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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jacmoe2 * r27377 10/branches/5.x/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] Fix for my previous fix: $wikilib::file_to_db: $path, not $file_name [00:11]
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27378 10/branches/5.x/ (lib/wiki/wikilib.php tiki-admin_include_wikiatt.php): [FIX] jsut cleaning up for clarity (should not have any effect in practise) [00:20]
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luciashsylvieg: hmm, i have set session.cookie_lifetime = 0
so it should be "Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted."
or is it this ? session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
or this ? session.cache_expire = 180
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luciashsylvieg: ah, i think it is caused by the garbage collector one [01:20]
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increased it, lets see if it helps [01:38]
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chealerluciash: yeah, so the only abnormality would be remember me not working
luciash: you were saying you would be disconnected just by closing the browser, right?
luciashchealer: nope, just by not using Tiki, not closing browser
chealer: when i came back and reloaded the page or went to another one, i was logged out
chealer: i have session.gc_maxlifetime = 36000 now, lets see if it changes anything
chealerluciash: yeah, but if you close the browser and reopen, are you still logged in? [01:57]
luciashyes [01:57]
chealerluciash: hum [01:57]
luciashif not more than 1440 seconds i think
chealer: i have chosen remember me, that is all right
chealerluciash: sorry, what do you mean by "if not more than 1440 seconds i think"? [01:58]
luciashyou should stay logged in even when you come back, nope ?
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
before i had in my php.ini
which is some 23 mins, right ?
chealerluciash: it seems normal to get logged out after some time, *if* you don't have remember me
yeah, 24
luciashchealer: i *have* rememberme, goddamn [01:59]
chealerluciash: I know, it's only normal to get logged out after some time *if* you wouldn't have remember me enabled
which suggest your remember me is broken
luciashthat i know [02:00]
chealerbut if remember me is broken, you should be logged out by closing your browser [02:01]
luciashmy remember me ? Tiki's remember me ;) [02:01]
chealerwell, yes, on your install... [02:01]
luciashbut maybe it has to do with the garbage collector as sylvie pointed out [02:01]
chealerluciash: the garbage collector would only explain losing your session. if you have a remember me cookie, you should get a new session automatically [02:02]
luciashon ubuntu it checks the session.gc_maxlifetime in php.ini and runs cleaning by cron every time then [02:02]
chealerI mean, a new one which is automatically authenticated
luciashit doesn't work with localhost
as i say all the time
the remember me cookie
anybody can try that on their localhost
chealerluciash: not on your install, but it seems to work in general (at least on mine) [02:04]
luciashi wonder no other devs ever tried using remember me on their localhost [02:04]
chealerluciash: I use remember me all the time [02:05]
luciashubuntu ? [02:05]
chealerluciash: Debian [02:06]
luciashthat might be the difference [02:06]
chealerluciash: I would be very surprised if this would be Ubuntu-specific
luciash: does this happen on a fresh install?
luciashon every install i have on my localhost
yes, fresh ones too
from my php.ini: "
; This is disabled in the Debian packages, due to the strict permissions
; on /var/lib/php5. Instead of setting this here, see the cronjob at
; /etc/cron.d/php5, which uses the session.gc_maxlifetime setting below."
chealerluciash: did you say that was related to how you adressed the site, like localhost but not [02:09]
luciashi haven't tried extensively if it makes difference... i use localhost all the time [02:10]
chealerluciash: I don't see how the garbage collector alone would cause that. remember me is supposed to keep you logged in even if your session expires. [02:11]
luciashsymlinked /home/luci/Development/tikibranch5 via /var/www/tikibranch5 [02:11]
chealerhum [02:11]
luciashso the url is http://localhost/tikibranch5 [02:12]
chealerluciash: did you say it was not possible to give us access to your Tiki? [02:12]
luciashit's on my laptop, not configured for access via Wi-Fi router from the outside [02:13]
chealerluciash: what remember me settings do you have? [02:14]
luciashcan it be the path ?
Host: localhost
chealerluciash: it could, though fresh installs shouldn't have issues with that [02:15]
luciashPath: /tikibranch5/
Secure: No
Expires: At End Of Session
chealerluciash: OK. and what do you have in Login : Administration [02:16]
luciasheh, but it is PHPSESSID cookie name
i don't see tikiwiki cookie anywhere in my 9 cookies
chealerluciash: ah
luciash: right, that's a problem
I have tiki-user-tikiwiki
luciashso it even wasn't created
it seems
but i wonder why or how to debug it
chealerluciash: what do you have in Login : Administration ? [02:20]
luciashdefault settings [02:20]
chealerluciash: which are? [02:21]
luciashtikiwiki, domain is empty, path is /tikibranch5/ [02:21]
chealerfor Remember me
luciash: good
luciashremember me is user choice [02:21]
chealerluciash: you can use Live HTTP Headers to watch Cookie headers go by
the Firefox extension
otherwise it's hard to help without being able to access the site
luciashi used Webdeveloper extension Cookies > View cookie information [02:23]
chealerluciash: yes but that told you you're missing the remember me cookie, which is the new mystery
Tiki asks the browser to create the cookie with a HTTP header
luciashchealer: i have one cookie named tiki-user-tikiwiki
is it the remember me one ?
