tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r28820 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] turned off logger for sheet
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r28821 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Mass search and replace of content in wiki pages
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r28822 10/trunk/templates/ (attachments.tpl attachments_tracker.tpl categorize.tpl): [MOD] remove some useless css classs on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
hello and good morning
Is there a way to include a file containing a script to via look and feel? Siomilar to templates {include file='/path/somescript'} as this would be easier to maintain.
* to tiki *similar
cool include via look and feel works. great ;-)
hi jonnyb
hi xavi
polom coaboa and all
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r28823 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [MOD]More detailed description on how to prevent unwanted access to wiki pages acting as smarty templates in pretty trackers
hi coaboa and jonnyb
hola xavi
New Forum Posts: Bridging with PHPBB? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38347
jonnyb, a question about jquery, in case you know a quick answer or link for more info
fire away xavi
remember you told a tip to pre-load some values in tracker forms using jquery?
let me give the link....
well, it works with text fields, but not with textarea
any tip on how to get a similar effect on a textarea field in a tracker?
does the textarea have an "id" or just a "name"?
probably just a name i'm guessing
mmm, good question, let me check...example:
ah, sorry, useless example since anons can't add items
checking myself
you'll probably need something like $('textarea[name="edit"]').val()
id="area_67" and name="track_67"
^it has both, name and id
I'll try your tip
oh... and $('#area_67').val() is no good?
# means id
there's lots more on this here: http://api.jquery.com/browser/
look under "selectors"
I mean: this $("#track_68").val("foo or bar"); works for a text field, but not for a text area
(using trunk)
for some stupid reason the textareas use a different naming system in tracker (!)
ok, great, it works with $("#area_67").val("test"); in a textarea
yes, I've just noticed! Thanks for tip, it works
annoying, isn't it! :)
I?ll add to documentation of PluginJQ
he, he, jonnyb, and any trick to allow multilines in the text area content added by jquery magic?
like by using \n you mean?
this doesn't work: $("#area_67").val("test1 %%% test2 %%% test3");
ah, ok, I'll try
%%% is for wiki parsed stuff
and that's js, ok, ok
\n is a linefeed (usually)
yes, it works! nice :-)
might be weird on windows (especially in IE)
oups, is it unsupported by IE8?
don't know - you might need to use \n\r (or is it \r\n - i can never remember)
(or care ;) )
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28824 10/trunk/templates/tiki-theme_control_objects.tpl: [MOD] No change indentation only
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28825 10/trunk/templates/tiki-theme_control_objects.tpl: [MOD] remove some useless css classes on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
I'd need some help with some css trick to make code from geshi wrap even when line numbers are on
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28826 10/trunk/templates/tiki-theme_control_sections.tpl: [MOD] No change indentation only
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28827 10/trunk/templates/tiki-theme_control_sections.tpl: [MOD] remove some useless css classes on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
@xavi: when using line numbers, really should be an ordered list
with list elements -
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28828 10/trunk/templates/tiki-theme_control.tpl: [MOD] No change indentation only
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28829 10/trunk/templates/tiki-theme_control.tpl: [MOD] remove some useless css classes on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
hi ricks99 . but what does it mean, that when using line numbers, no line wrapping is possible?
my question is, i npart, which css do I need to modify in order to have the line wrap when I use line numbers in plugin code?
witout linenumbers, code wraps already
(in both cases, the same param wrap=1 is set)
mmmm, somewhere the pre tag gets different style (out of tiki, so in geshi, somewhere) when using line numbers
as a hack, you need to use the {word-wrap: break-word; } css...
but that does not address the *real* problem:
the code/markup that Tiki is generating is wrong
should be
- instead of
ricks, I'm afraid it's in purpose of a new geshi version that I use
so that the code can be copied without copying the line numbers
hm. produces bad/invalid/incorrect html though. will also fail accessiblity
my question is , where could I add that {word-wrap: break-word; }? (getting lost inside geshi code)
I'm having an issue with the Tiki mailer. Setup test mail was sent/received.... but the 'forgot password' feature isn't sending mail. Any ideas why?
ricks99: , never mind, too complicated, probably, I'll live with it
I need this new version of geshi because it supports R syntax (rsplus)
and it seems, for waht you say, that the problem is in geshi
HideMe: check the bug tracker, to see if this is a known bug
at http://dev.tiki.org/tracker5
xavi, seems to be one for 2005... that's about it.
