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chahnHi all :) [01:52]
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chahnfabricius: Thanks for the other day's help. You helped me escape from i18n configuring headache :) [01:55]
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chahnNow I am ready for another new headache :) [01:57]
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fabriciushey chahn
so it did work out?
chahnYes, I was very happy :) thank you. [02:05]
I actually have an dumpDB import headache
can take the dump from one DB, but do not get it in the other one
table per table would work
but he (the DB server) would not take the db
under nocircumstances
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chahnEven though I didn't understand why it worked like that. I am happy that I can be troubled later with that.... Is the DB server working on another person or company's computer? [02:12]
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chahnfabricius: Isn't because the dumped data is beyond phpMyadmin's max file size, if you are using it? [02:22]
chahnThen it might be encoding problem. What do you think? [02:24]
fabriciusyou mean, a wrong encoded DB probably could not be imported?
I thought s.th. about that, but not really can imagine
chahnfabricius: Have you tried it in shell mode? Then what was the error message? [02:29]
fabriciusthe single table I can import
shell: errormessage dbhost not foeund
chahnI once have similar experience but at that time I was upgrading Mysql from 3.x to 5.x. [02:31]
fabriciussame managed hosting tarif
tried with phpmyAdmin, with php script and with shell
quatriple checked and talked to the night support - checked aswell several times
chahnWhat did you type exactly in shell? oh.. you are using hosting service? Then how about trying to move DB to your MysqlServer running on your desktop computer first? [02:35]
fabriciushm superior idea
and reorganise there!?
chahnAt least you can see if your way is wrong or their server is wrong. [02:38]
fabriciushow can I get a MySQL DB / Server onto my Desktop? - I´d say that I should dfinitely have done a while ago [02:39]
chahnDo you know Xampp? [02:39]
fabriciusjo - but never installed
for windows?
chahnhttp://www.apachefriends.org/ Here you can download Xampp ( Apache+PHP+Mysql) and can easily install it. [02:41]
chahnWindows and others too :) My pleasure [02:41]
olinuxxbye all [02:42]
chahnbye olinuxx [02:43]
fabriciusbye olinuxx
chahn: right now, while we talked, I just tried for good to export a nice utf8-Tiki5 DB and imported it in a new empty utf8 DB - worked perfekt
just a few minutes altogether, like it should be
I think, the DB must be broken somehow
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chahnfabricius? Does it mean that your problem is solved now? [02:50]
fabriciusnot really, but I came nearer to the problem it self [02:50]
chahnOk [02:51]
fabriciusto solve a problem, you must know the problem, isn´t it?
so your idea with xammp is beautiful - I already start to download and to read the installation
chahnOK :) I am glad that I can help you. [02:52]
fabriciusI am lucky, that you are online right now
and I am happy whenever I can help, aswell
most times, still I get more help, than I am able to give
but learning every day :-D
chahn:) You already did the same for me too. ..Where are you ? [02:55]
fabriciuswouldn´t it be possible to install Tiki locally with xammp?
Germany and you?
chahnKorea [02:56]
fabriciushere it is 5 in the morning
ah sure :-D
chahnHere it's 12. Noon.
I am running my experimental Tikiwiki on Xampp in Windows.
fabriciusyou asked me anbout i18n for korean and your name is chan ... but anyway you could also live in Germany or anywhere else in teh world
I´ll try that now aswell
chahnRight, :) But I've only been there long time ago.
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just have been hanged
new started
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chahnfabricius, any progress? [04:08]
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fabriciusnot really ... xammp installed, but not yet through the documantation ;-)
but luckily one of my admns woke up recently and he tries to connect to DB from his laptop and to repair the DB
So helpü arrived and I have some time to get into xammp and local tiki ... ;-)
perhabs I try the otherone aswell - tiki on pc or so
I´ll let you know, when we have any news - good or bad
chahnOk good. Have a nice day fabricius.
I will be back later bye :)
fabriciuschahn: c u soon
and thx
chahnfabricius: you re wellcome. See u :) [04:16]
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........... (idle for 51mn)
fabriciusHELLO ADMIN => just realised right now, that the download link to 3.7 LTS on tiki.org leads to 5.2 ... perhabs sb could fix ? thx - (I go further to sourceforge meanwhile) [05:11]
chealerfabricius: that one? http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/TikiWiki%203.x%20-Betelgeuse-/Tiki%203.6/ [05:21]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29717 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: add 5.3 to twversion file [05:21]
fabriciusyes chealer
actually ...
