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***mtx_init has joined #tikiwiki [00:06]
mtx_initHello, On a fresh install of tikiwiki, it seems that I cannot edit my pages, they just go to a blank screen. any ideas on how to resolve this [00:07]
luciashmtx_init: what is your memory_limit in PHP ? [00:08]
mtx_initnot sure, its a shared host [00:08]
luciashshould be at least 32M
>whatis memory_limit
Sug4r'memory_limit' could be the most frequently asked question about trouble getting blank pages. The PHP memory_limit should be >= 16M (see your php.ini). You can check it with <?php echo ini_get('memory_limit'); ?> and read more at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Requirements+and+Setup&bl#PHP [00:09]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r27320 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_mcalendar.php: [FIX] Keep certain text in plugin information from being wiki-parsed. [00:09]
luciashmtx_init: you can go to Admin > phpinfo to check it out [00:10]
mtx_initits 16M
I guess Il have to ask them to up it
luciashyeah, 16M is really low for complex web apps like Tiki [00:13]
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mtx_initThey are changing it now for me. [00:56]
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daniam has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [02:10]
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haraldur has joined #tikiwiki [02:34]
haraldurgood morning there ppl;)
i have a problem that i cant seem to find an answer to.. after running tikiinstall.php i get this: could not find driver
heres the site that im trying to set up: http://delelisten.no/cms/
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3196 - - Tiki Wiki crash on my server - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3196 [02:55]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r27321 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_regex.php: [FIX] Fixed various errors that were causing the plugin not to work. [04:23]
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tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r27322 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_regex.php: [FIX] Go back to more intuitive parameter name. [05:10]
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Ma has joined #tikiwiki [06:08]
MaHas there been any updates on the latest time? I cannot see that the blockers is reduced in the Tiki5 wiki page. [06:09]
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changiMa: not yet, we are working on a charset issue [06:42]
Do you have any approximate time when you will release tiki 5?
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changichangi: good question [07:11]
Mahum [07:14]
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edwinbenninkhi, has anybody here some experience with 'action' type fields in trackers? [07:37]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27323 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] replace deprecated split(), ereg*, etc. spotted by quality.tikiwiki.org
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27324 10/trunk/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/ (7 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] reformatting JS to lower the warning count in quality.tikiwiki.org
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tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27325 10/third_party/adodb/ (113 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [UPDATE] update AdoDB from 5.10 to 5.11
tikiwiki: 5.11 5 May 2010
tikiwiki: ===============
tikiwiki: Misc bug fixes and minor improvements. See below:
tikiwiki: Changelog:
tikiwiki: - mysql: Fixed GetOne() to return null if no records returned.
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27326 10/third_party/phpcas/ (6 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [UPDATE] Update PHPCAS from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
tikiwiki: Changes in version 1.1.1
tikiwiki: Bug fixes
tikiwiki: * Fix bug in handling urls containing parameters without values [PHPCAS-57]
tikiwiki: (Joe Lencioni, Joachim Fritschi)
tikiwiki: * Fix bug in restoring an existing session [PHPCAS-55] (Joachim Fritschi)
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Failure to install Tiki5.0RC1 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=37280 [09:19]
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edwinbenninkhi there, has anybody here some experience with 'action' type fields in trackers?
I'm trying to create a form that sends its contents to a php script that does some calculations and returns an image...
already posted the question here; http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=37272&topics_offset=2&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=4
trial-and-error doesn't work because it fails even in the simplest case ;-(
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benjamin has joined #tikiwiki [11:28]
benjaminhi, I installed a new tikiwiki, when I register a new user the link in the confirmation email don't work and the user can't login, has anyone an idea what's the problem [11:29]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27327 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki/renderlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] better fix for r27256 with properly defined regexp pattern (Deprecated split now preg_split).
tikiwiki: Thanks to all who commented
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27328 10/branches/5.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] Replace chars in file paths for smilies etc, as some browser/s (not Firefox/Safari/IE) don't seem to do that properly, causing dozens of File not found server errors every page load. [11:41]
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RavenC has joined #tikiwiki [12:27]
RavenChi everyone [12:28]
luciashpolom [12:29]
jonnybpolom luciash and all [12:30]
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luciashharaldur: you need PHP on the server with PDO driver or switch to AdoDB [12:33]
MaAnyone that has any clue when 5 would be release?
