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RyanStiki 4.2: what is the navigation drop down button menu (next to the search field) referred to as? I somehow disabled mine, and can't remember where that setting is in admin [04:08]
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luciashpolom [06:09]
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Mamorning [06:56]
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tw.o down
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project. [10:14]
luciashmoloq [10:14]
xavi1hi luciash
did you know that tw.o is down?
so that intertiki is down, etc.
Tiki is unable to connect to the database
^that's error message in tw.o
i was working with profiles.tw.o only so far today
and it was fine half an hour ago or so
xavi1yes, same as me, but now I can't login to profiles.tw.o because it needs intertiki [10:16]
MaAny news about tiki5 release? [10:16]
luciashxavi1: i keep still logged in thanks to remember me ;)
Ma: sorry, i was afk during the weekend so i don't know
xavi1lucky you :-) (I'm on another computer, another place of the city,e tc.) [10:17]
luciashxavi1: i think i somehow fixed the r_test profile installation [10:17]
xavi1Ma: no idea. there seems to be some problems still with charsets when upgrading from some tiki 4.x sites, afaik
did you?
luciashyou can test [10:18]
xavi1I saw your change in type: wiki (in pretty tracker demo) for type: wiki_page
but that change is not done yet in are_test profile, afaik
plus the instructions page syntax or reference is wrong it seems
luciashyep, that change was probably wrong [10:19]
Maxavi1: luciash I see.. When would that be fixed you think? [10:19]
xavi1Ma: unpredictable, sorry (at least for me) [10:19]
Maokok [10:20]
xavi1luciash: ok testing r_test "as is" [10:20]
luciashxavi1: i test it too, still says circular refference, but installs at least [10:20]
xavi1luciash: however, r_testx pages have no content [10:21]
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xavi1whereas there is some content in profiles.tw.o for those pages... [10:21]
luciashaah, it seems the refference is wrong, you name them differently
like r_test3_template01
freud__hi all [10:22]
xavi1I did ping lph yesterday for that "circular reference"... I hope he can have a look at it [10:22]
luciashid: r_test3_template01
is in the YAML
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so nope, that seems correct
xavi1hi freud_ [10:23]
freud__i'm trying to display <stx> in an article, but it disappears...any ideas? Guessing it's within PHP itself it gets confused for an actual command.... [10:23]
luciashxavi1: still, the perms were not assigned to the wiki page object... it works for me with categories
xavi1: i didn't try with direct object perms
xavi1ok [10:24]
luciashfreud__: use ~np~<stx>~/np~
freud__: means "no parsing"
freud__luciash: i tried that...doesn't help... [10:25]
luciashfreud__: and uncheck "Use HTML" under the article [10:25]
xavi1luciash: could you please change for me this bit in the r_test page?: "instructions: Profile_r_test1_page " for "instructions: r_test1" [10:25]
luciashfreud__: or you can try &gt;stx&lt; [10:26]
xavi1freud_: did you try with the html entity for "<"
luciashxavi1: sure [10:26]
freud__xavi1: ??? [10:26]
luciashxavi1: that is probably also wrong reference [10:26]
xavi1freud_: try latest tip from luciash (he knows much better than me this html world :-) )
luciash: I doubt it... I workled for me a few moths ago with that type of reference
freud__Yup, just wrong way aroud ;) it looks like >stx<
awesome thanks
xavi1and for some reason, I made some changes... and it stopped working (it stopped loading the instructions page after installation) [10:27]
luciashfreud__: sorry, quick thought ;) [10:28]
xavi1but you got the idea, freud_ [10:28]
freud__dang it still dissapears... [10:28]
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luciashxavi1: done
freud__: wut ? weird
xavi1luciash: thanks....
xavi1 testing
freud__luciash: where to change the html thing? I'm guessing i've had it enabled/dissabled or whatever in settings somewhere... [10:30]
luciashis it Article feature or Wiki feature ?
freud__: try Admin > Wiki or Admin > Articles
gotta go
dogwalk time, bbl
freud__wiki...and the &gt;stx&lt; works, but only with noparse around it...
tw.o still says it's down...
