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hrsms: I've created a few dozen wiki pages on behalf of some of my club members. Is there anyway other than directly modifying database tables to change the "creator" of the pages, so that they when they log in and access MyTiki, these pages are listed?
luciash: hrsms: nope, afaik
hrsms: I changed one page to my own (non-admin) user name. Seems to have worked. Do you think there is any danger in doing these mods in the database directly? Any other tables I should change? I'm surprised that the column is a varchar with the user name instead of the user ID. What happens if the user changes their name? Does the query also change columns such as this one?
tiki_pages:creator is the one I changes
correction: "changed"
luciash: i am not sure
but user usually cannot change their login username
hrsms: it appears you're right about that. I thought they could. That's surprising to me also.
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Search Index not working for msdoc - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39139
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Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3604 - - Search Indexing not working for msdoc type. - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3604
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r30248 10/trunk/css/cssmenus.css: [FIX] Necessary element name reinstated.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r30249 10/branches/6.x/css/cssmenus.css: [FIX] Necessary element name reinstated (thanks luciash).
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chibaguy: polom
Is it just me, or is fixed_width broken in branch 6 for fivealive?
jcyrisse: dunno...didnt know there was a fixed width for that?
chibaguy: Since the body display property changes and moving rules around, now fivealive seems to be doing the opposite of what it should -- header stays narrow and middle goes full width.
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chibaguy: hmm, with some tweeking (got to compare my working files to see what all changed) fixed width works, but on pages that stretch wide (like with a wide image in center) the header background is only initial viewport wide....
...eek. like IE6.
this didn't happen before, when body display table was in lite.css.
a change from tiki 5 to tiki 6
the problem is caused by body {display: block} in layout.css. fivealive's div.header should go full width, but stops at the 990px width of its contents, apparently, due to that property.
jonnyb, is body {display: block} necessary for solving textarea or js problems?
jcyrisse: well, i am glad you figured it out....lol!
chibaguy: heh, I thought I was just talking to myself. ;-)
in these quiet hours, i tend to vent on this channel sometimes. :-)
jcyrisse: heh...i know the feeling :)
trying to tweek a style sheet myself...argh
do you know if anyone has been able to do a plugin for an OOo data pilot, ie. pivot table for use in tikiwiki?
chibaguy: sorry, was away. I haven't heard about that.
jcyrisse: this is when I really wish i had some computing smarts...lol.
would give dynamic changes to data
based on filters
quick question....which css sheet would i find the default tracker table formatting in?
chibaguy: Probably the best thing to do is use firefox and the firebug add-on to inspect the page.
jcyrisse: ah...never heard of that...will do that
chibaguy: There isn't a tracker-specific stylesheet; the css is in the default layout.css and design.css along with the theme stylesheet, as far as I know.
jcyrisse: ok...will look there...havent found it yet...ty
chibaguy: with firebug you can mousover the page and select areas to find out the css that is applied.
jcyrisse: that is awesome...ok...downloading it now.
i think there may be a pivot table plugin for Google docs, and perhaps using the google doc plugin that could work....hmmm....ponering
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coaboa_: amette: regarding wikifest bln: at what time should we arrive in berlin? On friday 12th?
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Can I do this with Tiki? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39140
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amette: coaboa: yeah, it starts on friday, somewhen in the aftnoon
you are free to come a day early, leave a day late though :)
coaboa: that unfortunatelly not possible as my girlfriends job does not allow to leave thursday.
amette: well, not a problem - as long as you come at all :)
coaboa: plan to stay until sunday afternoon.
amette: cool! have you signed up on wikifest.org?
coaboa: jup and dropped you a mail ;-)
amette: we will see how the sunday works out
ah, that was you with the streaming? :)
coaboa: from carsten@aevermann.com
amette: aaah, right, ok :)
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morenisco: hi, I'm trying to implement the googlemap plugin for tikiwiki, and I was able to configure it,
I'm able to see the map in /tiki-gmap_usermap.php, which means that the plugin is working
but I'm failing when I try to insert a map into a page. I'm using the following code:
{GOOGLEMAP(type=user, mode=normal, key=mykey, name=1, width=500, height=400, frameborder=1, defaultx=-79.4, defaulty=43.707, defaultz=14, setdefaultxyz=1, locateitemtype=wiki page, locateitemid=map1, hideifnone=0, togglehidden=0, starthidden=1, autozoom=14)}{GOOGLEMAP}
i replaced mykey for my real key,
and I'm getting the error: "object not found" in the page where I have inserted the code
I'm not sure what to put for the "name" parameter and for "locateitemid"
any suggestion, pls?
amette: hmm, I tried that plugin in 6.x once and it was problematic.. though the map showed...
... I remember jonnyb saying something recently about it being broken "again".. dunno..
