[00:03] jonnyb: yay ! switching wiki <> wysiwyg does good job now ! :) [00:04] getting there - about 80% i think [00:04] so cool [00:04] try the htmltowiki mode [00:04] it uses the same parsing [00:04] just you can do stuff in ckeditor that you can't in wiki [00:04] yea, i mean both ways [00:05] any line-end weirdness? [00:05] i usually get some [00:05] nope, doesn't seem so, well, this test page is pretty easy [00:05] i will try the included with the profile [00:05] *** hans__ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [00:06] ok - have fun - i'm off - email reports pls [00:06] i will add on the wiki page eventually [00:06] nite nite [00:06] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [00:07] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3547 - - tracker field date counts down in edit window - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3547 [00:14] good night all [00:18] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29240 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.self_link.php: [MOD] main div id selector for ajax loading (htmlelement param) is role_main by default if not specified (was tiki-center before; keeps stuff in custom_center_column_header not being replaced by ajax content) [00:26] good night coaboa [00:27] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [00:27] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: rodrigo_sampaio) [00:36] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29241 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.ajax_href.php: avoid PHP notice for htmlelement param; set to role_main if not specified [00:43] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29242 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.ajax_href.php: oops ! [00:43] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [01:05] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [01:15] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29243 10/trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl: [MOD] main div id selector for ajax loading (htmlelement param) is role_main now by default and not needed to specify (unless needed to be loaded in another element id of course) [01:16] Noticed in Trunk: when error.tpl is used, not all CSS files are loaded. Causes really weird issues [01:17] For example, attempt to login to tw.o and enter an erroneous username/pw [01:17] the CSS for the menus are not loaded, making the resulting error page illegible [01:17] anyone know how/where to fix? [01:21] tw.o is not trunk, cannot reproduce on my trunk [01:21] Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project. [01:32] time to sleep [01:32] bbl [01:38] *** coaboa_ has joined #tikiwiki [01:38] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:39] but u can reproduce on tw.o, right? [01:40] i see it on my trunk (from yeseterday i think) [01:41] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [01:49] *** goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki [01:50] *** goj|afk has joined #tikiwiki [01:53] *** goj has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:53] *** goj|afk is now known as goj [01:54] *** goj|ghost has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [01:55] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [02:01] *** olinuxx has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) [02:06] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:11] *** Caarrie|sleeping has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:11] *** Caarrie|sleeping has joined #tikiwiki [04:00] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29244 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-kaltura_video.tpl tiki-list_kaltura_entries.tpl): [FIX] fix link to Kaltura admin page [04:29] *** mlpvolt has joined #tikiwiki [04:31] hiya is there a way to get wiki file uploads and or tracker image field to land in a file gallery? [04:31] this would be for non-editing users. (the image picker works well for those who do edit) [04:42] *** FrankP has joined #tikiwiki [05:13] *** mlpvolt has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [05:16] *** Warp21 has joined #tikiwiki [05:16] anyone here [05:19] I need some help [05:20] *** Warp21 has quit IRC (Client Quit) [06:18] New Forum Posts: Probleme nach Update Tiki3 > Tiki5.1 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=38527 [06:18] New Forum Posts: Theme disappears on the Links Directory pages - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=38526 [07:08] ding dong, morning tikiwikers [07:11] *** FrankP has quit IRC (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de) [07:15] Following another discussion i checked the local.php file from a tw 5.1 updated everyday from trunk. It shows: [07:15] $db_tiki='mysqli'; [07:15] $dbversion_tiki='4.0'; [07:15] $host_tiki='localhost'; [07:15] and of course, $user, $db, $pass. [07:16] nothing more or nothing less. The version says 4.0 this is already strange... and it raises doubt about the rest. [07:17] someone can reassure me about it ? [07:22] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:22] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r29245 10/branches/proposals/5.x/templates/tiki-admin_surveys.tpl: [bp/28880] [FIX] Missing space between td and colspan + colspan should correspond to the number of th - The good one [07:37] *** Ma has joined #tikiwiki [07:37] I have an old tikiwiki with a tracker that I want to move to a new fresh installation.. How do I do that in easiest way? [07:45] *** coaboa_ is now known as coaboa [07:48] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [07:49] Ma: don't realy know. But for some reasons I rebuild the tracker if I move to anaother version without upgrading and export/import the data only... [07:49] hi xavi is there a way to export the tracker itself? [07:49] ma's question [07:50] hi coaboa. answer: yes [07:50] never seen that from which version on [07:50] Ma: did you try going to "admin trackers", edit your tracker, and select the tab "export"? [07:51] or something similar (talking by memory) [07:51] Ma: tiki version? [07:51] xavi: from 3.somthing to 5.0 [07:54] Ma: did you try first upgrading your whole tiki to 5.1? [07:54] it worked for me [07:54] and no problem with trackers, in my case, at all [07:54] xavi: from 3.x? [07:54] yes, why not? [07:55] tiki upgrades are easy and safe in 95% of the cases, I would say, according to my experience [07:55] standard upgrades, I mean [07:55] ma, did you read http://doc.tiki.org/Upgrade and try that first? [07:56] try locally first, if you wish [07:56] xavi: There are several reasons.. :P at first, I don't want all pages etc etc from that one, we will devide it into two tikiwiki 5.1 [07:56] if it was me, I would upgrade it twice to your two 5.1 sites, and then, remove what you don't need in each of them [07:56] *** yonixxxxx has joined #tikiwiki [07:57] As well as the 3.x is pretty hacky, when I upgraded from 2.x to 3.x I got about 300 errors or something like that. We don't want to have all these hacks that are made in that copy of tikiwiki [07:58] xavi: thanks for the tip of export/import tracker, I think that would work fine :) [07:58] *** yonixxx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [07:59] Ma. When I say that you can try upgrade, I mean upgrade with your old db, not with your old tiki files [08:00] of course it's up to you, but I would do standard upgrade with a new tiki installation (a new tiki file set from 5.1), and using (upgrading you rold db). [08:00] xavi: well. the db is failed as well [08:01] xavi: because last upgrade, as I said, gave 300 errors.. sql errors [08:01] it's up to you, but it would be worth investing 60' (at the most) to test locally, so that you know if any issues would arise when you would do in your server [08:01] ok, ok. who knows what happened to your site, and your old db with those hacks. [08:01] export trackers and data, if needed, would solve your problems [08:02] if you were not using mirror trackers, and if you didn't have different db structure for trackers, I guess [08:02] my 2 cents, and good luck [08:02] hehe, ok [08:03] xavi: will attachments follow when I export the tracker items? [08:04] I don't think so. Try yourself... [08:05] You can always request some (payed) improvement to some busy coder which can do that for you (sorry, not me, I don't know enough php) [08:07] fyi: the main issues with upgrades from 3 onwards use to be related to old custom theme styles (css and tpl's), and not to the upgrade of the db, which is 99% safe, imho [08:07] * xavi back to work [08:09] xavi: ok, I see [08:12] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [08:14] *** chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [08:47] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [09:09] *** j0n3 has joined #tikiwiki [09:09] hi! [09:12] I want to create a manual using wiki pages. Is there any way to print all pages in this manual in one action? or how to do that the best way? Thanks in advance! [09:27] it seems structures is the answer [10:25] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:37] *** cccccc has joined #tikiwiki [10:37] *** cccccc has quit IRC (Client Quit) [10:42] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [10:44] ¡polom! [10:59] Hi jonnyb [10:59] hi coaboa [11:18] New Forum Posts: Error :Duplicate file content - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38529 [11:30] *** fabricius|away has joined #tikiwiki [11:39] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [11:39] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [11:39] hi chibaguy [11:40] hi coaboa [11:54] *** fabricius|away is now known as fabricius [11:59] New Forum Posts: Error with smarty permissions and LDAP Group including "," ( - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=17&comments_parentId=38531 [12:06] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29246 10/trunk/templates/pagehistory.tpl: indentation [12:08] *** olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki [12:08] Was the spell checker removed from trunk? Its admin checkbox was labelled "Spell cheking", which was always good for a laugh (string is still in language files). [12:10] polom [12:10] hello luciash [12:10] polom luciash [12:10] chibaguy: lol [12:11] chibaguy: it was removed, yep, as browsers provide better spellchecking nowadays [12:17] *** Sug4r has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [12:17] I