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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:03]
marclaporteI have hosting accounts with Dreamhost, Bluehost, which offer shell (SSH) access [00:04]
hrsmsLittle confused by the list. The stated goal is to identify hosts that have set ups that make it difficult to use Tiki. Are the ones under "4: The List" the difficult ones or the good ones? I'll presume good.
I was heavily considering BlueHost and then read a lot of claims their customer service had gone rapidly down hill. But then again, you read the same about almost all hosts....
John_87so i editted the conf file of bbb but have to reboot my server so -_- [00:09]
hrsmsMarc, thanks for your help. You too John and Lucias (sp?). I'll try to learn some SSH commands, and I'll follow up with you and Sylie about the tracker issue by email. [00:10]
John_87lol np ^^ [00:11]
hrsmsLast note: I deleted the Developers group and tracker field. I was able to set up the same test with the existing Members group, which already had a In Group field in that tracker. Changed the name of the page "Develpers" page to "Members" [00:11]
Sug4r'help' could be way of getting some useful (or not so useful but kind of funny) information from me. By me I mean Sug4r, the IRC bot. You can give me commands like >whatis foo to get some facts from my factoids database about foo , >list alias to get list of command aliases i understand, >help alias about to get some help about alias called about and its parameters or /msg Sug4r help someothercommand (1 more message) [00:15]
omg :|
bbb is working :|
like i wanted it to work :|
YES!!!!!! :$ sorry :P
marclaporteyay! [00:18]
John_87and i was so stupid to read over it all the time [00:18]
marclaportehrsms : the goal is to identify hosts with the most customers, and then make sure tiki runs smoothly [00:19]
luciash>learn lawl as laughing a whole lot [00:28]
Sug4rOK, here we go! [00:28]
luciash>whatis bbb [00:28]
Sug4rError: No factoid matches that key. [00:28]
luciash>learn bbb as Big Blue Button [00:28]
Sug4rOK, here we go! [00:28]
John_87lol @ luciash [00:30]
luciash:) [00:31]
John_87whatis luciash
>whatis luciash
Sug4r'luciash' could be my Mastaaar !?!? :)) [00:35]
John_87hehehehe [00:35]
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ttrimm has quit IRC (Read error: Connection timed out)
ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki
marclaportebbl [00:47]
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John_87ok i did my first doc edit :O
luciashJohn_87: congrats :) [01:04]
John_87thank you ^^
and i mailed it to BBB devs
http://doc.tiki.org/BigBlueButton#Set-up i put it there i hope it is ok
luciashlooks fine, just use Tiki with uppercase "T" next time, thanks
ah, that wasn't u, sorry :)
John_87lol :P
where can i change my profile?
nvm :P
i have an error on http://tiki.org/tiki-gmap_locator.php?for=user that the api key of google issen't correct
sorry, no idea, who set that up (google maps)
so no idea, what should the api key be there
.... (idle for 19mn)
John_87luciash? does the message module also work in 5.3? [01:38]
luciashwhich one [01:39]
John_87http://tiki.org/tiki-index.php and then the messages module on the left
ah lol i think i found it
ah, nope, i see
the user messages module, yep
***Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [01:42]
John_87sleeping is a good idea it is 2.48 am here lol (clock has gone back one hour due to winter time so it is actually 3.48 am) [01:49]
***goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki [01:50]
John_87daylight saving time* [01:50]
luciashyep [01:50]
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goj|ghost is now known as goj
John_87good night everyone [01:57]
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.... (idle for 15mn)
ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [02:14]
ricks99fyi: irc.tiki.org is DOA
(if anyone is awake)
luciashSug4r: whatis doa [02:16]
Sug4rError: No factoid matches that key. [02:16]
ricks99doa = dead on arrival [02:17]
luciash>learn doa as dead on arrival [02:18]
Sug4rOK, here we go! [02:18]
ricks99too bad sug4r can't *fix* it [02:19]
luciashchangi: ping [02:19]
ricks99anyone know... how can i get a simple list of all files in file gallery and its children? preferably with sorting options? [02:19]
luciashSug4r: enlight ricks99 doctwo PluginFiles [02:24]
Sug4rhttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/PluginFiles [02:24]
ricks99y. tried that. but i dont want it formatted in the table. i want a simple list [02:26]
luciashah [02:26]
ricks99i want a to specify galleryId=1 and get a list of all files in gallery 1 and its children. just the list [02:26]
luciashu need new plugin or param based on PluginFiles i guess
new param to display list instead of in table
u can also use tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=admin
but that's also a table of course ;)
ricks99kinda what i thought.
