CIA-60: tikiwiki: [FIX] target attribute being removed by HTML purifier making popupLinks feature
tikiwiki: and links set to use target attribute in wysiwyg not work. I know this not XHTML
tikiwiki: strict compliant but if these features are to work we have to use these
tikiwiki: relegated things for now
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luciash: nkoth: the mass search and replace is great tool !
nkoth: luciash: glad you like it
luciash: nkoth: is it on purpose that it doesn't send email notifications when pages are changed ? (to prevent flooding ?)
nkoth: luciash: yes
luciash: nkoth: little bug → "Max number of pages at a time: 20" returns 10 pages instead of 20 but down there is pagination showing "Page: 1/28"
nkoth: it means "pages"
wiki pages
luciash: yes, but why 10 when i set 20
nkoth: not the normal meaning of pages
not sure. I thought I tested that :)
luciash: oh, you mean 10 *whole* wiki pages
nkoth: right
luciash: not 10 matches on wiki pages, ok
nkoth: right
luciash: so the rest of the pagination must be the last 13 pages with matches
nope, it seems something is wrong there ;)
Kimberlee: night all
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luciash: now i set 1 page max and it lists 1/552 on the pagination
and returns nothing on the first page
nkoth: try on
nkoth: what are you searching for?
luciash: when i set max 2 pages, it returns two results on one page on the first page of results and shows "Page: 1/276" down there
for TikiWiki
Case sensitive
nkoth: let me look a the code
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nkoth: I think something is wrong with the pagination
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nkoth: luciash do you have access to the server?
luciash: probably :(
maybe yes
for svn up ?
nkoth: I think the problem is simply that maxRecords is not a smarty var
and neither is offset
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30332 10/branches/6.x/tiki-search_replace.php: [FIX] Paginatin not working (or rather working crazy)
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-: luciash svn ups doc
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luciash: wb Sug4r
nkoth: hmm, the result seems to be the same
on r30332
nkoth: can it be affected by ajax ?
nkoth: maybe the pagination is broken in general?
I'm trying to load listpages. one sec
luciash: hopefully not another regression
nkoth: why is it set at 2000?
that's slow
luciash: nkoth: no idea, isn't it default predefined by you ?
nkoth: you go to
the default rows to show is 2000
luciash: oh
nkoth: and if I change it to 20
luciash: doh, no idea who set it up so
nkoth: well at least the pagination is right there
there is 64 pages
luciash: it seems right there too:
nkoth: I'm useing the exat same pagination there
luciash: weird
nkoth: the only difference is that each "row" in my case could have multiple sub-rows for each match
maybe the update is not reflecred yet?
luciash: should we try to set it from 2000 to something lower on doc.t.o ?
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luciash: no, the update has finished on doc.t.o
-: luciash clearing tiki cache just to be sure
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30333 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 3 dirs): wordpress importer: improve attachments importation
luciash: nkoth: no change
nkoth: is maybe I have to assign_by_ref
where else is pagination used?
luciash: tiki-view_articles.php?offset=10
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luciash: many places
nkoth: let me try my server
luciash: everywhere :D
nkoth: oh I see
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nkoth: luciash: now I got the count right, but clicking on a page number, the thing spin forever in ajax
do you know the trick?
luciash: hmm, i am afraid i don't
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luciash: ajax + xajax on ?
nkoth: only ajax I think
luciash: on doc.t.o is xajax on too... i think it is required to make the pagination work properly
try if u enable it
ajax only is just for stuff like ajax preview in wiki pages edit etc.
nkoth: ok, it's a separate bug (articles also not working)
let me try xajax
well it's on
let me see if articles pagination is working on doc
luciash: hmm, i think yes, at least it works on info.t.o
with xajax
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nkoth: hm on doc, list_articles looks weird if I reduce the number of rows
only show 1 article
in info, though, the links are different
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30334 10/branches/proposals/5.x/templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl:
tikiwiki: backport r29945 and r30157
tikiwiki: [FIX]article: do not need to confirm on preview ans save
tikiwiki: [FIX] articles: missing needToConfirm=false on cancel button
nkoth: info does not have the bug
luciash: could it be affected by your 30332 ?
info is still on 30331
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luciash: nkoth: i can svn up info for u if u want
nkoth: no
i have a problem on tiki-list_articles
luciash: ah, right, u commited only tiki-search_replace
nkoth: luciash: ok, it's debug print_r interfering with ajax
luciash: oh :-p
nasty one
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30335 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] pagination for global search and replace
nkoth: ok ^
luciash: :)
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luciash: nkoth: svnupping doc
grmbl, still not there
why it doesn't work on doc.t.o ?
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r30336 10/trunk/lib/prefs/user.php: [DOC] Improve hint based on forum feedback (and my own confusion).
nkoth: luciash: it works for me now
luciash: oh
lemme re-check
nope, still, when i search for TikiWiki, "Case sensitive", "Max number of pages ...: 2"
i get Accueil page in the results and pagination showing "Page: 1/276"
nkoth: where it works for you ?
nkoth: on doc
luciash: ?
nkoth: yes
luciash: what u get ?
nkoth: if you set to 1, you get 1 "page" with 552 pages
luciash: Page 1/1 ?
nkoth: Page 1/552
oh i see
I only fixed the case insensitive version
luciash: i am confused now... i thought you limit the number of results of "wiki pages" to be listed
ok :)
nkoth: well, the case sensitive version is not so bad, it is better than before
but there are blank pages
I mean pages with less than one
luciash: i see
can u fix the case sensitive one too please ? :)
the case insensitive one behaves nicely now
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marclaporte: polom
-: marclaporte is wondering what is a good way to use a jQuery plugin that is not in the core?
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30337 10/branches/6.x/ (templates/tiki-search_replace.tpl tiki-search_replace.php): [FIX] Show message for matches that were not case-sensitive to avoid confusion and also avoid duplication of hidden fields
luciash: marclaporte: just place it somewhere and then add it (the <script type="text/javascript" src=... ) from L&F > Custom HEAD
marclaporte: then put your jQuery code in Miscellaneous tab
marclaporte: any docs on this?
luciash: nope
what jQuery plugin is it
marclaporte: jquery.easing.min.js and jquery.lavalamp.min.js
you have mail
luciash: u got reply
nkoth: hm, it is not easy to sustract the matches which were not case sensitive before creating the pagination instead of showing the message ?
nkoth: luciash: no
not easy
luciash: ok, better than nothing :) thank you !
