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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:03]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03luciash * r26931 10/branches/5.x/lang/cs/language.php: czech language: more translations for the installer [03:38]
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coaboagood morning @all [04:31]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Mail feature not working - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=37127 [11:54]
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chealerpolom [12:20]
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RavenCmorning everyone [12:51]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Alt tags on images - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37128 [13:18]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r26932 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefslib.php: [FIX] When a profile attempts to set an undeclared preference, a fatal error occured instead of just setting the value as plain text (past behavior lost with added intelligence in pref management) [13:28]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r26933 10/branches/5.x/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] Perspective filter broken by change in the expected input format [13:35]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26934 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/ (wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php wikiplugin_trackerlist.php): [FIX]trackerfilter: when using compute, compute only on the filtered items not all the items [13:58]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r26935 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] text field cannot have default in some operating systems [14:19]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26936 10/branches/5.x/tiki-admin.php: [FIX]log: the pref value can be an array [14:37]
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tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26937 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [FIX] Filters for code prefs (so they can be used in perspectives) [14:52]
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luciashpolom [15:02]
RavenChi luciash [15:14]
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chealerhi luciash [15:23]
luciashhi all [15:26]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Category Permissions not overriding Global Permissions - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37132 [16:00]
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Louis-Martinhi all!
just a question for curiosity...is someone ever configure the tiki webmail with a domino server(lotus notes)?
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r26938 10/branches/5.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] This module displays the last videos of any given Youtube playlist [16:27]
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marclaportepolom [17:41]
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Tikiwiki|botInfo: Tiki @ Make Web Not War 2010 - http://info.tikiwiki.org/article93-Tiki-Make-Web-Not-War-2010 [18:10]
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RavenCMarc: good video!! :) [18:28]
RavenC : the pressure is on to make it work
for you & chealer
RavenCI guess so [18:31]
no turning back now :-)
RavenCexactly! I think with 5, we have a winner to get it going [18:32]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3165 - - Search, Catagories and File Gallery permissions issues in 4.2 Stable - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3165 [18:35]
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chealerhi marclaporte
there's pressure on RavenC to get IIS support?
RavenCno, that pressure is reserved for you chealer! :) [18:43]
chealerI'm back on it as soon as the room is clean
unfortunately I don't have videos of myself on the vacuum cleaner
ricks99@marclaporte: im going to make some minor editorial changes to the MWNW article, if ok.
and then submit to news outlets, too
marclaporteyes rick! [18:55]
ricks99good video too :-) [18:56]
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ricks99ricks99 would like to see a final decision on 1. where to host a tiki event calendar and 2. what to include in it. [19:05]
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luciashhmm, installer from step 6 to 7 doesn't continue on clicking the button Continue
is this known issue ?
FF 6
(no error in console btw)
hmm, can be a non-english lang set the culprit it doesn't work for me ?
chealerluciash, not to me. what happens? [19:14]
luciashnope, the same step in english doesn't continue either
nothing happens, just clicking the button [Continue] does nothing
chealerluciash, on a fresh install, upgrade, either? [19:15]
luciashfresh install, actuall after clicking [Reinstall]
after Upgrade, it doesn't work either
(just tried)
chealerluciash, which PHP version?
luciash, do you have a JavaScript error?
luciashstep 5 [Upgrade] ... → step 6 [Continue]
PHP 5.2.10
no JS error surprisingly
chealerluciash, so step 5 to step 6 works fine, but clicking the continue button in step "6. Review the Upgrade" does nothing? [19:19]
there's workaround to click on the menu item on the left, but...
chealerluciash, is this a test install we could try? [19:20]
luciashit's fresh branch5, no modifs
localhost unfo
chealerluciash, I don't have that problem on mine. [19:20]
luciashFF 6 ? [19:20]
chealeroh, sorry [19:21]
luciashUbuntu here [19:21]
chealerwhat's FF 6? [19:21]
luciashFirefox 6
chealerhum, no... Firefox 3.6 [19:21]
luciashoups, sorry :-p
sure 3.6 i mean
luciash, do you have the Live HTTP Headers extension?
