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***petef has joined #tikiwiki
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:09]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29910 10/branches/6.x/lib/prefs/global.php: typo
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29911 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-kaltura_video.tpl: [ENH] Adding Kaltura embed code example below video
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: 403 error when using fckeditor - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38924 [00:25]
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Teresa is now known as ttrimm
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29912 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-admin_include_video.tpl: [ENH] Adding some help links in the Kaltura Admin Panel [01:07]
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29913 10/branches/6.x/templates/ (3 files): [FIX] Attempt to have more consistency in buttons for Kaltura (some things are unclear to me in current interface, so revert or make better fix please). And add another embed code [01:11]
chahnhi all, which file should I change if I want to change title bar's message as I want (such as adding 'Wiki:' for all wiki pages)? [01:19]
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CIA-69tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29914 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-kaltura_video.tpl: fixing up some previous commits to avoid duplicate and to use cleaner wiki plugin syntax [01:27]
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chahnI tried to download http://doc.tiki.org/files/Tiki19beta.pdf but the link is broken. Where should I tell it? [02:12]
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yanick_hi, I need to have a <table> inside another <table>, so I resort into using the HTML plugin in the editor, but all it says is "Plugin execution pending approval" ... .... ... O_o what does it mean? [03:11]
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yanick_this is lame.... I need to save the page, and approve the plugin to view it.... but of course it's not working, so I have to go back into editing..... why doesn't it just work in preview mode?? [03:22]
CIA-69tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r29915 10/branches/6.x/tiki-login.php: [FIX] Prevent modules from showing stuff that anonymous should not see (bug introduced in r28103) [03:25]
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r29916 10/branches/6.x/tiki-login.php: [FIX] Re previous commit, reintroduced what was desired behavior of original r28103 properly [03:31]
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nkothyanick_: so called "temporary approval" of plugins that need admin approval for preview purpose, or otherwise "auto approval of plugins if you are an admin "is currently not a feature but yes that might be nice to have. [03:46]
yanick_nkoth, I finally wrote the whole thing directly using inline HTML, it works... [03:47]
nkothgn all :) [03:48]
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yanick_well... it worked in the preview... now the sanitizer screwed it up [03:49]
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yanick_stupid plugin security
I approve, and it won't approve... I'm freakin' admin
it show my HTML <table> element right in the preview, but when I save, it shows my HTML code on the page instead of formatting it
damn borken thing
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chibaguypolom [04:24]
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chealerhi chibaguy [05:04]
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chibaguyhi chealer [06:04]
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luci|abroadpolom [07:34]
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chibaguyhi luci|abroad [08:24]
luci|abroadhi chibaguy :) [08:27]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Changing Users Passwords - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38927 [10:14]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3572 - - Upgrade to Google Maps Javascript API V3 - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3572 [12:07]
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changi has joined #tikiwiki [13:00]
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changidoes anyone know how to change admin password when we lost it ? [14:38]
JoernOttI always did look at tiki.sql where the hashed password for admin is stored and set the admin password back to admin [14:44]
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changithat's what i do
JoernOtt: thx
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chealerpolom [15:17]
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changia beautifull bug, in tiki6 you cannot change your admin password :) [15:37]
chealerchangi: apparently not via admin users anyway [15:37]
changithe confirm action does not work [15:38]
chealerchangi: right, that's exactly what I was looking at
changi: "Click here to confirm your action" does nothing? (JavaScript error)
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daniamLuciash: tks for the comment. I will re-upload the BBB interview. [15:42]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Tiki and Webdav - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38932 [15:54]
New Forum Posts: Site broken after 4.3-> 5.0 upgrade (search not working) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=38933 [16:04]
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changichealer: javascript:document.forms['confirm'].submit();return false; <= that's the problem [16:18]
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jonnybpolom (uk) [16:26]
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chealerchangi: right. I'm wondering why though
changi: document.forms['confirm'] is undefined
document.forms is right
hi jonnyb. maybe you can help with this JavaScript problem...
jonnybhi chealer [16:51]
chealerconfirm is the name of an existing form [16:51]
jonnybwhich page? [16:52]
chealerjonnyb: the CSRF confirmation page, when clicking "Click here to confirm your action"
it must not do it everywhere, but I get it in 5.x and 6.x, in admin users
you may get it if you click a user
I was looking at http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-75708506
it seems we want method namedItem
jonnybindeed - that's a bit odd isn't it? i'm not really doing something that needs confirm?
