[00:01] *** clemente has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:04] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:20] *** chealer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:25] *** fabricius has joined #tikiwiki [00:25] Polom [00:25] how is everybody? [00:25] no question, just here to say hello ;-) [00:26] hi fabricius [00:26] hi luciash [00:30] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30300 10/branches/6.x/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] strip leading and trailing whitespace from browser title [00:33] *** daniam has joined #tikiwiki [00:35] Hello world! [00:36] *** daniam has quit IRC (Client Quit) [00:44] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [00:49] *** GillesM has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [01:04] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30301 10/branches/6.x/styles/layout/ (fixed_width.css layout.css): [FIX] final solution (hopefully) to the fixed width and "display: table" issue - tested in Chrome, Firefox, Safari so far (TODO: remove the now obsolete fixed_width.css file to save two HTTP requests ;)) [01:12] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [01:49] *** goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki [01:54] *** goj has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [01:54] *** goj|ghost is now known as goj [02:01] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30302 10/branches/6.x/styles/lite/lite.css: [ENH] *lite CSS update - only some handy comments were added/modified and updated the contact info [02:02] n8, bye c ya [02:03] *** fabricius has quit IRC (Quit: bye) [02:18] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30303 10/branches/6.x/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [FIX] pages created using profiles cannot be used in wysiwyg previously because settings were wrong. This corrects it by allowing setting a flag to have content be wysiwyg. [02:24] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30304 10/branches/6.x/templates/header.tpl: [FIX] use choices separator for browser title from admin > look and feel > misc instead of hardcoded colon [02:31] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:49] *** nkoth_ has joined #tikiwiki [03:52] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [03:52] *** nkoth_ is now known as nkoth [03:59] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth) [04:13] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [04:13] *** chealer has quit IRC (Changing host) [04:13] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [04:16] luciash: I'm able to be "remembered" on dev.tiki.org several times in a row (tried 2). [04:16] luciash: do you remember which sub-domain we saw the issue on? [04:18] chealer: maybe community ? [04:18] i am logged on dev too [04:21] luciash: OK, I'm trying community [04:30] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30305 10/branches/6.x/styles/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] fivealive theme: seamless background for the header [04:32] *** ttrimm has quit IRC (Quit: Later Folks!) [04:54] New Forum Posts: Users Profiles - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39166 [04:56] luciash: hum, looks like other people have noticed too: "lun. 04 oct. 2010: Cookie issue? I'm finding I have to keep logging in here over and over. Also when going to other areas like docs." [04:57] from tiki.org shoutbox [04:57] good night [05:06] good morning ;-) [05:06] *** coaboa_ is now known as coaboa [05:44] *** FrankP has joined #tikiwiki [05:45] *** FrankP has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:48] *** chealer_ has joined #tikiwiki [05:54] *** chealer has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [07:25] *** JoernOtt has joined #tikiwiki [08:12] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [09:27] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [09:29] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [09:47] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [09:49] polom people [09:58] jonnyb: hi [09:59] hi changi - how are you? [10:09] New Forum Posts: Bengali language needed - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=13&comments_parentId=39168 [10:12] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [10:12] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [10:12] polom [10:19] *** JoernOtt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:20] hi chibaguy [10:21] how's 6.x looking from a css point of view - it was very broken yesterday (for me) [10:23] *** JoernOtt has joined #tikiwiki [10:23] hi jonnyb [10:23] do you mean after my commits, or after luci's? [10:24] after luciash's changes - changing your changes [10:24] oh really? [10:24] both firefox and safari on mac were almost unusable with html {display:table} [10:24] my localhost seems ok. but then it was ok after my commits (very tolerant installation apparently). [10:24] i sent a link to a screenshot [10:25] isn't html {display:table} rolled back now? [10:25] I thought luciash rolled it back. [10:25] think so, still catching up with emails etc [10:26] I believe display:table is on div#fixedwidth now, in layout.css. [10:26] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:26] yup, as was - but wasn't that breaking fivealive header? [10:28] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [10:32] apparently luciash made a change in fivealive.css to prevent it breaking. I didn't look at the file yet. [10:33] yes, i just read the diff - looks like he reorganised the fixed width stuff, which didn't seem broken to me [10:33] i'm not sure people want 6.0 to come out so soon... [10:35] Hmm, I don't see any change by him in fivealive.css that would affect the header background, so am not sure what was breaking it before. [10:35] I think it would be good to not rush the release. Seems like we routinely have x.0 releases that are close to unusable for one reason or another. [10:36] indeed - we just need to adjust the schedule (6.1 is due on 12th nov, i think) [10:38] chibaguy: pm? [10:44] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [10:55] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [10:57] *** Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:06] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:06] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [11:06] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [11:16] hi all :-) [11:19] hi ricks99 [11:20] hi ricks99 [11:21] hi jonnyb & chibaguy [11:29] ricks99, I was just looking