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ricks99@mlaporte: link fixed
@franck: where do u see this? all links appear to be working for me
franckricks99: it is working now [01:22]
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ricks99k. possibly a glitch during svn-uping. tx [01:22]
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danp2I know I am gonna sound like a n00b asking this, but I get a could not find driver error after a new install of 4.2
I'm gonna have to run in 5 minutes, so instead of bugging you, I'll check into it tomorrow.
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CIA-27tikiwiki: 03bubi * r27249 10/branches/5.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX] TrackerID: #3183 Tree View of File Gallery now not only shows the 1st Level of Galleries on older PHP versions
tikiwiki: 03bubi * r27250 10/branches/5.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX] TrackerID: #3183 Tree View of File Gallery now not only shows the 1st Level of Galleries on older PHP versions (for _getGelleryChildrenIdsTree(), too)
tikiwiki: 03bubi * r27251 10/trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX] TrackerID: #3183 Tree View of File Gallery now not only shows the 1st Level of Galleries on older PHP versions [06:02]
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pwzQ: how to post a mail to devel's mailing list? (how to join the list) [10:23]
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luciashpwz: hi, hold on [10:35]
need to ask a question about ntlm in tw, i guess that's the best place to ask...?
subscribe there
no idea what is ntlm
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pwzsingle sign on feature
thnx for the link
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in wysiwyg editor
is there a way to use {maketoc} in this editor?
ricks99what tiki version?
can usually just put it directly in {maketoc}
works for me in 5.0
martijn854.2 here
I see like the text "summary"
but no headings beneath
ricks99i thik wysiwyg is marked as 'experimental' in 4.2.... might be flaky [11:33]
martijn85hmm [11:35]
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martijn85I can't change to the normal editor in this wikipage
it's a document including 50 pictures and wysiwyg code
ricks99when u put {maketo} and save it, you just get the "Table of contesnts" heading, but no bulleted list of the child head levels? [11:37]
martijn85tha'ts correct
ah hold on
I changed heading
from wysiwyg to using !!
this is working
ricks99:-) [11:40]
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danp2Ok, my question from last night was about the could not find driver error after a new 4.2 install. You can see the error on the homepage of warpspeedirc.com, and I don't think there is pdo enabled. [12:03]
ricks99see release notes [12:05]
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pwzbtw. if anyone who is reading the dev's list is present -- i think the utf-8 bug is present in 3.5 also [12:11]
danp2Thank You. I thought I had read those, but I guess I didn't.
It's all fixed. :)
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RavenChello everyone [12:17]
luciashhi RavenC [12:19]
danp2One last question. What config file would I enable content templates in? [12:19]
ricks99hi RavenC [12:20]
luciashdanp2: file ? just go to Admin Home > Wiki and enable content templates [12:20]
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27252 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]fgal: rollback 26250: fix the find in simple list fgals: do not remember the case fixed with 26250: be prepared to have another bug [12:20]
ricks99@danp2: no config files. just go to the Admin page for the feature that u want to use content templates [12:20]
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ricks99damn... luciash has faster fingers then i do
danp2Ok, Thanks. Sorry, tikiwiki is a little different from most other wikis and cmses, so it is a lot for a newbie to take in. [12:23]
ricks99Newbie? check out the beginner's guide:
<shameless plug> http://twbasics.keycontent.org
</shameless plug>
danp2bookmarked, and will read when I am fully awake. I am gonna get the person who woke me up later. [12:25]
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luciashheh [12:31]
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yonixxxxxMay be someone has an idea about it, I would like to find on everypage a variable that contain the language used for tw. With jonnyb help we found that $pageLang contain the info BUT... it is page dependand and not language selected dependant.
the idea is to have a header code for each and different language
ricks99@yonixxxx: i use $prefs.language that's how i switch the site logo on "Smarties" to be language-specific [12:37]
yonixxxxxi check with the tiki debugger on my homepage sprint $prefs.language... not found [12:39]
luciashnow ricks99 was faster ;) [12:39]
ricks99when using the switch_lang module to change the site language (not page lang) the entire site header changes, too
@luciash: because i finished cup of cofee #1 :-)
luciashthat is why, i still have more than half ;) [12:40]
yonixxxxxAh... ok... i don;t use the switch_lang module. [12:40]
changichangi have a stupid question [12:41]
luciash$prefs.language is smarty one, $prefs['language'] might be php if that matters
changi: enjoy :)
changiis it possible to make some versioning in filegal, like store more than 1 version of 1 document [12:42]
luciashchangi: with webdav yes, so i think yes [12:42]
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luciashyou have to enable it somewhere though
in filegals admin maybe :)
changiif you find it juste let me know, i was looking for it all the morning
oups : s/juste/just/g
luciashwait for xavi, he surely knows
ah, hes here, hola xavi :)
changixavi : ping !!!! [12:44]
back from the kitchen :)
changi: read http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Webdav
it's documented there....