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marclaporte: ok luciash I tried one more thing
luciash: marclaporte: maybe it needs to be added at the end of document as the others via smarty {jq}
what should it do btw ?
marclaporte: it makes the menu like a lava lamp
luciash: logged in there
marclaporte: it should do top horizontal menu like this
chealer thinks it's an order thing
luciash: ul
it says lot of errors jQuery is not defined to me here in my console
marclaporte: so jquery.lavalamp.min.js is too high on page?
luciash: maybe, let me try something
marclaporte: on the demo that worked, jquery was also included high on page
above easing and lavalamp
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30338 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki/editlib.php: [FIX] In IE7, wysiwyg editor keeps on adding absolute path to links. Need to remove
marclaporte: luciash : are you winning?
luciash : can I try something? ( I don't want to conflict with your attempt)
luciash: trying still
just a moment
marclaporte: k
chealer: luciash: the best situation we had was an error about jQuery being undefined, due to jquery easing being included before jQuery.
luciash: marclaporte: the CDN for Google is broken
switched it off and the errors are gone
chealer: luciash: the problem is I don't see how to put HTML (JS) lower (under jQuery) using Look & Feel Custom code
I would know how to do it editing tiki.tpl
luciash: hmm, right, but why the others do work even when jquery-min.js is under them ?
chealer: luciash: that's a good question, though the others are apparently not declared the same way. for example, autocomplete start
;(function($) { $.fn.extend({...
luciash: well, i just workarounded it
by adding the same call to jquery above the two
chealer: while jQuery easing starts
luciash: <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
marclaporte: not definitely "the right" way but it works
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marclaporte: for this step, we don't need clean solution
but I don't see the laval menu working though
luciash: what is Backout ?
i don't see it in the examples
marclaporte: Plugin jq cannot be executed.
I will activate plugin
luciash: maybe it will not be necessary
but you can
marclaporte: done
svn diff templates/tiki-user_cssmenu.tpl is where the action is
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30339 10/branches/6.x/lib/smarty_tiki/block.textarea.php: [FIX] Textarea: Missing space in timeout warning
luciash: marclaporte: ok, done, the only problem was with loading jquery before
marclaporte: Smarty error: [in evaluated template line 5]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: $(".menuPrinc1").lavaLamp({ fx: "backout", speed: 800 (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 446)
Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3613 - - Image plugin editor not working with Wysiwyg in IE -
luciash: or not ? damn... it is gone again :)
chealer: a {literal} is needed in Custom HTML <head> Content
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luciash: chealer: ok, either that or i used the jq smarty block in the end of code custom code
marclaporte: you can choose what u prefer
marclaporte: quick, let's document :-)
luciash: i have to go
it is 6:49 in the morning here
need some nap
c u later guys
marclaporte: oh
just so you know
it works as admin
but not as a registered user
that is what stumped us
if you SU to user gviger2, the menu is no longer lavalamp
but good night!
luciash: maybe it has different class for registered users ?
try #cssmenu1 instead of .menuPrinc1
nn :)
yes, it is #cssmenu0 :-p use .cssmenu_horiz
marclaporte: luciash: tks!
chealer: thanks, good night luciash
it does have different classes
thanks a lot, I was wondering
luciash: that fixed it
marclaporte: Thanks you!!!
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Finnberg: Hi, I'll just ask away since intense googling didn't really prove results
our fresh 5.3 installation is looping at the admin login, once we punch in the admin&pass, it just kicks us back to the front page without a login on
as if there's no session handling on or something like that
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chibaguy: polom
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Problems with db and version checking. -
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30340 10/branches/6.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: [FIX]layout: #fixedwidth has moved
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xavi: polom
chibaguy around?
jonnyb: hi xavi
xavi: hi jonnyb
poster made already :-) Phew!
ricks99: hi xav & jonnyb
xavi: and sent to the plotter
jonnyb: hi ricks99
xavi: hi ricks99
jonnyb: when's your presentation thing, xavi? (or whatever it was)
xavi: tomorrow afternoon/evening
tonight I'm travelling down south of Spain
chibaguy: hi xavi
xavi: hi Gary
I was wondering if you could make a simple wiki page in themes.t.o describing the known changes in themes styles between tiki5 and tiki6
so that other can contribute there (if anyone else finds out any other changes worth reporting)
I recall that there was something like that for tiki2->tiki3, tiki3->tiki4, ...
chibaguy: I did already, I think (hard to keep track of where my wiki pages are).
xavi: he he, I guessed so :-)
but since I didn't see that page from the menus at the homepage, I thought that it might be missing
to me, all those pages shuld be linked from the homepage somewhere
plus linked from doc.t.o/Upgrade, etc
you could (just a proposal) rename all those pages to include "Upgrade" in the page name...
xavi: and then, just add some module menupage in some side column (for instance), which has some TITLESEARCH plugin, listing pages with "Upgrade"
ricks99: should be linked from rel notes , too
chibaguy: Yes, good ideas.
The page isn't comprehensive at all, so far.
Just some major things that changed.
sylvieg: hello
can we add that #fixedwidth changed place
xavi: ok, do you mind If I rename that paged as "Upograde" (easier to remember and find), adn add the current name as an alias?
and also, I noticed that faulkner.css from Tiki5, when used in Tiki6, had side columns displayed below the center column
rename to Upgrade
chibaguy: Just "Upgrade"?
xavi: chibaguy: do you mind If I do that tyding up a bit in themes.t.o?
I'0m already logged in and ready to tidy up upgrade-related things
chibaguy: Go ahead and make changes. :-)
xavi: the easier, the better to remember and to find, type in url, etc.
thanks :-)
chibaguy: I'm just thinking that the page is specific to CSS, and Upgrade sounds like for general upgrades.
xavi: ok, we might split in other pages, fo each part ...
or even using some structure for Upgrade-related pages in themes.t.o
chibaguy: Ah, looking again, it isn't specific to CSS.
xavi: there are some other pages (somewher) in themes.t.o related to upgrades between previous tiki releases
ok, page renamed and alilases added so former links work
now, proceeding to add that link in to the menus under "Themes" section
(that's where I have always expectd to find that page, and never did until today :-) )
ok, link to upgrade, added in the horizontal menu
chibaguy: Ok. I've been meaning to revise the navigation and info at themes.t.o. Just too much else to do.
xavi: yes, I can figure it out :-)
jonnyb: hey sylvieg - finally got to go through some tests on trackerlist not doing force_compile - all his stuff seems to work without it, but i'm sure i put it in there as the only way to get something to work, so i'll convert it to a param for 6.0 - ok?
xavi: do you know (from the top of your head) why faulkner could have side columns below the central column?
@chibaguy ^
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chibaguy: probably its tiki.tpl is missing.
sylvieg: thx jonnyb - it was my todo for this morning - but if you want to do ... perfomance will be better
jonnyb: about 10x faster!
sylvieg: more or less if I look at kcachegrind
xavi: thanks, Gary, I'll look some evening :-)
sylvieg: 10 is a little exagerated - but you can see the improvment without mesuring it
-: xavi doesn'thave access to that server from here
chibaguy: I'm doing a quick check in a tiki 6 site. Faulkner works ok (at least at first glance) in Tiki 6.
xavi: ah, ok, my problem, then (your hypothesis is a good one :-) )
chibaguy: Its tiki.tpl (and probably other files) probably need some updating, but mainly for minor details, I think.
