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***ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki [00:01]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30028 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] option for {pagination_links} to don't use ajax even if ajax_xajax is enabled
tikiwiki: [FIX] disable ajax for {pagina_links} on tiki-edit_languages.php to preserve behavior added by tiki-edit_languages.js
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rodrigo_sampaio1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [02:06]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03Gregmartin * r30029 10/branches/5.x/templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl: removes prompt warning user that data will be lost if they navigate off the page that is received when clicking save or preview [02:40]
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Loggar starts logging #tikiwiki at Fri Oct 15 06:16:16 2010
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JoernOtt has joined #tikiwiki [06:34]
coaboahi abd goog morning all
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coaboahi Jörn [07:42]
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yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki [08:14]
yonixxxHi, i need to customize tw 5.3 forum toolbars. I want only one row with specific elements. On the admin toolbars i can't find a way to remove unneeded quicktags... How ? [08:18]
......... (idle for 40mn)
coaboahi hace a problem when editing a page with pagebreaks (...page...) only the first page apears in the editor.
revision 30023
url: http://poiesipedia.co.uk/tiki-index.php?page=Living+among+myselves
xavihi coaboa [09:12]
coaboahi xavi [09:12]
xaviyonixxx: did you try draging some icon out of the toolbar, in that admin toolbar screen, for forums?
JoernOtt around?
yonixxxHi Xavi, yes it the first (and logical) things i have tried. [09:13]
xaviJoernOtt: I see duplicated the preference "share access rights with friends?" in "Admin home > community"
yonixx: look at the documentation of that feature (if any :-) ). Try to improve that documentation with whatever you know, and if you can't get it to work still, send a message to the devel list (for instance) and/or open a bug report about it
JoernOtt: looking in branches/6x, tiki-admin_include_community.tpl, line 33 & 34, r29037, I see:
JoernOtt: {preference name=auth_token_tellafriend}
JoernOtt: {preference name=auth_token_share}
weren't they made the same feature?
If so, I'll remove one of them from that tpl, but I don't know which one....
maybe you are the one of the best candidated to how the best way to fix that duplication at the UI
coaboathe report feature depends on tell a friend unfortunately [09:17]
xavicoaboa, both preferences show the same message for the end user
that's why there is a usability bug (at least), or uneeded duplication at the UI
regarding pagebreak after completely reinstalling svn version the problem is gone ;-)
yonixxxXavi: i've been there (http://doc.tiki.org/Quicktags)... the doc says a quicktags can be remove, no explanation on how and if it is on the toolbar... maybe it is not really possible to remove a quicktags from with in a toolbars ?
tks for your help anyway ;)
xaviafair, "quicktags" feature was renamed as "toolbars" in 4.x or so. so that page should have an alias to "Toolbars" and "Toolbar", at least.
moreover, they could be removed somehow, if you drag some icon out of that bar and place it to some other bar, as far as I remember
if you can't, send a quick message to devel list, before deciding whether your issue comes from a bug (and thus, some bug report - and fix, of course - is needed), or if it comes from some defective documentation (which needs to be improved and updated, anyway), I would say
coaboa: easy way of fixing local problems (some coder fixed in svn ;-) )
coaboa;-) computers are some mystic being... [09:26]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30030 10/branches/6.x/templates/messu-compose.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX]Usability fix: after sending a message to multiple users, you see their
tikiwiki: names separated by commas for some reason, while the right syntax to have
tikiwiki: multiple usernames in the required fields is by separating them with semicolon
tikiwiki: instead. Tip added with that info.
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ChanServ sets mode: +o luciash
luciashpolom [09:39]
coaboahi luciash [09:45]
xavihi luciash [09:46]
luciashhi guys [09:48]
JoernOttxavi: They are not (yet) identical
tellafriend is also used to contact admins (as anonymous)
xavihi JoernOtt ... then some difference should be reported in the strings shown to the admin, in "Admin > Community" settings [09:49]
JoernOttThis part has not been incorporated into the share stuff yet [09:49]
xavi"yet": planned to go in before 6.0 is released? [09:49]
JoernOttmaybe (for clarity of the whole system) the contact_admin should be a "standalone" feature [09:49]
xavi+1 [09:50]
JoernOttI doubt, that I find the time [09:50]
xaviok, quick fix in the meantime would be to upate somhow one of those two strings [09:50]
JoernOttbesides, I would rather see a few weeks of real usage go by, before we declare the share feature stable and start removing stuff which has been there for quite a while
agreed, this sounds doable :-)
xaviI can do that, but I don'¡t know the new string: both say (right now): "Share access rights with friends" [09:51]
JoernOttmaybe I'll get around to do it (and some other minor stuff) today [09:51]
xavia you wish (I have the tpl open)
and svn ready to commit
JoernOttWhich should be "Share access rights when using "Share"
and "Share access rights when using "Tell a friend" ...