RavenCMa: no clue here... [12:44]
MaRavenC: Ok, damn.. [12:45]
RavenCI have found RC1 to be very stable thus far :) [12:45]
luciashharaldur: see http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseNotes40 [12:47]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27329 10/trim/ (56 files in 6 dirs): [ENH] Set svn:keywords property to Id [13:16]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27330 10/trim/ (scripts/mysqldump.php src/accesslib.php): [FIX] fix coding style errors and warnings. quality.tikiwiki.org [13:19]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27331 10/mods/trunk/ (1167 files in 109 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] fix deprecated split(), ereg(), etc and missing svn:properties
tikiwiki: as pointed out by quality.tikiwiki.org
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27332 10/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): [FIX] missing svn:properties shown by quality.tikiwiki.org
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27333 10/trunk/lib/hawhaw/ (hawimconv.php hawtikilib.php): [FIX] deprecated ereg() convertion from quality.tikiwiki.org [14:20]
luciashi am not sure we should touch third party libs
like hawhaw
hawimconv (hawtikilib is probably ours)
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27334 10/trunk/temp/ (cache/index.php index.php mail_attachs/index.php): [FIX] fix svn:keywords spotted by quality.tikiwiki.org [14:43]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27335 10/trunk/ (16 files in 8 dirs): [FIX] fix deprecated ereg(), ereg_replace() spotted by quality.tikiwiki.org [14:49]
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hi Helene, welcome
Helenethanx chealer !:) [14:58]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27336 10/third_party/jquery/ (10 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Update jquery.sheet lib to 1.1.0 SVN/trunk (for Tiki trunk only, fixes for that to come)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27337 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Updates to Tiki Sheets for jquery.sheet 1.1
tikiwiki: Hard-coded to use instance 0 only of .sheet for editing for the moment (TODO)
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27338 10/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Adding transition rendering as graphic [15:36]
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kentThe undisplayed Calendar view is NOT only happening in upgrades. [15:51]
luciashkent: just testing it on my localhost too [15:51]
kentnot Theme-related
dedicated server: new install: http://www.slaveservers.net/tiki-calendar.php
login tiki pword wiki if you care to try
luciashkent: thx [15:52]
kentcheers, Have a great day! [15:52]
luciashdo u have PHP errors enabled there ? [15:52]
kentthink so, 1 sec
oh fine, my dns is down
luciashsorry, i get "Address Not Found"
kentyes this seems to happen with zoneedit for dns it will return
its a plot to get you to buy more credits
whoops, something wrong. bbl
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27339 10/trunk/ (15 files in 11 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/5.x 27293 to 27328
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27340 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-transitions.tpl: [ENH] Guard count in listing
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27341 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-transitions.tpl: [ENH] Adding link for transition permissions [16:14]
Kentre the calendar error example: Dns is screwy on that , but here's the direct address: [16:18]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: requirements for Session in DB - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=37286 [16:21]
Kentabout 50 php errors reported on tiki-calendar.php [16:33]
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luciashKent: yeah, it's the same as for the upgraded site
Kent: but on my localhost it displays fine... any steps to do to reproduce ?
Kent: i just enabled the calendar feature so far
KentIt seems to be any condition. Fresh install. Turn on calendar. make calendar. make entry no display.
I believe I saw the same thing on 4.2 svn installation.
luciashok, i will try to make entry
it can be also perm dependent as i am logged in as admin
Kentwell if you can see calendar you should be able to see both views? [16:39]
luciashin fresh install i don't have to make new calendar, there's already one deafult
i will try first what it will return for test user registered
KentI had to make one.