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30341 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [MOD] trackerlist: Make Smarty force_recompile optional, as for most pretty tracker scenarios it is unnecessary and very slow (thanks Sylvie)
jonnyb: sylvieg: can you check r30341 to see if i did it right pls?
xavi: jonnyb, in the workshop I did yesterday with users from xarx@ntoni (willing to migrate their blogger users from wordpress to Tiki, etc.)...
... we saw that email with password (jn theory) re-set didn't work (password param empty in the url)
jonnyb: oh?
xavi: is this similar to the issue reported in dev.t.o/tiki6 about validating users not working, etc.?
jonnyb: confirmed elsewhere?
xavi: Ok, I'll test somewhere else
sylvieg: jonnyb: thx working (I still have all the trace on my local :-))
jonnyb: not really - that was using admin approval for new registrations
sylvieg - thanks
xavi: ah, ok, any way, more testing underway right now... (if confirmed that it's not working,that should be addressed )
coaboa: hi all.
jonnyb: hi coaboa
chibaguy: In tiki 5, do jquery scripts need any adjusting? I'm getting an error 'jQuery is not defined' when using an outside jquery script.
jonnyb? ^^
xavi: :-) chibaguy, yes, in tiki 5 you need "jq" (afaik), but in Tiki6 onwards, no need for that
chibaguy: ah, ok, thanks.
jonnyb: in 5 you need to use $jq
xavi: in case it helps ^
jonnyb: yup
exacto! :)
xavi: that is explained in theory here: and probably, doc.t.o/Tiki6
jonnyb, I can't confirm that error in my server at uni: url contains actpass param as expected
somewhere else might be interfering in the other server :-/
I'll try again in the other server
jonnyb: i'll try - 2 mins
just worked ok for me on
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xavi_: mmmm, visiting tiki6 sites is a dangerous activity! (epiphany crashed when I attempted to visit the other tiki6 site :-/ )
changi|away: hi
coaboa: I have an option to invite Dr. Marighetti who wanted me to start the "project-managment-contribution-by-author-cclight" thing at tikifest berlin as noted at for Saturday th 13th of November. He could there explain some of our ideas behind that. He worked as a professor of philosophy, as partner for McKinsey Consulting, Manager for Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank and so on now running his own Consulting firm and wants to
see how collaboration could be brought to the next level (utilizing tiki of course). He could held a short presentation on the philosophy behind his visions. If his family is not killing him when visiting berlin at weekends ;-)
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changi: jonnyb: you remember my icon problem with avi files ?
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changi: jonnyb: in fact, it only failed when using php5-imagick and not php5-gd
coaboa: amette or marclaporte: would that fit?
JoernOtt: coaboa, I think it would be a nice option to see the vision of a businessman/non-programmer
especially as he has the executive view, this could give us some clues what others want from tiki
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30342 10/trunk/ (19 files in 12 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30312 to 30341
jonnyb: hi changi - it's a very odd thing
i did some changes locally and got them working again, but then - without committing or updating anything, other servers started working!
it's something to do with the e-tag caching - and maybe switching image libs makes that change...?
marclaporte: coaboa: yes, absolutely
I am __very__ interested
and besides, WikiFest is open space, people propose anything and people can go to anything
he should just be aware it's typically more a discussion than a formal presentation
JoernOtt: Marc, I think that he will present his ideas/views and then discuss them with people
jonnyb: has anyone noticed any Bad Things in trunk that might be connected to jquery/jquery-ui?
(mainly worse than in 6.x)
JoernOtt: the few minutes I have seen him and what I've heard from Carsten, he is quite interested in the exchange of views
brb/helping my brother out
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coaboa: JoernOtt: I think thats it. and maybe also an option for bbb in action?
xavi_: jonnyb: antibot verfication code seems gone in
and it used to work months ago in tiki6, afair
jonnyb: yes, they seem to come and go (not a js thing though)
xavi_: ok
jonnyb: i think the change to recaptcha was not quite finished (sadly)
xavi_: but there should be some captcha fallback (when no recaptcha ), and it was working, afair
chibaguy: where should the link to the external javascript go? I made the compatibility changes, but it seems the external script is loading before jquery.js.
jonnyb: hmmmm, good question chibaguy
i'd put it in the JS itself
do $jq.getScript()
(check the styles/custom.js on tampa)
chibaguy: mm, ok. thanks.
what do you mean by do $jq.getScript()? sorry.
ricks99: is there a way to automatically get/display the user *ID* ? in a similar way to the |userlink modifier?
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HideMe: If I change the location of a file in a file gallery, will the URL change be reflected in any Wiki page that links to it?
sylvieg: ricks99: no but it could be easy to duplicate lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.username.php
HideMe: fileId does not change
ricks99: y, thats what i was going to do... but wanted to see if there was an exiting way, first.
sylvieg: so if you used fileId it should be ok
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30343 10/branches/6.x/lang/ca/language.js: adding some new js strings seen at registration time (to see if they support current i18n)
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Configuring User Validation Issue -
chibaguy: Using the JQ plugin, should you see the javascript in normal HTML in the page source?
In my page, it is missing completely.
jonnyb: should do chibaguy - somewhere near the bottom of the page
chibaguy: oh, ok. thanks again.
HideMe: sylvieg, wha? It does, or it doesn't?
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dancingbuddha: hi
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coaboa: I' ve seen buddha ;-)
jonnyb: bbl
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xavi_: HideMe: syvlieg menas that there is no URL change
HideMe: k thanks
sylvieg: HideMe: depends of the type of link you use in the wiki page...
xavi ;-)
suppose you are not doind stuoid link like files/23423423423424234
xavi_: so HideMe: if you are using filegalleries and the Tiki interface to move them some some gal to some other,etc. the url to the file is maintained
jonnyb and sylvieg: about language.js, shouldn't we have one in ./lang/en/language.js , so that it's easier for other users to get one reference one with all the possible js label to translate for them?
I see that there is no language.js there (brancehs/6x/lang/en/ )
and right now, I had to figure out which other strings I was missing ...
or even better, that get_strings.php fetches those translatable labels and write this language.js file accordingly (for Tiki7 ?)
anyway, ... I'm considering to add that english to english language.js file to the en folder...
as a starting point for 6.0, at least
-: xavi_ will do "the wiki way"
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sylvieg: +1 xavi
jonnyb : I have a $(document).ready(function(){ - do the ' around document necessary?
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30344 10/branches/6.x/lang/en/language.js: [FIX]Usability issue: no js file was found under the en folder, so that it was not easy to guess that this file exists, and which strings in js files can be translated (at least, the ones in here :-) )
xavi_: jonnyb, that site with failing password resent was using tikihash (old) method. That might be the reason (maybe it's not supported by the code in Tiki6)
I'll change to md5, and try again
-: sylvieg does not think it is the reason
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Large Response time for each Transaction -
xavi_: newbie question: wasn't there some setting to fore external links to oepn in new browser windows?