xaviah, ok, that could have been deduced when looking at the dependences shown below
I didn't look at that, since those dependencies were satisfied in both cases, I through they were also the same
ok, I'll do that
update the strings
JoernOttthx [09:54]
xavinp [09:54]
***chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [10:04]
chibaguypolom [10:04]
xavihi chibaguy [10:05]
coaboahi chibaguy [10:05]
xaviI was thinking of you some hours ago [10:05]
chibaguyhi xavi and coaboa (and everybody)
good thoughts, I hope ;-)
xaviwhen I was reviewing and updating http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6 some time ago today, I came up with the same conclusion: all heading levels look like the same when you scroll down [10:05]
luciashso today is beta 2 day ? [10:06]
xaviif you don't agree with some sort of greyed underlines some h2 and/or h3 (I can understand), at least some different colour? [10:06]
luciashhi chibaguy [10:06]
chibaguyah, that wasn't really resolved, was it [10:06]
xavis/underlines some/underlines for [10:06]
chibaguy? [10:06]
xavinope, no resolution yet [10:07]
chibaguyhi luciash [10:07]
luciashi agree with some color shades differences at least [10:07]
chibaguySeems like I tried something locally just varying size more radically. [10:07]
xavichibaguy: something else than just size, please
some change in colour (at least), that can be easily distinguished when scrolling down, and that can be distinguised when printing in black and white also
chibaguyseems like there are two issues. One is to make the headings distinctive. The other is the particular case of short heading lengths on wide pages, as you pointed out before, xavi, which is where 100%-wide underlines are useful. [10:08]
xaviI would say
he he, with colored underlines, you fix the two issues with the same shot ;-)
chibaguyHow would lighter, larger changing to smaller, darker be? [10:09]
xavis/colored underlines/mixture of colored dashed underlines, normal thin lines, etc [10:10]
chibaguyWell, I have a little problem with so many lines, as you know :-). [10:11]
JoernOttme too
underlines slow down reading
but having them at h1 is ok for me
not too many of those
but with h2/h3 I tend to go for different sizes/fonts rather than colors which get lost on copies/ bw-printers
chibaguyI was thinking to increase the heading size in general, and increase the size increments, to try initially anyway.
Maybe there could be an optional "xavi documentation page style package
that would be commented out but could be activated or pasted in L&F, that'd have horizontal lines. :-)
JoernOtthehe, why not make a "xavi" theme :-)
should not be that hard as a sub-theme
I know how to make those changes for my own sites :-)
but I'm suggesting them for the sake of general sites...
chibaguyI wonder if there is a documentation page style that maybe indents according to heading level, or something really obvious like that. [10:15]
xavimost themes bundled in tiki don't have that type of clear division between headings....
and JoernOtt : yes, I know about that problem when you print pages in bw-printers
that's why some wise set of colors has to be chosen
let me find some example....
what about this one as example?: http://themes.tiki.org/Strasa
chibaguyI think there isn't one set of colors that will work across all themes. [10:19]
xaviand switch to strasa theme, of course
"across all themes": of course not! they have to be theme specific, and maybe, only for some themes
chibaguywhite and black backgrounds are the obvious extreme cases. [10:19]
xavibut Fivealive should have that, imho [10:20]
luciashi am ok with the decent dashed underlines too [10:20]
xaviof whatever default theme we have for Tiki6 [10:20]
chibaguyah ok. I was misunderstanding. [10:20]
luciashbut as xavi points out, it should match the theme specificness [10:20]
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xavihe he, ricks99-master-defender-of-end-users arrived at the right time! :-) [10:21]
luciasheach theme should have its own kind of distinguishness for headings, there is no quick and easy solution [10:21]
xaviricks, read the recent backlog please :-) http://irc.tiki.org ... [10:21]
ricks99first things first..... *sipping coffee* [10:21]
xaviluciash: +1
ricks99: yes, please, take your coffee dosis first :-)
xavi is trying to commit those small fixes in the meantime
"those": I mean the ones discussed with JoernOtt , etc. (not css ones :-)
ricks99@xavi: u mean the "headings all look the same" stuff?
ricks99 reading now
xaviyes [10:24]
chibaguyPlease have a look at http://zukakakina.com/Sample_page regarding heading sizes, if you don't mind.
I found some old page about font sizes and gave its ideas a try.
ricks99i agree that the default five alive theme has some issues with heaidngs, sizes, and colors [10:28]
xavichibaguy: imho, it's not enough (After looking at that page). See the differences in that strasa theme I linked above [10:29]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30031 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_media_entries.tpl: [FIX] Kaltura media entries: change from download link to view link [10:29]
xavislight differences in color, and some dashed light underline in h3, plus italics in some heading level, etc
try to scroll down a long page (likje doc.t.o/Tiki6) with whatever changes you plan
ricks99its several issues... vertical line spacing (imho) is off, too.the headings look to be equa-distant from the the before- and after- para
really should be *much* closer to the after-para
chibaguyOK, I think the Strasa page looks good, but I don't like the h3 horizontal line, or lines on anything but maybe h1. To me it's not nice typography. It's utilitarian, user manual style. [10:31]
luciashthe gbase looks ok, but when you switch to fivealive, it is really not enough difference for the headings [10:31]
ricks99wrt printing, i always use a print.css style that turns everything to black [10:32]
xaviok. oh, ricks99 : I didn't know that :-/ [10:32]
chibaguyAlso I think putting a line on a lesser heading causes confusion re the next-higher heading. [10:32]
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xavioh well, not to me, when h1 has a straight full line (like in strasa), blue color. and h3, a dashed and very light blue [10:33]
chibaguyyes, luciash, I only tried the heading size change on gbase. Fivealive does have a problem with headings for sure. [10:33]
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ricks99u could try putting the line *above* the text
helps create a visual break between sections, instead of within the section
chibaguyIt's too bad there's not an objective test for style issues. :) [10:34]
xaviwhen you print it in bw, you can't see that light blue color underlining h3 (which is a good result), while it allows to to easily identify visually when you cross that type of heading on screen [10:34]
ricks99@chibaguy: there is. its call usability testing :-) [10:34]
luciashchibaguy: can u try the gbase sizes on fivealive ? [10:35]
xavito me, one good compromise would be to add some option to some (most?) themes to allow using that sort of differences in headings
maybe not used by default, but with some simple selection (end user pref, or site wide), everybody could be happy
chibaguyThat would be good, I think. [10:35]
xavieverybody in each community using tiki, mean
ricks: line above the text: good solution, btw
ricks99@xavi: y, thats what i use all the time [10:37]
chibaguychibaguy imagines an extreme case of each heading + following text inside a color-coded box with background color and border, probably indented like an outline. [10:37]
ricks99i was just going to suggest that: outdenting the headings to create a scholar's margin [10:37]
xavixavi dislike side borders... box-like sections... like in former blog posts or forum posts... most nice-looking blog softwares doon't user color in side borders..., afaik
right and left borders, I mean
ricks99another big trend is to use a serif for headings and sans-serif for body. creates another nice visual cue for readers [10:39]
chibaguyyeah, my imagining was more nightmare than dream. ;-) [10:39]
xavichibaguy: ah, ok :-) [10:40]
ricks99ricks99 not sure if he helped or not [10:41]
chibaguyIIRC, there's an issue with heading size depending on whether use wiki page name as page title is activated or not. This means whatever is decided for heading styles is applied differently depending on how people set that option. [10:42]
ricks99y. in many themes the h1.pagetitle a is different than a "regular" h1 [10:43]
luciashlunch, bbl [10:43]
ricks99which imho is "a bad thing" [10:43]
chibaguyI think !heading gets mapped to h1 or h2 differently (and so on down the line) depending on that wiki setting.