jonnyb greps for document.forms['confirm']
chealerjonnyb: right. that's a separate problem, but I noticed this JS error when trying to fix what you just said
jonnyb: confirm.tpl I believe
{button href="#" _onclick="javascript:document.forms['confirm'].submit();return false;" _text="{tr}Click here to confirm your action{/tr}"}
jonnybgot it
no js error though
chealerjonnyb: so for you clicking the button works? [16:55]
in safari
chealerfor me, nothing happens (unless I open the console, in which case I see the error)
jonnyb: are you in 6.x?
jonnybtrying in fx (on branch/6.x) [16:56]
chealeryeah, I'm in Iceweasel
I get it in Opera too.
jonnybalso ok in fx [16:57]
chealerif you go to a user, then click Save (even without changing anything), you get the CSRF confirmation
jonnybok, trying that too (with break on error enabled)
ok, got it
chealerwow, even in opera I get 37 HTML validation errors
I don't understand, in the validation page, one of the errors shows the string Generate a password
jonnyb$("form[name=confirm]") seems to find it ok [17:01]
chealerwhich I don't find in the HTML source of the page [17:01]
jonnybwhy is it name and not id? [17:01]
chealerjonnyb: probably no good reason, but trying to change to id didn't help here [17:01]
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jonnybthis seems to work ok for me:
{button _onclick="$("form[name=confirm]")[0].submit();return false;" _ajax="n" _text="{tr}Click here to confirm your action{/tr}"}
chealerjonnyb: what does _ajax=n do? [17:07]
jonnybstops it adding all the loadComponent stuff in the onclick fn
but i don't think that was the cause of that error
however, now when i click on a user name to edit it, when i confirm i go back to the list
i have xajax on
any idea why it's asking to confirm just to edit?
chealerjonnyb: yes, that's a regression from a recent CSRF patching [17:11]
jonnybok, you on it? ping if i can help... [17:12]
chealeryes, but I'm still totally confused
1. Why did it work but doesn't anymore? 2. Why is the validator showing code not in the source. 3. Why does {button href="#" _onclick="javascript:$('#confirm').submit();return false;" _text="{tr}Click here to confirm your action{/tr}"} not work, without any error, having switched to id?
jonnybyou need $('irc://irc.freenode.net/#confirm')[0].submit() [17:19]
chealercould it be that the validation tool is sending the validator the previous page, before the confirmation form? in both Opera and Firefox?? [17:19]
jonnybi mean: $('#confirm')[0].submit() [17:20]
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jonnyb$('#thing') is the jQuery object, which is also an array of dom elements
which validator are you talking about?
chealerjonnyb: OK. that one fails with "$("#confirm")[0].submit is not a function"
jonnyb: what do you use in Firefox? I use Web Developer's Validate local HTML
jonnybi never found one that would do localhost pages
so usually copy the source into validator.w3.org
chealerjonnyb: and in Opera, the one I found in development tools menu, Ctrl+Alt+Maj+U [17:23]
jonnybi don't have opera [17:23]
chealerjonnyb: yesterday I figured Firefox/Web Developer was buggy so I saved the page and uploaded it to the validator manually. then it failed with 100+ errors, instead of 37 [17:25]
jonnyb:D [17:25]
chealerI really couldn't make sense of the errors
jonnyb: I wish we were debugging this side-by-side
jonnybhow about http://live.tiki.org ?
i'm there
but just doing to make T - brb
chealerI'm afraid I have no working microphone on Linux :-(
$('#confirm')[0] is defined
[object HTMLFormElement]
that should definitely have a submit method: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/HTMLFormElement
jonnyboh... not mic, shame (not much point doing bbb) [17:32]
chealeryeah :-( [17:32]
jonnyba debian thing? [17:33]
chealerit must be Linux-related, works on Windows, I think it already worked on Debian too [17:34]
jonnybah well
back to the confirm thing - you have xajax on?
chealerjonnyb: I turned all AJAX stuff off when I hit the problem [17:35]
jonnybcos sometimes ajax stuff "happens" in a weird scope and you have to tell it to use window.document.forms etc
as you say then, why did it change?
chealerjonnyb: why it's not working anymore? no idea...