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30424 10/trunk/doc/unstable.version: [MOD] added latest unstable version [02:44]
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goj|ghost is now known as goj
..... (idle for 20mn)
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30425 10/trunk/ (14 files in 6 dirs): [NEW] Login using Facebook account [03:14]
luciashwhat a shame old_articles module still broken since 1.8 - 1.9 ?
ahhhh, this maybe explains it: http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?topics_offset=1&forumId=6&comments_parentId=15442
lets try
***chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
chibaguypolom [03:27]
amettemoloq [03:29]
luciashwell, nope, it doesn't [03:29]
chibaguyI wonder why, at thems.tiki.org, only with the Smooth theme does the site not work when minify CSS is turned on (normal state). layout.css and design.css seem to be not imported with that theme only. [03:29]
luciashpolom guys [03:29]
chibaguyoh, hi guys. usually nobody's here but me and my rants at this hour. ;-) [03:29]
luciashhheh [03:30]
chibaguyirc.tiki.org : "could not connet to remote server" :-/
I was going to check the irc log online but....
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30426 10/trunk/templates/tiki-socialnetworks_firstlogin.tpl: [FIX] precaution: avoid same name used for multiple forms [03:33]
luciashpinged changi but he's not there
i have access to that server but don't undserstand that cgi stuff pretending it is Tiki site ;)
chibaguy:-) [03:34]
luciash, do you know where there is a working example of a tiki site using that jquery lavalamp effect? [03:41]
luciashyep, marc has got one in development, but unfortunately one has to login first to see the menu [03:42]
chibaguyok [03:42]
luciashyou can give it a try on yours ;) [03:42]
chibaguyI will. So far with my own attempts at outside jquery scripts, I've been getting errors, etc.
(in tiki 5)
luciashthis method worked so far flawlessly [03:43]
chibaguymostly $jq undefined or jquery_tiki undefined.
I'm obvously doing something wrong. that's why I wanted to try the lavalamp since your example code is posted.
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uSlacker has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
luciashchibaguy: i think the main problem is that all the jquery scripts moved towards the end of page and since the custom jquery code you're trying to use depends on it, it must be loaded after, and that is where the jq block comes handy [03:48]
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chibaguyyes, I think I messed up something within the jq block, so I'll try the lavalamp so I can compare its content to the original lavalamp js, etc. [03:52]
"unterminated regular expression literal" reported by FF error console, and pointing to "{/jq}"
"jqueryTiki is not defined", with url "lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js"
so lavalamp isn't working in my branch 5 localhost install.
luciash5 needs $jq.
not just $.
chibaguyah, thanks, I forgot. [04:01]
luciashseems i should keep it there ;) the notes are not enough :) [04:02]
***jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [04:03]
chibaguyok, that took care of the undefined jqueryTiki, but I still get the unterminated regular expression literal error.
(and no lavalamp effect yet)
luciashdo u have it terminated ? [04:05]
chibaguyhow do you terminate it?
chibaguy is a js noob
luciashusing {/jq} [04:06]
chibaguywell, I pasted the doc.t.o code exactly.
and the closing tag is there.
and u put it in Admin > Look & Feel > General Layout > "Custom End of <body> Code" textarea
right ?
because it will not work (at least not with the jq smarty block) in the Custom JS code textarea
chibaguy: ???
jcyrissehowdy do! [04:10]
jcyrisse: don't scare :)
hi :)
my reputation preceeds me...lol
chibaguyluciash, sorry, was checking. I did have it in the wrong textarea, but just moved it. [04:12]
jcyrisseanyone here use the staging approval system....and if so, does the feedback to authors via email work? [04:13]
chibaguyAlso, I didn't have $ changed to #jq in that textarea. [04:13]
luciashchibaguy: and still no bells and whistles ? [04:13]
chibaguyer, changed to $jq
Nope, not yet.