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project. [10:35]
freud__if you go to tw.o and press community it goes to a fail page, database connection error [10:36]
xavi1email sent to TAG and noc@tw.o (about tw.o being down) [10:37]
freud__xavi1: i think i spoke to you a couple months ago about doubling of content when inserting images in wiki pages....I finally took the leap to linux, now i can't get sefurls to work...any way to tell if .htaccess is in effect?
the doubling thing went away tho :)
xavi1"doubling": still around in some weird cases (when using some hidden headings like !!- !!!- and wysiwyg on, it seems). I added a bug report recently abot it
freud_: did you run:
cp _htaccess .htaccess
or check if .htaccess is present already?
and you can also check at tiki-phpinfo.php if the apache mod for rewrite is enabled
freud__I did that, i'm just not sure if I changed the right line in httpd.conf, and to the right string... [10:41]
xavi1ah, so it's your own server? [10:41]
freud__yup [10:42]
xavi1google for "enable rewrite rules" for your distro
or "apache enable rewrite"
freud__it's pretty well explained in doc.tw.o i'll just fiddle some more...is it natural for a wiki page name containing "/" returning 404 with rewrite enabled? [10:45]
xavi1it might be. no idea myself. try with some page name without that
if you use a recent opensuse or suse, mod rewrite is not enabled by default, and I wonder if that is explained in doc.tw.o...
there are so many distro's... and changes between distro versions...
googled it, i'm using ubuntu, and xampp(lampp)
luciashin ubuntu search for a package mod-rewrite or something to install [10:52]
xavi1freud_: search for xampp or lampp if you didn't install packages from repos
and if you did from repos, then search for that for ubuntu... I recall that recent ubuntus (9.10 and/or 10.04) disabled mod rewrite by deafult
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chibaguypolom [11:04]
xavi1hi chibaguy [11:05]
chibaguyhi xavi1 [11:07]
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luciashxavi1: yay ! → "Modified permission tiki_p_use_as_template on wiki page/r_test3_template01 for Registered" after applying the r_test profile [11:17]
xavi1woohoo, you got it, then :-) [11:18]
luciashyup, still there's some issue with circilar reference remaining, dunno which one it could be
ah, might be the last module in the Menu
after approving it says: "Unable to determine which field to show. Tracker identifier may be invalid, or the tracker has no main field and neither Field identifier nor Field name were set.No records to display"
xavi1or the a page name which is wrog
chibaguyHmm, I'm getting Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' in tiki-installer.php again. I thought that was fixed. (trying to install with current branch 5) [11:21]
xavi1chibaguy: are you using php 5.3.0? [11:22]
luciashchibaguy: chealer said it is PHP 5.3.0 [11:22]
xavi1I read somewhere that it's due to a known bug in 5.3.0 [11:22]
luciash*g* [11:22]
xavi1thus, use 5.2.9 or 5.3.1, etc. [11:22]
chibaguyhm, ok. [11:22]
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ricks99@chibaguy: known issue. see release notes [11:25]
luciashxavi1: hmm, it seems not to be the culprit (the last items module), rather it seems it is buggy itself
{MODULE(module="last_tracker_items")}{MODULE} looks correct, still it shows the error message
luciash: at least, I detected one error (from me), and one potential source of trouble
luciashxavi1: good :) [11:27]
xavi1error: where it says "content: wikicontent:Profile_r_test1_page" it should say: "content: wikicontent:Profile_r_test1" [11:28]
luciashright [11:28]
xavi1and potential source of trouble: two descriptions of wiki pages are equal [11:28]
luciashhmm, non-unique description shouldn't be a problem [11:29]
xavi1"Interface to send datasets"
shouldn't, imho, also, but who knows....
luciashi will fix the error [11:29]
xavi1thks (tw.o is still down) [11:29]
luciashfixed [11:33]
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luciashbbl [11:42]
chibaguycool, after downloading and installing the php update, wampserver2 has menu options to switch between php 5.3.0 and 5.3.1. [11:44]
xavi1:-) [11:45]
ricks99@chibaguy: yes, same with mysql. & apahce. can have multiple version and select which to use [11:45]
chibaguycould be handy, I guess. [11:46]
ricks99ricks99 assumes that everyone already realizes that tikiwiki.org is dow? [11:46]
chibaguylooks like the logo is too high in a fresh install, because it depends on the top menu being active to get its top margin. should be fixed somehow. [11:47]
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xavi1ricks99: see http://irc.tikiwiki.org - maybe not *everybody* but *somebody* (and reported in this channel some minutes ago)
i.e. not everybody following this irc chat, and email might not be read yet
isnt there a "status" irc channel, too?
luciashchibaguy: maybe something like class="{if $prefs.topmenuorhowitiscalled}margintop {/if}sitelogo" [11:56]
chibaguysounds right, luciash.
ricks99: #tikinoc
luciashor #tikimonitor or something
ricks99tikinoc. tx luciash
btw, can some tell me what "noc" is an abbreviation for?
tx chibaguy :-)
chibaguyno idea. maybe it's french.
ricks99just reported it... we'll see
what happens
ricks99 thinks that it is odd that all messages from tw.o come from "noc@tikiwiki.org"
chibaguyI guess there's some reason for that, but it isn't known, it seems. [12:05]
xavi1network operations and communication [team], maybe? [12:07]
chibaguyyeah, that's probably it. :-) [12:07]
luciashnoc means night in czech :-p [12:07]
xavi1we need solutions the old way, probably: "red line" to cell phone from ohertel .... :-) [12:08]
ricks99lol [12:08]
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chibaguyluciach, the "server is down" messages are probably like a knock on the door at night for changi. ;-) [12:10]
luciash:) [12:12]
sylviegtw.org is no more hosted by ohertel?
sylvieg has no more login on tikiwiki.org
luciashsylvieg: until now it was, afaik [12:16]
chibaguysylvieg: are you getting the "unable to connect to db" message at tw.o? [12:20]
I suppose mysqld is down..