I'm using the current version.
Not LTS.
HideMe: it works for me in trunk
let me try in 5...
mmmm , I get white page on tiki5
which language are you using, btw?
HideMe: ^
I get the page that the reminder has been sent.... no mail is received though.
mmm, my problem in five seems to be another
using catalan, some single quote in localitzed strings is breaking some js message, producing an error, and since I had errors shown only for admin, the anonymous user was seing a blank page
once showing errors for all users, then I get that page working, at least
now I'll test the password resend
in 5
and switching to English, just in case
works for me, HideMe
so you must have some other problem
try looking at the tiki logs
once you have set that email sending is loogged in tiki logs
(In Admin > General)
nothing in the tiki log
ok.. sec
xavi, no error but I see the entry.
ok, I would say that you try to reproduce with another (fake?) user that yopu create with another email
to see if the problem if with that email account, or whatever (in spam folder, etc.)
ok, brb
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28830 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: notice
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28831 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX]TRACKERLIST: fix sticky calendar popup
xavi Looks like a non-issue.
Can anyone tell me how to get the links up at the very top like tikiwiki.org?
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28832 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: notice
New Forum Posts: File Galleries + Odd HTML(?) code showing on screen - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38352
New Forum Posts: HowTo GraphViz? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38351
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28833 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] ckeditor: Wysiwyg plugins - double click to edit.
tikiwiki: Probably only works with htmltowiki and lots of optimisation and tidying still to do, but getting closer...
New Forum Posts: put blog and forum on custom home page. - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38353
polom RavenC
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28834 10/trunk/lib/ (ajax/tikitohtml.php tikilib.php wiki/editlib.php): [MOD] parse_data: Change parse option 'fck' to a boolean (from y/n)
hi chealer
Info: Tiki Receives Best of Open Source Software Applications Award - http://info.tikiwiki.org/article109-Tiki-Receives-Best-of-Open-Source-Software-Applications-Award
hi johnnyb & chealer
Can anyone tell me how to get the links up at the very top like tikiwiki.org?
@HideMe use secondar menu option on look & feel
note, however, actual placement may vary, depending your ur theme
fivealive theme
"Secondary site menu custom code" This?
hi jonnyb, RavenC
jonnyb: so we'll see in New York :-)
indeed chealer
going to be a busy month up 'til then...
ricks99_, Got the secondbar menu to show.... but do you know how I get it to look like the one on tikiwiki.org?
n/m I go it
are you using css or phplayer menu?
jonnyb: yeah :-P
ricks99_: yay!
{menu id=X css=y type=horiz}
k. thats it
somebody reported that at registration the message 'You will receive an email...' is not displayed anymore .... witht eh description of the bug - I can not find it out
sylvieg: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.cvs/57223
thx chealer
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28835 10/trunk/lib/registration/registrationlib.php: [FIX]registration: show 'you will receive email'
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28836 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] ckeditor: Wysiwyg plugins - now partially working in non-htmltowiki mode. Shows plugin ok, but has problems saving which will be fixed next.
What is the permission to create a wiki page called? I can't seem to find it.
@HideMe: pls see docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Permissions#Permissions_by_section
ricks99, I still don't see a "create" wiki page permission.
