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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3489 - - Bugs - Whishlist management still unable to filter and sort neither ... - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3489 [00:00]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r27994 10/trunk/templates/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Allow using of google map locator for new items as well [04:13]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Images with mousover as default setting - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37812 [05:16]
New Forum Posts: Sorry double post: Images with mousover as default settings: - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37812 [05:26]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Export to OpenOfficeWriter - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37813 [06:46]
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luciashpolomorning [06:53]
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escamoteurHi all
When managing user rights I get a lot of this warning messages:
Warning: Illegal offset type in /is/htdocs/wp1105184_X0CW9HFB94/stagecommander/development/wiki/lib/smarty_tiki/function.treetable.php on line 314
.... (idle for 17mn)
luciashhi escamoteur
sorry, no clue what could eb that
try to ask jonnyb when he's back here
JoernOttwhich version are you running? [08:03]
escamoteurthe latest stable
JoernOttone sec, looking for a tiki 5 site to test on
got one
escamoteurif you want I can give you an admin account for my site, as it's brand new, you can't damage anything [08:06]
JoernOttwell, I have a test site here
first, I'll try to recreate your problem here
what were you doing?
escamoteurnothing special every time I try to change global permissions I get this messages [08:08]
JoernOttI don't get them at my almost brand new site,
what you could do is to go to admin->general and do a database update
escamoteurok, I will try this [08:12]
JoernOttI recently experienced some strange stuff where some queries were not executed properly but i couldn't recreate it
and have a look at the php error messages, they can help a lot
escamoteurLooks good, no warning messages
One more question
JoernOttgo ahead [08:20]
escamoteurIs there a way to configure that a user will be redirected to the forums AFTER he logged in? [08:21]
JoernOttNot sure, try General->Use TikiWiki feature as homepage
but I think this applies to all users
but in combination with "On permission denied send to url
escamoteurwhy? [08:25]
JoernOttthis might work [08:26]
luciashescamoteur: only one user or a group ? [08:26]
escamoteurfor all [08:26]
luciashescamoteur: you can use "Group Homepages" feature for that so each group can be redirected somewhere else [08:26]
escamoteurah, ok and this will apply only after login [08:27]
luciashescamoteur: for all the feature what JoernOtt suggested is what you want
escamoteur: well, you could use that for Anonymous group too
escamoteurOk, because I tried this yesterday and the problem was, that even when I was not logged I the forum was displayed [08:28]
luciashescamoteur: if u have issues still i can have a look at your site [08:32]
escamoteurI just try it again [08:32]
luciashmake sure your Anonymous group does *not* have assigned the Can read forums (tiki_p_forum_read) permission [08:38]
escamoteurthis works now, till this morning I had a database error, now it works [08:45]
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tikifestbcnpolom [08:48]
luciashmoloq [08:49]
why did Marc change the "Live" page ?
i mean why did he remove the BBB plugin from there ?
are we using ustream now again ?
tikifestbcnhi luciash
no idea
tikifestbcn = xavi
marc is not here yet
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escamoteuris there a simple way to test as admin how another groupmember will see a page without logging out an the login as a different user? [09:21]
luciashescamoteur: only via another browser
e.g. u can use firefox for another user and chrome for admin
escamoteurah, good idea
At the moment, the Tikki seems pretty slow on my server, can I speed kit up?
luciashescamoteur: by disabling what you don't really need and check out the Admin > Performance panel
escamoteur: Tiki is not very fast on shared hostings though
escamoteurWhat things could I disable that will change the overall pperformande? [09:34]
luciashtry some modules off or test in fullscreen mode if it is faster (add &fullscreen=y to the URL) [09:35]
I tried to set another homepage URL in Admin General, but it still display tiki-index.php
luciashand what you want it to display [09:47]
jonnybhi luciash and escamoteur [09:48]
escamoteurHi Jonnyb [09:48]
jonnybi think there's a module that does that, no? [09:49]
luciashhi jonnyb [09:49]
escamoteurI want to a public homepage and a wikihomepage wenn logged in [09:49]
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jonnybsounds like you need group hompages [09:50]
escamoteurI have group homepages, now hiere is the problem
I want a public homepage, when logged in the grouphomepage refers to a forum, fine so far, but if a logged in user clicks on home he sees the public homepage and I wand anotherone there
Ah, maybe I just could use Group menus, so that Wiki will lead to page that I like
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chibaguypolom [10:46]
xavimolop [10:50]
luciashescamoteur: yes, or more Home items in your menu each with diferent link and group assigned [11:00]
escamoteurThanks a lot, I get more and more to what I envisioend
Would it improve performance to delete all unneeded entries in the main menu?
luciashescamoteur: i think a bit yes, but better approach is to create new menu and put there what you only want
escamoteur: than touching the default main application menu
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escamoteurOk, I will do so.