luciash3.6.3 [19:22]
chealerluciash, me too [19:22]
luciashi don't have that one but i can install it quickly [19:23]
chealerluciash, yes. .�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [19:23]
Tikiwiki|botInfo: Tiki Community Members Active at Make Web Not War 2010 - http://info.tikiwiki.org/article93-Tiki-Community-Members-Active-at-Make-Web-Not-War-2010 [19:23]
chealeroops, that was Cannelle [19:23]
done, i have the extension now
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chealsorry [19:25]
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chealcheal put some cat protection [19:25]
luciashwell, what to do now... actually the button reacts on clicking as focused but other than that does subit nothing [19:25]
chealluciash, check if clicking the button causes an HTTP request [19:25]
luciash*submit [19:26]
chealluciash, so you see no HTTP request when clicking it? [19:26]
luciashnope [19:26]
chealluciash, in that case, please provide the problematic page [19:26]
luciashit's like dead button
:-p http://localhost/tikibranch5/tiki-install.php?install_step=5&lang=en
i'll try to install it on my test server
and see if it happens there too
very weird
maybe it is some other extension causing this
i will try with clean FF profile yet
marclaporteweird for me too: http://demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-install.php [19:31]
luciashhmm, interesting, the page source shows: <input type="submit" value=" Continue " />
but no <form> around
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luciashmarclaporte: can you send me db login info in pm ?
to test on yours
marclaportericks99: +1 to have upcoming events (Tiki-events, or events that Tiki people will attend) on front page on info (in a module) [19:35]
chealluciash, I see... [19:35]
luciashmarclaporte: and to cheal, to convince him ;) [19:36]
marclaportericks99 : I prefer to keep as much as possible of the event coordination on wiki pages on the community site
if we think ahead, we'll want Team meetings on the calendar too (ex.: BBB meeting about feature X)
If you feel strongly it should be on info, because it's like news, I am ok with that
luciashcheal: you can go directly to step 6 and left the db unchanged and try to click that button [19:38]
marclaporteinstall step 5 prob: must be a recent commit [19:38]
luciashstep 6, yes marc, i suspect that too
some of us is not up-to-date :)
cheal ? ;)
chealluciash, sorry, struggling with distraction [19:40]
luciashit looks like sylvie's 26926
sylvieg: can you repair, pls ? :)
sylviegis it broken? [19:44]
luciashsylvieg: in the tpl you did -<form action="tiki-install.php" method="post"> but it seems it is out of the IF condition in step 6 already
or something
the form tags are missing in step 6 page
chealoh, sorry. it worked on trunk
yeah, I see the problem too.
the opening form tag is missing
sylviegsorry guys [19:50]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26939 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl: oops [19:50]
luciashsylvieg: thank you [19:51]
marclaportesylvieg : thank you [19:51]
luciashi am just translating whole installer to czech so i stumbled upon it [19:52]
sylviegI am so sure .. I thought I tested tested ..
I have a problem one base on my local 5 - all the admins does not have javascript working...
has somebody an idea?
luciashyou mean only Admins group ? [19:52]
sylviegyes [19:53]
chealluciash, good catch, sorry and thanks
it's fixed, but the page doesn't validate
there's a form/div mismatch
luciashwell, as far as it works :) [19:54]
sylviegagain me [19:54]
luciashsylvieg: weird, do we have a JS perm ? [19:54]
ricks99@marclaporte: pls re-re-view article and if ok to release to all news outlets? [19:54]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26940 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl: oops [19:54]
sylviegwhat tool do you use the see the html validation
is there a plugin for chrome or FF?
luciashweb developer add-on has it
for ff
chrome has it on right click menu too i think
sylviegok found it thx luciash [19:59]
chealsylvieg, I use web developer like luciash [19:59]
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Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [20:05]
sylviegahah it is {debugger} that bugs and my js are not loaded [20:09]
luciashsylvieg: ah, uh, oh :) [20:09]
sylviegis {debuger} working for somebody? [20:11]
chealworking and valid!
