[00:43] *** timotiCK has joined #tikiwiki [00:43] *** timotiCK has quit IRC (Client Quit) [01:31] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [01:31] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [01:50] *** goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki [01:53] *** goj has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [01:53] *** goj|ghost is now known as goj [02:13] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:38] *** marting has joined #tikiwiki [02:40] I have installed tikiwiki 3.5 on ubuntu server also using apache2, I have set max upload size to 50M as setup doc. but still can't upload greater than 5M, can anyone help? [03:02] *** clochette has joined #tikiwiki [03:05] *** clochette has quit IRC (Client Quit) [03:37] *** Neil_Melbourne_ has joined #tikiwiki [03:37] help [03:37] Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [03:39] *** marting has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [04:36] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27878 10/branches/5.x/tiki-finish_install.php: [ENH] Post-install for alternative installers, currently Microsoft Web Platform Installer [04:38] *** chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [05:00] *** o_ has joined #tikiwiki [05:01] *** o_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [05:25] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [05:26] *** pkdille has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [05:26] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [05:27] *** pkdille has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [06:25] *** Neil_Melbourne_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:31] *** Neil_Melbourne_ has joined #tikiwiki [06:37] *** Kimberlee has joined #tikiwiki [06:44] *** lafille has joined #tikiwiki [06:46] *** lafille has quit IRC (Client Quit) [06:49] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [06:57] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Quit: MuffiXXL) [06:58] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27879 10/branches/5.x/tiki-finish_install.php: Web PI post-install: set dbversion_tiki [07:00] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27880 10/trunk/installer/tiki-installer.php: get current version from TWVersion [07:18] *** Neil_Melbourne_ has quit IRC (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~) [07:23] *** timotiCK has joined #tikiwiki [07:24] *** timotiCK has left [07:25] *** Bernard- has joined #tikiwiki [07:26] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27881 10/trunk/installer/installlib.php: cleanInstall(): clean [07:58] where did wysiwyg_toolbar configuration functionality move in trunk ? [07:58] *** Bernard- has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving...) [08:03] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [08:22] *** Kimberlee has quit IRC () [08:32] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [08:36] *** Wilkins_ has joined #tikiwiki [08:37] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [08:37] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [08:48] *** Bernard- has joined #tikiwiki [08:56] *** xavi has left [09:33] *** JoernOtt has joined #tikiwiki [09:46] Hello everybody [09:47] after upgrading my testserver to php 5.2.13 and updating the trunk checkout, I get the following notices [09:48] Notice: Undefined index: smarty_compilation in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/trunk/lib/init/smarty.php on line 29 [09:48] Notice: Undefined index: smarty_compilation in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/trunk/lib/init/smarty.php on line 30 [09:48] It is a simple pref missing [09:50] solved: jut did the database upgrade a second time and its gone [09:56] *** Bernard- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:57] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Quit: MuffiXXL) [09:59] JoernOtt: clear all the ache [09:59] cache [09:59] did that first, apparently the database update was not complete [10:00] after doing it again the message disappeared [10:01] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [10:02] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3476 - - session_lifetime in tiki_preferences table causes system error. ... - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3476 [10:09] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [10:30] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:50] *** ron_ has joined #tikiwiki [10:51] Hi - is there any documentation about how to move data from wiki to somebody else's wiki - is it possible? [11:00] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [11:06] *** CIA-64 has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [11:09] *** CIA-64 has joined #tikiwiki [11:11] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [11:34] @ron_: do u mean from one tiki to another? very easy [11:44] polom