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***Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [00:17]
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chealer has joined #tikiwiki [00:34]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r28311 10/trunk/templates/tiki-calendar_calmode.tpl: [FIX] Odd/even formatting was lost when fixing day focus previously. Thanks chibaguy. [00:35]
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white has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:11]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r28312 10/trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php: [DOC] rewording and fixing doc link
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r28313 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] default value for plugin
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MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) [02:35]
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wan has joined #tikiwiki [03:18]
I've got a problem installing tikiwiki and wonder ifyou guys could helpme out
i've got as far as the add your database usuername and password to ensureyou are the admin , which i filled up and enter, after which it just forwards me to the main welcome paga again
when i try to reload the install, it just shows a recurring system error page
anyone can help me out here?
rodrigo_sampaiohi wan
wan: which version are you using?
wanhi! [03:22]
rodrigo_sampaiowan: what is the error? [03:23]
you can see the error here yourself: this is the deployment i tried
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wani checked my db, no tables were created. [03:27]
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wanho rodrigo
sorry got dced
did you say anything?
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Categories - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37975
New Forum Posts: Tabs default - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37974
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***aung has joined #tikiwiki [04:56]
i have question regarding intertiki
I have 4 websites that were connected through intertiki
Now, I'm trying to take if off, but it doesn't work...everytime I login in with one, all 4 of them gets logged in automatically....can someone help pls?
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coaboa_hello from germany [09:11]
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:18]
batchman82 has joined #tikiwiki [10:23]
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Freudlund has joined #tikiwiki [10:43]
FreudlundI'm facing a bit off trouble, trying to move my TW from LAMPP(XAMPP) to Ubuntu repo LAMP, having cpoied db to new mySQL, and tikiwiki folders from LAMPP htdocs to /var/www, all fine, logging in and all, just when trying to access a wiki page or whatever from the index page, gives 404, guessing some differance in apache through xampp versus apache through repo...any suggestios? [10:49]
I'm guessing i'll have dto diff some cfg file, just dont know which one, there's so many... [10:54]
looking at apache error.log, i'm trying to access a page which don't exist /var/www/tikiwiki/PCU (PCU is the name of the wiki page), guessing something with URL rewrite...help? [11:03]
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goj has joined #tikiwiki [11:30]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Giving view permission for about us to anonymous users - tiki 3.6 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=37982 [12:10]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r28314 10/trunk/img/tiki/ (tikibutton.png tikibutton2.png tikibutton3.png tikilogo.png): [UI] Updated 'powered by' buttons and demo logo to reflect the new tiki branding logo. [13:21]
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j0n3hi [14:14]
ricks99hi j0n3 [14:21]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3511 - - calendar reminder patch - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3511 [14:44]
I'm looking how to improve tracker item view, but I've found some annoying thing... tr() with html code inside it
is it normal? I've thought tr was only for plain text... and html should be arount that
sylviegit should not - but there is no conceptual problem to put in [14:56]
how do i start developing for tiki?
fast way ^^Y
(i mean lazy way)
ookkkkk... Looking for that on dev.tikiwiki.org ¬¬
ricks99start developing what? transations? plugins? [15:01]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28315 10/trunk/lib/objectlib.php: [FIX] Objectlib/google maps: Add trackeritem to get_needed_perm() object types so maps appear to non-admins again in trackers. Also added cases for trackeritem_closed, trackeritem_pending and tracker (unused so far) [15:04]
j0n3i want item list fields of tracker show correct link to external items when it is a link to item to a third tracker
I should explain better...
tracker #1 clients (one field is item list to contracts), tracker #2 contracts (a field for item link to clients), tracker #3 partners (list item to a partners item link on tracker #4, tracker #4 contracts on partners (two item link fields. One to #1 clients and #2 to partners)
when viewing contracts, showing item list showing which partners are associated, nothing shown
viewing client item, item list for contracts doesn't link to contracts
no itemid on link
only intranet (you can't access it yet)
but itemId= <----- nothing
relations of two tables are well done, but using item list linked to a item link field to a third tracker fails
ricks99sorry. outside my realm of expertise [15:14]
j0n3I don't know if its easy or not to improve [15:15]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Inquietud con menú desplegable. - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=37984 [15:15]
j0n3i'm average php coder... [15:15]
sylviegoutside mine too - only the one who designed the model can fix it (seems to me a strange model..) [15:16]
j0n3maybe there is another way to do that
but I've tried lot of ways... even taking trackers appart and doing that with wiki pages...
but changing the template = change ALL client pages
j0n3 shout arghghg!!!