YOu'll see there's only the Cal1 I made.
luciashweird, in my fresh install i had not to create one, i just enabled the feature and went to tiki-calendar.php
ok, going to create new item in the calendar, the i will try to create new calendar
KentI know there was talk of making it so there was a default calendar created, but I haven't seen it. [16:46]
luciashmy Tiki is latest branch5 code [16:46]
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KentI have 5.0RC1 and ran svn update, whatever that gives me.
2 days ago.
luciashah, it requires to create new calendar only when i want to add new event item
it doesn't want to add to the "default" one - seems it is just like a "overview" calendar which cannot be "written" on :-p
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Kentah so [16:57]
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luciashnow i have created one calendar, lets see [16:58]
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luciashhmm, works for me
tiki-calendar.php now displays calendar, where events can be added, no errors
KentJust added a 2nd calendar and a second entry and still no Calendar display.
dozens of php errors, perms are set anonymous can view and view details, everyone else can do anything
luciashi see, i just added one item by test user to the calendar i created here on my localhost, still works fine
dunno what can be different on your server... is your cal with some specific settings when you created it ?
Kentdefault calendar. Just named it and created. [17:12]
luciashi am just comparing your calendar settings with mine and i see two additional fields at the end of editing form: Group of users alerted when calendar event is modified" and "Allows to select each user for small groups"
i don't have them offered there
otherwise i have the same setup
Kentweird. why would there be difference. I do get a calendat with the plugin. It's not very well laid out, but it shows: [17:16]
luciashi will check your Admin > Calendars if it makes difference to have the two additional fields for calendar settigns there
i mean Admin > Admin Home > Calnedar
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27342 10/branches/5.x/lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php: [FIX]mail: some user can haev an empty mail [17:18]
KentI don't see anywhere to toggle the alert option. [17:19]
luciashno, the general settings i have the same
alert option ?
Kentnotify when changed in calendar [17:20]
luciashah, you mean the "Group of users alerted when calendar event is modified" [17:20]
Kenty [17:20]
luciashmaybe it is related to Group Watches feature [17:20]
KentI mean to show the two options for that [17:20]
luciash enabling Group Watches and Group Alert feature now
on my localhost
Kentprobably cause them to appear [17:21]
luciashyes, i have the fields there now too, but enabling the fatures has no negative effects on the calendar [17:22]
KentI only had user watches on , not group [17:23]
luciashGroup alert makes them appear [17:23]
Kentbut I did have group alert. all off now. [17:23]
luciashbut as i say, it will probably not make the error go away :( [17:23]
KentYes, no joy.
Mad another, no help.
luciashi will compare our PHP versions still
5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 here
yours is 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.5
Kentcritical? [17:26]
luciashshouldn't be a problem imho [17:26]
Kentim updating and will try again.
revision 27342
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KentOk, rev 27342 new db. Just turned on Calendar, and gave anonymous all calendar perms. No default calendar. [17:40]
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luciashKent: just to be sure, is your api db driver adodb or pdo ? [17:41]
KentClick admin calendar, create a calendar, named it, saved with no options.
I would ascertain this how?
luciashwell, if you don't remember adding it to your db/local.php, you're on PDO ;) [17:42]
KentHeh. I changed nothing from the svn files. [17:42]
luciashmysql classic or mysqli ?
i am on mysqli
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KentRegular mysql as far as I know. Wow, bad net connection here today. DNS fails all over the place. [17:45]
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KentOk I made a fresh install and left a recap of the calendar problem and an example on the front page here: [17:59]
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I have like 10 min
sylvieg ?
or any tiki-"calendar"-techie around?