Can edit pages (tiki_p_edit), yes. No create.
edit = create
HideMe: test with that, because it must be the same
as rick already pointed out :-)
:-) (hi xavi)
hi ricks99-fast-fingers
gotta grab the easy questions quickly :-)
sylvieg? did you know that tracker item history is buggy?
well it's odd.... I have the edits enabled. created two new accounts and the "create a wiki page" link is gone.
perhaps its the inherit anonymous, as I give anonymous NO rights
it's not important for me (I'm not using the feature). I was just curious, and willing to take a screenshot for documentation, but I relaized that there are (at least) a couple of issues with it:
it is supposed not to be - except the last one I fixed about duplication
(1) version is shown always as "1" to me, in all versions of that item
(2) is about duplication, all right
(maybe we didn't upgrade that c2c.op.o site for a few weeks)
fyi: http://c2c.ourproject.org/tiki/tiki-tracker_view_history.php?itemId=10
@HideMe: possibly the menu itmes restricted to specific groups.
xavi While logged in as a registered user, I no longer have the "create wiki page" links.
permissions seem ok
@HideMe: do you have the menu option restricted to a specific group?
(and did you clear the cache)?
yes, HideME, it seems that you have to play a bit more with the menu options, assignation to groups, read the docs related to menus, ...
menus are limited to registered users
HideMe: revise menu options, and see which groups are assigned to them (= they have permission to see them)
and in case you have an option assigned to two groups, read the documenation about menus, to find out whether the users has to be in both, or in any of the two
I can see the menu though... just the ONE option to create is missing.
(I don't remember beforehand)
That doesn't make sense, they whole menu wouldn't render if it was permission on the menu, no?
@HideMe: menu *options* can be restricted to specific groups. as xavi suggested, check the docs for details
"the ONE option to create"?
there are perms *per menu* and *per optin* (in adition to *per feature*)
Yes... "Create a wiki page" is on;y shown for admin
then, you need to assgn it to registered
or whatever group you want its users to see it
I have.
Wow... tikiwiki has to be the most unintuitive permission/menu/block system I've ever seen.
unintiutive: did you read the documentation for menus, anyway? (just curiosity)
Tiki has the most "fine-grained" perm system.
just try creating a SINGLE menu in mediawiki that has DIFFERENT options for differtnt users/groups. Cannot be done. ... but Tiki can :-)
HideMe: how intuitive is for you (or was when you learned it, if so) the permission system in GNU/Linux, for comparison?
"With great power comes great(er) complexity"
with my previous questions, I'm not saying that tiki is the most intuitive system for permissions for newbies
just wondering how more or less intuitive it is compared to other permission systems
xavi compare tiki to other CMS/wiki software would be a better question.
fine-grained, etc.
HideMe: please, if you find ways to propose to make the system more intuitive, please, write a message to the tiki users or devel list, so taht others can think about that...
it's not an easy topic
@HideMe: u might find this primer helpful http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Creating+Menu+Options
and there are many use cases that you might not be considering, etc. , that would need to be resolved for a complex fine-grained perms system
I will attest to the difficulties from a newbie standpoint, but once you get a feeling of what the program does, it really is relatively easy. And as always, if the tw.o docs don't help you, there is always http://twbasics.keycontent.org/
ricks99|away, I'm simply using the default menu, admin has the 'create wiki page' link, where as registered users do not. It WAS there before, I've since created new users (registered) which cannot see the link.
anybody knows why there are two copies of Zend in trunk under lib/core/Zend and lib/core/lib/Zend ???
so *some* registered users can see th others link, but others cannot?
sylvieg: fyi, with updated trunk, same issue: http://c2c.ourproject.org/tiki/tiki-tracker_view_history.php?itemId=10
and tiki caches cleared, etc.
s/same issue/same 2 issues
sec... let me try something before I end up jumping out the window.
xavi - the duplication needs a database update
Ok... so I've verified both tiki_p_view,tiki_p_edit are allowed for registered users.
sylvieg: db updated, afaik
I managed to run "php installer/shell.php"
and that should have run all sql's...
The link lol
Now the menu has something there.... seemingly a placeholder, with no text.