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r27513 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_r.php: [ENH]Allow setting security level through param security as plugin argument. However, security param > 1 doesn't produce security checking, yet.. [12:23]
xavi1g'morning, sylvieg
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27514 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX]fix 27507 [12:26]
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I have seen a problem with some of the tikiwiki.org pages
ricks99@fabriclus: thanks. this has been reported [12:31]
chibaguyjust some? ;-) [12:31]
fabriciusI can open info*, doc* and com* with firefox and safari, while dev* and themes* I can only acces with safari, but NOT with firefox
ah ok, already reported
ricks99hmm... *i* can caccess dev.tw.o on FF no issues [12:32]
fabriciusyes, told mose some day before (IM) and marc yesterday [12:32]
chibaguyI can access themes ok with opera. [12:32]
ricks99community site (tikiwiki.org/home) is currently down [12:32]
fabriciusI do not know exactly where the prob would be -> prob with my personal FF settings, or of the version or the server [12:33]
chibaguySeems like the sites should be either up or down without regard to the browser. [12:33]
fabriciusSo anyway, I would be prepared too cooperate to find out
ok, community seems to be off at all, right
chibaguyI can get themes.tikiwiki.org ok with firefox. [12:35]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03idou * r27515 10/branches/experimental/coe_filegal_manager/lib/filegals/file_gallery.js: Workaround to make it the insertion image work, though not the most pretty one. Tested in Firefox, IE and Safari [12:38]
fabriciusI get this message: [12:38]
chibaguyfabricius: is that error at the home page of themes.tikiwiki.org? [12:40]
fabriciusyes! [12:40]
chibaguyMaybe it's a matter of timing, but I don't get the error. [12:41]
fabriciusand dev is similar -> line 203
I have those problems since a couple of days
chibaguyInteresting, both sites load fine for me. Why don't you try clearing your browser's cache? [12:42]
fabriciusit´s odd, because with my firefox I only get such messages, when I didn´t finishe an installation right or such
and others seem not to have this problem with firefox at all
anybody used to installing 4.2 on a virtual webspace? [12:47]
chibaguy: realised another prob with themes.tikiwiki.org [12:53]
chibaguyok [12:54]
fabriciuschibaguy: once I am there with safari, I flip the menuitems of the top-bar, the page is reloading straightaway
chibaguy: I would hav to be very quick, to get a subitem clicked
chibaguy: if I am, them page changes, if I am too slow, page just reloads
chibaguyI'll check. Is that safari on mac or windows? [12:55]
fabriciuson windows xp [12:55]
chibaguyok [12:55]
fabriciusmom I´ll look for the safari version
safari 4.0.5
firefo was 3.5.5
chibaguythe menu works normally for me, with same safari version. Are you waiting for the page to fully load (the menu js is the last thing to load)?
sometimes I'm impatient and try to use the menu before the javascript is there for it.
fabriciusThought I would have waited for a while - asking a different question here
now the prom seem to be gone
what I realised on tikiwiki pages s long loading times
sometimes awful long
different installation on different servers
but I have seen several items in the documantation, that i will check first
but is this a general problem, or usually solved, once the systemadministrator gets into it?
chibaguyyeah, a lot depends on the configuration. [13:04]
fabriciusI got into some kind of huge problems, as I am quite a noob in IT generally ... just started a short while ago. But now got responsible for an ambitious project of a NGO that has literally no money
so my questions to the community turn out somehow to be a bit complex and to concern fundamental concepts, like to do this and that better with workspaces or with multitiki
and it turned out, that I have some difficulties to put all that what I want into some few word
So I started to try it with some grafical expression - svg and will oin that on my webpage to refer to it, when I come back with my questions to the chat or a mailing list
chibaguyok [13:16]
fabriciusgood idea?
