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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r26984 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php: [FIX] Delete line keeping tablesort from being able to sort back and forth | [00:21] | |
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tikiwiki: 03jacmoe2 * r26985 10/trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] Editing: External link icon source image can now be set from the admin interface. | [00:39] | ||
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ricks99 | using tiki5 from svn a few days ago... wysiwyg editor is *much* improved. however when I add plugins (via the plugin helper) the code is usually *NOT* inserted at the cursor position...
sometimes code added at top... sometimes at bottom... known issue? | [01:11] | |
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Tikiwiki|bot | Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3171 - - End of Installation Pressing Continue to Site Produces "Tiki is ... - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3171 | [02:44] | |
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r26986 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_sharethis.php: [FIX] Updated ShareThis options | [04:10] | |
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tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26987 10/trunk/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/CleanHTML/fckplugin.js: [FIX] dos2unix | [05:45] | ||
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26988 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] fixing some alerts seen on quality.tikiwiki.org + some coding style + some reindenting | [05:59] | ||
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r26989 10/trunk/lib/ (8 files in 6 dirs): [FIX] dos2unix | [06:05] | |
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yonixxx | 'morning | [06:27] | |
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r26990 10/branches/5.x/styles/layout/ (design-reference.css design.css): [ENH] Highlight effect is just visual distinction, so no need for block element (i.e., to have 100% width). | [09:46] | |
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Tikiwiki|bot | Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3172 - - Can't create a survey - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3172 | [10:43] | |
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r26991 10/trunk/templates/tiki-send_newsletters.tpl: [ENH] move [+]Recipients section to nearer the top of screen so it is more visible prior to committing to send newsletter | [11:12] | |
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luciash | polom | [11:14] | |
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luciash | one item per ip/user still not handled in profiles tracker handler ?
for Tiki 5 ? | [11:49] | |
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marclaporte | polom | [14:11] | |
luciash | hi marc | [14:16] | |
chibaguy | hi guys | [14:19] | |
luciash | hi gary | [14:19] | |
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r26993 10/trunk/ (10 files in 8 dirs): [ENH] Code clen up pointed by quality.tikiwiki.org | [14:24] | |
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r26994 10/branches/5.x/ (9 files in 8 dirs): [ENH/bp 26993] Code clean up pointed by quality.tikiwiki.org | [14:34] | |
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nightcab | hello | [15:09] | |
chealer | polom | [15:09] | |
nightcab | is there anywere? | [15:09] | |
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Tikiwiki|bot | Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3173 - - PluginProposal: add a 4th: I read and I am ok with whatever is decided - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3173 | [15:19] | |
marclaporte | yeah, a few | [15:26] | |
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Tikiwiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Save Draft - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37150
New Forum Posts: Library needs help......List wiki pages by page date and last accessed - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37149 | [16:01] | |
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xavi | toctoc | [16:03] | |
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marclaporte | who's there? | [16:16] | |
xavi | hi, marclaporte. where? | [16:17] | |
marclaporte | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock-knock_joke
"Knock-knock jokes are well entrenched in the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Australia, the U.S.A., Canada, South Africa and India. In nations such as Brazil and Germany they are practically unknown." I guess not so much in Spain :-) | [16:18] | |
xavi | :-) well, I recall playing it in Barcelona when I was really young :-)