thought so, but somebody mentioned the "spell cheking" misspelling on the admin page, so I wanted to check. [12:18] *** luciash has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [12:21] *** Andurino has joined #tikiwiki [12:23] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [12:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o luciash [12:28] *** Sug4r has joined #tikiwiki [12:30] *** marclaporte has left [12:45] *** ricks99_ has joined #tikiwiki [12:46] *** xavi has left [13:05] jonnyb: this is an interesting post http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=17&comments_parentId=38531: for now groupname can not have comma [13:05] wondering if the preg_split can be done on , not folowed with space [13:05] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [13:06] hi sylvieg [13:07] hi [13:07] Rr, wiki edit preview is in a scrolly letterbox now? [13:08] approx. 200px high here. [13:08] (trunk) [13:08] sylvieg: that treetable thing is klunky in general [13:08] hi chibaguy - that was me (preview size) [13:08] it should be resizable if you have jquery ui on [13:08] but the resize handle is a bit hard to grab [13:09] work in porogress [13:09] (diff preview on it's way) [13:09] i see [13:09] maybe it should only fix the size if you have autosave etc on [13:09] you no like? [13:10] I'm just accustomed to seeing a larger view, I guess. [13:11] i just picked a more or less random height - i expect it'll need some tuning (in layout.css) [13:11] I think I like too the full view [13:11] It doesn't matter for text pages, but if you're checking a carousel or large-scale layout, it wouldn't be so good. [13:11] that's why it's resizable [13:12] i'll change it so it only sets the size for the "live" preview (with autosave on) [13:12] Where is jquery ui turned on now in trunk? I don't see it in L&F. [13:13] all that's now in admin/features/interface [13:14] L&F was getting a bit overloaded i thought, and a lot of it wasn't look or feel really [13:14] ok, thanks. btw, I'm getting a "database version problem" message now in trunk even though I just updated. [13:14] wonder if anyone else notices this. [13:14] * jonnyb svn up's [13:15] chibaguy: it is wysiwyg? [13:15] I got yesterday too .. but on a fresh install I did not it [13:15] It seems Opera 10.62 (latest vesion) doesn't give textarea a handle even with jquery ui on. [13:16] it's a bit hard to grab - should be easier (one day) [13:16] sylvieg, no, I don't have wysiwyg turned on. [13:16] a lot of change for tiki 6????? [13:17] jonnyb, maybe the problem is my netbook's small screensize too. [13:17] chibaguy: speaking about the wysiwyg in tikik_blog_post database error [13:17] opera is about the only browser i'm not keeping up with, i'm afraid [13:17] ah, I did get an error in the update, but was for a duplicate column, I think. [13:18] 4 is all i can handle! [13:18] *** RavenC has joined #tikiwiki [13:18] jonnyb, well, I like opera, but it's marketshare is tiny so we don't need to worry about support, too much, I suppose. [13:18] its [13:18] polom [13:19] are phplayers menus getting dumped soon? [13:19] hi RavenC [13:20] hi chibaguy [13:20] chibaguy: it would be nice to get rid of them, but i don't think i have time [13:20] polom RavenC [13:20] hi johnnyb [13:20] OK, just seems like it would be nice to not have them in tiki 6 LTS version. [13:21] sylvieg, yes, the error is about wysiwyg column in tiki_blog_posts. [13:21] probably a day's work including debugging [13:22] chibaguy: on a fresh install I can not reproduce - marc fixed the name with _tiki .... [13:22] So I think in tiki-install.php you can ignore the script [13:23] yes, I figured so, but wonder why I get the "database version problem" message on admin general. [13:24] you upgraded teh database with nstaller/schema/20100820_blog_posts_wysiwyg.sql. Marc changed the name to nstaller/schema/20100820_blog_posts_wysiwyg_tiki.sql with the same content [13:26] dogwalking time. bbl. [13:30] New Forum Posts: Help : I forced the www. option without DNS. Hot to get control back - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38535 [13:43] *** lucks has joined #tikiwiki [13:48] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29247 10/trunk/lib/tiki-js.js: [ENH] setCookie: Add option of "session" for cookie expires (otherwise it defaults to a year) [13:51] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29248 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] preview: Use distinct id for autosave_preview to restore previous appearance for non autosave mode. [13:52] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29249 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [13:52] tikiwiki: [ENH] preview: Show diff in preview pane (autosave mode only). [13:52] tikiwiki: Also use new #autosave_preview id and various other small fixes. [13:58] *** ricks99__ has joined #tikiwiki [13:59] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29250 10/trunk/lib/ckeditor_tiki/plugins/autosave/plugin.js: [FIX] ckeditor: Check autosave after toolbar commands not just keydown (thanks Luci) [14:01] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:02] how do I do a link with a popup