kind of murky recall, so I need to test again. This was a problem pointed out to me by some people who tought the strasa headings were illogical, and it's because they set their wiki pagetitleoption differently than how we'd been testing.
ricks99ah... i thought wiki headinsg were *always* demoted 1 level. ! = <h2>, !! = <h3> etc [10:46]
chibaguyWell, I thought so at one time, too, but found it was different (except when using wysiwyg, then they stay the same).
Anyway I'll check to confirm and post the results somewhere.
right now, I notice at my zukakakina.com page that h1 is actually h1. Page title is turned off.
Just turned on "Display page name as page title". Now the page name displays as the page title (h1 size) and what was !heading in wikitext is now h2.
ricks99ah [10:51]
chibaguySo whatever styles are decided for h2, h3, h4 esp will change depending on that setting. Something to consider.
My battery is running low (at IKEA food court), so I may disappear suddenly...
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ricks99i dont think that is right. if i make a !heading i expect <h1>
just my thoughts
chibaguywell, it started with the theoretical consideration that pagetitle should be h1 for semantic reasons.
so that got reserved.
chibaguy found an electrical outlet. ;-)
ricks99y. i undestand the logic behind it, just think it violates users' expectations [10:55]
chibaguyI suppose most users just want a visual hierarchy and don't care what the code is. [10:55]
ricks99true. many folks use headings fo visual cues. [10:56]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30033 10/branches/proposals/5.x/templates/messu-compose.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX][bp/r30030]Usability fix: after sending a message to multiple users, you
tikiwiki: see their names separated by commas for some reason, while the right syntax to
tikiwiki: have multiple usernames in the required fields is by separating them with
tikiwiki: semicolon instead. Tip added with that info.
chibaguyI guess the thing is we just have to make sure whatever the heading sequence is, it makes sense in both use cases.
I think if you strictly use sizes, they should work ok either way, but probably the risk of apparent illogic increments increases when coloring and lines are used. Just means these need to be tested thoroughly.
ricks99brb [11:01]
luciashre [11:05]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30034 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: [FIX] Kaltura media entries actions: change from view to download icon link [11:13]
chibaguyluciash: I made a fivealive theme option: gbase_headings.css, to show these headings in fivealive, if you want to check http://www.zukakakina.com/Sample_page. [11:15]
luciashchibaguy: ok, thx [11:16]
chibaguyPage title is turned on, so the heading names are all off by one size, right now.
well, I have to go. IKEA is closing.
will be back later.
xavithanks chibaguy
see you
luciashdiff between h2 and h3 is still not too much
chibaguy: c u later
xaviyes, to me, this is not enough (differences in strasa are much clearer...) [11:22]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30035 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: [FIX] Kaltura media entries actions i18n: added missing tr to some strings [11:22]
xavisince this is just about options... I might add some other option then in the following days, for strasa, if I get the free time to play with it and find some suggestion
s/for strasa/for fivealive
coaboadoes one know how i can make the center column fixed heigth with a scrolbar (eg embed in a template within a iframe)? [11:23]
ricks99#col1 {height:200px}
and add overflow: xxx to set the scroll bar option
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30036 10/branches/6.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX] trackers: Partial fix for category fields not working reliably since the "descendants" option was added. Fixes plugins, not tiki-view_tracker_item.php (yet) [11:26]
jonnybthanks polom it's Friday! [11:26]
ricks99+1 that :-) [11:27]
jonnybhi ricks99 - did my little fix for the multi-lang structures make sense yesterday? (and work at all?) [11:28]
ricks99didn't see it. i svn up last nite. now the lang drop list doesnt work at all :( [11:28]
jonnybit's disabled if you're on a structure (except the css on some themes makes it not look like that)
thought it was slightly better than hiding it
ricks99o.. so thats intentional. thats not a fix tho. how can i change lang? [11:29]
jonnybfixing it would mean coming out of freeze for 6.x and postponing 6.0 by a few weeks
you have to use the switch lang module
(or user prefs)
ricks99:( [11:30]
jonnybmost people only use one lang at a time [11:30]
ricks99not true....
consider this use case:
I have a structure w/ 3 pages....
all pages are EN....
page 1 and 3 have FR translations...
a user with FR will see....
page1 = FR....
page2 = EN...
page3 = EN... (because youre now hardcoding the lang, right?, how will they switch back to FR?
jonnybit'll switch back automatically unless they change their preferred lang
(try it mabye?)
ricks99but, as of page 2, theyre in the EN version of the structure
ricks99 will try to confirm...
jonnybbut they haven't changed their lang pref, have they? [11:33]
maybe not an issue....