(that was for the installer)
sylvieg, do you mean Smarty {debug} ?
sylviegsylvieg is ashamed .. need to be more careful before a release
no {debugger} with the feature feature_debug_console
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chealersylvieg, hum. anyway, did you see http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=3037&trackerId=5&show=view ? [20:16]
sylviegyes it is the same [20:16]
marclaportericks99 : http://webcom-world.com/montreal/?page_id=178&lang=en&speak_id=31
marclaporte tried to get {debugger} to work, with not much success
ricks99any other tiki-ers @ mwnw or jus tu? [20:18]
marclaporterick: Community Partners not Community Party
ricks99damn spell check [20:19]
marclaportericks99 : other will be there, like Regis, probably LP, etc (the usual local suspects) [20:19]
ricks99they giving talks?
i didnt see anything on schedule
marclaportenot sure about that part
it's more a round table type of thing, I think
ricks99what is (or do we have) a policy of 'advertising' for specific people/companies at events?
is there an issue with highlight u & ur talk?
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ricks99something like... "Several Tiki community members will attend the conference, including Marc Laportee who is scheduled to ..... blah blah
as the 'official' voice of tiki, should we be concerned about showing (intended or not) favortisim to any specific community contributor?
chealersylvieg, I don't see any problem on 5.x [20:25]
sylviegbut your are in php 5.4.2? [20:26]
chealersylvieg, I use PHP 5.2.12 [20:26]
sylviegbecause if I change all the constant NO_RESULT,... in tempaltes/debug/tiki-debug_console_tab.tpl [20:26]
chealersylvieg, note that it must be debug*g*er [20:26]
sylviegI am on php3
:-( 5.3
chealersylvieg, I can reboot to 5.3.1 if you wish [20:28]
sylviegcan be an idea [20:29]
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chealerOK [20:30]
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sylviegfor me the debugger works if I repalce the define with the numeric values / I see nothing yet just it does not bug smarty - and so the js are loaded [20:30]
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sylviegchealer or me the debugger works if I repalce the define with the numeric values / I see nothing yet just it does not bug smarty - and so the js are loaded [20:34]
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chealersylvieg: I'm on 5.3.1, {debug} works fine [20:39]
sylviegnot {debug}
chealersylvieg: maybe we're confused. {debugger} doesn't work [20:40]
sylviegthe smarty code that use the feature feature_debug_console [20:40]
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CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26941 10/branches/5.x/templates/debug/tiki-debug_console_tab.tpl: [FIX]debug: smarty can not compile the define and so the javascripts are not loaded (perhaps touch only php5.3) - does not bug anymore but still showing nothing [20:45]
chealersylvieg: oh, sorry, that's a little confusing.
sylvieg: do you have {debugger} working on any version?
sylviegA long time ago..
1.9 perhaps..
Seems to work for jonny
RavenCHave a nice evening everyone [20:50]
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chealersylvieg: so you were saying you have the same bug as pkdille? [20:51]
sylviegyes the tabs were not working for me also
(the other point - I did not check)
chealersylvieg: I don't have that issue then [20:54]
sylviegon 5.3.1? [20:55]
chealersylvieg: yes, as well as on 5.2.12
sylvieg: IOW, your site is partially screwed up when you apply Debug_Mode_Enabled?
sylvieg: I don't know what should happen, but I don't see any change when I put {debugger}, so I guess it's broken. [21:04]
sylviegin the menu after calendar you will see (debug) [21:04]
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chealersylvieg: doesn't enabling feature_debug_console already do that? [21:05]
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sylviegyes but the div should toggle (I do nto see the dic) [21:05]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r26942 10/branches/5.x/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] 1- Attempting to reduce the confusion between the two search engines. 2-
tikiwiki: Turning off search by default 3- Promoting MYSQL-search as the best search.
tikiwiki: Still todo: A- have highlighted search logo on tiki-admin.php?page=search to use
tikiwiki: feature_search_fulltext B- How to have feature_sitesearch have a dependency of
tikiwiki: feature_search_fulltext OR feature_search
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r26943 10/branches/5.x/ (lib/setup/prefs.php templates/tiki-sitesearchbar.tpl):
tikiwiki: [MOD] 1- Attempting to reduce the confusion between the two search engines. 2-
tikiwiki: Turning off search by default 3- Promoting MYSQL-search as the best search.