in a wiki page? [14:03] Is there someone that knows what I need to export from the database to get all info for trackers? [14:04] all the tables beginning with tiki_tracker [14:04] sylvieg: something from tiki_objects also? [14:05] ah yes.. if you want the categories and the freetags... [14:05] and if you have preference field the user pref table [14:06] sylvieg: What does that mean? Would that be automatically created if I add something to a category later on? [14:06] sylvieg: preference field? [14:07] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:07] if you have tracker field of type category or prefrences and if you do not export the categories/ user prefs - these fileds will have no value [14:07] so it is not so simple ... [14:09] sylvieg: do you know what char represents category or preference type+ [14:09] ? [14:09] ????? [14:09] sylvieg: In the table, there is a column named type [14:09] categories are assigned outside tiki_tracker_ tables [14:09] sylvieg: yeah [14:10] But you said, IF there is any fields that has that certain type [14:10] The type must be specified in tiki_tracker_fields? [14:13] sylvieg: anyway, there is no field with type category or user preference [14:13] the type values are all described in lib/trackers/trackerlib.php function field_types [14:14] sylvieg: I see [14:14] Q: what's the global smarty variable to determin what type of section (wiki, forum, etc.) is currently viewed? [14:15] *** ricks99_ is now known as ricks99 [14:15] $section ricks99? [14:16] well duh. [14:16] tx jonnyb [14:16] sylvieg: But.. I need one row in tiki_objects for every tracker item, comment etc? [14:16] yup - debugger say "$section = wiki page" [14:19] Ma I am not sure there is always a row in tiki_objects for each item [14:19] there is one for sure when there is a categ [14:21] *** HideMe has joined #tikiwiki [14:23] Is there a way to have a wiki page display differnet information for more than one group using groups= , if so, how would I do it for more than 3? [14:23] jonnyb: btw, why not to have the live preview pop-up in resizable and movable jQueryUI box ? [14:24] jonnyb: maybe better than limited in letterbox on the page [14:24] sylvieg: ok, but if it is not? [14:28] tiki_objects line is needed for category, freetags and..... I think it is always created now - but I will not swear it is [14:30] sylvieg: ok. Is tehre something more that is always/sometimes created? [14:31] hard question... [14:32] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r29251 10/third_party/htmlpurifier/ (46 files in 15 dirs): (log message trimmed) [14:32] tikiwiki: [UPDATE] update HTMLPurifier to 4.2.0 [14:32] tikiwiki: HTML Purifier 4.2.0 is a minor release that implements a number of [14:32] tikiwiki: feature requests accumulated over half a year. New configuration [14:32] tikiwiki: options include %Core.RemoveProcessingInstructions, [14:32] tikiwiki: %CSS.ForbiddenProperties, %HTML.FlashAllowFullScreen and [14:32] tikiwiki: %Core.NormalizeNewlines. Additionally,%URI.DisableResources is [14:34] sylvieg: Ok. Is there some way to check that? Is tehre somebody who could know? :) [14:35] try the devel list - if nobody else here knows [14:41] New Forum Posts: Content indexing for search on windows - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38540 [14:46] hi here [14:46] I've just installed a TikiWiki@home (it's my first time) and it's cool, I access to him [14:47] I want to upload a BDD but I don't know how it works [14:47] Is anybody can accompagn me on this way ? [14:48] (a french speaker will the best for me :P ) [14:48] BDD ? [14:48] database [14:49] ah [14:49] arf ... sorry my mistake [14:50] I's my first time, so I haven't the good reflex [14:50] mysql -u olinuxx -p tikidbname < your-database-backup.sql [14:50] or are you linux guy but no command line guy ? [14:51] thanks luciash, I go to check it [14:51] sylvieg: hm, ok. But you don't know any that knows? Do you know where it does add everything? like comments, items and so on [14:51] luciash, I'm not afraid by command line ;) [14:51] olinuxx: assuming you have mysql user olinuxx and database tikidbname created [14:52] luciash, right, all is up on these sides [14:52] What do you want to do Ma? [14:53] I go to watch my database, because she is'nt on .sql extension (but in .tz2) [14:53] sylvieg: export a tracker and import on antoehr tiki-isntallation [14:53] another tiki-installation* [14:53] did you try a exporter? [14:54] olinuxx: just untar it [14:54] sylvieg: a exporter? [14:54] bevause you will have conflicts of id, category will not have the dame id.... it is very tricky to do that at a db level [14:54] thre is a tracker + tracker items exporter / importer [14:54] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [14:55] luciash, yes, I try it ;) [14:56] sylvieg: What I can see there is no categories used with this tracker. That one does not include comments and attachments [14:57] mmh shi*, I've an error while I'm extracting the database :/ I go to check why and come back after, thanks for support [15:00] sylvieg: right? [15:02] *** Ma has left [15:03] imho - better to use the tracker importer exporter [15:09] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29252 