do not know if this is a usual way to go further in the community
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27516 10/branches/5.x/lib/profilelib/profilelib.php: [ENH] Improved reporting for profile circular references. Indicate the references involved to help troubleshooting. [13:17]
fabriciusI am missing some sort of documentation to get the concepts sorted first
documentation seems to me like a growing djungle
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fabriciusand I´d say with some help, I could write some of that down ... I would see it like dogfeeding myself from both project [13:19]
ricks99@fabricius: <shameless plug> try the begnner's guide: http://twbasics.keycontent.org </shameless plug> [13:19]
fabriciusricks99: thxs a lot
ah tiki for smarties ;-) already know that
good guide, but same problem
I brought the Tikiwiki in to get the right software to match everything what we need in the NGO
and getting some people together who are prpared to share the development of the website(s)
some even are IT profs or semiprofs
but nobody knows Tikiwiki
So I have to learn it very quick
chibaguywell, workspaces is a new addition, so nobody really knows how to use it yet, as far as I know. [13:23]
luciashthey just have to play with it and they will learn [13:23]
fabriciusI know, and I got quite far in a short time ... with tikiwiki and all around [13:24]
chibaguy(tikiwiki.org is back up; ohertel posted on the dev list) [13:25]
fabriciuslearned some HTML last december, had to adjust a javacript some weeks ago, without ever having seen such stuff before and so on
chibaguy: thx
at the moment I am a bit stuck, because I have to do some fundamental decitions and could not yet phrase the right questions
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27517 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_transclude.php: [FIX] Refactor. No need for special case handling for the body argument. [13:31]
fabriciusanyway, I go ahead setting up my proj [13:34]
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fabriciusproject page up and running, to be able to show my quesions more understandable.
thxs for all advise so far
so anybody here who has some experience of a manual installation of Tiki 4.x on a virtual server (hosting account)
chibaguysorry, not me [13:46]
ricks99sorry. im not sure what "virtual server" is :( [13:46]
luciashfabricius: you mean VPS or shared hosting ? [13:47]
fabriciusluciash: shared hosting
already uploaded and unzipped
luciashFTP ? [13:56]
fabriciuswill copy the local php into db-folder now
er, yes, had to do so, because on this virtual hosting server there is no SSH
on the managed one I have, but this site I´ll install on our virtual project server
there I can grant sysadmin access to a larger group, of only workgroups own datas
no memberfiles or such here
so FTP access I have and everything is prepared (subdomain, database, local.php - just to bring it in place in a minute)
question would be, if local.php and .htaccess would be all to do
ricks99@faricius: just run tiki-install.php [14:00]
fabriciusTiki Installer cannot proceed
some files or folders not writeable
ricks99did u cmod the necessary directories? [14:11]
fabriciusricks99: seems that i need to give 777 somewhere?
no, I did not
I´ll see in the providers doc, where to do without shell
ricks99pls see http://bit.ly/8YOacK for details [14:13]
fabriciusah, no, I just call their support and ask - we pay anyway ... ricks99 and I´ll check your link aswell ;-) thx [14:14]
luciashso yes, we have experience, what's the problem you struggle ? did you read http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Install+by+FTP ? [14:14]
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franckxavi: I understand you are in Barcelona?
I'm here till Friday
xavi??? [14:16]
franckxavi: marclaporte suggested we meet, if you are in Barcelona [14:17]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27518 10/branches/5.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [bp/r 27257 27254][NEW]CATEGORY: parameter showlinks parameter categoryshowlink (for Sebastien) [14:17]
xaviyes, I am. Do we know each other?
xavi confused
I'm fine to meet, just curious
franck = franck martin?
francknot sure we met before, came to a tikifest in Strasbourg a few years ago [14:18]
xavioh well, I was not there [14:18]
luciashxavi: franck was more active here in IRC in the past ;) he manages the monitoring of tiki servers if i am not mistaken [14:18]
franckluciash: correct [14:18]
luciash:) [14:18]
xavifranck: and are you the guy behind maps.tw.o ???
xavi still confused
luciash:) [14:18]
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franckI did the code for maps [14:19]
xaviah, ok... then I am a fan of you :-) [14:19]
franckbut I have not touched it in a year or two
cool ;)
xaviI wanted to learn how to install and use mapserver a while ago, but didn't spend too much time [14:20]
franckwe can chat [14:20]
xavisince I saw that GIS data is not easy to convert to mapserver, from the file formats our government use for Catalonia,e tc. [14:20]
franckI'm at a conf this week and leave on Friday morning [14:20]
xaviahhhh, that conference... I tried to join the workshop on mapserver, many months ago, but it was full already [14:21]
francknot that one... [14:21]
xaviah, ok [14:22]
franckThe conf is at the hilton, centre diagonal and I stay near by [14:22]
xavixavi checks the place [14:22]
franckxavi: http://www.maawg.org/events/upcoming_meetings
tonight is a bit free and thursday evening is free for me
xavinice place, near the beach [14:28]
franckwhere are you? [14:28]
xavihowever, even if they may call it "centre diagonal", is not at the centre, and is not the "Hilton" in diagonal street
I live in the other end of the city
like 8 km away
but I'll see...
franckif there is a subway... [14:29]
xavixavi cheking maps [14:29]
franckthe subway here is el forum [14:30]
xavido you want to see the city centre?
or some place near the center? or are you pretty busy with your conference in that place?