-: xavi_ can't find it
sylvieg: Open external links in new window in admin->textarea
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30345 10/branches/6.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX]fgal: when moving a file in another fgal, move also the archive (Perhaps todo? delete the archive id the fgal does not accept archive?)
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michelinux: Hi everybody.
Is there a way to format (bold, italic, etc.) within a {CODE()} block?
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lphuberdeau: I think there is a parameter to wiki-parse the content
xavi_: ok, thanks sylvieg, I had that checked,, but it doesn't seem to apply to external links in menus
ricks99: @xavi: u want a menu link to open in a new window? need to add: ' target='_blank to the URL
michelinux: lphuberdeau: I found it. Just need to add wiki=1. Thanks a lot!
xavi_: thanks, ricks99 , nice trick
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lphuberdeau: I don't really like that trick, it's really using a whole in the parser
xavi_: ricks99: it didn't work. I got'%20target='_blank
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30346 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_file.php: [FIX]FILE: display the name or the filename of the fileId if no data is given to avoid a link on a space
xavi_: I'll try with " instead of '
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lphuberdeau: you can use jquery to do it... add it in the side code or something... $jq('.external').attr('target', '_blank')
sylvieg: I do not like the trick too - but it is an open way to put whatever.. perhaps we need to keep the trick but add a param in menu option 'open in this window'
lphuberdeau: well, it's not guaranteed by the syntax and I will have no problem with breaking it when I play in the parser
xavi_: sylvieg's solution seems the safest and easiest for users in the mid-term (thanks lphuberdeau!, I may try that if with " doesn't work)
sylvieg: people use it as it is documented..
luciash: polom polom
ricks99: sorry xavi. use " not '" target="_blank
xavi_: ricks99: yes, it works with "
ricks99: will work fine
lphuberdeau: the wiki syntax isn't supposed to be some dialect of HTML
xavi_: thanks
lphuberdeau: if you know other nice jq tricks, please contribute to this page, please :-)
ricks99: it also allows u to add scripting elements to menu options
very useful "feature"
lphuberdeau: not a trick, just code I made up
xavi_: ok, good to know. thanks for coding it and sharing the knowledge :-)
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JoernOt|afk is now known as JoernOtt
xavi_: mmm, do emails sent from Tiki come from different parts from the code still in version 6.0?
I mean, emails from registrations are sent (and logged at syslog)
but emails from changes in wiki pages are not (I'im watching pages, making changes). and they don't appear in the syslog either
mmm, sending the test email from "Admin > general" seems to work (and logged accordingly in tiki syslog)
but no trace of emails from monitored pages...
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luciash: chibaguy: i didn't know what jonnyb suggested (using $jq.getScript()) - nice trick... yesterday as a quick workaround i just duplicated the <script src="... pointing to jquery.js before custom calls of js
xavi_: jonnyb: another user reporting issues with registration when validation by admin is set. FYI:
luciash: chibaguy: there seemed to be no other way to load jquery.js before the custom scripts called from Custom HTML Head
chibaguy: r u there still ?
jonnyb: xavi_: thx - presumably that's in 5 - i've been testing 6 and it seems ok, but i haven't fixed anything in those areas
xavi_: ok
jonnyb: ah, now there was a conflict during merging from 5.x to trunk in registration... which i don;t think was ever sorted out (the author seemed to be expecting me to do it)
so 6 will be different to 5 in some way (mails were on devels)
xavi_: ok
sylvieg, I don't seem to be able to use the loading of drop-down+other tracker fields when shown through PluginTracker (in current 6.x)
did I dream it, or you did fix that once weeks ago?
sylvieg: example:
jonnyb: just committing the update for jquery and jquery-ui to 6.x again - either i have to make it work or roll it back entirely.
chibaguy: hi luciash
luciash: jonnyb: good luck
jonnyb: the odd thing is i've been testing trunk (which had the updates) and the problems i got in 6.x weren't happening
luciash: chibaguy: hi :)
sylvieg: xavi which field?
jonnyb: so can people update and have a go - i'll even get IE running to check! :)
luciash: chibaguy: just wanted to let you know i have finally pulled Tiki 6 via svn on a2hosting
chibaguy: it works fine so far (just one error after installer about openbasedir but it seem to got "fixed" itself)
chibaguy: ah, ok.
is it shared hosting?
luciash: chibaguy: it's virtual shared iirc
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30347 10/branches/6.x/lib/:
tikiwiki: [SVN] Release the revision fix on lib/jquery as other things need to be updated (sheet and colorbox at least).
tikiwiki: Cannot easily test without committing, so will be heavily testing for next couple of hours.
luciash: chibaguy: has svn etc. and lot of stuff via cpanel
chibaguy: nice
luciash: chibaguy: i will let u know how it goes with performance once i fill it with some content
chibaguy: ok thanks. is the price pretty good?
luciash: it's about $5.5 now
they get monthly actions
chibaguy: i see
luciash: i got it for some little cheaper during summer
i got the "Executive" plan
i think it was 40% off
sylvieg: luciash: do you have ssh access?
luciash: chibaguy: surprisingly i didn't have to run after doing svn checkout
sylvieg: yes
sylvieg: cool
luciash: chibaguy: and the installer worked
chibaguy: great
luciash: chibaguy: they're also listed on
xavi_: sylvieg, any field which is "drop down + other" (there are many)
sylvieg: they were not saved for that item yet, so that I epxected to see them with default values, even if the itemId is already created in a previous seection of the tracker
do you know what I mean, sylvieg? is this going to be possible? (wasn't it wokring already like this weeks ago? )
-: xavi_ confused
luciash: chibaguy: memory limit is 128M by default
-: sylvieg thought I fixed that ...
xavi_ thought that also...
xavi_: but must have broken again last week or so...