chealerluciash: ah
luciash: yes, that's the one
luciash: so what does that one look like?
luciashthat one seems to expire one year after [02:27]
chealerluciash: and what are the other properties? [02:28]
luciashah, grmbl, sorry, it seems the remember me cookie isn't created when i put localhost in the Admin > Login > "Domain" field
when i leave it empty, it creates it
so i will test now if it will keep me logged in for one year ;)
thanks for help
i wonder what is the domain field good for ?
chealerluciash: did you put localhost there in all your installs? [02:34]
luciashi am not aware of that
let me check trunk
nope, on my trunk copy it is empty but remember me is disabled there
i will check branches 4
chealerluciash: I fixed a remember me bug of this kind, but fresh installs should be fine [02:38]
luciashah, ok
i think my only fresh is branch 5 right now
on my branch4 copy, there seems to be wrong path
there is just "/"
chealerluciash: that seems to remind me something
I'm looking for my commits
luciashthat one is not fresh but upgraded iirc [02:42]
chealerI hate having to find a commit I did some time ago [02:45]
luciashcookie is set, value is b580e5c69958dd0669c77208c7814c0c.1275619418.admin
chealerif it's not on the CIA list it's a pain to find on ohloh [02:45]
luciashdid the last part after the dot changed in Tiki 5 to the user ID instead ? [02:45]
chealerluciash: yes, I did that [02:46]
luciashi remember that cookie had 1 there
chealerI found that commit but not the one that fixed the path/domain [02:46]
luciashnevermind, i think it should work if i manually set the path to /tikibranch4/, right ? [02:47]
chealeryes [02:47]
luciashi can see there some cookies from branch 4 has the path correct and some has the path just "/"
presumably those cookies will not work properly
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chealerluciash: yes, I seem to remember that was the bug [02:48]
luciash_oups, never hit ctrl + Z in irssi ;)
phplm_expand and tiki-user-tikiwiki has the path "/"
chealerfound it
luciash_: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=25040
luciash_cool [02:52]
chealerluciash_: so trunk/5.x installs past February 11th shouldn't have this issue. [02:52]
luciash_ok, i see ... wasn't it backported ? [02:53]
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chealerluciash: it was at least backported to 4.x: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=25615 [02:58]
luciashah, good then
i will see if my remember me will be fine now and let you know ;)
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j0n3hi! :D [08:08]
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stixHi guys. Can I somehow write the current date on a page? With html or with some kind of variable? [08:22]
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martijn85good morning [08:36]
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martijn85is there a way to view pdf files in the middle frame of the screen? [08:39]
j0n3do you want server date or client date? [08:39]
stixj0n3, the server date [08:39]
j0n3I've not found any plugin on docuemntation, so you could code a custom plugin... [08:40]
stixokay, is there some docu on creating custom plugins?
Another question: is there a list of variables to use in pages? I want to show the users real-name and maybe avatar etc.
stixcool, it works :) [08:51]
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luciashmartijn85: HTML plugin + iframe
stix: AVATAR plugin
which can be in 4.2 ?
luciashmartijn85: in iframe src= you link the pdf [09:18]
stixluciash, I am now hooked on writing my own plugins in php :) Is there a list of variables I can use within the coding to get data from tiki, such as username, avatar etc? [09:19]
luciashstix: i am not sure about that
>devtwo Hello+World
Sug4rhttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Hello+World [09:20]
luciashif it helps
if you will use tpl for the plugin to display the data, you can check the Smarty blocks, functions and mofifiers available in lib/smarty-tiki/ or learn from other plugins in lib/wiki-plugins/
stixhmm okay, I will look into that [09:23]
martijn85thanks[09:51] *** martijn85 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [09:23]
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martijn85_I have enabled Iframe
and put in the code
but firefox crashes...
I'll try reboot
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Internet Explorer works
luciashmake sure the iframe tag syntax is correct
like: {HTML()}<iframe ...></iframe>{HTML}
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martijn85_the tag=
{IFRAME(src=mckensey_km.pdf , name=test , title=test, height=500 , width=600 , align= , frameborder= , marginheight= , marginwidth= , scrolling= )}{IFRAME}
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j0n3stix, do you still want a plugin for current date? [11:28]
stixj0n3, I wrote my own :) [11:28]
j0n3ok! [11:28]
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Searching from user without permissions shows number of documents found, i.e: a search of a word shows "found 25 pages" even the user can't see any. Should I report as a bug?? That's a problem ie: if a client is looking for pages we refer to other clients. No pages shown or access but "pages found" count... [12:22]
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sylviegj0n3: and if you click on the link do you see the document? [12:32]
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j0n3no, no document's... no results but a count
if no document's shown it should say "no documents match criteria" or so...
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ricks99ricks99 at YOW... good visit to ottawa but ready to head home :) [12:46]
RavenCpretty area ricks... good weather i hope :) [12:49]
ricks99it was *hot* (hotter than home in NC, USA)
was good to finally meet some folks f2f
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stixCan anyone help me customizing the category plugin?
it keeps inserting this headline before listing what is in the category - "Wiki Page: <category-name>"
I want to remove that
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RyanSJust wondering if tiki can blacklist urls from being added to pages? I don't know if wikimatrix is updated recently [13:30]
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can anyone suggest me tool to create wiki pages
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edwinbenninkI there, is it possible to use categories in order to show/hide menu modules? [14:37]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03pascalstjean * r27379 10/trunk/tiki-read_article.php: [FIX] Merge from REV 27363 commited from NKoth on Branch 5x. Auto merge did not happen for this line which is important for Article Permissions [14:41]
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edwinbenninknevermind [15:00]
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xavipolom [15:08]
sylvieg ?
I've added this line at the end of lib/setup/language.php but no change:
$prefs['language'] = $lang = $_SESSION['language'] = $u_info['prefs']['language'] = 'ca';
thanks for the email with tip...
any other idea?
xavi making a db dump right now
sylviegno sorry [15:19]
do you mind If I leave the db dump in ourproject.org, like in the uniwiki project space?
I'm in a place with small bandwith
but I can send from one server to another
sylvieg, do you still have your access to ourproject.org server?
sylviegand what about changing you dateabse directly with phpMyadmin
the site lang and the suer lang
and logout clear cache
murphy's law... phpmyadmin is borked in the server... :-/
they are chaging location of apps, and phpmyadmin is right now out of order
sylviegI have probably thje password ... but I have 7 persons at this time trying to have things fix (suppose it is before long week end - trying to leave early) [15:24]
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sylviegdo you have ssh access? [15:25]
xaviok, don't worry, then.
yes, hold one (pm)
sylviegmysql -u user -ppassword base
select * from tiki_preferences where name like %lang%;
xaviah, ok... thre I go
it's 5.0.51a-24+lenny1-log , in case it helps
mysql-server version, I mean
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sylviegsorry name like '%lang'; [15:36]
xaviok [15:36]
sylviegsorry again
language en
see pm
so what's the mysql command to change en for ca?
thks (pm)
c you all (workshop time) [15:48]
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sylviegdoes somebody remember which directory must eb created to use the seach in admin pannel [16:37]
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ricks99Ack! On of my Tiki sites has died...
error logs says: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20060613/ixed.5.2ts.lin
anyone have an idea what the issue is?
sylviegricks99: did you try again to look at the calendar on info
my fix is not working?
ricks99no difference.
go to http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-calendar.php
then change to list view
the module calendar will display as list view :(
sylviegyes is did sticky option for the module to fix that [19:01]
ricks99i may have misunderstood... did u make the change on info.tw.o already?
or do i need to do it?
sylviegstange it works when logged in but not as anonymous
... does niot always worked :-( a bug
ricks99yuck [19:03]
sylvieg:-( need to have a look again [19:04]
ricks99Tiki has a notinpage parameter for modules, would be great to have notInSection too
This way I could isimply turn the Calendar module off, when viewing the main calendar
sylviegmy setting was a page with the mini table and a list view ..... perhaps the module in the column changes the conf [19:05]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27380 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]notice: was bugging the article_image.php for instance: the var is define in lib/pear/Date.php but tikilib can be called before Date. So it is useless to do only on one side [19:14]
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ricks99@sylvieg: i did a quick css hack to fix the issue... now the calendar module will *not* appear when viewing the calendar page
not perfect fix, but "good enough"
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27381 10/branches/5.x/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] Some french trad [20:10]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Only admin can see structures - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37294 [20:15]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27382 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefs/server.php: [FIX]admin general pannel: fix 26628: seems that not all the php has the class DateTime [20:22]
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sylviegrick - I think I found the problem [21:21]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27383 10/branches/5.x/modules/mod-func-calendar_new.php: [FIX]calendar: wrong documentation - a module in column must set viewlist to table (and not calendar) to be displayed always as table [21:21]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27384 10/branches/5.x/modules/mod-func-calendar_new.php: [FIX]calendar: wrong documentation - a module in column must set viewlist to table (and not calendar) to be displayed always as table [21:23]
sylviegricks99: btw the css trick is not working for me [21:27]
ricks99theres something wrong w/ the css minify i think... [21:27]
sylviegperhaps you have to clear the cache [21:28]
ricks99i did, and it works the first time,
look @ the custom css i added on Admin: look & feel
sylviegaha [21:28]
ricks99it *should* be working [21:28]
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sylviegare you sure mid is afected css are still loaded at the beginning
I will go for a rule like .tiki-calendar div.box-Calendar
ricks99i just check to see if tiki-calendar is mid
and if so, i set the box-calendar display:none
sylviegyes [21:32]
ricks99i think it has to do with the templates or css being cached? [21:33]
you are probably right
the scc are cached
but the .tiki-calendar contexts will work
ricks99let me try 1 more thing... [21:34]
sylviegmy calendar module on my local with the parameters viewlist=table works fine
I should have not missed utp with the description
ricks99and if you go to tiki-calendar and change the view to list?
does the module stay in table?
sylviegyes the parameter is more important taht the urlp param
perhaps it is not intuitive ... but it was the only way I found to do ... whatever..
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