [18:20] New Forum Posts: Integrating CKEditor 3.2 in TikiWiki 4.x - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=36700 [18:20] New Forum Posts: Integrating CKEditor 3.2 in TikiWiki 4.x - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36699 [18:22] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26171 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] email obsfucation (sorry abt multiple commit) [18:23] *** grobda24 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:40] New Forum Posts: Image upload to wiki pages in Tiki 4.x using WYSIWYG editor - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36701 [19:07] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26172 10/branches/5.x/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX]forum: reintroduce forumId filter that was lost in commit 20573 [19:31] *** DV_ has joined #tikiwiki [19:31] *** luminoso_ has joined #tikiwiki [19:31] Hi all [19:34] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26173 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] notice + tab [19:34] *** luminoso has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:37] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26174 10/third_party/jquery/jquery.sheet/ (7 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Update jquery.sheet to official 1.0 beta 1 [19:42] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26175 10/branches/5.x/lib/logs/logslib.php: [FIX] database error if a user hasn't created any stuff yet [19:51] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26176 10/branches/5.x/lib/commentslib.php: [FIX]comment: body back [19:53] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26177 10/branches/5.x/tiki-setup.php: [FIX] Filename changed in jquery.sheet 1.0 b1 update [19:54] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [19:58] *** luminoso_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:00] *** luminoso_ has joined #tikiwiki [20:03] *** Daniel_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [20:16] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r26178 10/branches/4.x/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translation [20:28] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26179 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_smarty.php: [FIX]SMARTY: filter the param [20:34] I install TW 5.0 alpha ( actual svn files ) [20:34] run tiki-installer [20:34] update db [20:34] and then this error [20:34] Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/simutrans-germany.com/httpdocs/wiki/wiki_5/lib/init/tra.php on line 107 [20:40] humm - I can not reproduce - perhaps you can try to add include('lib/tikilib.php') juste after line 79 [20:44] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26180 10/branches/5.x/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] Should wiki parse user module titles as well if "must parse" is selected [20:53] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26181 10/branches/5.x/lib/init/tra.php: [FIX]i18n: mysql error + do not recorded as untranslated the en strings [21:01] sylvieg : works, thank you [21:04] can you commit? or I do a blind commit? [21:09] (21:53:29)tikiwiki: sylvieg * r26181 /branches/5.x/lib/init/tra.php: [FIX]i18n: mysql error + do not recorded as untranslated the en strings [21:09] ah this commit? [21:09] so you were in English [21:09] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: nite nite) [21:09] bye [21:10] But I suppose the problem is still there when you install in another language [21:14] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:16] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3084 - - More granular control of recurring events in Calendar - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3084 [21:27] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Quit: reboot) [21:30] *** Caarrie|away has joined #tikiwiki [21:31] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) [22:06] Chealer: No, I don't think error reporting is enabled. Though not sure how to check if I cannot log in as admin? [22:08] Caralluna: those are determined by records in tiki_preferences with name matching %error% [22:09] Caralluna: error reporting settings may also depend on php.ini directives (error_reporting, display_errors) [22:11] * sylvieg since upgrading needs to put in .htaccess php_flag display_errors on otherwise see nothing [22:11] needs some time to debug [22:11] upgrading my system - not tw [22:28] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [23:29] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26182 10/branches/5.x/styles/ (7 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Quote and code plugin styles. [23:44] Chealer: Enabling it gave me "Fatal error: Call to undefined function cal_days_in_month() in /var/www/tw/lib/tikidate-php5.php on line 174" [23:55] But I'm going to bed, trying to get this fixed tomorrow :-)