xavi is glad that sept_7 shared his knowledge about their implementation of webdav
luciashxavi: OT, are there any major benefits why should i upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ?
luciash just can't decide
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xavimmm, if your machine is working fine with 9.10... I wouldn't be in a hurry
in my case, there are some bugs with nvidia (+suspend, resume, etc) and the network applet (for the macbookpro), I upgraded, and it 's not fixed there either...
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xavibbl (lunch) [12:51]
luciashxavi: thanks [12:53]
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luciashxavi: enjoy your dogfood ;) [12:54]
mlaportexavi: for TikiFest page names, I have started using Tiki version [13:04]
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mlaporteTikiFest NewYork6 to work on Tiki6 [13:04]
ricks99ricks99 wishes mlaporte used spaces in wiki page names for readability :) [13:05]
I am doing that more & more, but I also try to follow the convention
ricks99HavingPageNameLikeThisIsSoVery20thCentury [13:06]
mlaporteif you can't be good, try to be consistent :-) [13:06]
RavenCRavenC reallylikesthewaytheylook
mlaporteI hope we can get rid of CamelCase on tikiwiki.org one day, but it will break so many links [13:06]
ricks99next, you'll want to limit all page names to 8.3 naming convention :)
y. notice that the page names on info.tw.o are much more (IMHO) user friendly
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mlaportehahahah [13:11]
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luciashfor best SEO results, they should look like /tikifest-new-york-6 anyway
hard to keep some consistent convention without automated machine translation :-p
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foucault_hey all, who here is working to get tikiwiki packaged up with IIS7 for webdeploy/app gallery/MakeWebNotWar [14:02]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3189 - - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/4. ... - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3189 [14:03]
foucault_i'm working on statusnet's one, [14:03]
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chealerhi foucault_
foucault_: I *will* be working on that, hopefully soon
we should collaborate, I'd love to have someone to complain with :D
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martijn85hello [14:06]
foucault_what kind of php extensions does tikiwiki need? [14:06]
martijn85on my wiki anonymous people can't see pictures [14:06]
chealerfoucault_: I saw a few mails mentioning statusnet
foucault_: just default extensions, php-mysql and PDO
foucault_: optionally, gd/imagick
foucault_yeah all the image stuff seemed to work without gd,
i couldnt figure out why
what about file uploads?
chealerfoucault_: I don't think that needs an extension. [14:08]
foucault_ah we need fileinfo to verify mime type [14:08]
chealerfoucault_: I'd like to have work done before May 25th but this will be hard [14:08]
foucault_setting up a pecl build env, in win7 or whatever it is, not fun. [14:09]
luciashmartijn85: check your perms [14:09]
martijn85yes I have done [14:09]
luciashfoucault_: tiki needs c_type [14:10]
foucault_chealer, on top of it all the wordpress installer, doesnt actually even work
i still had to go into the db and create a database for myself.
and a user, and grant statements
chealerfoucault_: I'm not familiar with Windows, BTW [14:10]
martijn85but what pem. view_fgal_explorer? [14:10]
foucault_it wans't one click at all [14:10]
chealermy email is chealer@gmail.com [14:10]
luciashmartijn85: tiki_p_download [14:11]
chealerfoucault_: so wordpress is on WPI but doesn't install for you? [14:11]
foucault_chealer, this is my fisrt month of ever touching win servers
it installs,
but i had to go into mysql and createdatabase
and grant, and all that
and feed that into the wordpress webinstaller
which, is not one click, and seeing as how thats my "example" to work off.
i would sortof rather pull my teeth out,
that said, it would be motivating to have someone else, as frustrated as me to talk with :)
martijn85hmm yes
I missed that 1
was looking for view and images
thanks :)
foucault_did you try to look at log files in iis? its absolute madness.