... yes
chealerfabricius: 5.2 is mentioned, but also 3. it's true that 5 is prominent, unfortunately we don't have full control on SF [05:25]
fabriciusfor me it´s not so essential, as I have 3.7, 5.3 and 6branch now, but sb. who has control should change the link someday - just wanted to mention [05:26]
chealerfabricius: so how would you change it? [05:28]
fabriciusif I would have control, I´d say I would now :-D
really, I just wanted to mention it to an admin, as I guess, an admin mostlikely would know, who mostlikely would have access
look, I am somehow still an AMSU in the community (ok, I do my best to learn asap) - so the leats I can do is to mention what I see and see then what happens
least I meant
sry, kind of tired again - another night with more DB-problemsthan sleep
I found now, that some of my tiki3.6 tables have index-issues
in 8 tables I have either index and unique, index and primary or two indexes in one column
would probably an update to tiki 3.7 would fix that?
anybody know? I´ll try anyway
chealerfabricius: what do you mean by AMSU?
fabricius: my question is *how* would you change the link?
fabriciuschealer: AMSU = assumingly most silly user
chealer: *how*: assumed, somebody of the tikicommunity would have access to sourceforge as an admin editor with certain rights or kind of that and assumed I would be that person, I guess I would login to some kind of admin panel and correct the link by typing in another set of signs ...
... assumed i would not be that person, I would change the link by asking the appropriate person ...
and assumed, I would not know, by asking for an admin who assumingly should know
in the end of the day I have no idea, how the adminpanels of sourceforge look like and how to change the link over there
assumed they do not work with tiki
chealerfabricius: sourceforge just has the linked page. we can't change that page completely, we only control what is in the folder and I guess what is the recommended file to download [05:45]
fabriciusah - understand better now => I did "click" on that link, because I thought it was a misstyping ...
so with this information I would try to find access to the folder ...
... and check the file there
possibly it´s just the wrong file in there
Tikiwiki|bot??[x]: Usage: ?? <word> [> nick] [05:47]
chealerfabricius: the folder has several files, as the page shows
fabricius: what's the problem with that?
fabriciuschealer: jupi, but I wondered, why I did download a 5.2 over there - I´ll try again, just to check [05:48]
chealerfabricius: do you mean you have 2 indices both on a single column? [05:48]
fabriciusok, checked again - is downloading 5.2 like written on the button - I do not know how to fix and I got 3.7 anyway
chealer: to the database:
I am pretty sure, that the database is corrupt, cause this specific db i cannot reimport after i took a dump
and i found those index errors (after a long night)
never have been into this mysql stuff
a collegue of my orga did help me in the end
but back to track
yes, it seems, that those 8 tables have 2 indizes or at least two parameters in one row, they should not have
wanna have a look? vafk.de/_torsten/mySQL-bund-20100929-001.jpg (german PHPmyAdmin)
Whats, if I delete those files?
before updating to 3.7
I think the 3.7 installer might fix that, isnt´t it?
chealerfabricius: eh, sorry but I don't know German
fabricius: what is the problem with having 2 indices in a table?
what do you mean by parameter?
fabriciuschealer: I do not know ... the phpmyadmin says it would be a fault that should be strictly avoided - and the db I cannot import after having it exported => ??
chealer: I just try to find the fault
ah parameter mom:
Warning at the indexes of the table `tiki_comments`
Warning the index types INDEX and UNIQUE should not be set for in the column `parentId` at the same time
stuff like that
I do not know if unique is an actual index (=> index type) or s.th. else ... it semms to be some parameter of the table, that is set wrong
more understandable now?
I guess I do not find the right words to explain the problem, because I neither understand mySQL nor the problem ... just cannot get out a dump, that i coul import to a new empty DB [06:09]
chealerfabricius: unique uses an index, yes [06:13]
fabriciusand IS it an index? [06:14]
chealerfabricius: yes [06:18]
fabriciusthx [06:19]
chealerfabricius: what indices do you have on that table?
fabricius: I'm afraid there's something wrong with MySQL if it allows you to export data but not to reimport the dump
fabriciusfor ex table tiki_comments -> index and unique in the column parentID
I checked another DB, could export and import
this one not
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Anyone in? What is recommended memory limit?
I do not know, but I guess between 20 and 60 ???
I think I have 40 or so
I have 256M now
And I get PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4194304 bytes) in
When I try to "edit templates"
yonixxxhello ma 256m is A LOT... [06:45]
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Mayonixxx: Yes. I know. But why cannot I access edit templates?
Still with 256M...
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yonixxxlet me try to check with, i have a few minutes. which tw version ? [06:47]
Ma5.1 [06:47]
yonixxxk [06:48]
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yonixxxMfff it look wrong here too. [06:52]
Mayonixxx: I just get a blank page. So do you? [06:53]
yonixxxno ok now, i have RE validated permissions and now i can see all the templates when clicking on "Edit template"
may be you have a corrupted tpl ?
