tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r26453 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pluginmanager.php: [ENH] AAdd ability to display a range of plugins by begin and end name, or by begin name and limit number, or by start number and limit number. tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26454 10/branches/5.x/styles/fivealive.css: [FIX] Site header custom content should clear secondary site menu (start below it). tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26455 10/branches/5.x/lang/ (7 files in 2 dirs): manual merge 26452 Happy Easter @ all. tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26456 10/branches/5.x/lib/commentslib.php: [FIX]forum : avoid mysql error when sorted parm commentDate Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3100 - - add group watch to articles - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3100 mose: thanks for making the ceremony to Oli :) no prob hey guys, im new to do is, i just tried to upload an image to have it in the Homepage, it posts fine but normal users cannot see it any reason why not? upload as userfile? or as attachment FrankP_german, i uploaded it from the Edit Page i clicked the icon "Choose or Upload File" use galerie for images? i uploaded the image i wanted, and it added it there.. but it doesnt show up i used file galleries, yes as an admin ofcourse then set the preferences tiki_p_view_file_gallery for anonymous group Anonymous FrankP_german, for that image you mean? tikiwiki: 03reiknir * r26457 10/branches/4.x/lang/is/language.php: Updated Icelandic Translation