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Sug4r`(help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [00:40]
Freud_>help ~np~ [00:42]
Sug4r`Error: There is no command ~np~. [00:42]
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anttuI modified a user-defined module and cannot get to my site at all anymore! :.(
could someone tell how i can modify modules without tikiwiki?
i mean e.g. editing files thru ftp
i cannot find where the user module data is located
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franckis there a lib in tikiwiki to generate captcha? [06:16]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26230 10/branches/5.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser-magic: last pref pref in admin blog [06:40]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26231 10/branches/5.x/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: 2 prefs in admin community feature [07:25]
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anttuwhere are the self-made module contents stored?
is it tiki_user_modules, just somehow encrypted
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anttui got it, everything ok now [10:01]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26232 10/branches/5.x/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: highlight_group is now a dynamic pref (and, btw, fixed) [12:49]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26233 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefs/highlight.php: [MOD] oops missed file in previous commit (r26232) [12:53]
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Javascript isn't working in my latest branch 5x svn update. Anyone else having this problem?
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26234 10/branches/5.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] remove users_prefs_theme preference which is not working and, obviously, absolutely unused.... [13:42]
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MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [14:41]
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ea_suter has joined #tikiwiki [15:28]
ea_suterHi. I'm having trouble with TikiWiki 4.2. I just installed it on a Slackware 13 server (PHP 5.2.12, Mysql 5.0.84, Apache 2.2.15): I can login as an administrator just fine but If I try to login as a regular user that I just created then the page just goes blank (no error messages in apache's logs either).
I have read the FAQ and set the PHP memory limit to 32 MB, but the problem persists
chibaguyea_suter, try increasing the memory limit more. 32MB seems kind of low for Tiki 4.2. [15:38]
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ea_suterok, 1 sec [15:41]
changiea_suter: and activate php error log in php.ini [15:42]
ea_suterwell I upped the memory limit to 128MB and have "log_errors = On" and "error_log = /var/log/httpd/php_log". After trying to loging there were no errors written to that file
but I still get a blank page
I'm going to give Tiki 3.5 a spin as well... [15:57]
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chealerchibaguy: no such JavaScript issue here [16:04]
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ea_suterjust to confirm something: when I ran the setup.sh script the user and group I input have to correspond to the webserver's user and group, right? [16:10]
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chibaguyea_suter: sorry, I just install with tiki-install.php and don't run the script, so don't have any knowledge of that. [16:17]
***SukiSan has joined #tikiwiki [16:22]
I'm pretty new to TikiWiki and trying to activate the comment feature for the wiki.
So under admin->wiki->Features, I enabled it
And on the 'manage permissions' page I allowed Anonymous to read, post and vote comments.
But there is still no "comments" button on the wiki pages.
What am I missing?
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ea_suterWell I seem to be able to login without any problems using tiki 3.5 [16:34]
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yohomerSukiSan: check Admin -> Comments or tiki-list_comments.php [16:41]
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SukiSanGives an empty list. [16:47]
yohomerversion? [16:47]
SukiSan4.2 [16:47]
yohomershould have checkboxes for Blog, Blog Post, and Wiki Page
oh.... I could be mis-interpreting that page purpose ...
SukiSanhehe [16:49]
yohomerhere's a better stab at it ....
edit a wiki page, and select the tools tab
SukiSanaye, did that. Shows a box with the heading "Allow comments on this page". Inside a checkbox without label. Ticked.
Already tried unticking, saving, ticking again and saving
No change.
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26235 10/branches/5.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: users_prefs_language is now a dynamic pref (last one in community template) [16:51]
chibaguychealer: I'm finding that if I put anything in the new custom javascript textarea, all javascript seems to stop working. [16:51]
yohomerback to tiki-admin.php?page=wiki ...
? "Allow comments per page" ?
SukiSanEnable (default on) [16:53]
yohomerpermissions ..... tiki-assignpermission.php?type=wiki&group=Anonymous
tiki_p_read_comments and tiki_p_wiki_view_comments
SukiSanah, there we go. wiki_view_comments is not ticked... [16:57]
yohomerdoes that solve it for you ? [16:58]
SukiSanyes, it does
Thanks a lot!
yohomeryou're welcome; tiki is still more fun than frustrating :) [16:59]
SukiSan:-) [17:00]
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ea_suterthanks anyway for the help folks, I'll probably be sticking with 3.5 anyway since it has all the features I need [17:19]
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ajakkesI'm installing tiki wiki for the first time on my hosted server. But it gives a system error after the choice to begin with or without locking the database
It says i have 4 things to check
1 database up and running
2 database corrupt
3 username and so on accurate
4 completed the installer
Im think al of this is okey. What could be the problem?
The installer added tables to the database
Nobody there? [17:33]
yohomerI'm here; but don't know what to tell you :)
if it's a new install, you've nothing to lose by continuing, eh?
any idea why it'd say the database is corrupt?
ajakkesIt says that it fails to connect to the database
But it says that just after installing the complete database
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26236 10/branches/5.x/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] lesser magic: some more prefs in admin general template [18:03]
ajakkesI think i found the solution
I had to add $api_tiki='adodb'; to /db/local.php
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is there an "easy" way ton convert wiki pages from trac ?
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FrankP_germanTikiwiki 4.2 [18:52]
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FrankP_germanexternal links and description external graphics not correct parsed
example http://simutrans-germany.com/wiki/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=de_extlinks&bl=n
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mlaporteFrankP_german: use image with link
IMG(src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=196471&type=10",width="80",height="15", link=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=196471)}{IMG}
FrankP_germanthen not show the external link icon [19:03]
good point
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FrankP_germannow works at the test site
in other places but not
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ametteFull Screen Edit is one of the best inventions _evar_!! :D
Too lazy to look it up in SVN now, but big props go to da coda! :)
Sp4rKyis there a way to have the TOC of one wiki page in another wiki page ? [20:22]
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mlaporteamette: try ajax preview in Tiki5 [23:54]

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