-: luciash going to try that $jq.getScript
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chibaguy: Somewhere I'm making a mistake with $jq.getScript, maybe how it is used with the rest of the script code, but too late to think more about it tonight.
xavi_: btw, for direct references (in the acknowledgements), you might like to see the final version of the poster (luciash d'being, lphuberdeau, sylvieg, rodrigo_sampaio...):
the whole Tiki & R communities are cited as "friendly developer community" :-)
bbl (go to pick the poster in paper from the shop)
luciash: chibaguy: just put it in {jq}{/jq} in the custom end body code for example
xavi_: thanks
xavi_: back (change of plans)
luciash: xavi_: LOL
xavi_: np, luciash , thanks to you and all who helped for PluginR
I need quit in short, and then, get the poster, and go teaching before airport tonight
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30348 10/third_party/jquery/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] jquery: updating color box to 1.3.13
jonnyb: luciash: that jq update on 6.x should fix your chrome problem in 6.x
luciash: jonnyb: w00t :)
xavi_: good luck with your trip and presentation and all
jonnyb: can you test js stuff generally a bit too? i i'm not around for 4 or 5 days so if the jquery update i just did is bad i won't be able to fix it after about 4 hours time...
yes, good luck xavi_ !
xavi_: thanks jonnyb and luciash
chibaguy: ok luciash I'll try that.
luciash: jonnyb: yea
xavi_: c u all
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luciash: jonnyb: doesn't seem to work the $jq.getScript() method
jonnyb: huh? worked last time i used it
Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3614 - - Tiki produces wrong links -
luciash: jonnyb: ah, huh, sorry, have to reload L&F twice to get it correctly loaded
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: tracker field gets garbled data -
sylvieg: does somebody know the syntax for the body parameter of a plugin alias?
chealer: polom
jonnyb: 'lom chealer
sylvieg: the wish one on dev uses that i think - i copied it locally and it seemed to work
chibaguy: g'night all.
jonnyb: nite chibaguy
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jonnyb: nkoth: you about?
looking at the IE thing (yum!)
nkoth: yes
luciash: chibaguy:
nkoth: my other email is almost back up :)
jonnyb: the recommended thing for 6.0 is not to use plugins in wysiwyg - use the html image button instead
luciash: chibaguy's gone (he's so lazy!) - i'm not sure that will work...
does lavalamp depend on easing?
nkoth: jonnyb: hmm. but it works fine in firefox :) Anyway I need to get this working so if you have some pointers let me know.
sylvieg: jonnyb on
chealer: jonnyb: it seems to suggest/recommend easing
jonnyb: sylvieg: yes
luciash: jonnyb: i just pasted example which works for me for gary
so it seems needed in this case (fx backout)
sylvieg: jonnyb: I can use some help - I can not find out
jonnyb: chealer/luciash - if you want lavalamp to load after easing you need to put that 2nd getScript statement in the onload function for the first one, so nest them
luciash: in that example you might or might not get the easing bit - depending on load times etc
luciash: jonnyb: ah
so just chain them ?
jonnyb: yup
luciash: or really nest is necessary (with function() {})
chealer: aha
jonnyb: thanks, I hadn't heard about getScript
jonnyb: like this:
luciash: jonnyb: simple chain doesn't work
jonnyb: yes, not chaining but nesting, i mean
luciash: thought so :) thanks
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30349 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_attach.php: Plugin ATTACH: clarify description of page parameter
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30350 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_file.php:
tikiwiki: Plugin FILE:
tikiwiki: clarify how to use
tikiwiki: [FIX] remove absolute dependency on feature_wiki_attachments, since FILE now also supports files from galleries
tikiwiki: I'm not sure about the way it now complains when feature_wiki_attachments is actually missing.
amette: coaboa: excellent! Please invite him and make a note about who he is on the wikifest page :)
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lphuberdeau: chealer: there is still a feature check in the body of the plugin
chealer: lphuberdeau: yes, I added it to replace the absolute dependency declared in the plugin info function. now it's only checked if using an attachment (or actually, if not using a file from a gallery, which should mean an attachment is being used). there's still a lot of room of improvement on that plugin in terms of validation
(hi rodrigo_sampaio :-) )
rodrigo_sampaio: hi chealer and lphuberdeau
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30351 10/branches/6.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] wysiwyg: Plugin dialog not appearing first time on IE
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30352 10/branches/6.x/lib/ (ckeditor_tiki/plugins/tikiplugin/plugin.js tiki-js.js): [FIX] wysiwyg: More defensive code to handle IE behaviour concerning text selection.
jonnyb: nkoth: try those two - helps in IE here
nkoth: jonnyb: ok will try but in the middle of something else right now so maybe in an hour or so
jonnyb: ok, thanks
still got the appearing at the top thing, but fewer JS errors on the way :)
nkoth: eys I did notice the first js error that make it not appear 1st time
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30353 10/branches/6.x/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] French Admin Cache: replace "&" with "et" and avoid HTML special chars encoding issue for free
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Same Tiki, different DB? -
chealer: I'm getting a JS error with minify on missing ; before statement Line 1074
{$.eachAsync(this,opts);return this;}}...rength","Valid User Name":"Valid User
Disable minify avoids, so I'll leave it disabled for now
luciash: minify is always tricky thing :-/
either with JS or CSS
problem with CSS is that it may break some CSS hacks/workarounds
and bigger problem with CSS minify is even when you do minify in one file... because then you have no control of the order the CSS gets in and no control of overriding (last rule wins)
jonnyb: chealer: is there
chealer: jonnyb: what do you mean? my mind is vague on what we do with CDN-s.
jonnyb: oh
jonnyb: you pasted it
odd, no?
chealer: jonnyb: like I'd need to clear cache on the CDN instead :-?
jonnyb: hmm, not sure - never seen that before - changi ?
chealer: jonnyb: everything seems to come from there
jonnyb: confirmed i'm now getting a parse error on js minify, so checking the recent changes :(
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30354 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_twitter.php: [NEW]twitter: plugin to display a tweet
jonnyb: seems to need fixing about every 3 days...
chealer: looks like that async error is right on the last line (and it hasn't changed since before 5.0)
aha, it's the new stuff xavi added to the custom.js
no sorry - language.js
chealer: jonnyb: hum, so minify would create a single file for all language, showing language-specific bugs everywhere?
jonnyb: no, needs excluding from minify
chealer: jonnyb: I can't see problems in the 2 language.js files in 6.x (es and ca) at first look
luciash: google chrome sucks when it comes to unresponsive pages/scripts :-/
sorry for the public rant
chealer: I thought that was supposed to be its main strong point
luciash: it makes my whole desktop unresponsive then :( (100% CPU)
so don't wonder when i don't reply immediately your questions... it's my desktop is stuck thanks to chrome or some of its extensions :-p
chealer: jonnyb: "{$.eachAsync(this,opts);return this;}})(jQuery)lang"...
there's a semi-colon missing between jQuery and "lang"
jonnyb: yup, that's what i thought
chealer: jonnyb: I'm sure I've already seen this too, quite a bit ago as you say. can't remember if we had solved it
jonnyb: adding one in front of lang={ in the language files fixes it
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30355 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: notice
chealer: the first statement looks like a jQuery plugin, unfortunately all I know about those is they have weird syntax
jonnyb: oh yeah, I think we had that when one jQuery plugin had a bug
jonnyb: I think it was jQuery.sheet missing a semi-colon. we were in OVC hack labs and it was fixed by the time we found what was the issue, we just had to update externals.
jonnyb: async not updated since 2008
going to fix your copy of it in trird_party and add a note to the readme
chealer: jonnyb: I have to go, bbl
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Module Page is not shown correctly -
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30356 10/third_party/jquery/ (jquery-tiki-readme.txt jquery.async.js): [FIX] js minify: Adding trailing semicolon to 3rd party lib jquery.async.js - broken minify when other JS added after it (like language.js)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30357 10/branches/6.x/lang/en/language.js: [MOD] language.js: Comment English translation strings to save a little memory and processing.