luciashjcyrisse: sorry, nope
chibaguy: what error now
jcyrisseah...so i am not doing something wrong then? [04:14]
luciashjcyrisse: sorry, nope, i don't use it [04:14]
jcyrisseoh...kk [04:14]
luciashchibaguy: you may need to go away or reload L&F twice before the changes take effect [04:16]
chibaguyluciash, I didn't change the element name in the jq file so there's apparently a mismatch there.
I just used the lavalamp demo code.
luciashchibaguy: u have .cssmenu_horiz ? [04:17]
chibaguy(in html)
I'll change that in my wikitext
yesss. bells and whistles. :-)
and lava
I just added the class to the demo's ul tags.
luciashin Tiki ? me feels lost
anyway, good that it works
chibaguyno, sorry. In my localhost, I just pasted the html for the menus of the original lavalamp demo page.
and forgot to add the .cssmenu_horiz that the jq plugin specifies.
luciashu mean u pasted some html from lavalamp demo page to your Tiki ? [04:22]
chibaguySo the demos on this page: http://www.gmarwaha.com/blog/2007/08/23/lavalamp-for-jquery-lovers/
are in my wikitext
luciashah, wikipage using HTML plugin ? [04:23]
chibaguyyes, to be lazy. [04:23]
luciashu lazy japanese :-p [04:23]
hey it's a sunday
nkothhi chibaguy [04:24]
chibaguyhi nkoth [04:24]
luciashbut wouldn't it be lazier just to enable the checkbox for top bar site menu ? ;) [04:24]
nkothchibaguy, can you send me a copy of those Association forms? [04:25]
chibaguyah, yes, sorry, nkoth.
I'll take care of that today.
nkoththanks [04:25]
chibaguyluciash, I have a horizontal menu (usual tiki-topbar one) already, but don't see the lavalamp effect there. [04:27]
luciashchibaguy: maybe u have more than one ? than it confuses it maybe
(horizontal css menus i mean)
chibaguypossibly. I'll try a page where the demo isn't in wikitext. [04:28]
luciashu can try #cssmenu3 as a selector (or whatever your id for that menu is) [04:29]
chibaguyok [04:30]
I can't get it to work with the #cssmenu1 or .menu43 or other selectors for the top menu. [04:35]
worked nicely on marc's
chibaguyI tried with skeleton theme that has no cssmenu properties, also with normal themes. [04:35]
luciashmaybe there is something different on Tiki 5
i didn't test on Tiki 5
any JS error ?
chibaguyWhat theme was he using? I wonder what happens when there's a conflict in the menu style properties. [04:37]
luciashcustomized one [04:37]
chibaguyActually I can see some effect. In Milky Way (just happened to be using it) the menu items expand horizontally with hover, so there is an influence of lavalamp. [04:37]
luciashhard to tell which was it based on but i'd say on fivealive [04:38]
ametteirc.tiki.org gives a blank page? that normal or me? [04:38]
luciashamette: you ?
luciashit runs on changi's now, right ? [04:39]
amettethat's the last I know, when it moved away from me - didn't follow it since then, sorry [04:39]
luciashi have access but no clue how to kick this cgi to wake it up
doc.t.o runs fine there
ametteso it's known to go to sleep like this? [04:41]
luciashnope, i c it first time off [04:41]
amettehmm, ok
should I have a look?
amette got nothing else to do right now :)
luciash*g* [04:42]
amettebtw - are you coming to WikiFest, bro? :) [04:42]
luciashi think it's no way unless u have access [04:42]
ametteplease!! :)
oh, yeah, I thought you might be authorized to give me access... ;)
chibaguyluciash, no js errors now. [04:43]
luciashoh, sorry, nope, not coming (this time) :( [04:43]
chibaguy(in lavalamp) [04:43]
ametteah, damn :-/ [04:43]
luciashamette: i am not authorized, sorry, u need DSA public key to give to changi first [04:44]
amettewell, ok "This year we train, next year's gonna be huuuge!" ;) [04:44]
luciashok :) [04:44]
ametteluciash: ah, ok, cool, no problem - was just an idea with having a look at it :) [04:44]
chibaguyI wonder if Marc's site uses the Tiki menu system of if he just used the custom menu textarea to input a list of links. [04:45]
luciashchibaguy: nope, it was actual css menu with dropdowns [04:45]
chibaguyoh, hmm/
Maybe it's the way I'm using the lavalamp CSS file.