Mayonixxx: I installed tiki last week. I don't think I have [06:54]
yonixxxor something weird in your template folder [06:54]
fabriciushmmm anybody has an idea, why my tiki_link_cache is rising unbelievable massive? [06:55]
yonixxxi understand
"rising unbelievable massive" ca veut dire quoi ? :D
Mayonixxx: but should it really load ALL templates on loading page....? [06:55]
yonixxxit does. i can't if it should :)
it just load a list of template (link)
fabriciusca veut dire approximativ ... 40 MB a deux ou trois heures ... [06:56]
Mayonixxx: really..? how could I have the problem with not enough memory [06:57]
fabriciusou 60 MB dans quelques jour - ca depend [06:57]
yonixxxfabricius... wouao ! [06:57]
fabriciusjahuu - des problèmes avec le DB [06:58]
yonixxxma; something is wrong there, what have you modified already ? theme [06:58]
Mayonixxx: I've changed the swedish language file AND added a custom.css
That's it
yonixxxfabricius; j'avais pas mal de soucis de db aussi j'ai utlise tout ce que j;ai trouve sur le web pour optimiser msql, ca m'a beaucoup aide pour desbusquer les merdouilles !
ma; get back to english/basic css and check... may be
fabriciusyonixxx: merci [07:00]
MaThat couldn't be the problem.. [07:00]
yonixxxFabricius; 2mn je regarde ce que j'avais installe comme outils sur ma lenny
ma; anyway it worth the test
MaThe problem is reported in initlib.php
on line 203
$phpErrors[] = $back;
fabriciuslenny? [07:02]
yonixxxfabricius; debian, mais je suppose qu'on doit pouvoir trouver des outils similaires. Surtout ca t'evitera de chercher des heures ! mysqlsla-2.03, mysqltuner.pl, uning-primer.sh [07:03]
changifabricius: c'est la stable de DEBIAN [07:03]
yonixxxhello Changi [07:03]
changiyonixxx: salut [07:03]
yonixxxChangi; t'as pas envie d'apporter une ou deux ameliorations sur le module "Articles" par hasard :D :D :D j'ai essaye de voir ca mais je ne suis pas un codeur. [07:05]
changichangi: et tu penses que j'en suis un ?
tiens au passage c'est quoi mysqlsla ?
yonixxxah merde :D :D :D... j'aurais bien aime disposer d'une option random (pour afficher les articles au hasard) et de corriger un bug lorsqu'on est en r2l (hebrew) = l'alignement ne se fais correctement (align right)
Changi; mysqla (de memoire) traque les slow querry en creant une liste
changiyonixxx: cool
yonixxx: pour le random je pense que l'option de la requete sql doit pas être complexe
Machangi: maybe you know about edit_templates? [07:11]
yonixxxChangi; je veux bien te croire... ;) Tu m'avais donne un lead y a pas longtemps mais j'ai pas tellement pu aller plus loin.
Ma; have you tried reseting language and theme ?
Fabricius; juste pour enfoncer le clous, j'avais sans arret des reproches au sujet de tw par mon admin server. depuis... la paix :)
changiyonixxx: ce qui veut dire que tu as tunner a fond mysql ? [07:15]
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xavipolom [07:16]
yonixxxoui tout ce que je pouvais et depuis la machine respire et tw n'est plus un elephant. J'ai juste un probleme avec les articles (decidement) sur ma tw 5.1 le moindre edit ou traduction mouline a mort. :(
Hola Xavi (it is an international chat day ! :D)
yonixxx switching back to english anyway
ah, ja veig
yonixxxich nichth spreach deutch but french :0 [07:18]
xavi= ah, I see [07:18]
changixavi: hello [07:19]
yonixxxChangi; i just followed the instruction of the scripts and recommandation. piece of cake, even for me :) [07:19]
changixavi: sorry for that french session :) [07:19]
xavihi changi, no problem
there used to be a real-time translation machine with the mibbit chat interface...
that was fun
xavi using pidgin and irc directly today (from home)
changixavi: nice [07:21]
yonixxxBeside no need to be sorry tw is an international project... but of course english is a fair choice (even after Waterloo !). [07:21]
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changiyonixxx: LOL [07:21]
yonixxxYeah :)
Changi; i have some hours to kill today, can you send me back the lead about random-articles, may be i get luckier today.
Mayonixxx: theme is default [07:25]
yonixxxMa; and still the error ? [07:25]
Mayonixxx: yes
512M memory limit nu
yonixxxMa; ... [07:26]
There is something wrong..
changiMa: 512 Mo,
Ma: It's a lot
Mamo? [07:31]
changioups french, Mb [07:31]
Machangi: Yeah, and I still can't load edit templates page [07:31]
changiMa: does server have LOAD ? [07:32]
Machangi: no [07:32]
changiMa: it takes 100% of a CPU ? [07:33]
Machangi: I'll see [07:39]
changi: Maybe, it is a quad
changi: In one sec I saw 23% CPU load
And I guess PHP is single-threaded :)
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ArtemHello there.
