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andy01ok, thank you, i have to go, good day! everyone, bye, [00:01]
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FrankP_germanTW5 wikiplugin_rss.tpl : line 12 <a target="_blank" href="{$item.link|escape}">{$item.title|escape}</a>
I think $item.link must $item.guid for correct feed item link ( tested on my tikiwiki )
guid is the name from table field in tiki_rss_modules
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rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [00:29]
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jamesq2 has joined #tikiwiki [01:00]
jamesq2greetings all
i have a nginx proxy server hosting up an apache backend with tikiwiki 5 on it
all works except for my login forms
they are using the interface ip address rather than my domain which is causing an issue
any suggestions?
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Leo has joined #tikiwiki [02:32]
LeoJust installed tikiwiki for a small group collaboration. no one else has used wikis before. Is there a good "intro to editing" wiki out there that I can copy & paste so I don't have to write my own? stuff like "click on that pencil to edit a section", "click on Comment at the buttom of this page to comment" and other basic stuff like that? [02:35]
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jcyrissesomeone was able to help me with this previously....but I cant seem to locate it in my locks. I am having issues with my 4.2 site not successfully refreshing the things which changed from my last visit....it doesnt reset after logging off. How do I troubleshoot this? [04:43]
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one thought is a setting in tiki-preferences and another in user_users last login...but not sure [05:11]
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FrankP_germanTW5 I have a image problem
in tw4 show the image from image galerie
in tw5 error 'File is not an image.'
it uses the same directory for the files
in image galerie show the images http://simutrans-germany.com/wiki/wiki/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=16&offset=50
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Bilal has joined #tikiwiki [09:41]
Bilalhi everyone
can anyone tell me how to use TIKIWIKI as a job poral?
portal ?
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Bilalcan anyone tell me how to use TIKIWIKI as a job portal? [10:07]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r26341 10/branches/5.x/img/flags/flagnames.php: [FIX] It used to be that only the real name of countries needed translation but it seems the underscored version also needs a translation
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r26342 10/branches/proposals/4.x/img/flags/flagnames.php: [FIX] It used to be that only the real name of countries needed translation but it seems the underscored version also needs a translation (trunk r26341)
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r26343 10/branches/proposals/3.x/img/flags/flagnames.php: [FIX] It used to be that only the real name of countries needed translation but it seems the underscored version also needs a translation (trunk r26341)
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kiilo has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [15:38]
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csphey all, i'm trying to upgrade/test 4.2 on my host (1and1) I'm running Tiki 3 there fine, but I get an internal server error while trying to install to my dev domain I believe that the php.ini and htacess are set correctly and permissions should be OK, although I'm unable to run setup sh because it's a shared server...any thoughts?
perhaps something to do with the pdo extensions?
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daniam has joined #tikiwiki [18:19]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Adding "Send as Email" as new Action choice in Gallery >Files >Action - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=36747 [19:12]
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26344 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-webmail.tpl tiki-webmail.php): [MOD] Add useHTML incoming param to webmail [19:24]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26345 10/trunk/lib/profilelib/profilelib.php: [ENH] Add wikiparsed: external type so you can use the parsed output of wiki pages in profiles
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26346 10/trunk/lib/profilelib/installlib.php:
tikiwiki: [NEW] Webmail handler to create mails (to send).
tikiwiki: Static recipients so far (will use tracker data soon) - uses wiki page (wikiparsed:) for body of mail.
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