-: luciash going to test jonnyb's jquery commits (finally)
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fabricius: Polom
jonnyb: thanks luciash - i have about 2 hours left...
polom fabricius
fabricius: amette and me updated and restructured the WikiFestBln Website, feel welcome to have a look, sign up and add your projects / issues. and
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30358 10/branches/6.x/lib/ckeditor_tiki/plugins/tikiplugin/plugin.js: [FIX] wysiwyg: Lock selection in IE before showing popup plugin form so it gets inserted in the right place (more often).
jonnyb: nkoth: another fix for IE - should help the multiplying images problem on your wish
nkoth: jonnyb: cool will test together shortly
jonnyb: same thing is probably needed elsewhere - checking (like tikilink)
nkoth: so far internal wiki links have been inserting correcly for me
luciash: jonnyb: can we use ajax + xajax and still have opt-out to use the classic preview while editing wiki pages ?
nkoth: but the selection was not selecting the text before though
but that's minor
jonnyb: i got an error straight off
not currently - it's tied to autosave actually, so disabling that will stop it
nkoth: I have autosave on
jonnyb: but have you tried the popup window mode of it?
nkoth: no
popup window mode?
jonnyb: sorry - replying to luciash
re preview
luciash: jonnyb: ah, autosave, ok
coaboa: hi fabricius: the page projects is now meaningless unless a vistor checked the subpages camp and hack? Why not put content of both back on projects?
luciash: goddamnit, why is the layout broken again on branch6 ?
jonnyb: luciash: if you want all the js etc to work in preview you can open it in a popup window (the green arrow next to the mode dropdown)
luciash: ah, sorry, seems my browser fault
resizing window fixed it :-p
jonnyb: (phew!)
luciash: jonnyb: ok
fabricius: hi coaboa when you watch the left menu, you will see direct links to both pages
just didn´t renamed or deleted, in the case s.b. had ((projects)) as a bookmark or so
I am not emotional on that, but in my understanding, hacking projects (coders sitting together and discuss code or hack) and camp projects (doing presentations and discuss user related stuff)
would be two different things.
amette: yes, they basically are - but in the beginning we might want to put them on one page
as we don't have too many projects yet
coaboa: ;-) to much structure gets content hidden
amette: and as wikicamp stuff might be strongly connected to wikihack stuff or resulting out of it
yup, yup - well said :)
fabricius: I look at it from the view of a user / author, who is not yet able to code - perhabs if we put it on one page and make kind of a toc (didn´t think on that)
coaboa: +1
fabricius: I could do that and after amette deletes the other two pages
amette: yes, we have that now with the menu page, right?
which pages need to be deleted?
fabricius: moment - first I copy stuff back to projects - give me two minutes - then delete "hack projects" and "camp projects" - please wait a sec
luciash: sylvieg: around ?
jonnyb: i think the jquery update has broken autosave... going to rollback to 1.4.2
IE strangely ok still though...
luciash: jonnyb: nooo, i get no js errors so far :)
jonnyb: i am not sure if u updated colorbox ?
jonnyb: i get a "can't remove autosave" on saving or cancelling an edit
luciash: but it behaves nicely here
jonnyb: yes, colorbox now up to date
luciash: ah, i forgot i have still overwrote the files locally with the new colorbox
ah, k, i will rather remove them and re-svn up them
fabricius: amette: done - merged to projects, you can delete the other two now
luciash: jonnyb: hmm, svn up did overwrote them it seems (the local changes)... at least svn status --ignore-externals doesn't show them as M
jonnyb: no, they're in an external
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Login integration with Joomla? -
luciash: jonnyb: will the colorbox stay fixed (for chrome) if you rollback jquery ?
jonnyb: right, but it doesn't show any M files either, so should be fine
jonnyb: yes, i removed the fixed revision in 6.x (hence the jquery update)
yes, will be the same as yours (the README changed too)
amette: fabricius: "hack projects" and "camp projects" removed all versions - done
fabricius: thx amette and coaboa
luciash: jonnyb: great
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luciash: jonnyb: perfect, this works nicely now on wiki pages: {img fileId=1 thumb=y rel="box[g];" title="%name% - %description%"}
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: HTTP > HTTPS redirect broken -
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30359 10/branches/6.x/lib/ajax/autosave.js: [FIX] autosave: ignore sprurious ajax error, now happening on save or cancel after the jquery 1.4.3 update. The autosave still gets removed ok, it seems...
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30360 10/branches/6.x/lib/ (jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js tiki-js.js): [FIX] wysiwyg: Even more defensive code to handle IE behaviour.
jonnyb: changi: any way you could do a beta 3 release any time soon? (next few days? i'm busy/away)
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash or other css expert: any idea why .postbody-title (used afaik only for blog post and comment title) is basically a copy of the site header on fivealive theme?
luciash: I supposed this is not intentional and should be changed. I can change that, just checking here before to confirm if there is no reason for that.
luciash: rodrigo_sampaio: ask gary, i think it's just quick way how to have the background gradient there
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash: but now someone changed something and it is ugly :)
luciash: I wil check with gary
luciash: rodrigo_sampaio: ah, maybe it was me
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash: :D
luciash: i will check and un-uglify it (or you can if you have it on hand)
chealer: jonnyb: thanks, I re-enabled Minify JavaScript on and... there's a rarer error left
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash: if you can do that I prefer
luciash: not really sure what changed
luciash: rodrigo_sampaio: ok, i will fix what i broke
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash: thanks
luciash: rodrigo_sampaio: basically i just modified the header bg image and it is not now that huge
so maybe it is not that wide for these blog titles
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash: imho we could have something other than the bg image for blog post and comment titles
luciash: yea
rodrigo_sampaio: luciash: well, thanks anyway :)
chealer: jonnyb: when you go to an area of the admin panel, say performance, there's an AJAX-related error, a very long one
xajax_core.js (ligne 395)
jonnyb: hmmm - xajax is mucky code
didn't use to break minify though?
chealer: oh, forget that, it's not related to AJAX, it's from the minified file
jonnyb: well it is sort of - it's rapheal again
chealer: apparently another plugin-related thing. the error is not the same, it says "[huge piece of code] is not a function
yes, seems to be jquery.sheet's minified raphael
jonnyb: i see: TypeError: Result of expression near '...phael=a:Raphael=a})(...' [undefined] is not a function
chealer: jonnyb: so is that a known issue?