I'm having problem with PluginEquation
Can anyone help with this case?
MaArtem: please tell us about the problem, is there someone who could help I'm sure they will do. [08:08]
ArtemOk. So, I installed tikiwiki at hostgator. After this I enabled plugin from the admin panel. Now, when I'm entering {EQUATION()}e=mc^2{EQUATION} I'm getting "Unparseable or potentially dangerous latex formula. Error 4"
Chat ensured me that i have LaTex disrtibution prerequisites
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ArtemAny suggestions? I've googled already and there is nothing useful with this particular PluginEquation error. [08:23]
xaviArtem, no idea. I'm having a quick look at the code. Are you using tiki5? [08:23]
Artemyeah, 5.1 [08:24]
xavimmm, in latex, what does error 4 mean?
well, the graph from the formula is not produced, for sure, looking at the code
changiMa: php is multi thread [08:26]
xavibut don't know why
I'ev never tried this plugin, and I've neveer used latex
Artemi have no idea what does error 4 mean [08:27]
xaviand is that formula syntax latex syntax? [08:28]
coaboahave you checked http://doc.tiki.org/pluginequation [08:28]
xavioh, sorry, that's the formula used in the documentation
mmmm, no idea myself. it looks like a bug, then
Artemyeah, this is latex syntax [08:30]
xavihave you tried in your local machine?
if so, and same effects, then there must be a bug, and should be fixed by some latex-skilled coder
(not me)
Artemyeah, same problem. and not only with this particular example [08:30]
xaviyou can request help (if urget for you) to some other consultans, if you wish
mmm, do you have the right permissions on those directories
as stated at the documentation?
Artemyeah, i talked with tech support and they assured that everything is fine [08:32]
xavioh well, then something must be differnt from here: http://help.csregistry.org/tiki-index.php?page=LatexExample
oh well, that last url comes from a tiki 4.0 site... so then, the hypothesis of a bug in 5.x is bigger
coaboabut doc.tw.o is 6.x isn't it? [08:34]
however, are you sure that that image in doc.t.o is produced in real time, or an image from somewhere else? :-)
Artemtried last url samples - same error [08:35]
coaboathat would be nodoogfooding ;-) [08:36]
xaviArtem, or ask in the devel list. some other coders might have another answer for you (or even fix it quickly if small bug)
my 2 cents
Artemwhere is this list? [08:38]
xavilink to the devel list: see http://tiki.org/Support [08:38]
Artemand what list i need?
oh, i see
Machangi: ok. Anyway, 23% I saw. But it is just for a sec, then the script is finished loading [08:44]
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xavichangi, are you used to "open_basedir restriction in effect" error messages?
I mean, do you know tips to search for solutions to avoid this error message?
I have this error in the error messages shown through the box at the bottom of Tiki pages
and when I select "show php errors only to admin", then I used to have problems, because users were not able to see anything
since then, I allow seing those errors to anybody, in order to keep the site alive
but I wonder, what should I do to fix those open_basedir errors in my site
the host is in safe mode, etc.
the type of errors are:
File: lib/smarty/libs/internals/core.get_include_path.php
Line: 34
Type: is_readable() [function.is-readable]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/...server_path.../share/pear/lib/smarty_tiki//modifier.count.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/...home_path.../data:.)
(sorry for multiline error message , oups :-/ )
^changi, or any sys admin, any tip?
niclone, btw, do you know if plugin equation is working for you also in Tiki 5.x?
niclone: this site: http://help.csregistry.org/tiki-index.php?page=LatexExample seems to be using pluginequation successfuly but running on tiki 4.x
yonixxxXavi : same here about "open_basedir restriction in effect" error messages [09:09]
xaviok, yonixxx, if you ever know how to avoid that error, any tip wil be welcome :-) [09:10]
changixavi: in tiki6 ? [09:16]
and same in tiki5
changimaybe it about the recent commit from sept
since when you have this problem
xavi"recent commit": nope, that problem is shown in that server since I moved to that server, using tiki5.0
and probably, due to some security modules in apache, or who knows
and that migration was like 3 months ago
or earlier
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xaviI'm testing the upgrade to Tiki6, and I'd like to reduce the errors in the server as much as possible
while documenting how to avoid them, if other users have those errors in their server (e.g., ynixx also has it, it seems, and maybe many more people)
afaik, tiki runs, but you have to let anons view those errors
which is not a perfect workaround
if at least, those errors could be hidden from anons, while allowing them to see the site, that would be a better workaround, imho
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Newbie Question: How can i manage user permissions in Tiki - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=38748 [09:20]
Machangi: any idea? [09:34]
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yonixxxXavi ; same :) i know that there is such an option (able/disable inside my vhosts files) [09:45]
xaviable/disable what? [09:45]
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changiMa: not at the moment. [09:55]
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Machangi_lunch: damn [10:05]
yonixxxXavi; sorry i was "distracted" :) by a fight in the 300's movie. Well as i have root access on my server i have seen the option "open_basedir restriction in effect" i can switch it off. My beleive is that it is not safe and it would better to check what is the bug or the problem in TW [10:09]
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yonixxxlunch here too cu [10:20]
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talinhello. when i upload PNG-images with transparent background, why do they appear as small images with black background?
is this a known problem?