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27343 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Payment: Rollback r27218 (Payments by non admins should only be visible only to the user that created them)
tikiwiki: Payments shouldn't be associated (or associatable) with users (apparently)
did you see the proposed changes
xaviyes, great! your proposed change make it work again: http://intercanvis.net/tiki-calendar.php [18:12]
sylviegbtw xavi I activated the debug feature on your site and $viewdays is empty [18:12]
xavihowever, there is an annoying bug still there....
if you click on the event at 23/05, for instance, which says something like "6รจ MERCAT a SANTS", you are shown a blank page with an email
this is not a regression (as chealer well reminds us of :-) , it's an annoying bug already present in tiki 4.x
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xaviit seems to happen when you add an email in the text area, I think...
so, maybe some regexp or similar needs tunning... (?)
sylviegif you can reply on devel for the SORT_XXX - like this sept7 will find the best fix :-) [18:15]
xaviok :-) [18:15]
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xavisylvieg, var_dump($viewdays) added to tiki-calendar.php. But Isn't there a way to have that data visible as hidden somehow?
it's a production site
now I have a line on top with the array values....
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xaviok, email sent
back to assessing student work
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xaviI'll leave this irc open, even if I'm not going to be here for a while. I'll keep the "beep" on my nick enabled [18:31]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27344 10/trunk/templates/tiki-payment.tpl: [FIX] Payment: Rollback r27216 - payment_admin is not the same as payment_request [18:33]
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.... (idle for 15mn)
chealer has joined #tikiwiki [18:49]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27345 10/trunk/tiki-objectpermissions.php: [FIX] Notice: Check if group is in request at all (it's not after you uncheck the last one)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27346 10/trunk/templates/tiki-payment.tpl: [MOD] Payment: Don't show empty lists if no payment_view perm
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27347 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.tabset.php: [FIX] Tabs: Don't return the tabs if there's no content to show in them
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luciashxavi: strange is that for one fresh install the calendar problem appears and for another guy with fresh install it doesn't [19:08]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27348 10/trunk/lib/payment/cartlib.php: [MOD] Payment: Add username to payment description (if logged on) [19:09]
luciashxavi and sylvieg : but if the removal of the SORT parameter fixes it, with no side effects, then it is maybe better... (there is another sort on the follwoing line anyway)
xavi: for example on my localhost the problem wasn't there
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luciashmaybe it was mysqli (my case) versus mysql classic problem ?
xavi? what do you have on intercanvis ? mysql or mysqli ?
sylviegit should be the same because we have only 7 days - so string and numeric will give teh same
xavi I usually do if ($user == 'xavi') var_dump($x);
xaviluciash: hi. mysqli. for more info: http://intercanvis.net/tiki-phpinfo.php :-) [19:13]
luciashxavi: ah, weird then [19:14]
xavisylvieg, ok, thanks [19:14]
luciashmaybe bug in php :-p [19:14]
xaviin the meantime (to let sept_7 have a look, if needed), I'll leave as is [19:14]
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sylviegxavi:the email is because of feature_wiki_protect_email [19:31]
xavisylvieg ? [19:33]
Igg-manIf I have an item list, is there a way to add records to the list with the ID field already filled in? [19:33]
sylviegthe problem with an event with email [19:33]
xavimmm, it isn't a bug, you mena? (some missconfigration of mine) [19:33]
sylviegit is a bug [19:33]
ah, ok
so workaround: to deactivate that feature, you suggest?
sylviegwe need either to clean the description but an escape:javascript will take out the email or desactivate the festure for this part
yes it is a workaround
xavithanks for tip
should I fill a bug report?
or this is some kind of quick fix-able?