@HideMe: are you creating your own menu (recommeded) or modifying the "as shipped" menu?
ricks99, I'm not editing the menu, I simply enabled secondmenu in the them to use as shipped menu links, and then hid the shipped menu from everyone but admin.
It worked, but the crate wiki link is gone.
HideMe, I think I get your problem now. You need to allow the menu (as a whole) to be seen by all, and restrict menu option by assigning them to the groups you want them to see them
does it make sense to you?
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28837 10/trunk/installer/schema/20101001_duplic_actionlog_tiki.sql: [FIX]clean duplication in actionlog
xavi: can you try this one^^ it should delete the duplication
ok, sylvieg, there I go...
xavi Mmm I think so... let me first check permission on the menu again
:-), btw, sylvieg, you live a month later than the rest of the world :-)
or I don't know your "month"-zone :-)
xavi, ok, so I am in Admin > Menus > Permissions (key icon) and it says: No direct permissions yet applied to this object. Global permissions apply.
2010 10 01?
ok, HideMe, then go to global permissions, and allow anons or reg. to see menus
sylvieg, it's 9 (sept)
sylvieg: see the file name that you created and committed :-)
what do I do .. do I rename now?
yes, +1
xavi, ok, I clicked global.... it says: {treetable}: No rows found
HideMe: ok, that might be due to a bug. See the other tab, which allows you to select features
and ensure that you have menus enabled
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r28838 10/trunk/installer/schema/20100901_duplic_actionlog_tiki.sql: oops
sorry - I am bad with date
thks, sylvieg :-)
xavi, again {treetable}: No rows found
thx for noticing it quickly
select groups tab works, both anonymous and registered are clicked.
(checked off)
( I was lazy to commit the script - so now done ) for the problem with version Id ... I have no idea....yet
"select features", I mean
at HideMe ^
xavi, yes, that tab retuens {treetable}: No rows found too
HideMe: can you select "Show permissions for disabled features"?
and everything is checked
then grant permissions to your groups for menus
what's your problem then?
sylvieg: confirmed, thanks, duplication gone.
xavi, it has no option on that page!
don't you have a tab called "Assign permissions" under tiki-objectpermissions.php ? (global permissions)
xavi, yes.
ok, did you search for the word "menu"?
in the filter box on top
"on top": under the "Permissions" title
menu options seem to be inside the "tiki" section in that page
ok... I see that.
two permissions there... neither have anything to do with creating a wiki page
Can edit menu (tiki_p_edit_menu) Can edit menu option (tiki_p_edit_menu_option)
The permission for the crate wiki page is tiki_p_view and tiki_p_edi
be back later
See... admit it's hoop upon hoop.
Thanks for the time anyway.
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28839 10/trunk/templates/ (5 files): [MOD] No change indentation only
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28840 10/trunk/templates/ (4 files): [MOD] remove some useless css classes on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r28841 10/trunk/templates/ (6 files): [MOD] remove some useless css classs on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
changi: if a commit does not modify behavior, it's not necessarily to tag it [MOD]
polom polom
hi luciash
changi: I've seen others use [INDENT], IIRC, though I think that one is not official
hi luciash
xavi: lib/core/lib/ is not supposed to exist anymore in trunk. Rodrigo recently moved that up, to simply lib/core/
hi everybody
actually those [FOO] which are recognized go automagically to changelog, so should be logical (meaningful) for changelog
so I've rolled my DB back to before I started playing with menus. The default menu still does not have the "create wiki page" link though wiki permissions are set for registered users to do so. Any idea?
HideMe: after clearing Tiki cache ?
luciash, yes. all tiki caches
and the item is in the menu defined ?
How so?