at your email about changing the text of the registration page. [11:30] * ricks99 wishes we could exteranalize all text strings [11:30] The meaning is essentially as before except for the addition of the domain name, it seems. [11:30] agreed. my goal is not to change meaning. but to improve/correct the "English-ness" of the text [11:31] I'm a little leery about breaking the string into two parts for separate translations. I think not every language has that construction necessarily. [11:32] you're probably right... and I don't know how to handle that. but, from a user perspective, let's explicity state what the domain/email that they need to "whitelist" is... much easier to understand than "whitelist this domain" [11:33] Could it be: {tr}If you use an email filter, be sure to add this domain to your accepted list:{/tr} {$prefs.sender_email}. [11:34] (just to keep all the translation part in one continuous piece) [11:34] y, but for an English construct, the pronoun "this" is too far separated from its nominalization (the actual domain name [11:34] Even with the colon? [11:35] y. that breaks it even worse :( [11:35] hmm, I thought people knew what a sentence with this and ending with a colon means. [11:35] hence my desire to have all strings exteranalized, so we dont encounter this issue [11:36] how do you mean "externalized"? [11:36] replace the "text" in the TPLs with varialble, ie: %1% [11:36] then have a simple lang-specific lookup table that says: [11:37] i'm just investigating this very point [11:37] %1% = My text [11:37] thats what we do in java all the time to make translations easy [11:37] i'm sure there's a way now of putting placeholders in {tr} text - i think it uses %0 syntax [11:37] oh, so every string gets translated, and no english in the tpls at all, eh? [11:38] y. the downside, obvoiusly, is that the native TPLs themsleves become less readable. [11:38] im just saying.... [11:38] right now we treat English as the "master" language, but the vast majority of tiki dev team does not speak english as a native speaker [11:39] maybe its just me :-) [11:39] but i cringe when i see an expression like "canned by your email filer" [11:39] externalising all language strings is unlikely to happen for tiki - about as likely as us adopting an object oriented MVC model... :) [11:39] i agree ricks99 [11:40] let me finish this reply to your mail... [11:40] i disagree... in essense we already have exteranalied strngs [11:40] yes, there's a lot of coder's jargon in Tiki's interface. [11:40] i could, concieable, make my edits in the lang/en/lang.php file [11:40] i mean not having English in the tpls [11:40] y [11:41] my goal is to improve the english nterface without breaking any of the tranlsations. just want to find the easiest/best way [11:41] no, we all need good English as the base "layer" - that string in particular is terrible [11:42] but if the "original" English is bad surely the translations will be bad too? (so will need fixing) [11:42] so, if i use the interactive translation for ENGLISH, will it automaitcally update all the other langauge files? [11:42] no [11:42] :( [11:42] the text in the code needs to be improved [11:42] I edit the instances in the tpl(s) and all instances in the language files, when I 'improve' an english string. [11:43] is that a manual process? do u grep all the langague files? [11:44] yes, manual. [11:44] yuck. [11:44] how much work to improve the interactive-translation feature to push changes from english to other langs? [11:44] * ricks99 is too lazy :( [11:45] Well, I don't think the strings need to be changed often, but of course getting them all to best form is a bigger project. I don't mind the manual work actually. [11:46] Kind of therapeutic after struggling with other problems. ;-) [11:46] seems to me that it shouldnt be too hard to update the interactive translation process: [11:46] obvious method and predictable results. :-) [11:46] 1. if making a change to EN text, then also update the EN source in all other lang files? [11:47] I haven't tried the interactive method, though I had a look at SUMO's when working on their site. [11:47] maybe this is question for tiki 7? [11:47] Probably [11:47] so if i change this registration text to what ricks99 suggests (almost) should i change all the lang files? (i thought they got updated by a script) [11:48] jonnyb, I don't know about that. I just have updated them myself. [11:48] i don't think there's a script [11:48] what does get_strings do then? [11:49] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [11:49] it just finds and lists translation strings in the files, as far as I know. [11:49] isn't that what we're talking about? [11:50] but it wont find in EN and then replace in othres [11:51] how do translators know then, if you've changed the text in the tpl, but done a replace already in their language file? how can they tell that the English has changed? [11:51] They don't. ;-) [11:51] unless i'm changing the meaning, thranslators shouldnt care that i've changed the EN [11:51] and i shouldnt be changing the meaning unless the actual function/feature has changed [11:51] does your suggestion change the meaning ricks99? [11:52] no [11:52] it is essentially the same thing: please whitelist this domain [11:52] but a translator must need the string change because perhaps the translation is bad if the first wording was bad [11:52] i've made it much cleaner and better (imho) but no change in meaning [11:52] i don't think so, but it changes the _feeling_ and quality of the string, so i think it should be re-translated [11:53] exactly what i thought sylvieg [11:53] need to add a 'status' or translation dashboard [11:53] so don't change the lang files? [11:53] I think the best is to send on a special list or page or ... all the strings that changed, change the en string in the language file [11:54] translators will adapt if needed [11:54] seems like quite a manual process... :( [11:54] my 2 cents... [11:54] it would be good to have a record of updates, for sure. [11:54] ?? you can automatically change all the en strings in the language.php files [11:55] I've assumed translators could understand the intension of the (maybe not so good) English, and then do their best translation. [11:55] "01 you can automatically change all the en strings in the language.php files" this was the question. How? [11:55] Obviously if the original meaning isn't clear, then the translation won't be good. [11:56] a sed or a script .. if you put the list somewhere I can do it [11:56] ricks99: committing