all [11:44] is it just me, or has trunk got a load slower recently? [11:45] my local version seems to really be struggling to do anything - maybe it's my setup [11:47] *** disposable_ has joined #tikiwiki [11:49] where can i download the themes listed on http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php from? the download links on that page are broken. (404 Not Found) [11:53] which links? I just tested first 3, they work for me [11:59] i clicked the http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/mods/trunk/themes/clubcard.tar.gz [11:59] that's the link in the slideshow at the bottom of the themes page [12:01] also, if you go to http://themes.tikiwiki.org/Club+Card and click the downlink there, you get the same result [12:01] s/downlink/download link/ [12:02] o... you're lookin for the old tiki version 3 stuff? [12:04] hm... download links in the slideshow are workig for me [12:04] hi no - from tiki wiki to Atlassian confluence - nothing personal you understand ! [12:05] ah.. clubcard is the only one that seems to be missing. [12:06] possibly being updated? [12:07] ricks99: it's downloadable from http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php (top of the page); just not from its own page http://themes.tikiwiki.org/Club+Card Same goes for Milkyway [12:08] @ron_: no confluence converter that I'm aware of. see http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId=76 [12:08] can alsways take a dump of the db and examine in depth on ur own [12:10] @disposible_: can try to get directly from svn: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/mods/trunk/themes/ [12:10] ricks99: thanks [12:10] *** disposable_ has left [12:14] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27882 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [12:14] tikiwiki: [MOD] Trackerfilter: Make the submit not appear if you specify "action" as a single space. [12:14] tikiwiki: For use with datachannels (that don't need tracker forms to have been submitted necessarily) [12:16] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r27883 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX] Trackerfilter: Fix logic for displayList=y (my bad, sorry) [12:22] *** FrankP_away has joined #tikiwiki [12:34] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [12:34] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [12:35] ricks99: u got wrong link in your blog post [12:36] ricks99, some of the links for theme downloads were broken; I'm not sure how they got that way, but I fixed them. [12:36] (at themes.tw.o - I just read the log) [12:38] thanks for your comments! [12:40] tx luciash [12:41] always nice to know that someone actually reads that crap. :-) [12:41] chibaguy! [12:41] "tx" chibabuy, i mean. [12:42] ricks99: :) [12:46] in the age of twitter, does anyone blog anymore? [12:46] ricks99, in my slow time at work, I read blogs at sites like new york times, thedailybeast.com, etc. [12:47] so apparently blogs are still pretty active [12:51] I've been looking at/for blogs quite a bit lately because of dev.tw.o/blog revamp, and have found lots of them. [12:52] blogs' not dead [12:53] web design blogs are especially useful ;) [12:53] err, their rss feeds are :-p [12:55] <^Migs^> Twitter and blogs occupy different spheres [12:55] <^Migs^> Twitter is a microblogger. Hardly suitable for detailed updates. [12:55] <^Migs^> I use both. :) [12:56] twitter would be rather useless without possibility to link to blog posts ;) [12:56] <^Migs^> depends on how you use it [12:57] i mean i agree blogs can't be substituted by micro-blogging [12:57] <^Migs^> I mainly use it for instant communication with a wide professional development network. Just ask a question, get instant answers. [12:59] like "why am i here ?" [12:59] :-p [13:00] i find that most/many tweets simply point to blogs [13:01] <^Migs^> There's many different kinds of tweeters. Most of the people I follow -- 99% of them are K-12 educators -- do point to blogs, but they have a definite purpose in doing so [13:01] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: jonnyb) [13:01] <^Migs^> what's also cool is when there's ed tech conferences...many of them will go to them, set up webcams with Ustream, and tweet the links, so others can watch the sessions without paying anything [13:02] I think the basic structure of blogs makes a lot of sense (like a journal or diary) so the format will probably be around a long time. [13:02] <^Migs^> they were around a long time before the term "blog" came to use [13:03] it is chronological sorting of posts. nothing new there [13:04] Stardate 7489.2.... [13:05] <^Migs^> hmmm..what's a reason that when I'm importing from mediawiki, it would remove all newline characters on my pages? It looks right the first time it displays, but then when I go to edit, everything runs on one line. If I save that, the whole