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r28316 10/branches/5.x/img/tiki/ (tikibutton.png tikibutton2.png tikibutton3.png tikilogo.png): [UI] Updated 'powered by' buttons and demo logo to reflect the new tiki branding logo. Backport of 28314 from. OK'd by jonnyb (tx!) [15:26]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28317 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Gmap locator: Return to wiki page if called from a tracker plugin instance. [15:39]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28318 10/trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php: [FIX]tracker: sort on field + avoid sql error if wrong param -> to be backported [16:04]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28319 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX] Trackerfilter: Export mode, fix filters/exact values [16:16]
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white has quit IRC (Quit: Bye) [16:37]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28320 10/trunk/ (lib/wiki/wikilib.php modules/mod-func-menupage.php): [FIX] Wiki: Don't show edit icons on locked pages, or pages in modules [16:59]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28321 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Wiki: Don't unlock pages if the mysterious $hash parameter is not specified. E.g. when editing plugins [17:11]
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RavenC has joined #tikiwiki [18:36]
RavenCpolom [18:36]
jonnybhi RavenC [18:36]
RavenCanyone get this error ? using 5.1RC1 ....
Error: the xajax Javascript component could not be included. Perhaps the URL is incorrect? URL: lib/ajax/xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js
jonnybnot recently
do you have js minify on?
RavenCthink its a perm issue
one sec
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RavenCit was the web.config files back after upgrading... thanks though johnnyb
they are really tricky with IIS
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chealerhi RavenC. could you explain the issue you just hit? [18:43]
RavenCsure chealer. I upgraded a 5.0 site to 5.1 RC1. I have to remove the subdirectory web.config files, or IIS thows errors left and right.
when I uploaded the 5.1 content, it had re-written all the web.config files
when johnnyb mentioned minified js, i got to the admin page and realized that "performance" and "
chealerRavenC: 5.x is supposed to support IIS well. if you have such issues, I'd like to know which web.config causes which issues. [18:46]
RavenC"editing and Plugins" icons were missing... [18:46]
chealerRavenC: OK. and you saw that error in the JS console? [18:47]
RavenCi see. Well, tiki-admin.php will not display the icons for performance and editing and plugins with the default web.config files
that error actually came up on every page load
including the tiki-default.php
chealerRavenC: you get that error in the JS console, right? it doesn't pop up on all page loads
RavenCno, it popped up on all page loads
i removed all of the web.config files and everything plays very nicely :)
once removed, all the js errors dissapeared. Much like the icons, I think IIS 7.5 doesn't like the web.config files
chealerRavenC: would it be easy for you to restore the web.config files and tell me a bit more. like what happens if you try fetching lib/ajax/xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js [18:50]
one moment
chealerRavenC: the web.config files are there specifically for IIS, so IIS is supposed to like them [18:52]
RavenCI assumed that, but never could use them. Being a closed system, I wasn't concerened with the security aspect... [18:52]
chealerRavenC: they're known to be buggy in 5.0, but I fixed all problems I discovered since [18:55]
RavenCchealer, I have the files back. What would you like me to try ? [19:00]
chealersee what happens if you manually fetch lib/ajax/xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js [19:02]
RavenC500 error [19:02]
chealerRavenC: could you paste the whole error? [19:02]
RavenCcan you private chat me ? [19:03]
chealerRavenC: i just sent you a personal message if that's what you mean
RavenC: thank you. it seems the error is quiet (no details on the cause). I'll try reproducing, maybe I just omitted to test AJAX
RavenC: do you know why your site is using xajax?
RavenCno clue
chealerhum, it only showed the error message the first time I accessed the pages [19:06]
RavenCit uses a modified jqui theme... and I think I attempted the "groupmail" profile on it
I get the error on each page load
jonnybyes, groupmail requires ajax and didn't manage to get ajax working on iis [19:08]
RavenCthat is probably what it is then. I could not get the groupmail to work correctly and gave up
(sadly I might add)
jonnybit never really got finished i'm afraid
sadly :(
what a great feature it would make
did you go to admin#main? when you go there, it can't load any area with the web.config files in place
jonnybtry tiki-admin.php?page=features [19:11]
RavenCyeah, i can go in that way, just not off the link [19:14]
chealerrebooting to the infamous OS [19:17]
RavenClol [19:17]
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ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [19:30]
chealerRavenC: strange, my local 5.x has no issue with AJAX or anything, apparently
RavenC: could you try a fresh install of 5.x or getting details on the 500 errors?