MaI guess the image is converted wrong during uploading. Sounds like the alpha-channel isn't following [10:22]
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talinMa: yeah. i wish there was a way to not convert it [10:25]
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xavitalin: afaik, it's a problem in gd, not in tiki
afaik, it happens in most php applications using gd
talinah, i see [10:42]
MaNot really :P
But some of them!
xaviI'm afraid that thumnailing is converting image to jpg [10:42]
talinis there a way to upload the pictures without this converting thing?
if i put them on another site and link to them from there, it works fine...
but that takes ages
xavitalin, what you can do in Tiki is to avoid using the thumb=y param [10:42]
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xavithe problem is asking the application (Tiki or others) to do the thumbnailing, since it converts to jpg, afaik
and no transparency, then
if you don't resize the image (png with transparency) on the serevr, everything is fine
see all my png's with transparency in http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6 , for instance
talinxavi: oooh, removing thumb=y works now! [10:44]
xaviof course, it has always worked
I wish image resizing was done in png keeping transparency also...
but... it's a known issue alive in Tiki (and in other apps) for years
ricks99hi all :-) [10:45]
xavihi ricks99 [10:45]
ricks99hi xavi [10:45]
talinthanks xavi [10:46]
xaviwelcome, talin. Feel free to add this tip in the documentation pages, wherever you would have expected to find it
I mean, somewhere among: http://doc.tiki.org/Documentation
^ talin
talinxavi: sure, i will do that [10:47]
xavithanks talin! :-) [10:47]
talini have to register through ohloh first? [10:51]
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xavitalin: ohloh first? nope. just use your tw account on doc.t.o
I mean, register at http://tiki.org/register if you don't have a tiki account yet
and use that account details at doc.t.o or any other *.t.o site
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chahn_HI, TikiV6 seems to use more complicated Captcha form. It must be a progress. But if I still want to use Verion5.x's simple captcha, can I
go back to older tiki captcha?
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CIA-69tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29718 10/branches/proposals/3.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: Update tiki 3 versions already released in proposed branch [12:13]
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..... (idle for 24mn)
auto has joined #tikiwiki [12:46]
autoI need help :[ [12:46]
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Lucks can you help? ;[
ricks99What is your question auto? [12:48]
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autoI added a ad to my Banner
and now my content is not showing
I published without Previewing :/
ricks99Using the Tiki banner function? [12:49]
is there a way to disable it via FTP?
Or even change the Code via FTP
ricks99If you can access the database, you can delete the offending banner [12:50]
autoCan you explain how to? [12:50]
ricks99See http://bit.ly/brteem
you will need to edit the tiki_banners table
autoI'm not very experienced with phpmyadmin
I'm looking at the Stucture for tiki_banners
ricks99no structure. browse the content [12:56]
autowon't let me browse
Table is empty
ricks99then you dont have a banner [12:58]
I have a banner.
When you go to admin
ricks99just to confirm, you added a tiki banner as shown in the docs: http://doc.tiki.org/banners [12:58]
autoif there was a ScreenShot
I'd be able to confirm
It places the banner on the top
For all pages.
ricks99pls see docs: http://doc.tiki.org/Banner+Admin [12:59]
autoAnd you can choose permissions on who sees it
Never seen that
Sites ads and banners
thats the one
ricks99If you created a banner and bannerzone, it should be in the database table
what Tiki version are you using?
autonot sure to be honest [13:02]
ricks99you have a banner and your tiki_banners table is empty? [13:03]
autothat's what it shows
ricks99ricks99 is confused [13:03]
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autoThere's gotta be a way
to change the code via FTP
it's stored somewhere.
ricks99Try posting on the support forum, sorry. If you created a banner it should be in the tiki_banners table [13:05]
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automaybe someone else might know
if anybody else was talking ;/
So many people
yet noones here :|
ricks99Still very early yet (at least in USA). I suggest posting to the support forum. [13:12]
autoCome to think of it
there's got to be an alternative way
to change permission for my bannerAd
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.... (idle for 19mn)
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29719 10/branches/6.x/doc/devtools/release.php: [DOC] In release process, adding a cleanup step to save disk space [13:33]
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autoI fixed it.
Thank God for Opera8 <3
Correction Opera9 <33
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autothanks for trying to assist me ricks!
