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GergelyHi hans, http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginTracker&structure=Documentation answers some of your questions. E.g. status update [00:10]
.. and you can write your own plugin: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Hello+World#To_create_a_new_plugin [00:18]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3140 - - Trackerlist plugin enforces showing the filterfield in the table even ... - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3140 [00:20]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Control number of backlinks on wiki pages - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=36991 [01:42]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26744 10/branches/5.x/templates/tracker_item_field_input.tpl: [FIX]tracker: br between multilingual text [04:05]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26745 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW]tracker: log tracker modification (todo: attach, img + display hisory) [04:38]
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helpmepleasehey people... I really need some help if possible
does anyone know how to get a specific group home page to work?
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3141 - - dev.tikiwiki.org : image link to /my and not /tiki-my_tiki.php - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3141 [06:38]
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CIA-59tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r26746 10/trunk/css/ie8.css: [FIX] ie8 no longer needs a fixed width and causes problems with long menu items [08:44]
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I'm evaluating TikiWiki 5, all installed, logged in, etc.
I make an edit to the HomePage (as admin), then log out, the change is not visible. Reload the page, still can't see my edits.
Log back in, clear the caches, log out, still not visible.
I can only see the changes when I am logged in!
Is this a known problem?
Not much point in editing if the changes can't be seen, right?
This is not in any of the FAQs I can find on the TikiWiki documentaion site, so I am assuming it is unusual.
Is this the right IRC channel?
luciashbitmonki: yes [11:35]
bitmonkiluciash: Ah, thanks! [11:35]
luciashbitmonki: are you sure the change you made is not inside the GROUP wikiplugin syntax part for Registered group only ? [11:36]
bitmonkiHere are the first 3 lines in the file:
Shouldn't this be visible?
luciash{GROUP(group=Registered)}something{ELSE}something else for all other groups{GROUP}
something like that
bitmonkiAh. Interesting. [11:38]
luciashyes, this syntax means all it contains should be displayed only for Admins groups
so when it is not visible for Anonymous, it's all right
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bitmonkiBut when I am logged out, I can still see the page, only without the changes. [11:40]
luciashthat is all right [11:40]
bitmonkiSo how to make edits the rest of the world can see? [11:40]
luciashyou have to place your changes outside the GROUP wikiplugin
or in the ELSE part
bitmonkiBut by default, the entire HomePage is within the GROUP plugin! [11:41]
luciashyou can also edit the page and remove the GROUP wikiplugin syntax completely
it's just useful when you want to display some content to some group only and for others display something else
bitmonkiAh, never mind -- there are basically two copies of the page.
Yeah, I can see how that might be pretty useful. But for a new admin, it *is* a little confusing.
luciash:) [11:42]
bitmonkiMaybe the page could have an appropriate comment by default?
That might help new admins out.
luciashsorry about that, maybe that default page is too "talkative" so you can't see the ELSE part at first sight
but i think you are the first to ask here (afaicr) about that
bitmonkiWell, the else is about 3 screens down inside editor. [11:44]
luciashyup yup [11:45]
bitmonkiAnyway, thanks for your help! [11:45]
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If I want a menu displayed on the HomePage, I need to create a new one and assign appropriate permissions to 'Anonymous'? [12:03]
luciashmost probably yes [12:07]
bitmonkiHeh. Create a menu, then create a module for the menu, then assign the menu, which is where you assign rights. [12:14]
luciashyes, because menus are not limited to modules only, but can be displayed via Admin → Look And Feel custom code on second tab too like {menu id=X type=horiz css=y}
for example
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RavenCmorning everyone [12:17]
luciashmorning raven [12:18]
bitmonkiluciash: Ah, thx, I tried that out. Good to know! [12:30]
If I have a Zend-based app I'd like to integrate into TikiWiki, where would I find out how to do that?
Is there a HOW TO somewhere? I haven't found it yet.
luciashi bet there is none, we don't rely on the Zend framework fully, just some parts...
my own knowledge of Zend is close to zero :-p
bitmonkiAh, yes, that was my impression. Thx!
(I mean of the use of the frmework, not your knowledge, of course!)
I like Zend, and think using it is a good idea.
But it, like TikiWiki, takes some getting used to.
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bitmonkiTikiWiki is a bit overwhelming at first, I *really* appreciate your help. :D
For example, the logo only displays when I'm logged in, and I'm not sure why that is.
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bitmonkiSite title, too. [13:01]
RavenCbitmonki: version 5 ? [13:02]
bitmonkiRavenC: Yes. [13:02]
RavenCknown issue right now [13:02]
bitmonkiRight-o, thx. :) [13:03]
RavenC:) [13:03]
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bitmonkiRavenC: Well, I added a file gallery, and changed a menu option on my 'anonymous' menu to point to the gallery, and now the logo and site title display when I'm logged out.
FYI, HTH. ;)
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RavenCbitmonki: sweet! [15:01]
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Tikiwiki|botInfo: TikiWiki Announces Tiki 5.0 Beta 2 - http://info.tikiwiki.org/article90-TikiWiki-Announces-Tiki-5-0-Beta-2 [16:56]
RavenCyay! Thanks ricks
first DL !! w00t
ricks99:-) [17:01]
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RavenC5.0Beta2 installed like a dream... Thanks everyone !!
FiveAlive is much more polished!
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jmgI just had tikiwiki 4 installed and am trying to get past the login issue where I keep getting "You have to enable cookies to be able to login to this site" but I have them enabled, I see this is a common problem but I can't find any solutions? [18:01]
ricks99@jmg check your session store path in your php.ini configuration file
confirm that the location *does* exist and that tki *can* write to it
jmgthanks for the response, I am new to all of this so is the php.ini file something that should be on the server? I have shared hosting, will that be a problem? [18:05]
ricks99should b ok... as long as your web host is not running in "safe" mode
look in your CPANEL application for something like PHP configuration
jmgthanks so much, will do that right now ... I appreciate your quick response!! [18:06]
ricks99good luck [18:07]
jmgthanks :-) [18:07]
RavenC5.0 - Admin/Profiles - Still says Javascript must be turned on in order to apply Profiles. I've tried in Firefox, IE8, and Chrome, all of which have Javascript enabled. Flushed cache, still the same.. Anyone else experience this ? [18:17]
rlpowellSo, an odd i18n thing: I have the languages-for-this-page dropdown in the upper-right on.
And everything there is in its native language.
*Except* English, which is in the translation of whatever language you're in.
(also, in jbo (Lojban) it shows up in *Arabic*, as do other untranslated strings, which is just *weird*)
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ResplendentSo I'm trying to import from MW but when the importer finishes no link shows up.
it seems to just stop after it parses everything
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: tikiwiki/ldap error "Invalid username or password" - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=17&comments_parentId=36998 [20:32]
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