the change you suggested so we can discuss what to do next... (or rollback if really necessary) [11:56] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30306 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-register.tpl: [DOC] register: Much better language for "whilelist this domain" text - thanks ricks99 [11:56] i fixed the way the pref is inserted into the sentance [11:57] @sylvieg: how hard to incoroparte the script into the intraceve trnslation process [11:57] @jonnyb: fine, but now the highly visible/high profile page is broken in every other language :( [11:57] sylvieg: that string was not found in the lang/en file - what does that mean? [11:58] it was only found in ca, cn, fi, fr, pt-br and sl [11:58] the string in the registration tpl should have remained in one piece, I think. [11:58] so was already broken in the majority of languages [11:58] how do you mean chibaguy ? [11:59] did you put the variable in the middle? [11:59] as %0 [11:59] @chibaguy: we need to balance ease of translation vs readability [11:59] {tr 0=$prefs.sender_email|default:"{tr}this domain{/tr}"}If you use an email filter, be sure to add %0 to your accepted list{/tr} [12:00] I see. [12:01] this domain will be very hard to translate [12:01] as presumably the variable bit could end up almost anywhere in other langs (and also it was less meaningful as two separate clauses) [12:01] because translation can depnd on the syntaxic role [12:02] but better than splitting the sentance, no? [12:02] (sentence) [12:02] (ex: lation nominatif and accusatif are not the same domino and dominum... no idea about the translation but it is the idea [12:02] so if I have a this domain do I use a nominatif or an accusatif? [12:02] hmmm, how should we do that then? [12:02] in this case it is an accusatif [12:03] or whatever youhave the idea [12:03] becasue it's really good to have the email address in the string, i think [12:03] how does other software handle this kind of thing? [12:03] * ricks99 again wishes for extrnalized strings [12:03] so best to set your $prefs.sender_email :) [12:03] better to do }If you use an email filter, be sure to add this domain (%0) to your accepted list [12:04] ricks99, won't there still be the problem of what to put in the tpl, even with externalized strings? [12:04] %0 must be only a constant [12:04] can't assume an english sentence construction. [12:04] @chibaguy: no, the text woudnt be in the tpl [12:04] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:05] anyway - i jumped on it as i almost lost a tiki client because of that "canned by spam filter" line - it was almost the last straw for them [12:06] @sylvieg: the issue is that "this domain' may be too technical for some users. why use it at all (unless needed). besides, it isn't the "domain" that they need to add -- it is the sender email address [12:06] I know: no text. but there's still placeholders to replace with text, and how they are arranged with something like a variable should be language-transparent. [12:06] language-neutral. [12:06] or have the ability to be language-neutral. [12:07] @ ricks99: so perhaps 2 string if prefs non empty ... other soemthing with domain [12:07] i suppose if sender_email is not set they don't have to bother with their filter setting, because they won't get an email in the first place... [12:07] :-) [12:07] so get rid of this domain [12:08] @jonnyb: i thought if using smtp instead, it is possible to have sender email empty, as the overrides in smpt config will b used instead? [12:08] separate issue. [12:08] i don't think emails can be sent without a sender of some sort [12:08] ricks99: is right the mail setting can fix the empty sender [12:09] anyway, my big thing is, i want to help iimpvoe the EN text -- this is a big (IMHO) LOSSING point when comparing tiki vs drupal/joomla/wordpress/etc [12:09] tiki comes across as a much less 'professional' application (no offense intended to anyone) [12:09] i think that improvng the default interface text will help [12:10] as per jonnybs email [12:10] If you add to the dev.t.o page about strings to replace, it can be done (even if manually) [12:10] When I get my editor cranked up and the files in ram, it goes pretty fast. [12:10] will it be like adding a wishlist tracker? kinda cross my fingers and hope that someone addresses it? [12:10] ;-) [12:10] ricks99: I agree - it is only to have a way to warn the translators [12:11] Well, it is _a_ way that works now, not to suggest there couldn't/shouldn't be a better way in the future. [12:12] but i don't think we should leave terrible language in there for fear of spoiling something else - it really makes us look bad [12:13] also, i more or less intentionally put less than optimum English in there, as i think my time is better spent coding and hope others will improve the copywriting [12:13] so is the consensous that it is ok to change/improve EN in TPLs, even if it breaks other langs, as long as we list the changes on dev.t.o [12:14] yes only if en strings are changed in language.php a tracker/mailing list .. whatever collect the change [12:14] is there a proposed 6.x branch? or still ok to commit directly to 6.x? or only in trunk (and then backport) [12:14] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [12:14] proposed 6 will happen after 6.1 [12:14] language changes are supposed to be 'safe' for direct commit, I thought. [12:14] hopefully merges will hold up until then... [12:15] @chibaguy: y, safe for the TPL, but again, i dont want to "untranslate" other languages [12:15] chibaguy: (finally) looks like luciash's css changes fix the troubles for me - looking ok to you? [12:15] I think the assumption was the intended meaning would be the same, just the wording improved. [12:16] Yes, jonnyb, it looks ok to me now. [12:16] gg [12:16] I checked in ie. [12:17] rick can you do a sed? or can you commit a en/custom.php - that I will regularly empty to propagate to language.php [12:17] what is a "sed"? [12:18] remember, rick is a windoze user [12:20] hehe ricks, sed is a nightmare for mouse-fanatics: sed is short for stream editor, used for text processing via commandline using regexp [12:20] I think Jyhem has a tool [12:20] * ricks99 thought "sed" was the past-tense for "say" [12:21] a friend of mine said, why start windows and use word when you have a console, vi, awk and sed [12:21] will it be easier if i start going through the current en lang.php file, and make changes there? [12:21] * ricks99 misses his wang dumb terminal [12:22] who needs outlook when you have pine [12:22] :-) [12:22] yes, Jyhem has a script for making the string changes. [12:23] basically you can change a text to another text in all files in a directory with only one line, so you would not break translations [12:24] because you would change also the "source" in the translations to your new text. [12:24] (Hoping of course that the translators did a good job in finding the right words before) [12:25] JoernOtt: that's how I've done the string changes, but using an editor to find and replace. [12:26] Anyway, having a record of the changes would be good, for translators to see. [12:26] but opening all 1000+ files of tiki takes some time in the mouse world [12:27] I don't open them, the editor finds and changes unopened files. [12:27] which one do you use? [12:27] (cough cough) dreamweaver [12:28] eclipse/aptana does it too, for those with mice and colour etc [12:28] +1 eclipse [12:28] searches all tike files in a few seconds [12:28] tike/tiki of course :) [12:28] not tyke? [12:32] well, my eclipse (on windoze and gentoo) whines a lot about validation errors when working with tiki [12:33] yes, it doesn't really like smarty files [12:33] js is all jslint'ed now [12:33] php should be valid too (generally?) [12:33] sadly the smarty plugin has not been developed over years now [12:34] so its quite useless/unstable [12:35] also is dependant on zend's debugger (which i've never got working) [12:37] completely new question: is it possible to limit a search scope to a specfici tracker? that is, return results only from tracker id=1 [12:45] don't think so ricks99 - but a good idea for the new search for 7 [12:49] :( tx [13:03] *** Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [13:03] New Forum Posts: print button - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39169 [13:05] jonnyb: fine and you :) [13:05] :) [13:06] when is the next release planned ? [13:07] well, it depends if we're really moving back out of "freeze" mode... i think [13:08] there have been quite a lot of biggish changes since beta 2 - i think we need beta 3 - what do you think? [13:09] *** FCP has joined #tikiwiki [13:15] +1 for beta 3 [13:16] *** chealer_ is now known as chealer [13:16] polom [13:17] *** FCP has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [13:19] hi chealer [13:19] hi chibaguy [13:21] luciash: I'm still logged in to tiki.org (community, second session renewal) [13:31] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30307 10/branches/6.x/lib/tikilib.php: [bp/r30279][FIX] wrong variable name when calling $tikilib->object_post_save() on $tikilib->create_page() [13:41] *** Kimberlee has joined #tikiwiki [13:41] hello all. [13:43] hi Kimberlee [13:49] *** FCP has joined #tikiwiki [13:59] bye all - out to meet some robots (really) [14:00] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [14:03] hm.... {maketoc showhide="y"} doesnt seem to be working for me in tiki 6.... [14:04] *** chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [14:07] *** FCP has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [14:19] I consider that being able to parse the plugins on doc.tiki.org to be one hell of a test for a plugin parser, and it succeeded [14:20] polom [14:21] hi all [14:21] good morning [14:22] hi coaboa, lphuberdeau et all [14:23] smal usability thing: when deleting a menu item a warning with confimation step appears. This is not the case when selecting multiple entries and click on the red cross behind "Perform action with checked" [14:24] yea [14:24] coaboa: feel free to fix that small thing :) [14:25] one of those many UIs that need to be brought into the 21st century [14:25] if i could i would ;-) [14:26] coaboa: it sounds like it requires only some copy-pasting skills, nope ? [14:26] probably yes. ok I'll try it [14:26] not quite, I think that's related to tickets [14:27] lphuberdeau: maybe true; the first one is link and the second one is form submit ? [14:27] that would be my guess [14:28] but lets coaboa give it a try ;) maybe he will improve his skills and learn some new ;) [14:30] ;-) [14:36] * luciash goes to scroll back and read the irc log [14:43] Q: how do i tell trackerfilter to display the results on a separate page? [14:48] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:51] *** MacLeod has joined #tikiwiki [14:54] ^^ not possible with trackerfilter? [15:21] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [15:21] polom [15:22] hi [15:35] hiya :-) [15:43] *** redflo has left [15:46] hi Kim :) [15:49] *** FrankP has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] how is it going luci? [16:34] Reading doc.t.o, it looks like for WebDAV to work, all users who need to be able to save via WebDAV have to be given the permission admin_file_galleries... correct? [16:40] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30309 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-article_types.tpl: better clarify that author rating and user rating are two different things [16:40] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30310 10/branches/6.x/templates/modules/mod-trackerhelp.tpl: [FIX]TRACKERHELP: better strings [16:42] any help for my 01trackerfilter Q ^^ [16:42] 01Q: how do i tell trackerfilter to display the results on a separate page? [16:48] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30311 10/branches/6.x/templates/ (tiki-edit_article.tpl tiki-edit_submission.tpl): better clarify that author rating and user rating are two different things [16:51] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30312 10/branches/6.x/lib/prefs/art.php: better clarify that author rating and user rating are two different things [16:53] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30313 10/trunk/ (16 files in 10 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30291 to 30312 [17:01] Anyone know of any settings or combinations of settings (other than what's in doc.t.o for this topic) that will prevent WebDAV from working with IE7 and FF? [17:01] saw something a whlie back that http*S* was not supported [17:01] We're seeing a failure mode with v6.x where edits aren't being saved, and we're getting permission errors. [17:02] @ricks99: We're using https, but I think LPH said that was resolved. [17:02] ah. k then. [17:03] Kimberlee: fine, thanks (was afk at dinner here, sorry) [17:04] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30314 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-admin_include_rating.tpl: [DOC] add relevant rating options in admin panel [17:07] MacLeod: sorry, no. I got it working but