you know, accuracy of wiki pages is not perfect ;-) but since I recently joined irc, I wanted to make sure that it was not the follow up of a previous conversation, etc. chibaguy ? by the way, anybody knows what's the state of the art of the flickering in Tiki5 ? I'm reviewing recent revision of tiki5 svn using ff 3.6.3pre and I see that flickering 3 times per page load some times | [16:23] | |
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marclaporte | flicker is a pain
do you know what feature is causing? | [16:45] | |
chibaguy | hi xavi. | [16:48] | |
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chibaguy | marclaporte, at reaxmusic, the flickering was coming from outside javascripts loading mostly, wasn't it? | [16:57] | |
xavi | back. marclaporte: no idea which feature produces it, sorry | [16:58] | |
luciash | i haven't notice the flickering recently | [16:58] | |
xavi | chibaguy: did you try installing tiki mods from 5svn? I got WSOD yesterday
jonny reported instead that it was working for him (at least he could see the tiki mods interface from 5beta2) | [16:58] | |
luciash | why does applying a profile takes so long ? | [16:59] | |
chibaguy | no, xavi, I haven't tried installing mods with branch 5 at all. | [16:59] | |
luciash | xavi: it depends if you have php errors enabled or not | [16:59] | |
xavi | luci, I installed a profile yesterday at normal speed | [17:00] | |
luciash | if not, you get WSOD, if yes, you get the interface + php error in the bottom | [17:00] | |
xavi | php errors enabled: I will :-)
chibaguy: I asked because I thoought you plan to continue placing the gpl'd themes in mods svn, and from there to mods.tw.o by nyloth | [17:00] | |
luciash | what is normal speed, it takes more than 30 seconds here | [17:00] | |
xavi | 8 seconds or so yesterday for me (R_test, like the simple Bug_tracker profile) | [17:01] | |
luciash | goddamn, someone broke tr_user url param functionality for trackerlist ? | [17:02] | |
chibaguy | xavi, I do plan to use the mods svn repository for themes, but I don't know how many people install the themes via mods admin, vs. getting the gz file and installing manually. Of course mods admin should work, though. | [17:03] | |
xavi | ok , chibaguy, fair enough!
xavi feels that he is the only one installing mods from mods interface | [17:03] | |
luciash | :)
most probably yes, xavi | [17:06] | |
marclaporte | : /me thinks all mods that are now in trunk need to be nuked from mods | [17:09] | |
luciash | ? | [17:09] | |
marclaporte | ex.: http://mods.tikiwiki.org/details.php?type=wikiplugins&mod=group should be nuked from mods | [17:10] | |
luciash | ah
sorry, tr_user seems to work hmm, nope, in page it shows "Array" instead of tr_user value from URL | [17:11] | |
xavi | back from phone
mods.... they are still useful for packages with incompatible license, you know... lastly, pluginR for me, for instance | [17:15] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r26995 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/redirect/: [KIL] Plugin redirect is in Tiki core and not maintained in mods | [17:16] | |
marclaporte | yes, they are!
which is why we need to reduce clutter there | [17:16] | |
xavi | derived from a GPL's extension for mediawiki, and the original author didn't want to dual license, etc.
kile redirect: well done! S/kile/kill | [17:17] | |
luciash | sylvieg: any idea why &tr_user=foo doesn't pass that value to the wiki page template but displays "Array" instead ? | [17:18] | |
xavi | marclaporte, we need a mac user willing to test WebDAV (to adapt the instructions in http://doc.tikiwiki.org/WebDAV for Mac)
hopefully, I'll be able to re-test later today from GNU/Linux and latest 5svn ok, bbl (walk the dog) | [17:19] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r26996 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/ (group/ js/ mouseover/ perm/ scroll/ trackeritemfield/): [KIL] Remove several plugins from mods as they are now maintained in Tiki core | [17:20] | |
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tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r26997 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/ (files/ iframe/): [KIL] Remove several plugins from mods as they are now maintained in Tiki core | [17:39] | ||
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marclaporte | http://demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-mods.php shows me version 3 stuff
I can't pick v4 and when I try to install PluginR, I get: key: themes/tikipedia/templates/styles/tikipedia/credits.tpl templates/styles/tikipedia/credits.tpl to add but doesn't work | [17:44] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r26998 10/trunk/lib/ (11 files in 6 dirs): [ENH] Some code clean up in Javascript according to quality.tikiwiki.org | [17:47] | |
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r26999 10/branches/5.x/modules/ (mod-func-last_podcasts.php mod-last_podcasts.php): [FIX] New module format | [17:55] | ||
