tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28466 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_posts.tpl: [FIX] link to post in admin post page
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28467 10/trunk/tiki-list_posts.php: removing unused code
sylvieg : I have a complex toc, all trees context are OK
etc. I had to write complete trees management (dtabase and displys) for great toc(s) that it had been very easy and I had just may be 100 chars to add for the whole
not against you Trebly - I have to go to cok - soory - see you later
sylvieg : It's late, I go to sleep... I kept the chat view, we will go-on tomorrow
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28468 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-print_blog_post.tpl tiki-print_blog_post.php): [ENH] cleaner code and fixing some details on print post page (but still very simple layout)
ah, I suppose broken community is why it takes so long to get to admin panels (timeout fetching stable.version) :-/
hi chealer
hello chibaguy
I wonder why tw.o, etc. can't be more stable.
Not a very good demo of the software.
chibaguy: welcome to my mind an hour ago
It'd be nice if a non-performing Tiki site could automagically put up a static splash page to at least give visitors a message like "sorry, site is used for bug fixing and is temporarily down."
(for tw.o, etc.)
But I suppose some external script would have to do that.
actually, I was more thinking it would be nice if they were more stable. the reasons are not too mysterious (too few sysadmins, probably too many Tiki performance bugs)
Sure, more stable would be best.
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28469 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] comment preview equal to published comment
tikiwiki: [ENH] display author and date in the format "Published by authorName on datetime"
Hi. I'd like to change references to MyTiki to something else. It feels like calling it MyTiki emphasizes the website code rather than content. Am I safe to edit references in tiki-my_tiki.tpl or will this cause problems?
ChefTim, how about just editing the language file so that "MyTiki" is replaced by some other term?
oh didnt know there was one
you mean the language file for internationalization?
Well, all of the interface strings in Tiki are translatable.
There's an English one - lang/en/language.php
cool. thanks
Or better, make a custom file lang/en/custom.php, with your translation.
Then it won't be overwritten when you next update the Tiki version.
probably a better idea. does it load automagically?
There's probably info at doc.tikiwiki.org.
The formatting of the custom.php is kind of particular.
Also be sure your editor saves it with utf-8 character encoding.
im sure if docs don't cover it I can figure it out by looking at other language.php files and experimentation.
yes, it loads automatically.
should I avoid editing existing .tpl files in the future for updating
or the phps for that meatter
yes, avoid editing those if possible, I'd say.
'k thanks. the slowly climbing this learning curve.
oh btw I eventually want to change the way categories are displayed. Where should I start looking into this? I believe it is the tpl that regulates it but I understand I should avoid editing it.
ChefTim, there's a lang/fr/custom.php file to use as an example, IIRC, or anyway there used to be.
i'll look :)
If you can change the categories display with CSS, that'd be the best way.
I want to get rid of the extraneous buttons. make the display cleaner and simpler.
You could hide or display or move things around to some degree with CSS.
I'd look at the page with Firefox and Firebug add-on, to see what CSS rules are involved there.
Then you can make a (drum roll) styles/custom.css file with the rules you need.
Probably {display: none} types of things.
kinda offends my sense of efficiency to have it send the data, that i'll never use, and not display it. Probably a sacrifice I'll have to make since I have decided that I like tikiwiki :)
but im young .. im sure down the road i'll feel/know better
Well, yeah, that is a down side.
young to tikiwiki that is
You can edit the .tpl file, etc., but document it so you know what to do after an upgrade, I suggest.
(If you're like me, it's best to write stuff down. ;-) )
Or comment things out in the file rather than deleting, and keep a local copy.
I'll make diffs if I make changes
most of my problems right now are learnign new web technologies I havent played with in years and generally catching up.
err anyway back to tweaking
thanks again
sure, no problem.
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r28470 10/branches/proposals/3.x/templates/tiki-admin_tracker_fields.tpl: [bp/r28454][MOD]Exporting and importing tracker fields now includes description text and the checkbox for parsing description, as well as the equivalent when the field is of type "StaticText".
any "firebug" master around?
