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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26700 10/branches/5.x/templates/styles/fivealive/tiki-site_header_top.tpl:
tikiwiki: [ENH] Site header login popup for FiveAlive theme. Uses CSS menu superfish
tikiwiki: functionality unless this should be changed/improved. Effectively no change in
tikiwiki: tiki-site_header_login.tpl. Having a tiki-site_header_top.tpl that includes
tikiwiki: tiki-site_header_login_popup.tpl enables login popup in any theme. This could be
tikiwiki: a preference later.
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uSlacker has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:18]
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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03chealer * r26701 10/branches/5.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] OpenID input field displaying in OpenID registration/association
tikiwiki: page
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timotiCK1 has joined #tikiwiki [05:58]
timotiCK1Been having bot problems (causing high load averages) to our website (http://www.maps.gov.ck). Have resolved to disabling the Forums feature because the /tiki-view_forum_thread.php was being stat, but it did not stop it. Had to resort to renaming tiki-view_forum_thread.php to something else and that stop it for now and have dropped the load averages of the server.
Has anyone had similiar problems...I'm using Tikiwiki-3.5.
We also host another tikiwiki site on the same server (http://www.mow.gov.ck.ck) but are not having any problems with this.
8-) [06:16]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3132 - - default sort mode missing in tw.o forums - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3132 [08:51]
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xaviluci ?
luciash ?
hi all, btw :-)
chibaguyhi xavi :-) [09:47]
xavihi xiva :-)
(xiva is pronouced as chiba in Catalan ;-) )
chibaguyah, that's good to know. [09:48]
xaviI feel that I was a bit rude maybe with that guy in the forums ("pi"), which I recently replied to
and thanks for your untireable replies in tw.o forums !
chibaguyI didn't see that post yet. [09:49]
xavioh, well... don't worry [09:49]
chibaguyPeople expect too much sometimes, I think. [09:50]
xaviright now I'm kind of dissoriented since I wanted to use a "tracker + pretty tracker + tracker + trackerlist plugin" that was working fine (thanks to luciash expertise) in Tiki 3.x, but it seems that something is not working when using the same approach in Tiki 4.2 (with my students)
s/+ tracker +/+ tracker plugin +
chibaguyDo you get the feeling we are constantly rebuilding an airplane while trying to keep it up in the air? ;-) [09:51]
xavi:-) You got the right feeling!
it feels risky sometimes
chibaguyyes, definitely. [09:52]
xaviwell, back to testing that tracker setup... (I need to finish it in short). Still other things to get finished before classes in a few hours with my students [09:53]
chibaguygood luck. sorry I can't help. [09:56]
xavino problem. thanks [10:00]
anybody with experience of using {{page}} in tiki 4.2?
I added the param to the db directly, as suggested in http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Advanced%20Wiki%20Syntax%20usage%20examples
feature_wiki_argvariable y
to tiki_preferences table
but I still get no difference in a wiki page where I added {{page}}
I still see the syntax, and not the parsed result (the name of the page)
however, it seems to work in Tiki 5 (doc.tw.o)
I don't know how to pass the page name between the pretty tracker template page and the tracker
doc.tw.o just went down to me
chibaguy: can you confirm if it works for you?
chibaguySorry, if what works?
oh, doc.tw.o?
no, it's down for me.
chibaguydogfooding with the project sites has benefits, but also major downsides. [10:18]
xaviyes, I know. Thanks why I 'd like us to have updated local pdf's out of the documenation from time to time, so that online sites being temporarily down are not an issue
well, step by step
some day :-)
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xaviok, I need to quit tiki work for now (too many handicaps for my needs right now)
and back to preparing classes. Cheers and see you later
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [10:46]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: translating when there is no need - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36936 [10:54]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: CAS authentication - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36937 [11:48]
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RavenC has joined #tikiwiki [12:12]
RavenCpolom [12:12]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26702 10/branches/5.x/installer/tiki-installer.php: [FIX] Set up jqueryTiki prefs object with everything "off" (fixes JS error after r26558) [13:51]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: TikiWiki 4.2 Login Timeout - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36938 [13:53]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26703 10/branches/5.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Reorganise tiki_modules indexes hopefully to fix MySQL4 error on params length in key.
tikiwiki: Added to existing script as it needs to happen before the change of params column type.
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3133 - - Links in external RSS feed are now empty - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3133 [14:46]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26704 10/third_party/jquery/jquery.sheet/ (8 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Updates from jquery.sheet svn (merge cells etc) [15:05]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26705 10/branches/5.x/lib/ (jquery_tiki/jquery.sheet/menu.html toolbars/toolbarslib.php): [MOD] Changes to reflect recent jquery.sheet update [15:10]
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omstefanovchealer: thanks again for your help yesterday! I found a solution to my problem. It's not yet the ideal, generalized one, but it works for the two TRACKERLIST fancy reports I need.
I have a question now to however might be able to help: I have country names (in a country field in a tracker). These translate, depending on my default site language. Is there a way of forcing the country name to remain "untranslated"? So that, e.g. someone who's site lang is French, still sees "Switzerland" or "United States" in certain cases?