RavenCdoind a fresh install now
chealeroh, I may be lying [19:38]
RavenChehehe [19:39]
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chealerI have a certificate error updating 5.x: http://picpaste.com/Tiki_update.PNG [19:46]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28322 10/trunk/get_strings.php: removing unused variable [19:47]
chealerRavenC: OK, I'm not lying
RavenC: OK, so... are you able to reproduce on a fresh install?
RavenCnot the JS errors (which leads me to believe that is a remnant of the groupmail)
however, I still have the menu and graphics issues with the web.config files
chealerRavenC: what kind of fresh? fresh DB on a fresh Tiki tree? [19:52]
RavenCyes, fresh 5.1 and fresh DB [19:52]
chealerRavenC: what is the OS, Windows 7? [19:53]
RavenCserver is 2008R2
I've had the same issue with the web.config files since 4.xx as I recall.
chealerRavenC: could you get details on the HTTP 500 errors? it's presumably a rules conflict but I'd need to know from which files. [19:54]
RavenCsure, I can try. You know how easy Mr. Gates makes breaking out 500 errors... [19:55]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28323 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/ (3 files): [FIX]tracker: possibility to pass prefilter to TRACKERFILTER + notice + possibility to filter on 2 criteria [19:55]
RavenCI will mess around with them and see what I can come up with [19:56]
chealerRavenC: 4 :-? I don't think we have web.config files in 4
RavenC: I'm not sure actually, they come up with enough information to fix them on this machine (Windows 7)
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28324 10/trunk/ (14 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] hability to write back database translations to language.php or custom.php (missing some adjustments)
tikiwiki: [ENH] moving some methods used in tiki-edit_languages.php and tiki-interactive_trans.php to the new Language class (some features in tiki-edit_languages.php are broken with this refactor and will be fixed soon)
RavenCchealer, I will have to fire up that old virtual and see.... I don't quite recall, but I thought 4 had them. I could be mistaken. It seems like so long ago now... [19:58]
chealerthe web.config files were committed to trunk in March. the only time they were released was 5.0 AFAIK
I'll be back shortly
thanks for all your help
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r28325 10/trunk/templates/ (14 files): [NEW] Import Chibaguy's blog template wrappers for more flexibility in blog layout as discussed in TikiFest Barcelona2 [20:04]
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tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28326 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [KIL] feature to create a new language in the database (new languages created using the database were used nowhere) [20:42]
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jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [20:52]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28327 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Validation: Move tracker_validator.tpl out of wiki-plugins and deploy in tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl.
tikiwiki: Add JS to delay form submission until all validation requests have been served so it saves properly.
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: No veo menus y modulos con Internet Explorer - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=37985 [20:57]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28328 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-edit_languages.tpl tiki-edit_languages.php): spliting export and edit language in two different tabs and removing some <table> tags [21:34]
coaboahow can I achieve that anonymous user can submit a wiki page but the saved page if it does not exist but the page stays hidden until approval. Anonymous should not be able to edit a wikipage!
*only if page does not exist
sylviegstaging an d approval feature - or play with categs and categs transition [21:40]
coaboaso I would allow anonymous to edit but un save it is pushed either to a cat only visible for registered or using staging... thx
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sylviegsylvieg thinks something is stil missing to tiki - such as each objects are created in this categ for this group...
sylvieg or something like if you are in perspective created objects inherits this categ...
coaboa: thje staging approval feature can do the job - but - what is the word .. difficul to activate - and probably buggy...
coaboalooks like. what about the wiki feature "wiki_encourage_contribution"? Will it keep input until authorization is successful (eg. in a cooky)?
no it just displays the button....
sylviegcoaboa: you ned to test forde categorization in admin->wiki
I suppose it can do the job
the missing part is probably anonymous are handled the same way than 'people that can do it'
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coaboaexcact. I just want to have an option that anonymous can put in a wiki page (or something) but needs to register to further edit it. So more soemthing like a draf saving until registering.
sylviegstaging and approval feature does that - but this feature is so 'badly' implemented [22:19]
coaboa---sections--- ;-)
the edit wiki page sections does mess up the staging (at least in 4.3)
so we decided to drop the usage of staging
sylviegnot the simple
in yuour case - anonymous submits and goes approve - you can do with categ - but if you want anonymous to modify you need stagging and approve,
coaboaI do not want anonymous to edit, just submit if not existing.
and if page exists redirect to registering -> without loss of input.
sylviegyou will never be in case 2 with tiki [22:29]
coaboaok, so I stop dreaming for today ;-) thx will have a look at your suggestions tomorrow. thx a lot & good night [22:31]
sylviegsweet dreams [22:32]
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