I might manage to get there....
I'm still in "student grading" mode, and I can take my students homework to review in the laptop... and go there regardless of the time I take...
I don't know if today... (should change something), or thursday evening
fabriciusricks99: luciash: solved
went through with provider support and used add handler - cgi mode instead of chmod 777
he said it would be easier and more secure
er, who defines, if a host would be tikifriendly or not?
and what would be the criterias?
luciashif tiki works nicely on it and the support is friendly, it is tiki friendly [14:40]
franckxavi: sorry, I was following a workshop [14:40]
fabriciusluciash: I have tiki 3 running on an unfriendly host and the support was very helpful to get it running [14:41]
franckI'm pretty busy with the conf, but thursday I'm free at 4pm
we could have a coffee or something
fabriciusluciash: I will check 4.2 with that provider the next day aswell and if I get in contact with the tiki development crew, I will sort that out aswell [14:42]
franckI think I can go to City Centre [14:42]
fabriciusluciash: I am pretty sure, that they will public the workaround in their HowTos/FAQs, as they have been very thankful that I did write a HowTo in the customers forum [14:43]
xaviok. thursday afternoon I have to be in an exam at 15:30h in another city, but I might be in the Barcelona city centre around 18:30h
franck ^
luciashfabricius: sounds nice [14:44]
franckxavi: sounds ok [14:44]
fabriciusluciash: So when I did check the different version with them, I would like to have them listed not as tikiunfriendly anymore
luciash: to whom I should get in contact for that in the tiki community?
luciashah, is it listed as tiki "unfriendly" now ? [14:45]
fabriciusluciash: yes it is [14:45]
luciashfabricius: to nobody, you can change it yourself, it's a wiki ;) [14:45]
chibaguyg'night all [14:46]
fabriciusbut before switching to friendly, I will do some checks of different versions and I hope, they will give me some access to virtual accounts, to check it there aswell
chibaguy: good night ;-)
xavig'night chibaguy [14:46]
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fabriciusxavi: I think about coming to the tikifest in barcelona with my girlfriend - where i could stay over night, anything planned, or kind of more or less affordable hostels around? [14:48]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27519 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-contact.tpl: [FIX] Contact form should show once contact_anon feature is on, even if tiki_p_messages is not assigned to anonymous, since the sending does work... [15:07]
fabriciusanother question: I did setup a Tiki 4 now, but in themes.tikiwiki.org I mostlikely find only themes for Tiki 3 - am I right, or did themes not change from 3 to 4, or am I just kind of blind? [15:08]
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Kimberleehello all. [15:26]
marclaportehi! [15:28]
Do we have a way of sending blog titles to twitter automatically ?
pascalstjeanJyhem: no there is not Twitter integration. Tiki does have ShareThis feature but this is only to allow users to share Blog Posts [15:30]
JyhemOr is the official way "activate RSS and feed the RSS to twitterfeed.com" ? [15:30]
marclaportesomeone added Shoutbox to Twitter in trunk [15:30]
pascalstjeanJyhem: that would be a very simple way of dong it yes.
TwitterFeed would do the trick
JyhemOh. I was just checking. TwitterFeed seems to do the trick, but it's just yet another account to create somewhere else. So I wanted to be sure
I know everything about the ShareThis feature, Pascal. Thanks for mentioning it :-)
pascalstjeanJyhem: If you are looking at minimizing your Accounts then a Twitter integration is not that difficult to do. Their API is fairly strait forward [15:34]
franckmarclaporte: note there are other services that use the same API as twitter [15:40]
Jyhempascalstjean: so we could make twitter a blog feature like sharethis... Hmmm... I see where they say the API is easy, but it seems everything is javascript-based. Can the twitter credentials really be read with "view source" ? Strange. [15:51]
xaviback [15:52]
JyhemNever mind. I don't have plans for that now. I need to assess clients' actual needs first
Hi Xavi :-)
xavihi Jyhem :-)
fabricius: themes for tiki4: if they are not available in theme.tw.o (I don't know), for sure you can get them from mods.tw.o
or from svn mods, at least
fabriciussvn: what´s the correct adress? svn.mods.tw.o? [15:56]
xavifabricius: see http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Get+code
search for mods there
fabriciusthx [15:58]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27521 10/trunk/ (9 files in 5 dirs): [NEW] API to query shipping costs from providers. Currently, only FedEx is supported. API accessible from PHP and JavaScript (AJAX over JSON) [16:02]
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CIA-62tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27522 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-payment.tpl: [ENH] Admin panel for shipping options [16:12]
marclaporteFedEx (!) [16:15]
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luciashmarclaporte: ? [16:25]
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luciashFedEx is going to use Tiki ? :) [16:25]
marclaporteLOL [16:26]
luciashah, the previous commit :)
would be great reference though ;)
ricks99Their new motto: "When it positively , absolutely *might* need to get there sometime"
Q: is it possible to have a user account that does *not* belong to Registered group?