10/trunk/tiki-edit_languages.php: [ENH] no point for tiki-edit_languages.php to depend on lang_use_db feature (as far as I know there is no use anymore for this feature, so maybe we can remove it) [15:12] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29253 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] menu option under admin section for tiki-edit_languages.php [15:20] mm luciash I've got a : [15:20] ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'tikiwiki-linuxmao-100205.sql' [15:20] *** Andurino has left [15:21] * olinuxx go to try another database [15:22] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29254 10/trunk/tiki-edit_languages.php: [ENH] new imported language is available for edition and exporting without having to reload the page (just moved the import code block to the top of the script) [15:26] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29255 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.textarea.php: [FIX] textarea: notices [15:29] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29256 10/trunk/templates/tiki-edit_languages.tpl: [15:29] tikiwiki: [ENH] message warning the user that when a new language is imported all database translations for that language are lost [15:29] tikiwiki: [ENH] using {remarksbox} for message after importing a language [15:31] olinuxx: what the full command was ? [15:31] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29257 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] toolbars: notices [15:31] mysql -u my_user -p tikiwiki-linuxmao-100205.sql [15:32] olinuxx: wrong [15:33] olinuxx: you didn't follow my example ;) [15:33] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:33] ah ok ! you're < wasn't an indication for me but a real command ! :/ [15:33] olinuxx: yes [15:33] ok,my mistake :) [15:33] ...again ;) [15:33] and you need your newly created db name before the < [15:33] you need to create new empty db first [15:34] then the < will fill the db with the sql commands in the sql file [15:34] New Forum Posts: Attaching file to newsletter - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38542 [15:36] ok luciash the db is already create according to tikiwiki doc for install [15:36] I go to check with the good command now ;) [15:39] seems to work because no error message, but it's long . Maybe it's normal (database = 650M) ? [15:41] yep [15:41] ok, so I go to make me a cofee :) [15:41] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29258 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [15:41] tikiwiki: [FIX] ckeditor: "No tabs" button with xajax working better... [15:41] tikiwiki: (thanks again Luci) [15:48] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29259 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: [FIX] Kaltura actions: checking only if tiki_p_admin is set is not good idea [15:51] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29260 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: [FIX] Kaltura actions: perm renamed to tiki_p_delete_videos [15:54] hey, after a coffe and a wash all spoons and friends, its done :) cool ! [15:54] how do I do a link with a popup in a wiki page? [15:55] sylvieg: with MOUSEOVER plugin? [15:55] i used shadowbox [15:55] mmh ... luciash, maybe I have to reload mysql ? or someting like that after ? [15:55] so far thanks chealer [15:55] Q: shouldnt {if isset($objectCategoryIds)} return FALSE for non-categorized objects? [15:55] olinuxx: maybe not [15:56] yes, just 2 reload of mu browser, and it's ok [15:56] (why 2 ??? O_o) [15:56] how can i test to se e the currently viewed page or object is categorized? [15:58] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29261 10/trunk/templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl: [FIX] upload: Add button to try again if no file specified. [15:59] ricks99 there is a feature / trick in the tpl [16:00] luciash, thanks for help :) [16:00] y. i have the "Categories used in templates" option enabled. i can itterate through the array to find the category ID number. [16:00] but it seems that the $objectCategoryIds array is built (even if empty) regardless [16:00] an in_array() can be used [16:00] byeee [16:01] *** j0n3 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [16:01] @sylvieg: y, but i have 100s of categories. i dont want to have to test for each. [16:02] ??? a diff between arrays? [16:03] * ricks99 thinks there has *got* to b an easy way to determine if tiki is showing a categorized object [16:03] ricks99: try {if !empty($objectCategoryIds)} [16:03] yes [16:04] BINGO! [16:04] tx a buch! [16:04] *bunch [16:05] can be a good idea to put the 'trick' in the doc ... if ricks99 needs it somebody elswe will [16:06] Hi Rick, i need to generat a sitemap, i read that you used an external solution... which one ? [16:09] put your pages in a structure ... and display the structure [16:09] added hint to docs, tx sylvieg [16:10] @yonixxxxx: i use: http://www.auditmypc.com/free-sitemap-generator.asp [16:10] can do google-specific, as well as generic xml [16:10] thx ricks99 [16:10] tks Rick [16:11] np. [16:12] tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r29262 10/trunk/styles/ (coelesce/options/community.css coelesce.css): [ENH] coelesce style improvements [16:14] luciash, I experiment problem with some character like é or à, can you tel me what way I do check ? mysql ? tikiwiki ? php ? apache ? other ? [16:15] olinuxx: go to tiki-install.php > upgrade step and convert your db to utf-8 [16:15] New Forum Posts: mindmap plugin - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38543 [16:29] luciash, I made it, "upgrade database to 3.6" (the good thing ?) but nothing change, I don't find an explicit "convert db to utf-8" [16:29] olinuxx: pff, sorry, it is only in 5.x, i thought you refer to 5.x [16:30] olinuxx: you need to check what encoding was the sql backup exported db from, and set the same encoding for your new db [16:30] arf, no, I've install a 3.6 LTS because we (linuxmao) have a 2.4 and I think the way 2.4->5 is dangerous ;) [16:30] so, re-do i guess [16:32] where can I set the "same encoding fo you new db" ? In mysql conf ? [16:33] (sorry, again, I'm new to these stuffs so I don't understand precisly 'who' make 'what' in my LAMP-server + TikiWiki) [16:35] in mysql console or via phpmyadmin [16:36] ok thanks luciash [16:37] bbl [16:44] *** ndx has joined #tikiwiki [16:45] Hi @ll [16:45] I need some help with IMG plugin ... I'm trying to setup images to popup as a default any ideas where this can be done ? Thank you [16:46] help! [16:47] !help [16:47] You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [16:47] !help img [16:47] You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [16:47] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29263 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.textarea.php: textarea: Rename unused param _section to section [16:47] I recently change the domain of my wiki from a .net to a .com address. The registration emails link to the .net still. Where can this be adjusted? [16:52] *** olinuxx has quit IRC (Read error: No route to host) [16:52] HideMe: in admin/general i think? [16:58] Hi Guys any idea how i can control IMG plugin set default settings ? [17:01] jonnyb, Nope, nothing there. [17:03] HideMe: odd - i see "Sender Email" on mine [17:03] ndx: they're hard coded at the moment [17:04] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:05] jonnyb, No no... not the sender.... where I specify the site URL. In the email the link is directing to the old .net URL still. [17:09] oh right, srroy [17:09] sry ;) [17:10] don't know about that one - maybe it's worked out from the server name [17:10] check your phpinfo, maybe there's something you can change on the server [17:11] *** RavenC has left [17:23] *** olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki [17:24] jonnyb I did try to edit that plugin [17:24] but it looks like its not taking those values ... [17:24] I don't mind digging in PHP [17:25] ndx: do you mean the default when you select a file from the filegal manager popup? [17:26] jonnyb yes ... [17:26] When I'm inserting image I would like to make it default to popup ... [17:27] i've been planning to add this as an option for each gallery for ages [17:27] i even added the field in the table... [17:27] just needs hooking up! ("just") [17:27] cool, How I can hard code it temporary ? [17:28] so its a popup [17:30] they're all over the place (sihg) [17:30] {img fileId="252" thumb="y" alt="" rel="box[g]"} [17:30] (sigh) [17:30] thats the syntax ... [17:30] one is in tiki-upload_file_progress.tpl - trunk/templates [17:30] thumb="popup [17:30] cool i will look in to it :) [17:42] no luck there ... :( [17:44] *** fabricius has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:46] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r29264 10/trunk/lang/ (46 files in 46 dirs): from tikiwiki.org -> tiki.org [18:03] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [18:08] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29265 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] textarea: Fix confirmExit() for ckeditor, and add switcheditor param for control by individual pages (unused so far). [18:09] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29266 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] templates: Deploy {textarea} in templates admin. [18:16] *** ndx has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [18:18] jonnyb: chealer told me once that you use aptana as your ide and that it had smarty support. which version of aptana do you use? i'm trying aptana 2 and 3 mainly because of smarty support but I can't find out how to enable it [18:19] it's a fairly wobbly extension [18:19] on code.google somewhere... [18:19] 1 mo [18:19] http://code.google.com/p/smartypdt/ [18:20] i'm still on aptana 2 - i don't think 3 has php (pdt) support (last i checked) [18:20] sylvieg, can we speak in french 2 mins please ? (on tikiwiki-fr or private as you want) [18:26] jonnyb: I heard about smartypdt before but I never managed to make it work on Eclipse [18:26] jonnyb: so yo uare using aptana2 + pdt + smartypdt? [18:26] yup [18:26] jonnyb: thanks [18:27] jonnyb: I will give a try when I have some time [18:27] but smartypdt doesn't really do anything very useful [18:27] html colouring is more or less as good, and it comes up with loads