I see the link while logged in as Admin.... but not as a registered user.
how so ? it's a question... sorry for my english
@HideMe: if returned to defaults, the Reg group requires access to wiki and listpages feature, in addition tiki_p_edit perm
yes, please explain what you mean.
to clear cache, select Admin > Tiki Cache from the menu
ricks99, Ok... I've given the Registered group permissions to edit wiki pages (tiki_p_edit)
still no link for them
did u clear the cache. ^^^
Yes, see above at 15:19
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28842 10/trunk/templates/ (18 files): [MOD] remove some useless css classes on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
Cleared ALL tiki cache
basically your group needs permissions which are listed for the menu item on the Admin > Menus > Main Application menu (id 42) > Edit items (icon) > Create New Page
@HideMe: I cannot reproduce your error.
on my brand new 5.1 install, after granting tiki_p_edit to registered group, the wiki > Create page option appears, as expected
HideMe: more specifically tiki-admin_menu_options.php?menuId=42&offset=25
pls check your Registered group permissions
HideMe: Sections: feature_wiki,feature_listPages
HideMe: Permissions: tiki_p_view,tiki_p_edit
tiki-admin_menu_options.php?menuId=42&offset=25 doesn't exist.
HideMe: how so ? it does for me in my Tiki 5.1
I've gone into tiki-admin_menu_options.php?menuId=42 , searched for create and added the permission for registered on create a Wiki Page (tiki-listpages.php?cookietab=2#tab2) But the link isn't there.
HideMe: did you delete menu with Id 42 ?
Mmm where does it show my version?
do you have feature_listPages enabled ?
k.. I too am using 5.1
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r28843 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] ckeditor: Wysiwyg plugins - now mostly working in non-htmltowiki mode. Still ends up showing plugin syntax after double-click editing (TODO), but loads and saves ok.
tikiwiki: Also some refactoring and implementation properly on {CODE} section.
or can you access tiki-listpages.php?cookietab=2#tab2 with Registered group user ?
@HideMe: are you 100% sure that the user is in the Registered group?
Is feature_listPages a plugin?
HideMe: nope, it is just a feature under Admin > Wiki iirc
luciash, yes I can access tiki-listpages.php?cookietab=2#tab2 is a registered user.... the link isn't in the menu though.
ah, hmm, and do you see as the user the Create a Wiki Page tab ?
list pages is enabled... and on that page is a tab to create a page.
Still no link as the admin user has though.
HideMe: weird, i have it (just created test user "foo", and gave the Registered group tiki_p_edit
do u have a URL public?
ricks99, nope, I'm just testing local to see if tiki is right for me.
as with luciash, my 5.1 site has the menu option, as expected
and you haven't touched the default menus?
all i did was give tiki_p_edit to the Registereed group
then created a new user.
that new user can see wiki > create link
last thing... your 100% that you modified the *group* permission -- not the homepage *page* permission?
ok.. so I'm going to take this permission off the menu item tiki-admin_menu_options.php?menuId=42&offset=0&sort_mode=position_asc&optionId=36
HideMe: just curious, what OS you try under ? Linux or Windows ?
rick pretty sure I did.... lets walk through it.
luciash, linux
1. select Admin > Groups
so I took that permission off that luciash told me to set... and now it's there!
y. because now *ANYONE* will see the option
this is not what you want
you want only registered users to see the create option, right?
HideMe: did you assign the tiki_p_edit on tiki-objectpermissions.php?group=Registered actually ?
Right... however, I set permissions on the modules so only registered users can see them.
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r28844 10/trunk/templates/ (17 files): [MOD] remove some useless css classes on td and tr tags in formcolor tables
anonymous visitors can't see any menu
HideMe: ok, that will work for you, but it is just a workaround, we really wonder why it doesn't work for you the "standard way"
luciash, yes. anon has nothing.... registered have some.
Ok... seriously.... I want to jump out the window.
The link is gone again.
withing seeing your actual site, i cannot provide any additioanl details. sorry.
as i said, i have confirmed that it works as expected on my sites
After adding a secondsite menu {menu id=49 css=y type=horiz} and then site menu bar {menu id=42 css=y type=horiz} the links are gone.
