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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:00]
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marclaportepolom [00:51]
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dcedilotte_away is now known as dcedilotte [01:04]
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marclaporteI have to say I am very impressed with ISPconfig [01:25]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Help please - Pasted code caused problem. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=39292 [02:55]
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r30463 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl: [FIX] proper validation of <INPUT> element [03:39]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Calendar - Month View - Display Start Times For Each Event and Customize - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39295 [04:06]
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changi|awaypolom [08:19]
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Devilwctgood morning ^^[08:45] <Devilwct> i guess everyone is sleeping :O [08:28]
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changiDevilwct: no :) [08:49]
Devilwctlol :P
what's ur local time?
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changiGMT+1 :) [08:56]
Devilwctsame here ^^ [08:56]
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changiDevilwct: where precisely ?
marclaporte: i add irc/themes on piwik
DevilwctThe netherlands and you? [09:21]
changiDevilwct: fance
oups france :)
Fr/Alsace, not so far
i live a bit in the south of netherlands
changi: you can find my location in my profile i think :O i used the google maps api for it [09:34]
changiDevilwct: on irc or on tikiwebsites ? [09:39]
Devilwcttikiwebsites [09:39]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: phpBB authentication stopped working properly - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39299 [10:00]
Devilwcthe should get a big hammer :O [10:04]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: phpbb tikiwiki integration - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=39300 [10:30]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30464 10/branches/6.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX] trackers: Missing item description in comment and attachment notificatons (thanks Xavi) [10:39]
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bro has joined #tikiwiki [11:18]
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ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [12:00]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30465 10/trunk/ (30 files in 11 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30411 to 30464
tikiwiki: Caution: find.tpl in conflict - not merged
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r30466 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [MOD] Changed spreadsheets to have a height on startup. [12:25]
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:37]
brohi, is there a way to change the links in the catpath plugin, so that they point to sites you can define and not to tiki-browse_categories.php?parentid.. [12:48]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30467 10/trunk/lib/ (categories/categlib.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_category.php): [ENH] wikiplugin_category: Added maxRecords param with default of 50 (added param to get_categoryobjects() but left default as before at 500) [12:52]
lphuberdeaubro, I don't think there is any direct way you can do it from tiki's configuration, might be able to hack your way around with javascript [12:56]
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broi was thinking more of something like changing the way wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_catpath.php looks up the categories [13:01]
lphuberdeaudon't you just want to change the URL they point to? [13:04]
broyep [13:05]
lphuberdeauhow do you plan on storing those site links? [13:06]
bromybe in an extra table in the db, if that works
or is it better to do this another way
lphuberdeauthere are many ways to do it depending on how hackish you want it to be
which version are you running on?
brolatest stable
i think 5.3
yep, it is 5.3
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lphuberdeauyou can probably use the generic object attributes table to store the data
there is no UI to input the values as it's kind of a behind the scenes thing at the moment
broyou mean the tiki_objects table
yep, but for that we could write a little ui to just change these values
lphuberdeauand you can use lib/attributes/attributelib.php
brothe concern im having with using an existing table is, that if the schema changes with an update, i could get lost [13:14]
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lphuberdeautiki_object_attributes won't change
it was created to contain those types of values
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brooh, oke
that helped me a lot, im going to look into this
dcedilotteIs anybody familiar with the users_rank module? [13:22]
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lphuberdeauhttp://dev.tiki.org/Object+Attributes+and+Relations [13:26]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30468 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_split.php: [FIX]SPLIT: quick patch to have SPLIT into SPLIT. As now the plugin are parsed from larger to smaller, the SPLIT inside SPLIT must be protected [13:26]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3620 - - Image resizing in Wysiwyg converts {img} to html image - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3620 [13:45]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Get the latest Tiki news... by email - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_parentId=39306 [14:23]
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JoernOttis info.tikiwiki.org being updated?