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile
Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile
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Icari|away is now known as Caarrie|away
chibaguyomstefanov: I haven't tried this in a while, but I used to do tricks like putting an 'empty' comment tag in the middle of a word to prevent it from being spelled normally, although still appearing normal in the page, like United St~tc~~/tc~ates. This might foil the translation mechanism, though is kludgy way to do it, for sure. [15:42]
omstefanovchibaguy: But I still need to test for "current site language". I have two "reports" that users can run: One is all in French, the other all in English. Most content is available in both Eng and Fre; country is the exception, it's avail only once. All labels (and country) are translated by Tiki correctly.
chibaguy: The problem is the if a user has current site lang set to French, and runs the English report, everything is in English, except country name. Same, if a user has site lang set to Eng and runs the French report, everything is French, except country remains English.
chibaguy: f I could test and then do something, like you suggest ONLY if there is a language match or mismatch as the case may be.
chibaguy: sorry, last entry should read "If I could test...."
chibaguyI'm not sure why you can't test as a user in each of the language scenarios, by changing your site preference and/or browser language preference.
If it's helpful the language plugin (PluginLang) has a 'not' option (http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginLang&structure=Documentation), like {LANG(notlang=>fr+es)}Hello world!{LANG}. I guess this makes the term not be translated for the specified languages.
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r26706 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Recently introduced bug causes all prefs to be retrieved in first pass rather than only the essential ones. [15:56]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Group plugin executes all content? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36939 [16:17]
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r26707 10/branches/5.x/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bigbluebutton.tpl: [FIX] Incorrect permission check [16:18]
ricks99@omstefanov: u could create an "untranslated" custom.php for each language that included the terms that u want to be non-translatable [16:32]
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ujmhi [16:38]
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r26708 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.obj_in_cat.php: [ENH] Smarty plugin to test if an object is in a category [16:38]
ujmwould I be able to do this with tiki: first page is a login, nothing more, and after login the user sees only their content
I thought of having one blog category per user
they would only read/comment the blog
having personal feeds would be nice, but not necessary
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ujmor if some other system could do it better, could you recommend one? [16:43]
ricks99y. u can use categories for this.
there is an option to have tiki automaticlly create one group per user. then simply give only that specific group perm to the blog
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26709 10/trunk/ (104 files in 70 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/5.x 26666 to 26706 [16:51]
omstefanovricks99: thanks for tip. will try.
chibaguy: lang plugin {LANG(notlang=>fr)} is an interesting tip. I'll try it. thanks.
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03chealer * r26710 10/branches/5.x/ (4 files in 2 dirs): uniformize OpenID and Tiki registrations [17:09]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Search not showing File Gallery files - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36940 [17:29]
CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26711 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_module.php: [FIX] Add inside_pretty param to do replacement of pretty tracker parameters for when used in a pretty tracker template. [17:38]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03chealer * r26712 10/branches/5.x/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] OpenID association allows registration even if turned off [17:41]
chealerpolom [17:42]
RavenCRavenC so wishing I could figure out how to update database for svn under windows... [17:54]
ricks99@RavenC: just run the installer. [17:56]
RavenCricks... I get a tiki formatted page that says system error / An error occured while performing the request.
this after doing an svn update
ricks99tiki5? [17:57]
RavenCcorrect [17:57]
ricks99well, thats life on the bleeding edge.. :-) [17:58]
RavenCi hear ya :) [17:58]
ricks99using trunk or tiki5 branch? [17:58]
ricks99ricks99 would have thorugh that tiki5 branch was pretty stable at this point
i mean, we're in beta, right?
im sure trunk is farily unstable, folks have been adding a bunch of new stuff, but tiki5 should b ok?
RavenCyeah, i think I should foget the SVN stuff and just go with whats "released"
I just like to play with the new stuff
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clementetikiwiki.org forums are pretty unusable right now: Notice: this variable may not be empty: $_POST["thread_sort_mode"] [18:03]
RavenCricks: I'm sure the unstable part is probably more me than 5.0 :)
ricks: I was using https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/5.x
i'm going to try again, with a new db
ricks99should b pretty stable at this point. -- but i haven't spent too much timeon 5. :-(
ricks99 has many sties staying on on 3.5LTS
RavenChehehe.. I should just get the 4.2 site finished.... but alas, playing with 5 makes me want it that much more01
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26713 10/third_party/jquery/jquery.sheet/ (jquery.sheet.html jquery.sheet.js pics/icons/arrow_down.png): [MOD] More fixes to jquery.sheet
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26714 10/branches/5.x/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js sheet/grid.php): [FIX] Save merged cell info (colSpan only implemented in .sheet so far)
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avi_ has joined #tikiwiki [19:46]
avi_is there any way to control the description of the structue element independently of the icon ( paw)? I would like to include descriptions for each element. I also would kike to mark an element if it has changed - preferably with different icons. currently if there is a description the paw will be displayed
perhaps a better question is what program links the icon to the description field of tiki_pages. I would like to change the program to link it to another field and base the icon on an enumeration
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JBensonhey all i'm tring to filter a tracker by a "User Selector" field my first guess on how to do this was exactvalue=#user but that didnt seem to work. any ideas
Does that question make sense?
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Gergelyhi JBenson. Try another parameter that can be set to page or user. Set that one to user and leave the exactvalue blank. [22:59]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Joomla Wrapper or Integrator... - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36941 [23:06]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3134 - - Wiki plugin (syntax and) parsing makes embedding code inconvenient - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3134 [23:26]
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