I see some js issues in trunk at admin look and feel...
but I don't remember what jonnyb told me about how to use it to look for the js errors (if any)
oh well, tikitabs was not defined....
which didn't allow to change tabs in that admin panel
however, If I switch "minify javascript" off, then everything works again
luciash ?
I see some issue in the arcturus| simple.css that I don't know before hand how to fix...
I have the Application menu $ module in the right column. and the css submenus (like from "Admin" section) are shown half behind the white space next to the right column (the site is using fixed width)
hi chibaguy
sorry, was distracted :-)
hi xavi
hi... I'm too deep into a pipe of tracker plugins....
You might be interested in this: http://zukakakina.com . Refresh or change the page a few times. :-)
Wohooo !!!!!
A few things converged at the right time.
did you take the picture yourself?
nice "falgueres" (sorry, don't remember the Enlgish word right now)
No, the pictures come with the Wordpress Twentyten theme (it's the default theme for WP 3).
ah, nice :-)
Anyway, for the rotating pictures, I used {rcontent = n} in the site header custom code.
At some point, we have to start using our own pics.... for our own themes... :-) (beyond the official themes from elsewhere ported to Tiki, of course)
rotating? Ah, sorry, didn't refresh the page a few times a syou suggested....
ah, I see
btw, see this: http://zukakakina.com/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=130
I modified site_header_options.tpl to match the WP layout, just moved the custom code area down. But basically the same procedure could be used with other themes. I'll work out the details.
image in header is not centered when content is too wide, it seems
Right. I just got this far, so far. I guess in wordpress the page never goes wide, so for us there'll need to be some adjustment.
it would be easy to center the image.
ok, excellent work, Gary, my most sincere congratulations
still some details to finish up.
I feel like there hasn't been new themes for a while, so I want to make a push between now and tiki 6.
btwe, you might want to try the months_links module added by Jyhem for blogs... (imho, it should have been named "Blog Archive")
Yes, I need to try that out (not that my own blogs have so many posts ;-) ).
I think the blog revamp is going to be a great success.
hm, tw.o is still down. been a long time.
since you are dogfooding Blog in themes.tw.o, you might want to have that trick in that module there... This page is not updated yet (I thought I did): http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+Months_links
tw.o down to me also. Yes, weird
Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project.
thanks bot
Yeah, I need to work on themes.tw.o too. so much to do.
ok, page updated: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/module+months_links
with a few aliases added, such as http://doc.tikiwiki.org/BlogArchive
back to dive into trackers...
ok, thanks. see you later.
mmmm, plugintracker is broken for me in trunk... same tracker and plugin tracker works fine in Tiki3 LTS...
^ sylvieg, fyi
I can provide the tracker and wiki pages for testing, if any dev wants to have a look
I'll setup the same environment in tiki5 (proposals/5.x), to see wherether it works there, at least ...
ah, ok, it's not necessarily broken. The message about a field being required is not shown clearly, and I couldn't distinguish it in the interface... glad it's only this....
chibaguy still around?
I'm wondering how to add some style to that message, since it's javascript/jquery
hi xavi, reading back
hi luciash
ok, done :)
so what is your problem xavi ? :)
right at the moment ;)
well, not important for me right now... I just skipped it , since I'm running out of time to have my form fully ready
i see
but the issue I saw was that some jquery message about a field not validated in a tracker, was not clear enough
conrast problem ?
in lib/jquery/jquery-validate/jquery-validate.js (r27304)
must be fixable by adding class to it in tiki-jquery.js and then in css or something
required: "This field is required.",
added by nkoth
what rev number ?
to me that tiny text should be blinking!
rev number above
meh :)
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28471 10/trunk/ (35 files in 28 dirs): [FIX]date: when using tiki_same_day_time_only change also the preposition
ah, it is 3rd party, not easy to modify
ah... however, it seems that nkoth did
must be done as override
as far as I could see
with svn blame/annotations
yes, right
xavi: it seems to be feature so should be optional (switchable off)
ok, np. The feature is nice, but it was hard to see what was the problem
since in tiki3 the tracker was fine
(because no jquery validation)
and because in fact, the tracker validated (it's a tricky case)
never mind. I'll send a message to nkoth through devel list
any tracker guru?