I just got a database error there
ricks99working for me [14:25]
JoernOttdid a reaload and the database page is gone [14:26]
lphuberdeaumight just be the mysql server being a bit too loaded [14:26]
JoernOttmaybe just a network hiccup [14:26]
ricks99maybe a temporary db connection issue? [14:26]
JoernOttyes [14:26]
ricks99when in dobut... refresh
JoernOttusually these temporary errors are just a prelude to a serious server problem [14:29]
lphuberdeauI will just let the sysadmins deal with it :) [14:35]
changimysql is a little bit over loaded
lphuberdeauis it caused by an increase in traffic or something else? [14:38]
changiincrease in traffic [14:40]
ricks99thats a good problem to have [14:40]
lphuberdeaulet's introduce more bugs to get people to run away then [14:41]
ricks99lol [14:41]
changilphuberdeau: lol [14:43]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3621 - - Cut and paste in wysiwyg messes up wiki plugins - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3621 [14:45]
ricks99well, fwiw, alexa shows a pretty good/steady traffic increase http://traffic.alexa.com/graph?&w=400&h=220&o=f&c=1&y=t&b=ffffff&n=666666&r=3m&u=tiki.org& [14:45]
changifrom where did alexa get those informations ? [14:53]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r30469 10/trunk/lib/ (7 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Adding support for incremental index update [14:53]
lphuberdeauI think they just get the data from ISPs [14:54]
ricks99and their toolbar http://www.alexa.com/company [14:54]
lphuberdeauis it just me or the scale looks reversed? [14:54]
ricks99? [14:55]
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ricks99it is interesting, because the google analytics for tiki.org shows a much flatter/less dramatic increase [14:57]
Devilwctconn srop -_-
changilphuberdeau: yes it is [15:01]
lphuberdeaualexa probably has some extrapolation going on because their dataset is not as precise
the stats are actually interesting in how the bounce rate dropped dramatically in october
ricks99i'd love to be able to somehow "capture" all referrals form mozilla, too. [15:06]
changijust for fun: we now have stats from where visitors are from, and it's funny but doc.t.o is mostly seen by american people :) [15:07]
ricks99y. but i think that's mainly because of overall internet usage. USA is also #1 referral for dev.t.o. [15:10]
changi58% [15:10]
ricks99what's really neat is that localhost is the #3 referall to doc.t.o. this means that folks use the Tiki help sytem quite often [15:11]
lphuberdeaustranger on dev, because I don't feel that reflects the dev population [15:11]
ricks99(and Smarties is the #5 referral for doc.t.o. :-) [15:11]
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JoernOttit also might reflect who is providing data to alexa
in Germany people are quite sensible about privacy (see the whole google streetview fuzz)
JoernOtt never trusts staistics unless he manipulated it himself
ricks99as the saying goes, Lies, damned lies, and statistics [15:15]
lphuberdeauall models are wrong, some are useful [15:16]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: multiple layouts ? not only style ! - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=39308
New Forum Posts: Help using Menu - Structure - menu_cookie - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39307
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chealerpolom [15:53]
Devilwctlol i made a presentation for my tiki users on how to use tiki lol [15:54]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30470 10/trunk/templates/find.tpl:
tikiwiki: [MRG/r30449] [FIX] Find date selector (List Articles): remove label spanning 3 input fields, causing clicks on any field to move focus to the first field, and the selectors to be largely unusable.