I'm trying {button href="#" _onclick="javascript:var conform = $('#confirm')[0];alert(conform);conform.submit();return false;" _text="{tr}Click here to confirm your action{/tr}"}
jonnybyou mentioned some confirm changes recently? [17:39]
chealerjonnyb: I fixed missing CSRF checks recently, see http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/6.x/tiki-adminusers.php?r1=29485&r2=29651 [17:40]
jonnybtry: _onclick="javascript:debugger; var conform etc [17:40]
chealerso it could be that Admin users is more buggy comparing 6.x to 4.x, but it would mean ticketlib2 confirmation screens would be broken everywhere [17:41]
jonnybfirst thing i'd do is stick a breakpoint in $access->check_authenticity() and see what's in there [17:43]
chealerjonnyb: OK...what does debugger change? [17:44]
jonnybit shouldn't change anything, just let you see why it's being called, and what it's checking [17:44]
chealerjonnyb: you think? it's PHP code... we're getting a JS error. [17:44]
jonnybwell the js looks ok - i'm sure doc.forms[formName] used to work [17:45]
chealerjonnyb: me too, but it's causing a JS error now, something is wrong in the HTML/JS now [17:45]
jonnybi'd like to know why it wants confirm of just editing [17:45]
chealerjonnyb: because one $access->check_authenticity() (the last) is at the wrong place [17:46]
jonnybthe other thing i'd suggest is that all those $access->check_authenticity() calls should send some text to say what you're confirming
aha, hadn't got to the bottom yet :)
chealerjonnyb: right, that would be nice. the corresponding parameter for key_check() has always been optional, so I let it that way. there's a lot of work to do on deploying ticketlib2... [17:48]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Calendar questions (recurring event on every other week) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38939
New Forum Posts: File Gallery parent - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38938
jonnyblooks to me like key_check doesn't have a text param [17:50]
chealerjonnyb: sorry, it must be key_get() then [17:50]
jonnybyup - key_get does - what's the diff? [17:50]
chealerjonnyb: first you get a key, then you confirm you're doing an authentic request by sending that key in the confirmation form, which calls key_check() to verify it [17:52]
jonnybok, makes sense [17:53]
chealergah, I have no idea what the problem is. [17:55]
jonnybjonnyb distracted by it not setting the right tab after you save
seems to work ok now for me here
(the confirm button)
chealerjonnyb: without code changes? [17:59]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03chealer * r29917 10/branches/6.x/tiki-adminusers.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Admin users: CSRF check done when just visualizing a user
tikiwiki: r29651 regression, oops. Thanks Sylvie Greverend. ticketlib2/confirm.tpl still broken
jonnybno, with a little change to confirm.tpl [17:59]
luci|abroadre [17:59]
jonnybthe one i pasted here earlier i think
polom luci|abroad
you still abroad?
luci|abroadjonnyb: hey jonny [18:00]
chealerjonnyb: yeah, I'll try it [18:00]
jonnyb(relatively) [18:00]
luci|abroadjonnyb: again :-p [18:00]
jonnybwhere now? [18:00]
luci|abroadswitzerland [18:00]
jonnyb is glad to be back at home, but still in the wrong timezone
chealerhi luci|abroad [18:01]
luci|abroadat vladi´s sister´s
hi chealer :)
jonnybnice there? i only went through switzerland once on a bus - looked pretty [18:02]
luci|abroadyea, it was no much sleep for me before going too, but luckily i was not driving alone
yep, nice, just cloudy today again
jonnyboh, and i had lunch in Zurich once [18:02]
luci|abroadtrying to sort out the pictures from tkifest now
jonnybi recorded the guy saying "stand clear of the closing doors please" on the subway to jfk [18:03]
chealerchealer is getting really angry at JavaScript [18:03]
jonnybchealer: relax :) [18:03]
chealerI started debugging this stupid problem yesterday. why does it have to be so hard to debug a trivial JavaScript statement! [18:04]
jonnybsometimes it's the trivial looking ones that are most evil [18:05]
luci|abroadjonnyb: lol, great :)
jonnyb: hopefully we can make remix soon ;)
chealerjonnyb: with your code, it works, but only because the onclick is truncated before the return false and it follows the href to tiki-adminusers.php, but it doesn't actually submit the form [18:07]
jonnybi found the one i did with the artists and the car, but it's way too long - needs more mixing :)
ah, ok chealer - i'll recheck (properly)
luci|abroadartists and the car ? where ?
ah, @home u mean
jonnybnot uploaded anywhere yet - i was rambling about it after the ovc remixing thing
chealerjonnyb: presumably some quoting problem [18:09]
luci|abroadyep yep [18:09]
chealeroh, right: _onclick="$("form[name=confirm]")[0].submit();return false;"
double quotes used for 2 things
told you, disrupted sleep patterns :)
i'm reverting for a moment - maybe it's something else
chealerluci|abroad: thank you, I'm impatient to see them :-)
jonnyb: hehe
luci|abroad:) [18:12]
jonnybhmm, there's something wrong with that form - it doesn't really have the name "confirm" (or any name) [18:14]
chealerjonnyb: huum. switching the jquery quoting to single quotes doesn't seem to work neither, although the JS seems fine
jonnyb: right...