click click click, blink blink blink.
luciashmartijn85: np, our fault :-p [14:14]
chealerfoucault_: strange. our example is ourselves, we have Tiki packages to start from.
foucault_: I'm afraid I'm not yet frustrated; that may come when I start working on it :-)
foucault_: I don't remember looking at the log files
foucault_i just meant the xml instruction in the wordpressiis.zip [14:15]
chealerfoucault_: well, I'll remember you can offer support when I get too frustrated with IIS/WPI :-) [14:22]
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foucault_oaky i live in #statusnet [14:23]
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changixavi : thx [14:36]
xaviwelcome, changi [14:37]
pascalstjeanluciash: sorry I had to run the other day, I was wondering if you got everything working correctly with your profile? Did you get the blog settings validating? [14:37]
changichealer: about the discussion on UTF-8, i clearly think that it is a blocker :) [14:38]
luciashpascalstjean: yes [14:39]
pascalstjeanluciash: great, good to hear [14:39]
chealerchangi: I really don't consider anything that's not a regression as a blocker [14:45]
changichealer: but it is a regression
chealer: when people will make a migration from a v3 to a v5, they will have some encoding problem
chealerchangi: the question is not simply whether it's a regression, but a regression in Tiki 5
if that's a regression, I think it was a regression in Tiki 4
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changito be more precise, it's a regression since http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=20549 [14:58]
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chealerchangi|afc: that would make it a Tiki 4 regression [15:01]
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jonnybpolom [15:31]
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27253 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]fgal: rollback27252/26250: find in mode list and mode admin must use different tables [15:32]
pascalstjeandoes anyone know where the code is located that associates the User to the User_Selector field when creating a User Tracker. I know its got to be somewhere inside wikiplugin_trakcer.php but this plugin is quite the beast to search in. Thanks [15:33]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: subversion support - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37230 [15:44]
jonnybhi pascalstjean - not offhand, usually i look in the DOM inspector for the 'name' or 'id' of the element, then search for that
actually, it's probably in a smarty tpl (yuk) - try tracker_field_input.tpl or similar
pascalstjeanjonnyb: thanks, I'll use this as a starting ground [15:57]
RavenCnewbie question #413,283 - I want to display the contents of an html file on a wiki page. I do not want a link, but the actual contents displayed. For the life of me I cannot figure this out.
RavenC feels really dumb right about now
luciashpolom jonnyb [16:01]
jonnybfair question RavenC -how about the {HTML} plugin?
polom luciash
luciashRavenC: you could probably do that via ajax call [16:02]
RavenCRavenC feels even more dumb... :/
I have the html plugin enabled... I tried {path/doc.html} (nothing)
I tried {html=path/doc.html} (nothing)
jonnybno, you'd have to copy and paste the source into the wiki page - maybe that's not what you're after?
alternatively check out the {IFRAME} plugin
RavenC{IFRAME} is exactly what I need! thank you thank you thank you! [16:11]
ricks99@RAVEN: IFRAME is it
or use {HTML} plugin and use <IFRAME> inside
RavenCthanks rick. working just as I needed :) [16:15]
ricks99any/everything is possible with the HTML plug [16:16]
RavenCany way to disable the plugin approval ? [16:18]
ricks99there's a perm to automatically approve [16:19]
my registered users had more perms than the admin... lol
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RavenCin IFRAME, does the src= have to be a fqdn ? I was attempting to use a relative path ( ../docs/doc.html) [16:25]
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CIA-27tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27254 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW]CATEGORY: parameter showlinks [16:26]
RavenCgot it.. had mis-spelled the path ( /sigh ) [16:28]
jonnybhurrah! [16:30]
RavenCreally cool. [16:32]
luciashNotOnReady param for JQ wikiplugin accepts 1|0 or y|n ? [16:44]
jonnyb: ?