jonnybseemed to work ok for me now on demo.t.o [11:34]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30037 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_entries_actions.tpl: xhtml: added missing alt for img tags [11:34]
ricks99i wonder... instead of disabilg the page-lang drop list, could u simply substitute the switch lang code there instead, and filter only the avialable langs? [11:34]
jonnybhttp://demo.tiki.org/6x/Wiki+engine (but i'm not sure about which pages are in which langs there) [11:34]
ricks99or is that too much work for the 6.0 release [11:34]
jonnybunless anyone else wants to fix some bugs in 6.x - yup, too much work (tracker categ fields still broken, for instance!) [11:35]
ricks99just tested my suspicions and confirmed on smarties
jonnybi know how to fix it, but you need to fix no_bl (use a session, not a url param) and sort out the sefurl mess [11:36]
ricks99even though the URL is for a FR page, i'm seeing the EN page [11:36]
jonnybon the 3rd page? [11:37]
wait a sec....
might b ok.
def a rel note item
ricks99 will prevent me from upgrading smarties :(
ricks99 hopes jonnyb promises to fix it for 6.1 :-)
jonnybsorry ricks99 - you lost me? "def a rel note item"? [11:44]
ricks99definately need to add a release note item as known issue [11:45]
jonnyboh right, sry
so it doesn't work for you?
using the switch lang module?
ricks99it does. 1 thing tho... in addition to disabling the lang drop list, are you going to disable the show page link from the translation module, too? it exibits the xact same issue. [11:46]
jonnybhmm... missed that one
as i said, trackers are practically unusable now, so take priority i think :(
ricks99i understand. [11:47]
@jonnyb: pls see if i have captured the issue correctly: http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes6.0&no_bl=y#Known_Issues [11:53]
jonnybyup - thanks ricks99 [11:54]
ricks99tx [11:54]
jonnybmaybe this needs to be escalated to being a blocker? [11:54]
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ricks99since there's a workaround, I'd say not a "blocker"
but imho an A-1 priority
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Tikiwiki|botInfo: TikiFest New York: A Great Success - http://info.tiki.org/article116-TikiFest-New-York-A-Great-Success [12:18]
xavihi jonnyb, how is your jet lag going? [12:23]
jonnybhi xavi - have tracker-lag now! :) [12:23]
xavixavi is just amazed that "nested trackerlist" exists!
tracker-lag :-)
jonnyb(up till 3 a.m. trying to fix the category dropdowns - failed, still doing it) [12:24]
xavimay I add jquery-explanation-lag also? :-)
ok, ok, brave man! thanks for fixing those nasty issues!
jonnybis it an emergency? (it'll have to join the queue anyway!) [12:24]
xaviwell, jquery-explanations... I'd need them next week, since I have to make a poster after I fix a few issues (with that jquery magic)... before going to a conference in two weeks (where the poster is to be shown) [12:25]
jonnybok, so there's some time [12:25]
xavi:-) [12:26]
jonnybis c2c.op.o ok now? (thought that would be higher priority) [12:26]
xaviand cclite-tiki6 magic should be (as far as I'm concerned) after that, if I was asked about that :-) [12:26]
jonnyb:) [12:26]
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xavinope, c2c.op.o/tiki is suffering (at least) from that issue with mixed currency confusions, probably
and whatever else that prevent cclite 0.8 and tiki6 communicating successfully (error reporting enhanced, etc.)
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xavithanks for not forgetting, jonnyb :-) [12:28]
jonnybnp xavi [12:28]
xavijonnyb, tell me if you set up some bounty-like system for your time :-) [12:28]
jonnybi need to [12:28]
xaviyou know that I want to contribute to your coding time and skills fixing things in tiki (as well as to sylvieg's, at least, of course)
one of the systems in the email I sent you, jonnyb , seemed very neat
ok, back to work
jonnybyes, i really need to set something up, i looked at those links you sent me, then went back to fixing bugs! :) [12:30]
xavi:-) [12:30]
jonnybbut it's really something we should do together "as tiki" - i don't want to seem like some sort of mercenary... [12:31]
xavimmm, not sure about that... I think the discussion as a whole community can be much easier if we see some working example for some coder doing it for his own business...
my opinion, of course
it's a very very delicate topic (that about money)
as mose warned us long ago, very wisely...
jonnybtrue - that's why i'm putting it off! [12:34]
xavi:-) [12:34]
ricks99ricks99 likes money :-) [12:34]
xavi likes getting a payed job
mosemose hates money for its current widespread design [12:35]
xavi likes mose's comments and wisdom ;-)
nice to see you around, mose !
moseI'm never far away
even if as a ghost, kindof
ricks99yeah mose! :-) [12:37]
xavi:-) [12:37]
mosewhat's up for you xavi ? [12:39]
xavioh well, that discussions about opening the "bounty-way", as a complement of the current system, or not opening the "bounty-way" (Tiki community wide, I mean)
some coders can do that or other means to get payed jobs, but the discussion about promoting or allowing it in a whole tiki wide basis is not clear
it's a very delicate topic
moseit's almost a religious one [12:42]
xavibut since some developers try to work full time developing for the Tiki community, and they need money for their professional job, expenses, etc. [12:42]
jonnybtee hee - hi mose [12:43]
mosehi jonnyb :) [12:43]
jonnybyes, some of us stupidly work fulltime but without an income - it only works for a fixed time (until your savings run out) [12:43]
mosewell, workign fulltime for tiki splits it in half, imho [12:43]
xaviand not always getting big projects to pay fair salaries for developers, then some bounty-like system could help that other members of the community share some money to indicate how important is for them that that feature is implemented, nasty bug fixed, etc. [12:43]
moseI did that for 2 years [12:44]
ricks99it depends on what 's your objective [12:44]
mosesucked up unemployment insurance [12:44]
jonnybyes, i'm about 18 months in, and looking for plan b [12:44]
xavithat's why it's seems reasonable to find/suggest/promote some sort of solution [12:44]
ricks99some of us particpate for non-moneytary reasons at all [12:44]
moseif some get paid, the ones that don't will lose motivation as a natural consequence [12:45]
xaviyes, I know, that's one of the biggest concerns [12:45]
mosethat's what splits it in half [12:45]
ricks99isnt that natural selection, tho? the cream rises to the top [12:45]
moseyeah but the critical mass of ecosystem can be reduced to unsustainable quantity [12:46]
xavithat's why I suggested jonnyb to start something but besides tiki community as a whole, just as a single developers suggesting other ways to convince him to develop or fix something
"scratch somebody else's itches" is not that common, so it should be rewarded somehow, imho
mosethe best way to get income from developing for tiki (or any free sftware) is the parasite system [12:47]
jonnybit's a tricky thing...