Ok... try maknig those theme changes though.
because that's when I initially noticed the issue
when moving my menus around.
Ah HA!
now removing the secondsite menu {menu id=49 css=y type=horiz} the link is back!
there is no menu #49 in a default install
did u create a custom menu?
or apply a profile?
a new tiki install has a single menu: #42
49 is a custom menu I created... just some links.
Adding both the menus to the theme at once the link went away.... I took 49 out, saved, the link was back. Added 49 again, now all is well.
too quirky.
sorry i can't help more. if you're still having problems, i suggest posting to the support forums
you guys have helped greatly... it may be resolved.
changi: ^^
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r28845 10/trunk/templates/ (7 files): [MOD] no changes, code indenting
pkdille: if a commit does not modify behavior, it's not necessary to tag it [MOD]. I've seen others use [INDENT], IIRC, though I think that one is not official.
Developers, a couple of quick questions: I'm getting ready to write the styler for sheet, and I wanted to run something by you and get your opinion. What do you think of using the existing TikiWiki syntax but sending the request (example change text color) back to the server, have the server interpret it and then the response would be a command to change a cells color, or background color, or font?
RobertPlummer: i don't get it, sounds complicated
It is actually not to bad. The complication comes in re-writing the system or use the existing.
TikiWiki syntax has an interpreter, I believe it is written in php.
you mean Smarty ?
why not style it only via CSS/jQuery ?
When a cell's value is set, we could just send that value back to the server, and the server detect the syntax, and just tell the sheet to change something.
sort of.
This way you could use the buttons or direct syntax to change a cell
Like this....
Cell's value changes. this value is sent via ajax to the server using jQuery ajax, the server looks at the value, and the response is something like {color: 'red'}, then the cell changes.
This way if the interpreter changes, we won't have to rewrite anything.
you mean to support wiki syntax like __bold__ ? and interpret it via ajax going through tikilib parsing ?
well, why not
that way I don't have to write a new function to understand those values. The way I'm recommending will take much less time to code.
maybe it will be slow but why not to give it a try
No no no, fast fast fast.
The user won't even know.
In-fact I've already built sheet to do things like this.
i mean tikilib is already huge
and going through whole of it isn't super fast
what do you mean?
The interpreter?
Is there a specific lib or function that does the interpreting?
That I can mod with regex or something to make these changed?
tikilib.php is bunch of regexps and replaces so every call is going through whole of it to check "just in case" if the string doesn't match some of the wiki syntax
How long would you say it would take on a single value?
are we talking miliseconds?
i don't really know, just test ;)
Where is tikilib.php?
in lib/
Found it right before you said it :()
np :)
please don't be scared ;)
I can use just certain functions like parse_data_inline_syntax for instance
we only need to change font, color, and background-color;
okay then
(at this time)
it would become worse for sure when you would like to support all the wiki plugins ;)
Well, we may need to change a few things, but my hope is that it will sort of just work.
Small steps though.
For instance, things like regex don't need to change, we can reuse them. Possibly even make an object that is just all the regex, then build our functions around them.
Or migrate older ones to use the new system
I'm telling you, 1 location for changing this stuff will make things so much simpler.
getting crazy with rewrite rule again why RewriteRule fr/toto toto [QSA,L]
is not working
the styles and all are still fetched in fr/ directory?
sylvieg: using RewriteBase ?
not really .... I wants the other tiki rewrite rule working
each time I have to do something with rewrite rules - it is painful - at least it is only once a year
RobertPlummer: so you'd only support GUI/toolbar actions, not parsing hand-written syntax?
oh sorry I missed the answers
RobertPlummer: so you don't want/intend that the sheet supports the full wiki syntax?
New Forum Posts: Can't get get the users to see pictures - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38356
chealer: I think that was mark's vision, and is now becoming myn.
chealer: had you been reading my conversation with sylvieg?