jonnybin fact the 'name' is the first hidden field (user) [18:15]
chealerat this point, I would appreciate if somebody else could try to get the confirmation form somewhat validating
or explain why the validator is so unhappy
jonnybaha - the first hidden field's name is... "name"!
is that legal?
chealerjonnyb: hum, I don't really see why it wouldn't [18:16]
jonnybit seems to confuse firebug
if the form has a field called "name" as well as an attribute
chealerjonnyb: I don't get the artists and the car [18:18]
jonnybit's a silly video i started editing a while ago - never finished it [18:19]
chealerjonnyb: I think it's something bigger. most pages here have under 10 similar HTML errors, not 100 [18:19]
jonnyband at OVC is was wondering what a "video remix" was
chealerOK [18:19]
jonnybseems like i'd been making them for ages! :)
we used to call them "scratch videos"
i'm so behind with the times...
anyway, adminusers - i'm going to have a go at changing the name=name thing
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chealerI tried another confirm screen in 5.3 - it has a single HTML validation error [18:30]
jonnybok - think i'd cracked it
it also had a field called "submit", which was overriding the confirm form't property (no strong typing... the dangers)
there might be lots more...
i'll commit this and start searching
chealerthe admin users edit form had 13 errors [18:34]
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jonnyblet's hope it helps
at least the js works now
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29918 10/branches/6.x/ (templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl tiki-adminusers.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX] adminusers: Can't use element attribute names as names for form fields (like 'name' or 'submit') when using check_authenticity confirmation.
tikiwiki: Also return to tab 1 after saving.
jonnybok chealer - can you see if that helps? [18:40]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29919 10/branches/6.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] tabs: tabstoggle was breaking tab layout. Removed padding and margin from contents. [18:41]
daniamcan any one see the option at tv.tiki.org where we can use the embed script to place a video clip on a tiki page? - On the kaltura.com side, there use to be a menu where I could pick-up the code. Can you try on your side to verify if you see the Chealer video clip at: http://kaltura.evocatio.com/p/102/sp/10200/raw/entry_id/0_jvebrere/version/0/0_jvebrere.mp4?relocate=f.mp4 [18:41]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29920 10/branches/6.x/styles/jqui/options/element.css: [CSS] jqui.element: Coloured links in centre section [18:42]
jonnybyup, i see it - chealer looking good there daniam
daniam: go to the list of entries
then rollover the blue (i) info icon
"Wiki plugin code" at the bottom
daniamjonnyb: no I don't see the Wiki plugin code. Chealer, can you see "Wiki plugin code"? [18:46]
jonnybor go to change details - it's at the bottom of that
or the normal "view" page - it's in the middle there for some reason...
chealerjonnyb: wah, that worked [18:48]
yay chealer
now we have to find all the other forms in tiki that use stupid field names :)
well, only the ones that use check_auth
chealerdaniam: yes, I see it
is that really plugin syntax BTW?
jonnybyup - the new (4.x?) version [18:52]
chealerOK [18:53]
jonnybhmmm, i get 157 hits for $_(:?REQUEST|POST)[['"]name['"]] in php files - dull... [18:53]
chealerjonnyb: or understanding what's wrong there. I still get many validation errors
editing a user seems broken in 5.x
jonnybreally - cos 157 is too many to change (and as you say it shouldn't really be necessary) [18:54]
chealerso it would be ideal to have a minimal backport [18:55]
jonnybare there validation errors on the confirm form?
