marclaporte: super
if/when you are ready to work on it, I'll put you in touch with Norbert (HAWHAW developer)
And I volunteer my Android phone for testing :-)
I think we need a browser detector and to be able to tell tiki-mobile.php which menu to use
Gergely: great. you have good connections. ... I do not think it will happen very soon.
Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3160 - - Tracker: modifying an item field does not show the current value as default -
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lindon_: for BigBlueButton installation
does the virtual machine go on the server?
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marclaporte: if you want it to be available online, yes
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coaboa: good mornig
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
chibaguy: polom
marclaporte: polom
chibaguy: oh hi marclaporte
-: chibaguy wasn't expected a response ;-)
coaboa: hi chibaguy & marclaporte
chibaguy: hi coaboa
did your page-specific module background work out ok?
coaboa: no, the problem was that the listpages doesn't load in a module.
chibaguy: oh
coaboa: may have to make a tpl just for the front, but "solved" this through photoshop ;-)
chibaguy: hmm, sounds interesting.
Is this using the Milky Way theme?
coaboa: sowmthing else: searched the string Real Name in language.php but it only 4 times in it and not alone (as expected as I want to change it to Nick Name) searched en & en-uk somewhere esle to lokk at?
you can look if you want pm you the url and a psswd
chibaguy: What do you want to do, regarding Real Name?
Oh, do you mean replace that text string?
coaboa: yes
chibaguy: I'm searching the files locally....
coaboa: the thing with using email as login-> and that this is used as RealName thus it get disclosed. BTW even if you set realname to something els sometimes the emai is used (lifesupport, messages don't no yet wher else.
chibaguy: oh, the problem is that people use the email address as the login name, and you don't want it to show?
coaboa: hate this laptopkeybord where i run quassel @ have to replace it ;-)
chibaguy: does that require a coding change?
coaboa: don't know. looks like it is not that easy as suggested here as I cannot find the string solely in the language.php.
or can I add a line like "Real Name: => Nick Name:"?
and tiki translates it?
chibaguy: Well, "Real Name:" (including the colon) turns up in a search of strings to translate, in templates/tiki-user_preferences.tpl and a few other files.
Also, without the colon, in a few files.
coaboa: :-( and 5.0 ante portas
chibaguy: As well as in the longer strings. If you search all files for "real name" you should find these.
I'm searching tiki 4 files.
coaboa: probably better to change those after upgrading to 5.0 as we want to use rating, db replication
chibaguy: ok
I see that Live Support is turned on at your site. Do you find that it works ok?
I thought it was too buggy to use.
coaboa: it works, but i would prefer a irc channel but the users moaned to have to look at something else (high level bank managers)
those people writing and expekting a wiki to work like word
chibaguy: If you want to have custom interface language for the site, you can add a lang/en/custom.php file (or for whatever language) that will override or add to the default language file. It won't be affected by site updates.
coaboa: they did'nt believed how wikipedia syntax looks like and thought there mu
but with rela name this seems not the case as it is directly defined in some templates? am i right?
chibaguy: It should always be available to translate.
Do you see a case where it isn't?
coaboa: you said that "Real Name" is defined in some additional files?
eg My Tiki Preferences
chibaguy: According to my search, {tr}Real Name:{/tr} is in tiki-user_preferences.tpl.
coaboa: I just added "Real Name"=>"Nick Name", to language.php with no effect.
chibaguy: Try adding the ":" to both terms.
(The issue of whether punctuation like ":" is in or out of the translation string has been discussed, but I don't know the current practice.)
coaboa: oki with ":" it worked. cool thx.
chibaguy: ok, good. You're welcome.
Obviously the same string shouldn't have to be in the translation file twice, with and without the colon, so this should be fixed in the templates, etc.
Maybe a project for Tiki 6, to take care of all such cases. ;-)
coaboa: a homogenizte_stabelize_consitency_usability_objectorientation Release!
chibaguy: :-)
coaboa: Its realy the cas: have to add two lines one with "Real Name" for Userinformation and one with "Real Name:" for Preferences. Never thought of this option.
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marclaporte: chibaguy : are you waiting for stuff from Simon? or you have enough juice for fivealive.css?
chibaguy: marclaporte: I don't have anything from him for the middle of the page yet.
marclaporte: ok
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changi: hi everybody.
chibaguy: hi changi
-: changi dev doc themes under update
chibaguy: thanks, changi. (update shown by site footer that goes full width of browser window.)
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changi: @chibaguy: don't you think that black at the footer looks horrible ?
eg: on dev.two
CIA-56: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r26860 10/branches/5.x/doc/devtools/release.php: [FIX] Version in twversion.class.php and release.php parameter . have to be the same (case sensitive) in order to get secdb working
chibaguy: changi: sorry, was away. Well, the black will mostly be filled up with links and icons, as on, so the effect of the black isn't so strong.
(well, not quite so strong)
changi: :)
on branding on FF the info link at the top is hidding at the bottom of the site logo
oups not at the bottom but in the rear
chibaguy: ok, I'll check on that. It looks ok in Opera, which I have open now.
Hmm, I don't see those "powered by php", etc. logos much on tiki sites. kind of retro, to advertise "made with cascading style sheets" these days. :-)
(on now)
I thought they should be dumped.
CIA-56: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r26861 10/trunk/lib/commentslib.php: [MOD]Arguments with default values must be at the end of the argument list. Detect by CodeSniffer on
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r26862 10/trunk/ (lib/commcenter/commlib.php tiki-received_articles.php): [MOD]Arguments with default values must be at the end of the argument list. Detect by CodeSniffer on
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marclaporte: yay for CodeSniffer!
changi: hi marc
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lindon_: is it too late to commit a fix to 5x sometime today?
changi: lindon: only if it's a fix or a mod and not a ENH :)
lindon_: thanks - it's only a fix
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CIA-56: tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r26863 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX] typo spotted and corrected
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