I noticed that when I split the tracker into sections...
... and each section from a differnt wiki page (with the "itemId" at the url, I mean), doesn't load the default values
I mean, if I visit the page: Section01, I see the default values in drop down boxes pre-loaded
u mean tracker plugin ?
but when I go from Section01 to Section02&itemId, then the deafult values from drip down fields dissapear
yes, using tracker plugin, and not using any jquery magic (yet)
you can pass in the URL
the auto-something vars
yes, but that would make things much more complidated....
if you define a drop down box with options: file1.pdf,file1.pdf,file2.pdf
then value file1.pdf is pre-loaded by default (in drop down fields, I mean)
but when you are coming with a "itemId" in the url, it seems that it doesn't show the default value but it shows nothing, since there is nothing (yet) in the tracker item
http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Plugin+Tracker+Advanced ?
to me, the logics should be: "if there is nothing in that field id for that record, and if there is a default value in the drop down box, show the default value in the drop down box. "
hello everyone
thanks for the link, luciash. I know.
hi RavenC
luciash: but what I say is something else
I'll make a quick look (5') at the code to see if I'm lucky and I can find where that logic is managed
what about autosave param ?
luciash, that's more complicated than just to extend a little bit the default values in drop down fields
ok, i think i would need to play with your tracker plugin to understand the problem
which i don't have time fr and don't want to slow you down too
btw, from the Plugin Tracker page: "In Tiki 6, this plugin can also be used as a simple way to create custom forms which output the result as preformatted wiki pages instead of tracker items."
this is great news !
yes, I agree
c u all
what is exactly the status of desing.css and desing-refeerence.css?
is the small computed from the reference? Do I have to update both?
usually people commit only in the small one
only chibaguy seems to commit in both
Is it the role of the minify to take away the comments
sylvieg, I wanted to keep the live css file small, without comments, so i made the reference one to add comments to, so people could know what the selectors are for, etc.
hi sylvieg fair point - now we have css minify we surely could use the commented one
it's for documentation
hi chibaguy
but the problem is that the commits are not done in both right now.... so using the reference ... will break stuff
hi jonnyb
that's right, sylvieg.
I guess people aren't going to commit to reference, so maybe another way of documentation is needed, like a wiki page.
Not that that will get updated either, but at least no harm will be done.
ah, ok. My trying to reduce the file size was before minify.
in anycase .. we will have to resync before moving ;-)
layout-tiki3_level.css is also basically useless. It was meant as a reference for upgrading custom css files after Tiki 3.
I can put the reference comments in design.css and layout.css this weekend, and get rid of the other files.
thx chibaguy
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28472 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]captcha: use button and put closer the button to be sure people see it
yes, good plan
hardly everybody will follow the guidlines and put in both
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28473 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]antibot: show mandatory in tracker
Which version of Tikiwiki has a stable WYSIWYG editor
Faisal: Probably the most recent version.
I am trying the on the 4.3 .. still not stable .. will try it on 5 later
Is that a priority for Tikiwiki to provide a good editor
imho it is not priority as Tiki is wiki syntax based and WYSIWYG editor is extra additional feature
I see thank you for the information
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28474 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]antibot: better layout than 28473
FWIW WYSIWYG is still experimental in all versions, although jonnyb is working on getting it stable
hi chealer - sure am!
wrestling weith
oops - wrestling with the autosave thing at the moment
generally looking pretty good though (so far)
hi jonnyb. lots of work, but I'm eager to see the results :-)
you can play with some of it at http://alcns.net
username tiki
(or register)
thanks, I'll wait to see it in trunk for now
hi jonnyb and chealer
jonnyb, did you see my comments on skype the other day?
abot the test in alcns.net with your ckedtiro
hi xavi
(fingers lazy)
um, yes - i think so, thanks for testing
ok, no problem.
hi xavi :-)
hi philippe
jonnyb: How do I run the unit test for instance if I do cd lib/test/TikiLib; phpunit .