parasite system?
mosefind patron taht pays for a task, include tiki work in the tasklist [12:47]
well, I'm using that system right now
I convinced them (in my work in the mornings) that I would develop what they were looking for in Tiki and PluginR
moseoptimaly, be clear about it with patron [12:48]
jonnybyes, been doing that some, but it's only covering about a third of the time i'm spending - as you say, it splits you in half [12:48]
xaviat university [12:48]
jonnybit was good when i have a university covering things, but they ran out of funds too :( [12:49]
xaviyes, mose, that's key issue for sustainability :-) [12:49]
mosesure tiki community could help find patrons without the money problem is raised, I guess
but I don't really know how things now are organized
coaboahow would i exclude ...page... syntax from being displayed when using "print"? [12:52]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30038 10/branches/6.x/tiki-view_tracker_item.php: [FIX] trackers: 2nd part of fix for category fields not working reliably since the "descendants" option was added. Fixes tiki-view_tracker_item.php (anywhere else needed?) [12:53]
xavimmm, mose, aren't you in the admin list/group, as "elders" or whatever name?
jonnyb, just a guess, maybe the modules which use catagory? (category switch or whatever name they have)
moseI am [12:54]
xavimose: so you know about the Tiki Software Community Association, etc. [12:54]
mosebut I don't follow the sites much [12:54]
xavinot the sites, just the info in the emails
xavi running out of time for today
mosethat part I know more or less [12:55]
thanks for keeping an eye/ear on that list/topics
ok, nice conversation, but I have to leave.
see you all, and take care mose (and all, of course :-)) !
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JoernOttI don't think it is bad to get paid for coding some stuff for tiki. If someone needs a certain function and is willing to invest some money into getting it realized quickly (because it saves him money) and he pays someone for it (his own employees might not be as fit in the tiki code, so he chooses a tiki coder) and as a result, there is a shiny new feature in tiki (available for all of us)
or an improvement of a current feature, everybody has a benefit from that.
jonnybhi JoernOtt - it's the way the world works! [13:26]
and as a "mercenary", I have at least the choice of which jobs I take :-)
jonnybthe bounty thing i was discussing with xavi was specifically for revamping trackers (which would actually be like "war"! :) ) [13:28]
JoernOttIt is a very complex package and it could need a full time (paid) expert. The question is, where to find the sponsor? [13:29]
jonnybwell i don't think there will be a single one, but i was thinking if i can get enough small contributors it would be worth doing (i reckon 100-200 hours) [13:32]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30039 10/branches/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]perms: admin_importer and admin_toolbars do not give admin perms to all tiki perms - we were lucky the tiki_p_admin was the last one in the perms list [13:34]
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leagrishello, are ther precise documentation on CSV format for calendar importation, especially dates, encoding, markup ? [13:35]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30040 10/branches/6.x/lib/prefs/global.php: [FIX] setting file galery as home page now works (was using wrong preference name) [13:35]
ricks99iirc, date format is unix timestamp style [13:36]
leagrisiCal import feature really missing through, will need to work with CSV
thanks ricks99
ricks99ur welcome
no ical import (yet). there is ical xport
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chibaguyre [13:52]
jonnybpolom chibaguy [13:53]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [13:53]
coaboachibaguy: do you know how I can make the center columne fixed height with a scrolbar?A .tpl embeding the mid content within an {IFRAME}? [13:55]
chibaguycoaboa, you could use CSS, if you don't want to change what content is displayed. Just give the div that contains the center column content an overflow:scroll property, and specify height and width. [13:59]
coaboacool thx... [13:59]
chibaguythis is how the "keywords" module at dev.tiki.org has a scrolling content. [14:00]
coaboawondered how it was done... so now I know, for 15 minutes as I'am aged over 40 ;-) [14:01]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30041 10/branches/6.x/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translations done on i18n.tiki.org [14:01]
chibaguyheh, get a notebook to write things down, I guess. [14:02]
ricks99@coaboa: u make it sound like 40 is *old*. :( [14:04]
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coaboaits just me making fun of my obliviousness. [14:08]
chibaguychibaguy has a notebook that is used constantly ;-) [14:08]
robertplummerHey guys, I'm having problems with permissions in 6, I basically get nothing listed when I go to tiki-objectpermissions.php?objectType=group&objectId=Registered&objectName=Registered&permType=group
I haven't edited any permissions that I know of
I get "{treetable}: No rows found "
ricks99need to select a feature first [14:09]
robertplummerrick99, you talking to me?
That was it.
ricks99y. go to the select features and specific for which features u want to assign perm
ricks99 agrees that the error msg is not very friendly
maybe something to add to jonnyb's list....
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robertplummerUsers can edit wiki pages, how do I disable that? [14:13]
ricks99Need to assign (or remove) the permission. See docs for details: http://doc.tiki.org/permissions [14:15]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r30042 10/mods/trunk/themes/judy_tiki_5/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Two missing background images added; one unused image removed. [14:35]
robertplummerricks99: I have removed the permission for registered users to edit wiki pages and sheets, and it isn't effecting anything.
ricks99: what do you think I should do?
ricks99|awaydid u change the group perm, category perm, or page perm? [14:37]
robertplummerricks99: no [14:38]
ricks99|awayi mean, which perm did u change? remember, perms inherit downard, but override upwards [14:38]
robertplummerricks99, I selected the from the admin list Permissions,
Then "Select Groups" and I have "Registered" selected
Then "Select Features", and I uncheck everything.
