miek: Hello.. I'm having trouble with a TikiWiki Install and was wondering if someone here could please spare some time to help me?
I am trying to set up category/group permissions. So I want to be able to assign users to a group, and have a corresponding category for each group. Then only users from the group can view the pages for that category
This is all working fine, however when a user creates new content, the "categories" tab is not visible for them. Only the administrator can see it. luciash: do they have tiki_p_browse_categories or view ? miek: I can't see any tiki_p_browse_categories. They have tiki_p_view_category
I wanted to try "Default category assigned to uncategorized objects edited by a user with this default group" as a temporary workaround but that doesn't seem to work either. luciash: ah, hmm, no idea then, maybe someone else :( miek: Okay. I just realised the time difference. I'll ask again later. chealer: miek: which Tiki version do you use? miek: 5.0 chealer: miek: do users have tiki_p_modify_object_categories? I don't know if it's relevant for creations, but it is for edits.
luciash: but DNS seems to work fine, assuming is the right IP miek: Ah... that was it.
Thanks for the help chealer: "pingdom tools", hehe ***: Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie
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josy has joined #tikiwiki josy: hi, is anybody out there?
i have fresh installed tikiwiki 5 on my www-root, and now i want move it into subdir www-root/tikiwiki - how do i can do this ?
i didnt find any "configuration.php" like i now from other cms .. is there any php where i can change the path or do i have to install it from scratch or .. ??? ***: josy has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28189 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX] Tracker plugin: Only show user fields that actually appear in the fields list, otherwise use a hidden input (correction for r28184) ***: ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
Dan__ has joined #tikiwiki Dan__: hey is anyone from tiki wiki here? ricks99: Im here Dan__: i need some help if u can
basicly, im trying to set it up so that anonymous users can get on the site and upload files to the file gallery
which is have working
however users can upload to the filegallery without creating one or going into one if you get me, i dont want them to be able to upload to the root file gallery if you understand ricks99: you need to set the permissions for the gallery (to not allow anonymous uploads) and the subgallery (to allow anonymous uploads)
you can alos accomplish this by using categories Dan__: will that allow annonymous users to upload to all subcatergories
just not the main gallery ricks99: you can use categories. put the main gallery in a category with 1 set of perms, and sub galleries in a category with 2nd set of perms Dan__: how do i do that
sorry i just started using this
:S ricks99: do u know how to create categories? have u looked a tthe docs? Dan__: ive enabled categories
but dont have a clue where to go from here ricks99: see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/category Dan__: thank you
:)* ricks99: welcome luciash: polom ricks99: hi luciash ***: Dan__ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) luciash: hi ricks99 ***: xavi has joined #tikiwiki -: ricks99 loves the Custom Center Column Header in L&F. With it + CSS, i no longer have to modify the TPLs! luciash: :) xavi: polom
need advice on js errors on tiki5
related to the message I sent to the devel list (help box doesn't show up for me any more in two different servers with recent tiki5)
I inspected with firebug the possible errors, and I see two places
if (window.needToConfirm && window.editorDirty) { 2043 return 'Ets a punt de marxar d'aquest pàgina. Es perdran els canvsi des de la teva darrera visita. Segur que vols marxar d'aquesta pàgina?'; 2044 }
well, sorry, I mean: if (window.needToConfirm && window.editorDirty) { return 'Ets a punt de marxar d'aquest pàgina. Es perdran els canvsi des de la teva darrera visita. Segur que vols marxar d'aquesta pàgina?'; }
see that the text is in catalan with a single quote in the translation, which might be breaking other stuff...
can it be due to this problem with the single quote in the js message? luciash: yes xavi: :-( luciash: must be in double quotes or escaped xavi: so this brings back that issue with some files (tpl? js?) with strings (to be translated) surrounded with single quotes...
:-/ luciash: why not to put the apostrophe as ' in the translation language file ?
and use single quotes there too to force to do that by translators sylvieg: better to fix the tpl - because is still ned to be done xavi: +1 to sylvieg's comment ***: RavenC has joined #tikiwiki RavenC: hi all luciash: hi RavenC ricks99: ack. cannot seem to include mulple conditions in an {if} statement in custom cetner column: {if ($mid eq 'tiki-forums.tpl') or ($mid eq 'tiki-view_forum.tpl') or ($mid eq 'tiki-view_forum_thread.tpl')} ...{/if} is crashing my tiki
what did rick do wrong? sylvieg: perhaps the ... is buggy luciash: ricks99: why the parenthesis ? ricks99: readability sylvieg: luciash: why not - it is not a bug luciash: ricks99: valid point CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28190 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/5.x 28182 to 28187
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28191 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): notice j0n3: xavi: have you tried to escape single quote?
uh ¬¬ I was not on bottom ...
haven't read replies... ***: j0n3 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) xavi: j0n3: I confirm that it's that single quote. Once changed for some other fake single quote (`, for instance), everything is fine luciash: hmm, why not use proper typographic apostrophes ?