tikiwiki: from r25031
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30471 10/trunk/templates/find.tpl:
tikiwiki: [MRG/r30458] [FIX] List articles and others: Ignored filter for excluded languages
tikiwiki: from r14521
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30472 10/trunk/templates/find.tpl: [MRG/r30459] [FIX] List articles date range filter not remembering values when showing results (from r25035)
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30473 10/trunk/templates/find.tpl: [MRG/r30460] [FIX] List articles: Clear filter not clearing date limits and article type
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tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30474 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_file.php: [MRG/r30417] FILE plugin: improve description of remaining parameters (merge remaining part) [16:18]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r30475 10/trunk/lib/ (6 files in 6 dirs): [MOD] Adding real content sources and adding support for deep category filtering [16:34]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30476 10/trunk/ (. lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_split.php): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30464 to 30468 [17:06]
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luciashsylvieg: salut [17:19]
sylvieg: when i use "Browser title display mode: Description" on Admin > General panel and have Description enabled on Admin > Wiki it used to display My Tiki | My page description in the browser title until few days ago
sylvieg: i think your commit broke that which is pretty essential to me
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luciashsylvieg: it is necessary to fix or rollback - there is no other way to have page names like mysite.foo/my-page and show "My Tiki | My Page" in the browser title bar (My Tiki | my-page is ugly there)
sylvieg: i hope u agree :)
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sylviegluciash: I suppose it has to be fixed ... because it was bugged before - tomany cases [17:35]
Devilwcthey guys a question
i have a bit of a problem with map premissions
in the file gall
luciashsylvieg: in 6 pretty please :) [17:36]
sylviegluciash: but was is your case? [17:36]
luciashwhat i wrote above [17:36]
sylviegI do not understand from where come My TIki? [17:36]
luciashi need to use wiki page descriptions in browser title
My Tiki is my site name for browsertitle
sylviegsylvieg must say that the breadcrumb code is dirty... [17:38]
luciashsylvieg: set on Admin > General panel
Preference name: browsertitle
sylvieg: i know it is dirty but we need to get the regression fixed
then there is the separator ... |
set on Admin > L&F > last tab
(Choices:) preference name: site_nav_seper
then there goes the page name or description (if description is chosen on Admin > General)
problem is that the breadcrumbs implementation is messy and not implemented on all Tiki sections and pages
and only some (like wiki pages and Admin sections) use the description
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luciashDevilwct: hi, so what's the question
sylvieg: also now on Admin panels pages i have the brosertitle duplicated
Devilwctluciash: nvm fixed it :P [17:46]
luciashsylvieg: moreover one of them is double encoded :-p [17:51]
sylviegluciash - this last one is not my fault [17:51]
luciashsylvieg: i just changed to "My Tiki >" and i have there "My Tiki > | My Tiki &gt; : Administration : General" in my browser window title
sylvieg: there should be just "My Tiki > | Administration : General"
sylviegdo you know who was the last one before me working on this - the option does not make sense to me... [17:56]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30477 10/trunk/lib/ (9 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'mediawiki' [17:56]
sylviegluciash: what are your option in admin general
site location: before ans display mode: description - gives Browser_title | page_description
luciashsylvieg: as i told, under Site Identity fieldset: "Browser Title: My Tiki >", "Site title location: before", "Browser title display mode: Description" [18:00]
sylviegok I see a bug [18:01]
Devilwcta bug? [18:02]
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ricks99the new admin icon for performance is interesting... what is it? [18:18]
Devilwctfor tweak tiki a bit [18:19]
luciashricks99: i think it is a rocket :-p [18:23]
looked like a stylized ink pen to me :(
luciashhmm, maybe stopwatch would be better
but couldn't find one in the jini iconset
that rocket resembled me "rocket fast performance" so i used it
ricks99k. i just didnt see a rocket [18:27]
luciashi understand [18:27]
uSlackerGood afternoon all. I had a good talk with Devilwct yeaterday about my new tiki 5.3 site
problem is I can do literally everything except save an article after edititng it
I have opened a ticket with 1and1 for a copy of the apache error log but it appears more difficult than I had hoped for
today I created a blog and was able to successuly create an edit posts
seems lie there is something truelt unique about the articles
any ideas on how I might get at this?
chealerI see the rocket (but after reading this...). not so obvious, but the one I didn't get is the blue W for Wiki
uSlacker: why can't you save?
uSlackerWhen I click save, the page goes off and never comes back. About 2-3 mins later I get a internal server error
sometimes Tiki puts up the error page asking if I've configured the database correctly
once it recovers, everything wil still work, except the atiki-edit_articles page
chealeruSlacker: what else does the error page say? [18:39]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30479 10/branches/6.x/lib/breadcrumblib.php: [FIX]browser title: missing description [18:40]
uSlackerchealer: let me regenerate it - 2 mins
Problem is I don't always get an error - still waiting
sylviegluciash: does it fix your problem? on my local I have now browser_title | page_descv [18:43]
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uSlackerchealer: the edit article page has "locked" the browser window on the tiki site
but I never got an error
clicking any other link on the menu does nothing
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chealeruSlacker: I don't really understand
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ChanServ sets mode: +o sylvieg
Devilwctdid i miss something
Sug4rpong [18:58]
chealerback [19:08]
Devilwctchealer: wb [19:09]
chealeruSlacker: when did the "lock" start exactly? [19:09]
luciashsylvieg: unfortunately no change after svn up [19:09]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30480 10/branches/6.x/tiki-setup.php: [FIX] javascript_cdn: Sync jquery versions from CDN with bundled libs
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30481 10/branches/6.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] jqueryTiki.tooltips: test for feature before using it.