Using 3.5 LTS?
luciashricks99: nope
registered is always registered
ricks99with the "payment" stuff in 5.x, is it possible to sell access to specific page? [16:34]
luciashhmm, that is interesting qustion
ricks99my use case is:
have a tiki site (3.5)....
they want to make some pages available to anonymous users who pay a fee
would it make any difference if it were a file gallery or wiki pages?
but these "paying" anonymous visitors should *not* have access to all the items for regular (registered) users
does that make sesn?
luciashyes [16:37]
ricks99ricks99 thought he saw something about a "tiki subscription" tied to the payment stuff [16:38]
luciashyou will need to create special Group for them though (for the current regular Registered) [16:38]
ricks99i guess that is *not* what it does :(
yeah, i thought of that. then move all of the current "registerd" users to the new "registered+" group
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r27523 10/branches/5.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [DOC] Add a warning and a description [16:40]
marclaporteI hope changi is in a good shape [16:40]
ricks99but that seems very... "messy" [16:40]
xavimarclaporte: are you good at debugging profiles where your get the message "circular reference" ?
I?m stuck with http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/r_test
luciashxavi: lph just commited something to better debug of it
it should tell you where the problem is now
xavi: try svn up
xaviah, great!
did I say that I emailed lph yesterday for this?
glad he could look at it :-)
luciashxavi: yep [16:43]
xaviluci: and isntructions page: it works nowadays: I had an extra space in front of the "instructions definition". :-)
you can do that with the 2Company Directory" for the pretty_tracker_demo :-)
"Company Directory", I mean
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27524 10/trunk/lib/prefs/shipping.php: [ENH] Adding documentation links [16:44]
luciashxavi: ah, nice reveal [16:44]
xaviwell, you or pascalstjean :-)
or me (it's a wiki page :-) )
luciashor anybody :) [16:45]
xaviyes, sure [16:45]
ricks99@marclaporte: made a slight change to the calendar module to better (IMHO) highlight tikifests [16:46]
marclaportewhere is TikiFest New York? [16:47]
ricks99manhattan i thought
somehwere in nyc
xavixavi wishes rss from tiki calendars showed the date again, as in tiki 3.x days... :-/ [16:49]
marclaporteI mean: how come TikiFest New York is not on front page of info.tw.o? [16:51]
ricks99d'oh [16:51]
fabriciushave to go now [16:51]
ricks99only shows the next 3 upcoming [16:51]
fabriciusbye @all [16:51]
ricks99othersiwe list is too long (my $0.02)
but the Show all tikifiests link shows all tikifests for the full year
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xaviluciash: tried with svn up, but now it says a circular reference from some ref which is used only once... "r_test2_page"
mmm, I wonder where is the problem... I'll check all the other pages used in the profile, just in case.
luciashxavi: yep, have to check that and make sure you don't reference in the profile when the page is not created by the profile yet
better to reference wiki pages by their final created name than reference id
xaviluciash: I mean, I'm not calling that page at all
that name is shown only when creating the page
luciashoh [16:58]
yes, to me that profiles are making confusion with pages that only differ in a number, but all the other characters are equal
ok, I think I got where the error might be...
with r_test...
"triki" language
s/triki/tricky tiki
for profiles
luciash:) [17:11]
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xavinice! r_test officially working again :-)
thanks luciash for all your information and feedback!
luciashcool [17:23]
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xaviit's been mainly thanks to the nice and simple profile example: Pretty_Tracker_Demo , thanks to pascalstjean
argh, too late (he's off)
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xavibtw, renamed the item in the tw.o menu "Support forums" with "Forums & Lists" ("Support forums & lists" seemed to be too long for some reason, and two letters are the end were not shown)
ricks99 luciash marclaporte ... ^
fabricius reported that he didn't know about those lists, because he never saw any link any where.... => so it wasn't easy enough for neww users to find out about tikiwiki-users list, and/or tikiwki-devel list
ricks99maybe just "Support"? [17:41]
xaviI wish we could say: "look for "lists" in tw.o homepage [17:41]
ricks99fwiw, links at footer inlude: forums, email lists, etc. [17:41]
xaviif it's hidden in some menu, it's not that easy for newbies... too many links ... [17:42]
marclaporteand easier link to "my preferences" and "create my wiki page" would be nice [17:42]
ricks99personally, i'd look for "support" before "forum" or "list" [17:42]
xaviricks99: ok, you are right, it's there in the footer area.... so I presume we can leave "support" on top, and also say to users: see link for tw lists in the footer
ricks99@xavi: and if u want, can get rid of the "all" -- just have "Forums" and "Mailing Lists"
ricks99 wonders what a "web" forum is?
xaviok, renamed to support
I had that menu open already
to me , all doesn't disturb
"all", I mean
ok, back to other real work
time flies...