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27000 10/trunk/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/CleanHTML/fckplugin.js: [ENH] Code cleanup as of quality.tikiwiki.org
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27001 10/trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php: [ENH] add some hint on how to acces the Tiki WebDAV tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27002 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [EHN/bp27001] add some hint on how to acces the Tiki WebDAV tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27003 10/mods/trunk/features/tiki-sheet/: [KIL] TikiSheet is in core, no need to have old files in mods tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27004 10/mods/trunk/features/ (galaxia/ jukebox/ phpsource/ solve/): tikiwiki: [KIL] kill various source files from mods (jukebox, galaxia, solve, phpsource) tikiwiki: as they don't work, are not maintained and/or have been superceded by other tikiwiki: features. Even if work was done, it would be better to start from this archaic tikiwiki: code base. tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27005 10/mods/trunk/features/phpcas/: [KIL] remove phpcas files from mods, now that it's a core feature of Tiki tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27006 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/galaxia_sweet_ui/: [KIL] The Galaxia Workflow Engine has been retired from Tiki4 and is superseded by Category Transitions, which serves the same purpose, but much more tightly integrated. http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Category+Transitions | [18:05] | ||
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27008 10/mods/trunk/Packages/ (13 files): [KIL] remove mods installer files for code already deleted | [18:34] | ||
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27009 10/mods/trunk/Packages/00_list.txt: [FIX] restore file (commit error) | [18:47] | |
luciash | why in Tiki 5 users are not offered insert plugin icon anymore when editing textarea ?
from the toolbar there is only icon for mouseover plugin instead and why Registered users can't view Wiki pages ? | [18:50] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27010 10/mods/trunk/Packages/00_list.txt: [KIL] remove already deleted features from mods list | [18:54] | |
luciash | (fresh install) | [18:54] | |
marclaporte | fresh install, and no profile?
I didn't see that | [18:56] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27011 10/mods/trunk/devtools/: [KIL] old cvs stuff | [19:00] | |
luciash | ah, sorry, maybe a test profile changed that | [19:01] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27012 10/mods/trunk/features/ (config/ dlp/): [KIL] cleanup | [19:01] | |
luciash | i'll reinstall and see
why is the security precaution for installer not translatable ? | [19:01] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27013 10/mods/trunk/lib/ (nusoap/ vtiger/): [KIL] remove never used code from 2005 | [19:06] | |
marclaporte | no idea | [19:07] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27014 10/mods/trunk/templates/: [KIL] deleting a bad idea which has no chance of working, given the speed Tiki is developed | [19:19] | |
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27015 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/ (book/ ebay/ pagename/): [KIL] remove useless/vaporware stuff | [19:30] | ||
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27016 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/phplot/Readme: [DOC] PHPlot is now LGPL | [19:35] | ||
xavi | marclaporte, is BSD license compatible with LGPL? (thejit.org : Impressive) | [19:40] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27017 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/wmv/: [KIL] vaporware or missing file, this is useless | [19:40] | |
marclaporte | xavi: yes
yes, impressive | [19:41] | |
xavi | yes | [19:41] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27018 10/mods/trunk/images/: [KIL] logos are part of the main code base | [19:41] | |
marclaporte | my little finger tells me someone will be in touch | [19:41] | |
xavi | "someone" not me :-) my plate is too full with PluginR (for what I need for work at university) | [19:42] | |
marclaporte | hehe | [19:42] | |
xavi | see this: http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/ | [19:42] | |
marclaporte | how often does http://mods.tikiwiki.org/ refresh? | [19:42] | |
xavi | 2.0 collaborative website for graphs made upon R
as often as someone pings nyloth to do that , afaik or this: http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/allgraph.php xavi goes back to kitchen time :-) | [19:42] | |
marclaporte | xavi: can we kill tikidav mods? or you want to work with Stephan to port some features? | [19:47] | |
luciash | xavi: you have ubuntu, right ? do u also get in firefox all text iput fields too wide ?