.. he fixed it, but I don't know the details.
morenisco: amette, ahh ok, thx, I'll ask jonnyb
jonnyb, hi
jonnyb: hi - nearby - on phone...
amette: jonnyb - the unusual geek, who doesn't fear phone calls *g*
jonnyb: (it's skype, actually)
morenisco: ahh ok, no problem, just when you can, thanks
jonnyb: ok, here now
morenisco: which version of tiki?
try leaving name empty - in fact try it with no params at all - {GOOGLEMAP()}{GOOGLEMAP}
should work if you have set your key in the admin panel
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morenisco: jonnyb, give me few min please, booting the machine
jonnyb, it is tikiwiki 5.1
I'll try the conf that you gave me
jonnyb: (you should upgrade to 5.3 at least)
morenisco: jonnyb, done! I had to remove the name, I think the plugin was searching for the name that I specified in some place, then as it didn't find it it was failing with 'object not found'
jonnyb, thanks! :)
jonnyb: yay! (less is more :) )
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amette: coaboa: ah, ok, just now read your mail! I only read once a day.. :)
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Can Admin Get to Users' Personal Info Trackers? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39141
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changi: polom
there is a regression in the filegal, when you upload a avi file, it try to create a thumb on browse view
regression or new feature ?
jonnyb: hi changi - it fails presumably
chealer: polom
changi: jonnyb: yes, in tiki5, we show a movie picture instead
jonnyb: wonder what changed then (didn't think much had in fgals)
-: jonnyb looks for an avi to test
jonnyb: changi: when you say "we show a movie picture instead" what do you mean exactly? an icon for the mime-type?
changi: there doesn't seem to be any difference in the fgal files involved between 6.x and 5.x
changi: jonnyb: yes a mime-type
maybe the kaltura work ?
jonnyb: don't think so - this is in tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse&galleryId=42 right?
changi: yes
jonnyb: changi: i can't see any code in 5.x that would do that (and it's the same in 6)
chealer: jonnyb: sorry to ask again but are you using subversive or subclipse?
jonnyb: i guess the same will be the case for rtf files (like here: http://demo.tiki.org/5x/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse&galleryId=1)
i think it has better merge stuff in it
but not as nice icons! :)
worryingly, all the icons are broken on demo.t.o in both 5 and 6 :(
chealer: jonnyb: thanks
who manages demo? I noticed trunk wasn't updated since September
jonnyb: np chealer
(but i think he gave me a login there, curse him! :) )
hmm, ok - you're right of course changi - they get mime type icons in 5 but not 6
chealer: wow, aptana plugin management is so complicated. I fail to uninstall subversive
there's a nice error removing it "Problem determining user request. Profile id:..."
can I disable it or is there an option somewhere to select subclipse instead?
jonnyb: ik - have you got both subclipse and subversive installed?
chealer: jonnyb: yes
jonnyb: and it won't let you uninstall either of them?
chealer: jonnyb: I didn' try installing subclipse
jonnyb: so you haven't got both of them installed? (sorry, misunderstood)
ah ;)
try uninstalling both of them?
changi: i just svn up'd demo.t.o/5x and it broke the icons, so it's something recent...
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30250 10/branches/6.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] wysiwyg: Don't try and preview {toc}
chealer: jonnyb: hey, subversive removed while removing subclipse
that's not magic, hopefully I find a way to do the same without restarting Aptana 10 times
jonnyb: i think it gets muddled up between them, best to only have one
i usually find svn costs me a few hours most months - i look at it as a toll
chealer: jonnyb: hehehe. yes
in this case I'd put it on the Aptana toll
jonnyb: indeed - the cost of FOSS
chealer: 2 incompatible plugins that can be installed at the same time = plugin management
s/plugin management/bad plugin management/
jonnyb: I see there's a Menu Icons - Icon Set setting
jonnyb: I reinstalled Subclipse, now I have a single item in the Team menu - Apply Patch...
jonnyb: you might need to set up the repo again
chealer: Could not find view: org.eclipse.team.svn.ui.repository.browser.RepositoryBrowser
jonnyb: how
jonnyb: that's not good
try from show view menu again
chealer: jonnyb: I did, the view appears but gray. there's a Synchronize... icon that brings a Synchronize dialog
jonnyb: no SVN Repositories view?
chealer: then if I pick SVN it tels me Select the resources or working sets to be synchronized.
jonnyb: oh, yes, OK
jonnyb: I added the Tiki repository
that part seems to work, I can browse it
jonnyb: you probably need to close and reopen the project
chealer: jonnyb: that doesn't seem to help
jonnyb: which SVN plugins do you have?
jonnyb: just subclipse i think
chealer: jonnyb: but what "sub-plugins"/packages are installed?
I have "Subclipse (Required)", "SVNKit Client Adapater (Not required)" and "SVNKit Library"
you have just the first?
jonnyb: http://img.skitch.com/20101024-gkahwuyaqag8bccpwcnqmn4237.jpg
changi: you still about? this icon thing's really weird - it's just started working again on http://demo.tiki.org/6x/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse&galleryId=1 for me
chealer: jonnyb: hum, I installed what you had but there's no improvement. I don't have exactly the same versions, like Subclipse 1.6.14, Subversion Client Adapter 1.6.12, Subversion JavaHL Native Library 1.6.13. do you think that could cause an issue?
jonnyb: ah, now it's failing to load JavaHL library. do you know how to fix that?