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Modification en themes & look - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=39313 [19:15]
luciashsylvieg: from your commit it seems you try to display it in some loc="head"
sylvieg: what is that ?
sylvieg: i talk about browser title
sylviegin header.tpl therr is a loc=head [19:16]
luciashsylvieg: (browser window) [19:16]
sylviegso to avoid too many changes, I prefer to limit [19:16]
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FDuclouxhi there [19:18]
luciashsylvieg: limit ? ah, does "head" == browser window title (in window decorations) ? [19:18]
Devilwcthi [19:18]
FDuclouxi've been using tikiwiki for a couple of weeks now, and it's awesome
i recently tried to enable categories, trying to separate 2 different groups
but now whenever a new page is created, it fails to save, saying that no category has been assigned..
lphuberdeausomething about mandatory categories has to be disabled [19:22]
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ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org)
luciashFDucloux: i think you need correct perms for the group of user editing the page to be able to view the list of categories and categorize dem, search for category related perms on Admin > Permissions [19:23]
i'll try that :)
luciashFDucloux: then Categories tab will appear on editing page [19:23]
FDuclouxso.. that permission has to be assigned to the group, and not to the category itself, right? [19:24]
excelent!! it works now
thanks very much!
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30482 10/branches/6.x/lib/breadcrumblib.php: [FIX]browser title: description and no breadcrumb must show description in title [19:33]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30483 10/branches/6.x/lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] xajax: Remove duplicate js files included in ajax response (now correctly
tikiwiki: included by headerlib) and key sort headerlib->jsfiles in same way as non-ajax
tikiwiki: calls so same minified file is used and contents loads in the correct order.
do i also need to fix some translation errors? like wrong word choice?
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Problem saving articles - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=39314 [19:55]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30484 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30468 to 30483 [19:58]
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chealerDevilwct: sorry, what do you mean, need to... for what? [20:03]
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Devilwcti am doing the dutch translation [20:18]
chealerDevilwct: if you want to help with the Dutch translation, both better/fixed translations and new translations are welcome
I prefer seeing strings in English than incorrect translations
Devilwct:O [20:22]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30485 10/branches/proposals/5.x/tiki-list_articles.php: [bp/r28443] [FIX] Date range selector not taking into account Day and also not including the whole of "To" Day [20:32]
uSlackerchealer: I think I have a lead on my problem
I moved the session information in the database and the problems seem to go away
I assume this indicates there is another configuration issue - what it is I do not know
I wrote it up in the forum: http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?topics_offset=1&forumId=6&comments_parentId=39314
Devilwct I may have a lead on the issue we discussed yesterday [20:51]
Devilwctreally? [20:51]
uSlackerI moved the session information into the database
Since this site will be mostly view only, I'm hoping it wont be a problem
Devilwcti am very uhm how do i say it in english couriage? [20:56]
uSlackerencouraged? [20:57]
Devilwctcurious [20:57]
I think there must be some other issue
maybe a file permission
but I've reset everything
Devilwctthat's also an option
to 755 right?
Question - on the general settings page
the Temporary directory - where is that under tiki directory?
Devilwctone sec
i will look
if it is not a db temp i will find it :P
ah lol its a temp dir
uSlackeryes [21:01]
Devilwctcalled "Temp" [21:01]
uSlackerI have "temp" in that setting [21:01]
Devilwctyeah it is in the root folder [21:02]
uSlackerI asssume it is under /tiki/
I wonder if thats where the php sessions are stored
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r30486 10/branches/6.x/styles/fivealive.css: [FIX] consistency: little adjustment to have the site logout popup aligned on simmilar position as the login popup [21:02]
chealeruSlacker: no, PHP stores sessions in /tmp by default. it's odd that a problem with session would only affect articles. [21:04]
uSlackerI agree
but I've tried it several time
loging out and closing the browser everytime
without it saving an article always hangs
on a shared host would the phpsessions save under my directory tree?