’ ***: jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki luciash: "U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK - single comma quotation mark - this is the preferred character to use for apostrophe" says my Character Map app xavi: sorry, luci, the spanish (& Catalan) keyboards write this aprostrophe: ' , and not others
wiki apostrophe: the one with the minimum number of key strokes, i.e.: ' jonnyb: po'lom RavenC: polom johnnyb xavi: pol'l'o`m luciash: xavi: :) i know, everybody can't follow the perfect typography world jonnyb: xavi: looks like a quick fix to your js error is to add a backslash infront of each apostrophe char in your language file
did we ever come up with a plan for how to treat tra() strings for javascript? xavi: jonnyb, I won't do that, sorry. I'll commit a quickfix (shorter) soon luciash: my keyboard is the same, i even don't know what combination is on my to write that "preferred" apostrophe jonnyb: to block.textarea.php? luciash: hi jonnyb jonnyb: hi luciash
xavi: the string i think that's breaking your js isn't in a template (i think) xavi: ok, whatever., my quickfix (proven to work) is to replace the single quotes of just one string in language.php for fake apostrophes. That'll do for the time being, until a proper patch is applied to all tiki code jonnyb: fair enough
it's a chewey one luciash: it’s true
:) jonnyb: RavenC: trackerlist is a mysterious place luciash: RavenC: View is simply ignored RavenC: I wonder how it gets the association then... interesting luciash: RavenC: view=page is correct but you have to use page selector to make it work to create the page selector value wiki page automagically
and display that then RavenC: yes, that was created luciash: imho it will work the same if you don't use View=page RavenC: oh, ok.
:) luciash: (omit)
must be some misconfig on your side that view=page shows blank page RavenC: that is where experience is wonderful! luciash: like perms maybe CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r28192 10/branches/5.x/lang/ca/language.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX]Quickfix as a workaround for the broken js features (like wiki edit help
tikiwiki: box, plugin helpers, ...) in some cases with languages with single quotes in the
tikiwiki: translated strings. A proper fix is still due in the whole Tiki code to avoid
tikiwiki: these recurrent problems when Tiki is used in some languages with single quotes
tikiwiki: as apostrophes. xavi: ok, c u (bbl) ***: xavi has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28193 10/branches/5.x/lang/fr/language.php: typo RavenC: one other question regarding syntax... I have seen references that use = and => ( i.e. sort_mode=>f_21_asc vs. sort_mode=f_21_asc). Is there a difference, and which should be used. I cannot see a difference when i use it one way versus the other -: RavenC promises this will be the last question before lunch!! :) jonnyb: good question - is there a doc about it? sylvieg: => is the old syntax = is the new jonnyb: also, sometimes it's uppercase with brackets and a closing tag, and sometimes not... RavenC: i've looked at docs and at your site, and see both used jonnyb: depending if you use the plugin editor
i think sylvieg: uppercase and () is old symtax minor is new one luciash: both are supported RavenC: i see. ok, thanks for the explanation! Just trying to do things correctly luciash: for backward compatibility sylvieg: it is when lph merged wiki stuff like {img with plugin jonnyb: sometimes i get the two mixed up RavenC: hehehe jonnyb: must be quite confusing for n00bs RavenC: I can attest to the fact that it is... ;) luciash: yep, we should promote the simpler way
so {trackerlist trackerId=1 view=user wiki="My Template"} should be the preferred way
rather than {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>1, view=>user, wiki="My Template")}{TRACKERLIST} RavenC: awesome! ***: daniel has joined #tikiwiki daniel: hey anyone there i need some help please :) luciash: but be careful when mixing with Smarty syntax (e.g. wikiplugin as part of a wiki page template used for pretty trackers) RavenC: ok
baby steps here :) luciash: on the other hand uppercase TRACKERLIST adds on readability of the wiki code RavenC: kk ***: FrankP has joined #tikiwiki daniel: anyone there for some help? :) luciash: daniel: no, we are not here :) RavenC: Daniel, don't ask to ask, just ask! :) -: jonnyb definitely isn't here daniel: haha ok, got 2 queries
one is that i would like a setting so that all created galleries are public so that anyone can upload/download etc..