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27525 10/branches/5.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] date_format: catch exception from malformed timestamps [17:47]
xavibbl [17:47]
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xavisylvieg around ? [17:59]
sylviegyes [17:59]
I tried this: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Pretty+Tracker#Pretty_tracker_with_wiki_plugins
I mean, the syntax with smarty...
but it doesn't work for me
you can test yourself, installing profile r_test anc cheking the page r_test3 that you will see in the menu on the right column
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27526 10/branches/5.x/lib/modules/modlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Module params: strstr parameters should be $haystack, $needle, not the other way around.
tikiwiki: Also changed it for "the faster and less memory intensive function strpos()" as recommended.
luciashwith the tracker page type is it possible to auto-create wiki page of the same name as the field but add a description too ? [18:00]
xavibbl (short shoping before it's too late) [18:01]
sylviegI do not know xabi - working for me
luciash: I do not think so if nobody else added it
luciashi'd need to auto create wiki pages with names like foo-bar-went-to-bla-bla-id42 but description like "Foo Bar went to Bla Bla"
for browser title
sylvieg: i c, np, ok
changichangi starting final release process [18:13]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27527 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [ENH]tracker: funciton to copy an item over another one [18:14]
.... (idle for 17mn)
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27528 10/branches/5.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] Preparing RC2
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27529 10/branches/5.x/README: [REL] Update README file for 5.0
luciash"Preparing RC2" ?
changiluciash: Damned Ctrl-R :)
changi 5.0 is coming
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27530 10/branches/5.x/lang/ (44 files in 44 dirs): [REL] Update language.php files for 5.0 [18:42]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Topics vs. Categories - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37394 [18:43]
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fabriciusluciash: firefox problem solved
I had to clear my cache and the cookies
sorry that I did not before asking
luciashfabricius: np [18:45]
marclaportechangi: you saw accent problems on dev.two? [18:48]
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changimarclaporte: url !? [18:59]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27531 10/branches/5.x/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 5.0 [19:00]
marclaportelook bottom right footer [19:00]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27532 10/branches/5.x/copyright.txt: [REL] Update copyright.txt for 5.0 [19:04]
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marclaportechangi: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/keywords Accessibility (WAI �ldblquote 508) [19:11]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: failure to start on ARTICLE with 5.0RC2 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=37395 [19:15]
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marclaportechangi : http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Decision -> Régis Barondeau
doc seems ok, and I am guessing your setup is the same for both. Presumably, the data you received was not identical
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27533 10/trunk/templates/tiki-plugin_trackerlist.tpl: [FIX]TRACKERLIST: when the field in checkbox param is incorrect, replace with the itemId [19:25]
changimarclaporte: yes maybe
marclaporte: on it
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freud1If i have TW on Ubuntu server on intranet, and intranet has exchange server too, what do I need to send mail from TW to exchange? All these cryptic abreviations are getting to me :) Is it an MTA i need or something else? Any suggestons
Simply don't know what too google for :)
marclaporteyou should be able to use php's mail [19:28]
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marclaportetry to send a mail from tiki-install.php [19:29]
freud1I've tried "send link to friend" for hours now :) sometimes the page comes back saying it can't be sent, or it just freezes on me... [19:30]
1st check if your server can send mail from tiki-install.php or with something like this: http://email.about.com/od/emailprogrammingtips/qt/How_to_Send_Email_from_a_PHP_Script.htm
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turinghi all
new tikiwiki user here. Can I ask a (hopefully quick) question? :)
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27534 10/branches/5.x/db/tiki-secdb_5.0_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 5.0 [19:44]
freud1turing: don't ask to ask, just ask...works for me :) [19:47]
turingright, I saw that too late :$ well, the problem is simple. I have created a wiki page whose name contains an accented character
say Velocità
now I want to link to it, but ((Velocità)) is not recognized as a link
and I'm stuck :p
sylviegturing: try tiki-admin.php?page=wiki wiki link format -> complete [19:50]
turingright away! [19:50]
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turingaaand that's perfect!
thank you a lot :)
freud1marclaporte: the result of the script was totally contradicting itself :) one line saying failed to oopen stream yada, next line saying mesasge sent succesfully.... [19:54]
marclaporteLOL [19:54]
freud1And since my inbox is empty i guess the first line was the most correct one...
still mailq says empty too
HeleneDo I have to understand that using the "wysiwyg & wiki editor" in Tiki4 is REALLY experimental ?? :P:P [19:58]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27535 10/branches/5.x/templates/modules/mod-upcoming_events.tpl: [FIX] HTML validation errors caused by wrong opening/closing table tags [19:58]
marclaporteperhaps we should various levels of "experimental" :-)
Helene : try it and let us know
freud1 : did you use tiki-install.php or the other script?