I appreciate it
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xavichahn_: it sems not [13:49]
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chealerpolom [14:20]
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xavihi chealer
& rodrigo_sampaio :-)
chealerhi xavi [14:30]
rodrigo_sampaiohi xavi! [14:31]
xavihi... rodrigo_sampaio, did I tell you that I was accepted the communication about PluginR to an international conference on Bioinformatics? [14:33]
rodrigo_sampaioxavi: great!
xavi: where is the conference? ;)
xaviin Malaga (Spain)
see the pdf (with you cited also at the acknowledgements), linked from http://estbioinfo.stat.ub.es
btw, sylvieg, many thanks also (you are also cited at the acknowledgements). See above ^
sylviegcongrat xavi [14:36]
xavithanks :-)
I'm happy to see that this PluginR seems to be working for production so far in a few areas
and it will be even more useful when the angle brackets are allowed in R syntax when used in smarty templates
not urgent, but important. any news sylvie on that enhancement of the smarty or tiki parser?
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sylviegsorry xavi not yet [14:42]
xaviok, no worries [14:43]
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chahn_xavi: If I still want the old Captcha and want to change it on code basis manually. Do you think it would ask me a lot of work? [14:45]
xavino idea, chahn_, probably rodrigo_sampaio would know, I guess [14:46]
chahn_I see thanks for the comment :)
rodrigo_sampaio, can you answer me?
rodrigo_sampaiohi chahn_
chahn_: as far as I remember it is not hard
chahn_: take a look at the svn history and see what I have changed
chahn_: I suppose that svn revert will do the job for you
chahn_hi, rodrigo_sampaio, OK, I will. thanks :) [14:52]
rodrigo_sampaiochahn_: let me know if you need more information [14:52]
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chahn_Ok, thanks. Oh by the way, is the former Captcha not enough for bot attacking? [14:54]
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chahn_I am totally ignorant if there are people who develop simple captcha images reading program and leave messages on other's website. [14:57]
rodrigo_sampaiochahn_: that is the main reason why we replaced the old captcha
chahn_: was not strong enough, some scripts could understand the captcha
chahn_: why you prefer the old one?
chahn_: although there is no interface, it is easy to customize the new captcha
customize its appearance
chahn_I see. then I think I should use as I am given in version 6. Because my future visitors would include old people and disabled people. So sometimes I think it would be too difficult for them.
How can I customize it? I tried with admin page but I could find it.
sorry I couldn't find it
rodrigo_sampaio, If I should look into the code would you tell me several php file names where I should start?
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fabricius has joined #tikiwiki [15:27]
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Kimberleehello all :-) [15:43]
chahn_Hello Kimberlee :)
fabricius: hi how was it?
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fabriciushi chahn - fell asleep around 8:00 or so - the site is nearly completely dowm (still access to the admin panels) [15:50]
chahn_rodrigo_sampaio told me to look at svn history. Where can I see it? I searched for SVN*.* file in tiki installed directory but I couldn't find. And searching in tiki.org doesn't give the result. [15:50]
fabriciusI build up new now chahn_ / chahn - using cvs export and such stuff to a new DB [15:51]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r29721 10/branches/6.x/ (lib/userslib.php tiki-setup.php): [FIX]multilingual: when clicking on the logo go to the homepage of the current language [15:51]
fabriciuschahn_ will have tobe prepared fo such situations when we go productive
we will
chahn_Ok good luck ! :) oh for us hehe [15:52]
fabriciusso I fucked up, but good for learning - I hope that the people from the board will not freak out :-D [15:53]
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chahn_fabricius: if we still can enjoy then life would be ours :)
It's 1 am here. I have to go to sleep. Bye fabricius and bye all.
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CIA-69tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29722 10/branches/3.0/tiki-edit_wiki_section.php:
tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport
tikiwiki: r29633 | sept_7 | 2010-09-26 12:48:31 +0200 (Sun, 26 Sep 2010) | 2 lines
tikiwiki: [FIX/bp 29629] Sanitize inputs
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fabriciusby@all - c ya later [16:07]
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tikiwiki: r29654 | marclaporte | 2010-09-27 13:36:20 +0200 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 1 line
tikiwiki: save disk space
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29724 10/branches/3.0/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport
tikiwiki: r29660 | chealer | 2010-09-27 18:41:51 +0200 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 2 lines
tikiwiki: [bp/r29656][FIX]edit section: obsolete files
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tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport
tikiwiki: r29685 | pkdille | 2010-09-28 09:54:10 +0200 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010) | 1 line
tikiwiki: [bp/r29658]Homogenize titles in tiki-view_forum_thread and in tiki-view_forum
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tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport
tikiwiki: r29690 | chealer | 2010-09-28 15:55:53 +0200 (Tue, 28 Sep 2010) | 2 lines
tikiwiki: Empty file on upgrades rather than delete for upgrades through overwriting
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r29727 10/branches/proposals/5.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [FIX] update version number [16:16]
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marclaportepolom [16:24]
xavimolop marclaporte [16:35]
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xavicoaboa? [17:43]
sorry was afk
have you tried the socialnetwork integrtion in tiki?
coaboa, I men the connection with Facebook in Tiki6
because I can't make it work
it says: Enter <your site URL>tiki-socialnetworks.php as connect URL
it says so at the tiki interface, to be added at the facebook configuration side
but facebook complains that that url has no ending slash or ? at the url ...
so I added / at teh end: http://mydomain.org/tiki-socialnetworks.php/
this way I could register that tiki site for facebook integration
but later, when I validate that, I get an error from facebook saying that "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration."