*input (unless their width is explicitly specified by css) | [19:59] | |
xavi | marclaporte: please, don't kill it yet (I still dream that some good coder will look at it to borrow some features - I can't myself)
luci: what is "too" wide? like login fields, you mean? and yes, ubuntu (9.10 in desktop, 10.04 in laptop) | [20:08] | |
luciash | yep, in forms in general, the fields are too wide compared to Chrome or other browsers if it is html "default" (no width specified for that element specificaly)
i couldn't figure out, why on FF browsers do that for me here older versions too it started some time ago with Ubuntu 9.04 i think xavi: anyway, i was just curious if it's only me or Ubuntu problem in general | [20:10] | |
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CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27019 10/mods/trunk/themes/508/: [KIL] unmaintained other issues. Accessibility should be in all Tiki themes, not a specific one
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27020 10/mods/trunk/taglines/: [KIL] 1-This folder is empty 2- Why would someone want to maintain taglines like this. Use a wiki page instead | [20:33] | |
luciash | sylvieg: having &tr_user=foo and {$tr_user} in pretty tracker wiki tpl worked before, now i get "Array" instead of "foo" as a result... any idea what jas changed ?
in 5.x | [20:42] | |
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xavi | marclaporte: there is some problem at demo.tw.o. I can reproduce the same problem you had there to install pluginR mod (weird), but I've been able to install it from the same mods.tw.o reporisoty in two other installations (1, localhost, 2. server at university)
so definitively, there is something wrong at demo.tw.o | [21:09] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27021 10/mods/trunk/Packages/ (5 files): [KIL] more mods cleanup | [21:09] | |
xavi | and were I couldn't use mods, nowadays (with almost latest svn, at least) I can
fyi ^ the listing of mods is wrong in all tiki sites. If a mod is for tiki 4, then when you select 3.x in the version dropdown, it shouldn't be listed there | [21:09] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27022 10/branches/5.x/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] update project name | [21:11] | |
xavi | anyway, I move forward in my "testing" list for tonight | [21:11] | |
marclaporte | tks | [21:11] | |
xavi | marclaporte: and footer? update project name? | [21:12] | |
luciash | yes | [21:12] | |
xavi | someone reported that in devel list | [21:12] | |
luciash | for consistency of sake it's good | [21:12] | |
marclaporte | +1 | [21:13] | |
luciash | we need some throbbler indication overlay for pages like install and profiles application i guess | [21:14] | |
marclaporte | mods.tikiwiki.org update seems automatic because I didn't have to ask Nyloth | [21:15] | |
luciash | the plugins icon is really missing in fresh install toolbars | [21:24] | |
xavi | btw, fyi: enabling ajax makes the icons in the horizontal icon bar in admin features unusable
clicking to other admin section does nothing once ajax is enabled , like right now in demo.tw.o/5x xavi is keen to have broken demo.tw.o/5x :-D s/keen to have/keen on having I'll unselect ajax... ok, it works again :-) | [21:24] | |
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lucican you help me test something related to webdav in tiki5, please? (it'll be 5 min)
I'm wondering whether file locking works do you have konqueror and kate installed? luci ^ marclaporte: fyi : I'm editing a text file directly on a webdav file gallery in tiki5 (demo.tw.o) from GNU/Linux (native support in konqueror and kate, at least, so far). and it works | [21:41] | ||
luciash | xavi: i am not sure, i wiped all KDE recently | [21:44] | |
xavi | :-) | [21:44] | |
marclaporte | xavi : yay! | [21:44] | |
xavi | marclaporte: drag & drop also works ! (konqueror)
:-) and natively :-) | [21:44] | |
luciash | xavi: nope, no konq here anmore
anymore | [21:45] | |
xavi | ok
I'll test later on again with nautilus and/or gnome based text editors well, I can try that now | [21:45] | |
luciash | i could try with nautilus but dunno how it works at all
(webdav) | [21:46] | |
marclaporte | marclaporte tries to install tinvoice
lib/jpgraph/src/index.php to lib/jpgraph/src/index.php impossible to copy | [21:48] | |
xavi | nice! drag & drop also works natively with nautilus! :-)
yes, nautilus and gedit might also server for the file locking test :-) luci, ready? :-) s/server/serve | [21:49] | |
luciash | yes
be my guide | [21:50] | |