tikiwiki: Still todo: A- have highlighted search logo on tiki-admin.php?page=search to use
tikiwiki: feature_search_fulltext B- How to have feature_sitesearch have a dependency of
tikiwiki: feature_search_fulltext OR feature_search (missing commit)
chealersylvieg: what does that mean. you don't need to click on "(debug)" when you have {debugger}? [21:07]
sylvieg{debugger} produce the div debugconsole
{debug) toggles it
so far I understand
chealersylvieg: so you mean if you don't have {debugger}, clicking "(debug)" will do nothing? [21:08]
sylviegprobably [21:09]
chealersylvieg: so how does it work, you put {debugger} on a page you're trying to debug? [21:09]
sylviegno the {debugger} is put automaticcaly in the footer [21:09]
chealersylvieg: so you're supposed to see that if you look in Admin Look & Feel? [21:11]
sylviegno it is in templates/footer.tpl [21:11]
chealerehm, I see
sylvieg: in that case, I would say that {debugger} is working fine for me on PHP 5.3.1
sylviegdo you see the div debugconsole? [21:15]
chealersylvieg: well, I guess that's what I see. clicking "(debug)" works fine here.
sylvieg: for you, nothing happens when you click (debug) ?
what about "Debugger Console" in Admin Look & Feel? is that used at all?
sylviegit is working now... [21:22]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26944 10/branches/5.x/templates/debug/tiki-debug_console_tab.tpl: [FIX]debug: smarty can not compile the define and so the javascripts are not loaded (perhaps touch only php5.3) - does not bug anymore but still showing nothing [21:24]
chealersylvieg: huh, it's working but showing nothing? [21:28]
.. I am bad today
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26945 10/third_party/ckeditor/ (89 files in 21 dirs): [MOD] Minor update on ckeditor (to 3.2.1) [21:34]
coaboagn [21:36]
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luciashheh, something for you: http://blip.fm/profile/luciash/blip/43539641/Rashad+Nasir%E2%80%93Bad+Day :) [21:41]
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luciashsylvieg: ^ [21:43]
marclaporteminor update, 89 files changed [21:44]
sylviegmarclaporte: can you svn up mobile [21:44]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r26946 10/branches/5.x/tiki-syslog.php: [FIX]logs: missing pagination [21:45]
sylviegluciash: :-) [21:45]
marclaportedone, confirmed fixed [21:48]
sylvieg:-) [21:48]
marclaporteis action log necessary? [21:49]
sylviegmarclaporte: about the math message on devel the cnrs has the plugin text http://help.csregistry.org/tiki-index.php?page=LatexExample [21:49]
marclaporteShould it be moved out of experimental? [21:50]
sylviegI am very confused about the way sept7 reorganized that [21:50]
marclaportenice latex! [21:50]
sylviegI thought the plugin was in tw .. but seems it is not ... :-(
niclone did also http://help.csregistry.org/googlecalendar and did not commit
feature_topbar_debug : why is this needed in addition to feature_debug_console?
chealermarclaporte: I don't know, I was looking. just finishing with the vacuum cleaner and I'll investigate/kill it. [22:09]
marclaporteLOL [22:09]
luciashchealer: maybe you can vacuum-clean it too ? ;) [22:10]
marclaporteAFAICT, feature_topbar_debug has disappeared somehow...
not sure what the point was though...
chealerluciash: that's what will most likely happen to it, yes :-) [22:11]
sylviegsylvieg remembers in the old days (debug) was on the top and not only in the menu.. [22:11]
chealerI can't find any use of it even in 3 [22:11]
luciashi think the feature was actually moved from the topbar to the footer [22:12]
chealerI see luciash moved it in Look & Feel from Site Identity, but that was in CVS times, hard to go back verify how it was introduced
luciash: it could be something like that. though there's no feature for it in the footer currently.
sylviegbut guys ... is really this feature useful? [22:14]
luciashsure, i think these are just some uncleaned stuff and not needed anymore actually ( the feature_topbar_debug)
sylvieg: i barely used that just to try what it does and it was never really useful for me
sylvieg+1 to delte it .. must ask jonnyb as the last one to work on it [22:15]
luciashor i didn't know how to work with it :-p [22:16]
sylviegit avoids you to put a little line in a tpl... more or less
kind of I debug but I do not have access to teh files...