JoernOttRobertPlummer: also select Anonymous please [14:41]
robertplummerok, done [14:41]
JoernOttbecause if Anonymous has the perm, Registered inherits it [14:41]
ricks99|awayfor "select" feature, you need to select wiki
+ JoernOtt said
@robertplummer: u might find this primer useful: http://twbasics.keycontent.org/How+Permissions+Work
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30043 10/trunk/tiki-interactive_trans.php: cleanup: removing unused code [14:43]
jonnybhi robertplummer (catching up)
tiki-objectpermissions.php?objectType=group&objectId=Registered&objectName=Registered&permType=group works fine for me here, anyone else getting this no rows thing?
robertplummerOk, I think the issue was that I didn't have anon selected. [14:44]
ricks99|away@jonnyb: i duplicated on tiki6 alpha.
unselect all features.
clear cache
then go to the perm page
jonnybseems ok even with no groups selected... [14:45]
ricks99|awaynot group. features [14:45]
ok, i see it
robertplummerin tiki, you can't be afraid to click things. [14:45]
ricks99|awayjust need a default for the {tree|default:"please select a feature"
or so
jonnybtrue - not a coding thing then (i'll leave it to others)
ricks99|awaysheesh. i can't get you to fix i18n strugtures, and now u wont fix this???? <jk> ;-) [14:47]
jonnybjust lazy, me! [14:47]
ricks99|awayricks99|away off to refill coffee mug [14:48]
chibaguyTime to sleep here. g'night everybody :-) [14:50]
chealergood night chibaguy
and polom :-)
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30044 10/branches/6.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.interactivetranslation.php: [FIX] set right padding-top for interactive translation box [14:54]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30045 10/branches/6.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX] trackers: More on category fields - fixes tiki-view_tracker.php list (tracker plugin still not quite right on multiselects) [15:36]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Forum and Mail List Synchronization with Yahoo Groups - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39029 [16:03]
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chealer: r u going to rollback the rollback of doctype ?
hi jonnyb
it's not clear to me from the mailing list what was the conclusion out of the discussion
jonnybhi luci [16:10]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30046 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX] tracker plugin: Correct logic for auto-assign user fields (should fix lack of "submitted by" info experienced on dev.t.o wishlist) [16:10]
jonnybi thought we were going for rolling back to strict
but have been buried in tracker...
jonnyb tries to think of a polite word
tracker stuff! :)
lucichealer: the only problem remains if we are in Transitional, that we cannot test Strict easily in validator unless you force developers to use their own copy of tiki.tpl [16:11]
jonnybi found a way with this total validator thing - you can set the doctype to validate against
it's a bit nasty but the free version seems usable (for localhost files too)
lucijonnyb: i would welcome that conclusion, but it seems it got vanished in the air [16:12]
jonnybhas a firefox plugin too [16:12]
luciheheh, tracker's pain [16:12]
jonnybi know - sadly more critical things have emerged
i really really really want to refactor them! (i think... am i mad?)
luciah, i use ctrl+shift+a in firefox with web developer plugin usually to validate local files [16:13]
jonnybyou can probably tell it not to auto-detect the doctype
lucimaybe, but i would prefer the strict mode [16:19]
jonnybbut we don't want to upset chealer again... you about chealer? [16:22]
chealerhi luci and jonnyb. I have no intention to change the DOCTYPE now. I understand what you're saying, but I think having interested developers test with a different DOCTYPE is exactly the way to go. [16:24]
lucibut the uninterested will then put more and more stuff which is ok with transitional but they will not be aware they cause nightmare for those trying to go strict... there should be only one chosen path
we can change doctype to strict before final 6.0 release but then it will be too late for LTS
jonnybi think we have more pressing problems with 6.0 if we're to release it next week (!) - strict will have to wait, i think (sorry luci - there's still too much to do) [16:27]
lucinext stop is HTML5 (for Tiki 7)
it means we will never support Strict, ok
chealerluci: I agree. we could have a policy that new stuff has to be strict, but that's going to be hard/impossible to enforce. [16:28]
jonnybyou think it would be wrong to do it for 6.1? (soon) [16:28]
chealer(even after changing the DOCTYPE...) [16:28]
lucijonnyb: yep
jonnyb: i am not sure we can afford change doctype in minor versions
chealerjonnyb: if it has to be done for 6, I'm entirely for doing it as soon as possible though [16:29]
jonnybbut we can't release it knowingly invalid, imho [16:29]
chealerluci: I don't think that's what it means. if there's enough manpower, it can be done at one point, but it's definitely not magical [16:29]
jonnybapart from wrapping all the form stuff in divs (i've done a few - not seen any others) there are also problems with things not having labels all over the place [16:30]
chealerplus deprecated attributes, plus... [16:30]
lucii don't know why... for me it is simmilar to not 100% translated language... but the effort must be started towards going xhtml strict, and then it can be finished (or more closely to 100%) for 6.1 for example [16:30]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r30047 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl: [ENH]Better message to user when tree is empty. [16:31]
jonnybchealer: there are a load of errors produced that are accessibility recommendations, you can turn them off (i have) [16:31]
chealerjonnyb: hum, like what? [16:33]
jonnyblike duplicate accesskey attributes
(it's not that i don't care, it's just a layer of work that could be done later)
chealerjonnyb: oh, I didn't see this kind of error yet [16:36]
jonnyboops :)
yes, it gets worse ;)
chealerluci: I don't really see the parallel. anyone can work on completing a translation as anyone can work on getting Tiki more strict. again, I'm entirely for HTML changes towards strict compliance (until 6 is stable, anyway) [16:39]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r30048 10/trunk/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl: [ENH] forward port of 30047 from branches/6.x [16:40]
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gorillassHi, is there anyone in who may be able to help with a searching file galleries? [17:15]
ricks99depends. what's the issue [17:15]
gorillassIt doesn't work... [17:16]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30049 10/branches/6.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [CSS] trackerfilter-result: better max height - 120 lines instead of 50 which was way too short [17:16]
ricks99r u trying to search *within* the content of an uplaoded file (such as doc or pdf)? [17:16]
gorillassyes. File galleries are stored in directory (currently with full access). Have set mime types to use strings, set search indexing (options in the FG admin section).