xavi | :-D | [21:50] | |
marclaporte | tiki-phpfreechat_ajax.php to lib/phpfreechat/tiki-phpfreechat_ajax.php impossible to copy | [21:51] | |
xavi | go to Places > connect to server
in your gnome marclaporte: those messages are because those files listed are not there! I checked that two years ago or so I mean, the finles listed in the package-*.txt for that mod luci? | [21:51] | |
luciash | how to do it from nautilus window please ? | [21:52] | |
xavi | :-D
you are not using gnome, is it? | [21:52] | |
luciash | xfce :)
but i have nautilus open | [21:53] | |
xavi | :-) ok, in nautilus location bar, type: | [21:53] | |
luciash | and gedit installed too | [21:53] | |
xavi | dav://admin@demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-webdav.php/File%20Galleries | [21:53] | |
luciash | ok
done | [21:53] | |
xavi | for the record: with konqueror, the syntax seems to be:
webdav://demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-webdav.php/File Galleries/ ok, do you see some files? 6 should be | [21:54] | |
luciash | no, it asks for password first ;) | [21:54] | |
xavi | ok, then, provide pass :-) | [21:54] | |
luciash | done
i see the files now | [21:55] | |
xavi | ok, so, how many files? | [21:55] | |
luciash | 6 | [21:55] | |
xavi | ok, then, open in your gedit the only txt file there
apple with worm, etc | [21:55] | |
luciash | ok, open with gedit | [21:56] | |
xavi | marclaporte: do you have kde4windows installed already?
marclaporte: you should try this with your konqueror on windows | [21:56] | |
luciash | *opened | [21:56] | |
xavi | it might work natively from kde4win
ok, luci: hold on, then... write some new line at the end with your name, or so, please but don't save it yet | [21:57] | |
marclaporte | xavi : is WebDAV speed ok? I remember you were saying it was an issue for TikiDAV | [21:57] | |
xavi | marclaporte: I don't know, just testing right now :-) | [21:58] | |
luciash | ok, done | [21:58] | |
xavi | after 4 years or so
luci, ok, then I open it also, and edit it... (so hold on) | [21:58] | |
FrankP_german | hello
http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginSubscribeGroups&structure=Documentation | [21:59] | |
xavi | ok, luci, can you save you edit now?
hello FrankP_german | [21:59] | |
FrankP_german | in table Parameters missing a p by showgroudescription | [21:59] | |
luciash | xavi: sure thing
xavi: The file dav://admin@demo.tikiwik…with_worm_dan_gerh_01.txt has been modified since reading it. | [22:00] | |
xavi | FrankP_german: fixed. but for next times, can you fix it yourselve? :-) (please)
luci: :-D nice! I did modify it. | [22:01] | |
luciash | fine | [22:01] | |
xavi | I did add a line myself | [22:01] | |
luciash | is that all ? | [22:01] | |
xavi | and what can you do now?
can you save it anyway? | [22:01] | |
FrankP_german | xavi: I have no account to doc.tikiwiki.org | [22:02] | |
luciash | [Save Anyway] or [Don't Save]
xavi: "If you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?" | [22:02] | |
xavi | luci: ok, good enough, at least you are warned that concurrent edit was going on
ok, save it FrankP_german: do you have account at tikiwiki.org? | [22:02] | |
luciash | xavi: saved anyway | [22:03] | |
xavi | ok, now I check on my side | [22:03] | |
FrankP_german | account to forum, yes | [22:03] | |
xavi | FrankP_german: then you do have an account at doc.tw.o indeed! :-)
it's the same login and pass | [22:03] | |
FrankP_german | ok | [22:03] | |
xavi | luci: ok, test finished. Thanks | [22:04] | |
CIA-56 | tikiwiki: 03jacmoe2 * r27023 10/trunk/templates/tiki-bot_bar.tpl: [FIX] Changed TikiWiki CMS/Groupware to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in the powered by logo. Changed also Tikiwiki Community to Tiki Community (although not sure about that one) | [22:04] | |
luciash | xavi: u r welcome
xavi: i am at the demo site, where do you setup the webdav for file gals ? | [22:05] | |
xavi | :-) http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Webdav | [22:08] | |
luciash | is it only feature checbox ? | [22:08] | |
xavi | I wrote it there a few hours ago (with info from sept_7) | [22:08] | |
luciash | ah, thx | [22:08] | |
xavi | yes, just checkbox for file gals and wevdav | [22:08] | |
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xavi | I?m in process of testing OOo or Kword (.doc, .odt, etc.) | [22:09] | |
luciash | xavi: this is nice to know firefox has an addon for it
or plugin | [22:11] | |
xavi | afaik, ff on windows has it | [22:11] | |
luciash | so no file versioning activated in tiki still ?