I have PHP Fatal error: Class 'TikiLib' not found in /home/sg/www/html/test/tikiwikitrunk/lib/test/TikiLib/WikiParserTest.php on line 19
just cs lib/test
aha tahnks I least I have sonething running
so now I have to figure out how to add my own test - I am always loosing my test scripts - I need to commit them somewhere
no sure
take a simple one and copy it? ;)
mmm, is there any example of a plugin inside a plugin working?
in php? trackerfilter
I'm jus trying a PluginDIV inside pluginR and it doesn't sem to like it...
I mean, inside a wiki page
I think I have somewhere an INCLUDE and MENUPAGE
{R()}bla bla {DIV(width=200)} bla bla {R}
missing the closing {DIV}
I mean, in case I need to add something in PluginR to make it allow calls to other plugins inside
ah, yes, thnks. it is in the real example
I mean , I have a closing div there
I noticed some bug when using closing tag like /}
ok, in my case, I'm closing them in the traditioanl way {DIV(with=200)}text{DIV}
s/with/width (of course)
I am not sure it will work with R - because R takes on the $data and 'eats' it
take away the ~np~ at the return return '~np~'.$ret.'~/np~';
and your DIV will be probably interpreted
ok, you are right, maybe that's why I'm having these issues
mmm, I'll try with the param to (wiki) parse the output
(I created a param for that, now I remember :-) )
ah, nope, I was already using that wiki parsing... so , it seems that R doesn't like the DIV plugin, and plugin CODE can not be validated once inside R, it seems
ok, minor display issue (lines shown too long)
Is there in the room, a Spanish speaker I can clarify some doubts, to see if a viable tikiwiki for an association of the disabled, accessibility features, security of personal data, access levels, etc? I do not speak English, I need to translate with a program and hardly understand anything. If you contact me please use a language English without abbreviations and simple. Thanks
Andurino, there I go, see pm
Andurino: te he escrito en una ventana a parte. Me ves?
ok, ahora si
oh... Spanishs and Catalans can speak together - just kidding;-)
sylvieg, in Catalonia, we usually do without any problem. From the rest of Spain, they seem to have problems to speak with us sometimes... (mass media in other parts of Spain is doing an incredible and awful job, as far as I could feel a couple of years ago, when I was visiting some of my family's hometowns)
fyi :-)
When you search in Tikiwiki it highlights the words in your search in the result. how to turn that feature off?
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28475 10/trunk/templates/tiki-edit_blog.tpl: [FIX] only show heading preview button if feature_blog_heading is enabled
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r28476 10/trunk/ (8 files in 5 dirs): [NEW] related posts on the bottom of each post
rodrigo_sampaio: optional ?
luciash: yes, and disabled by default ;)
rodrigo_sampaio: great :) thank you
luciash: always good to know that there are people watching the new commits ;)
is it only per blog setting ? no global one ?
but maybe you are right it is not necessary in case of blogs
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28477 10/branches/experimental/wysiwyg_ckeditor_update/lib/ (10 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] ckeditor: Add ajaxAutoSave plugin. Not fully working - more to come soon.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28478 10/branches/experimental/wysiwyg_ckeditor_update/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] ckeditor: More on ajaxAutoSave plugin. Much better! Refactoring still TODO
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28479 10/branches/experimental/wysiwyg_ckeditor_update/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] ckeditor: Maximize - the new name for Fullscreen