page looks screwy [13:06] *** ^Migs^ is now known as Migs [13:07] Sorry, no idea. [13:08] hmm, FF 4 beta 1 is out, looks much like inspired by Chrome tabs ;) [13:09] yeah, I saw a screenshot. Apparently you can switch the tabs back down if you like. [13:15] *** luciash has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [13:27] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [13:27] *** verne.freenode.net sets mode: +o luciash [13:42] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [13:45] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Quit: MuffiXXL) [13:48] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:50] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [13:52] well that's weird. I reset the database and reimported, and the newlines work right [13:52] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Client Quit) [13:53] Must've been some default setting I had switched, though no idea what it could've been [14:05] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [14:06] when limiting a module by section, what are the valid values for "section"? what is a "file gallery"? [14:07] not listed on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+Parameters [14:09] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [14:10] Migs: maybe "use paragraph formatting" on Admin > Wiki [14:11] ricks99: try fgal or file_gallery [14:13] $section = 'file_galleries'; [14:13] i'm looking through modlib.php, but i don't see any listed except "wiki" for wiki pages [14:13] ah. [14:13] tx sylvieg [14:13] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27884 10/trunk/templates/mail/ (29 files): [MOD][FIX] Apply username modifier so that real name is used when it is configured to do so, in emails sent out [14:23] New Forum Posts: Update 3.4 -> 3.5 Missing - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=37716 [14:49] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Quit: MuffiXXL) [15:01] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27885 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.payment.php: [ENH]payment: param returnurl to go to a different page after payment [15:17] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [15:26] *** Kimberlee has joined #tikiwiki [15:26] hello all. [15:59] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth) [16:09] polom [16:09] sylvieg ? [16:09] polom [16:11] hi sylvie. we need some help. we are migrating precarios.org to a new server, and upgrading from 3.5 to 5.0 [16:12] and we are facing with a weird problem. everything looks fine, but file uploads fail [16:12] file uploads: wiki attachments, img. gal. upload, file gal. upload.... except trackers, where attachments seem to upload without problems! [16:12] what do you mean you can upload but file is surrupted? [16:12] settings are to store files on disk (no db) [16:13] nope, :-), we get the mini-message "Errors detected". [16:13] d/corrupted? [16:13] and no more info [16:13] in the code, that message seems to be when moving file from tmp dir to final dir fails [16:13] do you have the correct perms on fianl dir? [16:14] I've tried setting the path as absolute, as relative, outside publilc_html, inside public_html...., no way [16:14] folders on disc as final dir are 777 right now, and no way [16:14] "Errors detected" [16:14] we had some problem with openbase dir, and we had ... [16:16] Note: move_uploaded_file() is both safe mode and open_basedir aware [16:16] safe mode is on, in that new server [16:16] and we added one line in local.php to avoid the open_basedir problems: [16:17] ini_set('session.save_path', './tmpphp'); [16:17] and we created that dir tmpphp at the tiki level, so session files can be created successfully [16:17] I wonder why tracker attachments seem to work, but not the rest [16:18] we've been struggling with this for 90 min or so already... and I don't get the light out of the many shadows in my knowledge [16:19] did you check the error logs [16:19] it is probably a server setting that does not work [16:19] ok, I did, but don't get any more light ... I'll copy a few lines: [16:19] it does not seems to be able to have more detail info about the error in php [16:22] I just saw this type of error message in apache logs: [16:22] [Wed Jul 07 17:57:34 2010] [error] [client ip] File does not exist: /home/site21/public_html/404.shtml, referer: http://precarios.org/tiki-upload_file.php [16:22] [Wed Jul 07 17:57:34 2010] [error] [client ip] File does not exist: /home/site21/public_html/\\"pics, referer: http://precarios.org/tiki-upload_file.php [16:23] I wonder why "\\"''pics.... [16:24] but this must be something else. tiki-upload-image.php produces no log in apache, but "Errors detected" in Tiki [16:24] *** Wilkins_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [16:25] *** JoernOtt has quit IRC () [16:26] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [16:32] *** jrand