It doesn't seem to be used for the top menu at all.
luciashoh, i don't recall using any css file for that lavalamp effect [04:49]
chibaguyprobably if its rules were added to the theme stylesheet they'd be used. [04:49]
luciashchibaguy: but maybe i just didn't notice on that marc's site
chibaguy: can u try without ?
chibaguyyep, was just doing that. the css file seems to be necessary. [04:50]
luciashoh [04:51]
chibaguyI just get normal ul's if I rename the css file. [04:51]
luciashwhat ? the cssmenu horiz should be already styled by tiki, nope ? [04:51]
chibaguyah, I meant in the lavalamp demo in wikitext. [04:52]
luciashnope, i mean u shouldn't need call any css for the tiki's cssmenus
for that lavalamp effect
chibaguyah, that is, the ul's are horizontal but there's no lava effect. [04:53]
luciashhmm, maybe i missed that css bit
chibaguyI need to remember that Opera is messed up when css isn't minified. [04:53]
luciashi tried in chrome [04:54]
chibaguyIt seems the hover resizing is done by js but the background lava img is done with css. [04:55]
luciashah, k, then i missed it... i will need to correct that tutorial
i thought it was all js
chibaguylooks like the css that comes with lavalamp can be added to the theme stylesheet, but tiki's normal menu classes have to be given the lavalamp properties.
I got a rough functioning fivealive by adding lavalamp.css's lines to fivealive.css, and adding .lavaLampWithImage to .cssmenu_horiz and so on.
I mean a functioning fivealive with lavalamp menu.
the menu properties have to be merged class by class, more or less.
it seems
luciashi see, i missed that part somebody already did for marc probably... i was just getting the jQuery to work [05:12]
chibaguyAs I look at it a bit more, I think you could find the css used for just the hover, and not bother with the menu background, etc. and this would be simpler.
... and a better visual merge with existing themes.
I mean my first css combination made a blobby orange menu on top of the origina tiki top menu.
whereas probably just the floating lava is wanted.
luciashyeah, just the floating highlight behind the menu items text would be enough [05:18]
chibaguyabout your earlier thought, it is no problem to have more than one lavalamp. even the login ul items became lavafied ;-)
(when, for example, the element is .cssmenu_horiz)
luciashah :)
so what's the missing css trick ?
chibaguywell, the lavalamp code pkg comes with a css file and background image. so those need to be used by the theme somehow.
at least the css.
or some of it, for the hover bg.
I added the whole file to the end of fivealive, and then edited to add .cssmenu_horiz to some of the lavalamp selectors.
But didn't do it very carefully.
Also some of the fivealive cssmenu code probably needs to be modified to not conflict with the lava.
It is fun to play with though.
chibaguy bouncing lava back and forth in top secondary menu.
it's funny how when you go down into the menu's dropdown, the lava bounces to the far left margin.
well, it'd take a little time to figure out a smooth integration; I guess that was done for marc's site.
anyway, I'm glad to have this working model, for other jquery things I want to do.
thanks, luciash.
luciashnp :) [05:31]
chibaguyDoes this mean the "custom javascript" textarea is useful for things that don't depend on jquery, only?