I thought that it was you who had that feature requested to jörn
maybe I'm wrong
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need some help
xavihi guide_pr [18:00]
guide_prhi xavi [18:00]
coaboayes it worked a while ago but since poiesipedia.com is stil closed (probably open from tomorrow) [18:00]
guide_pri updated from 4.2 to 5.x
and now my picture gallery page comes up blank
coaboaI havent tried it so since then. Hopefully no regression. [18:01]
guide_prpictures are there since they appear from forum posts (when linked in) [18:01]
xaviok, coaboa, test in Tiki6 when you have an opportunity [18:01]
coaboaI'll chek I right away on another site
we depend on it...
xaviguide_pr: ensure that you run the upgrade process, while converting your db and tables (and content) to utf-8 [18:02]
guide_prdid that [18:02]
xavisee http://doc.tiki.org/upgrade [18:02]
in control panel
when I click file galleries
the configuration page comes up malformed
xaviI mean through tiki-install.php [18:03]
guide_prxavi, i did the update of the database to the latin character set [18:03]
xavithere are three things that need to be changed to utf-8, and you can do them all if you run the upgrade from tiki-install.php [18:03]
guide_prthrough the web-site [18:03]
xavi1 & 2: convert db and tables to utf-8 [18:04]
fabriciusguide_pr: where did you store the pictures and how did you update your tiki? [18:04]
guide_pri guess the pictures were stored in the db [18:04]
xavi3: convert content from whatever chaset you had to utf-8 (that's allowed at the last step of tiki-install.php) [18:04]
guide_prand i updated using the instructions and using the install script
during the install it asked me to update to utf-8
and i did, which went without a problem
fabriciusdid you update by overriding the old tikifiles, or by a new installation (what is recommended in the docs) [18:05]
xavidid you do (3) also? [18:05]
guide_prcheck it out
and click on gallery
xaviguide_pr: did you do (3) also? [18:06]
guide_pri copied "update when newer"
install over existing
since i had data on the site
fabriciusinstall over existing is possible, but not recomended
seems to possibly lead to problems
I read in the docs
guide_prif i have the site backed up on my local computer (i.e., i copied it from the ftp)
can I repeat the process?
meaning copy old to the site
and then re-copy new release files over it
fabriciusnew installation seems to be better, but needs some preperation from start, if you want less work moving files out of the old inst and back in [18:08]
guide_prshould i try to remove the lock file and re run install script? [18:09]
fabriciusdid you make a backup (dump) of your db before upgrading? [18:09]
guide_prmy site makes a copy of the db automatically
and periodically
xaviguide_pr: did you do (3) also? [18:10]
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fabriciusI would make up a new db, import the dump of before upgrading and check out again [18:10]
guide_prxavi, did 3 but the install over existing [18:10]
fabriciusand I would answer xavi s question ;-) [18:10]
guide_prfabricious, the pictures are there [18:10]
fabriciusloool [18:10]
guide_prsince they apear in the forum articles [18:10]
fabriciuspics are in the db? [18:10]
it is just that the gallery page does not come up
fabriciusbut http://guide-pr.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse delivers a blank page [18:11]
guide_prhttp://guide-pr.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse [18:11]
fabriciuslol [18:11]
guide_prempty --- plain white [18:11]
fabriciusI see
xaviyes, blank page, that's another story [18:11]
guide_pralso in the control panel [18:12]
xavimemory problem, probably [18:12]
guide_prif i go to the file gallery configuration [18:12]
xaviplease, apply the profile "debug mode enabled" (or similar) [18:12]
guide_prthat page comes up misconfigured and disfunctional [18:12]
fabricius#I would not recommend to save files in the databas anyway, because it leads to an awful big db [18:12]
xavithis will allow you to see the error message on the screen [18:12]
fabriciuswith my provider db size is limited to 100 MB [18:12]
xaviif you have never used profiles, guide_pr, see http://profiles.tiki.org [18:13]
fabriciusI think that is usual with managed server hosting, aswell as with shared hosting [18:13]
xaviunless you know how to change manually how to show all php error messages and notices to users which are non-admin [18:13]
guide_prif my pictures are now in the db
is there a way to change that
xaviguide_pr: read my comments, please [18:13]
guide_prok [18:14]
xavifabricius: blank pages are (usally) memory problems
fabricius: users need to enable error reporting to anons, usually, to see the error message in their screen
fabriciusthx xavi [18:14]
xavifyi [18:14]
i cleared all caches
can you see the picture gallery?