I leave the feature on for some time, so that sept_7 or others can reproduce (if they follow the steps in email)
but I'll remember the workaround
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r27349 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-calendar_nav.tpl: [FIX] corrected the calendar navigation link for YEAR [20:46]
tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r27350 10/trunk/templates/tiki-calendar_nav.tpl: [FIX] corrected the calendar navigation link for YEAR [20:53]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27351 10/branches/5.x/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] Some french trad [21:09]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27352 10/branches/5.x/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] Some french trad - oups a little mistake
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27353 10/trunk/templates/tiki.tpl: [FIX]fullscreen: seems that filegals_manager is not always set
GergelyHi! How does the "Show user's real name instead of login (when possible)" work? I cannot find any doc. Anyone knows? Would it work in trackers? [21:15]
luciashGergely: yep, it shows the real name from user preferences instead of the login name [21:29]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27354 10/trunk/tiki-calendar.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Calendar fix pb reported by Xavi with PHP 5.2.6 and array_unique :
tikiwiki: Wrong parameter count for array_unique()
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ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte
I can't attach a file to: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Presentation%20Webcom%202010-05-26
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27355 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]parsing: leave alone and do not add <br /> the is_html data [21:43]
xavisept_7 fixed in trunk????? :-( [21:48]
luciashhe's already in the backporting QT approval mode ;) [21:49]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27356 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [FIX]prefs: put the description found in help in the description of feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting (to know what at least this veryvery strange feature is doing [21:49]
xavimarclaporte: the page doesn't load to me
luciash: yes, you are right! :-)
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sylviegxavi I think you can backport ;-) [21:55]
xavithere I am :-) [21:56]
sylviegwe are not in approval mode yet [21:56]
xaviI guessed so [21:56]
sylviegand I was right to wait for hiom - he found a better fix than the one I proposed [21:56]
wise suggestion
sylviegI know that Strasbourg is upset because we are not in QT mode - but .. we do what we can do... [21:57]
luciashhahah [21:58]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r27357 10/branches/5.x/tiki-calendar.php:
tikiwiki: [FIx][bp/r27354]from sept_7 - Calendar fix pb reported by Xavi with PHP 5.2.6
tikiwiki: and array_unique: Wrong parameter count for array_unique(). Thanks sept_7 for
tikiwiki: fixing and sylvieg & luciash for feedback and previous fix proposal
xavibtw, sylvieg, if you like weird things... since I upgraded intercanvis.net to 5.x, I can't switch language to other than English
well, I can switch it, but the language is kept as English in the interface, regardless of user selection in the drop down (Switch_theme) or Admin > Look and feel...
I wonder if some old value in tiki_prefs might be interfering there... (from when you had to select the preferences format 1.9, 1.10&2.0, etc....
well, back to review & grade assignments from students some more hours...
luciashxavi: maybe check Admin > i18n ? [22:07]
xavicheck what?
can you get the interface for you in czeck?
sylviegworking on my local - should be a set of setting [22:08]
xaviit's not trivial, I can tell you (I spend 15 min. the other day with it, and no luck)
sylviegsylvieg agrees - it is not trivial because - me feeling guilty - to logical approach and pragmatic approach [22:10]
xaviok, forget it, I'll try more tomorrow. nowadays (after last svn up), interface is in catalan for anons....
I'll investigate furthter tomorrow or weekend
luciashusers can't change language to czech
on intercanvis
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r27358 10/trunk/lib/ (16 files in 13 dirs): [FIX] Javascript coding style issue reported by quality.tikiwiki.org [22:16]
xaviluciash, but you can switch between some languages (in theory)
however, not all modules switch language...
switch theme or switch lang doesn't
luciashyep, i added czech there... seems something on the Inici page forces to change back to catalan, on other parts of the site it seems to use user prefered language
i will check, maybe it can cause some JS interference also ? like minify ???
xaviwho knows...
back to grading students
sylviegwhen is your school year finished? [22:30]
xaviusa students are done. spanish ones: by end of june [22:33]
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........ (idle for 38mn)
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luciashwhat is needed to have the Action Calendar module appear in my left col ?
grmbl, i see, another wysiwyca glitch
Action calendar on tiki-admin.php?page=calendar is not enabled but still it offers me to assign that module and i wonder why it doesn't appear
is there only this one calendar module available ?
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luciashis jscalendar feature sued in other pages than tiki-calendar.php ?
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luciashi'd like the event calendar module, rather than action calendar module, how is it called if any ?
tiki-action_calendar.php is broken :(
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luciashlot of php errors like in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given
only tiki-action_calendar.php?viewlist=list mode works
but then the action calendar module is a mess... i think the error in normal mode is because the module vars conflict with the page calendar view
ah, found the event calendar module
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