(It's kind of confusing to casual javascript users.)
actually, you can insert jquery code there too
but jq makes it sure it gets loaded in place on document ready after jquery.js is loaded
otherwise you'd need to put that construct manually as u would in common JS code block
see doc.t.o how i put custom JS mixed with jQuery there
if u're admin there
chibaguyok [05:41]
luciashactually there it is without the
$(document).ready(function(){ ... }); construct
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luciashgotta go, bbl [05:51]
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chibaguyok, see you later [05:55]
.................. (idle for 1h25mn)
coaboagood morning all [07:20]
....... (idle for 31mn)
jcyrisseany idea how i get past this "CRYPT_MD5 not implemented on this system" error when upgrading to 6.x on a local MAC machine? [07:51]
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chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [08:08]
...... (idle for 25mn)
jcyrissehopefully someone will read the above later....will check logs to see if any responses [08:33]
..... (idle for 21mn)
changijcyrisse: hi, which version of PHP ? [08:54]
***chealer has joined #tikiwiki [08:56]
............. (idle for 1h1mn)
coaboahi all [09:57]
changihi coaboa [09:58]
coaboachealer: I added myself to wikimatrix but do not appear in the list of consultants @ tiki.o
hi changi
......... (idle for 40mn)
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.... (idle for 19mn)
Devilwct has joined #tikiwiki [10:58]
Devilwcti am John_87
just so you guys know (A)
and uhm irc.tiki.org issen't working?
?whatis bbb
>whatis bbb
Sug4r'bbb' could be Big Blue Button [11:08]
Devilwct>whatis luciash [11:08]
Sug4r'luciash' could be my Mastaaar !?!? :)) [11:08]
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coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
coaboa_ has joined #tikiwiki
..... (idle for 21mn)
coaboa_ is now known as coaboa [11:42]
uSlacker has joined #tikiwiki [11:52]
uSlacker has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
TikiLogger has joined #tikiwiki
TikiLoggerI'm now logging this channel [12:02]
changichangi testing new logger :) [12:03]
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TikiLogger has joined #tikiwiki
TikiLoggerI'm now logging this channel [12:05]
changichangi testing new logger :) [12:05]
Devilwctand yhis?
changiDevilwct: yes :) [12:05]
Devilwcthehehe [12:06]
changiirc.tiki.org is down for maintenance
but the logger still work :)
Devilwctmirc with writing to html? [12:06]
changino a homemade one :)
write in perl
Devilwctnice [12:07]
changineed some adjustment
TikiLogger: hello
TikiLoggerHello changi, I'm just a humble bot but I'll try my best to serve you. [12:07]
changiTikiLogger: love [12:07]
TikiLoggerchangi, I'm just a stupid bot, but your kindness makes me wish to be human. [12:07]
Devilwctlol :P [12:08]
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changiDevilwct: isn't it cute [12:08]
Devilwctyes very cute hahahaha
never tried it in perl though :O
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TikiLogger has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
.... (idle for 19mn)
Devilwctgtg gf is doing her birthday today
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.... (idle for 16mn)
Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [12:46]
.............. (idle for 1h8mn)
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r30427 10/trunk/templates/register-groupchoice.tpl: [FIX] Social networks popup version of this form uses table version. [13:54]
........ (idle for 38mn)
***imbossok has joined #tikiwiki [14:32]
imbossok>help! [14:33]
Sug4r'help' could be way of getting some useful (or not so useful but kind of funny) information from me. By me I mean Sug4r, the IRC bot. You can give me commands like >whatis foo to get some facts from my factoids database about foo , >list alias to get list of command aliases i understand, >help alias about to get some help about alias called about and its parameters or /msg Sug4r help (1 more message) [14:33]
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imbossok has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
..... (idle for 20mn)
chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:08]
..... (idle for 21mn)
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30428 10/trunk/ (lib/polls/polllib_shared.php tiki-poll_results.php): [MOD]poll: extract percent computation code - no change
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30429 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_poll.php: [NEW]POLL: option showresult to show result as soon as the suer has voted or always
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redflo has left
imbossokHi anybody got any ideas why images wont display in file manager with all permissions set? [15:42]
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jcyrissechangi: PHP/5.2.11 [15:49]
coaboaamette around? [15:51]
coaboahi put on wikifestbln.org/Projects a proposal on the subject of the discussion/presentation of Dr. Marighetti. Included a short cv. do you think this is enough. Can we also set up a bbb channel for people not at site? [15:56]
jcyrissechangi: with MAMP PRO 1.84 for MAC OSX
no problems under 5.x
amettecoaboa: that's awesome, thanks for contributing! :) [15:59]
changioh amette, i finally take an hotel room :) [15:59]
ametteyes, we are gonna use bbb to stream as much as possible, fabricius works on that
changi: NO!
have you booked already?
changijcyrisse: you mean with svn it works, and with the 5.3 package it doesn't [16:00]
ametteI had it on my list for today to write you that there is change of plans...