xavicoaboa, I'll send you a copy of the email I send to jörn with the screenshots of the problem I saw in Tiki6
in my recent test
guide_pri also enabled the error reporting [18:16]
xaviimages are shown: http://guide-pr.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=18
nice places in PR, btw
guide_prperhaps the cache was screwing it up
the cache was from before the upgrade?
thanks xavi
coaboacool svn up takes for ever... test it asap [18:18]
no problem
guide_prthanks fabricious
for now I'll keep the pictures in the database
sorry guys
if i move pictures to a directory
what permissions should it have
and how do i test if script can write to these
damn, got to run, forgot that i have to teach :p
xavicoaboa, email sent [18:24]
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fabriciushave to go, bye [18:39]
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CIA-69tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29728 10/branches/3.0/ (18 files in 3 dirs): [REL] Preparing 3.8 release [18:49]
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29729 10/branches/3.0/README: [REL] Update README file for 3.8 [18:57]
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xavic u all [19:05]
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CIA-69tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29735 10/tags/3.8/: [REL] Tagging release [19:20]
Kimberleehello marclaporte - you missed quite a storm in florida yesterday. left for ny just in time. :-) [19:24]
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marclaportepolom [19:46]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r29736 10/branches/6.x/comments.php: [FIX] forum: avoid this variable may not be empty: $_POST['...'] once and for all for various different cases [19:58]
marclaportethank you Nelson! [19:59]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r29737 10/branches/proposals/5.x/comments.php: [bp/r29736][FIX] forum: avoid this variable may not be empty: $_POST['...'] once and for all for various different cases [20:02]
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question about file gallery directory value
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 83886080 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1365275 bytes) in /hermes/web01b/b1022/moo.twotowers/guide-pr/lib/core/lib/TikiDb/Pdo.php on line 95
help :)
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [20:10]
i'll try tomorrow, bye
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Twiki Intranet and feature questions - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38750 [20:17]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r29738 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: adding 3.8 to twversion file [20:22]
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marclaporteguide_pr: ping
how many users accounts on your site? which version of Tiki?
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Semantic Link Plugin - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38751 [21:19]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3564 - - pretty tracker demo cannot be applied - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3564 [21:42]
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fabriciuspolom [21:48]
coaboahi [21:48]
fabriciushi coaboa [21:48]
coaboafabricius, are you located in germany too? [21:48]
fabriciusyes [21:49]
coaboalate ;-) [21:49]
fabriciusIasked you the same recently coaboa ... would you like to join teh german user group, that we are setting up now/soon [21:50]
I'll be for 100% in Berlin
fabriciusin t.o my username = Torsten - you?
me too
so let´s meet up there and discuss
coaboacarsten.aevermann [21:51]
fabriciusstefan mostlikely will come aswell
ah you :-)
coaboacoaboa is some kind of relict [21:51]
.... (idle for 18mn)
fabriciusactually I am restoring a tikisite
coaboaups [22:09]
fabriciusjust some admin-access left [22:09]
coaboabut wit a recent dump you are back in a few minutes [22:10]
fabriciusI will have to export the articles and the wikipages
I have a recent dump - more than one - but they seem to be corrupt
no way to import them
I discovered that problem additionally to some tikisite-internal problems
and trying to fix, I fucked up
coaboaediting tables? [22:12]
fabriciusdeleting and reimport, such stuff
some of my actions might have been silly
so again it turns out, that I am halfway DAU or trnslated to english: AMSU
coaboagreat potential for improving ;-) [22:14]
fabriciusoh yes - great potential
do you have an idea, how I can export the articles?
didn´t find a function yet
coaboaxml zip [22:15]
fabriciusxml zip sounds good [22:15]
coaboa(wiki) [22:15]
fabriciusit´s a tiki 3.6/3.7 [22:15]
coaboaor Feature "Article"
don't know excatly oldest ofmy sites running 4.2
should start with 3.0
as of : doc.tiki.org/XML+Import-Export
have you seen that?
fabricius: have to go, good luck with the xml export. Try to import it to a tiki running vm before deleting anything
whats that?
virtual something?
coaboavirtual machine (eg. vmplayer) [22:22]
fabriciusah kk
have a nice time
coaboacu [22:22]
........ (idle for 39mn)
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chealerhi ttrimm
thanks for the article on WebPI
ttrimmNo problem!!! I will probably have more. I write them as I do them. That way I know they are accurate [23:14]
marclaportetks ttrimm [23:26]
ttrimmNo problem. I like writing the articles. especially about wordpress and Tiki Wiki [23:26]
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