jonnyb: :(
it's caused a few, but i thought we fixed them
(by not minifying it)
chealer: jonnyb: maybe that's a variation of my error. I'm in Iceweasel 3.6 (Firefox)
jonnyb: probly
chealer: jonnyb: well the only Raphael files I see in 6.x at first sight are minified
jonnyb: sept7 may have "fixed" it - he emailed that he wanted to try this (i told him it didn't work)
luciash: time to add raphael properly as lib/raphael/ and link to it ?
hint hint ;)
jonnyb: that won't make it minify properly (needs fixing inside the files)
also fixing it in 6.x means more weeks of betas etc
meanwhile, i'll try and work out what's happened
chealer: jonnyb: sorry, "try this", "this"=?
or you mean he may have fixed it without commiting?
jonnyb: chealer: no, it's not changed in setup - must be an ajax problem we hadn't spotted at first
fabricius: coaboa: and JoernOtt as far as I understood by some postings in the mailinglist, you both have been quite active in german translation. I started to do so a couple of days before and would like to continue by Saturday to get most stuff done till the release.
would you both see any necessity to synchronize / to coordinate related to syntax or wording or a consistent system where to write "big" letters and where not?
could be the first task for the german language user group ;-)
ricks99: have no idea
nkoth: jonnyb: testing now wysiwyg
If I get a "Development notice: Could not fine plugin being edited. sorry. Choose cancel to debug" what doe sit mean?
btu if I click OK, the change applies
-: luciash cannot find where is the wysiwyg checkbox again - still not used to use the config search :-p
jonnyb: nkoth: looks like you ended up somewhere so odd i couldn't debug it (if you clicked cancel you;d go into the js debugger, if you have one running)
luciash: good point - wysiwyg is still in experimental - shall i move it in to "new"? (think it's good enough for that now)
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30361 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] Preparing 6 beta3
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30362 10/branches/6.x/README: [REL] Update README file for 6.0beta3
jonnyb: changi: you there?
i have one more fix (thanks to chealer ;) )
be 5 minutes
nkoth: honnyb: why is the debugger not firing?
mayev I have to restart
jonnyb: firebug? just have it open on the script tab
nkoth: no IE script ddebiugger
jonnyb: installed dev tools?
nkoth: yes
s coming
let me try again
jonnyb: should respond to the same command
you may need to turn debugging on
nkoth: it's on. yesterday when I ran into a js error, it would popup the error message asking me to debug
the normal error message that IE shows
jonnyb: but before that it's "off" i think
nkoth: today. I get your popup and when I click cancel no debugger fires
I went to advanced settings and undisabled the dubbers
jonnyb: open the devtools window and start the debugger
nkoth: I see, ok i try that
if (plugin_el.length ==1 else devugger
well the thing is that other then this message it seems to work
jonnyb: ah, that one is where it can't tell which plugin you had selected, and there's more than one of them on the page (so it can't tell which one)
nkoth: so it guesses?
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30363 10/trunk/lib/importer/ (tikiimporter_blog.php tikiimporter_blog_wordpress.php):
tikiwiki: wordpress importer: set new blog as tiki home page and close http client
tikiwiki: connection - first commit using git :-D
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30364 10/branches/6.x/lang/ (47 files in 47 dirs): [REL] Update language.php files for 6.0beta3
jonnyb: hmmm - chealer - seem to have swapped that raphael js error for another one...
rodrigo_sampaio: great! apparently git svn is working, just did my first commit (r30363) to tiki using git :D
changi: ricks99: Changelog updated with 89 new commits (revision 30360 to 30218), excluding duplicates, merges and release-related commits.
nkoth: jonny, that plugin_el.length is not 1 does not seem to affect the functionality (at least for the image plugin).
changi: jonnyb: no problem, i am at the begining
jonnyb: well done changi - thanks
i have about 30 mins left... off out soon
changi: jonnyb: you will just not be in the changelog :)
jonnyb: nkoth: that line should be commented out then for release - could you?
nkoth: ok, I comment it out
jonnyb: changi: i'll live ;)
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30365 10/branches/6.x/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 6.0beta3
ricks99: Thanks changi. i'll send out a news release when b3 is ready
changi: ricks99: should be soon, when jonnyb commit his last one :)
jonnyb: yes, sorry - it's being stubborn (firebug really doesn't like minify!)
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robertplummer: chealer: I'm getting an error on file galleries, and I have no idea how to track it down.
ricks99: seems like we're always waiting on jonnyb :)
robertplummer: chealer: url -
what do you think?
-: chealer back
robertplummer: chealer: the db is up to date, and there is no data I need in the tables, should I drop them, and then re-add them?
chealer: jonnyb: so the new isn't easier :-S
new one
hi robertplummer
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30366 10/branches/6.x/lib/headerlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] ajax/js minify: Move the logic for external and dynamic js files into getMinifiedJs so the same thing happens in ajax calls (thanks chealer)
tikiwiki: Now causes a different JS error (in admin for instance) but is more logical.
robertplummer: hey chealer, I honestly don't know who to talk to about this.
chealer: robertplummer: hum, that error message is not too helpful. in factI didn't realize we had such unhelpful messages
robertplummer: Yahoo hosting ;)
changi: chealer: agree, no sql query display or where it failed :)
jonnyb: is it ok ?
jonnyb: not quite - sort of better...
chealer: jonnyb: heh, thanks. and don't worry too much, at least pages seem mostly usable
s/mostly usable/usable and mostly working/
jonnyb: got about 5 mins left - still hoping for a little fix
changi: chealer: are you going to berlin in november ?
chealer: robertplummer: Yahoo hosting, eh...
robertplummer: yea, everything was working great.
chealer: not the ideal setup to debug something so unhelpful
robertplummer: Then I did an upgrade to the latest 6.x, about a week ago, and it went belly up.
nkoth: sheesh now the help button fails on me
chealer: nkoth: I had trouble with the editor help button in 6.x yesterday
(presumably persists)
jonnyb: nkoth: oops, sorry - i fix
changi: jonnyb: one more :)
jonnyb: nkoth: i thought i got all those in r30360
it was a fix for IE that the others didn't like
chealer: changi: presumably not. I'm in Quebec, I'm not going to Europe for 3 days. it could depend on what follows (TikiFest in UK would be nice)
changi: chealer: ok
robertplummer: Ok, I started commenting parts out of tiki-list)file_gallery.php, and I found that line 757 - 823 are killing it.
yup, I removed that chunk, and now it works (to some degree)
chealer: robertplummer: so you have no idea what happened when/before it broke?
changi: robertplummer: you are talking about the slideshow ?
robertplummer: chealer: just normal upgrade.
doing some detective work to find the culprit in that file.
chealer: robertplummer: so as soon as you updated to 6.x the file galleries broke?
robertplummer: yup
but only on this environment.
possibly a php version issue.
chealer: robertplummer: what are the error reporting settings?
changi: chealer: i'm up2date on 6 beta 2 and my filegal is working
robertplummer: they are on, both in tiki and yahoo, but neither are throwing errors.
chealer: changi: me too
robertplummer: what is it set to? is it for admins only, and what errors are reported?
robertplummer: the error you're getting comes from templates/database-connection-error.tpl
you can see what you get is the else of an if looking at these settings
Now we get the error!