.. sleeping place at my crib is free after all.
changiamette: in fact i'm coming with a friend which came to visit berlin, so it's cool [16:01]
amettealright, ok [16:01]
jcyrissechangi: no, with svn 5.x it works, but svn 6.x does not [16:01]
ametteif you need any help. lemme know [16:01]
changiamette: thank you. [16:01]
amettenp, yw :) [16:01]
changijcyrisse: that's strange
jcyrisse: where did you get this message ?
jcyrissechangi: when I try to login [16:03]
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Loggar has joined #tikiwiki
Loggar| Starting logging this channel #tikiwiki - See logs at http://irc.tikiwiki.org - Lines beginning with "[off]" will not be logged - You can stop logging by typing Loggar: off [16:08]
changiLoggar is back [16:08]
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Loggar has joined #tikiwiki
Loggar| Starting logging this channel #tikiwiki - See logs at http://irc.tikiwiki.org - Lines beginning with "[off]" will not be logged - You can stop logging by typing Loggar: off [16:10]
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Devilwct has joined #tikiwiki
Devilwctgood evening [16:20]
luciashhi [16:29]
***L0ggar has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [16:41]
changiluciash: hi [16:41]
luciashhi changi
problems with irc logging ?
changino, i did an upgrade on the server from normal to LTS ubuntu
so a little downtime
nothing lost because we have 2 servers,
thx to marc
luciashtonight we couldn't connect to irc.t.o [16:51]
changiluciash: the frontend was down
but the logger was here
luciashyep [16:52]
changinow it's back :)
as quality one
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chealerpolom [17:01]
luciashpolom [17:01]
coaboahi luciash
hi @ all. posted an invitation to the develper list regarding a presentation-discussion covering the "furture" of enterprise collaboration at tiki fest berlin.
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30430 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_twitter.php:
tikiwiki: TWITTER plugin: fix svn:keywords
tikiwiki: remove stray comment
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Devilwcthey question how do you guys transalate the tiki websites?
and how to update from 5.3 to 6 beta [17:39]
luciashDevilwct: for your own needs ? or for contribution ? [17:42]
Devilwctwhat question?
luciashDevilwct: tiki-edit_languages.php [17:42]
Devilwctcontribution for the dutch translation [17:43]
luciashDevilwct: http://i18n.tiki.org
Devilwct: or directly in SVN
Devilwct: lang/<yourlangcode>/language.php
Devilwctok :O [17:44]
luciashgot SVN commit access ? [17:44]
Devilwcti can checkout but not commit :O
sourceforge svn?
ah yes nvm :P
but i cannot commit but i will make an account at sourceforge
luciashas u prefer
i18n or i can make u Tiki developer ;)
Devilwcthmmmm what shall i do lol
what do you prefer :P
luciashif you only plan to contribute to translation, go for i18n.t.o
if you consider to maybe contribute more, go for svn commit access
Devilwcti am thinking to do more because it is good for my education
(learning for junior software engineer atm)
you know what :P
ask marc for an opinion :P
luciashk, we can start the ceremony if you r ready (have an sf.net account) [17:58]
Devilwctomg ceremony? :| is it scary? lol [17:59]
luciashnope, it is easy :)
1. step: please read and tell if understand you agree to http://dev.tiki.org/3Rules
(it will be just 3 steps ;))
s/understand you/you understand and/
Devilwctok i understand it [18:12]
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Icewcthello =) [18:14]
Devilwcticewct is my gf and pupil in website coding
she want's to see the ceremony lol
Icewctand im here to give devilwct moral support xD [18:15]
Devilwctand i agree to it [18:16]
luciashheheh, ok, step 1 passed :)
step 2: what is your sf.net username ?