not consistently between machines, although I have not seen unsaved edits. Yikes. [17:07] luci: :-) [17:10] @Kimberlee: The unsaved edits may not be immediately apparent, either. On one workstation, it seemed to work - the same user re-opened the file from the gallery and the edits were there. However, when I opened the same file from the gallery from my workstation, the edits were missing. The other user was just seeing his local copy on the second "download". [17:17] *** JoernOtt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:18] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [17:19] wb jb [17:20] jonnyb: presumably you didn't see the problem gary was trying to fix (and i did fix later), because you had fixed width feature on (just for your curiousness) [17:21] hi luciash - tried both i thought [17:21] (i usually don't use fixed width due to it being annoying) [17:22] jonnyb: as fivealive is always (designed as) fixed width, it maybe wasn't obvious to spot... but now, all should be fine i think [17:23] at least i tested all the other themes and it seems to work nicely [17:24] good that gary tested ie too [17:24] jonnyb: fixed the visible join in the header btw ;) [17:26] hmmm? i thought i could still see a join (when not fixed width) [17:27] jonnyb: i have little issue now for you - on dev.t.o there is the ajax preview enabled and there is one problem i spotted there with it - the links in the preview are not active so i cannot expand collapsed sections or check if the links are pointing to the right place [17:29] sorry, cannot be done - no JS in that preview (this month anyway) [17:29] things like the sharethis and googlemap plugins go completely mad and explode the whole thing - same for {jq} stuff... [17:30] i did notice on dev though that when the preview's open the save button is obscured by the custom footer stuff... [17:31] *** luciash has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [17:33] *** Sug4r has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [17:33] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [17:33] *** luciash has quit IRC (Changing host) [17:33] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [17:33] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o luciash [17:33] re [17:34] i'm sorry, vladi accidentaly restarted my router [17:34] :-p [17:37] jonnyb: so no clickable links in the preview ? usability issue i think... it would be at least nice if the collapsed sections were expanded at least [17:38] jonnyb: i was unable to preview my changes in the Regression Bugs (fixed) section [17:38] jonnyb: on Tiki6 page [17:38] yes, also noticed that there (i added it ;) ) [17:39] it might be possible to loosen the filters for that to let "that kind of thing" through... [17:41] ah, those yummy filters [17:41] it's a series of regexps somewhere (i forget where at the moment) [17:42] jonnyb: btw, you have to refresh your browser images cache to see the header image updated [17:43] where do i get the korean flag from ? we're missing it in the switch language module [17:44] or maybe i just make it a button link for now [17:44] no worries [17:44] which korea? [17:44] wikipedia/media have them i think [17:44] i see both (north and south) in img/flags [17:46] hehe, that's a question [17:46] i prefer the non-totalitarian one [17:46] yea, fixing that right now [17:46] it was misunderstanding in the flagmapping.php [17:46] * ricks99 has always thought that using flags as symbols for language is a mistake [17:47] mistake, but so common, that people often request it for their websites [17:47] good way to piss off your visitors [17:48] yup yup [17:48] but... if that's what they want. :-) [17:48] is there any way to use trackerlist plugin so that the results of the filter/search are shown on a separate/different page? [17:49] luciash: i still see a join (colour difference) between headertile.png and siteheader.jpg (on r30314) [17:49] ricks99: no idea [17:49] jonnyb: no way :) [17:50] way! [17:50] jonnyb: i don't see it ! [17:50] screenie ? [17:50] coming [17:51] http://img.skitch.com/20101026-8ybbuag7d12i6gwnw41c33rbek.jpg [17:51] * jonnyb likes skitch [17:53] jonnyb: you got some different headertile.png [17:53] than me [17:53] hmm, thought so - but flushed browser cache (twice) [17:54] ah, might be the option - styles/fivealive/options/blueberry/headertile.png [17:54] hmm, what can it be ? [17:54] hmm, yes, that one i cahnged [17:54] changed [17:55] that's with option "None" - the others all look ok so far [17:55] 4.5 kB (4,624 Bytes) [17:56] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30315 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]TRACKERHELP: autoquery on tracker names [17:57] jonnyb: can it be that your system has different bit depth and displays the colors of the png differently ? [17:58] it does look different on each monitor - worst on the HP one (slighter, but still visible difference on the Apple one) [17:58] it looks ok on my two displays [17:59] that's weird issue [18:00] the dropper says the tile is #42A4DB and the header (right hand edge) is #00A8DB [18:00] i'll check [18:00] maybe saved with different colour-space thing? (what ever they're called) [18:01] dropper says: #28a7de for headertile.png [18:02] ah yes, the tile uses sRGB IEC61966-2.1 colorsync - the other bit doesn't [18:02] so it depends what app you use to view it as to what colour it comes out as (i always switch that off) [18:03] also one's a png and the other jpg - might affect it? [18:03] dropper says: #27a6dd for the JPG one right edge [18:03] (bet no one else cares ;) ) [18:04] maybe different on a mac (in safari) [18:04] strange, i saved both from same editor (GIMP) [18:04] jonnyb: are you sure your images are not cached ? [18:04] same in Fx [18:05] sure as i can be... [18:05] strange [18:05] why it gives different results in dropper picks, that'đ mystery to me [18:06] i can try save both as png [18:06] yup - both browser caches cleared and svn double checked (r30305 on both images) [18:06] it's the colorsync setting in the tile, i reckon [18:07] must be the Apple ;) [18:07] ok [18:07] how to get rid of it ? [18:07] get rid of that (just good ole RGB) and it'll probably be right [18:07] can you ? [18:07] i have no idea how [18:07] should be an option in the original file (is there one?) [18:07] let me go through GIMP [18:08] what original file ? i just modified the JPG and cutted 1x400 px from it and then stretched horizontally and saved as headertile.png [18:09] hmm, must have been a default when you made the new