I don't have access to /tmp
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Devilwctand if you don't log out and close the browser
and just close the browser sorry
what does it then
uSlackerI do that whe I change where the session information is stored. It causes session to end
Just make sure its is a clean session
once I have that, editing articles always woks with the session in the database
Devilwctyes but you also have a cookie [21:12]
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uSlackerI'll have to test that [21:14]
chealeruSlacker: you'd have to check PHP configuration [21:15]
uSlackerchealer: - looking for what? [21:16]
Devilwctyou have an option in your admin menu to view the php settings
called "phpinfo"
uSlackergot it
session.cookie_path is set to /tiki-5.3
which is the directory I have tiki installed to
Devilwctyeah that's the cookie and the session?
session.save_path E:xampptmp E:tmp
session.save_path E:xampptmp E:xampptmp
uSlackerOh! /tmp [21:20]
Devilwctyeah its a linux server so it should be /tmp
i am running windows :P
and you cannot access /tmp if it is a shared server so you are right
uSlackerwell, I can see it! [21:22]
Devilwctreally? :| [21:22]
uSlackerand there are session files in it [21:22]
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Devilwctis it a virtual server? [21:23]
uSlackerno, shared hosting. There are session files from other users [21:24]
Devilwctok [21:24]
uSlackerWell, Devilwct, once again thanks for the help [21:25]
Devilwctno problem :O [21:25]
uSlackerI've got to head home to watch the election results [21:25]
Devilwctyou are going to bed?
ah lol sorry :P
uSlackerit is only 5p here [21:25]
Devilwctlol :P sorry here it is 10.30 pm :P [21:25]
uSlackerso you are going to bed! [21:26]
Devilwcti am in bed :P [21:26]
uSlackerhaa! [21:26]
chealeruSlacker: so, the sessions aren't in your directory tree. if they're in /tmp and you don't have access to /tmp, that would be a problem, but again, that should not affect only articles.
I wouldn't think you'd be able to login
Devilwctwell you can try it out somewhere else uSlacker [21:27]
uSlackerit appears apache is writing all sess_ files there. for me and other users [21:27]
Devilwctyou can even try it out on my server if you like (just to try it out) i am not hosting lol [21:28]
uSlackerI have another install and it works fine
it is something specific to this install
Devilwcton the same server? [21:29]
uSlackerthanks for the offer [21:29]
Devilwctlol no problem [21:29]
uSlackerno, my own linux svr [21:29]
Devilwctah lol [21:29]
uSlackerI've been running tiki since 2003 [21:29]
uSlackerbut I am a *very* light user [21:30]
Devilwcti sinds a week or 2 lol -_-
uSlackerok, I really have to go. g'night all [21:30]
Devilwctsorry dutch :P [21:30]
uSlackerand thanks [21:30]
Devilwctgnight and good luck maybe tomorrow!! [21:30]
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resunihow do i change my username? [21:57]
Devilwcthere? [21:59]
chealerresuni: you don't, unless you have the user administration permission [21:59]
resunii do
i am the admin and i can't find where to change my user name
i'd rather it be 'resuni' than 'admin'
Devilwctyou can make a new user with "resuni" as username and add the account to the group "admins" [22:02]
resuniok but i can't change the name of the original admin account? [22:02]
chealerresuni: it seems you can't rename admin [22:02]
resuniok thanks [22:02]
.... (idle for 15mn)
Devilwctgtg guys
good night ^^
chealergood night Devilwct [22:17]
Devilwctmaybe i'll be on later if i can't sleep
thnx chealer
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coaboahi usability/bug in tiki 6.0 branch: when using loginbar and submit empty login (not filling anyhting in) the login div appears somewhere else but not where intended (in case of fivealive on doc.t.o u have to click the "Log in" button in the popup).
+ good night all, back tomorrow ;-)
....... (idle for 33mn)
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