How can I backup all my Tiki Content?
tikifestbcnmmm, trying ustream video in the meanwhile [11:13]
chibaguyescamoteur: you have to back up your database with phpMyAdmin or other tool. [11:20]
escamoteurah, there is no plugin like for #Wordpress to do this [11:21]
chibaguyno [11:21]
xavihttp://www.ustream.tv/channel/tikifests [11:23]
chibaguyTiki has a wiki dump (backup) option, but not for all content. [11:23]
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TreblyHello, I go on the last problem let without any solution the other day. I began a translation "english->french" (of full tiki5 article). When I want to go on I am not able to find how to recover the same stage of translation (particularly the panel full screen with both English on left (original) and the French content on right (which can be the english, if not yet translated). I have...
...studied and explored the options, the lonely possibility seems to edit the sections of French version (for not translated elements they are in english). So, I have to write the translation under the original text, preview, delete the English text and so on. To compare the lonely possibility seems to print and compare manually, but no more seeing the versioning, updates, no copy-paste...
...etc... The translations help features seems not to be accessible to go on a began and not ended translation.
I don't know what to do (how to use in a right way, it seems bugged - init values of choices, buttons etc.). Any suggest ?
luciashxavi: no sound ? [11:25]
xavimarc is preparing sound [11:26]
changixavi: nice [11:26]
luciashgot sound via skype now [11:26]
changichangi : could someone tell Jyhem not to sleep :) [11:26]
call dropped
seems it was just a test
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chibaguyTrebly, a number of people have been doing translations at their sites, so I assumed the process worked o.k. I don't know how they do it exactly, though. [11:30]
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chibaguyTrebly, you could ask on the developer mailing list, to see if the process works o.k. for other people, etc. [11:35]
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ricks99@Trebly: confirm that you are using the TRANSLATE link -- not the EDIT link -- on the French page.
if you enable the TRANSLATION module, you will find it helpful too
I am able to stop/start/continue translations in progress all the time -- no issues
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Treblychibaguy : I too, the detail problem is that : when you return to the concern text, the language menu offers the language and the option "translation". Naturally, to go on a begun translation, you imagine to have to use "translation". These option don't offers to go on the begun translation but to begin another. If you use the language which translation is begun, then you are alert about the...
...not declared ended translation, the languages shown are from "English" to "English" (not french) and if you edit you get just a lonely panel, you can't display to original English (sure you are without any possibility of change translating English into English), the French text that you display is considered as Engluish ? !!!
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escamoteurNo I get again this nasty warnings when I try to set permissions
Warning: Illegal offset type in /is/htdocs/wp1105184_X0CW9HFB94/stagecommander/development/wiki/lib/smarty_tiki/function.treetable.php on line 314
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chibaguyTrembly: ricks99 says it works correctly for him (to continue in an existing translation) [11:58]
j0n3I can't setup a group of users create wiki pages on a specified category. Group A should create all document's on Category A, and Group B on Category B.
Can anybody help me please?
ricks99@Trembly: are you using the translation module? [12:04]
wait, please
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j0n3i18n / Multilingual ? No
it's unchecked
Treblychibaguy & Ricks : it seems (not sure) this functions if they are not several sections. When you edit the current language you are translating, you obtain a warning message "translation not ended" but the informations displayed are :
To continue translating, select the language to translate from
* <update from it> Anglais (Tiki5)
* <mettre à jour> Anglais
The outgoing can't be changed to the right value "French", the text is your French translation and when you edit full screen you get this (French) on the left panel and the "english" on the right. you are invited the translate your changes of French text to upgrade the English one...
ricks99if u are editing the French page, you cannot have output to French... [12:11]
Treblyricks99 : I am not on an application but on the main dev interface. I, as defined by Marc, began to translate the english doc use the dev.tkiwiki interface. [12:11]
ricks99i am confused. are you translating wiki pages, or the tiki internface?
are you working on a page on doc.tw.o?
Treblyricks : I am translating the main wiki dev site documentation which are wikipages, the dev tiki site using mainly tiki features [12:16]
ricks99is this the page in question: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/TIKI+5.0+(la+nouvelle+génération+de+TIKI) [12:16]
Treblyricks look at : http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-editpage.php?page=TIKI%205.0%20%28la%20nouvelle%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ration%20de%20TIKI%29 [12:17]
ricks99yes. [12:17]
Treblyricks : yes crossed messages [12:18]
ricks99to continue updatingthe French version, you need to click the INCOMING (translate from English) link in the module
at some point you edited the French page directly. That is why you see it listed in both INCOMING *and* OUTGOING
tikifestbcnstopping the video streaming to have maximum bandwithfor the skype audio conference [12:35]
Treblyricks : thank's OK, this was not an evidence. May be a better text should be (I feel it like that but English is not my native language) "To continue translation click on the button which indicates the translation you are working on". The text "To continue translating, select the language to translate from" opens the opportunity of a choice "select the language" (if several).
I too have not understood the real meaning of "outgoing". I got this part of panel as "from -> to" which was an error. It is sure that we can need to change the original from a translation when we get by this way a better text.
Note : my first question was ended by <I don't know what to do (how to use in a right way... any suggest> The problem was into understanding the panel texts for a good action.
If you are accordingly in my opinion the text could be changed, an enhancement, a wish
ricks : thank's OK, this was not an evidence. May be a better text should be (I feel it like that but English is not my native language) "To continue translation click on the button which indicates the translation you are working on". The text "To continue translating, select the language to translate from" opens the opportunity of a choice "select the language" (if several).
I too have not understood the real meaning of "outgoing". I got this part of panel as "from -> to" which was an error. It is sure that we can need to change the original from a translation when we get by this way a better text.
Note : my first question was ended by <I don't know what to do (how to use in a right way... any suggest> The problem was into understanding the panel texts for a good action.
If you are accordingly in my opinion the text could be changed, an enhancement, a wish
ricks : thank's OK, this was not an evidence. May be a better text should be (I feel it like that but English is not my native language) "To continue translation click on the button which indicates the translation you are working on". The text "To continue translating, select the language to translate from" opens the opportunity of a choice "select the language" (if several).
I too have not understood the real meaning of "outgoing". I got this part of panel as "from -> to" which was an error. It is sure that we can need to change the original from a translation when we get by this way a better text.
Note : my first question was ended by <I don't know what to do (how to use in a right way... any suggest> The problem was into understanding the panel texts for a good action.
If you are accordingly in my opinion the text could be changed, an enhancement, a wish
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Treblyricks : thank's OK, this was not an evidence. May be a better text should be (I feel it like that but English is not my native language) "To continue translation click on the button which indicates the translation you are working on". The text "To continue translating, select the language to translate from" opens the opportunity of a choice "select the language" (if several).
I too have not understood the real meaning of "outgoing". I got this part of panel as "from -> to" which was an error. It is sure that we can need to change the original from a translation when we get by this way a better text.
Note : my first question was ended by <I don't know what to do (how to use in a right way... any suggest> The problem was into understanding the panel texts for a good action.
If you are accordingly in my opinion the text could be changed, an enhancement, a wish
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Treblyrick : sory for the click STUTTERING [12:43]
ricks99FWIW, on my sites, I simply use "Translate To" and "Translate From" [12:48]
yonixxxxxHi Ricks, Hi all [12:54]
ricks99hi yonixxxxx [12:55]
RobertPlummerhi [12:56]
Treblyricks : OK but is is the dev site. so somebody should make it sometimes more clear. Who ?
I must left.
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Kimberleehello all. [13:00]
yonixxxxxhello [13:02]
ricks99Hi Kimberlee [13:02]
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escamoteurHi, is it possible that Tiki runs much faster with Internet Explorer that FF?
upps: I mean as Firefox
Kimberleeescamoteur: in my experience, no. [13:17]
escamoteurhmm, looks like here [13:17]
ricks99@escamoteur: should be no difference. check each browser's security, proxy, cache, et c. settings. that would account for speed differences [13:18]
escamoteurok, thanks
where do I find a complete list of the Wiki Syntax? Unfortunately I don't find it on the Tiki.org site
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27996 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.simplewiki.php: [FIX] Missing file in last commit [13:22]
ricks99doc.tikiwiki.org/wiki+syntax [13:25]
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nkothHi, is there an easy way to include a smarty variable inside a wiki page? (I am trying the author of the page) [13:28]
escamoteuroh, thanks to ggolge I fund the syntax dokument on the TikiWiki.org, but It would be helpful if it could be found easyly there without Google
Why do editing sessions have a time limit?
nkothescamoteur: because if someone else edits while someone is editing there is a warning to them saying someoe else is editing
the time limit is to avoid this being too long
escamoteurah, can I tunr it off completely? [13:35]
nkothsomewhere in admin... wiki page I think there is a setting, search the configuration search box in tiki admin for "Warning"
or "warn"
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r27997 10/trunk/lib/init/smarty.php: [FIX] does not exist at this point [13:38]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27998 10/branches/5.x/tiki-tracker_rss.php: [FIX]rss: when incorrect trackerId displays error page instead of bugging the reader [13:44]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r27999 10/branches/5.x/modules/mod-func-shoutbox.php: missing global [13:55]
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Kimberleehello marclaporte [14:19]
marclaportehi Kimberlee!
Discussion now about spreadsheets: Just contact the user "tikiwikicmsgroupware" to your Skype contacts and we'll add you the audio conference.
sylviegas in wiki syntax I can do a clear both (I have floating img) [14:26]
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escamoteurIs there a spell checker module for Tiki? [14:29]
ricks99@escamoteur: yes, see docs
though much easier imho t ouse browser-based spell checker insteaad
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r28000 10/trunk/lib/bigbluebuttonlib.php: [FIX] Add support for BigBlueButton 0.7 [14:44]
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r28001 10/branches/5.x/ (. lib/bigbluebuttonlib.php): [B/P] r28000 Support for BigBlueButton 0.7 [14:57]
sylviegchealer__: you try to call - but it is tiki skype that must call you - it is strange I so you in the list of participants are not active... [14:59]
chealer__sylvieg: oops, I was just answering calls [15:00]
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sylviegperhaps a tiki fester can reinvite you.. [15:02]
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escamoteurhow doe i escape a syntax character? [15:19]
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ricks99@escamoteur: use no parse. details in docs [15:21]
escamoteureven for one character? I want to write mail[a]domain.net
and it interprets the [a] as link
ricks99see "useing square brackets" in docs
fully explained
marclaporteDiscussion now about rafael graphics in group transitions (and S5 slideshow next): Just contact the user "tikiwikicmsgroupware" to your Skype contacts and we'll add you the audio conference. [15:24]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Firefox 3.6.6 Browser causes error when editing in tikiwiki - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=37816 [15:28]
escamoteur@ricks99 Thanks, I didn't have the .pff yet and was always searching on the website [15:38]
Tikiwiki|botInfo: Tiki Community Releases First Video Interview - http://info.tikiwiki.org/article99-Tiki-Community-Releases-First-Video-Interview [15:43]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28002 10/trunk/ (8 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] User selector: Rename tracker_jquery_user_selector_threshold as user_selector_threshold so it can be used elsewhere.
tikiwiki: Also repeat pref in admin/look next to max list size for convenience.
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RavenChello everyone [15:49]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28003 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] smarty_function_user_selector to simplify use of user_selector_threshold to show autocomplete box when there are too many users, and deployment of it in filegal edit. [15:52]
RavenCI need to change the wording of the new user validation email. Should I alter the user_creation_validation_mail.tpl file, or is there a better place to change the text ? [15:53]
luciashRavenC: copy that file to your theme dir
and edit there
RavenCexcellent. Thanks for the help luciash [15:55]
luciashremember to keep the same path under templates/yourtheme/
err, templates/styles/yourtheme/
RavenCok, thanks again [15:59]
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RavenChmmm... still picking up the "old" tpl
do I need to rename it ?
ricks99clear tiki caches [16:11]
RavenCdid ;)
looged out/ logged in as admin and resent too :)
should work fine
didn't create a mail subdir
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RavenCthat was it... ( doh! )
thanks ricks
ricks99np [16:15]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Very slow (broken?) file upload - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37817 [16:28]
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Kimberleehello all! [17:01]
RavenCHi kimberlee! [17:01]
Kimberleehow r u RavenC? [17:02]
RavenCNot too bad thanks! Glad to be back home! How have you been ? [17:02]
KimberleeGood. Where were u? [17:03]
RavenCI've been out in socal for the last ... almost three weeks [17:03]
KimberleeHeading to Miami tonight, trying to get stuff finished before I go. (Not quite SoCal.) [17:04]
RavenCI wouldn't mind a Miami trip either! lol [17:04]
I like the look of the default php menu. It there a way to create a similar looking menu with css that will use a folder/icon for groups ?
knowing that php layers are going bye bye
the default CSS is ok, but I need it to "collapse"
chealerI enabled a Trac instance for tikiwiki. can somebody which is *not* a SF project admin please login and tell me what they see at the right of https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/ ?
in the menu which has the Browse Source link, besides for that
luciashchealer: hi, i am no option, sorry ;) [17:19]
RavenCehhh... php layers for the time being... :) [17:23]
luciashbbl [17:24]
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CIA-64tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r28004 10/trunk/lib/ (tikilib.php wiki/renderlib.php wiki/wikilib.php): [FIX] "Creator are admins of their wiki pages" feature not working properly before. Note we need a more generic way of doing such things to keep it manageable going forward. [17:27]
need help to setup tikiwki with openldap
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r28005 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] remove typo [17:28]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3490 - - Expiration Date - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3490 [17:54]
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redflo has joined #tikiwiki [18:28]
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chealernevermind. the Trac instance is ready now [18:44]
yonixxxxxIs it possible to use a tracker module in a wiki page to create a form in a wiki page, or am i just going to loose a lot of time ? [18:47]
yonixxxxx: isn't there a wiki-plugin for that even?
yonixxxxxhe Amette... tell me more, tell me more... (Grease)
Plugin "Mail" ?
amette{TRACKER(trackerId="2",fields="2:3:4")}{TRACKER} <- like that
you want it to be a contact form?
just send updates of the tracker to your e-mail
btw - has anyone experienced (and got the fix) for the problem of after upgrade sub-folders in file-galleries not showing anymore in the tree-view?
yonixxxxxright amette form [18:53]
amettelike these guys here: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37347 [18:53]
yonixxxxxso ok the plugin tracker can do it as i though... tks [18:54]
amettegreat - yw :) [18:54]
luciashamette: yep, it should be fixed in SVN [19:02]
ametteoh, since when? I tried with a 4.x SVN checkout a day ago or so
I'll try a completely fresh reinstall...
luciashamette: branch5 i guess [19:05]
ametteok, just started to check that out - m-conn ;) [19:06]
changichealer: nice job [19:08]
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FrankP_away has joined #tikiwiki [20:20]
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r28006 10/trunk/lib/rating/formula/ArticleInfo.php: [FIX] Prevent negative age from adding into formulas for articles not yet published. [20:21]
nkothyonixxxxx: in trunk I recently committed something to do this using http://doc.tikiwiki.org/plugintracker called outputtowiki [20:24]
yonixxxxxHey Nelson ! :)
ok i see it here http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginTracker
(tomorrows work...)
nkothdoc and dev down [20:34]
what needs to be done to let the http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-user_watches.php show in browser title something more meaningful than "Array" ?
chealerluciash: fix it? :-)
the title is defined in header.tpl or something like that IIRC
luciashchealer: sorry, i will ask again ... [20:44]
chealerwell, not completely defined there, but the Smarty variable used [20:45]
luciashwhat needs to be done to let the http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-user_watches.php show in browser title something more meaningful than "Array" so it can be called "fixed" ?
ok, i don't know how to fix it
it appears on more places than there
chealerluciash: ah, you remember other places? [20:46]
well, i don't remember them, but i remember seeing this on other places in Tiki too
titles have been partly broken for a while, since the Mozilla upstreaming project
i think whole subpages section of MyTiki ... etc.
chealerhum, and that's on 5.x :-/ [20:49]
i know about dozens of bugs in 5.x
which will probably not be fixed in 5.1 either
chealerluciash: on my 5.x I just get "Iceweasel" as title (no title)
there is a title element but it's empty
on these pages
luciashchealer: it depends on settings in Admin > General what you want to display there
on tw.o it is currently seet to Site title location: None, Browser title display mode: Description (to reproduce)
CIA-64tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28007 10/trunk/lib/payment/paymentlib.php: [FIX]payment: the payer can be an admin too [20:55]
chealerluciash: hum, I don't understand what the second means at first sight, but I have my 5.x this way and it's still an empty title [20:56]
luciashit means you can display in browser title page's descriptions instead of their titles, so you can have blabla.tld/home wiki page and display in browser title "Welcome to bla bla!" taken from wiki page description field
it also works for descriptions of Admin pages iirc
i don't know why you don't see "Array" there on MyTiki if you have it set the same as on tw.o
chealeralso empty in 4.x on these pages
so I guess Array appears when the title is not set
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Trebly has joined #tikiwiki [21:16]
TreblyHello, I have a database coming form 3.3 -> 4.2 (or 4.3) -> 5.0 successfully installed but with 5.0 the main admin panel says "invalid database" run "installer" this is a loop. The "installer" import from 4.2 generates an invalid data which need to run "installer" the perpetual motion (motor) do anybody can propose a solution (obviously the mysql database before and after has no anomaly) ?
This has been reported in id3477
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TreblyHello, I have a database coming form 3.3 -> 4.2 (or 4.3) -> 5.0 successfully installed but with 5.0 the main admin panel says "invalid database" run "installer" this is a loop. The "installer" import from 4.2 generates an invalid data which need to run "installer" the perpetual motion (motor) do anybody can propose a solution (obviously the mysql database before and after has no anomaly) ?
This has been reported in id3477. Some connection problem not sure that the message had been sent [23:35].
luciashTrebly: yes, it got thru [22:11]
chealernkoth: doc is back [22:18]
nkothchealer: yes thanks [22:18]
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Gergely has joined #tikiwiki [22:46]
GergelyHi all, What is the most efficient way of selecting a value for a tracker field out of 100000 possible values? [22:51]
luciashwhat are the values ? numbers or strings ? [22:53]
Gergelyluciash: strings [23:00]
sylviegluciash: +1 for your answer to oliver [23:00]
luciashGergely: input text field with the jquery auto-fill suggestions is too slow, i guess, right ? [23:02]
Gergelyright, I had the idea that some layering should take place [23:03]
luciashGergely: maybe alphabetical "grouping" or something like that [23:03]
Gergelyor if the auto-fill would react only after 5+ character long instances? [23:04]
luciashit should be configurebale in some js lib there [23:05]
Gergelydo you know where to look? [23:05]
luciashat least i know we modified the behavior once for it already
lib/tiki-js something
GergelyI disliked that it took values from the same table. Has it been changed perhaps?
or can I configure to take the many values from another tracker?
luciashline 850 it starts in lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js [23:11]
Gergelythanks, looking.. [23:12]
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Gergelytrunk? [23:13]
luciashdefault JS lib for autocomplete (for reference) is in lib/jquery/jquery-autocomplete/
i don't know all the options and params for it, you have to dig it out somehow :)
Gergely:) will be digging. so back to the grouping: I logged an issue some time ago about chained dynamic lists that do not work
is there a way to get chained drop-downs working or something comparable?
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luciashGergely: maybe if you manage to categorize the items by first letter alphabetically, you can then have dropdown fields or something by category as a workaround [23:29]
Gergelyhow would that work in the tracker plugin? I saw the alphabetical list in the trackerfilter plugin only.. [23:31]
what I know is that one layer above the values can be managed by the dynamic list field. Is there a better solution with the alphabetical list, dorp downs, categories, or some other way? [23:36]
luciashi am not sure but i would maybe try the tracker plugin step by step way... a la wizard
see the example at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginTracker
"How to fill an item in more than one step"
Gergelyyes, I looked it up again, but there was nothing very recent there. also nothing about alphabetical order. Yep. That operates with multiple pages. Not that attractive for me.
but you are right. it is an option at least, which would work
you went through all the possible ways. I will try the autofill configuration. thanks for the effort
luciashwell, i thought you could filter and choose categorized by the alphabet in the first step, then have the chosen category items in the second step, etc.
np, just couple of ideas

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