just in case you remember
otherwise i will dig it from the code
nevermind, it was another error in path
jonnybsorry luciash - it's notonready=true (a bit odd, i know)
catches me out every time
luciashaah, will add to the plugin helper tip [16:58]
xavijonnyb and luciash: rewrite rules for c2c.op.o are back working! :-)
I've sent you an email, after vjrj
yup, works
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27255 10/branches/5.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] Toolbars: Custom tools: Filter out accented characters in tool names that cause JS and other problems [17:03]
jonnybnearly got the new payment lib working (just about 7 other things came up!) [17:04]
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luciashjonnyb: do you prefer if i add the info or i "standardize" the JQ param to 1|0 ? [17:06]
jonnybor it is 'y'|'n'
seems silly as it's a boolean - so true|false is correct
just that the rest of tiki uses several other conventions ;)
luciashyeah, mostly it is param=1|0 i think [17:09]
ricks99have a i18n question with tiki 5.....
i am storing my wiki images i n the file gallery...
jonnybluciash: after 5.0 is released, i think (if you're really keen) [17:12]
ricks99i am adding image descriptions in the "File Description" field for each image (in orer to make the images "searchable"....
and then using {img desc="desc" in the wiki page to display the image and its desciption....
how do i "translate" the description? it does not seem as though the "File description" field allows translated text?
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chealerricks99: unlikely [17:33]
ricks99could it be made into a multilingual field (like we have in trackers)? [17:33]
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luciashbtw, was it fixed in trackers ? the multilingual option never worked for me there and did display nothing instead of a field [17:48]
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27256 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki/renderlib.php: [FIX] Deprecated split (now preg_split)
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27257 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW]CATEGORY: parameter categoryshowlink
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r27258 10/branches/5.x/styles/fivealive.css: [FIX] fivealive theme: some styling for Development/tikibranch5/doc/devtools/stripcomments.phpshow-errors-button (PHP errors) to enhance usability
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r27259 10/branches/5.x/styles/fivealive.css: oops, better margin top value
sylviegI worked on mulitlingual fields
It show only the field in the current lang - but the inout is for all the langs
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luciashsylvieg: ah, thanks for fixing it then
luciash wishes fivealive would fit in his netbook 1024x576 screen
sylviegthere is probably more job to do like which field must be shown when no no value for the current lang or site lang... [18:08]
luciash70% of the visible viewport in browser takes the huge header :-[18:09] <luciash> and have the horiz scrollbar down there
10-20px less of the fixed width and it would fit
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27260 10/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/5.x 27240 to 27259 [18:18]
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xavic you all [18:43]
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ricks99Google machine translate still breaks lots of stuff :( [18:44]
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27261 10/branches/5.x/tiki-error_simple.php: [FIX] Print UTF-8 text [18:46]
changiluciash: did someone test Fivealive with IE 7 ? [18:55]
luciashno idea, not me [18:57]
changibecause it's not very beautifull [18:59]
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luciashit was developed by third party + gary [19:03]
ricks99@changi: u mean the header stuff?
iirc folks are aware. someone posted screenshots with ie7 specific issues
changiricks99: yes [19:09]
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CIA-27tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27262 10/branches/5.x/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] Add some translation [20:03]
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tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27263 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl: [FIX] Set link in remarksbox to the group currently editing and not only Anonymous [20:19]
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RavenChave a nice evening everyone [21:16]
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CIA-27tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27264 10/trunk/tiki-change_password.php: [FIX]password: a valid username is needed to change password [21:39]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27265 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]user: give also the option to change password at 'next'/first login when a user already exists and admin changes his password [22:02]
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sylvieggood job changi_ on th UTF8 testcase :-) [22:20]
CIA-27tikiwiki: 03luciash * r27266 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-listpages.tpl: no change, code indentation only [22:26]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27267 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [NEW]fgal: to be able to search on title and description [22:48]
luciashtrying to print a tracker item does nothing ???
ah, i was in fullscreen=y mode so it seemed it does nothing
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3190 - - Refresh by clicking page title does not work with parameters - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3190 [23:01]
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CIA-27tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27268 10/branches/5.x/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Several critical fixes for toolbar custom tools:
tikiwiki: Don't allow tools with the same name as the standard set (causes mayhem)
tikiwiki: Don't allow tools with empty names to be saved (also chaos) and
tikiwiki: add a link to remove all custom tools to get rid of malformed tools created before upgrading from 4.x which may be causing JS errors and preventing the page from working
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27269 10/branches/5.x/lib/ (setup/prefs.php toolbars/toolbarslib.php):
tikiwiki: [RESUSCITATE] Underline tool for non-WYSIWYG mode, executed before Tiki 4
tikiwiki: Thanks Opossum
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