has joined #tikiwiki [16:33] What do you modify in Tiki 5 so that the real user name is collected at registration? [16:45] *** Fer has joined #tikiwiki [16:45] *** Fer has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:45] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Quit: MuffiXXL) [16:57] sylvieg, any clue why upload to tracker items work differently than image gallery upload, file gallery upload, or wiki attachment? [16:58] tracker item attachment works for us, but not the other 3 [17:26] what is the syntax of the dir? [17:39] sylvieg , paths: [17:39] for trackers: [17:39] /home/site21/archivos_tikiwiki/tiki_trackers/ [17:39] for image galleries: [17:39] /home/site21/archivos_tikiwiki/tiki_imagenes/ [17:40] for file galleries: [17:41] /home/site21/archivos_tikiwiki/tiki_archivos_galerias/ [17:41] .... length of that string??? [17:41] where is the pics coming from? [17:41] * sylvieg is very slow - it is so hot here [17:42] pics... which pics? [17:42] it's jsut been migrated from 3.5, so images are from image galleries [17:42] home/site21/public_html/\\"pics [17:42] I have no idea what's that [17:43] images from image galleries are shown ok, so that path is fine for downloading, it seems [17:43] but not for uploading (or moving to that dir by tiki) [17:44] and same message in fgal? [17:45] yes, "Errors detected" [17:45] and same in wiki attachments [17:46] try to change in tiki_upload_file .php [17:46] $errors[] = tra('Errors detected'); [17:47] $errors[] = tra('Errors detected').$file_tmp_name.' '.$tmp_dest; [17:48] ok [17:50] what is the value of your open_basedir? [17:50] in tiki-phpinfo.php I see: [17:50] open_basedirno valueno value [17:53] is that catalan ? ;) [17:53] *** ron_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:53] catalan? no, is php'ish :-) [17:54] sylvieg: I think I got the clue thanks to your suggestion/change... [17:54] I get this message: Errors detected/tmp/phpzrvazq /home/pangea/xavidp/public_html/precarios/temp/screenshot_059.png.tmp [17:54] and that reminds me that there is a setting somewhere where you can specify the tmp folder in tiki interfaces [17:54] so it is left over of teh old system? [17:54] and that preference is stored in the db [17:54] so I need to change that [17:55] yep [17:55] yes, that is a leftover.... [17:55] :-) [18:01] sylvieg, it works, thanks heaps!!! [18:01] it was that leftover in "Admin > General > General Settings > Server > Temporary directory" [18:02] Ufffff.... three hours to find it.... [18:02] I would suggest that this error message "Errors detected" can come with those paths.... or a tip to look at the Temporary directory setting ... [18:03] if a tip, I can add that myself... [18:03] to code in branch 5.x, I mean [18:03] -1 to disclose path in errors messages [18:03] or only for admin [18:03] security reason [18:04] ok, tip to check that setting is harmless, isn't it? [18:04] I do not feel it is ok.... [18:05] I know if this message come here nothing is working... but.... [18:05] ok, or only if you have tiki_p_admin? [18:05] that would make sense, isn't it? [18:05] yeh ... [18:06] *** Migs has left [18:23] xavi: you still there? (busy with server stuff, i guess) [18:24] i'm writing a new plugin to deal with our barter/cc transactions (properly, now i understand it better ;) ) and wondering about terminology... [18:24] *** MacLeod has joined #tikiwiki [18:27] i've been calling the things "barter items", thinking of our scenario, but i'm wondering if "trades" would be better - more generic (for an exchange of currency from one (or more) user to another(s) [18:27] :) [18:27] hi luciash too :) [18:28] *** pmorenogarcia has joined #tikiwiki [18:28] "trades" sound ok? (just about to do some search/replacing) [18:30] maybe he's watching the football... ;) [18:33] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [18:33] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27886 10/branches/5.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [FIX] getVersion(). oops [18:37] back [18:37] sorry, hot channel on precarios migration to the new server [18:38] jonnyb, trades for barter items?, transactions? [18:38] ok, no probs - i think "trades" covers what we're doing [18:38] any sentence? [18:38] sentence to put it in context? [18:39] transactions are the payment items already - like invoices [18:39] the name for the wiki plugin that we'll use for a "buy it now" button for wanted things [18:40] sorry, offered things [18:40] wanted things would say "sell now" [18:40] it's mostly names of stuff in the code so far - but hard to change once in use [18:45] ok, watch out the conventional terminology that doesn't apply in barter networks: buy and sell... [18:45] people don't like it [18:45] get and give/offer? [18:45] get/obtain? [18:48] wished/offered [18:48] err, wanted/offered ? [18:49] "offer now", and "request