These are the errors that were encountered: no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path n no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path n no svnjavahl in java.library.path n java.library.path = /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
jonnyb: by reinstalling it? (sorry, don't know)
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chealer: jonnyb: I selected the SVNKit library as connector so that seems fixed. now there's no improvement. the Team menu still has a single item, and the Synchronize view is grey. should I select resources (apaprently i'd have to create a working set)?
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changi: jonnyb: still have the problem
jonnyb: sry - fone again
changi: no prob, i living. Will have a look tomorrow
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jonnyb: sorry chealer - back - you still struggling?
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paulz: Hello everyone! I am using Tiki5.3. I am trying to make an XMLHttpRequest to a php file and I am getting a 403 fobidden response - You do not have permission for this request. The php file works outside of Tiki. Is there a permission that I have to set in tiki? I have javascript enables.
lphuberdeau: is it on the same domain?
paulz: yes.
lphuberdeau: if it's not served by tiki, it shouldn't really make a difference
could you provide a bit more details?
paulz: I have a button that calls a javascript file which makes the XMLHttpRequest to a php file to update athe tiki page. The php file is returning a 403 error to the javascript file.
lphuberdeau: does the php file have anything to do with tiki?
paulz: No
lphuberdeau: might want to check the permissions on the file
paulz: How do I do that?
lphuberdeau: from the moment javascript makes the call and the file does not do anything with tiki, it's really unlikely to be solvable by tiki
depends on how your app is hosted
I'd also check the web server's error logs
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paulz: I just checked the server. I cannot find a new error log. It is an apache. Is there a specific folder to look under tiki?
lphuberdeau: tiki does not control apache
and the error log location really depends on the distribution
jonnyb: paulz: did you try loading the php url in a browser? (directly)
hi lphuberdeau
lphuberdeau: hello jonny
paulz: I think you have something there. It would not load in a browser but when I tried it in another directory in the same domain, outside of tiki, it loaded. Are there setting in tiki - maybe the php.ini that prevents the loading of non tiki php files
jonnyb: was it on the root of the tiki?
paulz: No. I created a new folder in the lib folder. The folder has the same 755 permission as the one outside of tiki where it works.
jonnyb: hmm, odd
has anyone been trying the new wysiwyg in 6.x?
have to release 6.0 (tomorrow) and out of time with the tiki plugin in ckeditor
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30253 10/branches/6.x/lib/ (tiki-js.js toolbars/toolbarslib.php): [FIX] wysiwyg: Image tool - use filegal manager for the ckeditor html image tool as a workaround pending perfection of the tiki_plugin plugin (so at least you can use html images from tiki filegals)
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luciash: polom polom
how does one delete a file gallery ?
i am admin and i can't see the option in the file galleries list
and btw, another regression: wiki attachments doesn't seem to save no matter what folder to store them i set
just revealed that with my sister today helping her set up another tiki site, yay
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: 6.0beta2 install failure - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=39146
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_Gergely: Hi all, I came to ask if there was a built-in way to prevent nick duplicates automatically. Anyone?
luciash: nick duplicates ?
_Gergely: realName
user preference
one can obtain the realName "admin" how to prevent that?
http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2551&highlight=unique says that it was not possible in June 2009
luciash: it is not
only using jQuery maybe
_Gergely: it is solved for the username I guess
luciash: sure
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luciash: they must be unique
_Gergely_: .. and the text field of tracker got a new unique option
do you know any of the two? where/how they are implemented?
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jcyrisse: howdy do...i have a problem with my trackers...not sure what is up
luciash: _Gergely_: i think nkoth knows
jcyrisse: but when click on the link from a tracker item, it goes to a page which states that page doesnt exist
luciash: jcyrisse: example ?
jcyrisse: send a link?
_Gergely_: thanks luciash
jcyrisse: http://cytopathnet.org/tracker3 and click on any of the submitted items
luciash: jcyrisse: u r missing item RewriteRule in your .htaccess
jcyrisse: ah...
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luciash: should be producing item<itemIdGoesHere>&... anyway
jcyrisse: hmm...ok...still have problems...sec...let me try one other thing
luciash: maybe the SEFURL links produced by Tiki are actually wrong
should be the number there
itemId number
jcyrisse: k...i uploaded the latest htaccess file
does it have the correct item in it?
doh...sec...one more thing
k...well, dunno what next then
rewrite rules there now
but same issue...perhaps flush cache?
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luciash: jcyrisse: sorry, it seems to be a bug in SEFURL feature, not producing these links correctly as item6&... for example
jcyrisse: so, perhaps turn off SEFURL feature?
luciash: can u try if it works when u add 6 after the item manually in the URL ?
jcyrisse: ok...sec
luciash: your browser address bar
yep, turning it off will for sure "fix it"
r u the owner of the site ?
jcyrisse: yes
luciash: cool
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jcyrisse: trying a couple of things
i dont have any Url Parameters listed to go in the path
i do have all options selected
hmmm....k....removing just postfilter doesnt show any item now in the View tab of tracker