daniamNo, this is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for the embed code. If I'm using the kaltura.com account, the path would be: http://www.kaltura.com/index.php/kmc/kmc3#content|Manage [18:56]
chealerjonnyb: many, but as I said, it's totally weird. I get 37 on 6.x, over 100 if I save the page and manually make it validate, in which case the errors are completely strange [18:56]
jonnybjust trying v.w3.o [18:57]
chealerjonnyb: if I do the validation via Firefox or Opera, it seems to be validating code which is not actually on the page
(Firefox: Web Developer)
jonnybjonnyb notices it's 8pm here... feels like tea time
not tried that pluggin
chealerjonnyb: I use it mainly for HTML validation and cookie visualization [18:58]
jonnybno firecookie? (it's good) [18:58]
chealerjonnyb: it does much more, but the rest is largely superceded by Firebug [18:58]
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jonnybvalidator is about the only thing missing from firebug these days
jonnyb makes tea anyway
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Deunshello [19:00]
chealerhi lindon_ [19:00]
lindon_hey chealer [19:00]
DeunsIs there any way to import iCal to tikicalendar ? [19:00]
lindon_a bit lonely here now :) [19:00]
jonnybhey lindon_ thanks for the smashing tikifest! [19:02]
lindon_my pleasure! [19:03]
chealer:-) [19:03]
jonnybusing my mousemat now (just around 120th and 7th at the moment ;) ) [19:04]
chealerlindon_: I was just telling jonnyb I wish I was still with him to squash this CSRF confirmation bug. instead I'm getting mad
haha jonnyb
jonnybchealer: why don't you fix you mic and we can do bbb? [19:05]
lindon_I know what you mean, still have a few questions I forgot to ask jonny [19:05]
chealerjonnyb: sorry but I spent enough time trying to get the mic to work again, I was thinking I'd retry next reinstall [19:06]
lindon_jonnyb: guess you made the train? [19:06]
jonnybchealer: ok, just seems like a necessity this century ;)
lindon_: yup - 3 minutes to spare!
Deuns: looks like calendar can only import csv at the moment - maybe there's a converter?
chealerI agree, it's a shame
I'm going to take a break, bbl
jonnybok bibi [19:08]
Deunsjonnyb, ok, I'll look in that direction then, thank you :) [19:08]
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rahulhow to use banner in wili tiki
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [19:11]
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jonnybrahul - don't use them myself but have you tried http://doc.tiki.org/Banners ? [19:11]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r29921 10/branches/5.x/db/ (tiki-secdb_5.1_mysql.sql tiki-secdb_5.2_mysql.sql): delete useless files [19:12]
rahulyes but got no usefull results [19:13]
jonnybhow about trying rick's site - try search for "tiki for smarties"
ttrimmttrimm *loves* tiki for smarties* !
even though I obviously have trouble keeping focused!
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luci|abroadhey, some of the pics from tikifest already up: http://picasaweb.google.com/mindbro/TikiFestNewYork2010?authkey=Gv1sRgCLq2qYupvZvFQA# [19:24]
jonnybjonnyb sits back and enjoys the show [19:27]
lindon_great pictures - thanks luci! [19:29]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: QUestion on Menu behaviour - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=38940 [19:29]
jonnybindeed - nice one, thanks luciash [19:30]
ttrimmwow. I think I would get vertigo in NYC! [19:34]
luci|abroadthank you :) [19:36]
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luci|abroadttrimm: hehe :) [19:38]
ttrimmI am originally from Kansas...NOTHING there is that size! [19:38]
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jonnybttrimm: i was born and brought up in London, and even so sometimes NYC takes you breath away [19:40]
ttrimmLooking at that photoblog page, it is amazing to me how many photographers go with the default profile icon!!
lindon_ttrimm: you should join us next time ;) [19:41]
ttrimmat the tikifest?? [19:41]
lindon_yes [19:41]
ttrimmI would love to...finances suck at this point [19:42]
jonnybjonnyb resists the link, recalling what ttrimm said about staying focussed [19:42]
ttrimmI couldn't even go to RCC this year
it is a photoblog link that marc sent out in FB
but there are like 16 or 20 profile pics but most of those are just a head silhouette...
I NEVER stick with those myself.
one of the first things I change
Hope to go to RCC next year in Boston
SHOULD be able to.
jonnybwhat's RCC? [19:44]
ttrimmRecent Changes Camp...I will find a link [19:44]
lindon_meanwhile, there's always BigBlueButton ;) [19:44]
jonnyboh right, yes - heard of it
lindon_: i'm there...
ttrimmthis year it was in Canada. don't have a passport and no money for tickets [19:45]
lindon_jonnyb: me too now [19:47]
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luci|abroadgood night and enjoy: http://tv.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=HD+Video+Media+Entry+Example [21:40]
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luci|abroad|asleeeep :-p [21:41]
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jonnybnn [21:42]
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jonnybgoody - a bed time movie! :) thx [21:42]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29922 10/branches/6.x/templates/confirm.tpl: [FIX] confirm: xhtml validation - inputs can't be at the root of a form and forms don't have names anymore [22:07]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29923 10/branches/6.x/tiki-edit_perspective.php: [FIX] edit perspectives: Use cookietab [22:41]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29924 10/branches/6.x/tiki-adminusers.php: [FIX] adminusers: Get user list after modifying, instead of before [22:46]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r29925 10/branches/6.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [FIX] prefs: Add some keywords and hints, and homogenise some labels with colons. [23:00]
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