freud1marclaporte: the other one...in your link, tiki-install is locked [20:00]
marclaportewell, unlock it! [20:01]
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Helene@marclaporte kind of ... working on my personal wiki but not on the customer' one... ummm... exploring. [20:04]
freud1bbl, try more tomorrow, thanks marc! [20:06]
CIA-62tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r27536 10/tags/5.0/: [REL] Tagging release [20:08]
changimarclaporte: charset problem on dev is exactly why we work on it with nyloth
marclaporte: dogfood is dogfood
marclaporte: modification has to made by hand because there is too much possibility of encoding style.
marclaporte: i made it on the bottom and the decision page
marclaporte: feel free for anyone to modify pages with charset issue
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changichangi was not thinking that marc will leave :) [20:13]
luciashTiki sends notification mails of wiki page changes with wrong charset encoding even when i have set utf-8 on Admin > General
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
is in the message source
sylviegluciash: is it a user prefs? [20:28]
luciashnope, general [20:28]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte
sylviegin tiki-user_preferences.php Does your mail reader need a special charset [20:29]
luciashit shows utf-8 there too
predefined from general i guess
sylviegand other notification - because wiki notif uses zend not the others [20:30]
luciashother notifications are fine (not affected by this regression)
like changes of tracker items are sent with correct encoding (utf-8)
sylviegsylvieg was always upset with this mail lib change [20:31]
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helenewysiwyg&wiki editor isn't that bad finally... my settings were not done properly:P but the wysiwyg "by default" is not working right now... maybe my settings again;) [20:39]
Does anyone know if it's possible to use wysiwyg & wiki editor in sections ? It works on full pages but not on sections... something in the settings? Not finding anything right now... [20:45]
sylvieghelene: it is possible [20:47]
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helenegreat! so I won't stop searching ! :) [20:48]
fabriciuser... tikiadmins around?
I came to an odd page kind of themes.tw.o, but different domain and givimh out redirect.php instead of tar.gz
as template download
luciashfabricius: if it's zukakakina, it's all right [20:51]
you know that?
luciashah, nope [20:52]
fabriciusI formyself delete the php straightaway
hopefully not aggressive malware
wont try
hopefully deleting and emtying the bin would be doing it
the link of the tiki+4+themes => Mollio Download seems to be damaged
linking to yahoo
luciashwhat link
i mean where is that link
fabricius1.) http://themes.tikiwiki.org/Tiki+4+themes
2.) then Mollio Theme:
http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-directory_redirect.php?siteId=100 =>
problem shoul be with the siteId
after I got there the next themes have been on the goeversite.appspot...
I have no idea whats the prob
so I go back to work
just wanted to tell somebody, who could sort that out or knows who can
luciashi have no idea what is the problem [21:06]
changihttp://stats.tikiwiki.org/dl/ for those who have time
just test the tiki-5.0.*
luciashfabricius: it just sends me to http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/mods/trunk/themes/mollio.tar.gz
no malware site, just the file path is wrong it seems
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fabriciusluciash: it sends me to sourceforge, but in a quarter of a second futher to http://de.data.toolbar.yahoo.com/bh/v1/epa/?.nrd=1&........
not the hole link
luciashfabricius: it must be your browser
trying to find it somewhere else
fabriciusagain? all the other themes I could download without any kind of a problem [21:12]
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fabriciusand this early eveneing I deleted all the cache
I´ll do again
luciashfabricius: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/mods/trunk/themes/mollio_tiki_4.tar.gz [21:13]
fabriciuscookies + cache gone now [21:13]
luciashis the correct link
i will fix it in the directory of themes.tw.o
fabriciusok thx
yes prob still there, but thx for the link
bye luciash
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fabriciushi, another question I have
I want to let a menu-item or a module to show up only in a certain section
there is a field where I can edit menus ar modules called section
sylviegcheck the module doc pageon doc.tw.org - I think there is a section param [23:13]
fabriciuswhat exactly I have to write in this field, if I want to have for ex the mod tiki-quick-edit shown only in wiki
ah section parameter
sorry, I am not too bad in english, but sometimes I just di not know what to look for in english thx
thank you
worked out ... had to type in wiki page
sylvieg: so now I know what to type in, if I want the module ONLY IN certain sections, but what should I do if I would like to have it ONLY NOT in certain sections ... like ONLY NOT in forum?
I know, it must be a bit stressful to help me out this way, with questions I could find somewhere, but xavi gave me the job to get used to workspaces and datachannels until barcelona
so I need to understand sections, parameters and that kind of stuff first and rather quick
and is there any general difference between a coder and a developer, or is that the same?
it´s a real question
not a joke
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