wiki page created by profile can have special perms only via category reference so far, right ? (as reading the wiki handler doc) | [22:12] | |
profiles.tw.o "flickers" and "reloads" a lot compared to my local 5.x branch install in FF
actually, is it possible to assign permissions to category via profile ? i need the profile to create category "Pretty Tracker Templates" and give it the perm for using the wiki pages as template (tiki_p_use_as_template iirc) | [22:24] | ||
i see, the key is Permission Management | [22:37] | ||
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xavi | Impressive, Konqueror + Kword allow editing .odt documents on the fly at the webdav folder in demo.tw.o/5x !
natively! while OOo is buggy and no way (OOo 2.x was know to be able to read and write on webdav folders/servers, but not OOo 3.x) marclaporte: ^ the next question is, how advanced is KWord on MS Windows ? :-) | [23:16] | |
marclaporte | lol | [23:18] | |
luciash | hmm, I have the same question as on http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Tracker+Handler
"How can I assign specific permissions to a tracker I create?" | [23:18] | |
marclaporte | marclaporte will update profiles.tw.o to latest 5.x | [23:19] | |
luciash | i tried via category but this didn't work in YAML category items: - [ tracker, User Profile ] | [23:19] | |
marclaporte | give that tracker a reference ID when created, and use perms normally | [23:19] | |
luciash | while - [ wiki_page, User Profile template ] worked
i mean the objects were assigned to the category but with empty names the trackers marclaporte: use perms normally ? | [23:20] | |
marclaporte | you know how to give perms to objects via profiles? | [23:21] | |
luciash | i want to use object perms via category or specific per tracker to avoid changing global tracker perms for Registered group
marclaporte: pls see what i have there: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/SNiPTT | [23:21] | |
marclaporte | ok | [23:23] | |
luciash | ah, it seems trackers are not perms via category ready ?
only direct perms work ? | [23:24] | |
marclaporte | tracker items, yes, i think
but not sure about trackers | [23:24] | |
luciash | hmm, maybe i just need to specify something else than the tracker name when assigning the trackers as category items
because normally assigning a tracker via categories admin works it is not good though if i have to use id, because then i don't know that id nd when using reference i will get the cross reference error imho s/nd/and i will try, lets see | [23:29] | |
marclaporte | http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/ is updated | [23:34] | |
luciash | db ?
no cross reference error so far... looks promising | [23:34] | |
xavi | marclaporte: you wrote for webdav: " If file versionning is activated, a copy of each save is conserved." <- http://doc.tikiwiki.org/WebDAV
where is that file versioning set? | [23:38] | |
marclaporte | in the admin of the file gallery | [23:39] | |
xavi | I can't find anything for file versionning
what's the label of that checkbox?
| [23:39] | |
marclaporte | Maximum number of archives for each file:
http://demo.tikiwiki.org/5x/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?edit_mode=1&galleryId=1 | [23:40] | |
xavi | thks
xavi updating the docs | [23:40] | |
luciash | when assigning perms via categories dos the group need perm view_categorized still even if it has view perms of the object set via the category ?
s/dos/does ah, nope, cool, my error... :) | [23:42] | |
marclaporte | I have to go. Take care! | [23:44] | |
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