image [18:09] (if so good to get rid if it, imho unless you mainly do print) [18:10] Color space: RGB (says GIMP) for that PNG [18:10] no sRGB [18:10] ah, sorry, it is color profile, ok, now i see it [18:10] sRGB built-in [18:10] Default RGB working space [18:11] but it says the same for the JPG file ! :o [18:12] maybe jpg doesn't support saving the profile? [18:15] ah, hmm [18:15] hey, i can live with it (mind you, you know Mac users! :) ) [18:15] i'll try in photoshop locally [18:16] can you switch that off in the PNG one ? [18:16] i'll try [18:16] or otherwise we need to convert the JPG one to PNG and update fivealive.css [18:17] but it looks ugly, really (not here but on your screenie ;) [18:17] yes, i think i can - i have a "don't color manage this document" [18:17] i know you can live with that but i can't :D [18:17] yup - fixed [18:17] good to know that anway, thank you [18:18] will have to take care next time using two different image types for design [18:19] of course photoshop makes it 53k unless you tell it not too (in which case it's less than 8k) [18:19] i didn't create fivealive theme though (i would probably use same type image anyway) [18:19] good - incoming... [18:19] jonnyb: i wonder when you commit that if it will change at my side then ;) [18:19] *** conner_bw has joined #tikiwiki [18:20] let's hope not... [18:20] *g* [18:21] interesting though... [18:21] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30316 10/branches/6.x/styles/fivealive/options/blueberry/headertile.png: [FIX] fivealive: Remove sRGB colour profile from PNG file (makes it a different colour on a Mac screen) [18:25] jonnyb: perfect, looks good so far i tested :) [18:26] spot on here too - everybody happy :) [18:26] looking at the showhide headings thing preview now - is there really nothing worse needing fixing in 6.x? [18:27] Hm, tiki-browse_freetags.php doesn't respect the category jail in v6.x. [18:28] ricks99: i am about to commit change to flagmapping; what do u think is better, south_korea flag or none (will display a button link instead in the switch lang module) for the korean language ? [18:28] jonnyb: FADE plugin [18:29] jonnyb: colorbox ? [18:29] At least the standard (non-freetag) search results adhere to the perspective. [18:29] jonnyb: can u preview if it's working ? [18:29] what colorbox? [18:30] jonnyb: i would really prefer if the links worked as normal in the preview [18:30] i odn;t think any of them will survive being in the ajax "scope" [18:30] jonnyb: so one could click them and see if they work properly [18:31] jonnyb: ah, that's big disadvantage of the ajax preview then [18:31] jonnyb: i think ppl will switch back to normal preview if they see they cannot see all [18:31] hmmm - looking into it [18:36] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30317 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]trackerhelp: button to add the fields in a pretty tracker format in the current textarea [18:41] ricks99: i will rather assign no flag [18:45] heh, heh... piss off everyone, eh? :-) [18:54] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [18:54] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30318 10/branches/6.x/lang/flagmapping.php: [FIX] language switch flagmapping: added few missing flags where appropriate... not adding the korean language one to prevent controversy [18:56] hmm, i wonder why zh (traditional chinese) language was removed from lang/ ? [18:56] (it's still in the flagmapping though) [18:58] cn and zh shouldn't show the flag imho for simmilar reasons [19:03] luciash: hi, why not korean ? [19:04] because there is no north korean and no south korean language, just korean [19:04] * jonnyb has found a nice chewy bug - try autosave previewing the default homepage text... Bad Things! :( [19:05] luciash: ok good point [19:05] jonnyb: just seen that [19:05] luciash: but what about the translation files ? [19:06] jonnyb: wanted to make sure it is the autosave or editing the page with ajax off too [19:06] changi: this is only flagmapping [19:06] changi: i don't touch the language files [19:07] luciash: ok [19:07] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30319 10/branches/6.x/lang/flagmapping.php: [FIX] flagmapping: cleaning up [19:09] jonnyb: confirmed, it is the ajax/autosave thingy preview [19:10] on the default homepage? yes, too much urlencoding going on [19:13] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3612 - - tiki-register.php and tiki-login.php ironing - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3612 [19:17] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30320 10/branches/6.x/lib/ajax/ (autosave.js autosave.php): [FIX] autosave: Don't url encode/decode saved data (was breaking preview of default HomePage content for instance) [19:20] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30321 10/branches/6.x/pics/icons/mime/avi.png: [FIX] AVI deserve to have a small icon [19:21] *** rodrigo_sampaio1 has joined #tikiwiki [19:22] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30322 10/branches/6.x/tiki-auto_save.php: [FIX] autosave: Use page's wysiwyg setting to set process_wiki_paragraphs option for parse_data instead of is_html. [19:22] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [19:23] ok, need to feed - bbl (msybe) [19:23] :P [19:24] *** FrankP has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:24] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30323 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-admin_categories.tpl tiki-edit_categories.tpl): [FIX] add missing navigation links between various category-related interfaces [19:29] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r30324 10/trunk/lib/ (20 files in 7 dirs): [NEW] Very early (and very incomplete) implementation of unified search [19:39] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:45] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [19:56] lphuberdeau: does it mean trunk will be broken for a while ? [19:57] *** conner_bw has quit IRC (Quit: conner_bw) [20:12] Unified search? :) :) :) [20:27] Can I stop v6.x from asking me to choose the language when creating a new wiki page, and instead default to my user pref? [20:27] MacLeod: yep on Admin > Wiki [20:28] ~np~""~/np~ does display only the quotes on doc.t.o in FANCYTABLE cell [20:28] http://doc.tiki.org/PluginJq [20:36] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30325 10/trunk/lib/ (6 files in 3 dirs): wordpress importer: import attachments (not finished yet) [20:41] luciash: trunk will remain stable for a bit (outside of the plugin parser change, which is separate), search changes won't apply until they are at least a bit functional [20:42] but I do intend on deploying those changes fairly quickly because they will need more attention than a release sprint [20:43] ok, i just wondered if it's worth of experimental branch or not [20:45] no, not going experimental for this [20:53] tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30326 10/branches/6.x/templates/browse_file_gallery.tpl: [FIX] if we display all files in browsing mode (that's strange because the button is browse images), then files other than images should be downloadable [20:54] *** Raevn has joined #tikiwiki [20:55] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30327 10/trunk/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [FIX] wrong merge [20:56] >help [20:57] >help! [20:57] Help! [20:57] Ok, so I listen... [20:58] Raevn: apparently the bots don't want to talk with you ;) [20:58] Glad to hear someone, though [20:58] :) [20:58] Have I got the syntax right? [20:58] Raevn: I guess so from the topic message but I never tried [20:59] Ah well. just starting off. Have to keep 50-60 groups separate in one instance of TW [21:17] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30328 10/trunk/ (lib/prefslib.php tiki-admin.php): [MOD]log: usability log the old value too to be able to rollback [21:27] just a little bug before going to sleep, in filegal when you add a new file using upload file, the creator only get his first letter :( [21:28] same as if you change the properties, creator only have the first letter :( [21:28] admin become a [21:30] weird [21:30] didn't spotted that one [21:38] bye [21:39] *** changi is now known as changi|away [21:45] jonnyb: seems the latest colorbox version fixes the issue with chrome browser (from my local test) [21:46] jonnyb: i think i will commit that after some more testing here [21:47] it won't change though - 6.x/libs/jquery is fixed at the jquery 1.4.2 revision (on the svn:external) [21:47] jonnyb: oh ? colorbox is official part of jquery ? [21:48] jonnyb: didn't know that [21:48] no, it's in third_party tiki repo [21:48] so how do i commit ? [21:49] i have to svn switch first to branches/third_party or something ? [21:49] we'd either have to get 6.x working with jquery 1.4.3 or roll that back in 3rd party (and jquery-ui 1.8.5) [21:49] *** rodrigo_sampaio1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [21:49] no, you can do it inside 6.x (but it's easy to mess up) [21:50] but i didn't update jquery to 1.4.3 locally, only the colorbox files [21:50] i think if you committed it, it would effectively roll it back in 6.x (but still be there in trunk) [21:50] trunk is on 1.4.3 and they share the same external [21:51] i think i am lost :) [21:51] i don't understand how to commit properly the new version of colorbox there [21:52] i think i will leave it to the "others" [21:52] yes, it's a bit messed up, sorry - my fault [21:52] wasn't sure if i had time to work it out before 6.0 (it was supposed to have happened by now) [21:53] but if we're doing another beta (as there have been quite a lot of regressions) then maybe i can fix it [21:53] i'd still prefer to get 6.0 out first though - there maybe be other hidden nasties in those updates [21:54] great, i have replaced only the jquery.colorbox-min.js and jquery.colorbox.js in lib/jquery/colorbox so far and it definitely fixes the issue in chrome [21:55] ok, i'll try and look at it tomorrow [21:55] not sure about the styles/ subdir what to update there (didn't touched it yet) [21:55] i'll rollback the jq updates - safest i think [21:55] (the colorbox css and images) [21:55] oki [21:56] probably the same for minor update like this [21:57] *** Raevn has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [21:59] * jonnyb wishes he hadn't just sotted the {CODE} plugin seems to produce quite invalid xhtml on doc.t.o and is going to bed [21:59] jonnyb: nite nite [22:00] nn [22:00] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [22:02] *** xavi has joined #tikiwiki [22:03] *** MacLeod has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [22:03] luciash? [22:03] or any css & tpl master? [22:03] yes [22:03] hi luciash [22:04] hola xavi [22:04] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [22:04] today I had a session with those guys which are in process of migrating from wordpress to Tiki in their site [22:04] I upgraded to Tiki6 a few days ago (using svn) [22:04] hi xavi [22:04] and we've done some workshop today with them [22:04] hi nkoth [22:05] anyone here know enough about wysiwyg to help me with a problem I am facing? [22:05] we've noticed a few issues with themes in blogs (at least) [22:05] hi nkoth (jonny just left) [22:05] ;) [22:05] basically in IE the wiki links created have full site url (which is wrong). [22:05] nkoth: define "enough" [22:05] in firefox it's ok [22:05] ah, ok, sorry, no diea [22:05] s/diea/idea [22:06] luciash: see this as an example: http://www.xarxantoni.net/blog5 [22:06] any idea how to fix that images don't go to the right column? [22:06] but the center column resizes to have them inside? [22:06] xavi: svn up [22:06] xavi: fixed it last night [22:06] ah! :-) [22:07] you hardworker... :-) (I had that svn upped last night, but probably before your fix :-) [22:07] yeah :) [22:07] * xavi loging in there to svn up again [22:09] luciash: another question, while svn up [22:09] nkoth: no idea, basically no ie usage here [22:09] is there any page describing the changes between themes in tiki5 and tiki6? [22:10] luciash: btw, you can use ie7 (at least) on GNU/Linux easily, by PlayOnLinux [22:10] and Safari, the same way [22:10] xavi: i don't think so that there is some [22:10] mmmm, and do you know the differences? [22:11] xavi: i know, i even have some machines here now with windoze, but rare usage, as i said ;) [22:11] I tried faulkner, from tiki5, in a tiki6 site (that blog), and side columns felt down [22:11] *** chealer has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [22:12] rare usage: ok, I know :-) (oh well, that trick might work also for Safari, for those cases when you want to test what mac-users say aout their loved browser ;-) ) [22:12] xavi: no idea from top of my head what would cause that [22:12] ok, thanks [22:12] i have Safari here on my Ubuntu now, tested something in it last night ;) [22:12] * xavi thinks that we need that sort of page for every new version... [22:13] xavi: good idea [22:14] it takes somehow long, svn up --ignore-externals would do the job ;) [22:14] mmmm, luciash, site upgraded to r30328... browser cache cleared, but same issue :-/ [22:14] * luciash just tried to refresh that blog [22:14] might I be missing something? [22:14] humm [22:14] maybe tiki caches... [22:15] ok, if it doesn't fix it, let me inspect your CSS [22:15] btw, and something similar was happening with wysiwyg editor... [22:16] I'll disable the minify css for you [22:16] ahm that minify is sticky [22:16] yes, it will fix if you disable minify [22:17] for css [22:17] ok, disabling [22:17] et voila :) [22:17] yes, you're right! nice fix, thanks! [22:18] and newbie question: where can I specify the defult size for thumbnails in a file gallery? [22:19] luciash: do you know how do i search sourceforge svn for commits by a particular person? [22:19] I normally use my gmail for this but that account is currently dead [22:20] nkoth: sorry, i don't know [22:20] xavi: nowhere (not implemented yet) [22:20] nkoth: you can try at the sf profile page for that person [22:21] luciash: ah, ok, that's why I couldn't find it! :-) [22:22] nkoth: example: http://sourceforge.net/users/luciash [22:23] I had to visit that page to be sure about the official name you told be about, luciash, to be referred in the poster [22:23] heh [22:29] brrrr, preview (wiki pages) is not working for me in that site [22:29] is showing blank perview [22:31] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30329 10/branches/6.x/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] French: "bares d'outils" => "barres d'outils" [22:31] xavi: ajax on ? [22:33] xavi: it will refresh after some seconds, new pages edits are blank if you're too quick to hit preview :-p [22:33] xavi: it's not ideal still [22:33] hehe, maybe that was the case :-) [22:33] "some seconds"... :-) [22:34] anyway, I found counter intuitive that when you click on "preview" a second time, the preview doesn't refresh but closes... [22:35] I expected to force the reload of the preview, since it was not reloading [22:35] xavi: just told the same today to jonny [22:35] ok :-) [22:35] xavi: he considers "fixing" it (hopefully) [22:36] :-) [22:36] luciash: another question for you (from the seminar/workshop we had today in xar@ntoni): [22:36] is it possible/easy to add some button in the toolbars to have text justified? [22:37] or to allow users to that easily somehow? [22:37] those users coming from wordpress, they miss that text justification in Tiki, it seems [22:37] xavi: yes, i miss that too [22:40] you can create plugin alias for it from plugin DIV and insert it then as {JT()}text{JT} [22:40] for example [22:40] nice [22:40] or %jt%text%tj% [22:40] using dyn vars [22:40] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30330 10/branches/6.x/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl: typo [22:41] what's the syntax for that plugin DIV for justified text? [22:42] {DIV(style="text-align: justify")}... [22:42] ok,thks [22:43] any RSS i could put on my https://sourceforge.net/users/luciash ? [22:44] ohloh doesn't seem to have one, np, i will delete that widget [22:49] luciash: it was working yesterday [22:49] what [22:49] that's why I added my ohloh equivalent, even if it was not working for me [22:49] ohloh widget [22:50] ah [22:50] it didn't seem to parse xml today [22:50] yes, I saw it, nor yesterday for me [22:50] btw, fyi: wysiwyg has a "justify text" button [22:50] disabled by default, but can be added to the wysiwyg tolbars [22:51] in Tiki6, at least [22:51] oh yea [22:51] but no wiki markup equiv [22:51] nope [22:51] btw, how u like my postit note on doc.t.o now ? :) [22:52] draggable, closable permanently with status stored in a cookie [22:54] yes, much better now (you can close it and keep it closed while loading other pages) [22:54] nice [22:55] mmm, switching from text to wysiwig to text lost the text edited [22:55] :-/ [22:57] preview on wysiwyg? [22:57] just played with some JQ on the doc.t.o L&F JS custom code and CSS ;) [22:58] ah yup, i was wondering too, but maybe there is a use case [22:58] :) [22:59] i still prefer the good ol' preview (no ajax) :-/ [23:01] xavi: how come u r so late up tonight ? [23:02] good question :-) [23:02] home alone ? [23:02] I didn't want to forget about the issues we detected tonight in that site. I'm fixing the most I can myself (configuration changes and tweaks or workarounds to issues), and considering to bur report... [23:03] hoome alone: nope. And I wanted to grade students work before the class for tomorrow, but... not enough time [23:03] *** Raevn has joined #tikiwiki [23:04] good stuff [23:04] plus tomorrow evening I'm going a few days to that conference where we present the preliminry work with Tiki and PluginR :-) [23:04] yea, time time time [23:04] :-) [23:05] well, as m o s e would say (I don't want to bother him pinging him), time is not the problem, but the problem is that we want to do more things in that time, more than what is possible [23:05] :-) [23:05] back to tweaking the last things (before bed time) [23:08] mmm, and isn't it quite late there also, luciash? :-) [23:09] hehe [23:09] well, my working hours are shifted now, i work during the night mostly [23:17] btw, changed that spanish flag to catalan today for catalan language in flagmapping for the language switch module ;) [23:21] :-) [23:24] argh, I tried adding that custom icon for wiki toolbar, but ... [23:25] ... "text" from "text-align" in here {DIV(style="text-align: justify")}... is replaced by the selected text when clicking at the button... :-/ [23:25] argh :D [23:25] u need the plugin alias then [23:26] fairly easy to set up one [23:26] ok, too much for me, so late at night. No problem: there won't be a justify-text button [23:26] tomorrow ;) [23:27] maybe in some days time :-) (tomorrow: pretty busy day before the conference) [23:27] thanks for feedbck and tips, luciash [23:27] g'night [23:27] *** xavi has left "Leaving." [23:27] i can do it for u [23:27] too late :) [23:51] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [23:52] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) [23:52] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [23:52] *** Raevn has left [23:53] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [23:53] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) [23:54] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [23:55] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [23:56] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) [23:57] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away