New Forum Posts: How Do I approve by admin of my site - tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27708 10/trunk/ (12 files in 7 dirs): [NEW] Ustream watershed live streaming feature tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r27709 10/branches/5.x/ (db/tiki.sql installer/schema/20100611_rss_items_url_tiki.sql): [bp/r27600][FIX] external RSS: An url with more than 256 chars can happen Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3224 - - Deprecated notices re xajax when assigning perms - tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r27710 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-view_forum.tpl: [FIX] divs containing floated items need clearfix class, for items to be contained. New Forum Posts: A complete newbie, but a few basic questions about doc features - polom Still getting 403 error at tw.o forums. chibaguy: which site ? chibaguy: I am in a big mess too with the utf8 move - 100 corrupted .doc I have to restore I have nightmare these last 2 nights changi: sorry, was away. at (community site) sylvieg, I'm sorry to hear that. I suppose it fails for each server that in latin and the client is set in latin in db/local - uploaded failes are corrupted butit was a ver very BAD move yes, I don't know why it wasn't checked more closely before the release. I was not sure to understand the problem - I should have given more attention because now I am in a big mess i just tried setting up tikiwiki on my server. all went well until i tried configuring the mysql databases. i think i may have typed in the password or the user name wrong. now i can't access any of the setup. it just gives me this error: Tiki is unable to connect to the database. What do I do? for the record, go to db/local.php and check the values polom hello huge problem I maintain the website for the demo and for the guy, who goes 1150 km from bodensee to berlin by bike cannot upload the map-pictures some allocation too much file size or files are far less then 8 MB big than an interview (Audio-MP3) I cannot upload -> far too big -> about 19 MB can I extend the maximum file-upload-size? => files are stored in folders, not in database thx a lot thx amette tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27711 10/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): [NEW] The second half of the Ustream Watershed feature committed yesterday