Devilwctmail address or username
mail alias*
Icewctgo devilwct go xD [18:18]
luciashhey Icewct :) [18:18]
Icewcthi =) [18:19]
luciashDevilwct: username [18:19]
Devilwctdevilwct [18:19]
Icewctlol [18:19]
luciashgreat, hold on for step 3 ;) [18:19]
step 3: ... drumroll ... [18:24]
DevilwctDevilwct shocked/scared :P
my nails are getting shorter by the second :|
rofl* lol
luciashDevilwct: welcome officialy to the Tiki community and enjoy to be one of the hundreds developers and contributors we have !
f*ck, was searching what number u actually are, sorry for the delay, sf.net changed since i did it last time, lol
and thank you hahahah really cool
luciashluciash takes the swatened hat off
Icewctcongrats =) [18:28]
luciashluciash hugz Devilwct and cheers some virtual beer [18:29]
Devilwcthahahaha cheers! [18:29]
luciashIcewct: u maybe read http://dev.tiki.org/SVNTips again to know where to commit - in case of translations, you're recommended to start with branches/6.x
or there was some "Where to commit" page iirc
Devilwctoh btw the fix for BBB to use it the easy way... added it as an fix to BBB hope it will get accepted [18:34]
luciashyea, lets see
what they say
is it clear enough/
Icewctluchiash: was that link really for me? because im here to "support" devilwct and dont know alot about tiki =) [18:38]
luciashi think so
Icewct: oops, sorry :) you wct guys and gals confuse me :D
Icewctlol srry xD [18:38]
luciashIcewct: it was for Devilwct of course [18:39]
DevilwctIcewct: test [18:39]
IcewctLOL [18:39]
Devilwctwhy can't i do that :| [18:39]
luciashIcewct: but come any time if you want some dev access too ;) [18:39]
Devilwcta nvm -_- [18:39]
Icewctluciash: i'll do xD thnx
will do* -_-
Devilwctbut now i still want to know if i can upgrade to 6 or i have to clean install 6
luciashbest is to get clean install and then just use the older db and upgrade it via installer and move the files (if any) to it
(if you have some files or images stored in filesystem)
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luciashu can also copy over but then you don't have overview of what files changed and what files are obsolete, etc.
gotta go now, bbl
Devilwctok so the db didn't changed that much? [18:48]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Problem with images >1MB - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39266
New Forum Posts: Help - force all images and attachments into the File Gallery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39265
Devilwcti am thinking about too keep 5.3 for my project and user 6.x for my root
i don't have anything on my root
blank page
luciashdb changes are handled by the installer upgrade step [18:51]
Devilwctoh that;s great :D i'll try that
and i am thinking to create a irc connector in java is that a good idea? (still learning java so it won't be that fast)
luciashfor tiki or for bbb ? would be cool [18:54]
Devilwctfor tiki [18:54]
luciashbut i am not supposed to be here already ;) [18:54]
Devilwcti just learned about file I/O and sql connections in java
so not that far with it
i have some idea's for extra features though so first i am going to read the code so i can see how you guys have worked out everything [19:11]
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Devilwctping [20:45]
no pong? did my connection dropped? :P [20:54]
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chealerSug4r: ping [22:06]
Sug4rpong [22:06]
chealerDevilwct: we just have a custom ICMP here [22:07]
luciash:) [22:07]
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DevilwctSug4r: ping [22:09]
Sug4rpong [22:09]
whatis lawl
>whatis lawl
Sug4r'lawl' could be laughing a whole lot [22:09]
Devilwct:P [22:11]
luciashSug4r: pong [22:12]
Sug4rpong [22:12]
luciash:-? [22:12]
Devilwctthere is a typo checker in it :P
lmfao :P
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Devilwctwhat file does the db connection?
nvm found it
gtg to sleep
my Tiki page is updated to 6
good night everyone
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TreblyHello, do somebody can tell me where the <!-- TPL: current_tpl_name -->.$source.< TPL: ................. --> is set for system mails to users (not for display log - which is "prefilter.log_tpl.php") , and what is the prefs name for these feature ? [23:03]
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