of false positive errors and warnings [18:28] i have a feeling you need to connect it to your (CLI) php command, but i never got it to work [18:33] jonnyb: ok, I heard about a native aptana support for smarty but apparently only for aptana 1 (when they distributed their own php stuff instead of using pdt) [18:42] *** lucks is now known as lucks|away [18:57] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r29267 10/trunk/styles/ (23 files in 5 dirs): from tikiwiki.org -> tiki.org [19:00] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r29268 10/trunk/lib/ (22 files in 14 dirs): from tikiwiki.org -> tiki.org [19:03] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r29269 10/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): from tikiwiki.org -> tiki.org [19:09] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29270 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] ckeditor: Array type plugin parameters fix. (thanks Nelson) [19:10] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:11] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r29271 10/trunk/lib/core/Multilingual/Aligner/MockMTWrapper.php: [FIX] Avoid function calls in a FOR loop test part - see on quality.tiki.org [19:13] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29272 10/trunk/tiki-edit_languages.php: rollback my commit r29252: actually yes there is a reason for tiki-edit_languages.php check if lang_use_db is enabled [19:15] *** SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [19:17] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29273 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): updating previously created menu entry to check if lang_use_db is enabled [19:19] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29274 10/trunk/templates/tiki-edit_languages.tpl: [FIX] interface to edit and delete database translations is working again [19:36] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: nite nite) [19:39] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r29275 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_trackers.tpl: [FIX]tracker: show import tab in a tracker is selected or not [19:50] *** lucks|away is now known as lucks [20:09] * luciash is back [20:23] hi getting back to the iPhone thing: does tiki support REST as our prommer asked me if it does and I have no glue ;-) [20:23] hi luciash [20:28] db is running on, thanks for help ! [20:28] Sug4r: what is REST ? [20:28] Of course. [20:29] eh, coaboa, i don't think so [20:29] hi luciash [20:29] >google REST [20:29] Error: Error connecting to Google.com. [20:30] olinuxx: np, glad to hear [20:30] coaboa: what is REST ? [20:30] have read inbetween something, sounds like more general approach [20:31] Its an architectual style of how an application is build and communicates with others [20:32] eg. Googles search api is build that way [20:32] i see [20:32] i don't think so [20:32] if Zend doesn't have some [20:33] which we have available included [20:33] zend could be of some help... [20:37] if we have some REST interface, i am not aware of it or we call it differently ;) but it could be definitely interesting for Tiki to have something like that available [20:39] thats connected to a discussion I had with Marc some weeks ago. About strategizing the "future path". [20:39] >learn REST as Representational State Transfer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer) [20:39] OK, here we go! [20:40] that makes sense [20:40] >whatis REST [20:40] 'REST' could be Representational State Transfer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer) [20:40] fine :) [20:44] Zend has a REST Client [20:47] cool, it could be prossibly used then :) [20:54] depends now how "tight" the tiki-zend interface is. [20:57] Is there some more technical explanation on how to use zend and tiki together? Other than dev.t.o/Zend+Framework [21:06] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r29276 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] force case sensitive queries for tiki-edit_languages.php [21:12] * olinuxx need a tea [21:17] New Forum Posts: toggle cbox data jquery not working - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38545 [21:18] coaboa: i think it needs to be coded yet, i don't think we used that lib so far [21:18] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:20] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [21:24] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [21:27] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29277 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: [FIX] Kaltura actions: perms were renamed *_kaltura_entry > *_videos [21:31] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29278 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: svn Id [21:34] wth the SVN Id isn't updated grmbl ? [21:35] svn propget svn:keywords says it is set to Id [21:35] so wth ? [21:37] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r29279 10/trunk/_htaccess: [ENH]htaccess: easy to say to uncomment a line that to dictate the line [21:38] New Forum Posts: Theme effects different on converted db (to 5.1) instead of new db - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38547 [21:46] luciash: it seems it's not using the right keyword substitution syntax ("$Id$") [21:47] chealer: wtf ? i compared to what is set on tiki.tpl and it is the same [21:47] Id [21:47] svn propget svn:keywords ./templates/tiki.tpl [21:48] svn propget svn:keywords ./templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl [21:48] same [21:48] luciash: the property is the same, but the syntax in the file is not the same. tiki.tpl had "$Id$". [21:49] i commited "$Id: $" too, no change [21:50] svn really sucks if it doesn't take this [21:50] luciash: right, but it seems that's not proper syntax [21:51] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29280 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: svn sucks :-p [21:52] * luciash wonders if $Id: blah $ wouldn't work either [21:52] chealer: tks [21:53] who can remember that all [21:53] it worked in CVS at least [21:54] I don't suppose Id: blah would work [21:54] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html documents it. it's a little advanced [21:55] oh, you mean with the value already substituted [21:56] I don't know [21:56] what annoys me most is my own fail, i was the one of the first who introduced svn:keywords Id to Tiki after the CVS switch, and still I couldn't remember the proper syntax :-/ [21:57] well-working brains are rare [21:58] thank you :-p [22:01] those that have them work in finance, stealing from lesser-brained folks [22:01] *** SEWilco2 has left [22:17] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) [22:18] New Forum Posts: Can Tracker do m:n relations? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38551 [22:18] New Forum Posts: Problems after updateing from Tiki3 > Tiki5.1 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38549 [22:25] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [22:27] polom [22:27] hi marc [22:27] hi [22:27] does somebody has the effect that ccs submenues get overlaped by the centercolumn? Rev 29246 [22:28] *css [22:29] maybe svn up helps... [22:32] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:33] any french speaker here ? How to translate 'wipe' ? [22:33] löschen ;-) [22:34] arf ... [22:34] ;) [22:34] maybe extinction [22:35] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [22:35] erase seem tobe good for the meaning [22:35] marclaporte, you seem to be french's speaker :) How to translate 'wipe' ? [22:35] 'effacer' ? [22:35] yup [22:36] wipe is stronger [22:36] déboîter ? [22:37] effacer sans aucune chance de retrouver ? [22:37] In same time, the sens is good if I wrote "effacer" in this tiki.doc [22:39] olinuxx: if you wipe the floor, you don't remove the floor. your remove stuff on the floor [22:39] s/your/you/ [22:40] chealer, ok, thanks; the good word in french is "essuyer", but it isn't used in informatic's language [22:41] in info's language effacer (erase) is used, [22:41] (in french of course) [22:42] olinuxx: Linuxmao is going to upgrade? [22:43] olinuxx: OK. or Vider [22:43] marclaporte, I'm on it, but it's not an easy thing ;) [22:43] chealer, yes, It can be this ! [22:44] marclaporte, can be speak in french (here or on tikiwiki-fr as you want) ? [22:44] be/we [22:45] go to sleep now. ps. the overlapping of css submenus (left col) by center col persist in rev 29280. good night [22:45] bye coaboa [22:46] marclaporte, highlight me when you're here please [22:47] *** fabricius has joined #tikiwiki [22:53] polom [22:59] hi fabricius [22:59] hi olinuxx [22:59] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:05] mmm I don't undesrtand this : "Tiki ships with a _htaccess file." [23:06] ships = ? [23:06] like on the sea ? [23:06] tiki a ce fichier [23:07] comme "possède" sylvieg ? [23:07] il doit etre copier ou renommer en .htaccess pour etre lu par le serveur - mais si vous avez des cas particuliers il faut merger votre .htaccess avec celui de tiki [23:07] s/copie ou renomme [23:08] en gros, une install de tiki pose un fichier _htaccess qu'il faut merger par le suite, j'ai juste ? [23:08] le/la [23:09] olinuxx: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ship#Verb [23:09] dans ton cas c'est probablement copier _htaccess dans .htaccess [23:11] oui ça y ressemble sylvieg, je veux juste être sûr avant de traduire ça sur doc.tiki.org [23:11] chealer, thanks ;) [23:11] et s´il te plait verifie, que tu as PHP5 [23:11] olinuxx: [23:12] fabricius, yes, I have a new (24 hours old) LAMP on linux [23:13] lot of french's speakers here :) [23:13] good to know ;) [23:13] ah non chez mois c´est google trans :-D [23:13] lol [23:14] hehehe ;) [23:22] *** lucks is now known as lucks|away [23:42] *** ricks99__ has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [23:43] *** lucks|away is now known as lucks [23:43] mm sylvieg peux-tu m'aider pour traduire ça s'il te plaît : The layout system of the Themes' styles [23:43] layout = rendu ? [23:44] Le système de rendu des styles de Thèmes ? [23:46] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:51] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [23:59] *** Caarrie|away has joined #tikiwiki [23:59] *** Caarrie has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) [23:59] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie