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chahn has joined #tikiwiki chahn: I tried to translate tikiwiki page into Korean, but there is no Korean in language selection. In this case what should I do? ***: lucks has joined #tikiwiki
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ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki ttrimm: Hello all. chahn: hello ttrimm :) ttrimm: Hi. How are you this day chahn: Fine, and you? ttrimm: all right. Thinking about writing another Tiki article and wondered what is something that gets asked a lot
Those are what I have written so far, as far as Tikiwiki goes
Not meant to replace the irreplaceable Tiki for Smarties, but to break it down even further for those that need it chahn: ttrimm, do you know how to add language? I wanted to translate some page into Korean but I couldn't choose Korean from the language selection. ttrimm: NO, but let me see if I can figure it out with you chahn: ttrimm, excuse me I am slow, now I am reading your former message ttrimm: Would make a good idea for an article maybe fabricius: jo ttrimm: meg?
can't remember the other sisters unless one is named Amy!
chahn: when you say Add a language, do you mean a Koran version of it?? chahn: Yes. I wanted to contribute by translate some pages of tikiwiki but I couldn't
I am reading the articles of your homepage now ttrimm: let me know if there is anything I can do to make it easier...or something you would like me to write about.
Have you registered on TikiWiki for smarties?
that is where I would start looking. chahn: Sure, I am newbie here so I have to read all of them carefully :) ttrimm: they are looking for people to translate the smarties website
me too. that helps my articles because I am doing them from the ground up fabricius: chahn: did you read about i18n? chahn: I only registered on tiki.org. Thanks for the info. fabricius: internationalisation =i 18 n chahn: internationalization? fabricius: mom, I have a look chahn: I think I read before but I can't remember about that well. I will find it out now and read again. ttrimm: no problem. I like learning about this stuff myselfr chahn: Thanks fabricius.
ttrimm, I will tell you more after I finish reading your articles. Thanks ttrimm: Great! ***: chahn_ has joined #tikiwiki ttrimm: Don't you hate when that happens!?
do you know hot to ghost yourself? -: ttrimm basically kick yourself off ttrimm: /ns ghost username password ***: chahn has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) fabricius: chahn - still there? ttrimm: OR you can wait it out chahn_: fabricius: yes I am here fabricius: http://doc.tiki.org/i18n&structure=Documentation chahn_: Oh, thank you, I was searching that page. fabricius: http://tiki.org/WhoWhat?bl=y chahn_: Ok fabricius: http://tiki.org/i18n+status?bl=y
you should try to contact user ' gene203 ' - he/she seems to translate korean ttrimm: If you have any suggestions chahn_ you can put them on one of the discussion pages of one of those articles fabricius: you mean the comments ttrimm?? ttrimm: I have written a few how to articles on TikiWiki and told him if he had any thoughts or suggestions he could put it on one of those pages.
Ok. heading to bed now...
from the infamous Arnold ... I'll Be Back! chahn_: OK, thanks fabricius and ttrimm. Even though I am slow in reading english articles I will follow what you taught :)
I will be back too! ***: ttrimm has quit IRC (Quit: Later Folks!) fabricius: kk bye then - falling asleep CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03sdoh * r29589 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Solve bugs of variables 'undefined is null or not object' at unloading of the page with IE ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03sdoh * r29590 10/branches/proposals/5.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [bp/r29589] [FIX] Solve bugs of variables 'undefined is null or not object' at unloading of the page with IE ***: Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki
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YossiN has joined #tikiwiki YossiN: can I use tikiwiki as my PIM (addressbook? calendar?)
can I use tikiwiki as my PIM (addressbook? calendar?) ***: YossiN has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.6/20100625231939])
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fabricius has joined #tikiwiki luciash: polom polom
chahn__: still there ? chahn__: yes luciash
hi :) luciash: hi :)
did u figure it out ?
to create new language chahn__: I am trying to figure it out and now I can see Korean in Language selection but this time the pages I translated show only ???
broken characters
I checked my mysql database's character set but it is utf8. I don't know what is the problem. luciash: you can create new lang by two ways: 1) by copy and pasting existing one in lang/ 2) using Tiki 5 and creating new language going to tiki-edit_languages.php
if you edit the language.php file directly in editor, make sure the encoding is set to UTF-8
you will also need to add your language in lang/langmapping.php i think chahn__: I followed the first way. Yes, I made a mistake of not using UTF-8 editor so I changed to Ultra edit . So I solved it.
Oh really? I didn't check it.
Thanks luciash I will be back. luciash: is your lang code "ko" ? chahn__: Oh, i made a mistake. I changed the file already.
yes "ko" luciash: fine sylvieg: luciash: did you figure out the transition stuff luciash: if you can see the other languages like chinese or japanese characters correctly and edit yours in UTF-8, there should be no problem displaying it correctly in the Tiki
sylvieg: hi, not yet, there is database error sylvieg: in a fresh install?
or when appyling the profile? luciash: sylvieg: later, must run now sylvieg: ok see you luciash: sylvieg: both
sylvieg: the error happens chahn__: luciash, I think my present problem is from something else. I tried 'Japanese' which is already there. But after I input some charaters(Japanese) It was shown as '???' too. To me there is some problem in WebServer's configuration. I am using Xampp windows version.
To me there seems to be some problem in Webserver's config, I mean. sorry for the typing error. ***: jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: polom-end ***: ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki chahn__: luciash: I found that my problem didn't come from Webserver's misconfiguration. I installed two tikiwikis as tiki/ (DB: tiki) and tiki2/ (DB:tiki2) working on the same Xampp. Webpages from tiki/ let me translate into Japanese (it was not configured to Korean). It works fine. But Webpages from tiki2/ let me translate into Korean(I changed langmapping.php and copyied en/ to ko/) but the charaters are all broken as '???' . So I tried with Japanese. It shows
also broken letters. Then is this possible because I misconfigured tikiwiki? -: ricks99 is upgrading Smarties to 6.0... here goes nothing... ricks99: not quite right.... chahn__: Where does the configuration change get stored ? Is there any file such as LocalSettings.php? CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r29591 10/branches/6.x/lib/transitionlib.php: [FIX]transition: missing changes in rollback 27986/28035 sylvieg: chahn__: db/local.php
luciash: transition should be better^^^ soory chahn__: sylvieg, thanks
sylvieg, oh I mean, as an admin when I changed the configuration such as multilingual enabled then is it stored in a file or DB? sylvieg: tiki-admin.php?page=i18n chahn__: Do you mean that I have to check such things only through webpage?
I thought there might be some file which shows such things. ***: ricks99 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) chahn__: Then the data is stored in DB, right? ***: ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki sylvieg: every preference is stored in the db table tiki_preferences
+ some in db/local.php chahn__: I see. thank you, sylvieg. ricks99: @chan__: you might find http://twessentials.keycontent.org/Updating+Tiki+Preferences helpful chahn__: Oh, I see. thank you. ricks99.
It is so nice, :)
Thank you guys, fabricius, luciash, sylvieg, ricks99 and others. Have a nice day!
See u later, bye ***: chahn__ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) luciash: re -: luciash is back luciash: sylvieg: thank you ! ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r29592 10/branches/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]transition: transition can work only on group withno category sylvieg: luciash: but it seems to me that tiki-admin_transitions.php is broken in any way.... luciash: hmm, still in the svn up proccess, i will check sylvieg: the group transition is broken in admin - categ seems to work ... luciash: i still don't get how it works... what are the steps to create transition sylvieg: and the guards are no more displayed... luciash: or what does the "transition" means here at all sylvieg: in tiki-admin_transitions.php you should be able to say for instance id in this group , add or replace with this group is the guards are satisified luciash: transitional means something "in-between converting process" to me, so i don't get these "transitions"
what guards ?
where are the guards defined ?
who is it ? sylvieg: transition is an engine to change an object form one categ to anothetr or a group to another - after checking guards luciash: a group ? -: ricks99 is glad he's not the only one that doesn't understand category 'transitions' sylvieg: (it is my problem I do not remember where guards are defeined) luciash: is it something like staging and approval for wiki pages ? but this one is for groups and categories ? like to approve the change (edit) of them ? sylvieg: (lph pushed me out about improving the transition and I was obliged to rollback to implement the todo table...
stagging yes - except you do not have 2 version of the same page luciash: it is so confusing to me
why isn't it called categories approval and groups approval ? why the term transitions ? so confusing :) sylvieg: ask lph luciash: it reminds me transition effect in video editing, that is probably why it is so confusing to me :-p olinuxx: bye all, good day sylvieg: the problem is that the admin interface is infinished ricks99: imho, maybe catgory *transformation* is better than transition? ***: olinuxx has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) luciash: ricks99: yes, maybe
sylvieg: ah sylvieg: but it is the same code for category and group ricks99: if everyone spoke english as native things would b easier to understand ;-P -: luciash hates unfinished stuff in main LTS version luciash: ricks99: true sylvieg: the comment localization is unfinished undocumented too :-( luciash: there should be link to transitions too from the Admin menu
and maybe feature checkbox ?
too late to rename now :( sylvieg: there is no feature for that
but yes to add admin_tracnisiotns as it is rule by tiki_p_admin -: luciash going to try if the profile installs now at least withot db error sylvieg: that is not the case for tiki_payments... luciash: tiki_p_admin_transitions ?
nope, still the db error :( sylvieg: which one objectId? luciash: it needs sql fix i guess
Unknown column 'objectId' in 'field list'
The query was: INSERT INTO `tiki_transitions` ( `type`, `objectId`, `from`, `to`, `name`, `preserve`, `guards`, `batch` ) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) sylvieg: I just did a fix in 6 luciash: when trying to apply the profile
i just svn upped
maybe it needs fix in the profile then ? sylvieg: in trunk or 6? luciash: INSERT INTO `tiki_transitions` ( `type`, `objectId`, `from`, `to`, `name`, `preserve`, `guards`, `batch` ) VALUES( 'category', NULL, '3', '4', 'Request Review', '0', '[]', NULL )
ooooh, sorry
i svn upped trunk
but try on 6
so sorry
:-p -: luciash goes to re-try in correct branch
sylvieg needs to set up the merge branch CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29593 10/branches/6.x/installer/tiki-installer.php: [FIX] installer: use $TWV->getBaseVersion() to just get version number, not the text appearing after it as well luciash: sylvieg: thanks, it works now CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29594 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] version: 6.0 isn't 'stable' yet, so revert to unstable, add star for 6.x 'Rigel' (as discussed on IRC), and use getBaseVersion() to get numeric version value only. luciash: sylvieg: what does the module installed by the profile do ? there is radio button "Request Review" and [Apply] button ***: RavenC has joined #tikiwiki
nkoth has joined #tikiwiki luciash: sylvieg: it doesn't work corrctly with ajax on, right ? (the tiki-admin_transitions.php) sylvieg: which profile - I do not have a module?
I never use ajax - yet - was too buggy in th old days luciash: the module appears only on one wiki page for me
it is much better now, but i think not for these transitions ;)
the xajax
profile Category_Transitions_Demonstration -: luciash switching off ajax and re-tries luciash: ah, now when i edit one transition defined by the profile the Guards tab appears
slowly getting to understand it, but still not there yet :-p CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r29595 10/trunk/ (19 files in 10 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 29559 to 29594 ***: MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: yes, i noticed transitions fails with xajax on (shouldn't stop you using ajax now though) luciash: jonnyb: yup, the admin UI just doesn't work properly jonnyb: yes, it's an LPH special :)
should be ok with feature_ajax on though now?
just not ajax_xajax (i guess) luciash: ok
didn't test this combination yet
i just think the groups don't work, really, at least not with this profile
i don't see any group created Approved by DEV and Approved by QA
it should be there, nope ? if i understand it correctly, or what members of Guards are ?
i thought they're a group members
or is it category members ? can users be categorized now ? sylvieg: it is categorization of page not user...
try on a wiki page and the module catg and you will understand
the apporve step - you will see the missing categs to be be approved
Do I miss something? Fersh install I have one perm on anonymous ... but when I wnat to see which perms ... I have to open all the tabs. Is it a short way to see which perms? luciash: what is the guard then ? jonnyb: sylvieg: try the "Show only selected" checkbox luciash: a robot ?
what if we remove the redundant "Home" links from menu completely ? are they still useful for anythng now ?
sorry for switching the topic ;) sylvieg: jonnyb: thx works - should it be by default when looking for perms of a specific group
I like the Home link jonnyb: really sylvieg ? sounds a bit odd... sylvieg: why? I am on admin groups - I see one perm but when I arrive in tiki-objectpermissions.php?group=Registered I have no idea where the eprms are?
or perhaps the comment 'Show only selected' must be changed? CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29596 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_html.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] plugin html: Remove sanitisation introduced by nesting {HTML} in other plugins (thanks Xavi), parse data here using is_html (as it obviously is) or decode html. Simplify unnecessary variables used.
tikiwiki: Remove old help function and some strange code referring to tiki 2.2 - please test. jonnyb: i see, ok
i have some stuff to do in there anyway, so will try it luciash: sylvieg: ok, i see now how the category transitions module works CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29597 10/branches/6.x/db/tiki.sql: [ADD] missing Transitions admin menu item for fresh installs luciash: db/tiki_1.8to1.9.sql is correct to be in Tiki 6 ?
and the two others ? jonnyb: good question luciash
i'd have thought the only reliable upgrade would be from 3.7 or later ***: MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Quit: MartinCleaver) jonnyb: but it might work from 1.x :) luciash: i just wonder if they re-slipped in in some merge process or if they really are useful jonnyb: i don't think they were ever KIL'ed luciash: ah, i just dreamed about then
:) -: jonnyb wonders about luciash's dreams luciash: i thought they were not there for some release but i must be wrong
ok then, if they're used
can i remove information.tpl ? my grep says it is not used from anywhere sylvieg: I think we need them for old upgrades
the tiki_1.8.... changi: luciash: last commit was about a global missing ? luciash: yes, but did anybody actually test if it works ? i mean, there are mentions that is better to upgrade to 2.x first, then 3.x, etc.
changi: ?
my last commit ? changi: luciash: r29597 luciash: changi: nope ricks99: @luciash: last i understood, u can safely go from 1.9 -> anywhere in one shot changi: ricks99: i'm not sure about this one luciash: ricks99: ah, cool
ricks99: and from 1.8 ?
:) changi: luciash: at the CoE we use 1.8to1.9, 1.9to2.0 and 2.0to3.0 ricks99: fodr that u need to migrate to 1.9 first (afaik) changi: luciash: before using the upgrade system luciash: changi: you mean manually < *.sql ? changi: luciash: yes luciash: ah ricks99: speaking of upgrades, will there b a 5.1 -> 5.2 patch? luciash: so it is not done by the installer automagically changi: luciash: and don't forget to use -f, or mysql will stop on first error
luciash: about my first question, i was just thinking if that commit should have a sql in installer/schema for thos who upgrade luciash: changi: btw, i wasn't aware u r CoE gang guy too, until now :-p changi: oops luciash: changi: i think it is not meant for upgrades, that's why i told for fresh installs in the commit message
beause people often modify their menu 42 -: changi Ok for the record i work for the CoE ***: fabricius has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: polom luciash: hi fabricius fabricius: again a problem :-( -> I do not need a solution for it inbetween the next few days, but I would like to get an imagination, what the reason might be: luciash: changi: so how can i know what menu position should i put there for upgrades ? fabricius: In my 3.6 Installation sydly still with latin1 allocation I can´t use certain PlugIns, like HTML, IFRAME, TAG
all leads to a database query error luciash: changi: what if the menu is modified or deleted or changed completely ? -: ricks99 thinks menu 42 should be non-modifiable, this way it can be 'upgraded' without impacting end-users fabricius: right now I had to go into the phpMyAdmin and delete the TAG-PlugIn by hand, to get back access to the wikipage luciash: ricks99: +1 fabricius: ricks99: => menu 42 => application menu? if yes, I would say so aswell ricks99: well, thats what Smarties says, anyway. ;-)
@fabricius: i use html and tags in 3.x with no issues. luciash: fabricius: what is the error ? maybe you need GPC quotes or sybase quotes off in php.ini or something fabricius: I know that it works - I have another tiki3 inst for a subproject, that was used productive (first time official use) and there I used HTML and IFRAME without probs aswell
even in that problematic future main site (will upgrade to Tiki5, once Template is finished) I tested that some weeks ago without any problems
what are GPC quotes? luciash: ask google
coffee time ***: redflo has joined #tikiwiki
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redflo has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: hehe lol
I make a picture of the error message
anybody an idea? i actually did switch off pending and approvel two or three days before ricks99: this is 3.6LTS? i recall an issue with plugin security in an earlier 3.x
try re-running the installer. select the UPGRADE option to re-run the SQL and make sure the table is built properly. iirc this was fixed in a 3.x patch. fabricius: I am pretty sure, that it is 3.6 ... but maybe it´s earlier and the other inst, where it works is (defenitely 3.6
hm,ok ricks99: 99% that is the problem fabricius: one problem, that I may not be able to fix in an easy way before the change to 5.x woulod be the allocation !? luciash: ah, no clue, ricks99 is prossibly right ricks99: 1. check your tiki version for the "broken" site.
2. if at an earlier 3.x version, upgrade to 3.7LTS. should fix the issue fabricius: thx ricks - so if I understand right, I will reinstall the tiki to the last (3.6) rerun the installer and upgrade the SQL
I listen, ok luciash: 3.7 fabricius: -> 3.7 luciash: :) fabricius: thxs guys
luciash and ricks99 : I agreed with marc, that I make a description of my project in the community somewhere in dev.t.o or in t.o
I desided now, to attach a wikistructure to my userpage
have startet with a page - could anybody make a structure out of it for me?
should be more or less temporary, it´s just the fact, that my project is based on some different workspace szenario and with that pages I can make some stuff easier for all, when I request some help and bring my learned stuff back to the documantation changi: ricks99: +100 about the menu ricks99: 01@luciash & changi: maybe in Tiki 7: introduce new menu ID #0 as the Tiki-installed, full menu and allow *no* end-user modifications. fabricius: in the end my goal would be to have my project running, perspectives and workspaces better documented in the t.os and perhabs a knd of szenario page - there is a list of those stuff somewhere, where I could add that ricks99: This way no impact on exisitng sites (if they have modifications to menu 42)
we already do similar: users cannot rename/delete the Registered or Anonymous group, etc.
just a thought fabricius: ricks99: ID #0 good idea from users point - i´d like that ricks99: of course, #42 *is* the answer to the ultimate question of life, universe and everything else. :-) fabricius: we know :-D changi: ricks99: why not
!! fabricius: I´d say the number is not the major issue - more important seems to be (for me) the fixed standart meu not to be interfered by the user
if it was 0 or 42 - 42 might be more kind of ... a short expression of the Tiki World ricks99: problem with using 42 now is that it will impact any site that modified it. i think it is safer to start fresh. just my $0.02 USD fabricius: you like the music CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29598 10/branches/6.x/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] pagehistory: Various fixes - use htmldiff for html pages, show is_html on history list, parse old and new html the same and allow horizontal scroll for wide lines.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29599 10/branches/6.x/tiki-objectpermissions.php: [FIX] objectperms: Use correct event to trigger from filter by text links
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r29600 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-admin_system.tpl: [FIX] xhtml strict re-fix: label is allowed when in p, div, etc. changi: luciash: should we replace all <label> with <p><label> jonnyb: hi changi - what about <label>s already in a <p>? are there any?
any idea why <label> not allowed any more? luciash: jonnyb: explained in the commit msg jonnyb: ok, but not allowed in <td> (which is where most of ours are), right? luciash: changi: div might be safer, as p has some padding by default, but it depends on context
jonnyb: yes, there is list where it is allowed in xhtml strict
see the parents jonnyb: might <span> be better? luciash: most semantic would be fieldset jonnyb: thx luciash - good ref site luciash: yep, my favorite since ages :) chealer: fabricius: GPC: GET/POST/COOKIE
ricks99: why would there be a 5.2 upgrade patch :-? fabricius: @ chealer thx
@ admin -> is the wiki-structures feature active in the community website - tiki.org? ***: nkoth has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth) luciash: fabricius: i don't think so, only on doc ricks99: @chealer: for folks going from 5.1 -> 5.2
dont' we normally include a patch that includes only the files that have changed and SQL? chealer: ricks99: oh, that kind of patch. no idea. sylvieg: I am asked to change when broadcasting.. a message the title 'A new message was posted' by the real title of the message . Do I change in trunk or do I do a feature? ***: MacLeod has joined #tikiwiki MacLeod: TikiFest Tampa is getting underway on BigBlueButton. sylvieg: will send a message on devel list luciash: MacLeod: cool MacLeod: live.tiki.org ***: ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) chealer: sylvieg: sorry but I don't get your question luciash: MacLeod: do u have better mic where the netbook fan will not be heard that much ?
MacLeod: it would be better to understand the audio CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29601 10/branches/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] objectperms: Show which perms are changed for direct object perms, should not change functionality. ***: Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) chealer: sylvieg: I understood the question in your mail. IMO this wouldn't be feature. either make it a global preference or change it as you want ***: ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
Darkbee has joined #tikiwiki Darkbee: Hello All, quick question, can somebody tell me if it's possible to change the time format used in Calendars from 24 hour to 12 hour? ***: redflo has left luciash: Darkbee: should be possible on Admin > General > Time ... Darkbee: I should probably be more specific.. my fault... when entering events. I'm using the Jcalendar, I haven't tried any other methods.
Users see drop down boxes for the hours and minutes... and I had a user ask if the hours dropdown could be in 12 hour format. I guess many non computer techy people don't like 24 hour format. :-/
I think your suggestion Luciash effects only the display, not the input. luciash: ah, that one, only via modifying the corresponding tpl or js file ricks99: @Darkbee: y can hack the display value of the numbers in the drop list to show 1-12
keep the "value" as is.
just need a series of {IF} statements... luciash: Darkbee: or if you know jQuery you can hack using that Darkbee: Okay, thanks for the responses. Helpful as always. :) ricks99: if value = 0, display "midnight
if value = 1-11, display #am
if value = 12, display noon
if value = 13-23, display 1-11pm
actually, last one should be (#-12)pm -: ricks99 can't add or subtract correctly Darkbee: Personally, I don't know what people have against 24 hour time.... it works out nicely in the computer world. :) ricks99: yeah, well, my watch only has numbers 1-12 :-) Darkbee: don't you tell the time via iPhone these days? A watch is so 20th century. ;) ***: Sug4r has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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Hi all Darkbee: hello test ricks99: i guess i'm an analog-kinda-guy :-) even have a retro-clock on my droid -- i'm definately not cool enuf for an iphone. test_: You speak frenchy ? ***: ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) Darkbee: got to go, meeting time :-/ ***: Darkbee has quit IRC ()
test_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) CIA-69: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29603 10/branches/6.x/lib/smarty_tiki/block.ajax_href.php: [FIX] xajax: Don't use xajax link for editpage icon on wysiwyg pages. Some sort of conflict with ckeditor's JS loading system causes the editor to fail. ***: MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki
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tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29605 10/branches/6.x/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX] getCookie: use defval as default value. ***: ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki ttrimm: JUST figured out what you were talking about yesterday fabricius !
http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=13 fabricius: hi ttrimm ttrimm: Hi. fabricius: there is kind of a workgroup for i18n - I think, I did already join, but did not really do so much work or communication with ´em ttrimm: I had never heard of it, so it was a good thing you were around
or course, I just added tikiwiki to my CZ preferences, so only recently started 'hanging out' here fabricius: but in the next couple of days / end of next week, I will have to check my IRC logfiles and write some docs
are you already working with Tiki? ttrimm: I have it set up and have worked with it a bit. fabricius: you will have a very quick start ttrimm: http://teresat.net/wiki/tiki-index.php
Oh I did. and wrote about it some on wikiHow. need to do more.
do you know if you want various wikis do you have to reinstall it, or can you make different ones? fabricius: the next couple of days I am very busy, but from end of next week I´ll be back here with a bit of more time
the last couple of days I bothered the lads here with tons of questions, but I alway like to give a bit of a help back
can u please say it a bit more focused? ttrimm: I am the same way
Ok. I have this work wiki. I would like to have maybe a personal or writing wiki... fabricius: more clearly what exactly what you mean ... I just do not understand exactly ttrimm: how would I do that? fabricius: that differs on several factors
generally speaking you can do everything in one Tiki installation - even if you work with loads of different people ttrimm: and projects? fabricius: it may be, that you need a private and a work database
projects? ttrimm: and also, can you make it so it isn't seen by everyone? fabricius: what kind of project ttrimm: just like a work project and a writing project
where are you from fabricius
West Coast here...of the states fabricius: look at my user page attached pages 'Torstens Project' - there you see roughly for what kind and size of project I (beeingstill kind of a newbie) would recommend several installations
south of center
http://tiki.org/torstens+project ttrimm: thank you. was trying to find it fabricius: once the project are very different, like you need complete different ADMIN team or complete different profile of use, or there are projectfor completely independant entities like two different assotiations, I would recommend different installations
for different projects of more or less one group of registrants - no problem to divide them in different subgroups - ´than workspaces should match your needs ttrimm: I am the only 'member' of any team. fabricius: then u should absolutely need no more than one installation
ONE Installation without any doubt ttrimm: I like to do this stuff to learn about it and write about it on #wikiHow
awesome fabricius: for that you even need not the function-group workspaces ttrimm: so I should check out the workspaces of it fabricius: just categories groups and rights management ttrimm: thank you. fabricius: workspaces is a new - not yet full documented - bunch of old and new functions => a tool with huge functionallity
I made up a pilotproject as absolute beginner (last year) -> hole intranet with different work groups in a 2.x Tiki
depending on ur needs, perhabs even categories could be enough ... but perhabs the profs will correct me ttrimm: will definitely research it. fabricius: when I explain s.th. please consider, that I am still a newbie and I can be wrong ;-)
jo ttrimm: no problem...less of a newbie than I am!! fabricius: you can write me an internal message in the community -> User: Torsten ttrimm: never done that. will check that out too. fabricius: In my situation still it seem hard to find somebody, whom I could help
are u registered?
that would be the first step
;-) ttrimm: not sure. will look at that now fabricius: http://tiki.org/tiki-register.php
;-) ttrimm: thank you.
Ok. Am now fabricius: kk
I have to continue work now -- big meeting tomorrow the hole day ttrimm: sounds fun. thanks for everything! ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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RavenC has quit IRC (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~) -: chealer needs to talk to Marc ttrimm: I think he is in Florida at a tiki fest.
maybe he will be on later?? chealer: yeah, I know he is
thank ttrimm ***: rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki
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lucks has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: hey there
is anybody here, who has at least some experience with perspectives? ***: Carl__ has joined #tikiwiki
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