luciashluciash has to learn how to debug properly first [22:18]
marclaporteabout debug thing: Ideally it would be movable (a la jquery) [22:18]
sylviegperhaps people that change tpls needs this.. [22:18]
marclaporteand why need to click? It should appear all the time, no? (if on) [22:18]
sylviegthe debug box is draggable [22:18]
marclaporteduh, sorry (I remembered that it wasn't) [22:19]
sylviega cookie is set to remember the div is hidden or not [22:19]
marclaportewhen I type feature, or sprint, nothing happens [22:20]
sylviegfeatures probably not updated with the new -not so new- features changes [22:22]
chealersylvieg: I never developed the habit to use the debug console. I don't know. [22:23]
sylviegI propose to set a vote - is this feature useful .. [22:23]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Debugger+Console [22:24]
chealermarclaporte: sprint takes an argument (Smarty variable name)
chealer abstains
marclaportewhat could this thing do better than {debug} in a template? [22:26]
chealerwell, at least the debug console doesn't need you to put "debug" [22:26]
sylviegavoid you to do ssh and change the tpl.. [22:27]
chealerit does allow a few SQL things {debug} doesn't [22:27]
marclaporteif you put {debug} in site identity, it's easy [22:27]
chealerwhich would be useful *if* someone doesn't have DB access [22:27]
sylvieg+1 for marclaporte [22:27]
marclaportewatch Manage variables watch list -> what does this do?
Better if we can merge the two (ie: nuke one of the two)
chealer{debug} is a core Smarty function, BTW [22:28]
marclaportemaybe the debugger feature becomes a {debug} [22:28]
chealer{debugger} is a custom one [22:28]
yonixxxgood night all [22:28]
marclaporteby yonixxx [22:28]
luciashnite yonixxx [22:29]
sylviegsweet dreams [22:30]
marclaporteif I type "help watch", I have an explanation [22:32]
sylviegbut is it working? [22:33]
1st thing: any interesting ideas there?
2nd thing: are the interesting things working?
3rd if not working, are they worth the energy to fix?
if no yes answers, we should nuke
sylviegno for me
joony is the only one committing on this these last days
marclaporteI send a message to the list? [22:36]
the tiki5 blockers... the perms files - not an easy one
I mailes xavi with all hos blockers .. waiting for answer
marclaportemessage sent [22:40]
sylviegthx [22:42]
chealerI give up trying to understand what happened to feature_topbar_debug
when moving it to Look & Feel. it's a good thing we switched to SVN!
sylvieg+1 for svn too [22:43]
CIA-56tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r26947 10/branches/5.x/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Numerous small XHTML fixes: modules, user menu and textarea [22:43]
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r26948 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Vacuum-clean feature_topbar_debug, which appears unused since at least Tiki 3 [22:49]
sylviegsylvieg dreams about a svn blame on wikipage - who put 'pagination not working in forums' the link is not ciorrect [22:49]
marclaportechealer : not in 5.x?
sylvieg: it's me
sylviegpagination on topic or on post? [22:50]
marclaportetopic [22:51]
sylviegthx [22:51]
humm pagination on topic working for me
what is the dev.tw bug id?
marclaporteI didn't report one [23:02]
sylviegone thing not working on forum is mulitple delete [23:02]
marclaportei pointed to a thread with 21 messages
only 20 appear
and page 2 didn't work for me
sylviegah ok .. it is factual bug
sylvieg needs to download again deb.tw db..
marclaportey [23:04]
sylviegI think I will do tiki blame on my free time [23:04]
marclaportejust for fun :-) [23:04]
.... (idle for 16mn)
sylvieg : did you see strasa.css top issue?
http://demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-index.php -> switch to strasa
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3166 - - Thumbnails not working for multiple image uploads (batch) - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3166 [23:28]
sylviegmarclaporte: will have a loom tomorrow - food time - as I am probably the culprit [23:37]
marclaporteno, not you
thanks for eveyrhting
see you tomorrow
you fixed in general
same fix needs to be done there too because forked tpl
I know you don't like forked tpls
luciashis the strasa issue still there ? we talked about it with gary and i think the conclusion was that it happens only when something is in L&F custom code but not published... wrong conditioning (maybe strasa still has its own tpl file ?) [23:40]
marclaportehttp://demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-index.php just switch to strasa [23:41]
luciashah, sylvie fioxed the condition in general tpl but not in strasa ?
marclaportevoila [23:43]
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chealersylvieg: that would be pretty cool.
sylvieg: I think I looked at implementing that several months ago, probably following a question on tikiwiki-devel.
marclaporte: it could go there. though nothing is really "broken" so it doesn't need to.
marclaportechealer: What are you referring to? [23:58]

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