I could swear I had that on!
The error: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'UNION'
Do I need to convert it all over to utf8?
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30367 10/branches/6.x/lib/smarty_tiki/block.add_help.php: [FIX] wysiwyg: Strange consequence of IE fixes breaking other browsers - one missed "destroy" (well spotted nkoth)
jonnyb: ok changi - i give in (have to go out) - the xajax minify thing will have to wait
changi: jonnyb: ok thx
robertplummer: would be better
jonnyb: i'll be back online properly in a few days - bye all
(hi robertplummer :) )
changi: jonnyb: bye
robertplummer: hey jonnyb
changi: robertplummer: be carefull if you already have some file in the database
robertplummer: I don't
just some regular site data
chealer: robertplummer: oh, I saw that one recently. I don't understand the error, but it's related to encoding.
changi: robertplummer: robertplummer just make a quick backup before
chealer: robertplummer: it shouldn't happen if your DB is UTF-8, yes
bye jonnyb
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30368 10/branches/6.x/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 6.0beta3
jonnyb: bye all
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30369 10/branches/6.x/copyright.txt: [REL] Update copyright.txt for 6.0beta3
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robertplummer: lol, firefox..... What did mozilla do?
I ran the backup, and firefox bombed because it was 28k lines....
chealer: new error when I try to convert...... "MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA not available. Your MySQL version is too old to perform this operation."
What now?
chealer: robertplummer: indeed, if you're on MySQL 4?
robertplummer: MySQL 4.1.14
chealer: robertplummer: yeah, MySQL 5 is required:
robertplummer: o come on, it runs everything else just fine
Any way I can run the upgrade on the server?
chealer: robertplummer: upgrading MySQL? I don't know Yahoo, but I hope, MySQL 4 is really obsolete.
robertplummer: No run the conversion I mean.
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30370 10/branches/6.x/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX] Remove debugging as it seems OK now
chealer: robertplummer: maybe, I don't have enough time now but you could try setting client_charset=latin1 in local.php if it's an ASCII-only website
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30371 10/branches/6.x/db/tiki-secdb_6.0_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 6.0beta3
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30372 10/tags/6.0beta3/: [REL] Tagging release
changi: robertplummer: you can do database changes by hand, and check sql query in tiki-installer
robertplummer: like chealer said, Mysql 5 is required
luciash: changi: marc requested some icons on admin panel update and i need to fix the blog posts headers background image; will they still be allowed between beta3 and RC ?
changi: luciash: no prob for me
luciash: but you have to convince Jonny :)
luciash: changi: i consider you as a vice-release manager now, when jonny is out of town ;)
robertplummer: When converting db over to uft8, how do you turn off full-text indexes?
changi: luciash: ok, as it is just image, i agree
robertplummer: It won't let me convert the fields...
columns I mean
changi: robertplummer: that's a good question
robertplummer: you mean in tiki, or in mysql directly ?
robertplummer: mysql directly....
changi: robertplummer: don't know
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luciash: hmm, after applying the recmmended WYSIWYG_6x profile, trying to blog post, there is just empty area for blog body and ajax loader indicator in the excerpt textarea, which never finishes the loading :-/
nkoth: luciash: a new post?
luciash: yep, fresh new
going to try to disable blog excerpts
nkoth: only thing I can suggest is to compare the difference between the code that renders the textarea vs wiki
luciash: Use post excerpt in blog Display Options
yeah, disabling that option "fixes" it
nkoth: ok that's good - makes sense
luciash: bad, while trying to save that new wysiwyg blog post i get JS alert: Auto Save removal returned an error: undefined
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luciash: annoying, have to "disable further alerts on this page" and then it gets saved
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30373 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/ (wikiplugin_attach.php wikiplugin_file.php): Plugins ATTACH and FILE: improve showdesc parameter input, using options (dropdown)
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30374 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_annotation.php: Plugin ANNOTATION: use options (dropdown) for align parameter
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sylvieg: how do I rename a file with svn?
rodrigo_sampaio: sylvieg: svn mv?
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sylvieg: thx rodrigo_sampaio changi is doing the job ;-)
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ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte
marclaporte: polom
a question about a fresh install of Tiki6 Beta3: tiki_p_promote_page appears
this is because installer/schema/20100727_tiki_p_promote_page.sql is run (it should have been called 20100727_tiki_p_promote_page_tiki.sql))
do I rename?
or just delete?
bcause later, it's renamed to share
luciash: appears ?
u mean perm ?
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30375 10/branches/6.x/ (12 files in 7 dirs): [FIX] Rename tiki-invit to tiki-invite
changi: i hope that jonny will accept it :)
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changi: ok, now sleeping time.
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marclaporte: luciash: yes, perm
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30376 10/branches/6.x/ (tiki-invite.php tiki-invited.php): [FIX] Rename tiki-invit to tiki-invite - missing replace
luciash: marclaporte: try this
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30377 10/branches/6.x/pics/large/ (rating.png rating48x48.png): [NEW] icons for rating admin panel
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30378 10/branches/6.x/ (tiki-invite.php tiki-invited.php): [FIX] SCRIPT_URI does not exist when using php5 in CGI
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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30379 10/branches/6.x/installer/schema/ (2 files): .sql files must end with _tiki.sql
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r30380 10/branches/6.x/tiki-invited.php: [FIX] Wrong parameter
-: changi|away beta3 is out, please test
marclaporte: luciash : perfect! there is a link to ratings at the bottom of tiki-admin.php that can be removed when you add link
luciash: i am focusing on the icons now, i will not add the panel icon now
"fixing" some others
marclaporte: ok
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chealer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Illegal Offset error when assigning permissions -
CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30381 10/branches/6.x/pics/large/ (webservices.png webservices48x48.png): [ENH] better icons for webservices admin panel
luciash: hmmmmmm, i enabled all features and now i get System error (MySQL): Table 'tikibranch6.tiki_credits_types' doesn't exist
the query was: SELECT `credit_type`, `display_text`, `unit_text`, `is_static_level`, `scaling_divisor` FROM `tiki_credits_types`
just by trying to go to tiki-admin.php
actually any tiki page :(
this is really showstopper it seems :-/
something missing in upgrade sqls ?
-: luciash trying to upgrade if he didn't miss something today
luciash: upgraded
still there
(happens only when i login - as admin currently)
Tikiwiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3615 - - Wysiwyg Image Plugin Editor in IE7 erases image on insert -
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luciash: strange, because it is in 20100817_credits_tiki.sql installer schema