and the 2nd is that whenever i try to download either as an admin or anonymous
it brings up an error page with a url www.xxxx.com/dl6
and cant download luciash: 1) give the perms to Anonymous group daniel: the perms are all set
do i need the checkbox ticked tho? luciash: 2) enable .htaccess if you enabled SEFURLs daniel: when u create a gallery CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28194 10/trunk/modules/mod-func-messages_unread_messages.php: [ENH] Unread messages module: Add param to allow module not to display when no messages waiting daniel: ahh kk let me try that luciash: tiki_p_download, tiki_p_... all for file gals set ? daniel: all permission are set
but other annon users cant upload to file galleries unless when the gallery was created the "gallery public" checkbox is ticked
i would like that to be contstantly ticked luciash: ah, yes, that must be ticked daniel: yeh i would like that constantly ticked luciash: you need to create custom link to create new gallery with param in url to have it ticked by default i guess or check if it's an option on Admin > File Galleries daniel: na theres no option
as the clients that will be using it just want to type in a gallery name and press create luciash: but i wonder when Anonymous creates the gallery, then all the other Anonymous users should be able to put files there, no ? ***: chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) daniel: thats what i thought
but they cant
the upload file button disapears
fixed it
dont know how
changed some php
and it works
thx for all your help tho ***: daniel has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) luciash: that doesn't sound right to me, but anyway :-p ***: CIA-65 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28198 10/trunk/tiki-view_blog.php: [ENH] when viewing blog show description in <title>
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28199 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [FIX] Trackerlist plugin: Add the rest of the offset paramerter which removes the mystery 'undefined' one (missing from r24697?) ***: chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28200 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Trackerfilter plugin: New export facility.
tikiwiki: Export CVS of filtered items directly from trackerfilter plugin. Set export button label to activate (can only filter _or_ export currently).
tikiwiki: Also uses export_itemid, export_status, export_created, export_modif and export_charset params - not exposed to plugin editor by default.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28201 10/trunk/ (tiki-export_tracker.php tiki-export_tracker_ajax.php): [FIX] Tracker export: urldecode parameters, required when accessed via trackerfilter, doesn't seem to harm normal operation. ***: chealer has joined #tikiwiki Aalandriel: anyone whos head I can crack open for some insight into the tracker-export function? CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28202 10/trunk/templates/comment-footer.tpl: [FIX] add parameter _ajax=n to {button} so that the anchor in the link is not removed ***: redflo has joined #tikiwiki
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FrankP has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28203 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [MOD] Trackerfilter plugin: Allow it to operate in export mode without any filters specified (or showing) ***: daniel has joined #tikiwiki daniel: hey can anyone help me with finding the file so i can edit/delete the buttons in file galleries such as list galleries , create a gallery etc..
i would like to change what they say/ do
anyone able to help? ricks99_: what do u mean finding a file? daniel: well i cant find out how to do it within the admin menu so i guess its in a php file or somehting ricks99_: you can edit the php or tpl files directly, if desired daniel: yeh but i dont know which one im looking for hope you can help
i need to get rid of the browse images button in the file gallery
as well as the duplicate file gallery button
and change what the others say
:) ricks99_: did u turn on the smarty template usage indicator"
this may help: http://twessentials.keycontent.org/Modifying+Templates daniel: no how do i do that
how do i turn on the smarty template ricks99_: did u look at the link? daniel: im trying
im on my netbook so its a bit slow haha
trying to conserve battery ricks99_: see "Finding the Right Template"
on the themes tab of the admin: look & feel page
see docs for full details: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Look+and+Feel daniel: ok thanks for the link will have a look ricks99_: lots of good info ***: daniel has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
hans_ has joined #tikiwiki hans_: I started working with freetags. When I click in the cloud I see a list of pages containing the freetag. But not all listelements have content. Some have just the headline "wiki". When I look in the database, everything looks ok. CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28204 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX] Notices
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28205 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.self_link.php: [FIX] self_link: Test for feature_ajax before removing the anchor (thanks Rodrigo) ***: juano has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28206 10/trunk/templates/comment-footer.tpl: [FIX] Rollback r28202 now button/self_link respects anchors when feature_ajax is on ***: jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) RavenC: [16:03] Gwick: and she just makes excuses for not having her laptop worked on...i was gonna tell her to send it here..lol [16:03] Gwick: my biggest fear is that something could happen to her and we'd never know [16:03] Chris: yeah, it is like she doesn't want to be bothered or something [16:04] Gwick: uh huh..it's always a different excuse to drag out why she hasn't gotten it taken care of [16:04] Chris: yeah [16:04] Gwick: i'
oops Aalandriel: Im going nuts here.. do tikiwiki have any kind of reference of classes, variables etc, apart from the extremely user oriented doc.tw.o? sylvieg: http://de.tikiwiki.org/xref-trunk/ /// Aalandriel: awesome thanks ***: RavenC has quit IRC (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)
hans_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28207 10/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] post preview layout is the same as post layout
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28208 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_posts.tpl: [ENH] show post title in tiki-list_posts.php
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28209 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-edit_blog.tpl tiki-edit_blog.php): [ENH] adjust title and option name in tiki-edit_blog.php ***: rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
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