now"? [18:56] ok, but trade is ok? [18:56] can we use transaction instead? [18:56] that's why I was asking for a context, to see whether trade is needed or can be avoided [18:57] no, that's too specific i think - when you buy something normally it's a transaction [18:57] it's the plugin name - users won't generally see it [18:57] you can see the terminology used in the former CC Mod. http://cc.tikiwiki.org [18:58] ah, ok for plugin name, then, if I understand correctly the usage [18:59] trade's better than barter i think [19:01] ok, hope you fix your server nasties - gottagonow [19:02] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [19:25] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r27887 10/branches/5.x/ (tiki-upload_file.php tiki-upload_image.php): [ENH]Show paths for temp files if tiki_p_admin when short message 'Errors detected' was to be shown (useful if leftover temp dir setting was there, when migrating that Tiki to a new server) [19:25] ok, I hope this commit is fine enough [19:25] Cheers [19:25] *** xavi has left [19:44] Is anyone using Workspaces in Tiki5? (Trying to figure out how to get them to work...) [19:47] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [19:48] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r27888 10/branches/5.x/ (installer/installlib.php tiki-finish_install.php): Web PI post-install: fill database, lock installers [19:51] *** TorstenFabricius has joined #tikiwiki [19:52] hello [19:52] I have a problem [19:52] cannot add anymor users to the website [19:52] tiki says "username contains invalid characters" [19:53] but thats definitely not fct [19:53] fact [19:53] what that can be? [19:59] TorstenFabricius: wrong regex filter for the allowed characters [20:00] *** RobertP has joined #tikiwiki [20:00] luciash, thx, where I can change that? [20:01] I had activated intertiki [20:01] -> admin -> login ?? [20:02] TorstenFabricius: tiki-admin.php?page=login [20:02] TorstenFabricius: what you have under Username > Username pattern ? [20:03] TorstenFabricius: default is /^[ '\-_a-zA-Z0-9@\.]*$/ [20:03] . [20:03] I have /^[ '-_a-zA-Z0-9@\.]*$/äöüß [20:04] TorstenFabricius: that is wrong [20:04] I see [20:04] it must be inside of the brackets [20:04] I take away the last patterns [20:04] and check it [20:04] do not know how that happened [20:04] mom [20:05] some admin added them [20:05] think so [20:05] but he/she should add them inside the regexp pattern brackets [20:06] *** RobertP has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [20:06] it is working [20:06] thank u very much [20:06] the wrong patterns, I do not want to have at all [20:07] I have somebody in mind - will tell him [20:07] np, luckily it was in my knowledge part of memory [20:07] :) [20:07] *** jonnyb_i has joined #tikiwiki [20:07] could that be added by intertiki or xmlrpc feature automatically [20:08] i don't think so but i am not sure [20:08] ae you on master or slave site ? [20:08] are [20:08] will see, when I set up intertiki finally [20:08] master site [20:10] then you'll let people register on master and disable registration on slaves... then what master site says it will be applied [20:10] yo, thats the plan :) [20:11] and set http auth on slave [20:11] *** jonnyb_i has quit IRC (Client Quit) [20:13] to activate xmlrpc, do I have to check "xmlrpc-api" in admin -> features -> Programmer Features ? [20:14] -> preference feature xmlrpc enabled -> seem to have been the right check :) [20:20] *** pmorenogarcia has left [20:24] *** FrankP_away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [20:37] *** franck has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:41] *** jabier has joined #tikiwiki [20:42] *** jabier has left [20:45] *** jrand has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [20:47] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27889 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] Allow to generate Tiki realName userpref from specified user tracker fields [20:51] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [20:54] *** MacLeod has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [20:56] errr another question - now to intertiki setup [20:56] the error-logfile [20:57] do I have to create it, or will tiki create it automatically? [20:57] no clue [20:58] I would just give it a folder like /intertiki-error-log and intertiki-access-log and try out [20:58] then I tell it here and add it into the doc, if I find out [20:59] a log file should mostlikely be a txt, or? [21:09] TorstenFabricius: I setup InterTiki in a test environment, although it didn't work out because I determined that the Group Permissions were not propagated from Master-to-Slave as as I had anticipated. [21:10] I believe I still have it up and running if u have any specific questions regarding settings. [21:14] New Forum Posts: user avatars not working - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=37720 [21:17] kimberlee thx - I am just in the setup process, master ready and slave I am on at the moment [21:27] Kimberlee in the masters settings field, must I type in the slave as host? [21:33] Kimberlee so it is not working [21:33] oops [21:34] lemme check, it may take a few :-) [21:36] thx [21:36] any questions on my settings? [21:37] Quicker than I thought, I remembered my password :-p [21:37] I still have access to the master, but cannot login to the slave anymore [21:37] :) [21:37] O? What do u mean? [21:37] I did setup the master first [21:37] oh, because it is setup [21:38] then I did setup the slave, like mentioned in the doc [21:38] I'll share my settings that worked for me [21:38] hopefully that will help. [21:38] ok, thx [21:39] On the Server, Intertiki client tab = "Intertiki shared cookie for sliding auth under same domain" is enabled and nothing else [21:40] access log = /logs/access.log [21:40] kk, same [21:40] error log /logs/error.log [21:41] Obviously server box is checked [21:42] and intertiki shared cookie? [21:42] only 1 entry right now for known hosts [21:42] checked [21:42] name=Slave1 [21:42] key=test [21:43] ah name = slavename [21:43] have that [21:43] it has the IP set correctly (by ip) [21:43] I have the ServerIP [21:43] should I take the local IP? [21:44] yah, I used [21:44] and thats it.. [21:44] the rest was the client config [21:46] *** luciash has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [21:47] ah I get this: XMLRPC Error: 5 - Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found) [21:48] so I did misunderstood s.th. [21:49] I can still login into the client, but I get this error message [21:49] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [21:49] *** verne.freenode.net sets mode: +o luciash [21:49] so I´ll check the clients setting now [21:50] alright, I will login to mine as well [21:51] ooops [21:51] Tiki Unique key = test [21:51] no way to login, just looked alike [21:52] ? thats not a good thing [21:52] not as admin? [21:52] I agree [21:53] will try admin - just had a user that was admin [21:53] mom [21:53] there are certain things that are ignored, and user admin is one [21:53] (if I remember correctly) [21:53] *** luciash has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [21:53] ahhh admin worked now thx [21:53] thats why it wasn't a suitabe solution for me at the time. [21:53] np [21:54] I will work on it again when I have some time, but thats hard to come by :-) [21:54] kk [21:54] I need it [21:54] important [21:55] name=imaster [21:55] just setting up a site for our organisation [21:55] host is the url [21:55] ending in .com [21:55] wait please [21:55] nothing after... [21:55] sure. [21:56] key: slavekey [21:56] *** MuffiXXL has joined #tikiwiki [21:56] yes, the name... mine was test [21:56] use as master: full subdomain of master with http://www. [21:56] ?? [21:56] ??[x]: Usage: ?? [> nick] [21:57] don't set that up yet [21:57] you have to save the settings... [21:57] and then go and select it. [21:57] like http://www.bund.vafk.de as master [21:58] name -> full adress of this master? [21:58] so, only fill out the name [21:58] kk [21:58] and then go down to Intertiki server [21:58] if I recall correctly [21:58] host [21:58] then you save those settings [21:58] and then go back [21:58] and select it [21:58] hold on, it may be a bit [21:58] phone [21:58] but the path [21:58] ok [21:58] np [21:59] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [21:59] *** verne.freenode.net sets mode: +o luciash [22:02] *** MuffiXXL has quit IRC (Quit: MuffiXXL) [22:16] New Forum Posts: Wanted Pages - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37721 [22:18] name is not the full address [22:18] name is whatever u named it, just as long as they match in both client and server [22:19] but where I can name it then? [22:20] I have an idea... [22:20] I only find the client settings to type in the servername [22:21] and the server settings to type in the clients name [22:31] *** Kimberlee has quit IRC () [22:49] * ricks99 is saddened that luciash doesn't like the KC.o logo :-( We all thought it was pretty clever/stylized "key" ;-) [22:56] New Forum Posts: How do I get a Banner on the top of the page? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37722 [22:56] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:56] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [23:12] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27890 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-payment-list.tpl tiki-payment.tpl): [ENH]payment: show type of payment in past payment [23:20] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [23:21] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:21] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [23:30] *** timotiCK has joined #tikiwiki [23:32] *** timotiCK has left