Tried MySQL Full-Text Search and Tiki-indexed Search. All without success.
ricks99do you have the acutal php libraries and handlers loaded? [17:18]
gorillasswhich libraries and handlers are needed? [17:18]
ricks99depends on what kind of files you're trying to search
did u review the requirements in the docs?
gorillassMS Office, OpenOffice and PDF for the most part [17:19]
ricks99for pdf, you'll need the pstotext library,
full list is in the docs. pls see http://doc.tiki.org/File+Gallery+Config
gorillassthanks, I've seen that [17:22]
ricks99so you're saying that you have the correct libraries and handlers installed on ur sever but it isn't working? [17:23]
gorillassFor example I'm using strings at the CLI and it works correctly
but from the GUI, nothing is found
this is on a Word Doc
MIME Type = application/msword
System Command = /usr/bin/strings %1
ricks99not sure u need usr/bin... belive that is already identified in ur php.ini setup as the base [17:25]
gorillassI initially just had strings, but added the full path in case it wasn't being picked up [17:26]
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ricks99not sure. afaik it should work if u have strings on ur system
what is ur tiki version?
gorillass5.1 [17:28]
ricks99maybe an old bug then (5.3 is current, highly recommended upgrade)
i assume that uve already used the "Refresh files search index now" button, right?
I haven't found any bug reports for this type of fault, but I'm guessing you've got no issues with it?
ricks99and u dont have any perms or category perms on the file or file gallery, right
i don't have any uploaded DOC or PDF flies on any of my systesm
gorillassI'm trying to search as admin
and I chmod'd the dir/fies just to make sure.
ricks99i would try 5.3 (it also has ijmjportant security updates). and might want to post to support forum too [17:31]
gorillassthanks for the help. I'll try the forums and maybe here again tomorrow. [17:32]
ricks99k [17:32]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30050 10/branches/6.x/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] textarea: Correct logic for session timeout warning box and stop it appearing momentarily on page load. Also pass on tracker as section for toolbar choice for when in plugin. [17:51]
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SEWilco2Suggestion: In list of Demo sites, add versions and last-checked dates. http://info.tiki.org/Get+Tiki#Tiki_Demo:_Try_Before_You_Install [18:46]
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sharepointVsOpenHello - I am exploring open sourced wiki software to start an enterprise wiki. how would you compare sharepoint wiki with tiki? [18:56]
SEWilco2sharepointVsOpen: Try http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=compare+sharepoint+wiki+with+tikiwiki [18:57]
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SEWilco2Suggestion: Make Community's "Nice sites" list be a Directory which people can contribute links to. http://tiki.org/Nice+Sites [19:04]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30051 10/trunk/ (20 files in 11 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30020 to 30050 [19:06]
SEWilco2(I'm not seeing a dogfood of Directory) [19:07]
Oh.. there it is. Tiki Sites doesn't seem to be easily findable from the Anonymous menus. http://tiki.org/tiki-directory_browse.php?parent=2
Hmm. No voting/comments in Directory. I didn't remember seeing any, so I'm not surprised.
sharepointVsOpenThe reason for this hunting is: I recently joined a staunch Microsoft shop; I suggest tiki and the IT dept says sharepoint... [19:18]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3583 - - Apostrophe (') in page name results in wysiwyg editor not loading - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3583
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3584 - - Wanted page links not changing after page is created when wysiwyg is in use - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3584
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3585 - - Entering a wiki link with ampersand (&) in link txt in wysiwyg results in encoded & - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3585 [19:31]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30052 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [ENH] make sure interactive translation box is always on top of other elements
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30053 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] user can enable and disable interactive translation from any page without being redirected to tiki-edit_languages.php
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3586 - - Wiki links when using wysiwyg don't survive rename - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3586 [19:41]
SEWilco2Looks like it's been a while since someone did Validate on the Tiki Sites Directory. [19:46]
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I have to prepare a project group for tomorrow and need a little bit of a help - only some few questions
1st straight away: I did set up a usergroup and gave some edit permissions in the workspace-appropriate category
when the workspace-group assigned user try to save a wikipage he gets the error message "category obligatory" (I translated from the german message)
but he cannot assign to the category
how can I allow the user to categorize this specific category?
and only this one
somewhere at the groups settings, or at the category permissions?
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SEWilco2fabricius: I wonder if maybe they can't see the category. Maybe they don't have read access to the cat or to a parent category. [20:32]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3587 - - Creating user needs confirm, and if password not match back does not work - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3587 [20:32]
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fabriciusSEWilco2: they can "move" to the page categorized page alright and "click" on the edit button - only they cannot see the "categories" tab and cannot save the page [20:33]
SEWilco2fabricius: If this is a Wiki page, isn't there an option in the Admin>Wiki page to allow Wiki pages to be Categorized? [20:34]
fabriciusSEWilco2: yes, it is allowed
as an admin I can categorize them
as a groupmember not
SEWilco2fabricius: I don't remember if there is a Group permission which controls Category usage. Sounds as if the person doesn't have a permission. [20:40]
chealernkoth: did you write #3587 ? [20:40]
nkothchealer: yes [20:41]
SEWilco2fabricius: I also think that a Category can have special permissions attached, but then it's easy to lose the default behavior. [20:41]
fabriciusI need the groupmembers A edit wikipages in categoryA / workspaceA [20:41]
chealernkoth: I understand the problem with Go back, but are you asking why creating a user needs a confirmation? [20:42]
SEWilco2fabricius: Check the permissions for Group A. [20:42]
nkothchealer: yes
fabriciusSEWilco2: yes [20:43]
chealernkoth: confirmations are mostly to prevent CSRF. they can be disabled but it's not secure [20:43]
nkothok i understand [20:44]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30054 10/branches/6.x/lib/test/TikiLib/WikiParserTest.php: indentation [20:48]
sylviegchealer: but the problem about admin users could have been solved by understanding why a user is logged in in such a situation [20:51]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30055 10/branches/6.x/lib/test/TikiLib/WikiParserTest.php: ops, changed some spaces inside strings to tab with previous commit [20:53]
chealersylvieg: sorry, I don't understand what you mean [20:54]
sylviegmy example with B+C?
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30056 10/branches/6.x/lib/test/TikiLib/WikiParserTest.php: adding back a few tests that were commented (just had to replace n with <br />, makes sense?) [21:01]
nkothanyone knows how to set up "group moderators" or "group leaders"?
I'm also confused about perms such as "tiki_p_group_add_member"
SEWilco2nkoth: I don't know, but you might mention which type of object you want moderated. [21:04]
nkothI'm trying to set up a group and specify some leaders that can add users/remove users from it [21:05]
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nkothI suppose I should try the group transition demo and see what it does...
(it's a profile)
the transition UI tiki-admin_transitions.php is not wrorking for me
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30057 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-calendar_import.tpl: [FIX]calendar: more precise message for the calendar import format [21:10]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 sets up Module Cannon and aims at Transitions. Can't decide between Incendiary and Chaos shells. [21:11]
nkothSEWilco2: lol [21:16]
chealernkoth: it seems to work here [21:17]
nkothchealer: I select a gropup, click on select, and then nothing happens [21:18]
chealernkoth: if I do that I get 2 new tabs, in trunk [21:19]
nkothsane here in trunk
only for categories do I get 2 new tabs
for groups nothing happens
chealernkoth: so you see the group with a red X? [21:20]
nkothno, I see an autocomplete group selector [21:21]
chealernkoth: it seems you need to type a group there [21:21]
nkothyes, I type a group there. ad then click Select, the page refresh without new tabs appearing [21:22]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3588 - - Entering email address into wysiwyg caused messed up text due to unsuccessful obscuring - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3588 [21:22]
chealernkoth: I see, it seems you need to hit enter when you entered a group
nkoth: I must concede the interface is obscure
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30058 10/branches/6.x/lib/test/TikiLib/WikiParserTest.php: add test for collapsible heading [21:24]
nkothchealer: lol yes I need to hit enter (aghast0 [21:24]
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Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [21:46]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r30059 10/branches/6.x/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Dropped date sorting in sheet history, it got very confusing, VERY fast
tikiwiki: [MOD] Migrated many of the js for tiki-view_sheets.js into functions called form the page
tikiwiki: [ADD] Added revision dates at the top of sheet history so you know what you are looking at
tikiwiki: [MOD] Changed the name of tiki-view-sheets.tpl to tiki-view_sheets.tpl, it was making me very angry!
tikiwiki: [FIX] The back button issue for viewing sheet history
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30060 10/branches/6.x/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_memberlist.tpl: Improve wording to make UI clearer
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30061 10/branches/6.x/lib/test/TikiLib/WikiParserTest.php: create new failing test to demonstrate a regression bug from 5.x to 6.x related with headings in wiki pages (see comments on top of the test for more info) [22:11]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3589 - - maketoc does not work with wysiwyg - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3589 [22:14]
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CIA-60tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30062 10/trunk/lib/wiki/wikilib.php:
tikiwiki: Wiki page name bad characters: remove current nominations - comma, colon, parentheses, apostrophe, exclamation mark
tikiwiki: Ref: http://dev.tiki.org/Bad+characters
nkothchealer: have you tried #3583? It's related to these bad characters in wysiwyg context
I haven't tried with your latest commit yet...
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SEWilco2SEWilco2 knew a bad character once. Arr. Now only hang out in high-class places.
Why would we want to allow characters which are "typically unsafe to decode"?
chealer: Rhetorical question, which probably should be explained in the Wiki page so all will know the reasoning.
nkothSEWilco2: basically that users expect it to work.... [22:31]
SEWilco2Yeah, I've had many a user in the past stumble over "&" in a page name. [22:32]
chealerSEWilco2: I'm really not sure what the RFC means by that [22:33]
SEWilco2chealer: In that case, I don't understand if "typically unsafe to decode" is a good thing or bad thing. Should we avoid it, or avoid encoding/decoding it? Wiki page should explain the issue so we can consider meaning of nomination and proper action. [22:35]
chealernkoth: interesting... [22:36]
CIA-60tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r30063 10/branches/6.x/ (lib/sheet/tiki-history_sheets.js tiki-history_sheets.php): [ADD] The event handlers for checking the values of each of the revision selectors in sheet history [22:38]
chealerSEWilco2: the RFC is not really for Tiki, which doesn't really parse URLs. I put "typically unsafe to decode" because that's the only reason given to make these characters reserved
it's not a very good reason
nkothchealer: yeah it still dosn't load - probably some ajax js not encoding/decoding [22:39]
chealernkoth: it seems I don't have this problem in my 6.x [22:40]
nkothchealer: reallu
I have it on both 6.x and trunk
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nkothchealer: is ajax on ?
turning it off it loads, but I get that "Some of your preferences should be set differently for this to work at it's best." message on top of the editor
chealernkoth: it wasn't. I get it now
JavaScript errors
$headerlib->add_js("var autoSaveId = '$auto_save_referrer';"); [22:52]
nkoth: changing lib/ajax/autosave.php:83 to $referer .= 'wiki_page:' . addcslashes($_REQUEST['page'], "'");
fixes the first error for me, but that function is called from too many places I don't know for me to commit. Jonny would need to check it
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ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki [23:49]

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